Two THE EVEN'IXO HBRAI D. KLAMATH FAUAOREOON Saturday. Scptcmltcr 17. 1!27. .V GIANTS lIDW IN OAKLAND BEflTS AiMm" $ SECOND PLAGE BEATOGAIN SHM Out of a fruflllns series with Ht. I.uiiln (hu Now York lliantu tiail nmiTKcd tiMlay in t--iititt ' placo In lha National leiti:ua but hiiw InnK tliey.ran hnlil tlirlr pare and whether they tan catch (ho pteiliiiK I'lratea arc matter :.for speculation. After dividing three dotilile fieudeni with tlib Itrd Hlrda tlic 1 Manhattan entry vilc rili'v snatrlixl the deciding contest, the seventh game conflict, 6-3. Meanwhile the I'ittshunth clifb. pennant bound with a lead of four and a half fames, belted the Hoston Uravea for the nlxth time In a row, thu score hOng 4-3. Joe McCarthy's "Oili-aco- Oihs all bnt pawed out of the pen nant picture when they lost their . third straight to Hroklyn. 4-3. ' The Yankee rapped the ball for 13 safe hits In their 7-S Yifrory over the Chicago w hite Snx. Tonnlo Mark's Athletics scored their sixth straight win In down-i fur the St. Louis Drowns. 6-3. Ilarrv Iteilmans' hltlinr was was chiefly responsible for Its 4-S win over the Boston Red Sox. County Football - Schedule Is Out The football schedule for both the first and second trains at the Klamath county high school has lieen announced Thu flrct team ' will play the valley cities and the-second team takes the place of soccer and plays the towns of ' " '! , . li . : pot scheduled may be placed, tat the main .schedule stands as fol lows: Games and dates for the first team Oct. 8, Ashland at Klamath Falls. Oct. IS, Medford at Klamath Falls. 'V' . Oct I?,.Klamath Falls at Ash- . ;. land. Nov. 5. Grants Pass at Klam- j..,, , ,ath Falls. ' .. Nov. 11, Klamath Falls at Bend. . T ...... Nov. 19. Klamath Falls at , , Grants Pass. , , Games and dates for the see A , .- rod team IfU, . Oct. 7, Klamath Falls at Hen- ey. Oct. 14, Klamath Falls at Maliii. Jf Oct.- 12, Klamath Falls at Merrill. ' Oct. 28, Henley at Klamath Falls. Nov. 4, Malin at Klamath Falls. Not. 11, Merrill at Klamath Kalis. - "BORROW I XV' NOT THEFT EL PASO. Texas. Sept. 16. P) Vr Just "borrowing" a car to take your girl to a dance is not auto theft, a jury ruled today. Robert M. Robinson, soldier, was found not guilty of auto theft. He said he just borrowed the car with . ont asking the owner, to take his girl to a dance. NO 1.1 K. Boss: "See here! You told my office girl t hut you wanted to ace me on n initter of life aud death!" I want trrl .. Salesman: "I do. sir sell you Mime life Insurance -Iaul ftunder. Ceorge Washington was anoth er presidential stickler for econ omy. Once he refused tu eat a shad thut cost 13 because ho did not want It said that his table set an example of extravagance and luxury. Phone 451-W or 1138 for full particulars and In formation regarding TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the Slate Board of Education. Piano, Violin, rianjo. Hawaiian Guitar and other instruments. Z. PETERS Off lea Phono 11 S3 Helhaas Bldg. Ree. fhone 1148 Klamath Falls -3 -mms2 ' "M (As BJtwr4 MiMf JSMr 1OOV6 yy New MUlloa Dollar Anna L 1 aTil aa M fl X j 2X0 far day u without bath ' VoV XS0MT Afi I np wUt Uih VL L t' ' acapnia Prtcsxl Cofla Shop ' 1 - Hi aatdOiUl . ( Hy The Asvnciutcd Presal me ta ileal the Heaver at '.inland. C to B. chalking tip four hit and three runs in the .Seattle won its first game -' The Oak Ileal the Heaver at I the present home erles by' de- featinc Sacramcum. ti to S. . t San Francisco defeated lloll wood 3, to 1 ut l.oa Angelex. ! markini! op three hit aud two j runs In the fourth inning. j The Missions and the Aniu'W ' rested on account of Lindbergh. ! lay. ' ' Major Malone Is i Accident Victim j Every day hrlnm this to Demps-)- n few rounds against his Shot with his own gun as hljprriug partner! The old l. y Is sucking 'em hard at Lincoln spirited horse fell while march- Fields these days, (ticking Vin hard and perfecting his defense ng tn the parade of Thursday t ( the Jackson County Fair In Med- ford. Major Malone of the Na- rtitionl Guard U reponed as re- ;overing. ' His gun was accidentally dia- rh.irrta h.v.tinr ;.. i),r...,i, . shooting him through i ' tiw. . ... ,..i , tho arm. according tu word re- ceired here by friends. With a number of other offl - cera of the National Guard. Ma jor .Major c" visited In the city during', the past week and made niitny friends among the Legion boys of this city. Mothers Prefer to Keep Ace at. Home SPOKANE. Wash.. Sept. 1. (A. i ! p.),,, of lhe serrlre Star : j LeBloi, c)niposcd t won n rela-j f World . waf veterans, ' ( . mw vc91wd3v t0 send a letter of protest to the national air derby association of this eUy asking that an invita-, tion extended to Jack Von Wei- gand, German air ace. be recall - ed. The action was announced today. "The members, many of them i gold star mothers-, regretjed that Jtne air association would make a hero of the ' man who shot down Quentin Roosevelt and 21 other American aviators during the World .war." said an an-' nonncemnnt of tbe action, which was termed "a protest of re-1 gref1." Sportsmen Will Arrange Barbecue - Just when the annual venison barbecue of the Klamath Sports- men's Association will be staged Is to be decided on Monday eve-. ning at the regular meeting of the members. Despite the fact the barbecue was held in late September a year ago. tbe feJ will probably lie later this year on account of the quarantine regulations. " A conference will be beld with Judge F. Goddard by the mem bers to learn when the event might be staged. THK UHTHKIt. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. (A P.I The weather outlook for the week beginning September 18 was 'announced here today by the 'I'uited States' weather bureau us j follows: Tlie utIook to tr generally1 i tair weainer Willi temperatures aliove normal. You wfll like LOS ANGELES Better If You Stop t IXTH and SPRING 5'i'KgH mm i, L"WA. Chevk -Vonr Car at lhl 1 ror." '- I Dempsey, i I i trV5f N. tI. t I t ? ; . f VeV. f - - I J ,'tU4 V " ' I -m I . , , . i 4,' i ' llitv's I li-t I'lioio MioMiiic lump .MIvIiik It against tne sort o punches lie nun wnen iney tignt so.'n In I manager, says mese sparring pannerx are rounding leninev In v'J" M'U"- ,ure ue . . ' I I m . n. Qt-..J! 1 F - LeaSTUe otandinffS ' . , i EAdl'K STAXIilNils COAST l.K.VI.I L. Team: W. Oakland 110 San Francisco 100 Seattle .1 Portland eS Sacramento 87 Hollywood 80 Missions 79 Los Angeles 71 L. . t!) 79 SO ss no . ?s 39 107 Pet. .61 S .53 .SOD .492 -447 .413 .399 . NATIONAL LJ-:.(ilF. Team: W. L. Pet. .... SS 03 .616 SI 5H .68 .V. SO 59 .675 78 I .557 ..... 67 it 4S 59 SO -.414 . 55 S4 .395 48 89 .350 FUtsburcb " york ; St. . Louis Chicago . Cincinnati Brooklyn , Boston i Philadelphia . AMKHICAX LKAtil K. - - Team: " - ..... w, .....100 8 T4 73 65 1 56 ... 47 L. 42 S7 65 67 74 78 84 92 ,Pct. .704 .59.1 '.53! .521 .467 .439 .400 .338 ' New York ; Philadelphia j Washington ; Detroit Chicago Cleveland ... sr. I jn!s ... ; Boston I (INK MOKK. held suc- ; u spades four times in j session jll seven of them thought ' I was cheating." j . Grimshuw: "And If I had been , there eight would have thought so." 1 Hunters! CLUB CAFE will be open ALL NIGHT . ' : on " .. Saturdays Watchcase Vanities CARAN0ME ' ROUGE and POWDER - The last word in con venience for the hand hag or purse likewise in beauty. A real mirror, gener ous contents, a dainty Jamb's wool puff, non tarnishlng case of chic design, .a catch that holds firmly, yet easy to open at your wish.' Altogether a vanity In which you may take pride! STAR DRUG STORE ga ffcvvqJEZ, Start Klamath Falls, Or. die Socker I - Vr 'v ," 5 " t Kk wL ' - . S '' . v l "' 40 v o expects l.ene Tunney to shoot nl nicugo. Leo P. Flynn. Ieuiisey's " '"" r'RD, wlt" nT T,u ,,f t lllF.SF. KAII. TO KIM) I' I KIISPKIIITV FOOCHOW. Fukien Province China. Sept. 1:. pie of Fukien rl'erh;;''1! "".! !!. where I to be found all prosperity promised by the tioualisls when they swept the proviuce some months ago. Taxes arc higher than last year. Poppy planting and opium production la a widespread as It I was twelve months ago. In the 'cities the labor unions have ! f.. r.-.l lilt-liA- flm nr. illnary coolies and peasunts are no better off than before. a4Slnea Inst December there have been five changes- In the pro vincial government a administered- by the Nationalists. At present an admiral of the Chi nes navy heads the Fukien com misaiou, but the military general formerly in charge has refused to move out - until he receives a million Mexican dollars ajid so far the Fukleneae bivo paid blm only one-fifth that amount General Lu Hlng Bang, former bandit chief. Js In control of "e v eral roast counties. COl l.DXT I1K. Hodgson: "I don't know wheth er It was your wlfo or not. I dont know her very well." Coombs: "Did she have a short I dress?" j Hodgson: "I didn't notice tbe! dress." I Coombs: "Then It rim'l my i wife." Will There Be t ' ". . ' A Good Time? Yes! ;.. . .." Where? MERRILL When? ' Every Saturday Night! Dance 'til 3 A. M. LES SAILING and HIS COUNTRY BOYS ! Eats at Midnight ' ji ! 11 WALL PAPER ,' lAtl New Stock ' 'Acme Quality' Paints , F.R. OLDS ' . - i . .. Across frorr Postoffice . Phone 43 RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico The most talked of resortain the state. Ther must be a reason! Why not come i and see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Mgr. . GENE TUNNEY PJOT' WORRIED LAW K VILLA. Ills., Hepl. li. iri - (hie of the greatest nui menu In (ieuv Tuniiey's ll ! i less than a week away.. yt Ibo imi-peil Uics not enpeclnlly thrill , Mill "Strangely enough, the , greatest kick the fight game has givi'ii me, came not in my defeat of Jack IVmp-ey last fall, nor i when mv hand was atised In vie' lory nl the close of my first pro-i ti s'.loniil mulch with Dan O'liowd,' lu Jeixiy t'lty." the heavywelgln ;i hamplen snid today. ' "My greatest mouieut cunie In April, lain. In France.' I had! i (imghi my way to the finals of j ,the A K. F. tournament. .a scries l ..( evumlnatlon Iwixlng luulchen to, ilrtrruiine the best fighting pien ,41 iheir weights In a fighting jnny. I fcught Kd Juuileajn for), i lie i hampionshtp. I won. und Hie victory was the sweetest, the' niii-t thrilling of my career. I I "Next Thiirsduy night In Sol-r idler Field. I'll tight Jin k Pemu- j ny mo I n. I was confident oft victory at Philadelphia last fall I Hits time I am rerlulu. Tit me , i In- fight offers the opportunity! ol finishing the Job started then. This time I must kn ek IVmpsey , i.iit la ptove to the senders that there la no quesiluu of my sup eriority, that I am n real cliiini-,. plon and did not win my title on a fluke. Cene entered the final three il.ivs of Intensive training today (elms "better than ever." After today's workout Tunney will rest Saturday and box again , Sunday before hauglng up the .ui..l ..I.... I 111.1 witrtrmil nnu ibi-mihi. ii"- w.i icv ii.f Chicago lalo Wednlay of early Thursday. SOVIKT ,'M'KSKH JOIN It A. KM F RK1 ClUsSS KK1V. I'kranlau Republic. Sept. 15. Ul Tcu thousand I'k ralnlan Communist girl have Joined Red Cross detachments recently. It is reported, and 200 I more have finished special sanl i tary courses aud are now "Red Nursefc" This Is in respouse lo the government's call for "Mllltarlia tion" of the Soviet population In preparation for the expected at-1 tack by "Capitalism." ' NF.W RATHIMi HI' ITS. DKAI'VII.LE. France. Sept. 17.' (AP) The opening here brought out the newest In bathlgg ros jtuiues. One suit had wide black j horizontal stripes. There were a belt and sundals of red. The man .aequln .trout Worth's In Paris I wore a long sleeveless black and! while coat almost to her ankles.' Any Time , Any Place Just Phone 789 For CAL'S TAXI Safe drivers Comfortable cars Courteous service Country trips and dance trips a specialty ' ". Slick, Eli?. Voting Um'i Kllck FiioiiuIi Hut mm tiKOIKIU YOl'.Vd (lues tleoigu Yoi:ng Isn't slick ere! Just as slick with grease i , hp ,, b Iro11 ,,,, , foo. , Hut he wasn't slick enuugh lo win (he ljike Ontario marathna , swim, lie waa lorceu out ny 4-mm pa ftr Iraillita for flvi mile. ThU wn ttikru a hi Irft hn . m I .i ea .. L ( ..I .. '....j . . .j . , . 2 1 -mile s w I in spniisored by Wll . I u in Wrlgley, Jr.. of Chlcugo. . KVKMVIi 4'APK i A while georgette evening rape has row of ruffled while moire ribbon, like tier, and an. Klla bethan collar of white lot. Wo are proud of our nucccsa a a rrfractlonlst. We take great pleaAire In' fitting glasses that are becoming lo your personality. DR. H. W. BARR KVK HltiHT HPF.CIAI.LST i Gut Dunn, Jeweler and Optician : Sot Main - P Voronlco Aim prutHk rys etas ta IM Ails GsaUilau KUavatv Uvat asvl Blaaaat IVamhlaa laalg-stiaa ttiittiia Star Drug Co. PLUMBING HEATING PURNACES Motors, Pump, Engines Pressure Water Systems 123 No. 6th I'honc S71 Hi Win the Luke tin In do Itaii'. 41 : The -mm WHY There is a reason for every fact. Character, tested and proved by time, has convinced depositors of the First National Bank they have a safe and sound banking connection. , . - . . Commercial Savings Escrows Collections '-'.'. . . - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I iiii MFIhH li. . I'. Mi l I MINNKAPtll.lH. Sept. IT. (tl'l - Knipriuslilng I I cqilliiiniilil villi a new ll.Uiin.lillil uudllor I il Hi sealing U.llUU persons, Mlu uenpolls Is taking steps lo Invite Ilia republican parly to hold Us next national convention here. Nittloiiul headquarters of the Lincoln i luhs. pullllcul group Willi units In virtually every large illy, la leading in the move ment. It Is asserted thai Hi" northwest long has been eligible for the honor, but has been handicapped by link of a t'lty vlih adcuiiittn i-ouventlon tai Ill tin and hotel accommodation. Minneapolis has expanded Its hotels anil HI. Paul. Its sister city, la prepared tu bundle any ovcr f low. I IV.IIH IIIM'KKV NIHIL TUN "IMTTIMl WV-" MINNKAPtll.lH. Sept. 17. '(,11 --Playing btmcb.ill may be a good way In keep In niiidlilon for I lie gruelling game of hotkey, 'but the reverse Js not true; hockey lends lo ruin I ho bulling eye. Ho says Nobby t'lnrke, vel jeran defenseman of the Mliinu- noolls Klx of the Amerlcaa Mink' ey League. I Clarke bus played both games. ,11" Is a plirhrr (or a Minnesota semi-pro nine. For yeurs Clarke ha starred III . SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD tluy your winter's supply of block-weod and green-slab at once, while th prices art at the bottom. FARMERS at the bio or delivered. W deliver anywnar la in vane? IV cord jumbo loads. (07 alsla. Pbont II) TONIGHT mim:apolih IIIUH Peyton Big Dance at the , Winter Garden H&l Blackburn and His Band will play for the BON DUKEE CLUB DANCE , at ALTAAIQNT from 12:00 to 3:00 A. M. Everybody is Invited to Join . i . . i-i i' Dues 75c , i X ' . , - I! IT t I iTtfWfHtrHHfmWfl First Member Federal Reserve Bank ' ' A National Bank under National Supervision "big time" hockey. ' Ho says the work or clnislng a puck requires an entirely illlferciil eye llisu slugging a bssehall, and thai tlm good hockey pluyef usually la a poor batsman. SKiN OV MilL liiMinr: ''Your fuiher seems liiile and hearty ut 'the ugu of 101." Mouiiliilneeri "Vc. but pap'a slipping. T'other duy I beard him say he reckoned bud take up the game of golf." , , i ii p i i Jerry, a sheep trulned lu lead olber stirep "0 the runways Into I lie slaughtering inns of (hi-, i sso aim kyard bna Just betrayed his oue mllllolilli victim. . tiVHMNU I.IITr-;iH , lillver kid slippers, with very) high heels and narrow, tlncoratlve lisiipcd ef fills, promise to sup plant brocade for ililu In eve iilng wear, GLASSES t'rrs liisininrd. Fined sixl ill. UIums Ciiuund in out uu . laitiay t ltf cr 'Btokcn Lenses Replaced DR. GOBIE'S to main ajaigT Rifjin , Q'iik Shrill PELICAN CAFE Inc. "for everybody SPECIAL Merchants' Lunch 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 50c William Bld. 722 Main . Standard . Pyer and Gleaners OdorleM Cleanlnf One-Day Senrica Expert Dyebf 1409 Esplanade Bt . Phone 825 AfTER THE National