V it i taimi.J 3 "i :V;r t -3 t. a: OKI .ki.: tir- 'Iite5u -M - ' 7.' I m,u 6k AS ih :a -". :r?(i , ft. it ' i ,'4 ! 1 ' ; Page Six XEIUHIUHIM f WOOlll ILUt Mrels Istf unit 3rd Wednnsdsys each monlli In 1. U. O. K. Hid. Eannte M Thompson, Clerk. 410 N. (b. SI 5-30 While In (Wral Citjr Slou, at VAN'S ACTO CAMP Crabs, Clams. Good Ocean, Klshing. Spec's! Weekly Rates ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have nothing to do with the so-called "Stnston Studio." 717 Main Street, owned and operated by May King. We are using our own name "It B. Stinson and located at 3 S3 Main 8treet, opposite Court Home. The name high-class work la still being done by us that made the name "Stinson " turnout In Klamath Falla. Did custumera and new custojiors will rind us at our new loca tion. PAPER HANGING PAIXTIXO TINTLNQ SMITH BROS. 94.00 Per Room Cp Phone 409 MRS. WI LARD JOHNSo.N '. Accredited Teacher of Pla o Harmony, Ear Training and Musical History. 8tndlo 81 Prospect Phone 733-R 14-SO Finest MlnermJ ntM la the World HOT SPRINGS NATATORIIM now open from 7:00 A. U. to midnight Tub Baths Swimming Tank Hot and Cold Shower For Private Parties rbone 1BO-W Spring and Esplanade RlHii Jnl 1 1 Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally stag a Betw eew Klamath Falls and Lakevk r. Leaving 8:. TO momiog LeaTtoa; S:O0 P. M. Leavna RECKARD'S Aato ' Stage Office Phone 77' or 6430 BTRRT TAXI 6ERTICB -"Voder New Uanagemeot Phone 11 Prompt Service J10-JY1 HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Falls 7:SO A. ML, 10:00 A. SL. i P. U- 4:40 P. M.. making conaec- ESons to rortlaad and way points lame day. CoaaectioBs at Ashland with Pickwick Stagee for California points. 7:30 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. Btagea make direct through connections to Portland and Seattle 10 A. M. and 4:40 P. M. Stages make direct con nections to San Francisco and Los Angeles. -' Local Office 81S Mala 84. Phone tW First Methodist Church ' Tenth and High 3ts. ' FRANK L. WE.METT, Minister Reside ace. 1003 Hlsh M. "We SpeilaJlte In HelpfulBeaa" Bunoay uemces: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. a. Chiloquin Staees Leave Klamath Falls Daily for rbUoqnln and intermediat points aa follow a: 1:00 a. m. 11:10 noon 8:80 p. n. 7:00 p. a. Take a. m. bus to connect for camps beyond Chiloqutn. O. 8. KLXQ, Owner KLAMATH-WEED BTACh. WEED and Intermediate points. Lt. K. F. 7:30; Ar. Weed li Lv. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. T. 6:00 Stages Leaving Stage Terminal Depot 015 Mala St. DRIXK RADIUM WATER Hat cured thonsanda.' Why not yont Radium ore for sale by , N. A. DRIGOS, (Special Representative) Phone S60-W Jll-AH S DF PINEHURST I (Specie! to the Herald) j - PINEHI HST, SepU 1 l.es ' tor DoArniond and Doctor Haines I ot Ashland spent the week-end hunting near here but did nut .have the good fortune to bring' NEW NOTES j oown a deer. matters. Tho McDonald-Pickctt sawmill Roy Fields and his brothcr-V has closed tor the season. Vm. Held have bought (he V: A. Cox and family have Ulrieve ranch on Jenny i reek ami returned frcm tho roast where 'expert to go Into the stock busl tfcey have been for the past week. neaa. j Miss Mary Swcpe has returned j The Plnehurat school opened from Tennessee, whe.o she spent Monday with Mrs. J. E. Patter I several months visiting her sis-.,,,, aa teacher. ; ter. Mrs. Norman Ashrraft who Miss Irma DeCarlow left Sat- teaches the Lower Plnehurst 1 I -hnnl the week-end In Ashland. There Is . Only- 1 Place to EAT and that is at the Brick Cafe n 'i r.i Hi 111 No. 7th St For Quick Senrice. On . Part 1 CALL UPON US " No need of long delays while a rush order is sent to the fac tory. We anticipate your needs and make good our boast that we have the largest and most com plete stock of genuine parts between Portland and Sacra mento. We have need. in slock what you W. P. JOHNSON'S Auto & Electric Service 724 Kluiuutb Phone 340 Mom 'n Pop Trie eighth hole most BE OVER THIS WAY - V DO WYe lilj i.r . j III " I V TO OUL.I-- J S . ,. ITS : ' r- Li ; - THE 'uritav for fn.lltiva I'.llf .!..... I V will learn thla year. Mr. anil Mra. WariV Oden o( Ucuo. Nov.. called on frienda at Plnchiirst inn Sunday Mr. and Mr. J. N. Demits were recent visitors at I'luchur-,i Inn. Mr. and Mrs. I.. K. Oreeu, Mia. DcAriOond and Jeanctto Mi Mcuncy attended the dunce al the Junction .Krlday iilatht. Mr. C. W. TVCarlow and Mm. K. Hunter were shopping in Ash land and Medford Saturday. I Charles O'Notl was h Ashland Tuesday at tend Inn to bvudneea ! Virgil O'Xeil came down from j I Salem Saturday and returned r. ftnnd.v. Its Til irromnsnlihl : home by hla brother. Charles, who I f haa apent (he summer at Pine ; hurs(. I entomologist attended to buainsss ! afi ffalr in Ashland Monday. ueo. i Dompioa is in me ion f munlty hospital in Ashland, !', where he is seriously ill with the flu. f Jeanette McMerney has return- ed to her home after spending '.'the last two mouths at the White 1 Star. TOIRS S.OOO MILKS BY AIR AT A(iK OF A' LONDON". Sept. 17. In f her tiny D. H. Moth airplane piloted by Captain C. B. Barnard. A (he ! year old Duchess of I Bedford has completed a trip of 3,000 miles in eight days, hav- Ing visited Paris. Dijon, Lyons. . Turin, Venice, The Lido, and Na ples, returning Riviera. via Rome and "The most Impressive Incident of our trip was when we passed within 50 feet of the seething carter of Mount Vesuvius." the Duchess said. "We also passed over the forest fires on the rlv iera. Fcr hundreds ot milea all Iwe could see was flame and dense black amoke that forced Captain Barnard (o take the machine np to S.OOO feet. "The moat thrilling part of onr journey was when we were between Cannes and Toulin. Sud denly the plane ran into a violent whirlwind." ! Palms are regarded by the peo ple of Egypt aa aymbols of peace and rest and are held sacred. 7 FEESM Our soppec? - M OCT "Vm -T'PLAy FEf?' A eiOOr? f? SO Buf vjE DlOMt" HAVlS MO MICE Huh I ci-r -t i L'i i: Diou-r havjE mess aiaem (' ;: . v.'-L WO NICE FcSH I SOPPER KWe mi LTSV -Ui1! lrr J . I rTTET-r-cesiE x learned rf 11 .f T7 A 1 ft 4SAi I I -M 1 II 1,1 1111 . 1 A l-' i w-.---- U:7. ssS fit I laiiMT ) (( hi there! who VT EVENING IIERA1X). KI.AMATH FAU.R. OREGON. -rri T In the Asbury I M " - -V - r u. m . r--4! $ - 1 ::m.'-yyW A trio cf prise winners from the annual baby parade at Ashbury Park. N. J.. Jack and Dnhky Phllllnger (above), aquariug off on a float stf Tunney and tMinpsey. won besucoup applause and a priie ribbon. "Where do wje go from here?" was the title Verna Ford and ber pony used. At the right you see little Natalie Khun, otherwise "Captain Kidd." Lumber Official T Visltrir Tffro 1S 1311"! AUtlC A. L. Sweet, high ofiyu.olTJio Visitors. eoJuycd their. first tho Long Hell Lumber c JSiiuiiy j trip to Crater Lake today. Out Our Way ;'is -r.r ', c r .1 :c. SOU F.V.-RS CMVi'-i VOO AU-OC'"? FISH Wi.r- "CuiTe a ki'.cc MESS AU.?'EM lOO VAT -TCLlrl-R rUrl t'.i V 1M t Off the Course TV . Baby Parade 3 lot' Kansas City. Missouri, ao Icumpanied by Mrs. Sweet, arrived 1 ,ho cl,y ,ul 'riilag (o apend gcv.,-,1 djyi) hero on a business and plonsuro (rip. - Ws - vcup;. FELLLrlS - O'.vJiM- l-AE . i m i ,r. - i V.'uUTHEE rllC Fl-l. 'M&e.K'.V MA WA-3 VtRV HiCWUD-VCRV MvXrA- MuCl-l - AMD ME., I L . T AM LEAPtwiM' FA'oT". 'OONiTTAK-T-wrweiicrt i VOWtrJ TOO FRttLV. 'AT D CM& X LEARNED ,j.?.vMiU.iAf-!5, a eiarr evnes scsvirr mc ' 7 Qwah CMAtc vee:ei. - A ( '111 Hfwic vou oMtcRirfT) ) v mv ooes re PVIO op in ) l This club rM' 1 cn y1 PLAY rMX THE OLP 1 NEWS NOTES .. ' OF HILO 10 (KHeliil lo The Herald I IIII.DKIUlAM), Kept. 10-Chna. and Joe Uodgers, who have been employed lit Hie Vlnrra much, departed for llinlr hmtie at ('fen cent City lust week. Kin He Kssrt was at Hum mi Hlver tranaicttng business Mon day. This district was iiultu sur-1 atrugglea to outwit hla uext door Nobody In II111 vlllsae had 1110 prised Sunday afternoon wllh tho neighbor and rival In business. sllhtesl knowledge thai an air raliislnrin. uiakltia the roads I "Timothy tiunry," played by Will 1 plnno was lu the vicinity. VII- qulte slick. Lutheran church services wore held at (ho arhoolhouso Sundsy. I Jim Colahan and ami. Clanlon. were visitors In this district Sun day. The opening of the lllldehrand school was postponed again, but difficulties that arise from the la eipecled to open aoon. belting by (ho Clone) s and (he Clarence1 Parker was a Klam- Cohens setllo the relative merits stli Falla visitor Tuesday. lot the suns ot Abraham and Hi. Dan Lovetudy was called to Patrick. " Klamath Kails Monday on ac-l lu his port royal of Cohen, Sid count of Hie dtalh of Mr. Love-(ley Is nfd lo have given die Indy'a father. li.nt charm turllallon of his Ions Hohert Colahan and Charles career oil stage and screen, while Knutaen were Fort Klamath via- Arnistmug haa received high Iters Sunday. ' praise from many rrltlra fnr bla The shareholders of tho llllde hrand threshing machine began (hrvshlng at 'the Hitter rajich Tueadsy. Mrs, C. A. Parker, who haa been 111 fnr some time Is some whit Improved.' KTAUU WRIT EH HOOK Hill rXHrTtlALL KAXM I CIllCAflo! Sept. IT. (AIM Amos A Ion 10 Stagg. Chicago's "Old Man ot the Midway," has written bVs second book on foot ball. It Is entitled "Touchdown" and Is designed for fsns. I titagg'e first book, a "Treatise 'on American Football." waa writ ten In collaboration with 11. U "Doc") Williams. 31 years ago, shortly after Stagg came to the I'nlveralty of Chicago aa bead football roach. It wis prepared tor coaches and team leaders. Thla time Stagg haa written the history and evolution of (he game and Its most Interesting and spectacular playa. Many of the Incidents are from bis own career ot nearly 45 years. llAXlHKD FFI.TH London haa all but banlnhed felta for hot weather wear. Smart gatherings reveal gros gram turbans or wlde-brlmmed straws. Safe - Departures daily . Only straight-thru motor coach service to Portland, California cities and great noutbwest wllh I daily sche dules. Hervee all Intermedi ate points atop-ovore It de alred.. Great responsible sys tem protects you cares tor baggago. Finest glass-enclosed cars, reclining chairs, heaters. Leavo for YRKKA, DINSMITR RKDKIXi KA.V PRAXCISCO MM AXGKLEH 8.1 X IUEOO, PHOENIX, EL I'AHO MEDKORD, ROHEBlTta PORTLAND .SEATTLE) VAXCOVVER 7:13 a. m., 10:MI a. n., 1:00 p.. m., 4:00 p. m. Terminal Stage Depot j : Phone 999 , 015 MAIM rT. ' LINKS BE Tms is At the Pine Tree fun the Jea outsit Ihv lrl.li j "r 'r, ,,, Iciigiina nut ol loin h Willi tho or the lrlh uulflght (lie JewT W1)rl r ,Mlo.,d do. The sum 7 This BKV old paradox Is II10 qnes- ktll f a .mprlan Hull came lo (loll anil led by Uiiurgu dldiiey In Vitrtfur-.Mnr, Kreiuh flhlug vll hla luiesl screuii eumedy. ' Cluu- '. ( o'ii'siider llyrd aud ,. . ., his row Inndrnl llire nlior Ihelr cy. hoaUrr Wadding,' .nl.AtHlle fllghl. value lu will opei, at lli.i I'luo Tree the- HnniMierliorg when (hit llrlllah ulur mi Kmiiluy. As "llyuisu Culion," proprietor of a amall clollilng slnro on tho east aide of New York, Kldne j Armatrniig. Mutters am further 'complicated by the lovo of young I Tom t'lancy for bvauilful l.esh Cohen. A prise-fight between Tom Clancy aud ly Murphy for the hand of Leah and the financial rendition of .the "flghtln' Irish man." Others of (he cast of 'Clancy' Kosher Wedding." directed by A. K. Oll(roiii, Include Ann llrody. Mary (lordon, Sharon Lynn, Ilea I.ease, Ed Ilrady and Jrate le- vorska. ---. At the Liberty Plying so close (o the ground thst Iheir tall skids srrsped (he side of a mountain, aviator en gaged In the filming of "The (Irvat Mnll Robbery." (he pic ture ot the t'nlted Rlatea Ma rines showing Sunday at the Lib erty theater, accepted untold baa arda dial (lie picture might be (tie thrilling apeclaela It la. In Ihe scenes where four air planes, manned by marines, pur sue a gang of bandits In auto mobiles through ihe mountain passes. It waa neresssry for "the fliers lo follow a winding road, around hairpin curves, and below the level of the mountain tops On one occasion, the second I plane of the snnsdron. cutting Klamath Palls. Oregon, which la close (o a ridge, fell Into the n B badly mn down condition, wake of Ihe leading plane, and . all of aald real property la un dropped Ihe few feet separating II 'Improved and that no Income la from Ihe ground. Only Ihe fart obtained therefrom, and that It (hat the pilot. Eddie llellnnte. would be beneficial to the ward waa an expert slutu tiler-enved " ""' . . .ti...ir..,.a eeo.ii .... II I" hereby ordered that (be a disastrous crash Mt of nf t(( w Not only Ihe trained fliers. p,rHuna Lilerealad . In the ealate hut Ihe ac(ora aa well wero In vtw u,tort this court In the dnuger in inese scenes. lor inrollrt room (hereof at Klamath planes swooped so close (o, the Kails. Oregon, on Krlday, (he 7th cars thst (he occupants below were forced to duck their heads on several orraalona to prevent an accident. Among the mem bers ot the cast who wete con atsntly In danger during the filming of the plrture are Then dore vou Kits, Krank Nelson. Jeanne Morgan, l.ee Khtimway. Dcwltt Jennings. Cora Williams. Nelson McDowell, Charles Hill Mallea and Yvonne. Howell. ART THEATER REVIVED IX MAX EHAXCDrt'O RANK RANCIHCO. Sept. 17. ' (A) Emerging from fire and other adversity the Llllle Thealer I movement in San Francisco fires 1 unflinchingly a season of 20 plays. The somnwhst rickety 300-scat homo of the art play on the Wok( Coast, converted from a church Into a theater, went up In tinmen but (he spirit of srt for art's nuke without ohesluure lo tho box office came through without scorching. Kormer Hunalnr Phelan and Charles and Kathleen Norrls are among the sponsors of a pro - : gram (hat will Include at least one old-fashioned piny, a Shakes-1 pearean and a Shaw drama and ! a revival of Prunella by Laurence , Hnusman, 1110 oniy concession to me spirit 01 commercialism invoiveu Ill (he re-establishment of the Little Theater was due to physi cal necessity. The numhor of seats has been Increased lo 700 and a location has been chosen on the fringe of the business district Instead nf In the resi dential section ns formerly. , By Tavlor B0T OPAT IT- Trie COLP S A MILE OYCA YOMDEf MV PoPCP.rY,' Saturday, ScptcmluT 17, 1927. I IIHITISII H.VI UH' I'.VI.I. TIIKII.I.H TIM' ' VII.I.AOK HOMMKHVKIKl. l'lMer Auulrla, He it. IS, (!) Avlulloil provldiM .... hl.., nr.. Iluwker-lli.ri'ley bomber hound j fur llrlil li Indlii lu ' n lioii-slnn J rilKbt flopped Into the H.iiiuuo 1 retenily. lagirs roso to (he occasion and fUhed tho Imdly Injured Fllghl Lieutenant K. C. Dearth and hla rum a 11 lou. I.leul C. II. Carr. out of tho water.' Than (ho vlllsgo lleclarvd a tele. ' Still. If everybody bad lo work for a .living, (here would be no body lo watch Iba sign palulor. Legal Notices OKUKIl TO NIIOW I'AlaK. In His County Court of the 1 Oregon for Klamath Slats of County. lu the matter of (he guardian ship of the rstata of John Albert Elder and Mary Mildred Klder, minora. On reading and filing Ihe ps- IKIon, duly verified, of William finnong. guardian of the estate In Oregon of the above named ttilnors. tor llrensn to sell the following described real es(ate: Lot 13, lllork 43, Itlllalde Addition: Uits I. I tiki I In lllork 4. Una 1 and 1 lu lllork a and Lota I. I and 1 In Block 7. all In Hecond lsirvlow Ad dition; l-ot 7 in Ulock 19, Klrst Addition. all la die City of Klamath Kails, Orrgou, and Lot 1. 8. 3. 4. S. C. T and s In lllork IS, Terminal liy. and Kast half of southeast quartsr of Her. t. Two. 17 Mouth. Hangs IS East Wil lamette Meridian, all In Klnmaib. Count, Slat el Oregon, for ihe purpose of putting out Ihe proceeds on Interest for the benefit of said minors, and It appearing lo the court (hat with I he exception of aald lot 13, Block 46. lUllslde Addition to day of October. 11(27. at 10 o'clock a. m , 10 show rauso. If any (here be, why license ahould not be granted fur the sale of such estate. Vnd It Is further ordered that a ropy of thla order aha II be pub- ' llshed nnce . week fne three auceeaslva wmks (4 Insertlonal In the. Evening Herald, a news, paper circulating In 1 Klamath County, Oregon. bated August !. 1!7. kkkd it: fioDD.rnn. County Judge. A27-K3-I0-17 NOTICE. In tho County Court of thv Rtaui of Oregon for tho County ot Klamath. In the matu r ot tho ostato of A. II. Knglo. docessed. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned haa filed his final account. That Krlday1. the 7lh day of October. A. I)., 19J7, at Ihe hour of 2 o'rlm-k p. m. In the mart room of the above en titled court. t tho county court house In Klamath Kalis, Klamath County, Oregon, has been fixed by the court as tho limn and plato .at which It will hear ob- , lections to aald account and set- 1 "0 'no same. . All persons having objections .to said account will fllo the same In tho above entitled court lor appear personally and object I tnereto. . i, at Kluninth Fulls, Ore- ; gon. this 3rd day ot September, taxi. O. W. EN0LE, Administrator of the Estate of A. II. Engle. decoased. 8310-17-3 4-0 1 NOTICE To THE I'l'llLlcT" Tho County Court of Klamath County hereby dec li res an emerg ency to exist, owing to the In fantile Par.vi.;s dlseasn which la spreading all too rapidly, end causing ttoathsnmong our chil dren, and we. the members ot aald Court, hereby Issue the fol lowing order, which order must be obeyed. That nil children In Klamath I County, under 15 years of age, I shall tin kept In thelivreprtlve I homes, mid not fie permitted to I visit, coiigrvgala, attend public gathorlugs, enter I hunt roe . or stores, The only exception to this order Is whern parents wish 1 to tnlin (heir children lu their own antotnolillns nil County roads. 1 Tho Sheriff of Klnmatli Conn 1 (y hns heerl and Is hereby dlrect I ed to ' onforen thla Emergency ; order In Its every dotnll. ,lated this lath day of Siptom- r 1'UEI) , II. (JODDAnn. County Judge. , IIURKKLI. SllOIlT, I , Commissioner. I H. II. DUN LAP, Commissioner, IBll-m-lne,