Saturday, SoiitomliW 17 1927. "THE 'EVENINO 'HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Page Seven - At PL ACE : MARKET t f OR RENT for rent mia f.t living room wlih roll-rouud bod. Bedroom, til balh. kitchen. AH handwood floor. Overstuff ed anil niuhogany furniture. Oarage, vloctrlclly fur Inumlry, Frigid lira, Muvopivr, hul anil told water and heat supplied. MiidKrn In every detail. ).lnda Mat Court. 1961 Erie, Ilol Springs Addllluo. Phone 1SUI W, : , 16-17 For Sle Real Estate FOU BALE Oil LEASE Now, modern 7-rtoin colonial houae. ' Close jn. Furnlahed or unlur lilahud. 1'lious Hi or 98-W. 14-19 FOR HAI.K Two blah lula on Kt Main, near achool lluy (rnm owner and aavo comiula Kliin. Addroaa Mary . llulrb logs. Calplue, Calif. . 14-20 FOK DAUB Bit-room modern , bum wlib (Um porcbe. Lo i rated In choice residential ac . ; linn of Hot Spring. Wrlla box 30. the Herald, for further In formation and term. O H iron EXCHANGE If you want to exchange your pro party tor aumatlilu that aulia you better, remoinlwr tha olber fallow ha Juat what you want and 1 looking for what you hav. flee me today. Office open ve liluii by appolntmeut. 1 bar Rood proposition all over lh Northwest. , Tl. A. OLDS 1I South 7th 6t. I'hone Office 1100, ilea. 1499W JXJ YOll KNOW that we can (ell you a five-roomed houa on lrge lut with aewer connection tor liUO on terina? AI'TM., ItOOMINO IIOlHKtf fur . ale or fur trade. Good Inconm . paying property and well lo cated. ONE AC'ltK unimproved In cor ner of road, priced at I Ho lib J 50.00 down and balance nl 14.69 per mouth, lutereat at 1. THIBTATEB IlEALTY Realtor Phone 10SO 1134 Main HI. 10-19 TWO ACItKH with tour-roomed hauMi, furnlabod. , good well, fenced and crun-fenced, Rood chicken houae, garage and rab bit pen. 100 chicken and alao Rood rabbit. I.and all la cul tivation. Priced at 1 1800.00. 'NIK MOST B1U11TLY COUNTRY IIO.MK In Klamath county. One Of the moat beautiful bulldlnx apola with a new aturco four roomed horn on It. Fireplace 'and everything for your ram tort; alao two-roomed stucco house on esnie tract. Kotir acres of fine laud undor Irri gation and close to town. Vrlced at 1301)0 and will take Ih car. '' TRI-BTATES REALTY 1131 Main HI. Phono 1050 Kealtora 1 IMS' . FOUR-ROOMED liOl'BK, well lo . rated, piodern and with good Jarag. almoat new. I'rtced at 2750 and owner will take . ; good car aa Urst payment, bal ance 62G.OO per month and In terest. JIM DANDY four-roomed mud . em house with alt kluda of ' ' bullt-lna, larRu sleeping porch, basement, full hardwood tloora. earner lot on pavement. 1300 down, balance, monthly. BABY TO BUY S-roomed bouae with breakfast nook, furulahnd, wlih good garage and .wood bed and Urge lot. House In nlco condition. With a caah - payment of (100.00 and tlto balancu llko rent you cau buy thl home for (1900.00. llftniC IH A 4-UOOMKD IIOUBK .. clooo lu, well furnlahod with piano, vldrola, etc., baacment, . garago, woodahed , and nice , yard. 1'rlce (4000 on eaay lorma. TKI-8TATKB IlKALTY Baltora . I'hone 10DO 1134 Main Bt. 11-19 Freckles and His ,6K-ITSotc ANDS AOS ei-AD! TO BB AOMS j I 7PAAVl6 VWBACk.V FOR RENT roll IlKNT Houae, I'hoiiM 368. 1 13-20' FOR IlKNT Furnlahed 4 room houa and bath, 136. I'hone 1447-W. Ill' ion KENT Partly furnlahed bouae, cloae lu. 914 Lincoln Ht. 13-1B ROOMS. W7-W. til Lincoln. Phone B302 FOR HE.NT Vurulahed I-room houaea, f 12. fid month. ' 4 23 Mum. I'hone 644-J. HH O10 'Olt IlKNT 6-room mod urn fur nlahed houaa. Kurnare, Rurnge I'loae In. I'hone US-.I1. 14-1T FOU IlKNT Kli't'plng room, cheap, I3.0U per week. 30.1 Waahlngtnn. J 5-17 roll IlKNT 4 rouma In duplex houa. lliwlrable for tnucher. Iti-nt ir.O. Addrraa Bug 40. rare Herald. 14-17 JVll UKNT Two 2 -room com pletely furnlahed apta. . ( en t rally locMlt'd. One block front Main. 125.00 Jnonth.i I'hirne J4I. ' 14-20 FOK BENT Cumplnlnly furnlah- ' ed apt. Steam heated. Hex Arm, 221 Broad St. Puon 1110. . A26-82& FOK IlKNT 4 room and bath. furnlahed, cloae In. Will be va cant Beplember 17. Bcpt t&0. ruuoe 12HS. 14-17 FOK IlKNT (.room bouae on lake front la Buena Vlata Ad dition, Bath, .. full ' bnnemenl. garage, lawn. tree, and acre of garden aoll. " I'ared alreet to town. Kent 129 Ou per month. Call 97&-W or write P. O. Box 3S3 City. llt FOR RENT .Wa can lave yon big money at the Arcade Hotel Apartuienta, furnlahed com pletely, electric range. Unen. dlabea and telephone. I Or roeiua with private bath at rwal eat rate to pertuasent guaeta. Arcade. Mt-JK For Snl Automobile roil AIJC Wlllya-Knlght cout- vdn, In Wt condition. Call 19H-J. M-19 FOU BALK Kord 1-ton truck. Good condition. good rubber. Walfor guar. Cheap for caah. 2004 Orclmrd Ave. 14-20 roil BALE 1924 Ford ono-ton truck with rack and aeir-alart-er. In good running order, or will Iradn for cow. Addreaa It. F. 11. Nu. 1. Box 421, Klam ath Falla. Ore. lf-19 FOR BALK 11923 Hudaon Couch. All equipped 1400 1 1927 Ford Coupe, run ' very llttlo I375 1 1924 Ford 2-Ooor Bc- ilnu. Fine ronditlun 1221 Be eure and look over our ' ear before ynn buy. ROY ('ALL'S USED CAKS Bee Watt Abbot 8th and Pine Bt. Lot. Phone 334 FOU BALK 11920 Dodge taurine. II- , crnm, ' bumper, Dlolo meter. Like now ....$000 11910 Cbryalor touring. TAI I eure a buy. Com- , pletely equipped f&28 11920 Kord coupo. New tire, lliixatell axle, II- renan .1325 1 1924 rhnvrolct Roadater. A Rood buy 1150 1 192 Dodge touring tn tine condition 1275 11933 Bulrk Koadator, 4 cylinder. Llcenao, run tine .. tlHO 11921 Ford Coupe, license, In fine condition fll5 We have many more to , aelcct from. Llbural Terma. I ROY CALL'S USED CARS Bee Walt Abbey 8th nnd-Piuo Ht. Lot. Phone 334 ... . 12-1? Friends VNUV.TWtV AJoTlieDT4iJTIttAD ) JUST MOvo ro NOTicS AKV AAIR BOBB&O r( JCS-'Mf TUB NEW TODAY Foil HUNT 4 room furnlahvd apt. 925 Lincoln HI. 16-19 FOR RENT 2-room apartment. 112 Oak Ml. Inquire 904 Oak. 14 FOR SALE FOR HAI.K 1000 hnad ewe from yearling up, l. Frank Ward. 837 Main. 14-10 roil HAI.K Varloua art Idea of furniture and houarhuld gooda. Kaay term. L. Weaver. I'hone Dull. , 18-23 FOU BALK - One of the beet hotel In llend. For particular writ 0. -U. Martin, llend, Ore. 1B-20 WKI.L ' BHOICK young work horava for aal or trade for hay or grain. Itrgulur and high grade , dairy atock for aalo or trade at all time. The Adauia Itanrh. Mercill. 13-19 MISCELLANEOUS IKHJM ANU JIOAUO-r225 B. filh Bt. . 16-19 PJA.NO TL'NI.NO Will be lo ,.. Klamath Falla again about September 1(. - W, II. Mor gan. Karl Shepherd Co. 29-30 WINDOW CLE A NINO Floor waging, houa cleaning and , Janitor aervlce. Reference. U. ithoada. I'hone 10S1-W. ... 107-26-tf DEKK HUNTERB ATTENTION lt me pack ydu Into camp where there are deer and no other hunter. Ileal deer coun try. N. II. Wamplcr, Rocky Point. Ore. lie-OS CONTRACTORS and BUILDKHB . Party Tiaa dealrable building Iota to turn In a part pay ment on houae conatructlon. Inquire Fred 1). Fletcher. It Loorola Bldg. 16-20 - WANTED WANTED To leaaa 2,000 aheep on aharea. Rnterence 11 re quired. Vox .466, Alturaa. Cal. A20-820 WANTKD Olrl or woman for - houaework. t3S per month; altady Vork. Adama Ranch. Merrill. Ore. S12-3t WANTED TO II 1KB One or two truck, one or two-ton capac ity. Call 1379 California Ave. Power Co. 1TS-17 WANTED TO HIKE One or two trucka. One or two-Ion capac ity. I'hoM 1379. the Power Co. 16-19 WANT TO TRADE 92750.00 equity la (7000 realdenc In Portland for equity In real Uence property here. Prefer ably 4 o 6 room realdence. Addreaa Box 27, care Herald. 13-19 WANTED Bualnena partner, either acx. 1300 Investment: earning 1200 per month.' If , inlereated addrua Box &21 Herald. - 15-22 WANTED To hear from party Inlereated In raining turkey and potatoea on abarna. Will .furnlahed atock. new aoll. some equipment. Slate capital and experience In letter or call at th Adams Ranch, Merrill. 13-19 WANTED We pay highest caah prices for used furniture and loves. Re sure to see u be fore you aell. . We give you a liberal allowance for your used furnlturo lo exchange for new. ' You will find our prlco very reasonable and credit - aervlce liberal. . KLAMATU FURNITURE CO. ' 1011 Mala St.. ' ., Tbone S94 . . 81-01 FIRE INSURANCE We gpoclallxe In Irrigated farm aad atock ranches. 18 years' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS - 10.10 Mills Ht. '. . Phone 1009 Home ) TXWVZ TOO tXCirtD . ' UOAA.G. ASAJM AVBr-JTR.' NEW TODAY FOR BALK police pupplea. cheap. Inquire Howard Fire Upartment. 17-19 FOR KENT thrne-room furnlah ed houae, acroa from Mil la achool. Pbone 665-R. 120. 17-20 roil RENT Furnlahed bouke at 730 North 9th Bt. pbone 99o or 109 Bo. 7th. 17 FOR RENT 4-rooin houac. 230 Imrrow. Phone 919. 17-23 FOR RENT 2-rooin apartment. HI 2 Oak 81. Inquire 900 Oak Bt. .17 RABBITS FOU SALE doing at , once. 2F0 choice pedigreed doea. Price 12.60 to 17. to. Hllver Chlu Fur Farm, one ' mllo aouth of Talent, Ore. 17-24 FOR RENT One four-room mod ern iurnlalied houae. Inquire 106 Lincoln. Mr. Davenport. 17-24 roil BALE Ouod heating atore, about new., 203 Waahlngton. - Call Mlaa Griffin. I'hone (24 FOR BALK Sewing macblm bln. lot- 10 ladle coat, other clot log. 12 Ouk, Apt. 10. n-ZAf FOll IlKNT Four-room furnfah ' Cd houae. Adult. Inquire 4 Michigan. Phone f6-W. 1 WANTED Experienced niijker. iarrled or alngle. Alao genot-al -ranch band. Steady, wdtk. Phone (12. . n7 WANTED Will buy Pine Tree milking machine. Phone 912. .. 1V20 LOST Brown Airedale pupV An- awer to same of Banter. Phone 1363 W. I 17 FOR KENT Pleaaant room for alngle man. (24 Pine St.-Apt. . I. 17 Full bALE Small atore cuntral " ly located.' Oood bua n op portunity. Owner forced to aell account poor heaitn.'.For particulars write Box 66 care Herald. H-19 FOR RENT Partly furnlahud three roomed bouae. Eberlfne Bt.. Mills Addn.. $20. Cnll4927 Jefferson or Phono 479-J.' 16-17 At the Hotels. WILLARb R. 1. Coffey. Berk eley; R. E.'chadwlck. Portland: A. L. Sweet ant! wlfe, Knaai City; Mr. O. J. Craig. Lakovlew; D. Jlennehy, San Franc laco; Chaa. A. Hart. Portland: A. J. witchel. Portlaud: R. C. MUton. City: Ray OaJner. Portland; Mrs. F. 8.1 Foil, Olcndajo; Auaton F. Webb, New York; W. I. Swank. Port land; J.. A. llayley, Memphis. Tenn; Glen Rogers, Eugene; Eu ceno Plunkett. San Francisco: M. 11. England. San Diego; W. J. Buukhoru, Palo Alto: F. P. Koen. San Francisco: J. W. Thompson and .wife. San Francisco; (ieorgc Anderson, . Imb AnceU-s; 1. II. J'uffcnoti. Simkunc; W. W. Ben nett. Sunt if- Monica, Calif: L. R. Waters. Portland: D- Phillips, rortlaud; K. Hall and wife. L. K. Needham, Portland; Fred Bisnsl, Lo Angeles;, y'erery T. King. San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. La-Rii-r. San Francisco; C. M. Ilarne, ChlraKo; Tom A.' W1I-. liam and wife, San Francisco; Robert Von Pentx, Portland; J. E. Candell, Han Francisco F. J. Somenberg, Eugene; Lrello Anderson, Cordelia, Calif; Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Matlory, Portland'. L. O. Toyman and wife, ( San Francisco; H. W. Stelnbausn. I Hood River; Mrs. Oawald L. Flint, Galveston. Toxaa; . Mrs. A. M. Thomas. Malln. Oregon. . ARCADE T." R. Wopdurd. Sacramento; E. Jones. Bly; Wil liam Warlln, Sacramento: J. C. Olson. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Francis and daughter. Miss D. Francis, San Francisco; B. Burns San Francisco; Howard Glascock. Med ford: A. Trena: Cora B. Dobbs, Lincoln. Neb; II. Bearers, Chilpquln; J. S. Nebold, Med- ford; Leo P. Iloblnson, Ashland, I Again! -I fSjf TELL. W.- .Vi. J( At Legion 'AxmL j i . ,1 (r mmm American Legion ccnventlon preliminaries In Paris are pictured here. The upper photo was taken at the Elysee Palace where Presi dent Doumergue accepted an invitation to attend the convention. Left to right you see Bowman Elder, Col. Francis Drake. President, Douraergue, Winsor Williams, James F. Barton. William B. Kollfctt all Lcgicn oficlalB except Ooumergue. Below is a photo of regis tration headquarters of the Women's Auxiliary of the LeKion, show ing Mrs. A W. Kipling (left I and Mrs. Julia Wagill (right). The Auxiliary Is Installed in the Hotel Continental. . ; . y . Deeds Filed Vawaas-H.-Misx I HrptemlK-r 15, ll-7 Frank H. McCornack. guardian to Agnes M. Oliver: undivided '4 interest, lot 1 of sec. 2G. twp. 38, range 8 south of Rock Creek road and undivided H In terest west 24 5 feot lot 1 of sec. 25, twp.' 38, range 8 south of Rock i Creek road, (guardian's deed).' Frank H. McCornack. et al to Agnes M- Oliver; undivided Inter est same property. 1 . W. C. Foren. et ux, Frelda to Rose E. Huff; lot It. bl. 4 First Addn. to Chiloquin. (Con tract Sale). Heirs Wm. Juda Jim lo W. C. Foren, samo property. Hurry Oliver et ux lo R. P. Oliver ot ux; lot 7. blk. 40. Buena Vista. Suruh Jane Howard et uI-"to Oregon Trunk Hallway; 2. 06 ac. 100 ft. strip through SE'.NW1, sec. 2. twp. i'Jr range lo. Earl Masters to Ollio Masters, lots 53-64. blk. K. Industrial Addition Klamath Kails. . Nassau Co., to A. L. Wifhard. lot 8. blk. . Altamont Acres: i also lot 7, blk. 6 Altajnoat Acres. Charles V. Silvia c,t ux to Ralph K. Gilchrist. 'NliNEli and, SEtNE'i BCC 20. twp. 24. rg. 8.: J. S. Mills, ct ux to; Slater In-! vestment Co.: SEV,SWli and lot 7 of sec. 6. NEVjNWU and lot 1 of sec. 7. twp. 39, range 10, 1 leHS 2 acres. ' Bam Varner et ux lo Ralph C. Dale; part lots 11-12. blk. 13. j Hot Springs. Edna Mae Lyon to Richard H. Hover, EViSEVt. sec. 22: K NE'l sec. 27. twp. 38. range 12.' United . States to Edna Mae, Convention. Lyon: patent; same property. Russell A. A ford to Twyla Ferguson T'correction deed:- 1.08 acres. M B, In lot 8 of sec tiou 32, twp. 38, range 9. Circuit Court J 2427-Kq. Edith Hogue vs. Ev erett Hogue; divorce; Jas. B. Bacon, attorney. 242S-Eq. R. M. Lewis vs. Delia Lewis: divorce: A. W. Scbaupp, attorney. . 2429-Eq. Katie D. Pyle vs. Hetrry A. Pyle: divorce; O'Neill k Irwin, attorneys. 2430-Eq. Ferdinand Bruner rs. Anna Bruner; divorce; D. E. Vau Vactnr, attorney. foot cart of Sale , G: W. Page et ux. Lois, to Mrs. Aura Stratlun: Pelican Lunch at 115 North 6th St.. City. . Kalbtfadions . ....Henry KotlLach lo I-eo Clement, lot 15. blk. 4. West Chiloquin. Ruth S. Addition to L. O. Arena. 4'49"xl20 tt.. lot 2. blk. 03, Nichols Addn.. 52.000. Red tape, an expression signify ing formality and delay, had its origin In the red tape once used in tying up official documents. Lowest Stage Fares FROM KL.VMATU FALLS To Ashlnuil 81.00 To MeUord L... SAO To Sun Prnnckico 11.00 To Pendleton .14.83 New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath FHONE 326 By Blosser NOTE t 7V.6P6S SO AMJCH . JABBEBIMS (aOIHe OH UERS TUAT IT IS US6L&SST07BVA'-''O SAMJ VWUAT ITS ALL ASCOT VOO MOOt-DM7 cSfeT A BAD A00. TAIU OP IT !! Klamath Falla WllbE, LODGE. FRATKRVAf. NOTICE B. I. O. i.I.KS Meet Thursday evening. Visiting me.nbers wel come. CLKS TEMPLE. 3rd and Mala' OLIVER 8PIKER. Exalted Ruler' F. D. McMlLLAN. secretary Fraternal Order of Eagle f C e Meet Every Frt ijpjmm. day. 7:30 at 'Saa Moose Hall. C. D. LONO, Secretary aerie 2090. Phone 674 Labor Temple Klatnath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS C. C. BROWER Attorney-at-Law 1 ' State and Federal Court Abstract Examined 201 Willlts Bldg. Phone 911 Real Estate Low a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 208 Williams Building . Klamath Falls, Oregon Phone 1481 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work, Battery Service, Tire Nash, Oakland, Pontlac, Packard R. R. R. GARAGB ' 831 Klamath . Next to Postofflce Phooe 212 Oood year Tire . Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE OTREg Brine In your worn tire get OOOO miles mora at ' H usual cost ACE TIB E SHOP .. ' ' Guaranteed yulcsnizlng 115 Bo. 11th St. Phaue 843-J re-tread , ACTO REPAIR Smithy' Repair Shop " Guaranteed , Auto Repairing Cars called for and delivered South 6th St. . Phone 603-W BATTERY SERVICE ' Battery Service. ' Magneto, . , Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HENRIOT CO. .234 Mala St. Phooe 197-W BKAVTY PARLORS. Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet ray, marcell ing,' hair tinting BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP. - Glorenna Warren Winters Bldg. Pbone 21) Water, French Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING MATERLAkS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. ' Quality Building Material South 6th St. .Phone 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or . Day. Cabinet work, and fixtures built. . 1401 Division St. Pbone 145S BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and Express Stand. 8th Main. Phone 924. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. .Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry atore. 832 Main. CHURCHES BACRED HEART CHURCH r Eighth and High St a., Rer. A. F. Loeaer. Rev. C. B. Feige. Sunday masses at 6:30, 8:00 ; hnd 10:30. Evening dovotlons at 7:30. Week-day mass at 1 a." m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30.- 'All are trordtally welcome at our ser vices. . CIVIL ENGINEERS ( J. C. CLEGIIORX t'lvll Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street V - . C. C. KKLLEY Y Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 1075 Lodge Directory LOYAL ORDER OF MOOB1 Meet every Tbara t day. 7:10 L. O. O. M. Moos Hall, KlaraA ath Av GEO. DOLE, Die. KLAMATH LODOK NO. ft A. F. and A. M. Stated Communication . zna ana 4tn Mondays Visiting Brother Welcome LGOMI9 BUILDINO DENTIHTS General Practice of Denyatry . DR. PHILIP COLE ' 618 Mala Over Moe's Store Pboa 611 Open Evening by Appointment DR. E. a VTISECARVEB ' Dentistry . X-Ray Service Underwood Bldg. Phone 14 1 Dr. J.' J. Emmeni, Medford. Ore. Practice limited to eye. ear. noee and throat. J Pbone 667 (CHIROPRACTORS DR. GLEN MOORE ' Palmer Graduate Chronic and Nervous Disease) New Melhase Block, 326 Main ' Phone 1278 Opposite Co art Hoaee j , " - DR. O. NORVALL Graduate ol Palmer and Pacific College Fourteen year experience .We, remove the cause ot , disease ; Bonanza. Ore. A1S . EMPLOYMENT AGENCY KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE - Employment" for workers la every, trade mill., railway , and farms. , James Ryan, Prop. Otb and Mala. . Pbone 1ST ' ' GUNSMITHS ' Frames and Mirror Hale 1 Renew Mirror and Furniture Gunsmith, Expert Key Maker . Guarantee workmen. ISO So. 11th St. Pbone J441-J Sl-Ol . LIVESTOCK Fresh cows on bond at all times Iron one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW OO. Phones: Ranch 22F3;Re.' 416 - E. ; Mochettax, Jr. ' Texum Station MU8IO STUDIO 12 LESSONS 12 Learn to play popular music Immediately. Many ditierent styles of bases, fill-ins. etc This course will enable you to become a professional dance piano player. WATERMAN FIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale' Piano ' Sales Room 222 South 7th St. OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD I. 0. 0. F. TEMPLB Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon ' Office and Residence Phone 321 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamel, Brushes F. R. OLDS -. Across from Postofflce Pbone 43 Everything a Paint Store . Jveaps Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead e'ning Felt, Class, Roofing, - Wail-Paper PATT1 RSON'S PAINT SfORS 624 So, 6th St. . , Phone 681-J . TLMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising, Tteconnals ance and Appraisal H. H. OGLE 400 Main Ht. Pboae 300-W Working from M. L. Johnson' office EXCAVATING - BLASTING Sewer and Ctsspoo; Work Phone 422 Call at mill K. Mata M. FRANK MARTIN ;, - - : r-- ; L