Monday, Sopt'cmlxM' 19, 1H27. ' THR F.VRN'IN'fl IlEliAU), KLAMATH PALLS. OREfiOtf. , lfU fur Hiilnn- Km nk I.. W' iii- MAT JV2 l VS OF KLA MA TH Iti'iiix uf I ti t Cum urnltiK Iti'xlili'nln u( 1 1 1 (iri'iit Kliiinulilli yiialn. IC Vim JUvh Ni'WK fur Tlila DiimrltiHiil. Yuiir i MHim; ih hiiiiih i win iiv Afni inii u. IaHI I'iit lkr-Wrw W. M. I'ri hlim. fiiriin'ily mini niior ( llni nilVi'Mlalna. illpnrl Incut uf IImi KrunlnK Hi ralil, li mb rmliiiii'il hla nimltlun unil Ml Htitunliiy fur l.iiki'Vlnv whrn Ii.) Will lia I'uiitii'i liHl Willi Ilia l.ak" Vli'W Kxmiilni'r. Mlaa (iimn K. f'niihny, formerly akalalant In Mr. I'crhliiN In In i-liiirno nf Die mlvur-l)lllK. Ilr. Minimi il H--. I i N. K. Wlmiuril of Kdkiiih', 8uu(litrn I'ai'llk' minvnti fur tin Hum no itlntriil vUllril fa ilio ill yrailrntiiy wllh hit brother, II. V. Wtnuuril wlni hiu been In poor limlili (or aeviiral muiillia. It will Iw wllh liitnrial Ihul lil frlnliita Irani III I'linilllliin In iiIiiiwIiik marked lniirivim"iit. Hcllinuil Till" Mcii-iilng Mr. ami .Mm. Ilrure Dminla ri'tiirni'il on tlila innrniiin I ruin $om the mirth, wham they went i.n Thnraday villi their mm. .lark, who entered tha I'nlvemlty of, Oregon. , Mr. and .Mm. Dennla Inurneyed on to I'nrtlnnil fur brief bualiii'. and plraanrv trlu. riMiilltlnii lniiriiw- Majiir Malinie of III" lliianl wlni Kii.lnrnl a painful Injury when Ma nun lplmliul, khoiilliiK up HiruiiKli Hiu upper pi'ii of the rlklil mill U ri'imiliil k recovering; rupnlly from hl Injury. Tim 1 I 1 t I liaiiieiieil I u t week III .Meilfnrd wlilln liu n In I liu parade n( Hie Jink a n tniiiily fnlr. ;i liuiac linn lili'il, ruualnii hi gun to ill iliaiHu. Jack Clitwr itl Th" Klral Niitlunul hunk vlnlli'il In III.' vullcy rliy tin Huuiluy Willi Urn major, ull lift l.y ninliir Imluy Cor Huli'iii, wlniri limy will iilli-ntl the nliliinil run fin miii ii of M. K ctiuri Ilea of Ihn ntithi will lie In i-mmIiiii tlnouKlioul Ihn wi't'k. Mlnlater. unit Iiiviiicii fruni lime. . .jlli-uHy all purla vf Oregon will lir In aiienilnnr. In Hi paatiir's .. ., , alwniv, i In- MiIIhkiIhi pulpit win Nallonul ... ., u ' ,,, ,. tm aupplli'il iimt HuniLiy ly W. CiiiiiIiik" of llila rliy. IIi-miiimihI I'imiIiIoii Tiii Mm Anna I tl -1 it of Moi'n Mton ri'NUiui'il Jirr ptolMou thin iiinrnliiK afirr nn "ii" inliil vl'H In f t-; 1 1 iili'l Kpjkiiux Mm. Hoy llli'kiniiii who Ima In M tin' ponflloii foruii-rly orrup'il liy .Mia. 1 1 1 : 11 1 1 1 ii Inn li-in trum fi'fri'il to thti ratly-t-w'ur ill" partiiuiil of tliii rtoii'. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE? lino oii Itliil Hih lii'at mi'lli oi in n il II? Mr I,. P. .Moiit Kolni'ry. Ho:i I'plniiii, nil Ihf Hiiri'Ml liii'tlioil and aolil hla fiiriillurn. I!u fnni'tii'd u Want Ad In tho 'Kiirnliure fur aul:" roluniua of tliu lli-r-aid. 'Hit! rtumin fi.r ui h iiuli'k m I Inn In 'III" to I 111! lurt ll'-r-n lil wan i adit y.'i in l"-r ri"ii of tin hoima In Klaimitb Kli. V.iini niN In Hi ii h va nillic pnfi'tr hrlnit rioiJta. Wlin you havi aomulliliijf to mil mil MS and uak for (lie Hpi'ilul S-liuy Hale. Mk'IIiim On TliurMln) Mirklnx (lir lultlnl mritlilK oT tha fall and winter uiuiitlia. mi ni' lir nf tha Klamalh County Mulr Trai'brrw Aaawlnllon will mcfl on Thuraday aflnraoon wllh Mm, (iroria Molntyr ou Lincoln. Mm. (,'. A. Ilrmliraos will op la clior4 of I ho program. Vol In" lit IIiiiiIi IIi'Iiik your iroplilr in U'. K Vmy, TuxIrtnrmlKt. Adnma Hirwt. )?! Mllli r Ih Han I'Viini Iwn ' J...I .Mlllm, dl'ilrlrt rri'lalit and IxitM'iitfrr ani'Ml of Ilia Hoiiili'-rli I'ui'ltlr In III In rliy. la I'lijnylim a hrli'f two a'l'i'k'n yiuallon In Cahforulu. In Hun Kiamiaio Mr. Miller l vIhHIiik wllh iIiuikIU' T Hiiiih' I nun I'r-nilli'ioii who iiirnnily inniplnii-d In-r Mr. nnd Mra. W. C. Dulloii IOura of trnlnliiK at Kt. Kruinia huva ri'iuni'Nl Hnaiu from Pendln- hoaplial -lou wlmra they attrndeil the l(oiindui and t lulled friend. Kor linuriiint ' Bwi Jua.' 1 lViVoll.1 Wlllluma New rHlulia Nho Mlilit --Ailv. Iloom T. Ne Velha.e llliln., j 3 2i .Main. Kali rokta and drunaea. Vary chaup. I-ZU Win. IVnn Ci rani. A jCid linar - -odr f Kt lit llorrlv K. M I K 1 of tlm lxrau coin pnny la Iranaaellnic hualneaa In Horrla lodny In the lliter-iti of hla ciunpauy. Win. Pi'iin G rent. A good cigar. adv. 1 Ii Not In Nulghhom of Woodcraft, thora Whan llgtil balr la Krowlng J will he bo lodga W'eilncaday darker tinva (ioldan tillnt I uUht on account of quarantlna abanipoo. Urabnraa dliau&eara In I regulatlona. 11-31 una ahampoolnil At drug or toi let gooda oouutvn or at your luilrdrawaara. Adv. Ill-tUltleil lo ( llll(MUlU Mnrtlmer la of tha (lol.len Ituln atora at Chllo'iulii returned hnme lata yeiierday afternoon after vlaltlng her throughout tha day wllh frlrnda. Molorril In Fort Klnmalli- Mr. and Mra. Jark Knowli ami on wllh Mr. and Mra. II. I). Kller enjoyed motor trip to I I'lirtiiNheil rr Nakfi Through tha Templar Motor company. Karl Frederlrka of tha Mlg flaalil l.umtjer company, ban purrhaaad a Naib cahrlnlel, one uf tha latent nmleU put out by tha company. Kiert I'lracriptloolalB Korbvi I'uro Drun Ad. I lerv . Mere on HuiIim-m- W. H. I'li ry, dimrlii relncaentu live of Weulworih-trwln company I here from I'irtland. fur a few duy ou liimineni. II" Ik vIkIi li.iC with .Mr Templar of thii Tem plar .Motor company while hen-. 11 111m for Flower and floral denlj-ut. Ad. riione ill. MITHK. I will n'l lia iinpoiniililH for any delilii cntnicteil by Mra. It. V. Purdue after tlila Unto IHcpl. it, m;. " K. V. I'AIIIU K. SI-21-2S Fori K In in nt ti on KuniUy where they had dinner at tho Motel Fort Klanuith. . i After Toura of C'ltulca uf tha Kaa( Vr. I.. 1 1, (laaa. eye. ear. lioan and throat aiMicuillat la again In bla offlca In Ibu I. V. U. K. lllilat. . 13- I'mtii Rocky I'olni Nancy Vollmnn of llm ky Point, waa among tho out of town luifl- ineaa vlntora hero over tbo week- cud. W in. Pciin Ii cent. A good cigar. adv. 1 trm. Harlow llerr , Mra Julia Harlow, formerly of tlila rliy, who now mukea her home In California lina nrrlveit In tha rlty lo aprnd an Imlefinlto lima on bun)iie.t and p'riiMirc. Another XinV Hlilpnieni lluta. drunaea. coat. Kea tlicin Main-It-!! now. .Mode Shop. M2 Adv. Itrtuninl From 1'urvntll Ira. C. K. Iiannln haa reiiiriied Inline from Corvallla where aim accompanied her on. 'ChlH". who la entering college thla fall i Neve Hotel lH-oltia , At Merrill, Wadueaday. Kept. :'l AUo dining room In con mi ilnn Will aerve tr4nlfin add regular boardera. 19-St Ktumnth Flowrr Hhop For flower. Floral dealgu. quality with aurvlcu. J4 Main alraot. riinn.a-.tli9. Adv. l-'i-ciii riwamin 'mti V. W. Mitchell of Kwauna in nip apenl tha week-end In iwaiunin run witn irienu. Itiiurncd From )rtmt alra. Anna lleitlileln. formerly of Mnu'a Infant department, ha returned fnmi an attended vlalt In tM'trolt. Mlchlgiin. with rela tive and friend. W ni. IVnn 0 cuni. A guod cigar. adv. 19 Webb Hctumiil M. K. Webb, audltcr of The Klamath Development company returned tbla morning from Mar rlman Lodge, where he pent tba i witk-end. , Young Coal & Transfer ; ' 15 now locatedl at 119 South Fourth St. Next 'door to American Express Co. Same Phone, Number 1097 Call or phone your needs Road Oil Cleaning Our System la SonirtliliiR New and Bettor than th Old liainl 8) atom Car Waaln-d lolllicd Motor. Claanec Kxpert Grenalnp; Vacuum Cleaned Free. Crank t'aao Servlra Gn and Oil We -call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY, Eaplnnnile nrnr Knat Mnin ' AT PfNE' TREE TOl;HT N THK LAST . hMOW INU !' "Clancy's Kosher Wedding" An Ii lli-Jc wlali ilcnlc uf fun! Toeaday and Wdnedy Vaudeville mil '.""W' "J nai "jaj 'CONCORD GRAPES These are the last Pound 10c . WILD PLUMS The season is over Pound 10c AT THE LIBERTY ('hi' itt tin tiitf U!ui-it of ttll M4iMn U The Great Mail Robbery" abotiliiK for tin; bill lime for nlKlit. H' action nil the way. Any Seal, Any Time, 20c! Phillip Cling PEACHES Crate $1.25 Free Stone PEACHES Crate $1.25 CRAB APPLES Crate $1.00 Public Market Piiy rsh Ir Pay" limn.- Kin nil, ar W alnni. Roofs and Crushed Rock Driveways iThese are the two matters that property owners shoij Id , give their immediate attention. This fine weather cannot be de pended on to last. When the cold and rainy weather sets in it will probably be impossible to repair old roofs or apply new ones, also it may be too muddy to rock your driveway to advantage. ORDER THIS WORK DONE NOW We have the best of materials, equipment and experienced labor for this class of work. W. D. MILLER Construction Co. Phone 78 6th and Commercial La! 1.4. VUliKfclTC.. . 1. Tl ZJr Ota. I kaVa tdk .T Aa 1 1 'V ! - - I 2.ara7ie I -' TW-7J td . i..a.ifij fm. l as,; at J IT- mm, W8m MIDDISHADE MIDDISHADE was at the World's Series - and MIDDISHADE is at every National League game this season. Not only on well dressed men in the stands, but right on the field. MIDDISHADE isn't in the uniform business, but every National League umpire wears a MIDDISHADE Blue , Serge Suit because of its fadeproof .; :!li?ilililihM;!:lllililtHllltlit ir-. qualities through blazing sun and sudden showers. National League ball parks proved great "proving grounds" for fade proof MIDDISHADE qualities. Your MIDDISHADE choice of thirty four models is here for you to see and try on! Come in! We know how to fit clothes, too. stum--- ; MIDDlSHAD $35.00 $K0. Trie specialized blue serge suit Ijp OO" Prohibition Not I ballon. J u J ire John C. Pollock, whre. he said. 3.000 years ago j era may be traeed directly lei pro 'of Kansas City, believes. I. mnn who made or drank liotior ! hibltisn. . ffinr? Fnr Nattnn ' lo 8fl""n"! m8de bfor waa punished bv the loss of hie Scotland.-where hard drlnklne VJOOQ TOr nation , rtpp,rt,ng (or K(lnM!l cr ,fterhed formerly abounded, la growing DDI UlU l IfflHIO Ul l UIJW. wuic itiiiii.ic. . , . IIEXVKH. tColo.. Sept. '19. If'. ' Bcmlon of the United States rir- IM nitory proves thut the pro- cult coirrt" of tilbltion llfw U deslructive to thellork cited the Mercury Couldn't Give Quicker Service When it comes to Dry Cleaning service, we . believe we hold all records for speed. Cer- r tainly we know we hold the town's high regard for the quality of our service. ' . . So there's a combination for you that you'll appreciate. Your Clothes don't leave you for long tlfey come back like new and besides, the charges are very moderate. If vou call Phone No! 1166 there'll be a driver at your door. . ACME Dyers & Cleaners 1512 MAIN appeals udne Pol- JudS Pollock asked. ' The plight I threw off prohibition nearly 300 e case If China j of tnis race of Servile opium eat-1 years ago. he said. . . ', : . DON'T FORGET all about the i Big Sale m Toledo Ranges.' And there is a PREMIUM given with' each purchase of a Range. Read ' last Thursday's ad in The Evening Herald and shop our windows today and the rest; of the week. Mordoff Furniture House "THE HOUSE OF CHEERFUL CREDIT" 718 M.irv On' Phone 16