WMlni'Hfl;iy, Sciit-m)cr 21, lf27. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FA EES, ORKfiON. NEWS IN BRIEF He Flies Trails She Helped Blaze f (lit lit Hi- light "llur" 0gi.lt llliil Elod M'liiit- liiik, liu fur twenty vl-lii )mr have been aaaucllltcd III liusllloaa l-;jujt'ii 'i'iif tu iiti- Mr. W. T. I.i-.', Mla Mur Mur (in. M-1 1 1 1 ' o( llm Long Hull l.utiihur I'limifHiir Hi lougirlow. Wualilngluii, and liukn Hclivfl.-lcr liB"l tT. dfi Mod MoiiiIiiv In Ji I ()f ihn l.akcalilu Lumber iniupaiir ' il.mu tin, l,ura un.l lulun rum nil hJod a irln lo Crater l.uk busing wtitrlo I.I I., limy J.mr- "" T T'""' ""' , 'urn uf Ih'Iiik llm lam guonu . "'ml '" I(,,.ir at it.,, luiljiu, which ,,m- cither Tuntiey nr Doiupaoy ; ,uy i ,.a,-d yevfnrilav uf'rrunou urn liu in plori li 1 1 honor In the ' "" " ' OKHII'II H'-rorn ',11.. Ptnk.r Ileturn.-il having I hoy utiiioiiii.-o.l Ihul tiny A, a,,,,,,.,, Vnvkur. prln Would not n 1I11 In tin. eaat ,.,.,, t Kr.,unnt .,h...,l r..- mimic. Inn they aui.ly .11.1 want t turned 1., .r huiiin In Orunla .'.' 1 t' to aco n rhaniplouahlp prlae Until li.'iu llui ring side, nud till they rie gulng to ilu. Hot Item la 'Hun l';ia ihi morning uimi learning M'lllllll Mould mil lake tip for mint her wick u I ! . H!.o u uci-niiipiiuli-il by MIhn K. Hiewart of I mi 11 1... r and I mi .1 liar, who will f..l. V !?;. J." ? . m. c . - ! f Klamath County Workman '4 .'. ! ' Work In Golden Rule Work Gothing Stonewall Overalls (joldcn Rule Kpcciul in a very nerviceuble' over all. Made of 220-denim, triplu-Ktitchi-d, reinforc ed, full xizc, larjfe potkctt and in either QQ high or low back. A super-value OIC Khaki Pants I Made of a stronjr, durable khukl material which mal-i4 thin pant real value at iiuch a remark., ably ' low price. Reinforced crotch, full size, heavy materials used in making pockets, and an all-around work pantu for d1 QC only m) 1 TIilI' llm o'r I'oil mailer j ri'tiiuln ln,r lnniw ui.l until Julni A Mel'ttll r.. a M.-ral.l r- HMMilay. Iiirl.'r ln ak.Ml why lln lino' ... - ( wo'l at llm wliuluw, Kl:.r. ' K. r. I1.11 Cjir II. I.l. i.l 1 11 1 liMl.iy Mini iluu ami ayuhl Kiillnwlim In a Hit nr llii- lor 011 or lielurn Hrlambir 8. Ihmv ten inr rKltw.il at tint rham- Imvlnx lnii'a ari k.-cl In luku Imt iC roihmnr.B 1111 Tuiluy: ' Vitik IIuIi.tI. n Km pro. N. I.. whu fll.M nn-r ihn l:nll IiIh Krand Ihla ' urnll' not tu allow 1 1.. I'. Hl.i.roill, l Krnnt'ln, !. muih.-r iilonreri-il l.iiir u . i nluiy uxo. In nd-rnl In t li- Nulloi.nl Ihnlr ilura In l..'oMilii i..n- H AuiliTHiin, (iliiiiinilii IlKltn. Jot-! Air IH-rhy fn III NVw Viwk In 8u; kaiii.. Holn-rin ami l.la urand ,,U1,,U lliiauina Wtn H 1 Itlew lliul- ninthi-r, wlm wna tltc flrl whliu wmnun lo inme lo KaiKo, are ple- olt.h Kiank.' John Itul.'. I..n n,"1V,' When Until lialr la uri.wln IMIeh. Slarlon K. Italc h. Kraiik Work Hat. Just another example of the values always found at the ' Golden Rule. This lot is a pick up by Mr. Vannice while in New York. Made of a very hiifh grade felt. 'All sizes and colors durkvr ha a (inldi .i (Hint) N. rarrblne, all of Callfurnla. 1 ahamiHM). ltmbneaa iHiup.ura In 'h. Towlrr. I.lallo, unit unn ahauipbalnti! Al driiK or lul-IKrrit Kw.iril of Tiu irt (noda ruttulara or ul your I 1 - UalrtlreaMia. Ailv. I Mulr Ten.hfrt Mm-lln .M.'lnl.nm of the Mualr lachnr 1lmb- t'Vtnn l.rf ImiiiI tmrti l.lfm.l- .Mr, ati.l Mr. y X. JnnliiK nf MtHlfurit. I. -ft I'r ilidr Imuir ll.la rni'rt.lTiK - ui . .iinjmnlrd by lirllo Ktrhar.Unji uf th valli.y A.,rlntlt.n will mrrt t Ihc lion,.. ''rr """I'K nqu.-t 111 IbK tti:lltltv.t UlKtu pedua f- fli'.'.a lal w.-nlna at III lluti-l Wlllunl W. 1. Tlmby cf Kalrbanka-' lr, (iron. Melntyra on Mnrui la In thn ell y today lll- jThuraday prnilliK al alsbt o'clock, . n m v II It nffli-lHltf .if Ijirnm ml Mr. ('. A. Iloniloraiin will bo In omimiiy. Mr. Tluiby li.uk. l,l rhantr of th prorram whl.h l ' homo In furil.nd. " "f ho ara.n. The U"".. II.Cur,,rJ ll.,w- . iMrlnlyro homo-la Imatod on l.ln-' H',or J I plun roiorn.-1 'coin Iw-lweon Kourth anil KUth. " morning. 101- loo Inn brli-f hualn.-K vlH hrrn. KnJi-l Trip ' w'"' fr'enila Srnalnr t'pton at- On toiirlnit i...n.t eltlwi Mr.. ""' " hn.u..l at tho hotvl Juno un.l Min. llyron. uf Kali 'Hlurd cn Tudny ovrnln. for: jl.nko Clly. Ini ludoil Klumatli I P-are officer nf aoutbern Afirr Tonr- . of Clinic of tbo. Kaat Dr. I.. I). iiaaii, ry. our. noa and throat apoelallal la axaln In bla offlu In lb I. O. O. K. IIUlK. 13-20 In HfliiKiml for Tlnii - Mr. and Mr, (ieurgo M. i of tbo Moll Jowrlry rtors aro In ttr.lmiinil. ()r.. for an Indeflnlto lln.d, whor Mr. Moti baa nM-u-oU a Jowolry abop. New llon-l pi-iiliiii At Morrill, Wednesday. Kopl. 21. Alan dlnlns room In rou p.Hlloii. Will a.-no trjnalonta and rr.ular boar.b ra. I-St Mr. H.lmllo.k lli. Mra. Krod Hohalloek plana In I.bo thla eronlni for Kan Fran rlaco to en)iiy -tbo npora aeaanu In tho bay etty. .Sol In- , NeliihlHira of Woodrraft. thnro will Ih no lodKo Wodnoaday lilabl nil a.Toiil.t of quarantine rcKulaltolin. 19-3t KolU and vlaltod wlih Mra. Hleck Orcson of turnout avouua, alator nl 1 Mra. Joniai. While here Mr. and K.-lurno.l .rnla ln Mra. Hlrak and Ibolr itiieata wll.t William llayea. ahorlff ol Mlaa Vora Imnolann enjnyod a Ctanla I'ara roturnrd bomo (hl j trip 10 Crater l.ako. K ornlnn afl.-r aitt niHiiit the q.uir- - .1.7 Hii-.'i.iia nnu u.iil.t-r if. .M- To MnH TI.ui-mIo aouth.-m Or.iton aberlffa and Tbo ludli-a of tbo Klrat Moth-! P lit fd era oaaorlutl JO which o.llat Aid anrluty will invot on met here la.it evenlns. Thursday aftornoon at llio home of Mra. I.. K. I'hvlpa at li7 Aimtln'r ;irl Auhiirn att-ret. Tbo meotlnk hai j Troyuro IHrklnaon nf the local boon callod for :lo at which poat office paaaod the cluarj and tlma annual eh-etlou of offlcera candy to tho employ.-ea thla will take place.. ' mornlns. all bcrauae the atork -. lift a iiul.y nlrl at the family t unorul Hold Today home late . yonlerdnr. The new Kuni-ral aervleoa for the late j da.inht.-r bua boen named Eathor Klorenre May Nelson war con-.; Norlno. . dueiod from llri I'erl mortuary at'-" . .Vfoihrord Ibla afternoon with lloy. 1 ,efi for Nnrtli '' K. I'. Ijiwornre paxtor of Ihe" Mr.und Mra. Ilnwanl Motcnlf Klrat Prabyterln rhurch offl-inoe Jean I'orry left late yerti-r-clallnK. Intoriuent wna made In duy afternoon for 1'orlland and September is the Month People Cet Settled for the Winter Vacntlnna are ocer. 1'eupto uro icettlnie down to bualneaa. They are ul w thlukln about a xoud. warm, romfortalle uliuo to live. In looklnx for. location they take the eaaleaf and fiuiikeat innthod. which Is llio rental coliimna nfThe Her-, alii. The llenild Is dollvered to OKI of the honiia In Klanw ih Kulla, eonaeiui-ntly your' id U rr-a-J by the Rreateat num-h.-r ul peot.lo Ititoreated In what the want nil a hare to offer. Whon iilnriiiic Herald want Rrta aiV for tbe Fiiectal C-day rati-. $2.95 CAMP BLANKETS A heavy wool blanket suitable, for home and camp. In pray only. Double and full size. This particular blanket has met very highly with deer hunters and we offer it' to you for this pur- . pose $6.85 Wool Shirts Good weight. Many very pleas ing colors and patterns to choose from. The' collar is very well made and' will have the fit of a dress shirt $3.50 Boys' and Men's 'Caps The newest patterns and materials from a large cap manufactur er. New shipment ar ' rived yesterday, so you are sure of the, color and size desired ' $1.00 upwards Men's Blaiers Extra weight Warranted all wool, knit bottom,, fr.'l size col lar, button-doWn front and in many colorful patterns $5.00 Part Wool Underwear Natural color, part wool, long 1 legs an'd sleeves, reinforced sleeves and a very good weight for late Fall wear $1.75 Garment Canvas Gloves Fair quality, but & value at this price , 3 pair 25c Work Shoes A big seller' with' us. - Full leather upper, moc assin toe. composition sole, both sewed and. nailed. Blucher style and a real serviceable shoe for only 7! ' Work Sox Men! iet yours now. In black, natural and brown 5 pair $1.00 Hon from Ml. Il.one Mr. and Mra... Harry MM. I.. II of Ml. Dome, ('allloruia. are on- JoylnK brief lli hero wltb ' funeral home, Irlenda. Mr. Mitchell la n proud the Medford city cemetery. Ar-, other northern polntj. whure I hey rausomenta were under the aup. . will upend tholr honeymoon errialon of Ihn Karl Whitlock Their marrlaKe in a social evenl of Tuclday. WORK STARTIMG J ilCMl r w i iri ri -jrv -n-- . a. Work on tho Great Northern hr'Htf, irPiH. I k ., L 9 , i ii i.nrl. ed thla morhlnn wltb a amali , i crew of men lllilne nut material '.' . propnratnry to driving, pillnpr. for j i the new atructure which Ik to Klve (1. V traina nccesa to ler r n.liial fKeliltiea on the west ".fde"f ,.f l..l. v y 1 I Kn-d A. rrichtnti. atiperlntend ent of i-onaiructinn for lluuacr nrotbera (.'unatructlon company At the fioteh which hol.Ia contract for building! ....,. . ...... .. !,h. ,,i.ie v,.i w.,1.1. ..: AIICADK A. W. (Olson. Den- now . I , . , , ,. vor: D. J. rrlce. Portland; Geo. I also encHKed In building the O. ' ' , " ... l. l(oa-u. saoioiruiu. ( - Sawyer. Oakland: II. A. Uo) son nnnt entllcman of ll.u aoutlmrn . "ltv Tmnafer aectluu. tundlilon Iniproroa The condition ol1 lllltun II iinll tun, aon of Mr. Ida .Hamilton, la reported aa Tory much Im proved thla morning. Young Hamilton la recuporalliix from aorloua Injury to hla arm which be auffered'aovornl weeks ago. klunmlli Flower Shop Knr flowers. Klnral dealgna, quality with service,. S34 Main treel. I'huno CIV. Adv.' I Knjoyetl Trip Tinlay Him all kind of rratlua. Sth ' Mr. anil Mra. Hen I. ear. Sr.. nnd Klaninth. l'houe 33 ltdv. j ,Mr. and Mr. K. 1). Trulovo nnil :o-Jt i Ik-lmnr lloedur of tho Col.lin I Rule enjoyed tbe HarveM Tour l-ft for 'lliicr :trlp Into the aoittbern part of Mis tinare Aah. Uauchter of I tho county today. Mr. and Mra. A. D. Aah left thla ! . morning for Rugene lo resume ' Mm, ' llurri-i b.ltliut h.r atudy at thn I'nlvoralty. Mlaa Mr, u.nl Harrla of l.i-wlhton. Ah la a normal art atudent and la iH.KlnnlnK tr senior . year at the V. of O. I l-fl On Trl Mr. and Mm. W. 1. Cofer and daughter. Mian Gertrude, hare left for a two week' motor lour through tho north. All who have completed their atudlcs with ua have levurej po sition. KLAMATH DL'SINKHS COU.KOHj 8S-01 lorali-d at Qulnr)' Krlonda of Mlaa Allen Hansen 1 will he' Inlureated to learn nhu la located In (Juliiry, California, where alio bits opened a beauty abup. Idaho. Is vialtlng In tho city for n few day with relative and friend... Mrs. Harris n a gueat ut Ihn hotel Wlllard. Hon fimmillv ftno Kor your hunting equipment ' uuiiMtion Vonpoiiril and ahella. Adv. Jo.Ji The Itoyal Neighbor eonvun- . , j lion w nicn wan piauneu lor uc- Wm. Ivnn ' tober In thia city baa boen poat- & cent. A' good cigar.--adv. II I poned Indefinitely, according to' . . ' announcement made today. .Moved Into New Hume t Mr. and Mra. Claude Houghton Ki-oni Miilhi have mnred Into their new hotmi . W. Mucken of Mnlln h ul 11 i9 Creacent avenue, where tvgiatered t the hotel Hall to they will 'spend the winter day while tu the city on buat momha. Mr. and Mr. Houghton ' neaa. havo lived at Kirk during tht f nmmer month. j Nov.- I pmh- Shop I Hoom 1. Melhaae Hldg.. nppo- Anielher Now Slilpiiienl silo court hntiae. Kali cout and N. cxu-nalon from Hend to Che inault. arrived in this city yester day to atari the bridge work.- He was unable to state today Just when the rtructure will be com pleted. Several carloads of material is now on location along the lake shore, and wltb test piling si ren! y driven by the Sawmill En gineering ft Construction com pany some tirao ago. the work ia Kchpduled to proceed rapidly. Crii hlon slated. Clerk Harding, resident G. N. engineer. Is In charge of engi neering detail on tho bridge. Criihlon today declared that local labor will bo largely used on the bridge and that crews will be materially increased once the work Is well underway. , h ' Today Is Opening of Autumn Season BJther: Keep your eye on V OtTOy V-TOnCl .,wopnc'BothM "nd B,,re r Matton Pleased Hoy: Vesslr nnd Tf yon don t come back can'' t have tbe clothe instead of the money? Show? Melford: H. A. Howler. Medford; C. A. Maddock. Ashland: A. B. Snyder. Dorrls: J. E. Main. Eu-: v ' pnrdue after ,i,fs dite .lSept. gene; T. H. Ulpley. Salem: rl. n. j IT. 19J7),-. r . . . I' r Unbar ! I oncr:. f I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by Mr. It New t'patnlr Htinp Room ?, New Melhane Hldg., 32S Muln. Kail cont and drsnsos. Vury cheap. It-SO. At The I'elu Home ' Jack Clanirorte or Portland, who pinna to ro.mmo hla studies nt O. A. C. till full la tho housi) guest of Mr. and Mra. H. E. Pelt while In Ihe etty for few diij-s. . Von Could Attond Ihe KLAMATH IIUflN NrpSH (,'OX.I.RriB If you wish to become, stenographer. H8-01 Huts. "dresses, coats. Kee them ! dresses, very cheap now. Mode Hliop,82l! Main.- -Adv. 1D-21 From Illy Autumn, the third season of the year, and recognized by muny aa the most beautiful of the four seasons.' ninilo Its debut today. September 21. 21-211 It is with this season that the harvest nf crops is fulfilled and j II. I.. Hurry nnd wife, Medford; ;the wiln.ls take on their nutumnnl C. A. .Warren, Portland: Dr. and Leacb. Medford; C. C. Baker, Oakland: A. H. Adams, Port-) land: O. T. Wood. Portland: B.i A. Webb. Portland: A. H. Silver.' Medford; C. E. Earl. Eugene. WILLAKD L. G. T.'entworth.'; M. K. Spratt, Portland: F. It. Lamon. San Francisco; H. Kauff-' man.- Weed: 1).- E. Ketiey.' Saa Kranclw-o: K. E. Powell. Medford.' Mr. and Mrs. Hurt U DnvlH. Burt1 L. Dsvts. Palp Alto. Calif; H. W. , Hausteln. Sun -raucisco: F. H. ' Jones, Portland: H. U. Prentice. Medford: Ony A. Itogers, Medford;- A.. J. Graham. Seattle; F. P. Hoffman. Sacramento: Mr. and Mrs. F., H. Anthony. Mr. Sebben.1 Portland: A. A. Kell. Portlmd; D Dennehy, San KVancisco: Mr. and Mra. Hern. CaTf. l.os Gains. Calif: H. W. Moore. Medford! G. H. Russell, Berkeley: S. W. Stoomer.' K. K. Leas, W. M. Vangh. (iuy Condon. C. II. Gllles. C. II. Al berts. Itoseburg: P. M. I.lpson. Los Angeles; C. L. Hickman. Portland: W. . M .Hayes. Grants Pass; J. C. Wilson. Sacramento: V. PAKDl'E. S1S-S1-2S Wm. I'enn- t A. 8. Conner of Illy, well known stnekuvin lruiiKacte.1 huxi- f. cents. A guild cigar.--adv. $1 . ness In the city yesterday. lalrliiK From Port limit Mrs. Oust Killund of Portland visited In Klamath Falls over Tuesday with friend. Mrs. Kil lund stopped at the 'hotel Arcade. Xolb-e to Hnntcr Bring yonr trophies tu W. E. T)oy. Taxidermist. 12a! Adams Street. , l-22 Your OpiHirtiinlty ' Do you wish to rlnt Fort Kluiitiith , Mrs. L. C. Slsemore and Mrs. become a J turns Pelton of Fort Kit. math, bookkeeper? KLAMATH BUS1- shopped nnd visited friends In NEKS COLLEGE. KS-Ol.tho city yesterday. Planning lliialneaa Trl W. rk Pnlmer of tho Klsmalh Furniture compnnv plans to leave, tomorrow fjr Median! un.l other valley points where he will spend several day on business. j i Win. IVnn Kutl-fmtloii , b cm, A good cigar, -'-adv llnslnuH training may be had j . , nt the KLAMATH HI'HIN'KHR Our Mneclnlfv . COLLKtlK. 8S-01 Pi-Hllier In I'll j Harry Prat her transacted bust-nt-sa In tho etly today from his hntue nt Konn, . W ni.'Penu , Hilbi tor' l'lnwn . R cents. A good cigar adv. 21 and floral designs. Phone 1118. ' Adv. Vlalt Inn From Monlniin 1 - - Mr. L. Houghton, mother rtf For Insurance Mr. Clnuda Honghton. has iirlv- 8C0 Jns. H. Drlscoll. Williams od here from Monlana for a visit j Hlilg. Adv. with her son nnd dnughler-lu-: law. f Your rhiincc Hosiery, nnd glnumers, SI. 00. '. Mode Shope, Sll) Main St. 21 III. ' - Win.. I'enn f cents. A 'good Igar. ;nlv. 21 Clly ' Ptsnn and trunk moving, Transfer Co., Sth find ' Klamath. Phone 4 3:i. Adv. 2U-2t Win. I'enn fi cents. A good clgiir. - adv. 21 Ishnulil gel off.--Tele Mete. ! .U ST 'AS W F.I.I, OFF lleryl: Should a man propose to n girl on his knees? Barbara: Either that or she lp evidence. ' Cms, Calif: D. B. Cotton. Port-. Astronomically, autumn begins !'m: '- - Shirley. Medford:) In the northern temperate lone at A- Street, Portland: F. K. the nutumnal equinox, abotil Sep- Taylor and wife. Gordon S. WelUJ letnbor 2 nnd ends at the win-.'""1 Kngene: J. A. Miner., ter solstice, around December 21. ('allt; n- Klamath , Agency; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Low. Oakland: L. S. Newton.. Yreka: I). It. Junes. Yrek: J. ! rinclsco: Mr. . ook. lwhomlsh. With the arrival of a l.bviw"h: M,ln Tttmhell. Kugene: ilaugh.er at the home or Mr. mil ltB",h inning , and , wife. Mrs. Trevore Dickinson this ! Medford; Belle Rleharason. Med mornlng. the population of Ihe ' 'orcl- C. W . Owens Albany; R !..d post office has been In- M. Wugglner. Portland: creased three within the past three weeks, - ALL WET Just a week ago) Vernon Fran- ' Shu: I saw you In your new AT PINE TREE T t 1 G If T Is lhrluMt .iippcamnco of m wry good bill of Vaudeville and on the screen ; "Silken Shackles"; sto.-rlnu 1RKXK ItlCII, with a! very i:n-ong siipiMirtilij; cast Officer or Aloha chapter of Passing ('the Eastern Star were hlgfrly -- j complimented by Mrs. Margaret ! Barnes. Worthy Grand Matron lor The mate of Oregon who Monday evening paid her official visit. The officers exemplified the work in a most capable manner and at the ecnclnsion special praise waa given H. , E. Momyer. patron, by the, state officer. Mrs. Barnes. - With the close of the lodge session "Aloha chapter" presented Mrs. Barnes with - a beautiful scene of Klamath county. Mrs. COMING .TOMORROW i ""Special Delivery" Mollie Beldlng presented the pic ture In behalf of the chapter.!. Mrs. George Sabln, grand or ganist was presented a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums, la a fitting manner. Mra. Wilbur Jones presented tbe flowers which . were from the chapter. Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Sublu left this morning for their homes in Grants Pass. ' The most Illiterate country In the world Is Natal, Africa, whwr 94.8 per cent of tbe natives cau neither read nor write. Egypt, and Guatemala have 92.7- per cent Illiteracy. , Wm. 5 cents. A good cigar.-1 adv. tl DANGE TONIGHT 1 I The Best Time of Your Life Just Drop in and ' Dance a' Few Your Friends v. Will Be There- -. . -i .. i..., i . , .... , . Hal Blackburn and His Band WINTER GARDEN 1 1 Local Postal Crew Increased by Birth K- iraniciin sau rn J and Mrs. G. H. Cook els uf the local office passed the inlncout yesterday. cigars and candy upon the arrival set you back? What did it of a htihy boy lit the Francis home. Two weeks sgo a daugh ter was burn to Mr. and Mrs. Verne McCleflan. Mr. McClellan is also employed at the local nfftce. I t'sndy anil cliiurs were much In He: Twelve dollars! She: My! "You got a bargain, did you not? He: Nol got soaked! Life.- VATKI TO CELEBRATE "Could you. kind lady. ..pure a evidence at Ihe local office this piece of eake lo a poor man who morning. hasn't had . bit tor two days? "Hsther Norlno" Is the name "Cake!- Surely bread would be which Mr. nnd Mrs. Dickinson , mbre suitable?" have chosen for the new tlnngh- , "Yes nsttally. lady. But to- ler. ' ,imy Is my birthday." Tit-BIl. j AT ; THE LIBERTY ! Dainty Shirley Mason . in "Sweet Rosie O'Grady" Tlir romance of n Il:7 H'lmlif Hlii on tho Hldownlkn of Xiw York. AND TOMORROW. "More Pay, Less Work" Any Seat. Any Time, 20c IL DOLLAR DAY Papains Saturday, Sept. 24th. m Truth in Advertising m7