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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1927)
.''.ivrrfif Library Ctttras. City Edition The Old Home Paper TIIK WKATIIEI. ORKtiO.V: I'usettled tonight Hint Monday, llh moderate tmn porature. MimIiiiIi westerly temperature. Monernlo westerly winds. Associutcd Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade IY.ce Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OKE., tyONDAY, SEITEMBEK 19, 1927. Number ti 131. wm w m LETTER!! 5 Dcmptcy Addresses U i In tel f to Tunney in Prize Fight Epiitle ' llr Aln J. tioulil . 'I Associated ITom Sports KdlloM l.'IIIC.MiO. Kepi. IK. (AIM Willi bulb gladiators pronounced "In tho pink." their training alegua completed except for a few IIkIiI mid artistic finishing touches, I hit three-day lulervnl before the Deinp-cy - Tiiiiii-x 0 TAGE NOW ON AMONG HEAVIES ..,,--..., ,.......,..... -.. .., Uw hniirvll, , protM.rly r Thursday promised many ,,, ,.,,,,. ,.,., .,, com- v.lop Into . "battle ur open let-',, ,, b,,uldliry ""'. , , . ., 1 In Curry rouuly. Th. np-n n wlvo of llior.ry M , w)rJ ,t broadside lei,, ng- n br.-tcure , ,o ,. ,,,,, , touch lo the "Hull) boo for lhi,,;,r). ,.,,, ,.h0 r,unird sllh reu..,t ring spectacle of .11, ,.lu( ,. (rom ,,, , , limn, rrniin when Jiwk )tniM i . . ... " . . ,, Im !. furtM nt nn "niin Inlli.r'l. ' . T . . i lr f 111" IrmlliiK Iiu1ih nu n lu (lone Tnnm-y. coprllilwl mid , , K,mh ,unly. publlilied In ll.l. inornlnn . l.i j ,,,,,, ,ua ,1)111I11., ,0 I sr. pf tin. flikiiBo llrrmd mill r.f.fy ll)B opBr,on, of ",,,,"r !r brtn parkrd by miilKii a d!- llrc.llliiR olp h.H III- I HI ,,. , n,ur ,, , ,, flKbt ln.t In IMi l- ..Th, flril, mulo rnrcd K. UbIiiIiI. "fU.d. but ( th ,,, ,,,,r,,., y,dy ,,f,t.r. "W ,l,m """ h" "";i.H.n wllb Uvarf Um,r, Couid "bciilKB fairly mid Urfly, " ,ulod Vmnvft "iwirr" r..rlrl ill.-1 Akd u ,irol((ht k nv CPWloo of o noiillwl bu.ln.. pUpo1,.. Mr. ,.ud l.,,n,d n-.oicnl mid Jimt prior lo lhi, ,. rrpllrd ..,,lry ir, ,,ro,w.,cj. lift bull li. In lil. h Hilly lb-j ton, Tnnnry- iii-nmnr. nnn-ril to. . py Mk( (lloo lloo) lloff. I'blt.- ' OUTISIS OhOU) timphit mht fimir. su p..rr..i.t Heavv Increase of Tsnnny-i mm. procaine' neavjr increase llij former mm-lno won tho title, j - : - , In (onuldor.ilon of propo..-d ' "h ''nili.l l.-.d over loD of IJO.ouo by lloff to (ill)- ,our,", r.ltltriitlon. at ih.- HUH. lbon bowe,or. did not l lTrl1"" A 0",n of ,he -l""nb.T of lbs lorni nnd lloff did not col- j'ommrr will rpicb beyond tbe le-l the :o ror fent. '1"v0 Bmrk "lln 1 t0"'1 of us1 tiniP,y, "tx-nnr." at pub- lr-'dy KRlmered ulnce June 1. Ilthed by the lli-rild mid Km- TliJUmid of rople of llt.r Iner. devoted mo.l of lu inprol- ,ur " Klnmaih rouniry hare milv moo wonl. i.i ini...iloii 1 been dlmrlbutvd lo lourUm from rolallJin lo tlm lloff-tillmon eon- tract, tnlk ol alleged heavy plunging" on Tunney at Philadel-'nioiitna phU by gamhli ra and gossip of ll-aa ft r lit 111 tilts "fffl" f.iP f.ltttft Iha flghl being "llxed" for One . la win. " it lu a 4tword reply, nUo pub- llshed as an "opcu letter," Tun- ney labelled tempey-a literary production as "trash." queslloned Ibo former cluinplon sportsman. - (Continued on page ) MERRILL WILL HAVE NEW HOTEL I POItTI.ANl), Ore.. Sept. 19. (T. T . n ij i ' Arraignment of Kmery Olin- Iwenty-Koom House and ,,i j. k, wheeler, cimrg Re.taurant to Be Open i'1 w,,h viitH. or the federal . , .bank Inns, was postponed until " for Business Soon October J by Federal Dlslrli i Judge Mi Nary today after a lilt Merrill, one of the most active I ween attorneys over the ' 1 ii ii.. Klnmitth county can boost another modern bolol. Pinna have been comploled foi tho opening of a new hostelry of . , more than 20 rooms, private din- IPS room and first class restalt- rfDl .1 "'I'1 Mrs. K. r. Pickett In Ihn neigh- boring district. I'" ',.... (, V,,BU. ,. The rickett. are we,, known ; ft U iV?cU of wheeler . resltlont, of Klamnlh county midAn ,,',.. WB, r,H,.d ,,y Assls. i jiisi receniiy leasea uielr noiei ni Hpruguo Illver to I.. Corcoran. Postman Played Fair With Law Through nn erroneous retior! I Hurled during Ihe pnt few days, people receiving inn 11 through i Varne McClclInn, currier, these I hnve been misinformed. A report Is current Mr. ' MeClellnn Is carrying mnll and residing at homo where, his III t ie duuehtur Is confined with Infan tile paralysis. This Is not Into. The MeClel lnn homo wns released from qtmr- n n t Inn more than two weeks ago li nd tho child Is reported well. During Ihe Illness of the child, Mr. McClollun rHiualned away on the Job. Cleiiriug and grndlng Is an infant residing no'ur Crys friini home hut upon consent from ' whs underway the early purl of.tal. Oregon. According lo Dr. Dr. (1. H. Newsom returned nflcr , the niii'iliitne luiil been lifted. ! honk iiei-oiie h::j . Will suhai-rlhcr iiiUalug Hid Kvi'iiliiff llin-utit' til mil Hid office In-torn i.'iv 4)1 III the evening. Messengers are kept here until that hour In glv service, bul I liny r n n o I be kept longer. , ricaae plume neiora mat liuur. Tim conditions niii' lui rruiillnn In carrier scrv- lie miiii In be getting bet- ii r ami before very long resumption of the former service by Ihe bois will bo possible I'nlll llmi tlm kindly hrlp in lu serve you. Wild Pigeons are Roosting on Mine Wild plK 'i, to U . nltintaf itlliinl lli.uil...iil ., ,re , foull(1 riy wnirn in awnm vy m qnni- i . 1 " ertli.n of the Tnlled Stnlea mil Cannda during the pnat three; and any niinitii-r or uiesc fatnlllea have peimani ntly located In ihl eortlon. "I hope lo find a total to ex- .eed S5U0 before Ihn cl;se of the tourlals travel. With another month of this delightful weather , perhaps an oven greater total . Ill be reached." Mrs. Virginia I Kehappul. private secretary lo Mr. Sahln. who has answered i numberless Inquiries al this booth throughout the summer. I stated this morning. 11 1 f rl a J Wheeler-Olmstead Case Postponed amount of tune to tie allowed. .ho rol.rprt(M indictment, return- ,.d ,,10 ,,! Ju,.y , Wrd. nosduy, cutiuilned H counts set I forth In G2 typewritten pages. '. ('',,,"",r BhePPnrd. nllorney foi Olmsteail, told the court that the of le lmll,.tllll.nt rti i-n Ixlt -1 ,, ,., ,, ,, ,.,,, rpll 'only about half of It. He nuked n ., .-. ,, v Allin,y Medllchrlnl. 0na Wl.. . ,ll011Kh ,mu, h. iBiild. Judgu McNnry cut short the argument hy setting the dute. Maddox Soon To J3-.J timsn ivew txoaa , """" v . .".. v. .. . .... to C'riitnr Lnkn park, coverlnn !' i i consliucllon will be completed . not later iiinn oetoner m. This wns tho statement made today fiy J. A. Maddox, general contrucliir III charge of thn work. ; Every poH.ilhle effort Is being mucin lo have the Job completed before sjlow rnlls with so men lust week. No. detour bus been found necessary, YOUNG HILL IS IR RING FROM BOTTOM Empire Builder's Grand ton Start to Learn Rail roading Near Bend IKI. Ore , Kept. 19, (AIM LouIh VV, Hill, Jr.. K r iicleon of 111 empire builder of Hie Horth et and ami of the rliulrinnn of tlto l.ourd if dlrerlora of the (.rent Northern railroad, who In learnliiK the lull road liupliiem "from Hie (round up" by pra I Ural etperleme, la doinx hi a bit In innek a dream of Ilia grand father of rullrond IhrouKh cen Irul Oregon nmif true. Young Hill l al work" on Ihe Ond-Kluniath Kalla exIeiiMlou. He baa L'tmrge of tbe aupply yarda :il the end of Ihe Klu'i lln llUi n li gxlng, railroad, whli'h the (ireat Northern neeully purihaacd ai a link in the new railroad. He look charge of Ihe yard about a week ago. Material for Ihe new tonxtruclion between that polut and Cheniatilt, 45 nillea dis tant. nia tbroueh HlU'a hand. llefore goln glo central Ore gon, lll'.l wan .working aa Iraln maaler on the (Ireat Northern dlrlxlon near Keatiln. lo which Yalllon he had Horked up from erllnn hand. The rinlrnl Oregon line wa planned by the late, J. J. Hill be-j fi-re hi. death, bul construction was delayed by varloua clrcum- Sluncos .... ... Brtef .Illness is Followed By Death Cum in it a it ruiiiplit nil ur k to her friends la the anriden passing of Miss Florence May Nelson,' daughter of Mra. M. 0. Willilus of this city.. HI bul a few hours Iho end came at the family home In the " aparimniiia m "in I Springs al an early hour Sundny 'morning. Desldi's her mother she Is sur vived by her father. K. A. Nel son and a brother, ftnlph. She was 19 years of age anil would have entered tho Klamath county high school this fall as a senior, coining here from Med- ,ora- The funeral arrangements are under the direction of tho Earl VhUlock Funeral llomn.nnd will be announced upon Ihe arrival of her father, who is expected ,i ,nlllns. The rumor that Miss Nelson was nffllcted with Infantile par alysis Is a mlstulte for such ' not the case. New Legion Head Presides Tuesday A. 11. lliisKmnu, newly elected conimnndur of Ihe American Legion Poat will presldo ns com mundcr for the first time on Tuesday evening, which marki'on the Three sislers the flint meeting of the fall and winter months. Mr. Iltmsmnn takes the position left vacant by tho resignation of (ieorge liartii. Discussion of activities which will be sponsored this season will he taken up as well as routine business deposed of. The meet I h.. bre .nttonneed tor elgh 0 ,lmk 'elon VXDEIKJOE.S OPERATION', i Under the care of one of the most prominent surgeons on the I Pacific coast, Tom McDonald Is i reported us doing n'lcnly, uee.ord ' Init to word received by his brother, Joe McDonald, t lain moniUlK from Mr. MeD..nnid. Knhnilf tlticr In n Mcrtntm mutir operation on Inst 'i nn runny, alarm (or ......overy wns felt, ror a ,,., ,,, , n ,,m.01irKK word reached here today. Mr. Mt.,nilt, Is a patient at the I'nl !VRrslty of California hospital In ;allt, FrnnclHco. (1X.; jitlllK CASE IIE1MIITED Another enne of Infantile para - ! lysis ,wns reported lodiiy to the . county neiutn niricc. nils case Newsom there are now 2(1. cases I under qiiiiriiiitllio In the county, Flyers Crash at ' Yreka Destroying Plane Completely YltKKA, Calif., Kept. . (A. j The flleral enrouto from Krer I'.) With the engine put out of lelt to Han Francisco to enter the communion by fire which started when they were flying M.ouo fon over the Hlakiyou uiou ula Ins, Cliff He Pigb and (iene Kterllng. both of Everett. Waah., glided to a point five miles north of Montague, Calif., where they lauded In a pile of rocks lute yeaterday and lumped from their airplane )uat In time lo eacupe the flamea which apeed-1 lly di-Htroye-1 Ihe mai bine. N. Y -SPOKANE E Varied Color, and Make. ' Leave Roosevelt Field Early This Morning IUHISKVKLT FIKM. X. Y.. Kept. 19. (AIM Twenty-five light commercial planes took off on the fl ret leg if a cross-country flight to Fpokane. Wash., this niorning. i ne start was maoe at standard time anil J"y a. -in. iao met viarier 1 Iih.i ii.ri Thn ttlnnn- rf mnni- i1 urat n rt makes, flrrt lined up in helter- .keltrr order. Arrival of tbe ..,, -i,. k I H 1 quickly disentangled them and I ... ... . .. RTAHTFn MAY TAP R A !. I N U I 1 1 1 1 I I U I llll 1 1 III! U II U I I placed the nrt Z3 abreast lu the ,.orinern luumnni iuuiu com-, front line, faclns due west. Thelpany with Secretary of State luat two starters mode a two i Frank C. Jordan. ! plune second line. AUout alio men and omf: sfoclators and friends cf the fly ers crowded around the mechlnes. aome of them dangerously close lo the whirling propellers. All' Plumas county, and west- iora mane joined In a general hand waving I wood. The line will connect with ventlon delegates showing Low as the red flag In the hand ofn '"an Valley Railroad at , den far In the lead. Captain Waller Ilender. one of; Crescent Vlills and tie Into the - tho. official starters, dropped on ma transcontinental Hue of tbeBrOtherS Meet the strnk- of th nilnut. i,H!estern raciuc at i-axioo. i iu- each plune taxied down the field away from the sun. which was' struggling to pierce the earlyl morning mists. THINK BODIES w s selected tho Westwood-Crcscent PORTLAND, Sept. 19. liP) ; .Mills and Indian Valley railroad A messuge today from Walter entrance Into California Combs, automobile dealer offrmn Klamath Falls, to which Hend, to Claude McOee. manager : pomt the Hill Interests are now of the Howard Auto company of building a road. Portland, said that tho bodies i Construction of the Westwood- of the two missing The Dalles youths had been found In a cavecrn California Railroad company A report wired here today from Rend, from' an auto dealer to a dealer ln Portland, to ihe effect clflc. thai the bedies of the two .lost Tho directors of the newly In The Dalles youths had been found , corporaled company are Willis J. in a cave ou the Three Slaters, i Walker, C. It. Wisdom and C. was based cn rumors circulating M. Winlnger. all of San Fran tn Rend. This was ascertained icisco and all officials of the Red by a long distance call by The ( Klver Lumber company. Associated Press to Walter I Combs, the man who hnd sent DI, "", flnK the message. Mr. Combs stand 000 -V ,, VV , (but tho forestry office nt Bend , Pendleton HonOTS knew nothing of the report, and i llfiit no verification had been ob-! PENDLETON". Sept. 19. iJP tiilned. '"Bob Crjnsby wns named world's DeMolay Boys To ReSUme Meetings Fiilllng In line with other tra - ternul orgnnliailons Hint adjourn - ed throughout the summer months but are once more taking up thelV work, members of the DcMoluvs will meet on Thursday evening nt Masonic hull. This was the announcement : m:idt today bv 11. W. Balhlau.v. That Iho first meeting of Ihe fall will be of paramount Inter-; est lo the boys conies with the' ntmouneement Hint election of of- fleers will take place on Thurs - day night. flan FraucUto-Suokane air derby alanine next Wedntaday. bad put out the englns fire with an ex - ilngulaber. but the landing In the rocka broke tbe faaoUne tank, and tha (aaollne waa Ignited, The flyera left bere for San Krl,nr,,c0 hV bn la"1 "'tht announced that they would anan - don plans for entering the race. I , Calif ornian. Incorporated Build Railroad from Klamath to Bay ANOTHER ROAD The San Francisco ChronOle ' advocated Hughes as the noml- print. the following story of in-ltee nd tb" h" b much L newspaper discussion of the possi teres! to everyone watching thebmty q( a railroad development In the Klam- lK.i1.t ! ath Ilasin and the Day district: ) Wm. H. Crawford, national Uuoorts that tho Hill railroad - publicity director for I-owden, has WitrreaTs are seeking entry Into California from the northwest via: t 1 . . .- 1 1 - .s t'.. ..t m,r, , rounIV were re- "'1 ' " ' A f, P" 'V"" 7 ' T" J'T Jr0,,r, sU,e ,UP,"r vlvcd today with the filing ofjTV0d they prefer an eastern !tles of Incorporation of the It. n I Th rnmn.nv eioiialized ! ." wa heaaonws- In San Francisco, plana the im- j mediate construction of 3t miles i of railroad between Crescent I nlaa county. Shorter Out let Assured. s The Northern 'California Kail road company Is a subsidiary of the lied Klver Lumber company, with vast timber holdings in Lassen. Plumas and Shasta coun ties and the Westwood-Crescent Mills link will give, the company a new and far shorter outlet to Pacific coast and eastern mar kets via the Western Pacific. Reports have been current for some time that the Hill rood had Crescent Mills link by the North- will serve to bring nearer con- ; summation this hook-up between itho Hill line and the Western Pa- l. ....... I .. . i. ft....l I . day of the Pendleton roundup. I Saturday. Fast work in steel , roping won enough points fllr( ! Crosby to take the Roosevelt , 1 trophy for the second time. One ' more win atid It will be his per - j manent possession. Boh Asklns won world bucking laurels with Phil Yoder second nnd Walter lleacock third. Jesse i Lawrence . won the northwest !buc.kliiR honors. Dick Shelton is J world's champion bulldogger, fol - I lowed hy Everett Bowman and Frank Mi-Carroll. Josephine Wicks Is cowgirl's relay champion for the year wlu 1 nlng nil four days while Cy tiiay. Is cowboy relay champion. POLITIC S EAST GIVE BOOM TO GOUOIEIi Publicity Director Claim Illinois Governor Ha a Chance j providential political goa.ip gai lnc Ne york loday Wn, cihba' MrAdoo who announced j Saturday that he would not be a f.ndidate for lb democratic nrnn-' !,- wa, ln ,he clt. J Kdwln P. Meredith, secretary 'of agriculture ln the cabinet of I'renldent Wilson. Democratic newspapers attrih- uted their Tlalt to a denlre to bead off what tho parera term ed tbe growing morement tor l(;ovornor Smith of New York. I Announcement that Frank 'O. ILowdcn would Tlsit New York Uhortly waa Interpreted by news- papers as meaning that he would j try to offset "booms for Charles " TL WZ" In recent speech at a re I nblican banquet representative Hamilton Flxh Jr., of New Y'ork. tepnbllenn Wider; In - fu , ol lu: C",,J u'"- VIII Mr. t o araii- : conaerva'-ive to a western lib- Iral :' ..,... Crawford announced today that "Pf.. f" !ec"lJed" pressed belief that Coolidge wee ana e mat ue. oum . On the strength of preferences expressed from If states. Craw- After 30 Years Separated for more than 30 years with no word from each other for the last quarter of a century, T.' H. . Brown and Ed Brown, brothers met on Saturday for the first time. Coming west many years ago, T. H. Brown settled in the Klam ath country where be married. For a time be heard from his brother, Ed Brown, at Wichita. Kansas, and then letters were sent astray. A. time went on and years rolled by, Ed decided to conic west and search for his brother. Arriving here on Saturday morn ing he went to the county cler-'s office where he found his broth era name was' on the list of registered voters from this county.. Information took- him j ,0 i:dward ,.rops, rsm.h near Merrill where his brother has been employed for more than five years. Determined to never get so faruor , Masonic hall where mem- away again. Ed has decided to , Ders of tho local chapter from remain In Klamath county andmp. p0I.t8 f the county as well has accepted a position with tho!n8 miiny vi9itnr8 will gather for California Oregou Power com-hodge. D",y- ' Officers of the local chnpter In- IfltwlA- li-a f K tlinnU Ml- II. .Methodist Church f Cnrr1 Vn-a" DHrK- Mrs- K- ,rK"- "ra- nas a UOOU 'eOriii. n,.irtinL- un r mn liiinier. Sunday brought to a close an- other Miii'i-fiMHf ill vnnr in ehnreh ; . ' , . Methodist church when the an- ""' rerort ot Uvv FrnBlc J- Wemett showed li gain of 7i ' n'oeis. ('sh 'rora various sources turned into tho treasurer swelled Ihe fund 1. 300.00. I U I" expected that shortly after i iu nrsi in ine new yeur me members will be housed In their ; beautiful new church on Norlhiof Evans Creek district of wast - Ninth which is being rushed to completion. ,When completed It, home this morning by county of - will rank among the finest in'fleluls. Tho shot was fired hy southern Oregon nnd Is being ' 11. P. aMillson of XI no Dnu-son built at a cost, ot more than j i0,00. r Who is Eldon Young and Where is He? Some scurvy pup who gives his name as Kldon Young has been forging checks In Klamath Falls. While Bruce Dennis, pub lisher, was In Kugene for a few days, this fellow Y'oung. aa be calls him self, forged .Mr. Dennis' name to aeveral checks nalng them at the stores of the city to pay for amall purchases and se curing ihe remainder of the check In money. ; He Is said to be a large man with a robust face. He wore bib over alls, had grease or Ink on bis hands evidently to carry the Impression to the merchant that be was a printer or a press man, hence his possession of the check would not be questioned. It Is bard enough for a newspaperman to get a reasonable credit estab lished without - having some crook like this fel low forge a newspaper man's name to checks. 'One of the checks waa givtn on the First Na tional bank where Mr. ' Dennis had no personal account and all of the checks forged were per sonal checks. -TMa afternoon the sheriff and police de partment were throwing lines over Southern Ore gon and Northern Cali fornia to apprehend the forger. Mr. Dennis stated be would give 1.5 re-w-ard for the capture and conviction of the crim inal who had seen fit to forge his name. Eastern Star Ladies to En tertain Worthy Grand Matron Members of Aloha chapter of ALOHA CHAPTER ENJOYS 10 the Eastern Star will have the eral times, honor of entertaining Mrs. Mar-1 A message from President fotil garet Barnes, worthy grand ma-jl'lK l the Legionnaires, which tron of the Eastern Star of Ore-' rrived by w-lrelesc an hour be gon and Mrs. (Jeorgo L. Snbin. fore the convention opened, wnw grand organist of the order forlread and greeted with thunderous the state this evening. applause. Mrs. Barnes pavs her official! When Louis Marin, the. French visit to the local chapter, this m"'lst of -pensions, was Intro evening and Is accompanied bv irt'iced. some one In the gallery Mrs. Sabln. who la the bouse guest of her son and datighter-ln- law. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sabln. Mrs. Barnes Is at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg. Officers of Aloha chapter are entertaining with a no host din ner in courtesy to Mrs. Barnes at Llnkhaven this evening at six o'clock, after which they will mo- E. Momyer. Mrs. It. E. Wutten- Mrs. E. II. Balsiger, Mrs. H. (1. Wortley, Mrs. E. L. Elliott, Mrs. Wilbur Jones. Mrs. Oliver Spiker, Mrs. I.eda Parker. Mrs. Myrtle Helm, Mrs. Walter West, Mrs. J. I. Beard. Mrs. Ceorgo Llndley and Mr. Oliver Spiker. . IIINTER'S IIODY SENT EAST MEDFORD, Sept. 19. (yil The body of Myron Carver, 44, tiro dealer of Portland, killed Satur- day morning In a hunting neel - dent In Ihe Willows flut section; em Jackson county, was shipped avenue, Oakland. Calif., who was I exonerated of bluine. E VETERANS America's War Dead Honored at the Roaring Reunion . PALAIS DU TUOCADKRO, PARIS. Sept. 19. (AIM With a tremendotm roar of applause and cheer- from the four thousand delegates for President Doumer gue. .Marshal Foch. General Per shing and Nntlonal Commander Howard P. Savage., tka ninth con vention of tho American Legion was opened at 9:Sl o'clock this morning lu the famous Trocadern palace. - . . Everywhere there was a spirit of entbustasm. Huge ?ifleetors which threw their light, on the gathering, remarkable tor Its col or. . The "Marseilla'se" and "The Star Spangled Banner" shared honors as played hy various bands, .while Marshal Foch, sit ting at General Pershing's left, bowed bis appreciation of the apontaneous outburst which greet ed hi appearance. The business portion of the opening session was exceedingly brtef . - A", f ew'eom m It ter" reports were hastily adopted and orders were "give the "committi" chair-" men . for the , afternoon's parade. Suddenly, on a sing from Com mander Savage, the vast assem blage arose and the strains of "There Is no death" tnrobbed through, the hulltlUig. ' Then came amoment's silence In memory of America's war dead. '' ' The great auditorium of the historic Trocadero had been pro- 'jfus'ely decorated with American land French flags an pennants, jentwined. v The plntform was a picture In .crimson and gold, wan the national, department-! and state banners of the legion fortu ning a background. ; I Eight Legion bands appeared 'in uniform. The famous Red and White Stotsons played no tional melodies. 'My Old Ken tucky Home" and "Dixie,' vle ing with "Over There" and "La Madelon" for the applause of the Legionnaires, after tho naLlonul anthems of France and the Unj ted States had been played sev i"" . " Vanzettll" The outburst sounded ,'fry lonely and was quickly drowned in cheer while Ihe dis turber was ejected. The Inci dent. Instead of causing u rn(fbj of eiiTOuslnsm of the nieotlftK, rather incrensed it. Jt if PALAIS l)V TROCADERO. Paris. Sept. lit. iA') Foiitten thouxand men of the Anierlcon Legion who fought for France, and many of their women folk, today marched In a great parade under tho Arc li Trlomphe and in homage to thn I'nknown Kol? dler placed led, white and blue flowers around his grave. - It wa sthe third time In French . (Continued Oil Puge Eight) ; VI.VEIt Kolt('EI) TO I .AMI NEW FOl'NDLAND, N.. ,,J Sent. 19. Wl Vein L. Ilobnrt of Fargo, N. D nn entrant In Iht national air derby, was forced lo I land In memlow near Ihe rn II- ,,! atatloa today on account of poor visibility and compasi lion hie. He took off again nftef . two hours hud elapsed. - - i CUAIV SHOWN ADVANCK ( HICAilO, H e p I. li, tJT iopei Opening nl lc " 3 - ail- vance, corn held much of the igain. Wheat started onth'inged to " 3-lc up and continued to nveYnce hither. Oafs were firm, provisions likewise tended up I ward. HE AR CHEERED BT