;'ilay, Sfi.tcniluT Ki, 11)27, the i:vIqmn'(; m:itAU. Klamath J Ai.rs. oukcon. rrrnrrr rfr-ffj yt a, :efi -vr riT;TTT rv'MTW 'rl'f PLACE MARKET LOST AND FOUND I, OUT NfiriiiKor Hnunli-I pup. A iiihtiii rnwarn win na ottered ' tor ton return I'lionn or HiIh pi. U-14-IG-M FOR 1 RENT ... KOIt RENT-House." I'hoiin IU.6. U!0 Foil RENT Partly furnished Iiuuihi,, close la. tl4 l.lmuln W. J" ' J8-l Foil ItKNT -house, K. Partly furnished lilt N. 8rt. !! IIUOMM (to Lincoln. 0U7-W.t ' i'liium NX Of FOIl ItETiT Furnished f-'rnum Imuws. $13.60 month. 42n . Hum. I'hona 644-J.- HI0-OI0 KOIl ItKNT fc. room niodorn fur u'shod buuse. Furnace, gaiui Close In. I'huna 1 KH-J t. 14-17 KOIt ItKNT hliilng room, cheap. IIOH per work. .I'M Washington. 18-17' Foil HK.NT Two I-ruora com 'plnlnly furnished apts. Cen trally located. One liliH'k from Main. 1:5.00 month. I'hnne 141. . l-0 KOIl ItKNT Completely furnish t apt. Hteam h rated. lx Arms, III Broad HI. Phone 111. A2&HS5 KOIt ItKNT Three-room nicely (iirnlohrd apt. Hiram heelel, onn block from Main. ill Crilar, corner I'lue, I'huna M6. 12tf Hilt ItKNT 4 room and both. furnished. Hom In. Will b ra rant September 17. Rent K.O I'honn W&. 14 17 Foil ItKNT Two-room iurnlsli rd apartment; also rnoma by day or week. Imprrlul It.Minis, under new management. lb-It KOIl ItKNT 4 room In duplex house, tkwlrnhle (or teachers. Rent l.'.O Address Ibix 40. cam Herulil. .14-17 FOIl RENT We can save yon hit money at lb Arcada Hotel Apartments, furnished com pletaly, elertrio ranges, lloan, dishes and telephones. Or rvuua with private batba ot reel est rates to permanent guests. Areada. Mi-it ' m , , , . For Sale Real Estate KUK HALE Bargain, S80 acrna. 110(0. Call 1001 Main. 10-1 Foil HALK i-rooro houan. Woodshed, garage, lawn. Hy owner. I'hona 446-M alur . 14-1 FOIl HAI.K Oil I.KAHK Now. modern 7 -room colonial house. Close In. Furnished or unfur uVhad. Phono &25 nr 2S-W. V 14-1H FOIl HAI.K Two high Iota on East Main, near achool Buy from owner and aaya corneals alnn. Address Mary Hutch Inita. Calplno. Calif. 14-20 FOH HAI.K Naw. modern home located foot California "Ave. Just paved. Prlca 5&00. I1&00 down. A bargain. 8e owner. I'hona 1027. !- FUR 8AI.B fill-room modern bona with glaaa porchaa. La- , rated tn choice residential a Hon of Hot Sprlnra. Wrlto box 20, the Herald, for further In formation arid terma. V" FOR EXCIIANUK If yoti -want to exchnn yottr properly for aomethlnit that aulta . you belter, remember tho othrr follow baa Jnat what you wnnt nnd ia looking for what you have. Sea ran today. Office open evo nlnita by appointment. '1 bare K-nod propoattlona all ovor tits Nnrthweal. I). A. OLDS 126 South 7th 81. riiotiea Otflco 809. Rca. i499W 8-22 Freckles and His DID VCO KMOVJ THAT T gcT FD&CRLTjG AAi 7A6 TSA SfeAiT JA-y AM M& com.' FOMMy Peer CA&IXi "WAT MISCELLANEOUS I'lANO TL'NINO . Will La In Klnmath viu attain lihout Hopttiiubnr 16. W. II. Mur ium. Kurl Rhephnrd Co. ZV-XO WINDOW CL KAN I NO Floor waxing, uouao claanlng and Janitor anrvlra. Itefnrencea. A. M. Ilboadi. I'hona J0H-W. ... 107-X-tf IKKU III.NTKIIg ATTKNTION lt nte park you Into rampa where there are deer ami no other huiitr.ru. Haul deer conn try. N. II. Wainplor, liocky Point. Or. ' For Sale-r-Automobiles KO Jit HAI.K Ford I-lon truck, tlootl cundltlon. good rubber, nanor grar, t neap lor caan. Xtiot On-hard Ave. 14-20 FOIl HAI.K -1 123 IludNon Coach. All ' rqnipprd . .. 1100 1 1027 Ford Coupe, run very little 1376 1 1024 Kurd 2-IKuir Ke- j dun. Klna rnmlitlon II2&! I In ur and look ornr our I rara hcloro you buy. noy c.w.iH I'hki) cAita Hee Watt Abbey th and I'lno Ht. 1-ot. I'hona 1S4 Foil HAI.K 1-192 Dodge louring. II n-nae, buuipera moto meter. I.Ike naw ..1800 1 1920 Chryaler touring. Till la aure a buy. t om- plolHy aqnlpprd . , i2& 1 1924 Ford coupe. New Urea, Ituxatell axle, II- cenae 32& 11924 Chevrolet Itoadatar. A good buy ... 1160 1 1923 ' llodgn touring In fine condition I17S I 1H23 liulrk Itoadxtvr. i ryllndiT. I.keuac, runa tine fSSo I 1921 Ford Coupe, llcenae. In fine condition II li Wa bavn muny mora to wl.M-t from. ' l.ltH-ral Tnrmi. ROY CALI8 C8KD CARS Hea Walt Abbey Hlh and I'lnn Hi. ltl. Phona 334 ' 11-17 WANTED WANTKI4To leaao 1,000 alioep on aharea. Reference If re quired, llox 453, Alttir. Cal. 1 AJO-H20 WANTKD -tllrl or woman for honaework, 133 per month; ateady - work. Adatna Itanch. Merrill. Ore. 812-31 WANTED Mlddla aged woman waula housekeeping or will rook for tew men. Phone 9DI-.M. 14-15 WANTKD Ilulldlng and Iian Having aaleaman. Will give good pmpaaltlun to right party. 1131 Main Ht. Mr. Webb. ' . . 10-H WANTKD TO 1IIIIK Oue or two Irurka, one or two-ton capac ity. Call 1179 California Ave. Power Co. 1&-17 WANTKD POSITION Aa cook, ramp, reatanrant or hotel. Ex perienced. Write 8. R. Dapp. , care F. J. Bowno, Bonanu. Oregon. 1 - 1S-10 WANT TO TRADE 12760.00 o,ulty In 17000 reaidenco In Portland for :1ulty In resi dence property here. Prefer , ably 4 or 5 room rraldenco. Addreaa Hox 17, rant Herald. 13-1 WANTED To bear from party , Interested In ranting turkeys and pntatora nu aharea. Will furnished stock, new soil, some equipment. Ktatn capital and experience In letter or call at the Adorns Ranch, Merrill. 13-19 WANTED Wo pay highest casls prices for; used furniture and ' atovea. Re aura to see us be r fore you soil. We give yon . a liberal allowance for your used - furniture In exchange lor new. You will find our price; very . reainnnbla and credit aonlce liberal.' KLAMATH FURNITI'RE CO. 1011 Main St Phone 894 , sl-Ol Friends A CAD FBOiVv WI5 IS JUST LIKE PUT 1 WWT TUB ONE: T ADr - CACD 7WATALEli MAS AW VOL) RBAO CXJop IT ALII-K. A AM' 7UEM LET AIM PEAD OMB W IT MAW.6S" '."re."' ' f p4 aif r-wra NEW TODAY KOIt ItKNT 24x11 fwtlllnit room with roll-around bed. HiHlrooln, lllv bath, kltrliwti. All liardwood flunra. Ovaralufr ed uriJ inuhoKiiny furnllure. (laraitri, olvclrli lty for laundry, Frigid lire, w avenger, hot and cold wjti-r and heat aupplled. Modern In every detail. Linda Vlatu Court, IDfil Krie. Hot Hprlnga' Addition. I'hone !0X W. H-17 DO YOl) KNOW thai we can aell ou a Iva-rooined houaa on large lot with aewer tonnvt'tlon lor 1 110", pit tarmsT AI'TH., ItOOMINH aulo or for trad, paying property caird. IIOfHK.H for (iood liu omi and well lo- ONK ACUK linlniprovrd in eor nor of roada. priced at II'.O with ISu.no down and balance at UXO per month. Inlereat at ti;. Till BTATES ItEALTV Itraltora I'hona 10&V 1124 Main Ht. lain TWO ACIIKH with four-roomed house, furniithed. good well, fenced and rrosa-fenced. good chicken bouse, gnraga and rab bit pens. 100 chickens and alo good 'rabbits. Land all lu rul tlvntlon. Priced at II 800.00. THE MOHT 8KJHTI.Y COfNTIlY IIOMK in Klamath county. One of the most bwautlfttl building apoia with a li' W stucco four roomed bomn on It. Fireplace and everything for your com fort: also. to-roomed atucco houan on urn trad. Four acrea of fine land under Irri gation and dona to town. Priced at 13000 and will take In car. TIU-8TATE8 REALTY 1134 Main Ht. Phono 1050 Realtors 11-19 KOCR-ROOMED IIOL'HE. well lo cated, modern and with good . garage, almost new. Priced at 12750 and owner will taka good car aa first payment, bal ance 125.00 per month and In lereat. JIM DANDY four-roomed mod ern houan with all klnda of bullt-lna, largo aleoplng porch, basement, full hardwood floors, corner lot on puvement. 1300 down, balance monthly. EASY TO IlirY S-roomed house - with breakfast nook, furnished, with good gnrnge and wood-, shed and Isrgn lot. House in nice condition. With a cash payment ot 1100.00 and the balance like rent yOu can buy this bouse for 11900.00. - . HERE IS A 4-ROOMED IIOCHB close In,, well furnished with piano, victrola, etc., basement, garage, woodshed and nice yard. Price 14000 on easy terma. TRI-STATES REALTY . Rultora Phone 1050 1134 Main Sr. 16-19 FOR SALE FOR SALE 1000 bead ewes from yearlings up. 18. Frank Ward. 337 Main. 14-20 WELL I1ROKK young work horses for-aale or trade tor hay . or grain. Regular ' and high grado . dairy, stock ' for sale or trade at all times. Thej Adflmi nancn. nierriu. i-iv PIANO Sacrifice near Klamath Falls; high grade reliable make piano to be sold at bargain lo save further expense.. Terms 110 month arranged for good homo. For particulars .address Cllno fluno Co., 6S Front St.. Portland, Ore. .. 10-16 fire Insurance " Wo speglsHra la. Irrigated farina and stork ranches.. IS years', .experience, In', county. REED & REYNOLDS lOow.Miiln St. .. Phono 10OS Solved! TP' VOC) CAUE'.'LM&MEft tAoo&xr OP TAAT.V AM' SO J v-. j v r i " 1 f NEW TODAY' FOIl ItKNT 4-rooni furtilalod - apt. e2i l.lutulu Ht. H-l'J WANTED Woinnn wanla llfrit houaukmplng or sewing. Write llox 1103 City. 14 KOIl KALE. Ford truck, good shape, good Urea. Extra gear. ' Cheap. I'honn 1101. KOIt RENT Furnished 4 -room housn -jnd batb, t'i'i. . Phone 1447-W. U-19 WANTED Woman lo cook on ranch, . seven men. P. O. Koi 177. 10 FOR HALK Willys-Knight coupe aednn. to bast condition. Call 16a J. , ll l'J KOR HALE Var.oua articles of furniture and household gools. Easy terms, F. L. Weaver. Phone 909. ' 11-22 FOR KALE One of the best hotels In Rend. For particulars wrlta ;. D. Martin, Mend, Ore. 16-20 WANTKD TO HIRE One or two trucks. One nr two-ton rapac ity. Phone 1379, the l'o-r Co. . 16-19 WANTED lluslneaa partner, either tux. !3oo Investment; rarnlnga 1200 per month. If Interested address llox 521 Herald. 15-22 ' FOR RENT Excellent room and board for two. Home privileges, (inrage If desired. Ladles pre ferred. Addresa Dox 55 care Herald. lo FOR HALK 1924 Ford one-ton truck with rack and aelt-start-er. In good running order, or will trade for rows. Address It. F. D. No. 1. Rox 421. Klam ath, Falls. Ore. 16-19 CONTRACTORS and 111 II.DKKS Party has desirable building lota to turn in aa part pay ment on house construction. Inquire Fred D. Fletcher, 16 Loouila Illdg. 16-20 FOIl RENT 6-room house on lake front In Iluena Vista Ad-, d It Ion. Rath, full basement.' garage, lawn, trees, .and W acre of garden soli, raved street to town. Rent 125.00 per month. Call 976-W, or. write P. O. Hox 353 City. , lll Lowest Stage Fares T FROM KLAMATH FALLS To Aahlawl Sl.00 To MnUord i. 8-10 To Han Francesco ....... 11.60 To Pendleton ..... ...14.85 New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your wlntor'a aupply of block-wood and green-slab at once, while the price are at the bottom. . . FARMERS Also stock tip tor the year, at the bin or delirered. We deliver anywhere In the valley 1M cord jumbo load. Peyton 107 Mala Phone SSI r t i jWJvMS VOOC CARD, . V f 'XS!?! TO MAU& S6AJSE OUT Y V'.'fl.-' op iji.es6 post . ' K ziJ-ri ' I ' - cards a rf-H n ,9V NEW TODAY HOO..I AM) ItOAltD HI. 22.1 ri. (.Hi le-in WANTKlJ-'Man with cur lo sell otiiilvt lin" quality Anto Tires and Tubes. Kxcluslvo territory. Experience not nec- 4ary. Kalary 1300.00 per month. Milestone Rubber Co., East Liverpool, Ohio. Id L ROSTOV. Hept. 16. If) The Commercial llulletln tomorrow Will UV "Tim Hutnunrf f,.m 1 is broader and prices are strong-' er by a half cent to a cent gj P'.aud In the grease than they were a fortnight ago, with the tendency of the market upward. Foreign wools are particularly cleared frrnu the dealers' bands. "The manufacturing situation li evidently the best It baa been for many montha and consump tion continues at a fairly ateady pare both in the worsted and woolen end of the business. "Foreign markets are atrong, Australia keeping very firm and if anything, against the buyer, as Is true also In south Africa, rh!!e London fully maintains the part to five per cent advance reported at the opening Tuesday, over th close of previoua eerlca. Lorenz Co. Wholesale Mill, Logging and Industrial Supplies "The Complete Line" 123 No. 6th Phone 371 P Voronlco sUac tissaiaaas tge MkeaUiaaeJta Aclel CeadltUaui Kliarh Lire aai Bladdee TremkUa Ia4lgtla Ovattlf ail .... VOIR KYF.S WILL TELL YOl' If your eye are laboring, under J an nndue strain you must oe conscioua of something wrong. DR. H. W. BARR EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST - Gus Dunn, Jeweler and Optician 605 Main Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorleu Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing HOg Esp'lanadeSt Phone 825 10 PIES NOW STRONGER In! rrci sT aaaw-" . - rf- i 4) I j Star Drug Co. j VOL) READ QMS VjJOGDAAV I'LL BEAD TK MEXT E.)EBV ;OTvR QME , BV7H.&TME VOL) (SET TA3 AMD M& VWILL BE ON OCR. May MCVW-70 AOPES MIS paoy is Mire and mjbix amo MOTDBAD AOPIM6 you Mohair la In moderate request At steady rales." The Commercial Itulb'tln will puliliah tho following quotations tomorrow: I Kcoiirwl I,a4ls: Orryon. Fine 'to firm staple 11. OS a 1.10: fine j and flim clothing 90fr5c; ml j ley number I. 9.1fi l5r. I Mohairs Orixiaal bag average 12 months Oregon, . 6&ft Sr.c. Office Pbode 1188 Melbaaw Bide Rca. Phone, lie Klamath, Fajla Phone 451-W or 1138 for . full particulars and in formation regarding . , TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the State1 Board of Education. Piano. Violin. Danjo, Hawaiian Guitar and other Instruments. Z. PETERS the . best place in town , Eat CLUB CAFE GLASSES OUfc-s uround in ur own -i factory to i ynur J iuJh idtid yctjBitinu nrt.j Broken Lenses Replaced " DR. COBLE'S 7C9 MAIN STREET Repjirs Quick Sfrtire . Just Phone ' 408 - , We Clean' Everything that Can Be Cleaned! Klamath Cleaning & Dye ' Works 431 MAIN ' Satisfaction Guaranteed X7ien irritations of the kidneys, and irregular bladder action annoy and impair health, take Foley Pills , -Diurebr? 1 Men and women every where have been using and recommending them for years. . Try them. , . 5M SWjMAara By Blosser! SEE ! NOW DOMTftJCSBT 7DUyoO iCMJ TO READ EM I! far SaveyK yay your Au r FfcSDRE I' - r1 "to, r, J cr , this oor. l. Klamath Falls LOIHiE, KRATKP.NAL, NOTICE IAWUK, FRATERNAL, a p. o. i:l Meet Thursday X V Visiting menbt Vow com a. LKH , . even log. bara war- ELKS TEMPLE, 3rd and Main OLIVER bl'IKEIt, Exalted Ruler F. D. MeMlLLAN, Decretory Fraternal Order of Eatflea f Of Meets Every Frl g&w day, 7:20 at Moose Hall. C. D. LONG. Secretary lerle 2090. Phona 174 Labor Temple Klainath Falls Business Directory. ATTOKNKYH C. C. BROWKR Attornrt-Law; . ' State and Federal Conrta Abstracts Examined lot Willlts Bids;. Pbone 11 Real Eaute Law a Bpadaltjr M. O. WILKINS . ; Lawyer . ' Z0S Williams Bnlldlnr Klamath Falls.. Oregon Phone H8 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work. Battery Serrlce, , Tires Nub, Oakland, -. Pontlae. Packard . R. R. R. GARAC1S , 831 Klamath Next to PostoUlca Phone tl2 Goodyear Tirea Fireproof Storage" AUTOMOBILE TIRES Bring; In jronr worn tlree get 6000 mUcs more at H usnal cost ' ACE TIRE SHOP Guaranteed Tulcanizing IIS So. 11th St. Phona Sll-J re-treads ALTO REPAIR Smithy's Repair Shop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and delirered South 6th St.. Phona 603-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Serrlce, Magneto, Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HEN" RIOT CO. 234 Main St. Pbone 397-W BEAUTY PARLORS Expert Operators. Indirldaal booths.' tlolet ray,' marcell ing, hair tinting BOSTO.V BEACTY SHOP Glorenna Warren Winters Bldg. ' Pbone Jll Water, French Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING MATERLWS SWAX LAKE MOULDING CO. - Quality Building Material , South ta St. . Phona 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or way. cabinet work and fixtures bo lit. 1401 Division St. Phone 1435 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and Express stand, Htn .Main. Pbone 924. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store. R3a Main. CHURCHES SACRED HEART CHURCH Eighth and High His., Rev. A. F. Loeser, Rev. C, B. Felge. Sunday manses at 6:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Morrill. 1st and 3rd sunuaya at lo:ao. All are cordially welcome at our ser vices. ClVIIi ENGINEERS J. C. ('LEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street C. C. KELLEY Consulting Civil Engineer Undorwood UUIg. Phone 107S Lodge Directory LOYAI, nitDKIl OP MtKVSB Meet avary Tbur , day, T:S0 , L. O. O. M. oo Mall, Klam ath Aa. CEO, OOLB. Die. KLAMATH LODOK NO. 7 A. K ami A. M. ft Stated Communication - . 2nd and 4th Mondays VJr T Vlaitliif Brotbara V 1 Welcome LOOMIft BI ILUI.VU DENTIMTS General Practice of Dentistry DR. PHILIP COLE . (13 Main Over Moe'a etore -rhone (( Open Evanlnga by Appointment DR. E. G. WLSECAKVEB Dentistry X-Roy BorWre Underwood Bldg. Phone 4S Dr. J. J. Emmens, Medford, Ore, " Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat, Phone (17 CHIROPRACTORS DR. CLE MOORH Palmer Graduate Chronic and Nervous Diseases New Melbase Block, SIS Phone 1273 Opposite Court Bo JR. C. XOUVALL . uate of Palmer and Pacific College ' Fourteen years experience We remove the cause of : disease , Botinnza. Ore Ala EMPLOYMENT AGENCY v klamath employment office :' Employment for workers la every trade mills, railway . and farms. James Ryan. Prop. -' Oth ami Main. Phone 1ST GUNSMITHS Frames and Mirrors Sales Renew Mirrors and Furniture Gunsmith, Expert ' Key Maker Guarantee .workmen. " I 129 So. lllh St. Phone 144 t-J " Sl-Ol LIVESTOCK J. Fresh cows on hand at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22FS;Rea. 414 . E. Mochettas, Jr. Tcxum fitatioa MUSIC STUDIO -L 12 LESSONS 12 Learn to play popular music, immediately. Many different styles of 'bases. (Ill-ins, eto. This course will enable you. to become a professional dance piano player. . - WATERMAN' rIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale's Piano .. Sales Room ' ' 223 South 7th St. OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD ' ' I. O. O. F. TEMPLE Osteopathia Physician and . Surgeon ,.-, ' Office and Residence Pbone 321 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, Brushes F. R. OLDS Across from Postoffloa Phone1 43 - Everything a Paint Store ' Keeps Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead- enlng Felt, Glass. Roofing, - Wall-Pa per PATTinSON'S PAINT irORH 62S So 6th St. Phane J81-J TIMBER CRUIHERS Timber Cruising, Reconnaia . ance and Appraisal H. H. OGLE 404 Main Ht. Phono 300-W . , Working from M. I. Johnnon's office'.. ' EXCAVATING BLASTING Sower and Cesspool Work ' Phone 4!&i Call at HO'4 E. Mala St. FRANK MARTIN 01 M7 Y PttA MRVKC, tMd