Tafft Two THE FA'EXINT, IIFRAI.n. KLAMATH PALIS. ORFCOtt Tuesday. SrpU-mW 20. 127. Pst! Here's Football! 7 ft Hunters Have Ncw'Rples To Govern Them With tlii der acuson on a : : i uiay know h lial these animals ( ux.k iikw j 11. The' I'lmtllK of KOft hutff. ' arrow coll.irs mid ort FliirtH on ' these animals to cotifnsr hum its shall he coui-idered bad sports- j nutiislilp. 12.- Whcnew humor thinks' new code of rulee has been pro niulsuled by tli nilnhful hunt-1 IS' r. IK. or moose he era and their friends. It is not , thnuirlit these rule will entirely ' displace Mdrlon Humes mid lilt Mine code, but they are lntereM - In nevertheless: 1. -All deer hunter should Hound .a horn at Intervals of ton yard when proceeding through ' any woodland. 2. Slow moving hunter thull keep to the right and allow faster ,. moving marksmen to pass. 3. A hunter about to atop and shoot shall huld out his hand , to Indicate In what direction he Intends ehootin-. 4. Isolated hunters shall be required to aend up colored N flares at Intervals of SO aeconds., B.--Other hunters may shoot at the flares but not at the hunt- , 6. ah hunters boroniing sep-; Barbecued Deer arted from the main body and ! , .'wishing to move through the) " Meat Will Be the I. ...... U I. .. ! I .. .. ... i mi una nunii iuiiq uauiiri uwk t leaa than eight feel long hy four ; v feet ' high wltb the Inscription. I '."Positively not a deer, elk. moose ! ' or other quadruped." i . i . ; - . -. ! . : I f. Any uuuifr iiiuia.inc shall lilmc a (Htlice whistle three ) miles Heroic Urine. Tin test Is j this: If it realty is h deer, elk 1 or moose, it will mit rise and ak j for a i tparette. : 13. All hunters shall at all i tiroes olu y the tralfic laws gor-I crning deer hunting, and observe carefully the signals. 14. One red light In the traf fic tower shall lie Interpreted as meaning "Over ahead, but open only to- east anil west bound hunters." ' 15. - Crecn light Indicates "Deer ahead but open to north jnd south bound gunners." lti. No hunter hall hag more than two deer nor more than four ram wardens or five inuo- I 'cent hvilliuli'm ili on ilm- a -. . -mwj a.; ., ' a BILLYH n x Tk w m J i i i I n n v - v 1 Says ..... . 'i tl(KK I'OU ItOllrlHTSOX t'.cuc ltolHrtmiu Is to cuiue buck to the big show as a mcmlicr of the New York Yankees. That' a inlaht) good break for hint. Lest vou have forgotten, ticne liiilicrtson, ufler serving n half dor.eu vears as a mumber of the St. Louis llrowus, passml lu In the minor lust w liner v In the aalver kroute. In the spring, na i watched the .' major league club prepare for I lie aeisoii, I couldn't help I bu wonder why Kobertaou was 'ever waived out of the majors. 'It struck ma that a majority ot the chilis could have used so , c.iim hie a player, tlio St. IjjuIs (Unions In particular, I he team 'that had sent him 'on to the : bushes. I eiurcssed myself very forcibly on that point but the way of baseball are often mysterious. Incidentally. I ventured the opin ion that In tho fall some club that had passed htm up for the waiver price would' be paying a funcy sum for hla ecrvtvc. hlc to play any. position In the lafH'kl. also do a turn In tin' talunblo da'r Ihi-hiim of Ills eiNitllll) In the tli lil mill Ills nbllll) at I lie bo I. . He's n ni-eul pinch hitler. MA V KM'I.AIN IIKI KAHi: The only plaustbla enplnnalbiu I have ever heard of itoherlsou's passing from Hi. I .mils bus the atmosphere of farce comedy. I urn liild II Is the truth hut you can Hike II tor hat you believe II la worth. Hill Mull, millionaire ow ner of the Ht. I.ouls llrowus, Is of the rough and ready typo. Ho has made his way through haul work ami earnest effort, flu doesn't believe III coddling uuv ens. u ball player leaal of all. . It seems tlene Itohcrlsmi liked tu have breakfast aervid In his room, whlh la not on uncommon habit In I hose modern limes To this day, Owner Hall probably Is dressed for breakfast at seven which make the thought uf one of his employes dining In his bed room at 10 a. m. rather Incon gruous. (iossip file fast In baseball circles. When the llrowus hit a slump last season. Ill which Hob ertson went down with the rest of the club, the breakfast In lied habit of ItiilierlHon's was aufted to Hill Hull's cms. ' "I don't Hunt nut of those pink lea - '' bull club," Hall Is rcportiil lo have said. "tu I'ellim who eats bisaklasl In Ills room should Ih In the movies. He's a holluv,a bull phi)- ice. t.el rlil of him," llial s Just vvtuil liaiH'iiiil. HATKH UN I.IYKNTtM k I I' WAHIIIN'IITON, 8epl. SU. (AIM A series of lieurlim un rullroad i lab's on livestock weru ipiuniini'. led ludiiy by I hil Juteislnlu L'jlll- msif e ('onimlaalnii tu lv held In jSoulherii and western lerrltorlivs The ciiiiiiiiIssIiiii i Invrstlaat Ing the llveslock trnuspnrlallou rosts jts a step In It general consideration of the bearing uf railroad rules on uitrlculluce. siiulhern Ori'gon rllie were fouud In Ilia elfiils uf W, f. Nial, r lesteu Here lust n Id lit by county liilill lun ugcnis. There were also svverul checks signed by lo ci.l persons. Knur quarla uf gin wi'rn found In Nenl'a car ami U more found lu hi house In I Ills illy. Tbcm ws also a letter from Kan Krumlaru, asking for n remlllniiie of I2H for sev eral esse of "tt aid" previously shlpied. IKMITI.Kt.t.lilt I.IHT IHI'MI tlHANTS I'AHS. Mept. U. tAI'l - -Names of prominent ell liens and those of other residents of Just Phone ! 108; . for now la I lie lime l lutie nil uur cliitbes liHik like new - - foe Kail. ' ' ' Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works; 431 MAIM Drawing Gird I Major ("rank Cavamtugh Iw lieves fully the nduge about' the early ! outlletil nnd Imastlnc a hut leaaue nun. r.speciauy miliar us tt concerns fuotliall. liu had hi ord- baltlinrj vetHin ol-.!JHU,. Ilien ham v-rid candidates out fr practice late In August. Hero he Is. , wasn't a chance for Itobs-rtson at top. talking; over plan for the coming season with Hill r'eastcr. ! , n.UMin ,m . the minor, skipper, of the Kordham eleven. The bottom panel show Coach I . . . m,non- Cavuuaugh pulling his candidates through alight dull. . . j ,sT JN T T IK(ii K a month ago I bumped Setting October 22 as the date ... ...- ,,un, .iiiiuu esiUf-tue. " fellnw hunter fnr rfoer nr nlh.r ! m'mb'rs ' Klamath SpOrtS- j animal and shooting at him and men asaoelarion met Inst eve : missing Bhall forfeit his amateur n,n 10 furfUer ' plans for the 'standing and be .penalized 25;Ov,,nt. . . ' v)ard for unnecessary roughness.; Owing to prv-vaillng conditions y 8. Any hunter shooting at an- ,,Be da,e btt 1eB set ahead which other and hitting him shall be wi" mak th closing of the deer considered guilty 'of profession-1 season in ibis section. - alism and Have bis license sus- i Tskins soiae of the best sbou ', pended for 60 days. tin ,Be county ,,to go out' after , ' 8. In a circumstance where 'Mine for the barbecue bountiful two deer hunters shoot at each supply Is assured . . , . other at the same time and both I A. J. Connolly. Everett Had- mlus. both shall proceed to the enbrook. Iloscoe Larcent. VancejlOKs .nearest loologiral garden and . Hutchlns. Al Humphrey. . leave it to the keeper to decide Humphreys. O. II. Mathews. Bow And, Arrow Boys Hunt In Umpqua Region I About it rained very day while they , n0 four of ,he American Asso (were In' the woods the ondl I ins j elation umpires. In Chicago, on Iwete. loo unfavorable fur deer I an off day. they Journeyed out to hunting '' iv-uinissr rsie iu sw iiib leics anu aruiusiurs in pciiuii. . , r ji i i l'n discussing conditions In the liOSEIll RO. Sept. Su. ijfi A - w , ! best ball player In the league and group of archery emh'istasts. lr. OOOH tO dame t1eaaSn , chorus from the four urn- lleorge father. and Richard I.yn- plres came the same name: don of 1'ortland. professor B. C. j Annual-election of officers for "liene Kobertson! HeV easily Thompson of Corvallis. Captain ), Knlth,t o( Co,mbu wil take ' ball player In the league, t. H. Myles of San Francisco and I... .. . ,k ! n rli.l he rr vet nut of the . Uf lilt ICUIIJ ISil . V. III. ITHU- - -- - ijorsT . i I assured them it wus tougher i All kinds of GLASS Sash and Doors Screens Window Franfes Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W PLUMBING HEATING. FURNACES Motor, Pump, Engines Pressure Water. Systems 123 No. 6th rhnne 371 Phone 451-W or 1138 for full parllculara and In formation regarding TEACHER OF. MUSIC Accredited by (he Blal lioord uf Kducatlwa, , , .. I'lano, Violin, nnjn, liawatlan tlultar and other Inalrnmeale. Z. PETERS i ? f Ro8rb"Kh' ""T0 ' la, Weting of the members whoiJ? this evening at eight . returned from huntinv irin . .s- v- ... . jeanvene j,...,. . . ., , oclock at Mjose hall. . umih .ru.ti.-ij upuu ineir I and arrows as weapons "v "' ..- . . . . f MBaBn tll Will in their effort to kill dear. While !"Jfi,e on October 1 Including: t.!,,,,, ,h c,u,cd clllb 0 I JuUillleir ambit cn to ret d.-er was "emca, aranu snigui; issuor than a cross-word pusde for me. 1 I for there didn't seem to be any deputy grand knight: I waive on so versatile a player. ' I'mnli-lesl li,flsin!it ni Itnh. the pv of a big black bear, kill- ' Mnley Santamau, chancellor: ; rTl:wn hm!i tin,,df vindicat ed, by Professor Thompson and!"u,"r Hannoo, warden; i. A fA W,hout waiting for the fall Mr. l lrich. Captain Style sho , lao. flnaniUil Rec-relary; r red j nhn , bwDB. New vrk has (seven arrows into a big cougar (lfonett! and recordlnc secretary. i,OT0,d , oryce for three and it is believed wounded the: Mr. Kenlck has held the of-1 players to be delivered neat game warden to place stuff-s-ur, causing the abandonment ot (animal fatally, but the ruin wash-1 fire of grand knight for the past pring as well as I30.0UU In rash. Manager Miller tiUKjcnt la crr- I tnln to find ttubriiaott a ntont which look the more, like that;Short, Beit Palm. Manley Poc-; not realized they did bring bark J,,"nw- kind, of an animal. The hunter ikelt. Douglas Pncketi. Prentlcel so 'deiiignated shall, return lo ie ; Puckett. K'rank, Bryant,. Hob heavy brush and allow the .other .Sloan and Karl Templar have pro man to take five shoo at ilm. ; raised to furnish the deer meat. . 10. It shall be the duty of j Should something nnforseeo oc tk game warden to place stuff-vur. causing the abandonment of! ed head of deer, moose and elk ( the present plans, the deer will led out the trail so that It was j two years and was recently a n- i on trees at Interval of every 500 ; be returned to the members who! Impossible to follow the wound- pointed district deputy of Klam-' t-jardertn all" forest., o -hunter i have furnished tttaraiil-aaa.tjt;'iras Ipt." As ibanjt. Jlje xonmtc-j. - t We are fullv. equipped lo ren der you all. the aid that glasses will give and assure you of a civile that you wi appreciate. DR. H. W. BARR V.XK MtillT KI'Kt'l.t I.IHT Gua Dunn, Jeweler and Optician 605 Main RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico The most talked of resorUin the.stat, There, must be a reason! Why not como and see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Mr. . , F. R. OLDS Wall Paper Paints Signs Interior Decora in; a Specialty Ml ' 0 7ITT f... t THE SUISL 1ST EYE R SET S 0 N CHESTEKFIELD'S POPULARITY Popular in all 4- corners 11 of the 'Earth... J- ii: w I, I tv I . i lil I.' f,: it- ii't Hi Mi In .; In t!' Ii r 4 ir v .pSSSf ii i M D KIV . . '.A, WAV ,7 n ,. capital of tobacco's homeland FRIED chicken, southern style". . .''Boiled New England dinner"... "Caviar and cafe noir"...fortv-iffht states and a score of foreign lands bring their varied preferences to Washington.,.. Their taste in cigarettes,' however, is far more uniform. Chesterfield's natural tobacco taste has won the good will of the worldand nowhere more impressively than here, in the very capital of tobacco's homeland. o Wari mem -such popularity . must oe deserved! Liggett k M vtns Tobacco Co, - ...