SiitiMlfty,'s-VtoniWr t7, 1027 fnpo Four THE EVEMNT, TTERAT.n. KLAMATH FAM.S. OnFflON. HLlt. ?umtilt0 Htrnl& T II MM.WIKKY W. II. I-KIIKINS I", B. KMil.lSII llclltcrr-0 liy Carrl-r On Year I' , Ml Months 1 Three Monlln 1 -5 una Mi.nrh & Kiitcred a second elass matter at l"tofric ut Klamath Kail. Hii-Ktiu. on August SO. lsuti. under wt ConsTe. 3. !;., '', Associated Press Leasecl Wire ' j Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Mi'mlxT f the ABMM-iafiNf IVevi The Associated Press la exclusively fit tilled to the use or republics- ; Hun ul ill news dispatches credited ta it or not otherwise credited i In tit In puptr and also (he local news j.uuMshed Iheroiti. All rights, of rvpulill'.fllou of special dispatcher herein are ajso reserved, j ' Saturday, September 17, 1&27. Fine Work, Med ford Klamah Falls residents who attended the; Jubilee of Visions Kealized, in Medford this kweek, Iti-uught back 1 with them glowing reports of the progress made during, the past year at our sister city in the famed ,Rogue River valley. ' . ' Medford, we are glad to congratulate you. You ' have shown the proper spirit by groins out after those civic betterments you wanted and keeping after them until your visions were fulfilled. , ! This i the self-same spirit that has been building Klamath Falls during the past few years. It is the same : . .1 1 ' - 1 1 1: ..11 e v. - ..:.. . rp.r.v uunumg ... vi of the State. Pivir nrirlp ia a mitrhtv the commendation of the entire state, Goodbye, While? we of Klamath Falls were unable to get a glimpse of Colonel Lindbergh as he and his famed "Spirit of St. Louis" soared through the air, he takes with him on his nationwide journey the good wishes of every citizen of the. Klamath COUnry. The coming to Oregon of this youthful argonaut of the air has been a fine thing for the people of this state. n,v' ? med V I 'urL0-'""- Tl . . . .... ... ... . s,on- neir ' Karl f Tanker It has increased our interest in aviation, and it has in- riiie. rents his Moth plane and creased, too, our respect for young; American manhood. h" aervicea for is rents a mile as exemplified bv this modest young eagle of the skies. ,.v.,. T Z " . , , . , , , , , . Al.BAN. N. . Prsnniahl Those who were fortunate enough to have seen this Albion j. Kckert Jr. win be "rare, young man will remember it for many days, while those the next time he boasts of ef us who failed to see him and his trusted plane will " ;p"ly - iertised .. ..... .ti t- - in the papers that ha had drire.t nun cnensn ine meraorjr inai nui coming 10 uregon brought to the youth of this state, an inspiration that is certain to bear fruit in the years to come. Legal Notice XOTlrK ok; ok peti tion kor Exci.rsiox ok i..Sis kko.m thk boix- IHItlKS OK THK KI.AMATH IKHK.ATIOX IHSTKKT AMI OK HKAKIVO ON SAID PK TITIOX. Notice Is. hereby given, .that the following petition for e rluslon of lands from within the boundaries of the Klamath Irri gation District and for remission of Irrigation taxes already levied. has been filed with the Board of Directors of the Klamath Irriga tion District by the Colonial llealty Company.1 a' corporation, by II. It. Reynolds, Its secretary. and that hearing on the said pe- Vtltlon will be held In the office: Aug. . 191. 37 Stat. 265. and of the Klamath Irrigation Dls-jlhe laws of the Slate of Oregon trlct. Koom "V." Court House, jeommonly referred to as the Ore Klamath Kails, Oregon, on Satur-jgon Irrigation Act of 1915. and day, Oc tober 1. 1927. at the contrary to public notices, and hour of 2 o'clock, .p. m. the rules and regulations hereto- All persons Interested In. or who may be affected by such change of the boundaries of the suld District are hereby notified to appear at the office of the said Board at the time for hear ing above stated and show cause In writing, if any they have, why the chnnges of the boundaries of the said District, as proposed In said petition, should not be made. KLAMATH IltRK'.ATION DIKTUICT. liy A. M. THOMAS, Secretary. PKTITIOX To the Board of Directors, Klamath Irrigation District, Klamath Kails, Ore. Sirs: The Colonial Realty Co.. a cor poration, being the owner of the following lands now embraced within the boundaries of the Klamath Irrigation District, more particularly described as follows: The KK of the SK'i. lesa acres: and the 9V(4 of the XKV.; and the NKV4 of the KK1. less r acres; and the NWi, of the SK4. and the KW1 of the SKVi; and the 8K 4 of the SW!4 all in Section 20. The SKV4 of the NK4 less 15 acres: and Ihe SK'i of ihe BK'A, ii ml the KW'V of the SHU all In Sect ion :i. The BW'i of the S'!i. less 25 acres; the NW, of the BWV. less 35 acres: the KK4 of the NWV: the XK'4 of the BV4; the N'Wk of the SKV.-all ln Section 2 2. TlieS'i of Ihe RV "4 , lesa 25 aires all In Section 25. The SW',i of the SKVi': the SK1 of the BWK; the of Ihe SW'4 mid the BWH of the I'AW- nll in Section 27. The NKV4 of Ihe NKH In Sec- lion 2s: the HKl of. the HKV, in Section .11: the SW4 of the HW'i In Section it. All In Township 39 South, limine 9 K. W, M. ln Klamath County. Oregon. hereby respectfully petitions and . Kiliior Advertising Manager! Business Manager ; lly Mail On Month .ss ; Three Month l.,S i Six .Months J TS ; Una Year 6 00 rti.c, y. lui,uu,u ; 1 asset. Medford is deserving i 'lu , ' Lindy prays that the above described lands be excluded from the boun daries of the Klamath Irrigation District, tfhd removed from the assessment roll of said District; and that assessments heretofore made against said lauda. I inclnd- ing penalties and Interest there- on I be cancelled: and upon toe, following grounds, to-wit: 1. That said lands bare been rendered unproductive and unfit for agricultural purposes: 2. That the Inclusion of said lands witbin Klamath Irrigation District, and the levying of assess- ments against said lands, either for Construction and Operation, j or for Maintenance and District charges, or both, by said District ' Is contrary to the Federal Lav as provided in the Act approved Iore ""wed by tne hecretary of the Interior affecting the Klaru ath-Califomia Irrigation Project. WHKREKORE. your petitioner prays that the assessments here tofore made and levied against said lands be canca-lled, together with all penalties and intereat thereon, and that no further or future assessment for said pur poses be made or levied upon said lands by the Klamath Irrigation District : and WHKREKORE. your petitioner further pray that publication of Notice of Petition be had as in Sec. 7341 lb Oregon I-awa,' and hearing held as by said section provided, and that thereupon said iands be excluded from said Klamath Irrigation District in compliance with said Section "341 Oregon Laws. Respectfully submitted. COLONIAL REALTY COMPANY Hy H. R. REYNOLDS. Secy. Dated September 3, 1927. (Corporate Seal! 17-24 Marines Entered In Big Air Derby WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. U ) Three marine corps officers entered ln the natlonul air races to lie held at Hpokane, Wash., Keptemlier 23-24, left Quantlco; Va.. marine liase yesterday on a transcontinental air tour which will terminate ut Hpokane. the navy department announced to day. The flyers, Capl. F. O. Rog er. Lieut. L. II. Sanderson and Lleul. O. H. Towner, are pari of the navy's six entrants In the races. ' The deparlment announce also that Lieut. Thomas V. Jctif had been substituted for Lieut. I A. P. Ktorrg us one ot the nary eutrles. 1 Balloons Take Off In Bennett Ra V . of ,,,.,., bt(,n ,.,, for ,h( Janmt i:or on liennett trophy . uictttrrd cluive. In the furearuttud la tb Dux- ltalv eo;r- .. FLASHES ;lBy The Associated I'less) I i I.OXUOX Any American who I desire to look over Scotland fron' 'ihe air may do so (or aliout tnxi I ,area ' hon"- "nd ln a,,l,i,i"n j 3'-TOnV-!i :;sjll nirira'.es. Kiea bs I pending Inquiry" as to whether motor vehicle Iaivs wen- violated PARIS "Jfunsieitr and th-' lord mayor of New York" is I afraid of losing his nifty waist j line. Mayor Walker.- who' was' given the lend by title in an in-j ritation to adU'esx war veterans. fears that all the banuneta lie .ttendlni? may muko htm f:tt. , .Any family can get together' ori the proposition that an auto- 1 mobile is a necessity. , Too Late to Classify i WANTED t.irl for Itglrt h., use work, small family. Apt. 3. '. St. Kraiicis Apts., 02S Oak Avn u FOR RALE Tent floor, wails. and 175.50 I'nlversul Ranse i : , $20.(10: bed, S2.50; ramp stove. '. ' new 12.50; 2x12 fir. new. 10 4 .'ft. long, suitable for ganco ' t Jfloor or driveway, liy per thousand. 503 .MarkoL SI. 17 : W - ' i s-r r- i r- r noot? ? rjicivrr vvjv-iAr UTAvE. A MAM W iM A HALF I Jt liMK" VNE AVt - L:ii. v Vy'-.i -I.... ; - ' t i Si I ' . ( . - i- fry. V W..'t. 3l . A ToocH r- ii s f"' : ' Vi,"-", 1'-'.: vt. The tuna fi.-U originally waa raucUt only as a means of pro- tecttnK the fcrhoole of sardines which were devoured ln large ' quantities by the tuua. CALIFORNIA CITIES i, r by World Greatest Motor 'Coach System , San Francisco $15 Round Trip $27.70 Similar low fares to las Angeles. : , every West t'oasrcl!y. Southwest j i point lo Kl 1'a.Kn. A great re- ' i st"nslMe company assures your js-.'feir. offer besl terminal facll--i fties. finest roa'hM, baggage pro-1 ' tecrlon. Individual reclining . j chairs, plate Kta.s witiduws s'op-overs arranged. Leave-for Ashland, oon- nec'.ing for Y R E K A, DUNSMUIR, REDDING, SAN FRANCISCO, SAC RAMENTO, LOS ANGEL ES, SAN DIEGO, PHOE NIX,EL PASO 7:15, 10 A. M-; 1, 4 P. M. TERMINAL' STAGE DEPOT 615 Main St. Phone 999 Out Our Way i try . - yihXPi - MA- PA n-EMiNDtiVt-lAM-MAit-lLLMEVEf? . ME Of V-OV'Lt vgno Ar,. A!s,VV TAlKlJCr A BOOT" Ti le OLD COON IW. Bor WOO COOLOMT OWtlVfC TfloVA BACvC PA AMD VIS"CiOOD OLD DAVS" LE-rlEE-ME CAM TAV.W Iron Moorj'3 ASout EM BUT CAMT ; ,-vMIMuTS. of "The PAST. A 1 v u "ii. . i . mi i ,. a .i- . i ii t i ,m" . itii Letters F rom the People Tli Kveitlua Hetal.l, i Klamath KalU. Ura-aun. KiMlor HruiK IH'iinhi. I Drnr Sir: U you hnvo ar lit your YaluuMp pultlleallon I ImoiiIiI like In niak a atiKKratlon. otto mhieh I (el rjnflilent will lie read with interval by many people. It la lth more than an tin- limil anioutil of Intoreat Hint I liava followed Ibo roaiilta of the reeent etiUleinle of Infautllo par- n I y a ia and I am wondering If per- tin m I lil altnplv. remedy. Ilia Ink ling of una leaauooiifiil of link I tic I auda In water uneo rat h day, will i uot aet a preventative, j With my wl(o and little girl 1 otiea eneuunlered oittt of the must aerloua eptdemli'a uf dlplherla the oal Itaa ever known, while re tlillnit In Philadelphia. I rwall that one uf the lending phyalelana tit the eastern metropolia advlaed ihlldivn and adtilla to take Juki pliiln liakltiK aoda whleh ha da tlared would keep tha ayt)tin free of til poUou. ' ThankliK you for the spare this n.lshl take if you see fit to Ufa lit. I am. . Very truly. A. .Mil Afl.EV. H VItll I I I K I MAMI'ION W AM i:itll A ASMH'IATIOX LOllSVll.I.E. Ky.. Sept. JT. lll Chumplun hard 1m k player of the Amerkan Asaoriatlon. Th I. the tltla friend, of Marlto Atosta ara aura fata ha u- fonad upon Ihe Culian oDtfleld- r of the liulsvllle rlub. It nielli something to bo "rhamploti hard lurk" on III" Colonels' team. No lesa Ihaii ten players have been sent lo the hospttul Ihia acasoti. a Struck on the head by a pitch ' ed ball recently. Aroata'a rondl- ition was ronsidered so serious the last rites of his church ware administered. He rerovered, but will be out of the game the re mainder of the season. In 1911, the Cuban, rated as on of the best outfielders In the association, broke bis ankle. ,,e " "ot "' -"" next year. Then he waa laid up with a head injury, again with a bad hip and finally with an In jured spina. These Injuries kept him out of the game most of last : season and part of this. 22 departmrnt of the College of L ten lure. Science and the Arts Arl Ow SehotJ of Architecture and Allied ArU Business Administrntion Educ lion Journa!ism:-Gniduate Study Law Medicine Music Physi cal EJucation Sociology Social Work Extension Division. CoOrc Year Oprtn September 2a. 1927 .Orifun. buff. Crv. TV-IE FAMtLV . I BEUNtOM. ME SATOP WMS Trie NUjWTTALKiviOi 1 NBoUftrtE. GOOO OLD AkiO "fv-E OTHER HAUr" IM ONE OF CtOAvlPA' WljvrTSHiRT. IM A CORw HOSK MATTRESS HAH UAs-t-MOLJ SHOOtO WAMS HEARD HIM &JERV TIME A CORM0O8 POWEU rliyi INI THt RiBS - v7.(?wiLLiam- Otsrr av acs scavica. mc. A A- Hint for Young Husbands I I I L WO rssxaazmmm CiisiW-.'laJTC: Martin Jensen, winner of the Int. uuo award In I lie Pole flliiht from Sun Kramlseu to Hawaii, aeema to ba offering a hint to hua Iwnda here. Mrs. Jensen la In the enav In whhh Jensen alma to tarry a lion acrosa the eoinitry. via airplane. The lion la the fam ous "" of tlio mivlaa. IIKTTKK HKTTI.K. Ashernft:. 'The wautlier aevma 1 unsettled " i I Crandall: "h. they must' jhiva furgutten to pay the weaih- . er mun'a anlary." It will Pay You to investigate our loan company ' 6 Money JAS. II. DUISC0LL " S 206 Williams Bldg. FIRE Phone I f'V.. .hi "VWf 3 1? . Mm, I" AT. V 1 1 1 i M . r t ITM11I T'TIIK IMIIT Smull Hoy 1 In elothiiiK store): I want a tullur fur my father. Clerk: One Ilka mine? Kinall liny: No.' a tlvan uua. Tlt-llln. 432 . LIFE Around the Corner i . of Life No one can sue entirely around the corner. Success and failure, affluence and poverty are never far apart in these days. The thing to do is fix up your side of the corner for sure. Then you can turn it with out fear. Can this bank help you? You know the answer.- " " " Willing service personal, competent, di rect. A savings department that is a de partment of real service. Come in and get started soon. American National Bank Members of Federal Reserve System ' Klamath Falls, Oregon , ti kiiiiim; i itiioit. KeiHln: "Dial solliutlilng lilt yiu mi Hi" UKinliliT" Ari'hiu: "Wbjy. 110. Where's t1w mirror T I - well, fur lioav. eiKs auke! I u4 Mue'a Himll, k oil'' tiiy inulnili lustoad uf Iter eyetrow peMl'll!" ' Til , "lioot a Jirojcrllla In Ilia 1111M111 ,11 would be lieieasary fur It to Jiavo leloilly uf avveii in I lea atwoiul. The averaao b a min ran. k'o a Med of only about uuo uuu-liifndrvdtli of that rata. 2Z mi Ford Coupe ThiVcar ha $120 worth of extra, just think good rubber and original tire run like ew the . beat buy in town. Studcbaker , Standard Six New paint 4 new Fire atone balloon tire me chanically perfect. Our Special $385 Dodtfe Special Touring In wonderful condition. See this car and appre ciate a good buy. Guaranteed Buicks ; Which insure you un limited transportation and nice (election of clotcd car to choose from. Se dan, Coaches, Roadster, ' Touring, Coupe. BUICK GARAGE