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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1927)
Tage Six While In rresceut City Hi p at VAX'S AtTO CAMP Crib. Clam. Good Ocean. Fishing. Special XVerkly lUtee ' AXXOl'XCF.XIF.NT We wish to announce thnt we have nothing la do with the so-called "Slnston Studio." "ST Main Street, owned and operated by May King. We are using our own name "R. E. Sttnsnn" and located at 323 Main 6treet, opposite Court Home. The una high-class work la atill being done by ua thnt made the name "Stinson famotia In Klamath Falls. Old customers and now custo.ners will Jlnd ua at our new loca tion. PAPER HAVG1XQ PAIXTIXa . tinting SMITH BROS. $4.00 Per Room Tp Phone 40 MRS. WILURD JOlfNSON Accredited Teacher of Piano Harmony, Ear Tralmnf aud Musical History. . 8tudlo 818 Prospect Phone 733-R lt-SO Finest Mineral War..-. In tho World T .... HOT SPRlXGB NATATORIl'M tow open from 7:00 A. M. to midnight Tab Batht Swimming Tank a Hot and Cold Shower For Private Part lea Phowe HW-XV Spring and EspuuuuV Starting July 1 1 Red Ball Stage Line Two' Daily stages ' Between Klamath Falls and Lakevless. Leaving 8:80 morning Leaving 2:00 P. L leave RECKARTVS Auto fttagr Office Phone 77 or 600 HURRY TAXI SERVICE Under New Management Phone 141 Prompt Service J1Q-JY1 HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Fall" ?:S0 A. L, 10:00 A. M 1 1. MM 4:40 P. II.. making connec tions to Portland and way points same day. Connections at Ashland with Pickwick Stages for California points. 7:80 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. Stares make direct through connections to for Hand and Seattle. 10 A. M. and 4:40 P. M. Stages make direct con nections to San Francisco and Los Angeles. - Local Office 01S Main St, Phone OU tfi First Methodist Church Tenth and High Ste. FRANK L. WE.METT, Min 1st or Reside see, 1005 High St. "W Specialize In Helpfulness" Sunday Uervlces: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. - Chiloquin Stages Leave Klamath Falls Dally for 1 rtiUoqnln and intermediate points as foliowsi 1:00 a. m. 11:10 noon S:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. Take I a. m. bus to connect for camps beyond Chiloquin C. H. KING. EOtvnor KLA MATH-WEED STAC WEED and Intermedials points. Lt. K. F. 7:30; Ar. Weed 1 Lr. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. F. 5:00 Stages Leaving Stage Terminal Depot 013 Main SU DRINK RADtOI WATER t Has cured thonsands. Why not youT Radium ore for sals by N. A. OIUGOS, (Special RepresenUtlto) Phone 960-W HEWS NOTES rnnRH nniiiw'k"ciui i,n n,'r ,",n,,r ui LhIITI'I HMliY XXlker on the Klamath river. I II 1 1 1 VI I! I Ifl I I Kh,HT "'t-'V ' F.wauna null I IIUIII O I II II B a eall.r In limy Sjufrday I Special to The Herald) HltAT. Calif. Sept. The nimrinl n.. for the dluhtllerla dcmlc was lifted from both the, , Ceo. ltodenhatncr und H. XX'ocius fumlllea lat Thursday. No new cases have been reported and it Is hoped thnt lh disease is now over with. Dr. Sandie from Teu ttant has been the attending phya 1 ician for all the esse.! nnd his untiring efforts are appreciated throughout the comm inity. Mrs. D. Rhoaten was called to Klamuth Falls Saturday to be at the bedside of her daughter, who was seriously 111. and word has Jus' been received of the daugh ter' death. Mrs. A. Merry man and son. John, left Saturday for Cottage Grove. Ore., where John will re- mme his studies at school ana Mrs. Merrymnn will visit with friends and relatives for a month. Ce Try first PLUMBING HEATING ' FURNACES Motors, Pumps, Engines Pressure Water Systems 123 No. 6th Fhonc 371 WATCH REPAIRING ii Kin: year guarantee work on All CEO. METZ . JKWKLK.R 022 Main HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOPPE Offering for Your Approval special' Breakfast 50c Luncheon 50c Dinner .;i:....:..:. 85c These at Counter Only Only fa. . Best Served Club Cafe the place of REAL SERVICE and EATS S - P - E - Sept. 10 to 25, inclusive ' Bearing Adjusted 4-cyIinder Cars, $4.50 6-Cylinder Cars, $6.50 ALL WORK IXCOXDITIONAI.I.Y GL'AR.INTEED! Cam Called for and Delivered EXPERT REPAIItlXO ami ICXITIOV SERVICE GAS OIL G It EASING WASHING TOWIXG XEW AND VSKD PARTS SHASTA VIEW GARAGE . Open 21 Honrs Every' Day . So. 6th St. and City Limits, Opposite 6th 'St. Lbr. Co. 41-11111111 II 1 1 11 II 1 rMK 1 F. R. i Wall Paper Interior Decorating a Specialty Mom 'n Pop ('ullage drove is Mrs. Mcrrywau's old home. Mrs. Alice Quinley. teacher of! Ithe trr Lake school, spent the I nnd Sunday. Mr. nu.l Mrs. . A. Iiray or Mount OeM near Jlllt rpl-.wcra visiting frielliln here FrlW- air. ami Mm, i.eo Pliencger spent I he woiji-ond In X reki). While there they took in the Sis kiyou county f tir. - llcimju l.usk purchased a new Star l.unduu last Wednesday from tho Star agency at Weed. 1 The Weed-KInuiath highway I.- progresslng nicely, and It looks as though the public wont be handicapped with a poor road daughter, Mrs. Karl Mack, on , hereafter. . Sunday. , Mm visited Friday i AMKRK'.WH XVOl.F" !wh Mrs. Wrlglumlre. FOOII SAYS CllfFl CurIey nryinl hn bwu NEW YORK. Sept. St. (NKA) America Is becoming a one- armed lunch room, a place where people "wolt" their food and give little thonxut to the serious ibustucss of eating. I So says tleorge Rector, once the proprietor of one ot New , York's most famous restaurants of yesteryear. After making what he called a "cook's tour" through the capitals of Kurope. . he . de clares himself surer than ever . that he will not open another restaur int in unappreciative America. Rector says that pro hibition has made Impossible the preparation of piquant aud tasty sauces by ita banning of sherry and port. French rooking technique, be believes, i methods mittcd mou Ing Blaming jelly! be O. K.. but some of the credit for the holds you see on a mod em dime must go to the mou key. Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing. 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 Q Veronica is to fkyslelaaa la ak sr. .an .,!.- Wf Blood risaasj Acid CaadltUat Kidnry, Live mA Bladdo Tremklas Iadlgssitea Star Drug Co. C - I - A - L 1 1 1 1 III IH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 OLDwS Paints Signs H-t1 , is u(Jiiau(ius , . l j untt wilt he vie lor I lira Iliouui , men uwiw . , , . ,. ,, ,, . has been purchased ana win oo ... t flutinderliiK around in San Iran all over KuroDe. Head-. . . . .. 1.111.. at t is l'iuo Tree theatre today. 1 """"" " nru.. ... Interviewing all the U- " 7 "" " Punnur lh,B th. stag, play I " "7.. " " 'S'.0',? oblaiD-ll is southwest of town, an Ideal I ... his screen version cl-'KM; h ,, .jj locaflon since bats usually' fly Boot. - but a m s ' ,,, ,V water. Willi. Hln.h modern lau on tho -.- --- - . ; . k field, son ol Iau innciuie rkh r,.ir..-in. nf men ii.ii r -- . ... , caKuy'a old enemy, uivvs in f . ' C v.cll.x.'Uj ) ' v an THE EVEMNO HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. KITES ii E (Special to The Herald) SPUING l.AKK, Sept :!. Charles Murk and sons, hurl nu.l Charles, enjoyed a short hunting trip with Mr. Trammel of Jenny Creek. ( Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart aud Mr. and Mrs. Waller Stewart visited Sunday with James Stew art and family ot Malm. I Mia. F. (1. Williams railed on Mr - s.hiiSerl on Mnuduv. Mr. iIort uklna visited her lug In this neighborhood the past week I I The California-Oregon I'owor company men wero repairing. Hie power line In thla dintrU't Mon day. ) Mr. and Mrs. Kd Hair were . business visitors In Klamath Falls , Saturday. MtSil'ITOKS ARK FOl'OHT WITH RATS STl'TTCART, Texas, Sept. iS. (NBA) This city Is making pro visions for accommodating a mil lion hata within its limits. Not that the bat Is attractlvo or makes a good pet, but be is con sidered valuable as a foe of mos quitoes. An old structure near the city In the'alr. At midnight. It is said, they turn bark as regularly as If they carried an alarm clock. reaching their roost by dawn the following morning. Bslt will be n seed In the old L..i,.t:. . vlul,lr,v Klti n I make their homes here. WHAI.KS PKLAY 1.ISKK, NEW YORK. JI. (SKA), The liner Munorloaus came Into port here a little late recently QFSPRiNGLAK ' villi tha eaVlrifl finU' I Iln T1RI1 niUM'iai JJl'll TV IT IU1 US I V T . . ..... I-, , irnm i ii h mi ii 1 1 1 - ni u ii r n n 1 1 1 1 (iiiriimm ui m ... ... . I' They start out at nightfall, turally funny .anyhow 'citchlnc anv Insects ' they pass such a role as Eddie because ot largo schools M,ir ora .n' ,""'..Hr11," CrakliB. whales and porpoises encountered off Cape Charles. The captain reported there were at least thir ty whiles and about luvu ir puiat ami: fear.ful, of fouling his propeller with ono ot tne mon sters, he went off hla course. VjCURei, T 5AVM VDU IHffl StT FIRE -1r-A-T Poor cooKfe Troo'Sers am' Them i NE.U- FVRE - SO HE O i come DA'smua out imTo a xnhole. ramch pjLL OF VJlrt"ClRS . AREMT WCU ASHAMED CuRi PLAViWGr 5UCrA A JOKE OM . -THAT POOR FELLOW IV ( a. ' WiasS.; v s-. I I i - .- " -viv ' I i - rtr2 BARBECUE. All Aboard I X v.' ... . -Dick ad His Fiance 1 " '.davvs-e y - V ' .. 1 1 lilcbard ltn-thleme. movie .-ir, poses here Kallicrine Wlls'n. alnge actress. The two are hcrv Ifcee plan to Ik married soon. ,' . ' . At the Pine Tree Vprourlotn comedy lth s ' strong flavor cf melodrama, blended with a touch o. pathos and a keen sense ot bumau pay 1 chology. these are the Ingredients ! that Kddlo Cantor baa used In I the creation of "Special Poliv 'cry. his second starring vehl-' Olve him the letter j carrier .and then let him work 'out his own Ideas, and he la a I riot. The Interesting thing about him. though. Is the racl that you . laughlug a .... ..u w th and not at him. , TV.-, I. AnritinlK rnfilor. No matter how funny he Is. he al - ii... m,..ih. ...... ' tho very moment mai " "V see mm as me nns-iii n..r i , can t help feeling a bit sorry yon can ncip iuukuimk i situations nnd predicaments he gets Into; ana he gets into plen ty.. . . "Special Jicllvrry" Is a picture that yon will want to aee. It Is Cantor at his best and If he fol- Out Our Way VsJtV.L - MA'AMI - A-A-HET S Trt' Dome's Kikidoh oki Me X DiOMV'Tr-MMV VAt MAD AmoTtAER RMR. ? i. I J- 3UKB sw 1 I I UTlt'P NOTS N V OFFOMMV -i f TMATiSlSf I Si I ' with, his fiance. In l.ns Allgelns. At the Liberty ' 'More 1'ay lsa Work." which will shnw at the Liberty tbeatru tomorrow Is Peter H. Kyne's lat est story shout Cnppy Ithks. Kyne has outdone uH his former efforts in creating amusing sit ualious for Cappy and hla asso- si .. 1, . " . "TJ Id. after her. Later III the comedy Cappy and Pad are spilled Into the water, wheu a uiutorboat over turns. ; A double knockout mat fin- lhcs a fist fight Is another amus- !" lneArl'- Tu. collide .In the w ,nd the captain, start fight I. . ' .. . ' ... .... I11.' Each lands a haymaker I....I L ...... I. . nut tl. nltinr Bl lh !MU same ume. Albert Bay directed the. pro . .. J.......J . i.. a..-.i..H H.ih - -a-, T&'lil.-h in ruded Mary Brian, l-barlw -Hud itogers. K. J. Itatclitfe. Otto , ,lll((ml1 Aibrn litaa ,nd l hl,. lows through III his future plr. tures along the Huea established 111 this one.. the screen has found a new type of comedy and a new type of comedian. tjl - - , . ... j ! -s ' : s At the Hotels WIl.l.AIIK- K. A Moili.n. E , F. West, San Frunclmo: W. Tip- ; ping. Ken It In; J. M Unit, Salem: I II. .l. Jones. I'lirlliui.l. C. Stow ell Smllh. Sail Frnmlseo; Hum Kerr, 1'itrtlaiid: John II. NYlgaiil, VcMlnnvllle; C. Iluib While. Fry C Co., I'oiilund: Charles Heck- with. I'orthiiiil: Thomas II. rlrlie. ken, Cuiicird; II. F. Uwls, tl. K Harry, C. K. Johnson, Shell Oil; , M. D llarkawuv and wife. Vukl- , ! uis. Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. Holier! , .11. Howard. IVrllund; A. Heruld. : Sncrsiiiciito, J. Ursa Hluck and 1 fsmlU. I'alo Alio. Calif.: J. M. 1 ir.r,..u K...r,.i,.i.iu: It. M i Thnmiwun. I). lennehy, Han r. i 1' Uiiixint t II Alb.M-1. ISirtland! Mr. aud Mrs . ' Sydney Clark, Mrs. I'. Krulil. Berkeley; C. V. .Meyers, I'. M. ; Sims. Medford; I'a il Siilllli. Hhus- ' ta Springs; W. A. I'uiton. Comb-! ella, Calif.: tl. K. Iiray, J' V. Slantiili. Shell Co.; Mr. and Mrs i O. 1. .Tompkins. Santa Monica. , Calif.: ('. i). Ousiluhl. Seattle; A. AuMlahl, Sruttli. : lUrry l.wis, , tieueral Cigar: 1.. W. laiwary, Kugene; F. K. I'rlro. Corvallls; i C. ('. Cleveland, Seattle; C. A. ! Kelly. Keddlng. Calif ; J. Wene Portland. I'eti rson. Iriike- AltCADi: XI. vlow; Jamea I'rlrn. Onlnrlit. Cal.: Icnrg Haunrr. Ilranls Pass; Jss. K. Black and wife, Kugene; IMII Harry B. Stone. X'edfnrd: J Park I Steven nu.l wife, Aihlaud: Joseph If. Keenar. aud We. !oa Ang.lra: , Lonls. Horrls; Art T. Hays, ('till- rqulii: A. II. Hathaway and wife. Portland: Charles A. Brown. Itosehnrg: T. K. Finn. Kan Fran - daughter. William.. Minn.; Mrs. Cisco; Mis. J. A. XVhalen nnd O. K. Edluiid. II. K. Ilanul'on, Portland; C. K. Umdon. N. II. llogue. San Francisco; Nile. Searl. and wife, Berkeley: I). DrUcoll. Southern Pacific; lull Hilt. Calif.: Splls lliiaap. v.n.i.. ..n . ii , v,...i . I.TjU. , Hill , IB, ST.. .-, , , I)ui..n.ulr: F. C. Pollard San Francisco; It. V.. B. t.uras and family, ( Met'. Csllf.: L. K. Flem ing aud wife. Ashland: Don E. Hughes, Xledfurd; Hoy Oulck and wile. Karl (Julrk and wife. Fort Klaiualh: Charles . Cottlngbsm, Chicago: Kddle Nayer. Seattle: Harry llurrlwjn. Oakland. Schools Do Not , g -At ine pegiiiinna "i n wu- opreaa (jfrmjA,,,!,, the .. noois may botciosed I for the period of Incubation and (Continued from page 1) latest official rlrrulur Ircnu the . authorities. Thu state board's advice .In circular form follows: "There Is a mistaken Impres sion that the Stutn Board nf Health should function locally. Only when a local health depart ment dona not, or cannot nelorcr measures for Ihe prevention of dlsensie, doe the Slato Board of Health so function. The slate acts In an advisory rapacity. The enforcement of necessary re strictions Is the duty of the local health authorities. n the mat ter of closure, the Stale Board ot Health may aonslder the regu lation of common carriers and tho Office) Pbone II HO Melhaaa BWf Res. rhnne lla Klamath Falls Just Phone . . 408 . for mm U f I. lime to have all your tlolli.-e look like ncu for l oll. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works 431 MAIN By Tavlor '.nnlrol of I ravel, but tho iliitura ol H'llmils mid lunelliig plaiet Hhiiuld ho rigiilaled Jiy ll" hcnllli auihoi'ltli's. , "I'l every epldrmlc there la t p.. pillar deinnnil thl ' s.IumjU :ie liunii'diaiejy Tim dol ing uf siiiiHila is u iiiction noi In bJ llgh'ly ileilded. for III cloBiii of si bonis means a hiss lo lliu ri.iniiniiiliy. 'iit'l ar' ranted only after due tonldera Hon -and simly. 'The ixipular Idea that schools are great ills nlliiiloia of illsMise Is not clearly ' roll firmed by rmeftil iihservullon ,mid study. The ihluf atgiiment , for It l the liuroime ol scarlet fever, illiilitliei la. im-asies, etc . diirlug tho . Iiool year: but till! fact Is hy no means i-oni lule. there : of rouise. no uneetlnn that lufecllon does lake pla.e through asn'liitiiin in In the schools; hut lh children anmuiit of It na Compared Willi liifecllnns IhroiiKh sn liillnn sclionl has probably niitslda of been rxag- gcralrd. "It l, In any rasa, had prac tice to close ailinola nnd Mp thrm closed for weeks without any apparent benefit. Ktperlonca has shi.wa that closure longer than the period of Incubatum Is of little value. The best au thorities believe the reduction of opportunities of rantact lu fecllon In Hie achoul and careful medlcl Inspection uf school rhlldren lo delect Incipient castai, rather than clnsura, are tho moat eflst llve waya of conlmMllig cominunl.alilo diseases when epl- dcmlr. "It Is snmrtlmea astonishing with what unaulnilty the closing of schools Is demsnded ny otner- ho well-informed physlelsns. The strongest argument agaln.t ', closing schools Is that suit) prai tlc does not materhlly redure jlhn amount of contact which i UrilP . (llnrs.llM- the progress ol an epidemic. The children mingle lust about as much out- ! side of school aa In school. The I "-ly eci pllon Is In rural dls- irMs with popu atlon. h ,h"- ml""" , i bildren away from school, tlos- , , - , ot ' " kU"1 nsediire as an aid lo effective control measure required by reg. ulslloii. but there la no evidence thai trt rlilca or towns the dos ing of schools has any effect In stopping an epidemic. On th" other hand. If a f simple pro cedures are adopted while the : schools nre kept open, an wffoe ' live control of an outbreak of ill , a msy I bad.' then opened, but careful guard must be exercised to discover new cases and a watch kept on Ibe rqluro ol ronvaloicenls. Th. I.utitla should ha Impeded daily and those allowing signs nf Illness he promptly sent home. All suspicions rases should bo Iso Isted. and quarantine regulations should be atrlrllr adhered In. It these measures aio enforced I ho Slate Board nf Health sees no necessity for the closing of school III an epidemic." POSTPONK XV EIHH NU FOR HK'.W VX KltillT FIGHT IIU)OMIN(II)Al.K. K. J., Sept. 12. ((PI A double wedding cere, mony has been postponed so that the principals may listen In on tho radio reports of the Dempaey. Tunney fight tonight. Miss Minnie Conk waa to have matrled Marinas Klelwyn and her slater. Miss Anna Cook, was to hero been wedded In Arthur Vsnderhoof at tln Buller Meth odist Kplscopal church I his eve ning. The four decided to postpone, Ihe wedding nntil Saturday ao they would not miss the light re I turns. , Mayor Thompson of Chicago has undertaken to find the He publican party a nominee for tho presidency. Won't there bo trembling In Buckingham palno now! Madras I'nlnn Oil builds sta Hon lo employ a doseu men. All kinds of GLASS Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W sslWVktswVaaawPINrakaggAsw PELICAN CAFE Inc. "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchants' Lunch 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 50c Williams Bldg. 722 Main J1-A1 -fr.. .. atssseat.orr. Tm , ' ' Lit ciwi st sis stsvics, me r. . J j