Wedm-sdny, Si'pt.'inlirr 21. 1027. Four THfi EVF.N'TNT. TIERA1 D. KLAMATH FALLS. OnF.fiON gucmttg Hrrolft T. II. l W.AKKKY.. K. ii. :.;limi '' IMIx-ml by farrier (nix Vcar I & 8ix Month S & Three Montbi - 15 One Month - Kiilcrtd second class, matter lit tir.i.a. on August . Uuli, under I j ; ,. Associated Press Leased Wire f iMember of Audit Bureau of Circulation j i iictiuicr or uie .iimiciiiicii r,- Tl'l Associated Pro In exclusively entitled to the n or r epublica lm uf all news dispatches credited to It or noi oincrvi, credited In thin paper aud alwj the local new published IhcreU. All rights of 'republication o( special dlpaubea herein ai? afc. reserved. Wednesday, September 21, 127 Foolish Aeenwliiwr tn nnu-ii nvor tliis kind of news usually has the mothers of Tortland need that are mighty important. I It is naid that when Lindbergh was! aLout to visit the metropolis of Oregon some members of the reception committee were' asked by mothers of marriageable girls to pWase make an appointment so their daughters could meet the honored guest. When the rumor first floated out from the city it seemed incredible, but repetition and admission by committee members of such requests soon began to lend a glamor of truth to it. I All Oregon bows its head in pity and in shame for! the foolish mothers. When women of mature age re-'br Liie Miner of iw Mom. a sort to such folly all act, of the young flapper can n;'- overlooked and she can be pardoned for any social of-:j. g. Charles. Richmond: Kukh 'renge , , inettmer of Taxryiown. N. .; . . ' , .' 1 . 1 i . . i Kenneth H. I'npcr ot Hadtnoi I From Lindberghs record m social eents we canN y. VUIlam .;lnrr, jr. imagine how a framed meeting of their daughters would f Bradford, r.; Jack Ah. rott have taken with that lad. He is genuinely American of Towanda. Pa., and E. t;. Knapp and American boys do not stand for such nonsense. i ' rYsor.n1 As'urrort arrir. d j rily the poor mothers who do not possess the sense this momma; from Bismarck, x. 'of a ground squirrel when they attempt to force aten-,D.. where they sp.t the night. tion upon their daughters. .1 Making a Farce of It , "The prohibition law suffers severe condemnation when officers are found dealing in booze. The case of the female deputv sheriff in Portland who is charged with possession and dealing in liquor is an example of j what is breakine; down the law more and :nore daily . andcausing honest prohibitionists at heart to wonder if we are not off wrong J Certainly the difficulty of enforcing the Eighteenth ( amendment is far greater than the most ultra prohibition-, :..:H..4nl -TV... if ISt rVtl illllltllittVCU. Tinai IV part of the'1 constitution no goodAritreen .-can as it-is a part of the'fco denv. But to do it is quite cials and stool pigeons damn the whole procedure and! cause law abiding citizens to begin to search for a' bet- j ter way to handle the liquor question. EDITOR I A L S , FROM OVER THE NATION I . I'UK CRAWL 8TIIOKK. j performer upon a stringed Instru- ' Xt, York World: George ' ment bma a leonine mane, while Young, it develops, used the the cornet, tuba, trombone or i crawl stroke on his swim across saxophone artist Is topped with a the Catnliua Island channel: pud, skating rink. . once more one Is struck by the ' This doctor, of course.- has a fact that man often manages to scientific explanation ready. His improve on nature. This stroke, ; theory is tlt the vibrations of, as most of those who follow" the strings acts as scalp mas- j swimming know. Is rtie most ar- sage to stimulate hirsute growth, tiflrial motion ever heard of: No while the virtuosi who work with man. and certainly no animal, lungs rather than fingers arc could possibly swim it naturally, literally blowing their hair out; To acquire it takes the average by the roots. j swimmer weeks of practice, and' If all this lie true, the Jazx : to swim it with perfect ease re- band, in which the tooting, at i quires months and perhaps years, least in the number of the p.-r-' Yet, once it Is learned, it carries : formees. predominabf . over the i swimmers along faster and with 'sawing aud picking, houM soon i less fatigue than any of the more become by evolution the bald liatiiriUVIrokcs. It was used by ; headed row of musleiamhip. : several 'of the -channel swimmerB j . j lust uinmer, including C.ertrude HOW KOKTIXKS AKE .!.!E. Kd'r!,-and the time that they Nation's Business Magazine: A maihr. Vas conspicuously faster . wealthy man SI ycr ot age . than the time of any of the bought a big farm In an inacicss-' swinimers who had gone before. ' ible section of Indiana' a "!ek or Hut mu it has Improved on na- two before this Is writtei , in ; ture so often that we should spite of scolding by h!s famil) lurj cense to be surprised. The wrist-! permitting his money to be I cd j snap ot an American baseball up In land on a back road : tot i player, an artificially acquired no farmer has ever been abl : to i motion, is bo superior to the toss make pay. which Is man's natural throwing "It will be immensely vale iblc notion that comment is super-'some day," he persisted. ifo fluoiis. The motions of a trained raune of its natural beauty, mil high Jumper, also artificially ac-j llonain s w ill want it for villa quired, carry' him much higher ; sites. Hut It won't come if to its fhan would his natural leap, own until every rich man Vas his Then there Is the queer gull of own nlrplajie. Then it t ill bo ii sprint walker. One concludes accessible for suburban fcvclop thut modern man. often thought mint for people iu C'h'caro. May physlcnlly the inferior of the Jun- be that will be thirty y;ars yet, gle man who went before, would j but 11 will come." probably defeat the Jungle man at whatever game they chose to plv. , MIKIC AMI IIAIIt. I He has acquired wealth by. Newark Stnr-Kagle: In leisure having longer vision than hi moments between their labors for neighbors,' and he evidently sees the lojiglhenlng ot life's span. J no reason to quit using It Just our musical friends keep on ocn- because he. himself may not be tributiiig to the gayety of na- on the premlso to reap tho har tlotiH. One of them has becnivest. undying the effect of music upon the growth or the shrinkage of! hair meaning the musician's hair, not the listeners. This genius notes the fact If. Indeed. It he a fact-that as a rule the pianist, violinist or oilier . Editor. It to His southvard Accord'. tig . Uunlnein .Manager ,lo M. Sajie. the culih of "Omnia ! and of Ind" had much less la do' Jly Mail Itlih Inkling Kuropean rxplor- One MiMTh . 5 . ..i,,.; ai,IIW.rii . t,. ih desire Tbr M'WUhs 8ix .Monlks . .. On Venn s. tui tha postofftce at Klamath? KsJI act ot Conicreas. March 3. " ' Mother thi crfliii'vine routt? and i some foundation some of , to be educated along lines ; cViAiill a onfnrcofl Brt inner! oimum v- " r t another thing. Corrupt ofti- ' Imagine a map 81 years old ( ever having the vision to buy jland for the long pull, based on AM) FltlIAY, ronnsH. New York World: A Krench hlstorirn, Leon 8aiie, says In a Purls article that it was not 'Co lli minis who discovered America. ' hut Ihisque fishermen. who brought home rotlflh from tho Newfoundland banks long before) jroluuibua followed their 'path jacrofci the sea or dunged from. 175 " -5!to act codfish for the people at uomc. Passing by the Issue of priority. i ,o . lr wh.cb the Norsemen hu tomcthiug to u for ihcir roun- trymt-n. Saiie l well bultJ'd I by the fait. .Not tor nothing l the "sacred cod' vffiglcj lu hon or in tlio ltotton state house. Not tor nothing doea Kiance retain the St. Pierre -M:jiielon Islands, only fifteen mire from New foundland, iu a b,it.e tor fislwt meu. Not for nothing have fully half of our Ui.-putc with ;rcui 1 Urltaln been concerned with the ' cod-flherle. Kor it was chlelly ; by furnishing Friday "stockfish" to Catholics 111 Kuroun tluil I'ro lostunt New Kne.lnud hcv.1u1c a school of hardy bailors In her sea-coast towns. N on Stop Race is Begun at 2 P. M. (Continued from p.ife U from New York to Spokauc In class II of the national air races, left CUeadive. uvcrmsht mop for six of them, ut H oVIwk this, mornlns. rising from the flylng field at one minnto intervals. They expected to make Hill ings. Mont., a fivt minute Mop. within 3 hours. Miller, Mcjcn, Lend. All eight planet) wci e pOotei! AfnritX. Ind.. S.-j'l- Jt. (A. P. The plane plloajd by Jas. F. O'Donnell and carryfoK his, wife in the trans-contSncniai air derby, departed from Auburn for cflicago at 7:30 o'clock this morn '.nu. O'Uonnell was forced to lend here yesterday because of hd Z nating in the air drhy. K--" yoo tlllnk ,. mako a fatirfa,.,ory mate? Mr, Newlywed: Wonderful, mo'VilayM : fZ,- captain. Auswdns. IIIIK.IIT KMH'lill Father: So you really want to marry him. ch? What are the young man's prospects? Daughter: Well, Ind, he haf a very rich undo who lives fci ChicSRO. Juil?e. Wm. S cents. A good cigar. - -adv, 21 Real Bargains USE 1925 Standard Six Studebakcr Duplex Touring $750.00 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan, run C00O miles $630.00 rj2(; Old.smobile Deluxe Coupe ..$675.00 1(J25 Hudson Coach, new Duco and reconditioned $700.00 1923 Buick Iloadster, now Duco . ' ' , , " ' ' Compare These Prices With Portland Newspapers Letters From the People . IIIMMI VUM IIIN. To the Kdltor: Thanks tor tlm 1st of names from lire police do.kct. Tliat'a good, hut It don't no tar iiouah. I.el'a act tlm re sults us Eireii In the Judaea uoohs. nut uiiont t'10 1111- Jknowns? Who are they?, tare they unknown? Why j And theu. let's have the ae 'counts in the Justice court. Theiv'a more of them there. And then, w h. n a nianlrlvea while drunk and wrecks his cur. or'somctl.iiiK like that, why dou'l . they tak nway his lliense. I; I -out in "i-t I. w was u-cmit to he culorced so as to protect the ' public. , ' I If ou will pnhllsb this In our! people's forum column is t lo j titese v.oiators will heriti to t-re that somebody Is waking up, and the citizens waul to proloet them selves from drunks and drunk '!l drivers Just as much as from In- Sfantlle paralysis. Do we have a Toiupemnce Society in this Iowa? I shall look for my letter every day. Maybe son d.iy 1 will see It. Your Good Friend, mid a limit! time reader of The Herald. ) I Edltcr's note The word "un-J known" is beiiiK used qulto fre-' qucntly in official records. Vre- J sumatily this is done wucn'offl-1 iils cannot learn correct uamcs ) uf those charited. !- At the Front With American Legion (Continued from paRe i) ! ner. and had to keep step onlv with himself. Florida's band was dressed ,ln yellow. Many other deleRutlous had fancy uniforms Oklahoma In dians in feather; Penusylvanians with red rashes; Ohloans In blus nnd Bold rapes: Illinois with Its crack drill tc?m dressed as Zou aves; Kdwin Hasey post of East M.ii!:pton X. V., h hy . Ford painted blue, ra'rryinc on its hiHul a paintinc of the Inimo there of John Howard Payni-, ! who wrote Home Sweet Home Kansaiia with immense flower.i. 2 an n . l AM, fOVFT IT WoliKKKS .MIST HAVr; IT Cood health! Men and wo men workers mnst pisssc It to Im acceptable, aatisfas lory, suc cessful. Kidney ailm.ants and re ulliim ills are serious dioord ir. causing loan of health and ehich nr,y,' laclt of ' 'hera;)rn and amMtii n,. rliijr f!eS(t;(i tje; 'tired lectins, nervous depression. FO LEV PILLS, a diurettc sdmijlant for -the kidneys, are a reliable, valuable, effective medicine. Men and women everywhere use and recummend them. John Cordon. Hanville, Illinois, says. "FOI.KY PILLS dlnrellc made It posnthle for tno to work steadily, to sleep belter, to become strunyer." Win. PiMin S cents. A good cisar. adv. 21 in DGARS unham Auto Co. Sixth and Oak Street Harvest Tour is ' Hailed a Success il'iuiilnucd fiAMti pai;e 1) luuwlna neiirer Merrill, the caravan stopped on the K. M. I ll.iiuuioitd ranch to see some of 'the rinest sheep In the entire county. Hera they looked over ' the fine flocks of purcbroda. wall bed fut l imbs at play aud were K I veil another cllntpso ut Klamath's fertile pasluruae. Vlr I.iiiii Iksiii, From here the purly journeyed on Into Mulln for the opening cltumher forum luncheiin ot tlin full and winter season. . Iliuce 11. n ii is presided as rhulrnian of ' the luncheon, through, his chutr maushlp ot the ai;rlcultural com-! in a i co which arruti,ud the har-i vest tour. A. M. t'olller carried Klainatli Falls' isrovlliia In the nssembled i business men and t.irm folk from alone the route taken by the caravan, while l A. Henderson, ! county agent, unve i nt crest 1 11 g ' GLASSES Yn Fvantincil. FmcJ jtul ilw Ctlct (triuiKt in u in lcuny rf tail "r Broken Lenses Replaced DR. COBLE'S 1 JC9 MAIN STRUT Fords 1927 Type Coupe .... $193 1927 Tyjie Coupe 430 1926 Type Sedan 475 1921 Type Roadster.. 250; Chevrolcts 1925 Delivery Panel $273 1923 Delivery Expr 275 Dodges 1921 Tourinjr $075 192 I Touring 430 1927 Tourinz Sport.. C95 '1925 Coupe 050 Graham 1926 ranel 1-Ton $973 1926 Stake l i-Ton 1.000 TKK.MS nnd TltAUK All t'ars (unraiilceU OSTENDOKF MOTOR CO. "1.1 KUiniaila .lie. Phone lira f.o ts on K h mat U am i ulture. A 11 u m lc r ut prominent furuieis were also oil the pioniam I IKK itl STItOXS II IM II till.VXTrt PASS. Sept. 31. - The Mead ram h on upper Jpues creek was lokally ib'strnyed lu a finest fire which swept over 50 nctoa there, yesletday ufternoon. Kvery bulldlnit, all fences and crops and an nut unoblle were burned. Thf lire also took many aires of timber. It was rotitiol led lute last nlcht. Just Phone 408 ftr Ht U I lit linn ( linti nil uur t'ltdhtu Imik liku itrw rm lull. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works ; , - 431 MAIN K' fJ2 US w fQ dave Office Phone IIM ,M. Ibai nidf Kea. Fhoue in.i Kiamaih talis PELICAN CAFE Inc. "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchant' Lunch 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. "50c William Bid:. 722 Main Used Cars for SALE . Ford Trucks llco Trucks All ether Used Curs. Overland Knight Garage 4th & Klam&lh 1L IIls fV,T . - i i I 1 1 i i I I 1 mm rr ill i,i r hum: "If yuur ellenl hadn't felonious iuteulloua bow i nines II that Ihu pollceuiun saw him hiding bo liliul a tree?" "Mocause the tree wasn't hi uiioukIi." Journal Amuseiiieut, Pails The first suncs-riil alriiluiio rilttht was iiui.lo at Kitty Hawk,' X. tv. Hi'C IT, IHU1. Wilbur ami Orvllle Wrlithl made four fllithta that day, the longost lust ing tV seconds. . - Road Oil Cleaning Our Hyslom la Kotnetlilna; New ami Ih'iier than lb Did Hand H)tcm far Wiulird Polished Motors ( leaued Kvpcrl irriulii Vacuum (leaned Kri Oauh t'aaa Horlc v lias ami till We call for nnd deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY i:pluiiailo near Hast .Mala Another Triumph! THE HOOD FLAT TREAD It grips the road, instead of touji 'ng it sivinz you more trutlitm lnrJ greater safety in driving ither in congested traffic, or on -.lippcry roads, or both. It's a sensibte tread for a tire that s a sensible buy .... Most ;nilcs per dollar that's the reason. Klamath Tire House Hamilton & Dies, Props. i Vulcanizing and Retreading 315 So. 6th Phone 472 iremC All 0 0 A-1 : .i A!''"C on Vriou Sot V)V J e ro Itv' . m W - V- 1., Act' CO? ' . ft vv r iv- vfn' A'tnC ... ft a-, ii., ..,rtl"' ,i'MIW" e .nA vct, ta- 0STEND0HF Phone .;! it Club Cafe the place of REAL SERVICE anJ EATS Ii "a U,ce . cooV v- To1 WUrrt 'w: AtV Qti ,s tc- ( ..,e tcc' efi" - IJelw-- VC AclVS" '.once uf ,..t'.vc cw01-'' pd. MOTOR CO. 01.1 Kliiiinitli Ave, f