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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1927)
University Uhmy Cmi .?nt-ne. Orni IIIK tt R.4THKR City Edition The Old Home Paper OREGON: ensealed touhtM nd Saturday, possibly showers in ths l portiun. Warmer tu east and southwest portions to Associated Press and United PressTelegrapK Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade night. Trice Fivo Cents KLAMATH FALLS, QUE, FKIDAY, SEITEMBER 16, 1927. Number 6132. nfMirffiT nn A fo) Jr3 THAINED UOli GIVEN ey. i j east Martin Jensen File Plane With Hollywood Ani mal A Company NAN Iill'IIO, t'allf.j H. .t. Ill, ( IV ) I jm. ih M.1n.(ii.. vou-Mnvor "11Wig I. Inn" In IkhI irf Mltli Mmilii Ii'Mm'H, Honolulu flier from lump Kearney lli'lcl Ihto l IK: 1 1 n. in. "u Mitctiiplcil liill-tnp fllulil li New York. Stilll Iiik tomforitibly In llio P"cinlly Uulll cage In Hie iijiinn, behind the during irvlntcir who' placed minnil In ih" recent Onk-I liii lii Honolulu (light. I.i'oj wade a nrf' I luki-off alter a 3 ti i il - it i 1 run, circled the rliy ,of Kan IHi'Ku mill headed out lo ,he east. , Thn plan", a Ityan Id-motor I'Iuiih, almllaf in llm one which enrrled Colonel Chaili-s A. I .In.l li.-rch from Ni'W York In I'arla. Imllixt Into Hi-1 uir wlili n loml of ni'iinuliniii'ly 47n runiuilii. Jfiiai-n luitil lo'lori li'urlim ituil fx- ri'lid lo make N"-w Voik In IS houm. Kor fooil nn tli rii, Ji-niwn look itiroa auml ti li'. a lii'Hlr of Iml rcif.'rp anil I fanlifn nf wali-r . ; l.cii fi'ami-il nn "TT!il Jnlrjr tlcaku lu'fiirif ih" h c of f . I' ll In (llm hy f. II. I'rnlp, jia Amtnliii iitnnn offii-or, ' JfnM-n'a wlf". ofdilala of th M-il-M fornnrnilon unci II. K. Ma- nnn.'y. atniiani. roiKiriinn nn I ji..wpp..r nu n nn.l -I'-'""""' iiiiiiIh mi ihr irowil lo ;ll.k Dm tukr-nff. $325,000 Damage Caused By Fire in Sacra mento Today ' FACIIAMKNTU. Sept. 1. (.Il Klre awept tlirniigh the foitr-aiorjr Zi'llcrliai'k I'aper company and . id Seed enmnany iiullilliiKs on Sncrpmenlo wnler front wna he l.i ved under control at uu early l.nur Ihla mnrnlnK with Iota I'liui'd ' at nitre than i '..iici'i. ! ririeen firemen were Injured li n falling wall, two kitIiiiiiI)'. line may die na the rtaiilt of u Ii ii'tured skull. Ilumllng cm nf llm basement nf thn Zi'llerliiuk cnnipuny, plied lilah with, paper, sinnko covered the rlly lute luat night, aiiminnn . Inu nil avnilnhlo firemen, police mid fire fighting npimruiun to the scene of the blase. Later rame s Inn hi of flumes na nlr reached thn amnuldeilng paper, eniliingcr Ing the whole Saiiiiiiientn wuter fi'oni. Suicide's Body Found By Police PORTLAND, Sepl. in, (.j')--The hody of it. Tii'nlglii, ,l'i. or lUirlliiKiniii', Cnlir., wua found eatly lniluy on nn uvenuo In n Kiililirluin illilrlct ill l.ukn Os wego, A bullet through the liraln, a sulclile note mid n rn vnlver ill hla feet, ruuxril Cor oner O. A.- I'ni'o In diicluro It n HUlclclii nnd Hint no Iihiih'hI whs iioccHMiiry. Tho nolo lenuenlccl Hint Mis. I"nlgnn, Ihn widow, irt.l Hie Tienlgen chllilron ul "Itnrllngnnin lie notified. It wua s to tell Hint worry over linnlneKs and hmilili was reioiiHllile for, the snli lil". Mr.wor.n it.ti'I kxiw ' MIOHKtMlll, Ore., Sepl. 10. (PI A. crowd of lii, mill people from nil pails' nf sinilhern Ore gun nnd uoriliern ('iillfnriilii, riocheil lo Ihls eily lo pnitlclpiile HURT mm Jiililleii of visions renllxeil. The mobile Inner lulin. you are not fete was iIohihI Inst nliiht hy looking ut a heggnr, but a poas f Ire works. , J out ot ths bettor class, Tributes Will Be Offered to Lost Aviators Vessel Steams Out of San Francisco With Flowers STEAMSHIP MAII. H il. 16 111 TIiIk fliiwiT laden hli mov i'it under a liw lu ll twlny a-t II rtiiiuieil toward IIik "ml mllr murk from Huh Fram Im o. while i'iiiialtt. crew mid passenger lulnoil lii a nii'itimlnl aervlcn lo honor tho memory of seven nvl tr who full In their ileal Im while cronnlng llio I'm Ifli- from Sun Frani-lsco in Honolulu -nil originally part lilpa in d In I lie I loll' nnn-atop tlisltl I" Honolulu. -When the TU" mile mark'was r pi ti !. I hi' cnglm-a of I In- Maul wore Hi pin-d unil the veswel ride al tli) nr the wiiiil mitl ii vox. li il.' Wult'-r C. Crlbblna, representing Hun I'ram m o, paid lilliuix In i In' valor "I Mli j .Mildred lliiruii. l hi' Mlililrun m hmil teacher; J. A. IVillar. the ! pilot of Iht biplane; I.U'UD'ii I ant Vilas l(. Kimliii, their avl Igamr: Captain Wm. Krwln, dla j ilniillii'il war Hmn tiler who krodn In Hi" pallus Spirit: Alvln Klihwnlilt. In! navigator. .f Iter (Continued On Page K.lghtl Planes Ready For Air Derby .NEW YOIIK. Si-pi. in. IA f 1 .. Si-i kliijt flylnc famp anil uluirr of thn HJ.Tiuu tiffnrvil In prttra. 1 1. 'Vi. ii nlrtilunoa loil-iy with hi )lt0K, V.U fli ld Tor the mnil of ,m HiHiknno air rti rby m roa Hi.. , . , Mllll(i.y .nil Tm.j. day. The llllllea reprenenlecr lena than one fifth nf the 67 cutrnliu IIhIi'iI for. the rnioa which com irle non-atop flight, one wllh a single halt, and one wllh over night siiipay ' Two of flie planea on the field were entered III the cl:ia A event, they are piloted by K. i. Io ol Wuywcmd, llllnola. nnd Nlcholan Xliimnr Vniihiir had a niioilliced ! . l. w..,il.l n..,,,,, ,,t, ttv liiKm nt puacngcra. , Lindscy Burns Court Records DKNVK.ll. Colo.. Sept. 18. (V. P.) -The files of Judge Hen l.lndrey'a fnmnus Juvenile court went up In the amnke nf a huge bonfire here Into yesterday. Llndney removed the records wheii lie was ousted from office. The fire waa his answer lo "anarchy" attacks by Phillip Van Cine, former district attorney, who demanded bar nnsoclntlon. In vestigation of charges that Llnd sey caused llio resignation of court employes nnd removed court records, when he left his office. l.lnilwy poured cnnl oil over llio pile of records In Jerome park, made a speech explaining his nctlnn, nnd touched u mntcii In I he juipers. Attorney Gives School Ruling SAt.KM. Ore., Sept. 10, (A. P.) School bosicls muni lie renson nlile in fixing the iiro at which primary pupils imiy start. ' lo school In the flrtil Biiiilo, says nn opinion by Altorney (irnei il Van Winkle, lo Stale School Snperln tendenl ('. A. Howard.. School hoards hnve iiullioilly of law to fix tho nge for their re'ipectlve district, hut. Ihn opinion holds Hint I lie hoard In question should not bar n child from slnrllng In school If II Is tn be II yenrs old on or before November IS. : VKl'j TlltKS I'Olt HIIOKH. lirCIIAItKST, Sept. 111. When you see n llouiniinlnu wearing n SEARCHERS ARE SOUGHT TO I HUNT FOR BOYS Volunteer Workers Want ed to Continue Comb ing Mountain Woods Ki;(ii:.VK. On-.. 8'il. . (A. I'. I full for yoliinlwm lo ro- ni'W IIik ni-unli lhl wpi-k-i'ml for lli'nry Criimi-r ami fiuy K?r ry. now m l : hk In tho Three Kinmm nra alnro Monday, Hcp lnititT S. van made today by K. A. Ilrltlon. 'Iloy Hiont rxorutlvn of Id.K'liiirs. who la In KuKi'iu- maklnit prrpar.ttinna for Satur day nnil Sunday. Mr. Ilrllton mild that 11. C. llodKkiiia nf thn I'orl land Ait club wiia fe nding In niil.i- lo Knu famp. Imio of (irmrallnna and that nonrihlnir pirlh'n would be li'd by Hay Conway, Hay Klnnt, Clem Clnkney, Itoy -I'nrka and at hern. II,' u I no Invllea lilkem and pleamirn lu'ekeni lo upend Sunday In llm hill, aa a poHallilf nieana of lixatlnK tlio boya or their bodli'H. No attempt will bo made to orgnnlze tho ple&Ruro Heekera iinlin I hi y lhh to Join tli main aeurrhlnx party. It 1110 Ki ll. I, AT IT SW YORK. Jsejrt.-U. t..r ) I In be Itulli banged out hla flfiy-iblrd home run of In sea-1 mm today In tho third Inning of the and rami betneen the Yalikcea the While Sox. PAROLE YOUTHS Reform School Inmates May Be Given Anoth er Chance at Life POHTI.ANI), Ore., Sepl. 1C. The Telegram, In a signed ar ticle today says that (iovcrnnr 1. L. Patterson Is considering pro posing to the state board of con trol a sound parole policy where by the' number of hoys tn the sinle training school at Wood burn, now numbering IXi), might lie reduced to uliout 125. This would' result ft was declured. In saving SSB.fluo annually, and In Hiilvaging many more boys. Tle governor also pl'ins lo sub mit to tho leglslutiire In 1929 a plan for using the old state training school, now used to euro for overflow from the new school, as a reformatory lo hp operated In connection wllh thty stntc prison. California Vet ! Will Head G. A. R. C,n AND HAPinS, Mich., Sepl. 111. tAP) Kelecllon of remain ing national officers nnd actlou of several Important resolnllons were the chief features on tho program nt tho second day's business session ot the nnlinnal (1. A. H. encampment here today. With the election of Elhrlght L. Hawk of Sncrnmenlo. Califor nia, us commander-ln-chlpf yes terday, Hie chief business ot the encampment w n s completed. Hawk, I lie first Pacific const man lo receive the honor, of com manding the 11. A. U. In tho I'ni Icd Stntes In sixty years of exis tence, wns elected by ncclnmutlon nftnr a vole showed a largo plnr ulliy for hint. AtJmUh.Club iT Formed in Georgia CHAULOTTK, N. C Sept. 1(1, (TP) The first North Vnrnllni Al Sinlth-fnr-preslilent club hns been formed here. At n meeting of morn than 1-Ti peVsuns. I!u Now York governor was clmr nciei'lted ns "tho only hopo of tlio democratic party," PATTERSON TO Los Angeles Boxer Is Killed in His First Ring Match i.oh an(;ki.k. gipt. is. tv: I'. I A roroner'a Iniiueat will b held hero Friday over tho body of Humid YVUIIuni. 17. who vaa "hundy wllh hl tultta" and who aaplred to become a hoxiiiK i-hatn-ploiL , lln died Thuraday from a frac tured akull, reculved when hl head atruek the floor nn he wa knocked down by hla ring op ponent, Jiimi'i Campbell, who doea hia f iIiiIiik under the name Jimmy lilake. The bout wllh Campbell waa WIHInma' firai profeUHlnnal en CQKement. lie wan to have re ceived tl an lila end of the purae. "The kid waa alwayK handy with hia mltli and could lick anyone In the neighborhood at bl weiKht," hla father. Waliie Wllllama. aald tonltcht. "TIiIh waa COAST LEAGUERsSEPABATE AIR S Salem Police Find Man In Cigar Store in..Ser -t iou Condition i RALKM. Sept. 10. (.D A man giving bis name as Grover llted) Donovan." and claiming to have been on the pitching staff ot the Ssn Kranclsco baseball club of the Pacific Coast league iu 1922, became- suddenly ill In a cigar store here today and was tuken to a bed at the police station and a lihyalclnn called. Donovan was taken Into custody when be was seen administering chloroform lo himself, and it was thought he attempting suicide. The doc tor got him more chloroform. Donovan was believed to be suf-. ferlng a heart attack. Since his pltch'ng days ho clulms to have been a baseball umpire. Ashland Canning Company To Sell Del Rogue Brand F. F. Smith, representative of the Ilagley Canning company, of Ashland Is In Klamath Falls call ing upon the merchauts lo Inter est them In Southern Oregon fan ned products. The Uagley Can ning company Is this year In troducing a new label ."Del Itogue" brand. This is a very attractive label ot white nnd gold buck ground and will be used on their first grade products sold under their private label. Mr. Smith states that an earn est spirit ot cooperation will be maintained with tho Klamath merchants and people with a view of promoting and Increas ing trndn relations between this country nnd tho Itoguo River Valley. A wonderful opportunity is afforded for an exchunge of products of Iho two valleys that will result In mutual develop ment and advantage. lo both sec tions, Tho Hngley Canning company Is one of the pioneer fruit con cerns of our neighboring vnlloy and their products are well and widely known for their reputa tion of quality. A complete line of fruit s, berries, vegetables. Jams, Jellies and rider Is packed. Noted Vaudeville Actor Kills Self LACIVNA P.KACH. Calif.. Sept H. (AP) Tho body nf Jerome Shaffer, S5, said to he known throughout Hie country ns nn en tertainer and monologuelKl, was found today beneath his tinto near here. A rubber tube which lie held In his mouth, was con nected wllh tho exhnust pipe on tho nulo, (ho motor ot which wua running, hla flrat flftlit for money. He waa to get 1 2. The boy they matched him agalnat waa too toiiKh and too fiat." According to witneaaea to the fight, Williams was knocked down lliren times In the firm round. ( The final time bis bead atruck -the canvas and he didn't move. $ Ho was runhed to the hospital but failed to regain conaclona- Authorities were Investigating report that the Cudahy Ath letic club, promoters of the fight, had no Ibenae from the stale ath letic roBimimlon and that both fighters had been allowed to en ter thn lng without examination ' by s physician. No action against waa contemplated. Campbell American Legion Com; ' miUiOS.-.ys-Tliia Coun try Is Too Backward ' rAltlS. SepL 16. (AP) The charRe that the United Stalest is the most backward of any first class power development in a real lr force Is made In a reso lution drafted by the A median I 1 i,n a nallnnul mmmlllM nn aeronautics for presentation to the legion convention opening here next week. As a remedy, the committee, headed bythe Itev. C.III ltobb Wilson of Trenton, N. J.. urges tbe inauguration ot a separate department of national aeronau tics wllh cabinet representation. It proposes that the president appoint a board of aeronautic strategy to study establishment of such a department. I The magnificent overseas flight of Lindbergh and .others are not to be taken as an Indication that military aviation has advanced in the Culled States, the committee warns, but rather "as a criterion ot what American airmen are able and ready to do when bark ed by. Interested organizations." Development ot a substantial body ot pilots and the building of an air fleet capable of detend- ing Americas far flung coast and border lines .are held to be essential. Lindy Winging His Way Toward San Francisco PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 16, (A. P.) Resuming his tour,' Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh hopped off In his "Spirit of St. Louis" from Swan Island airport here today at 'C-.SS a. m. He is duo In San Francisco nt 2 p. m. SALEM, Ore., Sept. 16, P) Colonel Chnrles A. Lindbergh fly ing his monoplane "The Spirit ot lem at 7:50 this morning and Immediately sped nwny to tho sonthwest. EUOKNR, Ore.. Sept. 1C. (A. P.) Colonel Charles A. Llnd bcrgh In his monoplnno "Spirit of St. Louis" circled Kugeno at 8:35 a. nt. and left for the south. MEDFORD, Ore., Sept. 16. (A. P.) Colonel Charles A, Lind bergh, flying his monoplane "The Spirit of SI. .Louis", nrrtved over Ibis city ut lOfTS a. m. nnd after circling about tho city nnd conn ty fnlr grounds for several min utes, rapidly gained altitude tn rrosa the Siskiyou mountains to tin south, BUREAU SOUGHT f FREIGHTER SENDS OUT TI CULLS FOR I S. O. S. Appeal from Yo hda Maru Picked Up In Seattle Early Today SEATTLE. Sept. 1. (,p) Dl treas signals from a' vessel be lieved to be the Yoahlda Marn number 1 were picked up early this morning by the Seattle har bor radio station. The nature of the trouble was not known. The ship's position was given as latitude 48.16 north; longitude 141.42 west. The Yonhlda Mara number 1 carried a crew of 20 men. The position given waa In the ship lane between Seattle and Japan about S70 miles from Seattle. The distress signals were plain ly heard by the Seattle harbor rudlo about 6 a. m., three dis tinct SOS signals being Intercept ed. No details ot the plight of the. vessel were received. !oltlon Xot Known The Yosbida Marn number 1 was in Puget Sound In May and sailed from Everett with a cargo of lumber for Japan May 30 In the service ot the Yama'shita Company. Inc. She was last re ported off the roast of Japan. Of ficers of the Yamashita company hercsald they were not expecting the vessel until November but iihut she might, be making a voy age for' oilier Interests from Japan to Xortn Pacific ports. The merchants exchange hern had no reports that the Yoshida Maru was on Its way to a Pacific port, but tbe radio operator was positive that he heard the name ot the vessel distinctly. The liner President Pierce was near the position given in tbe distress 'nal and it was assumed here tbat the Pierce would be avail able in case aid Is needed. KLAMATH B0A& Support Pledged by State Highway Body to Lo cal Projects That the state highway com mission has the Improvement ot the Klamath Falls-Ashland high way and the resurfacing of the Merrill highway as two ot its most important p r,o j e c t s for spring was the word brought to members of the County Court and several members ot the board of directors of the chamber ot commerce at a called meeting i with C. E. Gates yesterday noon i at the Hotel Medford. Local members brought tho need of the early completion ot the Lakevlew highway before Mr. Gates who advised the group of the necessity of the withdrawal of the injunction . by Bonansa resident's before work could be completed on this project. Mon ey for the Improvement of this road was subscribed hy Klamath county several years ago. An Invitation was extended Mr. Chandler, division engineer of Iho commission who resides at Grants Pass, and C. E. Gates to attend the meeting here In late September when a caravan of Sac ramento men will Inspect the j Weed-Klamath Falls highway. uiuiik, luusu nuci allelic the meeting from hero and later attended the fair were: Judge F. R. Goddard. Horace Dunlap. linrrell Short, E. V. Vannlce. H. N. Moo, Lynn Sabln, Bert Hull, and It. C. (iroesbeck. Two More Cases Of Disease Found Two new cases of Infantile paralysis were reported at tho office of Dr. (1. S. Newsom, coun- ty health physician this morning. Au adult nt Algoma was the first case reporled and later a ten year old child In Klamath Falls wns reported to havo con tracted the. disease. WORK PROMISED Reduction in Running Time Of S. P. Made Speeding Up of Service Will Start on September 2Sth SAN' FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. tJPi Oeneral reduction In running time of through trains betweeo San Francisco. Portland and Seat tle effective September 25, havs been announced by F. S. McGin ns, passenger traffic manager for the Southern Pacific company. Tbe changes follow: Twenty- five minutes northbound and t'senty minutes southbound sni: be clipped from the Cascade's r.Dnlng time between Portland and San Francisco. A saving of three boars anJ SO minutes between San Fran cisco and Seattle will be afford ed passengers leaving here at 7:40 on the train connecting witn the West Coast which will arrive In Portland at 8:35 a. m., tbj following day and in Seattle at 3:35 p. m. Tbe Shasta will operate on a 27-hour schedule between here and Portland, and the Cascade, southbound, will connect with the Padre fcr Los Angeles. Student Loan Offered Here . Should t)uq be a gh-l or boy (n Klamath aounty who wishes to farther his or her education, whether It be high school or col lege, whose father or mother served In the world war, assist ance will be given. This was the word given out from J. Percy Wells, city super intendent of schools, who has been named as a member ot the committee of The Oregon State Teachers association, a memorial fund, which nas been active in furthering the education of those not financially able since the war. A loan can be ararnged upon the recommendation of reliable persons and teachers ot tbe stu dents as to their qualifications which will enable them to go on through high school or college. Anyone in this city who Is eligible ot this loan Is asked to get in tonch with Mr. Wells at his office in tbe F.remont school, who will in turn file application for a loan. War Veterans Given Freedom TORTLAND. Sept. 16. (Jf) E. H. Best and Emory Davis, war veterans, who were brought here from the Vmpqua national forest in southern Oregon, ou charges ot contempt ot court because they had failed to obey an order to remove from land they had set tled on, have agreed to vacate. Federal Judge McNary said he would not Impose a penalty if they would consent to move off the land. The men left last night for Roseburg, still hoping that they might retain their homes through reclassification ot the land. The forest service had ordered them to move because the land was not open for settlement. Cascade Locks Has Bad Blaze CASCADE LOCKS. Ore.. Sept. 16. iff) Fire which for a time threatened the town early today destroyed a restaurant, pool hall and confectionery, housed In a one-story building known as the Whlto House, and two unoccupied buildings adjoining. The loss was estimated at about $5,000. The volunteer fire department, with two lines of hose, fought the fire for four hours, keeping It from spreading. The cause of the fire bud not been determined eaTly today. The White House build ing was owned by Mrs. A. L, Stewart. OF ON FLIGHT British Flyers Hop; Off This Afternoon From Dublin DUBLIN, Sept. 16, (AP) Captain Robert H. Mcin tosh and Commandant J. J. Fitszmaurice, war products of aviation, this afternoon set out in a daring effort to make a peace record in the air. , They hopped off this af ternoon for New York on a trail that has never been followed to its western end. The two pilts, who fought in the air during the world war and have flown stead ily since, were confident that,. they would be aViW to meet the challenge of the Atlantic which claimed Nun gesser and Coli, the French occupants of the "White Bird," and the "SU Ra phael," carrying Trincess Lowenstein-Wertheim, Cap tain Hamilton and Colonel Minchin. - (Continued on page 5) MANY WILL GO Harvest Junket in Valley Next Week Arouses Much Interest Are Yon Going? That's the question each and every business man on Main street is being arked, tor tho ladies of tbe Malin Community Club are anxious to learn at the earliest possible date Just bow many will be present for tho chicken dinner on aext Wednes day noon when scores of local people stop there on "The Har vest Tour." The caravan will leave Klam ath Falls early Wednesday morn ing and at scheduled times will visit farmers throughout tho' southern section where demon strations will be given. Tickets for tbe dinner have been placed on sale at the cham ber of commerce for fifty cents. At least 100 are expected to at tend and present Indications would point to even n larger attendance. Mrs. A. W. Marker, and Mrs. A. M. Thomas of Malin huvo phoned the chamber of commerce urging that reservations be made not later than Tuesday noon If possible so that the community club will know about how many Will Dedicate Highway Bridge SALEM, Ore., Sept. 16, (A. P.) Members of the stale high way commission and other moil of prominence will participate to morrow In tbe dedication ot the Rocky creek bridge on the Roose velt highway 12 miles norib of Newport.' It will he known si the Re n F. Jones bridge In honor of Ben Jones, tormer mayor of Newport and member of the state legislature who was a leader In the movement for construction of Roosevelt blfhway. HEROES WORLD WAR ON LOCAL TOUR 1