TiicwIhv, Si-ptomiipr 20, 1fl:v7. THE EVF.N'fN'f; IIKUAf-I).' KI.AMATII FALLS. OTiKfiO.V. Patro Thrvr 1 Has Four Great Grandmothers DEPENDABLE MERCHAND!SEjtrvrt NEWS IN BRIEF What About Rus? I? ! I'llllllllTIIIUII lll'l'l I Aloe Hay, prominently riiiilM'i -eilwilh ( lie Long Hi'll Lumber company u( l.unr.vli'W. Wa.h., vlit , lied In Die clly on Monday. While hero Mr. liny Irunaatied bualuee. nml .vlaltod . wltii Mr. and Mn. A 1.. Hweot n( Kanaaa Cpy. ML aourl. Mi', Hwnet lit onii of llu' liiiih urrii'i.iiit ,.f iii i.iiik iii'ii ntul villi hi. wife liiin Ih'vii en Joying a l(W dun in Kluiuuih jounly. , lrf'Hlon Wealing ToiiIk'iI ' Tim fliel miwilai of Uie full nml winter inoiiiha of llin Ain.r linn U liiD initiiih.ra will l. hold 'I hl fvciilim at eight o'clock m Legion tuill. A. M. nua.wuu, newly nlneted toinmmiilir. will prealde. All legion lurinbur aru anked In attend. Mm. Ilogtio litiM'otiij( Friend, nf Mm, ('baric. J I iit i" rill lie lutcrimled to ii'urii ulin In lopol'IVll HOliollll mujiir jiu limit It'll on Monday IiIn wlfi liny illy very in lie li liun boon n poor health fur the purl ecvrritl lunnlh. lo iii ton Frencl.eo tJr S if " f, 5 ' -lit -fc'&V '.' . r. II..K..., i. wuii W7 r. izr -l we . nml will remain In the V'l, " ST.f lit- u, : 71 um.ii t,..r ....MII.I..M i., fcV Za-lA 1 '! Improved. Mre. Hoku. , fktr ' V?!;,. " s 1 vW' nOli it if- mjiii-k. tX ' I, m V t .;r'i aL'. r- I X. .. L - . - - I I U-fi fur ( ifliriiriilu Mm. Jdim Wnrrun lfi luiluy lor Chlcn, Cnllfornla, whtTtt klip will i.ni' the winter uiuiiili with her iin-lii-lw ami duumiler, Mr. unil Mm. (imrln Culhitr. Mm. Wnrrnu linn npi'tit llin ml miner Uinntlm bent Willi nor two nunii. wlui Imvn rmonily riliirnul lu rolluKK. , M;.ny Designs 7 Beautiful Color 1 lniililrr IUii It will be Willi liilvivnl lluil fiieiiila nt Mr nml Mm, Wllllitm IJennlnrff burn of the nrrluil of II bull) ilrl m lllelr linitio III ttiineliiirK tin Snnilu)'. Mm. IK nr dorff Iwfor ber Inurrlune wim Mlu Cumllle I'ulleriiin iul Ima liimlii of (r Ion il In thin nerllnn, Hhn I n iIiiit of Mm. MadRO liillilnn of lb j:nii Klu'iihur.l ; Mil lo Sinn Shall We Use a Plain or Figured Carpet? At Molllo llllllll Mr. and Mm. ,J. K )! of lHrrl, .CulKurulK. rn llin lionxe KiieHtB ot Mr. Itonn Utey ttuule. Mr. ()uy It bruibrr of Mri. Hnule. Uilliln Hi.ule Im iliinilluc ( leove fur noiilliern I'ulUurul to innlie her homo wher lie ran b with Iter iwo dona who will outer atiintil lu t liu auulh. When llht hair la Krnwlnn darlinr liava a Unltlru Ullnt Ibamnoo. DrabDraa Ulnajiiioar Jo nun ahampunlan! At drug or toi let iiooila cauutara or at your tutlrdrt-uvra.-- Ail v. C11II..I Il Ib'titlt Mia. VVUIIuin Muxnvy won tail ed lo Malum lam ynaienlay by I ho ileal It of tier father. Mr. Ktyflet, well kuowu dalrymiin of Hint aectlon. firm word Inld. or bin I'rlibul llliii'Ka but before Mm. Moaaey reuiiled the northern lily lie hud tiauu'd away. ' Mr. vVlien Tliimkaxlvlna ay eomea lllb I.i Vi tj F:aU of I'oriland, Or., will huidly kutiw whorii to an. The lothy. liown In Ihn enier wliu 'bir ttioiher, baa fnur areal aranduiotbera. They flelt to ritcfitl iMr. Keliiiiea Itorkonl. iiioihcr of i,itVara' molhrr'a father; Mr. i.V. W. Owiiuty, mother of I.eVera'a moihera mother; Mm. Kllxa rUnU. niother of ltm rhllil'x fnlber'a tullior, anil Mm. Anulv H. Ailon, the baby'a falher't liiollii r it niother. . . ftiU'riuil from N'oetlt Mr. mid .Mm. ' Hun Kerua with Glandular Extracts Concentrated,' In New Tonic TabelU I heir iluuaoloi'. Jliiirv, an J mm Mnaoey la im a buullna trip and !b4Vt. r,.,urn,, Jolllr : un, Ulll.,.n could nol be lornted lato V--, ,,,,. .,. ,.lU,Ui1iM . iitoa tef'Uy. - U'dna Ket-fi w. lit, t.ilreH enllve ., " It'.' . lit Iho norfliern ellv. ' Tliev fnurte ' W..e.b ll.ai Ht llu.loe. ,B tr) vlu mu.r. 4llll vl.ltc.1 U' M U',,r,tn. flu hl-of-wo V , ... . . . I'liiti mr ion hou npin i-mriiit: t ... ... ... " - - Home. and furnir Juilao of Klamath . toiiniy. la hero for a faw ily ,,,.lurll f..,,. H0.,alu. im bualnoita iroui ma nomo in , K ,. ,.,.,, of ,,, .soiuborii I'oiilaiid. Mr. Worden laid thr i j.Molfu.i hu rt.im,Kj to Klumatli foundation lor ma anirniiia r ;..,, frm Kranciiiro. whore' itini in ninmatn iimiiuj nu i. , wu , pa1,.nt fr ,,,i rtt davri ! Uirniirhout AmorUa. IUKardl ! writ known iiiiouanoui una ' ( ,h. HUUi,ira I'a. irit hiwpltal. ! "f whitt typo of mwllcine -you j Unit. Iteforo roauiiiluK bla position. Mr.' Ilv )uu " 'o ycur-1 lllt.hlal la vuiltlna for a few liny. ! "" . Xrl ,h vlrtoe of thin, l-oft 'l t.hl .nil .i.h 1,1. n,n.., ! mouorn prrimratlon. Mak. thU , li'lliluv tfft. and no If vou aro mil aurprlned at the ran int.: OI-1 tain an orlrinul nnd xenulne ! Out! hciirx u (food deal theHu days about the controverny between the plain aud figured car pet. There r theme who hold that figured floor covcrinKK have no piact any longer in decoration; other, a little bewildered about all this talk of color and denial, are. willing to concede ttomethins; to the plain carpet fl ocate but at the Kami time they cast long in;? eyes upon pleasing designs, especially those found in rich oriental patterns; still a third class demands a still more jazzy and glaring effect than any yet produced. True art is an expression for the persons for whom it is produced. So when it comes to floor coverings, one may betrt judge the patterns according to the circumstances rather than from any hard and fixed standaid.- It is not a mat ter whether all plain ruga are preferable to all of those with designs in them, but rather a question of which room can use a plain carpet best and which a figured one. In other words figure out first just what effect ycu wish to create and then select the design which will best create it. In this' collection of Axminster rugs in Oriental, colonial and convential designs you will have little trouble in making a selection. Note the prices that this nationally known rug is offered at: J Now modern aiieneo hitu de- velo.d a new kind f tonle whleh eftertln ly combine. In lab let form hiKhly eowiinlraled KUnUnlar extruela with certain i kill-known UuU aaenu. Thla lii.i.l... ,..,.M l....u. -u . vl.. Iformel lv i .llerl tllunilti.Mn t Im 1 UKed by thouaatidH and hi rtovotn- 1 nieitdetl by leudlna draattlala , Further advice gladly given See These Rugs . Very Low Prices No matter what your taste we have colors and designs for all. l'Htlng foi Helinol Stewart lliitnlKor. aon of Mr. and Mm. K. II. Ilal.liter, plain In lean lomorrow tor O. A. '.. where tin will take up lit col be work for Iho en.ulnx year. Tbla luarka Ihn entrance of his aotoad year of rvlloKv work. After Tour, n of (ilnlra of the ltnl Dr. I.. U. liuna, eii. ear, noM) nnd throut apoclall.1 la usiiin lo III olflie In tho 1 il. O. r. IIIiIk. Mb MuikLi) M1k Joyce Mtniduy. coiiHin of Mr. and Mm. K. W. Snyder of VUy inf(,. faclflo Terrace, baa returned lo . ,.. , kld of rrol)n( nor Homo in neauie alter un r- nn(J Kamilll.. ,.none 43-, 36x64 6.95 kth. parkHRe of Morex l formerly call-1 ' Joyahlo vlalt hero with relative and frlenda. A numbur of In formal nffalm wire itlron In "" i i,.,ui1u (Ue urtb honor while alio vl.tlcu lu ItlH city. llu r id CilandoKvnl and take two tuli- lu-St ','11 three tlinra dally for ten j daya. Star Drug Co. will up ply, yiu. Adr. J. f. (ieitieniion, aeronipanled by bla wile left thl-i mornln! " for Portland and Seattle on a Vuuiilrew IWI .eek'a bu.lneaa trip. lu Ulr. and Mm. K. W. Vaniilco , Scanttti Mr ,nn MrB iemt,,uu and lainliy left mia noon tor Markets Alluraa where they will remain lor .event daya vUltlng wtu frlvnda. ; will vlalt frlenda. will) relatives and ' lletlirned lo r nlver.lt) , (Uiarlr-a Scot I Warren Itwa fe aumeil hla atudlea at Iht) Vnlver ally or Oreiton aft4r aptntdiuR the auinmer month. In Klamath rou li ly Warren vlalted with lila mother, Mra. Jauo Warren. Iti-tuntetl from Valley Mra. Oeorae l.lndley nnd iluiiRh- .t Dulr tloim , 1 Mra. (.race Htupleton of f'hey no, WyomliiK. baa nrrlvod In Klaruaih Kail, to rl.lt Indefinite ly aa the hnu.e cue.t of Mr. and Mm. Italph Dale Mm. Klaplelon, who la making tir, Mlu (lertrude, huvu return- j ber flml vlatt to aontliern Oregon, j ed homo from Mi'd'ord. where .ro nlaler. I Ihejr apenl a few duya vlaltliu' i l'OKTLAXD. Ore.. Sept. l. 1 Ilutter: Flrata mi Ur . , 1 wholentle price.. Kxtra cuoch fittil Wlmlii llvn 'city j't,c; alnnilurda II: prime I'iiul M. Wlu.hlp. .manuaer of , (irta 4.1'..: flrjt. .1ii. Cream. Ihn I. f timitl, Tv.-rlri.r. Tnp ' .. ,,A..i j pi.,... ill. I ' . unci's, i-riiiia sc aoove nine . " Z i. 'U, . .;. ;OM' ot " "r (-alaiiderd: butterfat 4ir t.m.U. I oner Du.ineaa visit witn Shaw. Muina. cxcIiihIvo aKenta for the I.. 4. Km It It machine In Luki and Klamath count leu. . . . ..... - - : ; yff G0LDENTRULE S. . Cottage Rugs 24x48 1.39 II Ilia for Flow era with frlenda. Kliuiintli Flower Hliop Kor flower.. Kloral ilenlsnB. quality with aervleo. K3I Main atroet. rhomi Da9. Adr. Arrlvetl From Xrvaila Mr. and Mra. Louie i'olln of C'hfloquln arn enjoylntc a visit from Mr. and Mm. Harry Tolln of Tonapuh, Nevada. They hare enjoyed a number of ulljoyolile outlum while here. I'leolr Toitljilit The V nnd S rliiaa of the Drat (iirlmlun church will hold a pie nlc thla even I UK. All utrmbore nrn a.kid In cuiiBronalo ut lh church at aercn o'clock. New llolol DimhIiiic At Merrill. Wcdnuadny; Sopl. 21. Altio dinlnit room In oou nocllon. Will aorve tranitlenta and rtiRUlur bourdera. - 19-31 " Dliilirr Thla Fvettlnof Dr. and Mra. K. Ilurchardl nro entcrtalnlnn a number of friend, nt dinner thla evening at their home In Hut Sprint-... Notice N'ulKhbora of Woodcraft, there will bo no lodge Wcdneaduy nlKllt on account of uimriiutlno reguliitlon.. 1 ft-3t llifoi erinu from Injury Portlnnd. Milk lf jAy, blila to the "fitrm er: Haw milk 4 peroonr, rwt. fob. 1'ortUiml. llutt.rfut t jjp f Portland. Full Wooltii. ami Ktyle. j KHit!: Kxtraadown ic: cur- Ar.t i,nr It, mt tlrr... Xi.llnr ' . ..... . r n Ve. Ilnln unit ' ileal roeetpia Jii. ireeu uiuuiiima . . "'n... .Shop. :orner 6th nnd Klumatli. .an: fro.h .taudard flmta 31: Mr- lltto extra. 36. , ' y ' Poult rv ateutlv t leaa nwrrenf J commfK.ion I : Heavy hena 21 ti , ii. llftut Ntlld: aprin;s . J iii j ltiturtif;l From Otlell Ijtki-- ! Tom Dixon haa returned home . IrnlH llflon .nln n-lteA l,n irmnl ..r. t it .... -i.t r... ...iiH, --" k Mm. week-end on an outing. Injured In an tiutomoblle wreck un Sunday. I. reported a. roeor. j ,,,,,.,, um, i,,.,,,, erluit from hlK Injuriea. Mr. Mi-1 Xeilllv dml(! B 0rtet rMoT Coy la rontliii at hla room In the imlap Alv :u. Holtil Lake.. Ho waa formerly j ' ' employed at (the Falls Cafe. j -c.na Merrill Heiiloii i 8. It. Colvln, well known farm- ollro to llunuiiii j lirlu your trophloa to W. K. Day. Tuxldurmlrt. Street. 12.19 A dome See Connolly llron. For voiy huutiiiK and aheUa. Adr. ur of the Merrill aectlon la Iran. arllnx Jiu.luc.a In the city today. Arrived From Itotte Fitlla K. A. Nel.on and aon have ; arrived in the rllv from Itntte cqulyment 'Talla. Ortin, tnlled bore bv the A 'It I'. . . ' . v., jc.aut of Mlf Floren May Nol-, !on, dutiRltter of K. A. Nelienn" , Ijine VWta ll I K. K. l.ane. well known farmer ! At lMk t TM, vv.hmIn of the lldland country waa a Mr ftnd Mn w 0 Bmllh are hualneaa vl.ttor hero yeaterdny. niaynl( , f,,,. ,!,, vacation nt Mf. l.nne Htniipinl at tho Hotel N,,,, . Wom wh frlenda. i Arcade. j 1 tftir MiMTiiiity , Piano and trunk moving. City Trnnafor Co., Kth and Klamath. ' duika 2U : colored nominal: tur key., ullve nominnl. Onion, atrady: local l.OOtTf 1.10: Putative, ateady at 1.2Di 1.65: Nut. ateady; walnut. 27 Cattle and calve, ateady; re ceipt. 25 cat tic. IIorh ateady: receipt. 50. Sheop and lamba ateady; re ceipt aheep 250 iucludinR !i0 on contract. Itctunicil to Kirk After apeiidlim thti wut'k-cnd hore with friend., '. J. Early haa teturiied to hla po.lllon nt Kirk.1 New I pattilra Hhoi Room 7, New Mulhaae Ulili)., .325 Main.- Fall contn and druasea. Very cheap. 18-20 From JlnrysvHIi V. It. WllllitmH vl.ltnd in the city yenturday with TrlontlH from Ilia homo nt Miiryavlllo,--CtaUfor- nln. He Mopped at the hotel bake while In Ihn city. , . From . Itfoiiiii , t O. C. Akera Infl thla morulnu for AIkoiuh. after apenflinK tho puat two day. here rlHltlnrt with frlenda. Mil. Akera a Riie.t at the Hotel Lake. Netnon In I'neiUnil II. 1C. Nel.on, deulur of the j Kniron-Knlitht in. Klamath nnd j Ijikn count leu la III Portland for ! a few day. tm btHtijeaH. Kxpert l"rrarrlitliinlta ' ! Forboc Pure Uruga. Adir. 1 Warren Left Fur North Kdwin V'arien, aon of Mr. Jane Warrun, who .pent the aum-'i nier month, here on hla vacation I relumed north to , hla coIIcki ' woiit at .the Medical School of j Oregon nt 'Portland. . , ( ; Another Nmv Shipment . JIWh. droHSOH. con Ik. See tlnni now. Mode Shop, 8S2 Miiin. Adv. , . . JH-St I Phone 4311. Adv. 20-2t TIM) MAXV WIVKS I SALT I.AKR CITY, t'liih. Sept, j li. (W Wlllinm Levi Jolley, owner of na aulo repair .hop nt i DlntllHna'ln'h,, fci1 held here on ' ;a chatKe tif jinlvRumy. : lletui'nrtl lolil Trl . lCnrl T. "HUuphi'i'il of tho Shep herd Mimic compuny haa returned from Mnlln and Merrill where ho delivered auroral playor itl ino. to priimlnunt farm or. of , Jhnt , dla tiict. ' Here For Few Ditya J. K. Hiiiirntty or Dnnmnuir la hero fov a few tlnya on bii.ltio.ti. Oreo. Titllor Khoji New location, corner Klnmaih. Adv, . , ,, lUh unit HO For In.iirnnrr Htw Jn. II. Drlscoll. Wllllnma lllilR. Adv.- .' lei tlllK ToiiIkIiI Me ni bora nf "tho KnUlil. ot Cohmiliu. will most In the Mooan Hall lodge room, thla evening nt olisht o'clock. AT PINE TREE FIVE SNAPPY ACTS OF Vaudeville Some very clever harmony and t lie k dancing nro featured. " ON THE SCREEN Irene Hlch. Ktippnrled by Hunt ley (lorilon and Victor Varconi in "Silken Shackles" An nil-round flood progritin, tluit will runil.h nil evening ot real entertainment. AT THE LIBERTY SHIRLEY MASON is with us again in "Sweet Rosie 0'Grady" It's the "Abie's Irish Rose" of the screen the story, of n 1!)27 Cinderella 1 ' ' : ' Any Scat, Any Time, 20c Saturday, Sept. 24th IB IlW I . HA HI 1 ' I f 601 Main " ZmmmmmmmmmmTruth hi Advertising -'..JeSal . ,,' -l'l'.'.. Oil Burners We handle a complete line of the best oil burners made, from the smallest to the largest, for both fuel- oil and furnr.ce-oil. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call on us for particulars and prices. Large stock of oils on hand at all times. Let us look over your heating plant and quote you a price. PEYTON & CO. "WOOD TO BURN" - Phone 535 September is the Month People Get Settled 1 for the Winter - Vacation.. are over. Pooplo ore getting down to busiuesa. i'lu'y .are ill mo thinking about a good, . warm. ' coiufortul.le place lo live. In looking for a locution they tnke the eimli'st nnd (inlckeat method, which. la the rentiil column, of The Her ald. The Heriild la "delivered' to US S of Iho bomea In Jlam-, nth KiilK consequently your Id Ih reud by the greuteat num ber of pool !e Interested In what the want aila have to offer. When plnolng Jlernld want aila a.k tor the aperlnl 6-day rate. What Does She Save? That dreaded-washday! Toiling ' from early morning till -night over hot foaming suds. Scrubbing tho nap from the clothes .and the skin from your hands. Dead tired at night with a- day xf hard ironing ahead. And next . ' ' week the same thing over, year after year, scrubbing all the joy out of life.. Is it worth it? Troy Laundry PHONE 656 336 SO. 6TH i i ANNO IJJN ,E;M EN T . DEMONSTRATION f ' V ' . ,... t Of' c . 4 - Iron Age Potato Diggers J j ' " 1 ' and -'. -Daiilmnn Potato Sackers ,T at . i .' Sam Diehlinger Ranch 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, Sept. 2i J. W. KERNS 1203 South Sixth Street 1 f! i i t