I Tags Seven Tuesday, September 20, 1027. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. plage: market 9 LOST. AND FOUND LOST.- 1 brown le..ih,r'n) I.KAHK. Groom fur, ed po.k hook uu A-hland hlNh- luu. garager .1. G-room l"'"" FOR SALE FOR HAI.K Hewing uiai bine, I wo ladle' coata. mhrr I'liiih IliX III Onh. Aft, IU. 17 24 FOR HAI.K 1000 hwul raw frniii yxarllma up, . Kritiik Wur.l. 837 Main. 1 4-30 FOR HALK Various art Idea nf rurnllurn anil household gonda. Ksay Icr ma. r. L. Weaver. . Phone 90. u-It r'OII HAI.K llcujlngton aulo malic ahntgun. Hood conill lion. Phtme ft-J. 1 u-nt Kdlt HAI.K ) of Hi hot hotels In Hnd. for particulars write U. D. Miirlla, llend. Ore. FOR HAI.K T.nl. floor end walla. 17. BO; Universal range, , 830.00; bed. 11.80; ramp tor, new, H ,u; HI J fir. tiw lu ft. long, aultabla for garage floor or driveway, 11 IM.r M. tua Market HI, 19-31 FOR RENT roll HKNT llouae. Phone iUt. 13.20 FOR RICNT -4-room houan, 230 iiarruw. I'hnno HI a. 17-23 JIOO.MH 929 Lincoln. 6II7-W. Phone 82-02 FOR KENT ment. HI. Oak HI. Kurnlahnd apart. rratirla Apt. 2 KOIt IIKNT three-room furnish rd house, across from Mill arhool. I'hona 64&-R. 120. 17-20 'OK IIKNT Ona four-room mod ern furnlahad bouan, Inqulra 3U& . I.lnrnlo. Mra. l)aniirt. 17-24 KOIt KKNT rurnlahvd 2-room hoitaiv. 112.60 moaib. 423 . J'luiu. I'bouo (44-J. . HlO-Olo roil IIKNT Two 2 -room com plctalr furnlabnd apla. On Iralljr loratrd. One block from Main. $2J.O0 month. I'bonv 111. 14-2V ruil IIKNT Completely furolah ed apt. 8laam healed. Hex Arma, 124 Ilroad HI. Phona 111. A26-HJS roil IIKNT e-rooui liutiav uu lake, front In liuoua Vlala. Ad dition. Hath, full baaetuent. garage, lawn, Ireea. and . acre, of garden anil. Paved etrefl In town. Ilent 125.00 iwr month, (all 7&-W or wrltv I. O. Hos 361 City. Iif FOn RENT We can mt yon big mosey at the Arcade Hotel Aparttnenta, furnlahed com. pWtely, electrlo rangea, linen, dlahea and telephone. Or rveaii Willi private baths at real eat rata to permanent ueet. Arcade. MJ-J9 For Sale Real. Estate roil HAI.K Two high lota on ' Kaat Main, near achonl .lluy from owner and aave rommla alon. Adtlreaa Mary Hutch Ing. Calplnu. Calif. 14-20 roil HALK Hmall itore. central ly lorated. (Jood bualneaa op portunity. Owner 'orred to aell account poor health. Kor particulars wrllo lox K care . Herald. 17-19 ron EXCHANGE If yon want to nichange your property for something that suits yon better, remember the other tallow ha luat what you want and la looking for what you have. Bee me today. Otflco open eve ning by appointment. I have good propositions ell, over the Northweat. . B. A. OI.DB . 121 flouth 7th fit. rbones Office 909, lies, 149DW . , ' t 8-22 FrecUes and His; Friends VNCU,60OVJfeaArOD sUfe'SREEMtU,VJlNSO i. fcfajs FHbCkOfcS' i otr J wen UBS F0O60T ALU A&'S A0OOT MAvilM TO ABootscaoou 60 BACH TO --eiwr. -V-STARTlM-MOW! rV.WAl7'LL VME FOR. RENT. t ri Iv fiirnlahad hnuao. uriiii 017 Lincoln. ,2M-t 192" GRAHAM i TON TIllTK Till truck ux-il In Klnmalu KulU nil the time, lino 13.. uuti miles. Hlake body, good cub. Hu lnrh whaelbuse. OMTKNIKHir MOTOR CO. 015 KluMmlli Ave. I'hunu 273 roll HAI.K II Fist Tenor Hx, Hum her model, used very I It -IU. flisl run oiiU II Ion. Call 271 between 6-4 p. ra. 1S JH roll IIKNT 4-rooro taodrru du ple! apt. Nice plar to llva. 160.00 (mt mouth. Writ Hit. aid. Hot 2.13. ! For Sale Automobile ' roil HAI.K-Kord l ion truck. Good condition. Rood rubber; Wallor gear. Cheap fur cash.. 2904 Orchard Ave. ... . 14-SO RABBITS roil HA LB doing at once. 2I9 choir . pedigreed does. Price 12.60 to $7.50". Hllver Chin fur Karfti. one in I Id aouth of Talent, Or. 17-84 MISCELLANEOUS ,)KEU v.NTEil8 ATTENTION t.ri IU pal 7UU IBIU wiup wharo Ihrrs aro deer and do other hunters. Heal deer coon try. N. II. Wampl.-r, Rocky rolnl. Or. H8-08 PIANO Tl'NINO Will be In Klamath rails sgaln about Heplember 15. W. II. Mor- . gao. Karl Shepherd Co. 29-10 WINDOW CLEANING . Moor waxing, hou cleaning and Janitor service. Iteferem-es. A. M. Ilboads. Phone 1060-W. 107-Zt-tf CONTIIACTOIIH Slid t.Lu.lmns Psny haa dinl ruble building Iota to lurn lu sa part pay mailt on butine ronatrucllon. Inquire rred D. rivtcher, It Imta lllds. l-20 WANTED WANTKI) Will buy Pino Tree DiWklns machine. Phone (12. i;-2o WANTKD To leneo 2,000 sheep on eharee. Keferencvs If re quired. Hog 455, Alturaa. Ca). . A20-820 WANTKD Hoom for womtfn and bosrd for 4 -year-old child. Phone 1099-11 before 1:30 a. m. 13-21 WANTKD llualneaa partner, either sei. 1300 Investment; earnlnga 1200 per month. If Interested address Ilox S21 Herald. . 15-23 WANTKD To hear from party Interested In ralxlng turkeys and poistoos on shares. Will furnlahed slock, new soil, some equipment, tilsto capital and espvrlence In letter or rail at the Adams Ranch, Merrill. ' ' 13-19 WANTKI) Wo pay highest cash, prices for ueed furniture and . Movch. Uu euro to seo ua be fore you sell.. Wa glvo you a liberal sllowance for your used furniture In eichsnge for new. You will- find our price very reasonable and credit service liberal. KLAMATH rURNlTURK CO. 1011 Main St. Phone 94 6I-OI FIRE INSURANCE We special1 In Irrigated farms and stock ranches. 18 years' eiporlenee In county, ' REED & REYNOLDS IOIMJ Muln Ht. Phono 1003 f T TELL Vol).". TAJ- SET FOM THAT MIAATALWM ABOUT ALL. F0C(3O7AU TKSVelELUTUJASSS We... DID AT BOBEJy AA VOU OLTT7WATM& BEEAKTA 70 60 RACetTO SCHOOL OM . V "lot., NEW TODAY WANTKI- Hmall air toiiiprraaor. Wyard NoVilly Hhop, 743 ( all. fornla Ave. 20-31 roit IIE.NT 3 -room ' furnlahed homo- with gurago. Phone 2H6-W. 20tf KOll ItBNT-S-room houan VIII Addition, 120. Call 927 Jet fer.on. riiuno 479-J. 20 KOll IIKNT Plesaa nt room for alngle mun. 524 Pino. Apt. I. 20' roll IIE.NT l-rooui . modern houan near Ml)la achool, 125. 3-rmim modern huuae toward Hhlpjilngtuo, gsrsge, 2S. Phoae 39SI-M. 2l INCOME nfSINEHS rnoi'EnTY 150 roOT ON SIXTH, 6T. ' iMrnovEii rAYINO MOUE THAN 10 'NET. 14000 CASH will Handle. WArtn a dale lleAltors 724 Main Ht. No Telephone Information. i0 Lowest Stage .Fares I-TUIM KI.A31ATH FALMI To AahLntid ..SI.0O To Mrdfonl .....v.i . S2.IW To Ran Frsarktro 11.00 To Pendleton 14.83 New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 for Sale "Dandy . new '6-room bungalow. Only $5,000 it" taken at once. nmmK a smith ncaltora" 7S7 Mala St. Those OO A Surprise! UU eiitew -w v wc- I 1 TU AT-I I MilC 1 ( A7A SOE6'S J I Oil - If? I BACOMS BUST MAS V, &L0 r x i v.. Y r .1 NEW TODAY roil ItKNT rirat claaa furnlah ed apartmenla. Hteum healed. McCarthy Apia.. 30 Pine. Phono 9U0. i 2Vti UJHT Jllack Pemlan pedigreed kitten, name l.ludy. Iteturn to Herald office or 113 Crea- . cent. Hoard. 20 WANTKI) Anyoue having eslrs rurtalna lo place for lik room, pleeae rail the Halvatlon Army, who can place them where they are badly needed. 20 LOST Velvet calf gentleman's purse, with nnino Zelva K. Par sons stamped In gold letters, containing $20 snd papers val uable to owner. If finder will msll or lesve si 4 35 Psclfic Terrsce keep the 120. No queatlnns ssked. 20-2t IltltlCATKD FARMH 130-acre farm Iwsted on main hlgbwsv, 7 njlb-s from . Klamath rails. In the heart of potato producing dlatrlct. 'Kxcellent soil free from al kali, nsturslly drained, run ning water the year round. The home Is surrounded by the most beautiful aliade trees, Iswn sad shrubbery In the valley. This farm la be ing offered at a much leas price than adjoining lends for a quick sale. Re sure snd see thl one. 29 acres, new Improvements, aplendld soil and located on fine highway, 1 M mile from shipping point. Only 12000. 140 acres In sagebrush, good water right. A snap at IIS per acre. We have plenty of other large or small tracta. HKLAK a TRACY 009 8. th 81. Phone 9fis, 20-21 Legal Notices 1 NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. ' I In the matter of the estate of I T. J. Gibson', decesaed. , Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed sdminUtra tor of the estate nt T. J. Ciihsnn, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the estate .with tha proper vouchers, within jars required, to present - them. an roomns irom ine ante oi ims notice, to mo at my law office in the Williams Building, 7: 1 LMaln Strvvt. Klamath Calls, Ore gon. WILLIAM C.ANONG. Administrator of the estate of T. J. Oibson, deceased. ' A23-30-H8-13-20 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS 8.1 1.K. In the Circuit Court of the State' of Oregon for Klamath County. C. V. Drake, operating under the name and style of Drake Lumber Company, plaintiff, vs. U. K. Ottlnger, defendant. fly virtue of an execution, judgment, order and order of sale Issued out of the above en titled court In tho above entitled cause, duly directed and dated tne.SSth day of August, 1927. upon a Judgment entered and rendered in said court on the 21st day of July, 1927. lu fnvor of plaintiff Burt against I.. R. Ott rigor, for the sum of One Hun dred Forty-Seven and 67-100 1147.(7) Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of six () per cent per annum from the 21t day of July. 1927. until paid.- and . the rurthor sun of 117.00 casts and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to sell the following described real property situated In Klamath County, Ore gon, to-wll: . Lot numbered Four (4) In Illock numbered One Hundred Nine (109). lluena Vista Addi tiou to the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. Now , therefore by virtue of said execution. Judgment, order and order of sale, snd in com pliance with the commands of snld writ. I will on the 6tli day of October, 1927, at the hour of Iwi o'clock A, M. at the north front door of the County Court VtXJMUSTA ) BaV ' X C6Bf?AINLy 1 A AD A LOT DID-L"iTAe TELL. )ciys&' OP FOn j SCO ABOUT IMS rEPaPEVOU VJUILBVOO CICCOS VWtS -ujric, VWAS AVMAV, VJEMT TO'.T K5 TWATVOO AAM6 y "TO oo Back .fef ; h lluuru In KIsmalh County, Ore-land KM!, sell nt nubile suction fnnn - eat bidder for csah In hand, all Ih. plalnlllf snd defendant; that ; X",,K' HIATI.BAL, NOTICK Ihe right, title snd Interval, the plulnlltf be swarded the care. frJ B. I'. O. KI.K8 within named defendant bad I", custody and keeping of Jane! Tf Meet Thuraday evening, and to the shove described real I Thome snd Bebe Thome, snd for: 1 Visiting members wel property on the 23rd day of May. In order requiring the said de-, ael corns. I 'J 2 7 , the dale of said sttach-1 fendsnt to psy the sum of 150. on i ELKg TEMPLE, 3rd and Main ment or since said date had in ! P" month for iho support snd and to ald real property or any maintenance of aald children, and OLIVER SPIKER. iU-llted Ruler part thereof, to satisfy ssld exe-''r cutlon. judgment order. Includ- Itiv iHlnrMi ...Mittf mil .i-ruliiv .. .". costs. IH RT V.. HAWKINS. Hherlff uS Klamath County. Oro. Ily luls C. M,ueller. Deputy. Dsted this 1st day of Septem ber. 1927. rirst publication September (. I!(27. Last publication October, 4. 1927.' " ;-13-20-27 BfMMONM. Kquitr 2420 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, (or the County of Klamath. 1 -ester E. Haling. Plaintiff, vs. Harriett. M. Haling. Defendant. To Harriett M. Baling, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you la the above entitled suit on or before Tuesday, the 20th day of Septem ber, 1927. and if you fall so to answer, lor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief prayed for in .'lie complaint, to-wtt: for. a divorce from you upon the ground of desertion for period of mere than one year last past and Im mediately prior to the comment e; ment of thl suit and for such other and further relief which to the court may seem Just sod equitable. This summons 1 served upon you by publication thereof once each, week for a period of four 1 4 1 successive na consecutive week (five Insertions), pursuant to order of the HonorableA. L. Leavitt. Judge of the above en titled Court made and entered on tb 22nd day of August. 1927. Date of the first publication' here of August 23rd. 1927, and date of the lent publication September 20th, 1927. D.'E. VAN VACTOR. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoftlce and Business Address 201-2 Wllllts nidg.. . Klamath Falhrr Klamath . County Oregon. V- . . A2J-S0-SS-13-2O NOTICK OF MEETING OF THK HOARD OK KOCAI.I.AT10X OF THK HORSEFLY IKHItiA TION IHSTRICT OF KLAM ATH COTNTY, OREGON., Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Horse fly Irrigation District of Klamath County. Oregon, will sit as a Board of Equalization, commenc ing on Tuesday. October 4th. 1927, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. of said day. and meeting in the office of said board at Bonanza, Oregon, to hear objec tion to and make correction of the assessment roll of said dis trict for the year 1927 as pro vided In the budget adopted Au gust Slat. 1927. Said budget and levy of assess; ment will be open for Inspection from this date to. and until the same Is reviewed and equalized at said meeting, and the board will continue to sit for this pun pose as long as it may be nec essary for such equalization and correction of said levy and assess ment. . WM. F. B. CHASE, Secretary, of the Board of Director of the Horsefly Irrigation District. . . S6-1J-20 - Kqe.it. r No. !42 .nomoxs. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for , Klamath County. . - Myrtle Jane Thorne. plaintiff, vs. Thomas F. Thorne. defendant. To: Thomas F. Thorne, de fendant. In the name ct tbe State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed -against you In the above entitled suit, on or before Tuesday the 11th day of October. 1937,- or for failure to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment and decree against you as follows: Plaintiff demands Judgment. ALL Afeoor SC AOOL- BtfyY 7WATVL decree of . this Honorable U:un diaanlvlnir tha bonda of such other snd further re- as tne I ouri oeems meet sou '.equitable. . .. . 16 - . h . , day of the lime prescribed in the Order for Publication of this Summons in which you may ap- Mar and answer said complaint. the first publication thereof be ing Tuesday. Sept. 131b. 1327. and the lost publication being Tueaday, October 11th. 19ZT. Tbla aummona la served by publication by order of the above: entitled Court for Klama'h Conn-' ty. Oregon, dated Kept, mn.i 1927. which order required mat, th aummona be pu)liahed ence a seek for four successive weeks.; I fife -insertions, in The fc.ve- nlng Herald, a daily newspaper printed, published and of general circulation In Klamath County, Oregon, the first publication be-, Ir.j Sept. 13th, 1927. W. H. A. PWVVEW ' . Attorney for plaintiff,-whos office and posioitice auu, wrf 'is American National Bank Bldg... Klamath rails. Ore., S13-20-27-O4-11 , XOTICB OF M K B T I X OF KQl AI.I.ATIO.V BOARD OF. THK 1'I.NK GROVE IRKIGA-! TIOX DISTRICT. Notice Is hereby given that the i Board of Director of the Pine Grove Irrigation District will, commencing Tuesday, the 4th day of October. 1927. at tbe of fice of the Board of Directors at the residence of A. R. Campbell within said District, sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of reviewinx and cor recting the assessment roll of said District for the year 1927 1928. A. R. CAMPBELL. Secretary Pine Grove Ir rigation District. 88-13-20 NOTICE OF MEETING OF , Kyl'AI.I7..tTIO. BOARD OK, MALI X IRRIGATION DIM TKICT. .! Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Malin Irrigstion District will, commenc ing Tuesday, the 4tfivday of Or.; tober. 1927, at tbe office of tbe Board of Directors at tbe resi dence of C. R. Beardsley witbin said District, sit as a Board, of Equalization for the purpose of reviewing and, correcting 'the assessment roll of said District for the year 1927-1928. M. M. STASTNX Secy. Malin Irrigation Dstrict. S6-13-20 NOTICE OF MEETING- OF EQUALIZATION" BOARD Of j Tnr: i.Mar.i.i, IR RIGATION DISTRICT. Notice Is hereby given that the Bonrd of Directors of the Langell Valley Irrigation District will. commencing Tuesday, the 4tbf dty of October. 1927, at the of fice of the Board of Directors In the District Building, Langell Valley. Oregon, sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment roll of said District for tho year 1927-1928. it. S. HOPKINS. Secretary Langell Valley Irrigation District. . - S6-13-20 NOTICK OF MEETING OF KVC.U.I.ATIOX BOARD OF -WILLOW VALLEY IRRIGA TION' DISTRICT. Notice Is hereby give'n that the Board of Directors of the Willow Valley Irrigation District, begin ning Tuesday, the fourth day of October, 1927, at the office of said Board at the residence of A. C. Duncan. In Langell Valley. Klamath County, State of Ore gon, alt as a Board of Equallza-j Hon forthe purpose of review-! ing ana correction inu ami-w ment Roll of said District tor tbe year 1927-1928. Dated this 6th day of Septem ber, 1927. A. C. DUNCAN. Secretary. , S8-13-20-27 By Blosser AOSST' SEE i. PopeoT BS SVNELL !! ' r 5 ? -- Li 9 i v r r ' r Klamath Falls F. D. MiAlILLAN, 4lecretary Fraternal Order of Eattlcs fOf. Meet Every Fri .WILL. day, 7:30 at Moose Hall. C. D. LONG, Secretary Aerie 2090. Phona S74 Labor Temple . .Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORXEYM C. C. BROWEB Attorney-at-Law Stat and Federal Court Abstracts "Examined 208 Wllllts Bldg. Phono 911 Real Estate Law a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 1 A ' 208 Williams Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Phone 1488 Day or Night ACTOMOBH-E , DEALERS Repair Work. Battery Service, Tim Nosh. Oakland, Pontiae. Packard R. R. R. GARAGU 831 Klamath Next to Postofflce Phono til Goodyear Tire . ,V Fireproof Storage ACTOMOBIXE TIRES Bring In your worn Una get OOOV mile mora at t -K usual cost . -- t T-7-ACB-intB SHOP .,' Guaranteed j'vulcanizing US So. 11th St Phone 841-J re-tread AUTO REPAIR Smithy's Repair Shop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Car called for and delivered South th St. Phono S03-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Service. Magneto, Starter and - Generator i - Repairing FIX) YD HEXRIOT CO. 114 Main SL Phone 397-W BEAUTY -PARLORS Expert Operators. Individual booths, violet ray, marcell ing, hair tinting BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP Glorenna Warren Winters Bldg. Phono 811 Water. French Paper Cnrl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING MATERUW9 SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Quality Building Material South th SL Phone 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixtures built. . 1401 Division SL Phono 1405 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and Kxpress Stand. 8th & Main. Phnne 921. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store. 832 Main. CHURCHES SACRED HEART CHURCH Eighth and High Sts., Rev. A. F. Looser, Rev. C. B. Feige. Sunday masses at 8:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-day., mass at 7 a. m, Morrill, 1st and 3rd 8undaya at 10:30. All are cordially welcome at our ser vices. CIVIL ENGINEERS J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street C.VC. KKLLEY Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 1078 Lodge Directory LOYAL Oltllf lt OF MOOMM Meet every Tears day, 7:11 L. O. O. M. ; Moos Hull, Klam ath Ave. GEO. OOLE, Die. KLAMATH I.OIHJK, NO. IT ! A. V. soil A. M. X Stated Communication ,.,, 2nd and 4th MonJays isyX Visiting Hrother . Welcome ' LOOMIH Blll.OINO Nhh.itikms or wooiHK.trc Meets first and third Werineadny each month In I. O. O. V. Illdg. Fannie M. Thompson, Clerk. ,' 418 N. 9th. 815-30 - - DENTISTS General Practice of Dentistry DR. PHILIP COLK tlS Main Over Moe's Store Phon 881 Open Evening by Appointment DR. E. G. WISL'CARVER Dentistry X-Ray Service Underwood Bldg.' Phon 84S . 7 1 Dr. J. J. Eminent, Medford. Ore. Practice limited to eye. ear. nose and throat. Phon 887 CHIROPRACTORS DR. GLEN MOORB " Palmer Graduate '- ' Chronic and Nervous Disease New Uelbase Block. 128 Mala Phone 1278 Opposite Court Hooae DR. C. XORVALL Graduate of Palmer and Pacific College Fonrteen year experience ' We remove the cause of ' ' disease''' ": -Bonanza. Ore. A18 E.MPLOY3IENT AGENCY KLAMATH EM PIX YMENT OFFICE 'ft Employment . for workera every trade mill, railway ana larm. . ,i James Ryan. Prop. Otfa and Mala- Phono 1ST GUNSMITHS -C- 'i Frames and Mirror Sale Reacw Mirrors and Furniture Gunsmith, Expert Key Maker Guarantee workmen. n' ISO So. 11th St. Phone 1441-J ', Sl-Ol LIVESTOCK Fresh cow on hand at all . time from one to. carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22F3;Rea. 418 E. Mochettaz, Jr. Texum Station ., ., , . MUSIC STUDIO 12 LESSONS 12 Learn to play popular music immediately. Many different styles of bases, fill-ins, etc. This course will enable yon to ' become a professional danca piano player. WATERMAN" FIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale's Piano Sale Room 222 South 7th SL ; ' OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD , I. O. O. F. TEMPLH ) Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence ' Phone 321 - TAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paint, Enam-lsv Brushes . ; F. H. OLDS ' . Across from Postofflc Phone 43 Everything' Paint Store - ' Keep ; Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead ening Felt, Glass, Roofing, Wall-Paper PATT1 RROX'S PAIXT fORa C28 So. 6th St. Phon 688-J . TIMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising, RocoruiaJa. anc and Appraisal H. 1L OGLE . 404 Main St. Phono 80CVW Working from M. L. Johnson' office EXCAVAT1XO BLASTING 8ewer and Cesspool Work Phone 42a Call at Sua R. Mala , . FRANK MARTIN I' 'sfSXWiyi Md U PAT 1 J