The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 22, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tue four
2Ttf IzuenhXQ HrralS i Seven Planes Take Last Hop
T. It ' M U.AHKKY.
r. tailor
.Iluslncaa Manager
I Delivered by farrier
OnVYear ..
Hit Vonlhs
Te Months
Oim Month ...
Ity .Mull
59 One Month ..'. t S
3 50 Three Months . I ll
l.S tlx .Months t 'i
S One Year . b ut)
I'd second claaa mtlT at tba postorrice at Kiamain rans
oil AugUKt 30, ISO. UUUer act OI longreas. Jiurru , j..
t . I .
I .MSfd Wire
Member of Audit Bureau of. Circulation
Member of the Associated IVnui
The Associated Prrsa la exclusively entitled lo t tie use or rcpuhlfca
lion If ll ntiwa dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In llij paper and also the local news pnhli.hed therein. All right
i'( publication u( tpeclul dlspalche herein are ah?o referred.
i ' Thursday, September 22, 1927.
a . ' .M i' V-'." .''
: 'Glad When They Arc Through
This airplane stuff is getting on the nerves of every
body.' News of their flights and races mean nothing to
the render any lorifrer, and. yet every newspaper must
print a certain amount of it in order to safely record
the day's happenings.
Air navigation seems to be in the shape of needing
sometEing more done to it before the general public
becomos interested. In other words, there must be some
othcrvorce discovered which will stabilize air travel ere
the rank and file will take kindly to it. When airships ' r blr'ls
are looked upon as only things for an expert to drive,
no one cares anything about them but the experts who
drive ttuun. The public must have & ship that anyone
.tan drive. -Then we will have interest in air travel and
not until then. ' " 1 - ' I
V a
V.:--' 'J'-V ; . ' 'S. I
wi r, v'S A-; :-. -' ;
la cntnnily lina.lfj by the out
Ufial. r tr.
Juki orf Coliimliaa t'lrvlo l a
hlblilinit i'inoilm where auther
tbo iidila ami viida ol Tin Tan
Alley. Itero. Jiml Ui fore the noon
hour, anther lh young (ellowa
who Ihumii lh piann aud write
ihe worda (or Ihoae blta ut har
monlrs thut either find th.-tr way
into the bent aeltera or die unborn.
Here l a llltlo room fronted i
by ' a lima bar. wherein hope;
airtiiKH etern il after Ihe fourth j
round of beera. ('uterine to
wania of hla ru'aliiturra. the Inn
keeper haa provided a lnlteldy-i
bunc pluuo ao that hla Uela
limy feel rlKht at ho)n.
Fain oay mere cornea aotne
ihlnh nlriied aoul firm In the
i belief that he lia aihioved the!
aeaaon" uocene. He will aeal
' himself at Ihe pinto and Infltel
upon the itiilher.d thronic an
opu? born overnight. Over and'
over he will piny It for Iho new-:
! comer, and wlt!uui;h he anka
1 1 heir opinion, he aeldoin la w 111- (
Ing to tuke II. 'unban It buppen
! to b favorable. None proleata
jalnre moat of ihein have done
'the auuie tliiliK. or will live to
j do It.
, The other day a couple of
yonn women canto In for re-
treahmenta and were Immedlutely
i prvKicd Into aervlce for a try-out
of Ihe aonit.
nsKvrtntrnl of rpeiiknanloa.
IVfiM'e the "ludlea" arrive there
la compliant com el nliiR the
prttUont Invaalon ut an auilent
mnlo provlne. NolhlUK. nppur
vully. cau be done about It.
WllUlu the punt week I buve
Tlnnstlny, Scittcmlior 22. 1027.
kpt nil upon a cellar pluoe nlno Uruukenneaa lucreaara year
Jnt urmiud the comer from my ly nuJ that ''' '
VllUme (turret. I htve aeeu pur- lrlnkln a loll., or In uronpa la
l!ea of from HiV to l women '"''"" ommonplM.-.. I . r-
.ii ........ limn H la leaa toinilioll vUewhore.
Ituio lule. In hllMiloua mood.
It tinea aeent to mo Ihul fcuil-
but lit New York am h llilima are
treatad a laaually at tbouiili Iho
woman vre ninkliiK a Camel,
a .a -I...m .linnl 11 Ti lit Illiii'kwood flT'
iinnarens ..n nl..h, t w. Ihe funeml "Ya aee." the rompoaer Con
ine fled. V'le....Tr,U:...lh.:0.'l.nfhhe tOMl. oler.(l.. flded. 'If. a ow for a alrl a-t
''"..' .-' .... i ,.nm rehlclea for flcdnoline
m"-""- " - , ..,, further arr
I hey
On the Dot
Program For Church
Event. Is Complete
Kinal completion of the At-ater-Kent
National Kadlo Audi
lion to b presented by the
Klamath Falla Oratorio Society
at Iho First Presbyterian church
Tw- Fvpninir Herald this evening presents at the Pine tomorrow evening at S:ou oc
ine r,etiinK ifrnnt;nnl ! a reade thia afternoon.
Tree tneatre a aentuii""" v. ...... ...
press services can do to deliver returns of a prize fight
in rprnrd time.
We do not wis hto do any back-patting but we do
respectfully call the attention of Klamath county that
they have every press service here that any city has.
There is no longer isolation from a newspaper point of
view, for the moment anything happens any place in
the world it is recorded in Klamath" Falls by the two
news agencies.
This evening you may sit in the Tine Tree theatre
and elajoy every word that comes over the Associated
Press wires, for the wires are installed in the theatre
and this is going to be a free party ior everyone to at-! Th.' Answer
4nH ' . picture. Ruth Ak-rs Motloway
Foltollnit Is tho. program and
the name of thoso to appear:
Pipe Orpan Sola
Andante by TachalkowjVjr
Cantonetta by Thomas
Mr. lUoise SJelntyre
Accordian and Banjo Duct
Selected Jar
Browning and Dewey Powell
Announcement '
,. .Rer. D. V. Haiglit
Ijidy t'ontotania
Pwp Itivor .
The Rosary Ruth t'ofer
Carmena Walti Son?
When I Waa Seventeen v
Jdsvphlne Mclssner
Around New
York Town
"nK j and I want to aee how II aounda
rh when yoa put It over. So hoJat
another one and s'.mme your
beat. '
Aud o It went. Peoplo coin
ing and going and cnlhualnalic
creator ruahlng In to "holut one"
if I U I K J- llw and then to bang out their aoug.
Moat ol thera aeemed hopeleHaiy ;
-- ,bad. Hut, auch la tho ramarader-.
NEW YORK. Sept. S- The Qf (he ,p,,kc,t ,llSt (tw Kl
handy ieakcalc of the Broad-1 tj,e:r truo Uiouchta. (
wav belt are rap'dly taking the .
places of the old bar-rooms aa In years agone there were acT-
. . .v. - n. "ii 0I acattered at Important
galhenng place, of those groura ,ns ton
allied wltU the world of amuse- (lrank Im ,m ,ore.. Tho moro
ment. (affluent actora now foregather In
Bnt ch places arv no longer J exclusive clubs where bars are
r. i -.... ior ihe male alone. Now. : nnne too carefully concealed.
I even Ike seclusion of b!a pel bar ' while tho lesser figures hare an
' will last tomorrow only g.
! 1
f'olne in and let us tell you all about the SUl'KKIOK QUALITY
of thw RANGE.
, -
Mordoff Furniture House
719 Main . Phone 16
ltis delivering the news on the dot
Ever drive the McKenzie Pass? If you have.
you ever stop to think of how much money was almost , yjJ,'
wasted in building' that highway? Oregon must come to j 0
Sorta Miss Y'oa
- --iVVake Up Evelyn Amb-ko
Morning Wind . j
didlMfo's r.irndl?e Jcnnip Crorrr i
Into Your Catden
..Margaret llowncss
a halt on building such roads that serve few if any peo-iThe Nightingale song
..I- tu Vivp hut thpv are too exnensive. ' 11 Bacio SugaTman
Hie. , ,,., nil lloniy
!A Little Bit o' Honey
: Abiding Norma
ing to make something else.
Tt will h news to many to learn that the saxophone i Mew c.mteianis
is an invention. They always carried the opinion that' sunshine of Your sm
it was hit upon by accident by somebody who was try- j boat n"a n,.rt,,.rt WiUun j
'l.nngl Cal faro Bac Sccrlil
Ipuna Howard Craham .
Piano Solo " . .
Polonaise Chopin
Selected Ml Vivian Trounce
I Gathered a Rose ,
College Medley !
Kiwanis Male Quartet J
Bnrt Holloway, R;lf Patterson !
I John Houston Win Southwell
The German Has
Going to Films
It Is q
' - "V .
uite generally agreed! Tbo legitimate stage and the Et-CEVE. Ore.. H-pt 22
... i...t..r.ur rio. , mniif.n nicture industry have long I .. .... , ..... . ,
' h.t th. nniv revolutionary de- motion picture industry have long I ,.,.i,.,.i,,.r. missing
velopments possible In the auto-! been at war. Until a ery tew f )n t)( c,aM B San Fran.
! motive field are a motor of high j years ago stage folk looked upon : cl,co.Sl,okalie air rare, walked
fuel efficiency and a method of j their brothers and sisters In 'U ,nl0 EugcIie before noon to
: producing cheap gasoline or a films with either scorn or Pl'T. j ......
' gasoline aubstitute. With thisjassumingtheywere therefor .no: c ,raHlcd a few miles
knowledge engineers and scleut- jOther reason than that no stag-; J fc uf h(-rc ye.;,(.rday, 1P aid.
u.. n, over are working Jobs were open for them. Lonj! , ,, ... ,.... hadtr
.. - -- - , , .!, ailUlUB iua. .
naie m..u. . ,,,r,.,i its Waa
I,.lh relloloid """"b
produciion. -
Now Hollywood may well say
that the last defenses of the
legitimate drama have fallen.
liavia jieiasco is iiiiuiuk ..,... m i.,ririe
Darling of the Cods" and Maxi'"" , . .
Iteinhardt is to direct a picture j Transport by w bl. h he , I.
pioruu aa . " 'y ... ....... .
on one or bom or ine rami.
Wealth awaits the successful.
In this connection a reported
transaction between the German
dye trust and the Standard Oil
company of New Jersey Is being
watcbed with keenest Interest.
It Is reported the American con
cern has purchased full rights In
this country for tho manufacture
of a cheap synthetic gasoline nn
der the recently discovered Ger
man, or Ilergius. method. Ger
many hopes the process will
make her Independent of foreign
oil supplies and give her motor
ists chenp fuel.
Whether the Staudurd Oil com
pany purchaser! the American
rights to . proteet Its gasoline
business or to produce the syn
thetic ens for American motor
ists la not known, but It Is un
likely that the making of a sub
stitute gnsollne will bo so easily
Kxperimenls of a similar na
ture as those which resulted In
the German discovery are being
made In the United Btntes nnd
success Is already clulmed for a
process that will produce gnso-
, line lo sell for 10 cents gallon
; at the filling station.
Whatever the merit of the new
fuels. It appears to be certain
that the time o'f artificial fuel
Is not far off. Chemical experts
are predlcllng Ihe dawn of a
new fuel er and Ihe public is
looking forward lo cheaper gaso
line and a diminution of the de
mands on the ntplilly dwindling
ill resrlTcA.
Bookwaltcr said he had spent
ail tho time since the accident
in reaching this city. Immcdlale
I ly after arriving bore he called
of bia own selection. lioth men !
are leaders In their profession
and are above the suspicion of ,
being "stranded" In Hollywood
and forced to choose between '
starvation or going to work In I
the stndlos, leaving their art out
side. With Tielasco and the producer
of "The Minnie" In the movies
any member of the so-called
aristocracy of the stage may
seek some of the popularity and
large rewards of movie acting
and directing without fear of
losing caste, of suffering em
barrassment or being ostracized'
by the few stuge folk" who still
proudly resist the call of tho
If Ilclasco and Iteinhardt ran
carry their skill to the films, the
Salem building permils for
August were JSOO.jIO; $2,0Gr.,
337 o far this year.
Glandular Extracts
Used In New
Modern Tonic
The most popular cigarette
United States
Quality put it there quality keeps
it there
Gamel smokers are hot concerned
and need not be concerned with
anything but the pleasure of smoking;
New developments occur almost
every day In the world of Science.
Now. glandular extracts, highly
concentrated, have been effective
ly combined with well-recognized
vegetable tonic agents In tablet
form. So here Is a new kind of
motion picture Industry will ne , "- J"" " ' "7 ' Z
the gainer and . the stage will : f"r- Thl" l""n
. j . 1 1 . vegetable cr.m pound Ionic is
suffer during their nbsence. They kn(ri M Mijr Uormr.rly ,.3,.j
will have a larger and low (jiandoaen). Us stnceis has been
critical audience ana tncir an r,,mnrkahle for. .thousands noar
will not be subject to many of use It - and - leading . druggists
Ihe physical limitations exper- Ihrotighout. America rerominend
ienced In singe production. It. Why not see for yourself what
Buch men can Improve the this modern tonic will do in your
screen If they do hot follow the .", particular case. Obtain on
' ' ' . , rri. . original and genuine package of
path of least resistance. The ... ,,,.,, r;.M, ,. m-nd.
movie public Is walling lo be 0,wn) en(1 taK, lKn tablets three I
raised to the Jevel of their art t,11P, ,ay joc ten days. Star j
Ht ita best, I ' ' 1 lrtis Co. will supy'v you. Air. ,
O 1V27, . J. RTSoldl TnhMr ,
Caipnr, Wimw.-S.Imb, N. C