Taw Six ' rL r KKIIIU)IIH uf UOOIM 'lt.U I Meets 1 Hi anil 3rd Wedttcduvs Mtt monili In I. ((. (1. K Kldir. Fannie M. Thointcou, Clerk. 416 N tub. SliUU Wlillo In I'n-MTMt City ' Slop nt VAX'S AITO CAMP Crabs, Clams. Road Ocean. Fishing. Npeclnl Weekly Rales AXNOCNCKMKNT We ' wish In announce thai we have nothing to ihi with the so-called "Slnslou Studio." 737 Main Street, owned anil operated liy May Kind. We are using our nwn name "It; K. Stlnson" and located nt 32.1 Mara Street, opposite Court House. The same high-class work la Mill being done by us that mad tho name "Silnsnn" (amona In Klatnuth Kali. Old cuatomora and new custodiers will find ua at our new loca tion. PAPER IIAXGINO PAINTING TIXTIXO SMITH BROS. 94.00 Per Room Tp Pbone 40U MRS. WII.LARD JOHNSuX Accrollted Teacher or Piano Harmony, Ear Training and Musical History. "' Studio 618 Prospect Phone 7JJ-R H-JO Finest Mineral Wat.-r : In Uw Worlil nOT SPRINGS ' KATATOKIL'M now open from ?:0 A. N. to midnight Tub Baths Swimming Tank Hot and Cold Shower For Private Psrtles Phone lX-W , Spring and Esplanade - Rfartlng July II Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally stages netween Elamath Falls and Lakevlew. Leaving 8:30 morning -1 Leaving 2:00 P. M. Lean) RECKARD-S Aoto Stage Office Phone 77 or 600 HTRRY TAXI 8ERVTCK Cnder . New Management Pbone $41 Prompt Service J10-JY19 HOWARD Transportation Co, STAGES Leaving Klamath Fnlls T:SO A. M., 10:OO A. M-, 1 P. M, 4:40 I. making connec tions to Portland and way points name day. Connections at Ashland with Pickwick Stage (or California point 7:30 A, M. and 1:00 p. M. Stages make direct ' through connections to fortiand and Seattle 10. .V. XI. and 4:40 P. M. stages make direct con nections to San Francisco and Lot Angeles. Local Office 01S Mala St. Phone WO First Methodist Church Tenth and High Sta. FRANK L. WEMTT, Minister Resldescr, 1003 High St. "We Specialize In Helpfulneai" Sunday Services: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. a. Chiloquin Stages Leave Klamath Falls Daily for Chlloqnln and Intermediate points as follows: 8:00 a. m. lt:S0 noon ' 8:80 p. m. 7:00 p. m. Take 9 a. m. bus to connect lor camps beyond Chiloquin. V. H. KINO, Owner KLAMATH-WEED STAGS to WEED . and Intermediate points. Lr. K. T. 7:80; Ar. Weed 1J Lv. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. F. 6:00 Stages Leaving . Stage Terminal Depot 019 Main St, DRINK RADH M WATER Has cured thousands. Why not youT 'Radium oro for sale by N. A. UltlOtiS, (8peclnl KopresenLitlve) Phone 8G0-W JK-A1I' (Sp-s-lal to Tim Herald! MAI.IN'. tVpl. IS. Mrs. Arthur Ma, ken and daughter, M:u gnroi. leturncd from a trip to White Salmon. Wash., where they lived before i-omtnc to Mnlln. Tl, new school bus l here:1" ready for the opening of school.! A nvx rHim hn boon built ami a water nystcm liistalU-U and tMoryihlnR ready lor the ,en- hue or th now iui.oI vear - when I ht? liin romoit. A son w a s bo i n t j M r . w d Q Veronica for rayiUlews l afca WgtiBlooalFiilian Acid Ceadltteas Kidney, Live ami HI.jj., -vu-' .... i" : IIiitltl if I I Star Drug Co. m i Good Poultry Feed The success or failure of your flock de pends largely upon the way you feed them. Good feed means better production. MARTIN BROTHERS MILL is producing a grade of poultry feed that will insure the success of your flock. Your poultry will thrive on Martin Brothers' feed. , - ' Martin Brother Mills "ThT Home ' of Craf or" LaKe' and ' Anchor Flour" sslslsrstsifT On unstable sufcgrade such as is encount ered in Klamath Falls you should insist on Portland Concrete Pavement. "The Rigid Pavement With the Long Life." " Dunn & Baker Pelican City Road Is S'illSiiSSWSShSSfc Mom 'n Pop L An Tr? I ToSeriMTHESWilG- Spew TO OO ME A.W I TUrefouri. m m " m v : . . -'A. r ' 1 : Mrs. Merle- lawislcy at the Trout htwpltal on last Friday. The onng matt la it lined Merle John. Work in tho liny field la aualn resinned After the stormy days. A considerable amount of hay was down bill was little dam aged. Miss I'ejlle llennelt nud Miss Allicrl.i l.augton returned to their homo Wednesday until tho III til hool w ill ho opened. J. X. Statnbaugh und mice left Thursday inornlu;: on a huut- "'P Two n'w eelng 1 1 Oiium mi - iaurhsv venuu. Mr. and Mm. John Hailry of IShanta Vlw tro rallVr in .Maltu Wednetiday. A new barber shop has open ed In the Itajniis buililiux. Hudolph Jellm k and John S;a cek left Thursday niornliiK fur a few days huutlng trip. Orvllle Kenyon has ireepled a position at the chese factory. John McNeil and, daughter. Ireno. spent Thursday at their Headaches Often th reauH of kidney disorder; due to imperfect kidney action. Men and wornVr. ev-rywher. i l t-l P.ll. J.. retklot welcome relief. They satisfy. Foley Pills A 41 untie alnuUal for tlx kMasye SMI 3C THE F.VKMNV, llftRAU), KLAMATH VAUS OrtlV.ON. lanrh home near Maliu. 1'liey are living in Kl.imath Fulls. ' ' Mrs. Kl-ihsuha ami duiiKhter. Agues, are vlilling In Klumatli Falls for a few weeks.' Levine in Trouble , With Newest Pilot tllANWKl.l,. F.llg.. Sept. 111. (.Pi -The long 'Xcted fllKhl eastward of rhaflee A. I.evlur In his trans-Atluntic nmnoplano IVluuihal In pursuit of the long ! ""'"nl" nnu ,u eosi-,,,,: ... ii,.olll slcmp. former poned ibis morning for at least .,.l.11.,rv , ,rt prwt,nl; and : '.not her day because the tluno. i..i,r..-..i,.iiv. .t,.i rrrlonUed, failed to rise j he ground to a futile at - loinpt tJ take off. ' I Ther had been some nigu- ment Bttvre'n Levlno nnd his pilot. Captn Waller lllnchcllfte, I as 13 wucuirr tnu item wan dry i piesldent was sincere in saving he ' grand Jury. enough for the attempt, It had he did not ch-oso to run. The j Weygandl made no official an been raining, but the aim can... I CoolwUo sutrmo.,1. , added. I noiinc.n.ent before going lo Co out brightly ibis morn ng and probably was Issued lo -spike" lunibu.. but It was believed be taptaln llinchcllffe which op- third term talk. Mr. Wood be-1 meant to talk with the governor rosed other postponement declur-1 li, ved Inc'lann's delegation tothet,( ,0 to confer with a Coluin ing that there was a limit to hlajnevt republican convention would bus specialist regarding Iho poa- patience and that It was now or ustriKied and that Senator 1 .(bllltles of eleclroiilsm In tulv- noer. - I Walton's health would prevent ' Ing the invstery. Flei Ironlsin, ar- The argument ended with boihhim from acrepllng a delcgiitlou cording to physliniis, is th srl mcn entering tho machine ahem i histi ti, led for hi m. Lllcw ,,r detrrmliilng almllsrily a a. in. au garoi'it tor tne ingiii. The engine waa set golug, but It was not until 10:30 a.' m.. that the first attempt wash marie to get Into the air. This proved un successful after a "00 yard run. Then another trip was made half an hour later with !S gallons of gasoline removed, bnt this, prov ed unsuccessful, the Columbia's tall refusing t'o leave tho' ground. ScHH IMPIPKNCK "Young man, does your mother know you smoke?" "Lady, does your husband know you atop to speak to strange men on the streetT" i Passing Show. The face value today of the ; thirty plecca of silver mentioned ; in the Blblo Is about J2i.50.- j HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOPPE Offering Tor Your Approval SPECIAL Breakfast 50c Luncheon 50c Dinner 85c These at Counter Only Only the Best Served Standard Dyers arid Gleaner i Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service - Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 7A Phone 952 Economical People Prefer Cal, is Belief WASIIlNliTO.V. Sept. I!. II"! Three , repiihlii au lender who called at the While House today enpreiweil the belief that tho peo-' Pie generally wnated President Ooolidiiu to run again In 1 1 J S . Tllev were reliriHUlilHl Iv.i Wood f Indiana, chairman of I ho re. publican congressional commit- national c. in in It tee men for Ten-' nessea. Wood Mild Mr. I'ooll.lcn would he h seu for another term and would accept the no in I- ration, althnugh lie helleyrd the The view of lr. Kletuti ws. thai I' tho convention nominated Mr. Coolldge ho would accept. II - .aid he had not talked over the quest Inn with tho president. Mr. Taylor snid Tenncst.ee republi cans were clinging in .Mr. Cool ldge as their choice, lie said Mr. Coolldge declined to discuss the situation except to express ap preciation of Tennessee sentiment complimentary lo him. KrCH IS KAMK "Oh, Ethel, you must come up! want you to see the darling pink I.lndics I bought at the lingerie sale today!" Life.' PELICAN CAFE ! ' Inc. "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchants' Lunch 11 A. M. to 2 P.M. 50c Williams Bid. 722 Main Coming to Klamath Falls Dr.MELLENTHIN SPECIALIST In Internal Mcdli-tiio for the - - past fifteen ear - t ROFS NOT OPFRATK Will he st A RCA UK lUlTKI, Monitor. Kept. 'Jtllll Office Hours: O a. m. to rt a. ON K DAY ONLY No Clinrgo for Consultation Ur. Mcllcnthln Is a regular graduate In medicine and surgery and Is licensed by tho state nf Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gail stones, ulcere of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has In bis credit wonderful results in diseases of tho stomach, liver, bowpls, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheu matism, sciatica, leg ulcers' and rectal ailments. Ilolow are tho names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon who liavo been treated for one of the above named ratiscs: ' Elmer Booker. Condon, ('has. DAsch. Portland. I). 0. Horn. Ilonama. Fred Shields, Klamath alls. ' Daniel Steinon, Allegany. It. E. Ncal, Central Point. Joo Sheoshlps, Gibbon. Remember above dale, that consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment Is different. . Married women must be ac companied by their husbands. Address: 211 Ilradbury llldg., I.os Angeles, California. fYOVY- LOOVIT EC VVEtL tLL fie ( AJOW.lFYOt V6AH -iT-SOr?J OO-rt PErCH- J a hole I M J COOLO DO WAT II WUUOSWS Apip-Ysown.S nwFr v EVeRYTiMe- y V tor op wcar n' ' YOUVe MADE THE J unt' J 1. r- 7 TCrV? OM Hie r s SHOTOT- f, -f r- Bi l h- . .1m- . ffi ,: ' y oisjt s f iivi.-r si-.. -Ji J New Light Thrown On Baby Mystery CI.KVKI.AM, O,. Sept. I. I V P. 1 lievelopiiienls III t'Uive- hand's triple baby mystery look la new turn today when common pleaa JiiiIk Carl V. Weygaudt, ! who Is considering evldenco III the rase, went to Colmuhua, O , pruauuiaUly lo voufor with Uov eruor Vic Ihinuhey. t'harlea MrConnell, ntlorney for Mr. and Mrs. Kn Smith, imrenia who churge that a baby ... ... ,i i.....i.i maternity boxpllal. August 23. rei.l.i.e.l with a elrl. au- liounced at I lie .nine lime he will place all evldeiui. In the hands of the county pro-mill or Monday for mescutiitloa. to the coiiuly I k..a... ..hii.i kr..,..h bodv tissues and energy developed , l blood cells. Ml..nw,,; Mr the maternity hospital nursing the baby girl and determined at Ihe same time not to leave her bed until the hospital produces the boy she declares waa bom to her three weeks ago. During a preliminary hearing before Judge ....I. I a.-..- t..tiri..rf s. io oZr bible, by lb; nam. of Smith, both boys, were born , -1.1,1- . r h,.e. of the Sam Smith baby. Open Letter Stage A minrr Hami.es' v (Continued! from page 11 hip and concluded with this postscript: "P. 81 might add that. I wrote this letter myself." The Herald and Kxamlnvr an- noiincf that It would publish an - other "remarkable open letter" under Dempsey's signature tomOT- row. ism suaaesiiua 10 ins ".r correspondents thst more word I than blows msy be exchsnged bo- foro the debate la settled In the ten round title bout at Soldier field. to reply to any further com - munlques from I he challenger The ct.amj.lun. obviously annoyed- uy a literary mm oi evente m in harmony with his own laste. In such uffalra. Indicated rather strongly to bis friends that he would lot his fists finish tho ar gument in Ihe ring. The effect of the "open let ter" episodes today was viewed by the correspondents largely as a transparent attempt to sur round thn forthcoming title battle with a "grudge" aspect. This Is In contrast with the rsther friend- lv Mtunn.r nil, i t ih. rln . In . ..... w. ... which Jack and Genu previously have treated eseh other. Dempsey and Tunney went through their late bard workouts yesterday, the challenger before a critical gathering of news papermen only And the champion before a group of four thousand spectators. i Roth gave brisk performances, marked bo decisive punching, that aroused enthusiasm of most of the assembled experts. Both declared themselves fit and ready for the battlo. Tunney's right eye, twice In jured and a subject of much con cern, seemed entirely healed but he will take no further chances with It prior to the fight. nu triUL. a ii r. i wit I akv vii I A lit u.ni is inr. "bleb ou are required to appear LAKE ILLA. Ill, Sept. 19. (P).an( ,a compalllt pr. The calm assuiance of a fatal 1st who belli-rcs the outcome of all fights was a matter of record before life itself was created, will steel. Gene Tunney against the flailing fists of Jack Dempsey on Soldier Field Thursday night. Thoughtfiiiry. the big marine who stripped Dempsey of the heavyweight championship In the pelting rain at Philadelphia', told today of his conviction that the rejuvenated "Mnnassa Mauler" must again face defeat and with it flstio when the opening gong nimmons the two giants of the ring to tho center of tho gleam ing battle ground while 180,000 persons i heci from the sin round-1 livaliiient on the pari of llm du. I. b.,wl nf darkne-. , l-JJ-y., J..;.. - f lloH.ng on the lawn llml rolls '".J.'?, 'M11heara.,le lul. from lilt roiililry club training ";';",,, wrongful rllon uuurtvra In soft stietilns lo thw j(f pinm ,v dulendunl wlthoni shore of l.aku Villa, the1 wrlmis , ,U cau,, 'provocatluu or et niliidcd youth of tlrcenwli'h Vll-,u,0, lugu out lined his philosophy ol , F. II. MILLS, life and belief In ring "men of I Attorney for l','"""L destiny " 'S.tW N"' b Z... be sal... hlhalS. K.a.nalh Fall.. Oregon. I. I- h.le his far off gase flked OU lht dis tant Inke shun', "dirocla the pallia of men from a coniinou begin ning, through , dlsaslor and triumph to a goal, an ending that was pre-crdulncd before birth. Man cannot change his destiny. Ills efforts only cnulhavg been gppoitnea aumuiisira help bring alMiul the end ron- ir of ins e.,.a ..I N'""g tjiiing ...ved a, ,b. beginning cf .'".' Y'.or.n.t.d: I7"l I""" rwiulred to present Ihoin lo Foimer (hump Ibtcks m-in- mil (h(1 ur0lrr vouchers, at LINCOLN FIKLHH. CKF.TB. m w (f,.,.. t4 Main Street, III.. Sept. 19. tD Among lite ( willlima llulldliig.. Klamath Falla. good wishes Jack Demnocy will . Oregon, within alx months from carry with bira into ins ring Thursdav night are those of Jack Sharkey, the lloston heavyweight wli succumbed to liempsey's fists sis w. ks ago. In Ihu first of his cotili'baik buttles. Shar key, now "eipvrling" 'ur I'"' ron new"l'aner. watcbwl the for- mer title holder In bjs final workout Inst sight and said he I eurt.rlsed by Itaihpsey "''..""fr .".-"e! iv.mp.evs four round, of .par- rlug. Bbarkey shoih handa with his conqueror and wished blm all the luctuln the world. . Jack Johnson, another eg- champion. wa also 'among the . ia .,.. irii .el. to He I 1U0 at the iralnlng set-to. lie. said he hart seen a lot of boxing U.d not r...... tHe-.. Johneon '""' h'.; flf with toe very few 'experts who have announced their "pick" by saying he believed Oempeey will recapture his heavyweight crown, even If the bout anoum go the full ten round.. 1 . ib.mm.w rtnisiiMn un nl. inree weeks' training with another ex hlbllloa of speedy footwork Bud punching, against Alleniown Joe Cans. Rocky Russell. Dave Shade and Osk Till, one round wllb each. ' ling punching,, road work ana 'rnt wm initw nn be bis program from said. Manager - Flyett Wtn DO( another r:und f spar r,ntf The expert, who have been lp- vlted to Dempsey's Isst three workouts, since their exclusion over the previous week-end, were vrrr curious snout tne lormer ',,,, IIirorroilUoM 0f Us source. Alf, , . d , 0rclnr,d .n.rt sul Ibel.n ,ufh olhnr bu.lneM as may Wow wntrh . n any oficomo before them r-nt workouta. and Ihe ,,. of ,rBllng came to life again. The bruise Is under his right eye, and no handicap to his vision. THEIIl HTART, Alice: "Dad. do you think Ur0,nh(, of Ceorge la making enough to sup-( HIMMKTT'nitOTIirRS. part port me?" nrrshlp. Ilankrupl. Father: "ea. dear. inaia, more than I waa making when I married," Alice: "Rut do you think a seven-room house Is largo enough for us?" Father: "Certainly. Your moth er and I started fighting In three rooms." Legal Notices MMMONtt. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for Klam ath Ceunty. DORIS FORRTKIt. Plaintiff, n. MARTIN FOKBTKR. Defend ant. F.coiY No. SiSt In the nnmo of the state' nf Oregon, Yon are hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you In the above entitled ault. within four tweeks from tho lth day of September. 1927, that being the time within suanl to ah order for' publication of summons a. made by Honor - aute A. i.. ieavui. juuge oi tne .van, arid Front Streets, a dls above entitled court datud 8ep-' lgnre of 1 block, closing wild temher I"; 1S27, which order street between these two points riocrees the first publication ' to all future traffic." This pot thereof to be September 10th, t It Ion Is being presented for the 1(27, and if you fall go to an-' reasons that the School District swor, for want thereof, the plain- Owns all property abutting on tiff will apply to the above en- Home Street between Knt Main titled court for a decree of dl- and Front, and tho street la of voire dissolving and annullng the no value lo the general public, bonds of matrimony now existing n closing of same . will not between plaintiff and defendant I ork hardship on any person and for such other and further !r Properly holder, and will relief as to Ihe court may be ' benefit the community and school deemed Just and equitable jib ! hv nwln b district to make prayed for In plaintiffs com- "ed Improvements on the plaint, -the. grounds, as therein 1 a'"""" Of the school district, slated being cruel and inhuman1 School District No. 1. Klamath County, Oregon, Idu II. Moyer. Clerk. By Tavlor M'n'lny, Scptcinhcr 10, H27. AKMIMHIH ATOIIM MUR K. In the f'niility Cuuil of Iho Kluie of Oregon fur Klamath County. -In tha maiter of Ihg eslnlo of WtlNtl flU'SII, deceased. Nollce la hereby given that I i me uaie nereoi. laled Meptemher . ISJ7. WILLIAM flANONIl. 'Administrator of Klate ut Wong CbUUg. deceased. Hl-3-Oi-IO-17 IN lUN'KUVPTCV. In the District Court of Ihe I'nlled Htutvs, for Ihu District t( ii.egon. l.i the matt r f 1'j the rrwIPvw of fl. "! O ruB. N'Ml. hereby given that oil (.pirmb.-f mh, S7. t. C. Hirlinmett was duly adludged bankrupt and that (ha first meeting of creditors will be held nt Ihe office of the undersigned, uln M KUmii, Ki1 0trton ou 0,.0B,.r jj,,,. I IT. at t o'clock p. m. at which time ciedltors may attend, prove their claims, examine Ihe bank rupt. elect a trustee and trans, act such other business as msy come bef..re them. -Dated September It. 1)!7. J. C. KUTKNlt:. Itrlerre In llaukrupiry. l-ll I.N IIAShlll lit V. In the District Court of Ihe Pulled Htalcs. for Ihe District of Oregon. In the instter of . S. U tiltlMMKTT. Ilankrupl. To the credltois of S. L. tirliu- mett: I Notice I. hereby glvep that on Heptemuer IJlu. 191,, n. I l.rlmiuett aas duly adjudged bankrupt and that the first meeting nf creditors will be held at Ihe office of the undersigned, at 401 Main Mtreet, Klamath Ftills, Oregon, on October 13th. 1927. at t o'clock p. m. at which Dated Heplember 19. U27 J. C. Itt.TKNIC. Kelcrve lu Bankruptcy. i ii-n IV ItANklll ITCV. In the' District Court of Ihe U'nliml Htatrs, tor the Dlatrirt of to the creditors of li rim molt Bros, partnership: Notice la hereby given that on September l!th. It7. (Irlmmett Bros., partnership, was duly ad Judged bankrupt and that the first meeting of creditors will be held at the office of Ihe under signed, at 4'0! Main Street, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, on October 12th, lz7. at 1 o'c.u.U p. m. at . which time creditor, may at tend, prove rOelr claims, exam. Ine Ihe bankrupt, elect a trustee and transact such other buslneas as may come before them. , Dated September It, 127. 1. C. RUTKNIC. Referee In Bankruptrr. I-U, NOT It K OF PKTITION TO VA CATE HOME STREET. ' Notice is hereby given In whom i may concern that nn Septem ber II, 127. at 8:00 p. m., la the council room of too City Hull. School District No. - 1 nf Klamath county, Oregon, will netltlon the f'lfv rnnnell nt j Klamath Falls. Oregon, In vacate 1 Home Street between East A2I H6-12-1J NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. You are hereby notified that the Hoard of Equalisation for the Klamath Irrlgutlon Dlatrirt will be rn session nn the third dny of October, 1 H 27. Room "K," Court House, Klntnitth Falla, Ore gon, remaining in session from day to duy until Its work Is com pleted, for the purpose of review Ing, revising and correcting the 19211 assessment nud apportion ment nf taxes, productive acre age, Irrigihle acreage, descrip tions, quantities of lends, lots or other properties -subject to" levy by the district. ' It shall he the duty nf all per sons Interested to gppesf at the' time and place appointed. All protests against assessments must bo filed with the Hoard during thn first fifteen days at said session. A. M. THOMAS, Sery. Klnmnlh Irrigation Dlsf. .. Sr..2-IU-8