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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1927)
Vaaa. Four THE EVEXTNO TIF.RA1 D. KT.AMATH FALLS. OREOON Ms-mlny. Soptcmlu-t 10. 1027. Till. MAI.AHKKV ' H PKKKINK II. KSlil.lll ( IMIiercd !) Carrier . On Vnr MS Hi. Minilt - SSO I Three Months - 1 5 I on Month later...! as second class mailer t . . ... . i . un August S. 1S. under Associated Press Lease. 1 Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Mi iiiIht of III .MM'lntiil l'rr AaanriatPd Pra la xi lus.ivly rntitKkl to the un or rvpuWIca n nf aU dlnnali-h tTrdiled to It or not thrwlap rrrdltod I Ilia piipor and alao th loal rpulillratlon of ainlal uinpaicnfa infrwm vre aio wtrtm. Monday, September li, 1027. Young Mr. Hill Up at Bend workinjr jis a iinucr ne iiauser ooys is i.ui . '. . ifie of the Jim Hill family, and a tfood ne at that.; .Vr9 ,,, Mofurmi.-k and jnunK Mr. Hill rxhed all the nev modeled methods son. Thomas. Jr.. aprnt Sunday of Kett nP on in thl world and he decided that the only , Tri rlf wnv for a vounir man to hit the bull ana be honor-i.lvi,. .n.. v..iii n. 1. , i. n. . ilDie IS lO worn. lO run a Ittiutu i in i, a mo aiiiv.nui j npit m iowt. ' , .t I djd. he also founa tooK quue gatne. This, he decided, could not le learned in an office at a mahogany desk. The plain, old-fashioned common sense that has been a -marked feature of the Hill-family asserted itself and the boy very properly detjjriHjned to start at the bottom to learn railroading. AVhen Mr. Budd announced the 'building' of an ex- teHHn-from Bend to Chenault on the Southern Pacific youug Mr. Hill showed up said',""" referred him to the yoVrqc man on and he is today working with other con ... :-:.. tV. .Tfnis is a story of American wisdom and saneness. !LiUk4in eciiu ui tut; uuu muii iiiui aim in uujb, it is another type of character-who is willing to do his work witiibut spotlight notoriety and make good. ... yyje can plainly see mar. ine t.reat nonnern ana other Hill lines will long be in good hands if the ranks oftrfficialdom are filled with boys like the young Hill wbaMs today working with the,great Oregon plateau. At Old J "you want to get a shot of youthful spirit go to Euiretie and see the youngsters coming in, from all over ! the country to attend Old Oregon. - ; "wVrt. m!' Z'a It is Un inspiration to- witness the " three"housartd togmher. aooordtnK to a teie viung men and women as they congregate preliminary ; '',hol,e received here from i . , , ,, , rrog lamp, base of searohinc td taking up the years ivor. Nearly, all of them are operations, at the summit of th sincerely entering school for the good they will receive Cascade ranse nar McKemie from it. A small percentage always go as hangers-on ; " c- "'"lkjnn.s . , . , , , . , - Portland Ad i Inb and several With the hope of having npthing but a good ime, but , others. Including Tom Ferry and that percentage is not of consequence when the university 1 Henry Cramer sr.. fathers of th . i . , . two lost youths, reached Frog Is, Viewed as a vholev camp laat night. i This is looked upon by the faculty as a great year 1 ai Eugene. Dr. Hall, who has been frequently nick- Lucas Gives a named "the little educational ministration sent nis dynamic imisn institution. There is energy ..j iTi : ii .,.,it. .;u . , Ctf nia .mullet ... ivu.cj v.t ..;junclloB on (he VitHic ,li(:liway judgment, according to those who watch the "speedom-. came in toiiay with his n-port ctcr'" of educational institutions, and Eugene' believes ; 'or the season. -ami th season 4th all her heart that a record will be (set this year ; exceeding the mf.ny good records of the past. I Df the ehambur had in the in- i -We . must admit that the university campus and ' t'la,ion ' tne iunction. 7 ... ... .... . ... Oad Lucas, as he is faniil- grounds are not kept up like they should be, and this;iarIy raIleo ,,y touri-is. bus is! due to lack of funds. But the spirit is there and that swapped yarns with a lot of is iho main tViino- All mpmhprs nf thp faculfv lrhnm 1,h ,llla y31"- "'1 them of wj met -were up on their toes, and every student and prospective student possessed the desire to see good work in the state institution this year. English a The Japanese are a careful people. They realize from' the many motor accidents in America, that it be- ' , , . , .. ,. ii.. ntjoves tne ionunaie possessor ui a wi iiizy to ue eij circumspect in the manner in which he goes dashing along a street. Therefore, the police have framed some very wise regulations for the guidance of motorists. A many English-speaking visitors nowadays go motor ing in Japan, the Nipponese cops, with great considera tion, have translated these wise admonitions into English. Ai they would be of as much service in Pittsburgh, Dallas or New York as they are in Tokio or Kyoto, we append a few: "At the rise of the hand policeman top' rapidly. ' "When a passenger of the foot hove in sight tootle t't'r hbrn. Trumpet at him. Melodio.usly at first, but if lio i-t ill obstacles your passage, tootle him with vigor i n-' express by word of mouth the warning Hi! Hi! 'iBeware the wandering horse. Do not explode tho exhaust box at him. Go soothingly by., . '.'Give big space to the festive dog that shall sport ii the roadway. "Go soothingly in the grease mud as there lurks the skid demon." vJLhere's English for you! ! Things arc never as bad kind of a scare overcome during his life the worst Kdltor , Advertising Manager llunnii Manager ' '' ' "' Munlu ... Mmh .4,","b Sr" "! 4 UO the -'fflra at Klamath Falls ..... ... I'mires. M.nh S IKTS a t of Coin res. March 1. 1ST newa ,ulltiAd Ihurvln. All rlithla railroad construction hand : J ,..,.l, v.:. o 1 a on oi hiioieuKe oi me for a job. Air. tuau. it is Hauser boys, who put the . . . - . . , the boys in .laying track on Oregon giant,, nas in nis onei aa- nature tnrougn me entire on every hand. He has fill- la Nippon as they seem. Don't let any . you. Someone has nuid that things never happened, and NEWS NOTES OF KEi mm fsiwcin) Tha ll.-ruldl KKNO, Sept. :,-(;rw II '''""n. formerly of this section .who now makes tils houia lu Med r Willi his family. spoilt last .IiinUv I,... .Iwlili,.. taiik ..)... Saturday here visiting with rcla- inn. To nwall the opening of seliool which h.ia been postponed on ao- count of the recent oiild.-iul.-. In- cal tt-ai'lipra ham returned lu tbir hoinea. I T. A. C.rulih. mho la 1.ckIiis at Swan laic, mh iii aovi rul daya In Krno ou buini'a. I MisaSura Sohrakorf mval WVd-' ncsday afternoon v iail Iiik .M isa iipai Wilson. , Mr , d jjfg sininiK of Oak land, Calif., arrlwd lioro KfUlay ' ntorninx to auln lyisoKsmn of " , their l'hmli't oar. whii h aa stolon from thorn aovonil w..ks. aco and which was abandoned with a br.:ki o wheel at li e Snuw- Mse ru-u. whore it was taken Tk. ui..... . ""i. nn.'iM . iimv". ' Miriam lirnl.l. ...d lion,h Jl.r. "-"-. . -" Tisitluj with Mrs. l'arons. , Mr. and Mrs. Major Sponrvr and family speut Friday visiting at the L. W. Auderson rjni h. Those amonR the many Kenn Ites that visited lOamath Falls durinn the week were R. W. Nel- "' 'nrt. son. Aaron Moore. Harry PratUer. v. K. Puokett. Hen Suowgouso and father. C. Snowgoose. and .. .. ' , I91CI, IsUta. , Mr. and Mrs. n. A. Mroyles motored Tuesday. to Klamath Fas on parv Scnrrhintr For Missing Boys' v. r. . vm., o...i. ... Ill l.'...-vi- . J . 1 r. , . Headed by e. a. uniton. a party ot beRan the ascent of th ; ld,d': '8!" r'L,I'.!0""?; to ftud Heary rramer.and coy Ferry, missing in that arc.i since i , I. September S. 1 A J ' , With Rritton. boy scout execu tive of noseburR. was Fred Mc " Neill and X. J. WulfsburR. and .1 boy scou. from Koscburg. whos? came was not learned. Coming In from the east aide was another pt of 'ot" headed by Ne!s f.nnH Arr.-mntina F. U. Lucas, who has watched uie cars come ana go at tMamain the merits ot Klamath county ag riculture, praised Crater Lake when tourists saw fit to visit the lake via Klamath Falls, and has perhaps told some pretty big fish yarns compared with the motb-si Henderson who frequently dwells upon fish in this county. The Lucas reports shows that 490 cars left tho Pacific high way at the Junction and came 'T"m ,he Cr,,'n vrnK way to Klamath: that high- ::vo tars Ksnl north on the Pacific high way and S2T, went south on Unit thoroughfare. roil . imv Tleuevolciil Old flenllmuau: Here's a penny for ymt. my buy. Put it in your money box when yon get home. Small Hoy: Won't you give me a balf'pcnny instead, -sir? II. O. V.: Why? . Small Hoy: I can't get a penny back out ot the slot. Passing Show. Win. IV ii ii ' 5 ifiitn. A Rood riRiir. H 1 1 V . I'J 1 Correct Dental Work When you come lo me. for your dental work you will hi; assured of proper workmanship nt a just arid reasonable price. My list of satisfied patients is growing daily. ' You, too, will be pleased with my service. Free Examinations Given DR. R. D. COE Hopka Bldg. Phone 836 At the Pine Trcs II is ery icMi ui ilinl a show n' p. tin lliul hat nun rval run - edy mill dramatic value than i "Clancy's' Kosher Wedding." th ' i.. i comedy 'blh U iiUivlim hi the Pint- Tn'f theatre, For once an Irish-Jew Ish I'lc- lin h; losicil plot, nml the ,.lm.,!v crallv is part of the 't.:ry. . , mere Fans ilra:it.'ii In to rciicie the balance of i st.ry. "Clancy's Kosher poor d- dtna" deals kindly with all lt al,a (U,lni fr,nd any- one. There are no wuu itairi. Ihouuht the fun l mostly of the alaptlik kind. Ihoro I." a note of real paihos running through the. atory. and this aem to Riv the film a real p.rsonal note. lb aotiiiR Is -l"l"l1l' K d. Ceoi'R Sidney a.i tho Jew- bit faihir Is hli usual clever atlf. and Armstroim. in lb Irish role is an equally ilever roll, H -t Lease and Sharon Lynn ar di liRhKiil In thi lr happy Utile romance, and the wh.ilo oast moi smcoibly and logically ihrouRh iholr apiHiiuUd rolos. National Guard j Meets Tuesday, All mon who have aliened for .... ... i . tbo National linurd milt of Mum ath Fails, ami ihoao who exp.-t .. I.,l .honl.t he i.rosol.l lOtnor- row evenius at 7; 3D olo.k at tin murder of a alx-year-oia IM. the American LeKioit btr.ldliiR for ! 1-Me h.t boon misl.nR 71 hours the pitrnosv of UelnR physically and almost 4S hours alno the eiamlned and to attend prelim- , nils,lnR body of i: child. Kath iuarv orKanlzallon. Forrest, was found III Ihii John (Hover, who Is Interested i basement of a vacant house near . .. . . ... ...... ' Bav,u a .wnai .i.uaru 'ere. . pMM V " " "un uu' wor ,nu" lor ""I Ihn ....iv.ii .ml tiHlnv h stated i ----- . . - q ,,: 08 tboubt there Is no Uotibt about a uult helnR estuhllsheU land one that will be a credit to I i the stale of Oregon. i I Ronra Rrtntrs in Monev , Chun'ts Charge! with possession liiliior. 1-es ConKo of gan avenue. ;raie St' ilmnd street uud Mrs. Myers of I25 Orchard, forfeited, ball in the sum of 50 00 lu ikiIIco court this niorninR. Conao was fined !) and each of the other three paid fines of $!0 each Rccause he attempted to drive while Intoxicated.- M. i. Krane minus MOO. He forfeited tbl amount when he failed to appear tins inornuiK- ) On the charge of belitR drunk ' ou Main street, K. Z. Ulchards ' paid a fine of ?'Ja.0t) this morn tag. ' ' ' S.ll.KM ISKII.TOII DIF.S j SAIIEM. Ore.. Sept. IS. (1 .;' J. A. Mills, prominent real estute j broker of Salem, died suddenly from a heart attack while on a i picnic with relatives In the woods' near Falls City about 1 o'clock j yesterday afternoon. - WATCH REPAIRING HKRK 1 year guarantee on all wutk GEO. METZ Jl. U K. I. Kit (32 Mala SameTrico 1 forover352jears i si: i.r.s? than tip ' ' I.ICIILII TKICE'J tKVD3 i ( Win, Pay War Prices? rwr. covt:pnmf;t V'tr MILLIONS r- !IfNljS At the Liberty . Ii Is probably u fuel lllut uu , other mutton plclm shown lie re : wlililn recent mniilli hut bona o mil of thrills mul action as "Tin' Mail Uohbery," which j opened an cnu.cmcnt of two days lit 111" Liberty theatre yea- teniae ! ,,h .1. It brains at ao fast ... mini ilial It seems impossible that i!ii Killed will bi maintained tu th rnd nf th atory. Instead, however. It constantly accelerates ,id flnl.hoa on a liljh nnio that . piaooa lit enure proiim tion in ihe latesory of awin, brialh- tukiiiK amusement, ..Th ,t, Mall Itolihery" viln ini. rvr.nt Riiveui- or,ir i,L(, ln r. s. nihrlnoa illH sllur)ia on mall trains, and : immediately awlnaa Into a atory lha, j, ahsoibinciy.liiteruslliiR and . ,.lirr,,,s a ,friliii; air of mystery, ,u fai tilpr,, r two or three j ,ur,iuR "twlsta" to lb atory j ,u fOHlS , b, ri.,.Bu.d ; r ? VtM ZnrrtK ; I " Woods for Suspaci fKli.Mt It.M'lhS. la.. Sept. 1!. ,CI) with the lareiila of 14-yoar-old l.yle Mrner held for conspiracy til obstruct Justice, pollco today plunuod to' search wooded trncta near I'nlar Huplda tor '"e m-y u carKe.i . .1... Iii.iiiM "'" " ' "., .,. ,,,, '," - " - " . ' J - , tn the con-p.raiy charR.f and Walter J. Ilarnarover. county al- You will litrt LOS ANGELES Better if You Stop at o?3'j3fetel3(iward SIXTH and SPRING STREETS New Itmtott Dollar Annex HOClsitiitiHiltsiaM 2.00 par dsy up without bath $1.30 par day op srlth bath Hbjomal navies Papula Frlceil Co (Tea Shop aadOrUl "Wo Ch"rk Your Car at the s iMur." '.r&sr ss wi . t" vj ?;ei a Pi. alia.. T'taU-F t.atLja.WUIiUgvtaa. a'Mlia.M!g1 "sW U BaswW ffsill- rn : iri lit , :: :: .. I lurney, asorled h believed they know w liero Ibo boy la uiisl -allowed llilll lo t'SI'llliO, '. 1 Workman Had Dinw Novel Experience WOOIil.AMI. Calif.. So i I, Is.! IAI'1 Fri'd V. Xleinanii. an vleotrl.lan ruunloil an unusually torrltyliii ekiorlonooj Into hta life today after having aaved hliu-j self from doaib when bound to a rnllrond truck by two unliUii- tiflod holdup men. i Niemann an art upon when ; h atopped hta automobile nouri the Southern I'uillle traoka. Ill' holdup men. aiiRry heoaus they not only X from him, It uaied I leads TV T Motor Develops more powwr than any other ol equal sua, Mori Li( Room snd grrsler comlon than in any other tight car on the market. Own and drne the car In a licht car in 192S. and style More than Coach Totmng Roadster OVERLAND-KNIGHT 4lh and Klamalli Ave. WEST COAST OIL & rtHmfHIttHHH Notice to Stockholders This Association is the owner of gas and oil lease hold rights on approximately 2,700 acres of land, in the vicinity of Dairy, Oregon. Payment at the rate of twenty five cents (25c) per acre must be made to the owners of this land by October I, 1927, in order to maintain the validity of these leases. 'Die association has no funds. If it is your desire that these leases be saved to the Asso ciation, you may contribute to a fund for such purpose, making payment ( at The American National Bank, Klamath Falls, Oregon,' by September 29, 1927. r BOARD OF DIRECTORS, West Coast Oil & Gas Association. III in In Urn rail IJ mluiilea lis - foni III fast Ou'kon llmllod tin dua lit puaa Ibal point. .' Alter aeniul tiiinulcs of. Iitiium aliug- Club Cafe I I lie I'lui'o of REAL SERVICE nd EATS ithe Whippet all light cars Economy Whippet holds th Coaat-tooast economy record. Low Center of Cravity adds trssUy to ndmg comlon and salrty on the road. that cmrxxlics all the mtxlrrn features vou will demand The Whippet is over a year ahead In design, effiacnev 125.000 owner have proved i:s tupcrioiity in oir 400,000.000 miles of drivino. Superior Quality New Low H'..t t 795 765. 825 625 625 C9S Coupe) Sedan sanrlau Cms. P-rt . I J .wAsm. ittl'fi to ,Sr wim, M .. yt inJ, i., 7a, itJm GAS ASSOCIATION in In ha auaoeedi'd III luosriiliiif llm 'culils thai litiund 111 lit and aprniiR ; '"'"f' whlslle I"' "'" wi'tTnttflilif 'lain. JllSt PIlOIK) 408 for now U tin time lo lint till oiir id it Ilea lirnk like lien for l ull. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works 431 MAIN I 4-Vhel Brakes-Whippet la the first light car teuwthtm. Clear Vision Nmw kuni body posts fliminsla the "Mind sput" hawid. Prices H-tiMSf 625 725 755 745 H'ee 795 875 925 675 SALES CO. Phone 899 t theyt don't,