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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1927)
Tliumlay, SepUtmW 22, 1 927 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Pago Soven cpV MARKET PLACE FOR SALE FOR HAI.K -IS ton truck, good i lubber. 1404 H. lh HI. It-Si . h'Olt HAI.K Hewing machine, two ladles' roate. other cloth lu. H Oak. Apt. IV. 17-24 FOIt HA 1,(0 Varluue arilclra of furniture and household goods. Kasy term. F I.. Weaver. I'twiiie Kill). 14-22 FOR RENT Kofi KENT 2-room apt. Hiram heal. 4th and Main. 31-31 )KOU UK NT Kurnlahrd 4 -room , htiuae, bath. 115. 1447-W. 2t-3t Foil ItK.NT 6-room partly fur ulahed houae. I'hone (47-M. ll-4t roil HUNT 4 -room house. 23U Damiw. I'hone I9. I7-33 noOMH 920 Lincoln. Phone . 7-W. 82-OI lull ItRNT Furnlahnl apart ment. Hi. Francis Apia.. Il Oak Bt. I9(t Foil KKNT 3-roflut furnlshr-d house with garage. Phone 30S-W. 2Utf KOK KKNT On four-room mod em furnlahad bouae. Inquire 3UG Llnroln. Mra. Davenport. 17-24 Foil KKNT lr(o room for two, attjolnlnr batb. oulaldo en trance. I 'hone, attain bant. 325 S. (th Ht. 21-2t KOIl KKNT 2 or (-room houae nnd garage, partly furnished, pavement. Inqulro III) Itoima 81. 21-01 KOIl KKNT Completely furnlab ed apti. Hteam b rated. Hal Arma, 224 Uroad 8L Pbona 111 A2&-H2S KOIl KKNT (-room houae on laks front In lluena Vlata Ad dllkon. llalb, full bamwnl, Raragtv lawn, trc-a. and S drre of garden aoll. I'avwl atreot to town. Kent Hi OU per month, t all 97&-W or write I. O. Ilox 301 City. 14tf f , big money at lha Arcade Hotel Apartment, rurulahed com pletely, electric, rangea, linen, dUhea and fnlephonea. Or rootna with private batb' at real rat rata to permanent . lueata. Arcada. Mt-Jl For Sale Real EtUte Foil EXCHANGE FOR RENT Wa ran aara to a If you want to okebanga your property for aometblng that anlta you belter, remember the other fallow haa )uat what you want and la looking for wbat you have. Fee ma today. Office open liluga by appointment. I have good proposition all over the Nvrtbweal. B. A. OLDS 12 South 1th Ft. 1 riionaa Offlca 09, Ilo. 1490W R-23 ; INVESTIOATH AT ONCK 12700 Very attractive K-roora homn, completely and woll fur- nlabed, located: nn paving- 'a Hot Hprlnga. Iarge lot,- beau ' tlfnl lawn and ah rube. Very t eaay term. Don't overlook ' thla one. M200 Coiy new cottage, fr nlahcd extra nice, garage beau ' tlful flowera, tree, on- axwor, complete bathroom. $200.00 . down, balance like raht.' I II On A roal attractive 5-room houao. furnlabed, bulltlna ' la kitchen, plaatered. corner lot. 2100 down, t20 per month. IJDOK See ua (or bualnea prop or I lea. bntela and apartmtinta. Tradca and rentnla. The WALTON-WHIG HT CO., Inc. I'hone 1144 (16 Klamath Ave. n . .. .81-31 Freckles and His SCAOOU.JAV J ASVHZMAUI,, SUAODAV fSl V' r. i s-r SLWMKR.' SCAOOU A asSrJs 1 yBS-A-N' 1 I n l- ) Z?', r( ACQUAINTS D ) A V V ' -'XJJ T ) S Auc&ADy LOST AND FOUND I.OHT-onn pair lama ilark rim (lawn on 7lll HI., between llrli k cafe and Walnut HI., or from 7tli and Main to Hut Hprlnita Hotel. I'bnna S7t or return to Eagle Tool Hall. 21-21 MISCELLANEOUS I.OANrt Money to loan on nal oaiaiw or eontratia bought. I'liou Ma. HKI.AK & TKACY Kialtora. 21-2 4 DKKIl Ill'NTKTtB ATTENTION . Let lue pack you Into cam pa where there are door and no otbar hunter. Heal door country- N. H. Wamplrr, Hnrky I'olut. Or. HX-Ot WINDOW CLEANI.N'O Kloor waxing, bouaa cleaning and Janitor arrvlce. Reference.' A. 21. Khoada. Pbona lOCt-W. 107-2(-f For Salo Automobile KOK HAI.K Kord truck. nw rulioor. first rlaaa rondlllon dear ahlft, flat body. I'hona I i 17. 1321 I'lraaant Ave. 21-flt IIAHIIITS KOIl HAI.B Uolng at one. tit rholra podlitrwd doa. Prlra 12.00 td 17.00. Hllver Chin Kur Farm, one nille aooth of Talont, Ore. 17-24 FOIt SALE 1 II2 Ikxlia touring, com pletely equipped. A dandy buy. 1 1JI Podge commercial, with acreen aide, all new Urea, floe condltlou. 11922 Willy Ht. Clair roach. Thla la a fine car. Lola of value for tbe money. I 1924 CbevroU-l rvadatrr. A daudy buy. 1 1923 Hudaon coacb. all ready lo go, completely equipped. 11923 Dodge touring, aotm- car. Sure W bow many more (o ' aelert from. Liberal Term. HOY CAI.I.'rt I'HKD CAK3 Hit, Walt Abbvy Hill and I'lne Ht. Lot. IMit nn 234 21-IS WANTED WANTKD -Kxperlrnvvd chamber ' maid. Mutropolltun Hotel, ' 2l-3t WANTKH rlmall air rompreaaor. Wyard Novelty Shop, 7(3 Cali fornia A to. 2-2t WANTKH (small air compreaaor. Wlsard Novxlty Hhop. 7(3 Cali fornia Ave. 21-31 WANTED Mlddln aged woman wanla housekeeping. - or will work for few men. Write He-r aid, flox S21. 20-St WANTKD Kualnea partner, . either aex. (800 Inveiitraenl: oarnlnga 1200 per month. If Intereated address Uox B21 Horald. 15-22 WANTHD We pay hlgbeat caah price for urd fnrnltura and aiovCTi. lie aare to ace tia be fore yon aoll. We give you a liberal allowance for your used furniture Id exchange tor new. ' Yon will find onr price very , reasonable and credit service i liberal. . ' KLAMATH FURNITURB CO. -1011 Main Bt. Phone 894 Bl-Ol FIRE INSURANCE :. We' speelnllte In " Irrigated farm' and dock ranches. It rears' experience In '. county." REEti A REYNOLDS 10IW Main Bt. rbone 10M Friends I - i . ,.J a " NEW TODAY KOK KKNT HlH-pllig room, brat-1 td. II N. 3rd. 22-31 , WANTKIt Kuriiltnrif for five room house. I'hone 2U. - 22-3t KOIl KKNT Three-room modern honor, tiaras, range, furnlab ed. Phone 1172-J. 22-31 roil KKNT Koom. and board If dealrvd. (20 Washington. t am yoli KKNT 2-rooiu and 1-room apl. il 111 Dak. Inquorit o( Oak. 22-t KOIl HAI.K Nicely furnished bouaa. IIOO.uv down. Inqulrr owutr. 3H Kldarado. 22-t KOK KKNT HouakMpln cao Ina for mn. lit Walnut. I'bnna 6IO-W. - 21-31 KOIl HAI.K Odl raior blade sharpener, good condition, (heap. Wltard Novelty Hbop. 741 California Ave. 20-2t FOIt KKNT , 3-room furnlabed houae, t.arage and woodshed. 120. Mills Add. Kberllne Ht. Call 927 Jefferson or phone 479-J. 22-lf KOK TKADK Touring car. lOun Iiuudry stock to trade for good closed car. No Junk. J'hone 218-.M after 11 a. m. 22-2t KOK HALK Cood feed Rangea.... 120. 00 up Vaed Kteel lleda 3. BO up I'aed Hle.'l Springs 3 60 np Ood t'sed Ituga 15.00 up I'aed IMnIng Table 10.00 up H our Bargalna 1n Laed Farnlture before you buy. Our Liberal Credit 1'laB ' will help you. KLAMATH FVRNITt'RB- CO. 1011 Main Bt. I'hone (94 22tf PEOrt.E'B" WAREHOUSE Bo. (tb Street Dealer Hay. Grain and Potatoea. We tor grain.' potatoes, bouaehold good, furniture, in fact "If It I atorablo. we atore It." Crating and packing at reasonable rales. "Try ua, we deliver tbe goods." 22-3t For. Sale Dandy new 6-room bungalow. Only $5,000 taken . at" once. CHTLCOTK Ja SMITH JNOfli ' "Realtor." 727 Main Ht, Phono M . '.-!- It Happens tT3 Li Deed Filed Ik! Margarita McDonough to Vera Zamiow; Kaat of W. 23-33-7V4. Hherlff to Kred Nltscholm, (ahariffa devdl, Houth JO ft. Lot 7. all of Lot 8 In llluck 4 Hhlp plngton Addition to Klamath Kail. J. M. Iledford, et ux. Floy C. to It. L. Temby. tindlvldf4 In ternet In Lot 8 It lock 2 Ulver vlew. W. D. Hllrle et ux to ln etle Batterlee, Lot 7 lllork 9 Unkvllle, alio lot in Krcdorlcka bur. Ore. The K. D. Co. lo E. E. Berg. I It 11 Block 4S Hillside AOOH tlun to Klamath Kails. John Huffing to Day and Com pany. North (0 ft- Lots 7-8 Block 307 Darrow Addition. Oregon Utility Co., to B. E. Wolford and Daniel Wann, Lot 10-11 Block 11. Lot 17 Block 10 Bprague Klver. , .. Oregon Utility Co., to B. E. Wolford. Lot 12 Block 11 Bprag ue Klver. W. D. Batterlee to Inetta Bat terlee. furniture, fixturea, etc.. dwellln houae on Lot 7 Block 9 Llnkvllle. (Nominal conalder-1 my attorney. Manning, McCol jloch and Drlacoll. In the Swan- ation). " ," . .... the City of Klamnth Falls. Coun Tire Exchange." assumed b (y of m,ib ,nd 8l. o( 0re. C. E. Piper, 624 Klamath Ave. ;rou oa or oefore six (() month city. .from the date of this notice. All Circuit Court. 2572 Law: Walter Nelson J ((tb St. Grocery) v. E. J. Goff. debt and attachment; compiami filed. D. E. Fletcher, attorney. . 2434 Eq.: Greta Boulro vs. Albert R. Bqulre. divorce and alimony: complaint filled. Man ning. McCulloch 4c Drlacoll, at torney. . , 2673 Uw: E. M. Plaall v. L. W. Osborne, debt and attach ment; complaint (lied. E. B. Ashurst, attorney. , Haliafactlomk Balalger Motor Co. to II. M. Mallory. Lot 2 Block 12 West Chiloquln. 1330, In full. ( 11 . -i Producers of dairy products In the United State are facing in creased competition from foreign producer aud Importation of great quantities-of dairy prod uct, aay Lloyd 8. Tenny, chief of the U. 8. Bureau of Agricul tural Economics. . FOR SALE 80 Acres of land all under cultivation and irrigation, well located on Weed-Klamath Falls highway, 4 miles from city limits. This is a bargain at $8,000. $3,000 cash and terms on balance. A good four-room modem house, garage in basement, located on -Third St. Priced for quick sale at $2850. Some terms. A nice new 4-room modem house, small' basement, garage, large lot, located in Hot Springs. Price $8250. $1150 cash, terms - on balance. 1 3 . Quite Often ,7X& MlMISTEft . A. CF7AAT 1 HAVING TOO LATH Haying. ganrally. atarta looi late, bellev. t,p ap -Ull.t, . at ; fcarly rultlug av In high faed lvalue, although Hie hay cure !'" "W' "iow I'rlce of dairy cattle are go ing up, aay government econo minis. Tbls will continue until a peak I reached about 1930-1931. they add. Grower, shippers and rail roads of California are plannlnx a clearing house for grape grow ers, for more orderly distribution of their crop. (iraad Honda will build new school to replace one burned last spring. Legal Notice N'OTICK TO CKKDITOIW. In the County Court of the State or Oregon for tbe county of Klamath. In the matter of the estate of OOTTFKKD OLSON, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ha been appointed Kxecntrix of tbe Katate of Gott fred Olson, deceased, and all per sons baring claims axainat aald deceased or hi Estate shall pre sent aame to tne at the office of sen Building. (23- Main St.. In such claims, when presented et the office of my attorneys, which I tbe place said Executrix has jenoaen io uuui mi b.ui said Eatate, ahall be properly verified with vouchers attached thereto. Dated at Klamath Falls. Ore gon, this 22nd day of September, A. D.. 1927. DONA B. BROWX. Executrix of tbe Estate and Imi Will and Testament of ' Gottfred Olson, deceased. S22-29-O(-13-20 Will trade good used Touring Cars for Lots or Acreage. Buick Garage CHILC0TE & SMITH Realtors 727 Main Street ; I 7 fJSfi'm Jajbmerspor&to I T TO lEEP f-fxi 1 WSAMlBt&H V QUIE.Y.. J I m ! ; mwat did a . i i V V is M FARM RF.TIHNH GOOD Preliminary i It urea of Income ,.,. farm, ,,, tn,t about 13004 returned to each farm In the throe Prairie prov ince as revenue from agricul tural production In 192S. You can still go east at low cost. Summer reduced roundtrip fares are good for ' return until October 31 Plan to go now and profit by them. A choice of routes and traitis matched by no other transcon tinental railroad. For example: : yon can reach Chicago in 63 1 hours from San Francisco aboard the deluxe San Franca ct Oittland LimittJ. Return the tame way, if you wish; or come back via New Orleans and Los Ancelcs oa Sunset Umittd, or Golden State Route via E! Piso and Los Angeles. It costs no more, and only slightly addi tional via Pacific Northwest and the scenic Shasta Route. Note the low roundtrip fares cnioted here; similar fares to many other places. t (From main-line point) Ail-any, New York $li( 23 Atlanta, Georgia 123.(3 "AtlanTlc-CIfyrNV J." 143.2S ' Baltimore. Md. 155. 7( Boston, Mass 1(7.(8 Buffalo. N. Y 134.84 Birmingham. Ala. 112.78 Charleston. 8. C. 141.32 Chattanooga. Tenn.1 117.40 Chicago 100.22 Cincinattl, Ohio 110.33 Cleveland, Ohio 122.78 Columbus. Ohio ... 122.72 Colorado Springs, Colo '77.12 Dallas. Texas 85.52 Jacksonville, Fla 134.(0 Kansas City, Yo. 85.52 Memphis. Tenn. S9.32 Minneapolis, Minn. 91.90 New Orleans. La 99.32 New York City, X. Y. 1(1.(2 St. Louis. Mo. . 95.52 St. Paul, Minn. 91.90 Washington, D. C 155.78 Great Train . Great Routes ITfotBictEia Serving the . Travel United State. - sa Jmrtotr njtr roktwSSaf. 3. i. MILLER Dixt. Frgt. A Pass. AeC Hopka Bllr. I'hone T0t Lowest Stage Fares FROM KLAMATH FALLS To Ashland 1.00 To Mnlord 20 To Han Franrtscu 11.60 To Pendleton 14.85 New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 By Blosser for i Low Fares Klamath Falls LODGE, FRATERNAL, NOTICE f-J U. P. O. KLKB -7y Meet Thursday avonlnf. 1 Visiting men bar wel come. ELKS TEMPLE, 3rd and Mala OLIVER BPIKER. Ex.ilted Ruler F. D. McMlLLAN, llecreury XElGlIftyltH OF WOODCRAFT Mtt first and third Wednesdays each month In I. O. O. F. Bldg. Fannie M. Thompson, Clerk. 41 N. 9th. 81S-30 Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORN'KVS C. C. BROWER Attorney-at-Law Bute and Federal Courts Abstract Examined 208 Willlt Bldir. Phone 911 Real Eatate Law a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 208 Williams Building Klamath Fall, Oregon Phone 1488 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work, Battery Service, Tires Nash. Oakland. Pontlac. Packard R. K. R. GARAGK 831 Klamath' Next to Postofflce Phone 212 Goodyear Tire Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE TIRE8 Brine; In Tom worn tin-s get . ., oooo muc more . at , H usual cost ACE TIRE SHOP Guaranteed vulcanizing 115 So. 11th St. Phone 843-J re-tread AUTO REPAIR Smithy'a Repair Shop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and delivered South 6th St Phone (02-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Service, Uagneto, Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HEN7UOT CO. 234 Main St Phona 397-W BEAUTY PARLORS Expert Operators, Individual . booths, violet ray, marcell ing, hair tinting BOSTON BEACTY SHOP Glorenna Warren Winters Bldg. Phone til Water, French Paper Cnrl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING MATERIALS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Quality Building Material South 6th St Pbona 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixtures built 1401 Division St Phone 1433 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Hairy' Baggage and Express Stand. 8tu & Main. Phone 924. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evan' Jewelry etore. 832 Main. CHURCHES HACItKD HKART CHURCH Eighth and High St., Rev. K. F. Loeser. Rev. C. B. Felge Sunday masses at 6:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions nt 7:20. Week-day man at 7 a. m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10:3. Alt are cordially welcome at our er vice. CIVIL ENGINEERS i. C. CLEGnORV Civil Engineer and Surveyor zi uign street CO. KELLEY Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 107S Lodge Directory LOYAL OBOKR OP MOORB Meet rry Thurs day. 7:30 tftjtfTfi) Mooe Hall. Kl'am- w i-.'.y atn avi GEO. OOLM, .Dl KLAMATH IX)1M1K SO. ,17 A. F. and A. M. Slated Coramunlcattona n . j . . i. , , . -i wi iuunun . UY Visiting Brothers Welcome ' LOOM 18 Dl'ILDI.NO DENTISTS General Practice ot Dentistry DR. riHLIP COLE 1 518 Main ' Over Moe'a Store Phona SO Open Evening by Appointment 0R. E. a. WISECARVERj Dentistry j X-Ray Serrlce) , j Underwood Bldg. Phone 445 Dr. J. J. Ernmeni, - . Medford, Ore. - -i Practice limited to eye, ar, nose and throat Phone 6(7 CHIROPRACTORS DR. GLEN MOORB , Palmer Graduate Chronic and Nervous Diseasat Mew ueiftase Block, 126 ataiD Phone 1278 ' l Oppoaite Court Hoswm j DR. C. NORVALL ' Graduate ot Palmer and Pacific College ! Fourteen year experience We remove the causa ot disease . Bonanza. Ore. All EMPLOYMENT AGENCY KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Employment for workers la every trade mill, railway and farm. James Ryan, Prop. i ath and Main. Phono-1ST GUNSMITHS Frames and Mirroffw SJe4 Renew Mirrors and Furniture - Gunsmith, Expert Key Maker Guarantee! workmen, j 120 So. 11th St. Phone 1441-J ' tUfl. LIVESTOCK Fresh cow on hand at , all times- from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22F3;Re. 41 E. MochetUs. Jr. 1 ' Texam StatiOj ! MUSIO STUDIO 12 LESSON8 12 . Learn to play popular muele Immediately. Many different . styles of bases, till-In, ato. This course will enable you. to become a professional dance piano player. WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale'a Piano. Sale Room ' 222 South 7th St ' t OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD I. O. O. F. TEMPLB Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon i Office and Resldenc Phone 821 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamfla, Brushes F. R. OLDS ) Acroia from Poatoftleai Phone 48 i Everything a Paint 8 tor Keepa Paint, OH. VarnUhe, Dead ening Felt. Class, Rooting, . Wall-Paper PATH RHO.VS PAINT xOTtl 62( Bo, 6th St Phdn-a(I-J TIMBER CBI WERS Timber Cruising, RecoaneJe. ance and Appraisal . II. H. o;le 404 Main Ht. l'hoM zWaVW Working from : H. L. Johnson's office aUI