Pape Six THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. nREfintf. NLH.IIIKmH of H)IK lt IT Mwli 111 and 3rd Wednesdays each Bi on III In I. tl.'O. F. HIiIk. Fauule M. Thompson. ('Ink. 1 N. iith. Hli-JU Wlills In Crescent City . blop m VAX'S AITO CAMP Crabs, Clnra. Good Ocsan. Fishing. ' " RpecUl Weekly Rale AXXOl'NCEMENT Wa wish to announc that we have nothing to ri Willi the so-called "Stnslon Kludlo." 7S7 Wuln Street, owned and operated by May King. We are using our own name "R. R. Rtinson" !od located at 321 Slain Street, opposite Court Hour. The or mo high-class work hi atlll being done by u thai made the name "Stlnson" famous In Klamath Falls. Old customers and now custodier will find us at our new loca tion. PAPER HANGING PAIXIIXQ TIXI1XQ . SMITH BROS. $4.00 Per Room Cp Phone 400 MRS. WILLARD JOHNSON Accredited Teacher of Piano Harmony. Ear Training and Musical History. Studio 618 Prospect , . Phone 733-R lt-30 Finest Mineral Wafer In the Warld HOT KPRIXG8 KATATORIVM sow open from 7:00 A. M. to midnight Tab Bath Swimming lank Hot and Cold Shower For Private Parties Tbone ITirMV Bprltyj and Etplnnadg Startlnjr July tl Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally stages Between Klamath Fan and Lakerlew. .Leaving 8:30 morning; : Leaving g.-oo P. M. Leaves RECKARDU Aaro Staee orricw Phone 77 or 00 HTJRRT TAXI SERVICE Under New Management Phone (41 Prompt Service J10-JY1. HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Falls -7:10 A. M., 10:00 A. M.. 1 p. JJ 4:40 P. M., nuking roanec- oons 10 1'ortland and way points same clay. Connections at Ashland with Pickwick 8 time for California points. 7:30 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. Stages make direct thronsh connections to I'ortland 'and Seattle 10 A. M. and 4:40 P. M. Stages make direct con nection! to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Local Office eiS Mala Be Phone 000 J First Methodist Church Tenth and High Sta. FRANK L. WEMETT, Minister "We Specialise In Helpfulness" eunaay uernces: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. I Chiloouin Stares Leave Klamath Falls Oaily for Chlloqaln and Intermediate points as follows! 9:00 a. m. 13:10 noon 8:30 p. m. 7:00 d. m. . Taks 9 a, m. bus to conned for camps beyond Chlloquln. c. s. kikq. Owner KLAMATH WEED STAtX. ; WEED and Intermediate points. Lr. K. r. 7:30; Ar. Weed 1 Lt. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. T. 6:0t Stages Leaving Stage Terminal Depot ' 610 Mala Su ' DRINK RADIUM WATER , Has cured thousand. Why not yout Radium ore for sale by N. A. nitlGUH, (8pecla! Representative) Phone 86U-W J16-AU flEWS NOTES ! OF IEI1I 1 TENNANT. t'nltf.. vpt. 10. Mm. It. K Crockett. Mrs. S. C Pennwetl , and Harley Crockett motored to Grants Paa last fca-t-urdny to spend the week-end v illi rctntlves and friends. Dr. and Mrs. James Mct'onnell HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOPPE Offering for Your Approval SPECIAL Breakfast .....50c Luncheon '.. 50c Dinner ....Soc These nt Counter Only Only the Best Served COAL Summer prices on Coal will only last a few days longer. You must place your orders if you want cheap coal. Order your wood a little ahead as there will likely be some delay. We aim ) to please you. Peyton & Co. "Wood to Burn" 601 Main Phone 535 money . CAN T BUY STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF Mom 'n Pop K AND M.7S.TV t C ? C THewvuscuoiNfi v;iTm tic.'fbo f returned the tirsl of Ihe iM-k. vine: enjoyed a week visit al iSai ruuiento. California. .Mm. c. l. Kter and ihildicu ot K l.i in u ih Fulls. Oregon, are !t lilting at the home of Mra. Fos 1 ler'a pu-ents. ilr. and Ml. C. JV. Murphy. W. I.. Undue. Mjio In J In ; leave uur camp some month ' sgo uu account of 111 health, ban 'returned and resumed his aork Mr. Bridge it very much Im proved. j Mr. und Mi-j. A. V. ;iind three small children left Saturday by auto for AxhUnn. where the) will etijny the gou water aud wonderful scenery of whicii thnt town is fatuous. ' Robert Murphy, not of Mr nnii Mrs. C. W. .Murphy, who ha spent his summer vacation work- j lug in the woods, left Thursday i 1. 1 rnunir hi dutte al O. A. C. j Corvallls. Oregon. Mm K. I. McDonald enter-, t .lncd the Tehnnnt l.sily Elk "'ji. x I O-0OTB y Office Phone IMS tlelhase Bldg Res. Phone 1143 KUmath Falls Club. Cafe . - the place of - REAL SERVICE and EATS The New ZeroliJnc, a great newjil, is now ready fur you to use. It provides ua.urpjs-d lubrication fully meeting the demands of modern, hii;h-prVd engines, and every emcrcmcjr created by today's complex traffic con ditions. It gives a new protection for your engine. It assures bener service, greater safety, fewer repairs. It is the product of 49 years of Standard Oil refining experience. For salt: at all Standard Oil Service Stations and dealers. There's a correct grade of The New Zcrolcne for your car and every car made. X. KmOw it - BUT L5'e IT TO I A WOMrWi Tb HOUO OP TrfCS v WORK'S NO US57M IXi WrtlDNO T OH 'e."1 TH.'iV viEnTOveij Town .' .-rr fffi iHs' Wft- wtfl. .', cluli at tlielr regular " nionihly uretitiK Wudnemlay sfleraaou. I Alter the liuineiui m.ilou the Indies enjoyed a plenum! miclal i aftcrnnoii. v. MclKuiald up id dullcloua rein limem j. , ' The lii i! eutertslumcut and dunce kh en Friday night at Ih" lilfh vcliool aiitlllol lulu by the "Siltle Juft KiiikV was well attended. The uiuilc iu pl.n Idld and all enjoyed thenicve no mut h that It w is lh w rnitill hour of the morning be fore the dancers could lear them selves away. A heavy froM the (ore part of the week nipped the gardan and polled the beautiful floweia. A uumlier Pt ling-llel nlll mlH were esmp vlaltora the firm of the eek. notably among theiy were Mera. J. K. Teiinaut.i M. B. Kelson. Ryder Prlrkett, Kln iind J. M. White. On Thiraday these gentlemen accompanied b Camp Supl. C. W. Murphy and. K. It. 1'rllchett lert for Modo. couiuy for a few days hunt, hop Ing to rapture a few blc buck. SAl.FM 1MY ROWKH IX PI DOLE K WATER SAI.EM, Sept. SU (API Missed hy hi nioiher. lloydou Poualus. two-year old son ol Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Hebe was found in a' Small puddle of water before noon. Mrs. Itedee called the. father, axshttant superintendent of tho Oregon I Packing company, who discovered the body. A lung niotur was used for more than an hour. The body of Nela N'arberg. identified as a mem her -f the Colony Farm operated by the , stale hospital for the Insane who lias been m Iks lug since Suptember 7. was found lodged against a log In the Willamette river op posite West Salom about 1 it: 3W o'clcrk this .morning. Noruerg was received at tbe haspiial from Tillamook county. I 3 -r-.-; ! AI.I.KE SAME TO IMIU i Paul Waner, according lo Bir ney Dreytu5. "ran hit a right haniler or a left-hander. In fact. 1 doubt whether he knows which arm a fellow pitches with or cares.? , ' ,. CALIFORNIA i Economical UlCcY Eats Up Miles UVM in Pauline Hllmlicth JohtiKon- ot Itorky Mount. N. C.. u only sev.-i, I years oin out she rsn run two miles In i minutes. 4 It second. The girl is ambitious to become a marathon star soiuo day.- snd before she wu five years old hud run two inlle every morning. ViTlt'K. I will n.rv be leapmiHlMe for any debts ccnlrurtod by Mrs. It. V. Psrdue after this tlulo Spt. 17. 1SSTI. U. V. PAUDI E. Sl II -53 . NOTICE. I have seen the notice retard ing a check forger who claimed to be Elilon Young. That hap pens to be my name and I know nothing of this criminal or his criminal record. 1 aui wuik'ug at the Itlg Lake llox Factory. I came here from Orovllle and my parents live' at Hants Criu. I would like to help catch this forger who in using my name. ELDON YOlNll. The population of 4npun In cruaiied Olo.uivo IuhI year. WATCH REPAIRING RERT 1 year gunrantee on all work ! CEO. METZ JEWELER . t2i Mala Standard Dyera and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning' One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade SL ;". Phone 825 Q Voronlco Aim prawraaai It hysUUM tm ia RabBleo. AI4 Ceaditlea Kldnrv, Lleer mm Bladder Ttewela Id(gtlai Csasilf Star Drug Co. 4 X i V s v a &- iie le- At the Pine Tree All eleuielila Hull make up nil Ideal xuilcly pnliirain are con Inlm d In I tin five act vuiidovlllc bill that will bold the stage at the Pine Tree Tltralnp mi Tues day snd Wednesday. 1 Willi a peedy routine of skat Ins hick the Turner, an anile fellow and a clever iiiIhn. Mart the show oltli a bang. Tliev woik muartly and tha repertoire of tricks are a little different. A neat Btiprurlug oung nuiti with a derided uovrlty iu Ven trllouiitat presentation is Omar. Willi lh aid ut a uplvudidly manipuliited auloniuloiu he kecM his audleuce In a simmer of umilicment wUb his topical dial ler aud aouga. T'n Anwrlcan lleautlrs are Koi and Kferis who iudulao In muidr paatnmlino comedy and xoni neat acrobatic dancing aud falls a versatile ufforlng that Is a winner from start lo finish. Tyrus aud Tyrus who specialit y In blackface comedy, harmony and altiKlug st Hit; piano, are a alntited rnunle who buve plean- lug perHonalltles and a nice reier lolro of numbers. , tin the screen Irene Itlch slam In "Silken Shackle" ably sup ported by Huntley Cordon and Victor Varconl. At the Liberty "Hweet Roale O'Orady." Ihn nroif nation now abowlug at the Liberty Theatre. Is one of the tlneat of Its kind that has come lo the screen In some time. Shir ley Mason, tiniest of film mam. play the title role, with Cullcn I.anilU lu the male lead. MK Mason's performance as "Sweet It.ihle O'tirsdy" la one of the j best thnt she has given In some time. Lester lleruard. brother ! of the late Ssm lleruard Is liilml- ' table- as the "klbbltter" of the j pinochle game In which Otto I lA'derer and E. Alyn Wurren, marvelous Jewish types, ar ' "friendly enemies." A romance envelops the lovers of tho story In which Fifth ave nue meets Avenue A and vow . eternal faithfulness amid , tears snd laughter. , KIEII WATCIIIXti' MELONS ; MKDKDKI). Sept. 20. I AIM ' Kalph Sallstk, 70. astchtnsn fur' a walormelon patch near Talent. ,t was found dead this moruiug In his t lent. He was fane down-! ward on the ground, and It was? at first surmised that ho had ) met with foul play . because, of brill. ", A' further Investigation. however, showed death was duu lo a stroke of upoplcxy. Satisfied! Because it's a WESTCO PUMP You will find that the Westco Pump.s Cost Less Decrease Maintenance Cut Power, Bills. i i ..... On Your Next Pump Job INSTALL A WESTCO Link River Electric 7th and Klamath r'e-lClJ. tO RXTelP.Q ee r "N "'iuV v. tXT OUT eHCiD J '- lpr ' Noble Oilman 7 t . . -. j- V, sr.; k- w . .4 ft.; Viscount fowdtuy, pictured here with the Yl'c'iiinloaa. la one ( ihe wcrld'a leading oilmen. They were photographed alien they arrived In New York from Kug laud on the S, S. .Xlaiireiani lo soe Ihe Interualioaal polo mstcliea. WYOMING LEADER SAYS HE'LL BOLT RIVER CONCLAVE HKNVEIt. Colo.. Sept. so. il' Pi t.ovornor Krsnk Kiuefson of Wyumllig .ibreatened la boll tho Colorado river conference let Munday after Ih- hid artued California and Artroni delegates In open meeting with ImpcndlUk progress toward an agreement. "There baa been no dlapoal lion to recede on tue part of these two stales since the open lug day of the first conference," Emerson said. "Tbe delegations come In" today. California In sisting l.liuo.nnil acre feet of water, bur demand. Is an 'Irre ducenhlu ailniinum.' " Arliotia likewise says she'll stand pat. Tbul'a not the proper disposition for either tale." L'nlem the two stales were wil ling to talk compromise ih Wvo vote his, time to "ruore. Import a night train hack home lo de filing executive tlirualened lo take ant duties." Phone 171 By Taylor . ' (?) '' 1 Puts Up Defense Of Race Kettinj; l.blMN'liTOK, K . Hepl. Hi. 1 1'' Itnclan und u" I iiiuliiuls sees defended lodsv by Judgo r'leln II. (iiiliip.ini. llarlHiui rllle. rrpulillcan camlldale fur ' gov. ei nor. vim opined his tuinimlgii hern today with a speech before repiilillisiiK gslliered Iroin every Kecllnn of Ihe stale. Sampson lo attacked Die lil Ivaed pro Hi lilli nympslhles of JuiUe lloberl W. Iltiigham, iiiulll inllllonslie lmUvilln puhllaher, ullKiied with i. C. W. Ileckhum. the deinni-rullc iioiiilnue and form er l". S. aenalor. In sprnklng of Hie Ihorougli brod Indumry Judgu hampson said be prefcrud lo bvlp build It up. lu produce wore fin horses of. all kind', even though I never have favored gambling In any foini. owned a ruce horse. Iienu l freutientcr of isc Hacks ur a bettor Ihroiiiih the purl mutual muchiiivs or olberwlse. He ralil more I hull u.liufl per lima lire eiuplnyed in III llliirn bred luilimtry In Kentucky snd more tliuii itil.uuu unci are de voted lo II,' adding I Hat of tho llioiobied fouls rcglnlcrt'd In IVit and 13:1. nearly (0 pcf cent were raised In Kentucky and that Ml per cent of the great run In ihe country were run by lmrs froiu this state. He added there a an honest difference of opinion lirlhi" repeal of live pari mutual law would suppros belling and that injection of the lasue by Ihe HccVluau fnrrss was merely a "smoke sciren to bide pollllcsl alms." SHE SOBERED UP, MARRIED, AND IS SEEKING DIVERCE flAl.TIMOIIK. lid. brpl. I". Ill' I Kawn tlray. Ihe dancer, sobered up tedav and found that be d gone and gut married again. j Pawn Urn mi time lu starling Unit In circuit court No. 2 lor an-jiiulmt-iit of her wedlock proceed . Inga wlib Hamilton Smith. Hlio accused Smith of getting her lu- lusitaiou Iter nsiuroa sou .ore marrying ber The dsnrev's aull describes Smith as a .playwright and mov ing picture director alio hss a tiluillo in Hollywood, a rrsidenct In New Yotk and a temporary address at a lialllmor hotel. She said she met Hlnllh Hat urday aflerniM-n while they were iKiih killing In Hie of fire of her lawyer, J. Cbsiles r' walling i for Kigali lo appear. Smith In- vlted her lo lake an automobile , ride with him. ahn said, aud sen Pngan later. He prorured three iiiarts of lli)iior, her suit allege -and she did yield and partake ' I hereof. . THINKS HE SAW JENSEN PHOENIX. Aria.. Sept. II. (pi ' K., I.. Aspey, residing seven nilles north of I'hoenlg told a reporter today that ho saw a silver grsy monoplune, similar lo Ihe Msrtlu Junsua llon-carrylng plane, flying over the desert taut -Friday at 3 p. m. He said tho plane coming from a south west direction, headeo" ti-"en , Squaw Peak and Camelhark mountain at an altitude nl about 1.000 .feet. Jensen left San Diego Friday on a non-stop to New York and I long overdue at bis destination, tin ripected to reach New York Saturday noun ,ONE CHECK ARTIST CAl fillT PORTLAND. Sept. 19. P U'lluy ,W. Trueblood. II. con fessed to police here that ha had passed about 300 flctltoua chocks, .aggregating about 7,nn0. In the past eight months, lie had op erated In many of the large cit ies of Ihe country. HI arrest lie re. followed bis attempt to issli a check for !5 at the J.f K. C.tll company bookstore.' Ho passed his first worthless check at Iliiltlmoro for 1.1, when ha was without funds and hungry (in said, and he found It so easy thnt he continued, going from city to city. ) Callouses Quick, oafs, sur relief from painful csliooss on lb fsst. . . ' Al afi 4't nj iko itwru mScholTs XhtO'pads pmtn i$ tni i GET RID OF PILES 15 NEW Wit; easlasal. PHsnestnl IMseverr - gidtl Money llaek tlsarsatsst nincofery mail by ft lo-re' P" atiirrer. umii tnln, Itch inn, b) -ItiaT- Doft tin'ilv 1 h ls or very ont rnfunOed. Oainltl lo contain no donl Not an ointment, unm or bud I poaitory. A brand itw ratnrajr. which Rb-inrbt und drtpo tjOf th. I piles. Nothing sresny ur tm4 t 4M. Qulrkly inttri nd drlvM ' at lb fnriiiion. tli IrritMiiotv 1 Kro.r our Soyr hm.wi-'flut ot !! WK KNOW Hint ir you with ! I rlif vou mml rithrr u J C , Pllt Knifdy or uhniit to iiibI ; ml opiiion. and ihoiiwimd of totta hv) proven J. C. I'lie Item e1 to be nii.plnr to eutiterv mid I Intlnltely ir-um coiily unit painful; (;oin on, you ClinoNIC 111. W I mtrrritKitni ue j. c. nu ttomw edy pnd enjoy lir niraln. li.OO per ( bn. with iinllinlted mrtney-baclt ' tuarantfe. At all ftood drua, lett. i J. C. Pile pem4j j ' Underwood1! Pharmacy. i - oaf v