Vafro. Two THE FA' EN IN' f! IIKHAIO. KLAMATH FALLS, OIlftfiON Fiitlay. ftrilrmlirr If'., ) -v Mi- iai' 1 PIRATES STILL MAINTAIN LEAD WORLD OF SPEED tnnurKh'H hold. 01 (he Na-j ln- ona-half riltHhurKh h hold on creased to ' four and KduiPM today. The lliM(ttnptrs In-ircaiK-d their' winning: atrcak to -lcrht aauie.s when they rolled DEMPSEYSHOWS PfiPT AMn n I UIIILfiilU liliU ilU I'll OAKLAND SPLIT IP Ashland Boas Defeat Salem It) AIumhi V, Tnlr I Associated Press Spoils Wrilerl j I.IM'OI.X KIKI.IW. I'KKTK. III..! Sent.; IS. Jack lvmpyf l thlnl doe today tti the mvW.p fe-: rmlly of hi Tolc.1t Imltle oicht years Kieo vni'ii In won the Hy Th Associated Hrrwl' ' IVrtt.ind mid I lie Onka split a donlde header at Portland, the Acorns InfciiiK the first same 4 1 and ilio Heavers tit second liy I hi' sailM SCO I t. Tlu- Sells dcleted Hollywood 4-U ill Lou AtiKelcs, lu a hurliiiit duel between Alex Ferguson uiid licorice llolleron. l.os Anselcs heat tin" Mlvlor.s II lo 3 at Kranelscii. ,1'ete Sitnscii wan wild lu his f trt Hurt for Seattle and Sac ramento, scored five runs in tin first Innlnit. winning II ' S. i MKHPlIU, Or.. Seil 1. IA ! I' --Thi) . Him a team of tin' Southern Orvi;oii tiasclMll league, defeated Ihe Kulcin I en fit of Hie Willamette valley tetitue yrter- 1 d:iy 14 to l for the champion ship of western Orctop. ; The visitor routed Pavls. slur Pltiher in the sixth. lieu Kid dine.. r.ippcd out u homer with , two on. Tin Hoa M'ored five runs on ' I'.e. k III the third, on three hits, and he was replaced l tlrii'liam. The loruls lied the teore at ten (nil, and Plahuuin went Into the hox. In the lint liulf of ihe nlm. 'wlili the. score IW. and ln tin. SW KUKVH I.H.IIT lilt. I H t DWIMII.K IN Ml' MM till STOCKHOLM, Sept. 111. I A I I Slimmer nlahts In Kweilen fa vor eeoiioailea In the iniinlelpal gas ami eleitt-lelty departments. Prom May .111 to July 10 the nllihtH In Kioi Kholiii ara ao lirlahl lhal llielv la no need for al'tl (icial street IIkIiiIik, cent In Ihe luislest downtown thorough lares where every aeiajtid lanterit I kepi Ihii til it a The Mill In uut of sight only for four or five hours, and, even nt niidtilKht It l not darker Ihun oiilln iry l lilt lit. II la quite poaslhle to alt lu on of the parks und read1 a newapaper Ulilll II o'rloek lu the eventUK. HKIil"S ANOTIIKU ONK Kirn Postal Kmploy.f: S a . whafa'lhe Idea ef till thtf let ters without tnmp or nddreaxea Sesimd Wane Slave: Oh, Ihlt'a just some of those ahseut -minded profesiiors over nt Ihe corres pondence Kehool. Judfto. ; hour." Jaek will do Ma last hanl tiaiti ina and from lion on, wt)t rest . u .. P1U t.. wt,iid .La,. . , . . . ii ill 1 1 uio uiaui oi lue iiaui. ncii In the Ihlrd liaraaln hill at Kt. I ,,., -in. i, in..i iri..'.,iT i ' ' I-l,ls- j here three weeka auo. The Hrave"ent under 2-1. Wliltey Allen, a Host on, IS S Ihelr fifth In a row lu the eerlea, pounder, took a left hook lo the a well aa their, twelfth con-j .-hi,, jas, nifht and folded up! secuiire aetluii k. : for the evening. Allen was the; At the C.ianis pllt with the ! tlilrtl of six sparmates In IVmp-j Carda anain, both cluha were ,,jrd tuoonlislit workout.) atill tied for aecond place. ' which was put on before 1 Oil vta-j The world champions failed (tint sports writer who hud heen I five pitcher in the first emniblinr about the secrecy ufi . . , . . ., . ... i a roan siitD in i aiesi'.iie reaus: Jack preparations. ! 'Yon are entering Naiareth. IV,ey rut loose, too. ajalnst . UniU f,flwn m(M nn welKht, the last of the six. hut Kruejier managed to last out the rmind. The liernian battler caught two of those left hooks, followed hy a rlnht to the m:d- .Whlle the Yanks pennant la senion. which draped him on the already flylnc. the Amerifan lea- 1 roix-. " ' ue race Is now for the . spoil u stranse contrast to these which fo to the front dlvtuion , two period of furioua attack. cluhs. The Alhletl.a kept in . ivropsey allowed Mis Roy IVu r-l I'oriland ... stride for second place money by son t throw gloves at him for Sacramento uakiac It three strulchl over the nearly half of their round, ap-! Hollywood White Sox, 5-4. I parenily stiidyinr. the rany New ! Missions .... Detroit came from behind with Orleans heavyweight for his re- Ikw Angeles a four-run rally in the seventh i puted similarity to Tuuney's un to defeat the Senators. S-5. right style. fleorga I'hle sideirai kell the Peterson slabbed the former Yankee fnm their l0th vie-j champion with .several lefts to Pittsburgh tory as the Indians finished In ! the head and twite connected ' New York . front S-2. 'with fight uppercuts. before ' St. Lonl .... Milt Gaston won a close ver-1 Hempsey decided to start the at-U'hlrago ilvlov-e singled and seiit tle lulling run. Score. " It II I lloas II 14 Snlem U 1 3 llntlerles Davis. Mldiol Warren: fteck. Itarham. niiin 'Hid Kdivartls. cross und r'tash- A Moor considers It a siti lo rut bread with a knife, declaring that hands were given for that rurposo. ' i PELICAN CAFK Inc. ; ' "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchants' Lunch 11 A. M. t '2 P. M. 50c William. Bids. 722 Main V . Milk bottles show N uiHin rive piiciier in tne iirsi game, hut lost 11 to 3. Frank house, Houston 3roduct, register ed his third triumph for St. I.otils. beating the Ciinnta S to S In the nightcap. The Cubs were forced to Idle ness by rain. Oilier National clubs were w it lion: schedule. i-timni-t League Standings I -OAST I.KACti:. Team: W. Oakland llu San Francisco 99 Seattle :. ! .. 88 Team: diet for the by 2-1. Ilrowns at Hoston OXK-AHMKU ltU PLAYKK. SAN ANCiKLO, Tax.. Sept. 13. (AP) Although ' handicapped hy the loa of one arm. Fred O. Hailes of San Angelo. Is one of the best polo players In the vest and one of the best ropers and riders in west Texas. tack. From then on Peterson 1 Cincinnati ... was in full retreat, but he had j Brooklyn ... ouiscored the former champion . Hoston .. when their round ended. .Philadelphia IVrhaps it was this realization! that sent Pempsey into full speed ' against Allen, who followed Pet- j New York .. erson into the ring, for Allen Philadelphia was sprawling: on the floor be- i Washington fore the round was half over. j Detroit Only one more such ' heavy Chicago workout 1 planned hy ManngenH'leveland Humming; birds pass the win-(Leo I". Flynn. before the news-j St. Iiuis 56 Mcr In Central America. paperroen again tonight. Sunday ; Boston 47 4s ... iv,.:' go ,r34!j; 4 .Ml' S7 S!l ,4!ri J 80 9S .449 ' 79 99 .4 4-' J 71 1U7 .41 , . L. Pet. A 84 it .1J J Sl r.S .579 ? so :.s .579 78 61 .561 67 6S .496 5S St) -.441 55 SJ .JS9 J ..: 48 89 5uiJ i 99 45 .7ur,i 82 D7 .59 74 65 . 5 :! 2 : ? 7J 67 .51S;j 66 73 .475. CI Tli 110 S3 .403'? J .341 NATIONAL I.KAt;f- AMKKK AN LKAiil l-:. Coats, Dresses, Hats - , . . a t ' Individuality and Style Coats r.-.L.. . .. ...- $22.50 up Dresses .. $12.50 up Hats.:'..."...... $ 1.95 up ' i -' ' ' The heel is the vogue af, )resent in hosieiy. Come to us for the very newest of the' novelties. BARNHART'S k lAdies READY-TO-WEAR ' McCarthy Bldg. I : " ' ' rf . IL II ISM- ivir. v ' a . n M . a ll tm IW it r mm mm m m jTmm mm . the vfjs : aw Wm -Thin milk below . Their cream is all , on top.- .. OIWDY like the milk .it the bottom of a tattle heoiie tliere little or po rem left tn it. Hut Alpine ft dttferent. Tliere's at much cream in the Lit tpoonlul at in the first. That's heemte it's himiiigfiiitJ. Thit process hrealcs up the Lire,e civirse glolmlet of milk fat, which form the cream, into countlru tiny onet. As a result' tliey remain nvniy distributed throughout inttrad of rismn to the top at crrjin Uoe in ordnnry milk. That's why thete't cream in ntry drop of Alpine. , ... A Amble supply of cream, too. For Alpine it pure, rich milk with tie cream retained but more trun lulf the w.iter removed. ' Vt Alpm; in your coffee' and in every recipe that cillt for milk. You II net 4 richer flavor, a smoother, creamier comittency. Coitt le tlun ordiri.iry milk keeps pure and sweet indef initely ill its terilia.-(J air tight container.' Get Alpine today. i i For your next layer cake cry this , smoottu ricn .luKouie lcin I cup Aipin Mill. I Cup tugu. 4 kl-IJIM tiioc- uuic. 1 t.p vnilu Cou Alrinc Milk nJ ht. tJ4tr lcnthcr until .nywth. itliting conitietly. Add wicar tnd conk till intitule thtckrna. Tike hum Bit and. Scn enj, M vanilla. SfxciJ Iv twern Uvcn and on top uic. 118 No. 7th St. "l I! t We' cows retort Each Alpine quart . Has cream in every drop i. 'ffim'j 'cream in cOmj. drop' S, U. pr: NEVER S ET.S 1 i :.. 3Vi-V ) ,: ....... . .. : . ' .... r i( I, ' -rt f !-) ... 'f "'lilt- if i i ON CHE STE R FIELD'S POPULARITY Popular in all 4- corners 0 . ,, ' i li : ofthe'Earihr, l J i t i- :. u-ja.'iixAv the resort tntcrnatioiialc of the Adriatic VENICE where the smart folk of a dozen lands sip coffee , at Florian' in old San Marco Square. . . tf you were to ask for "American cigarettes" here, you would very likely get a flashing smile of recognition and a package of Chesterfields. ' . ' 1 .Like other cosmopolitan cities the world over, Venice' plays favorites with this cigarette of natural tobacco taite and fragrance.., .' . I StTffl i. Mk j -such popularity";. V lr. must be deserved! fi' J Iamzt: k Mveu Tobacco Co. J., - r t.h,