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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1927)
II 1 lit Page Six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. Thin a : t a While In (Wrai City t, Won nt VAJTH A I. TO C.MP Crab. Clmii. Good Ornt, Fishing. Special Wevkly Rate AXXOIXCKMEXT We wish to announce thai we have nothing to do with the o-cslled "Hinston Studio." 717 Mala Street, owned and operated by May King. We are using our own name "R. E. Stinson" and located at' S!S Main Street, opposite Court House. The aame high-cla&s work la atlll being done by ua that made the name "Sttnson" famoua In Klamath Kails. Old customers and new custodiers will find ua at our new loca tion. PAPER HAN'OINO PAtXTIXO TIXTIXQ SMITH BROS. 4.00 Per Rooas t'p Phone (rt 1 MRS. WILLARD JOHNSON Accredited Teacher of Piano Harmony, Gar Training and Musical History. Btudlo SIS Prospect Phone 7JS-R IC : Finest Mineral TAatef ' In the World HOT SPRINGS NATATOKICM sow opra from 7:00 A. M. to midnight Tab Baths Swimming Task Hot and Cold Shower For Private Parties Phone IRB-W Spring and Esplanade ' Marring July 1 1 Red Ball Stage Line Two Daily ' stages Between Klamath Falls and LakeTtew. Leaving 8:80 morning Leaving 11:00 P. M. Leave RECKARD'8 Aato Btage Office Phone 77 or 600 . HTTRRT TAXI 8CRT1CB Under New Management Phone S41 ' Prompt Service J10-JY19 HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Fall 7: SO 1 A. KL, IO:UO A. Bl., 1 P. M 4:40 P. M., making connoc- Points aame day. Connection at Ashland with Pickwick Btagea (or California points. ' 7:10 A. M. and 1:00 P M I Btacea make direct through I connections to foruand and Seattle 10 X M. and 4:40 P. If. Stages make direct con nections to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Loral Office 61S Mala 8c. Pbnae 000 Firt Methodist Church Tenth and High Sta. FRANK L. WEMETT. Minister Reside ten, loos Hleb St. "Wa S penalize In Helptulseaa" uunaay uemces: 11 a. m., 7:S0 p. a Chiloauin Statre Leave Klamath Fall Dally for Cblloqola and intermediate 'point a follows: :00 a. m. 11:10 nooa ' 8:80 p. m. 7:00 a. m. Take a a. m. bua to connect lor canip beyond Chlloquln. C. 8. KING. Owner KLA.UATH-WKED STAc to WEED and Intermediate points. Lt. K. F. 7:30: Ar. Weed 11 Lr. Weed 1:80; Ar. K. p. 6:00 - Stages Leaving Stage Terminal Depot 015 Main 8u DRIXK RADITM WATER . Hai cured thousands. Why not you? Radium ore for sale by N. A. BR1GGS, (Special Representatlre) Pbone 060-W J1-A1 'Diamond Briquets' VOUNQ COAli TRANSFER "COMPANY . Phone 1097 NEWS NOTES 0 F (Special to the Herald I WUIHN: t'UI.NT, Sept. I a. I PONT li ne scnool at umu i mill will I ne nienioers picsciu wen-, soon open. The teachers arrived ' Mesdames M. K. Knausa. J. Mcl- ! during the past week and are get-Ivin. E. Doyle. ln Crump. N. Y. ting settled at the teacherage. i Rtodilard. J. Kaubel. A. Jjcolmon. l.Mus Ann Hansen, primary teach- -Miss Kdna Stoddard nud the bon er, arrived from Troutdale. Ore- tens. ton. and .Miss Mary Jo Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Knansa grammar grade teacher from her entertained with a dinner a mint ihome In Vancouver, Wash. her of friends at their homo on ' Illta Pollock of Forest tirove Wednesday evening. Those pres- S - P - E - Sept 5 to 12, inclusive VALVES GROUND 4-cylinder cars, $4.00 6-c.vlindor cars- $6.00 ALL WORK I'XCONDITIOXAI.I.Y CilAKAXTKKD! Cars Called for and Delivered KXPKRT KKPAIKIXM nml Ki.MTlOX SF.RVICF, OAS OIL ;KK.SI(J WVUllNti TOW INti NEW AND VSKI PARTS SHASTA VIEW GARAGE t)pen 24 Hours Kvery lhsy So. Oth St. and City Limits, Opposite Oih St. Co. More than 3000 Preferred Shareholders 1 L Ask lr UE Copy of this Attractive Book Containing sixteen pages of pictures and facts, illustrating and describing the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, the booklet shown above is yours for the asking. . ' It is packed full of informative facts about this progressive public utility company. -Its charts present , '. a striking picture of growth. Its pictures illustrate modern - plants and properties, built and maintained v'. for the service of the public? The capital supplied by thousands of investors goes directly into the construe- ' -tion'of permanent, useful public utility properties : u'. A large map illustrates the wide territorial diversity. It tells how you, too, may become a partner in public service by investment in the Company's prefer- ., . red shares. Write or phone for your copy today. The CAufornia Oregon Power Company Mom 'n Pop f e'WAN.HEMSY- ) "WAir A ttiNUTr. -YhEPE'S - V DR'VE ' I oOPPCStD To KG ft CRK J -if . J S AH6UND SOMtWHCe?e J - - rl-" - ' T VWCRC1SIT? S - .. f ' ' ' SfSSSl 'Si .... t; ... J , e la the housa guest o( the Misses Knnsen and Valh at their home. Miita Pollock will teach at Illy a hen the schools rcwcn. Mrs. S. W. KgelltU! spent Fri day lu town. The Thursday llrldge clult met al trie Home ot .Mrs. iietar Italia the past week. There were two tallies of bridge with Mrs. N. V. jiMiMiuaro receiving man scwi,-. C - I - A - L CALIFORNIA. OREGON POWER COMPANY ! She ' OFFICES. .. . . Mcdford. Grants Pass. Roscbtirg. Klamath Falls -Oregon Yreka. Dunsmuir-California 1 ent witk Mr. and Mr. Karl Til- tun ot Dorrle. Miss Muriel March .( I'tilco, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ttllon. I Hob ami Klmcr Hull. Mr. and Mia. licorgo Jennings ami .Mrs. 0. Jenulnga ot- I lly. ni. Ileckman and family haw 1 moved to Klamath Falls.' Mr , Workman formerly inaiiuned Kn. forj Jones' store at l..uum's mill I j It. Ollnger Is the new man ager aud Is ' now located at itjimm's mill with his ' family. Ills home was formerly in Yak ima, Wash. Mrs. M. R. Colllard and Miss . Phosma Kenny of Medfonl, Ore., are the house guests of Mr.' and .Mrs. Ross llallautyuo. Those who shopped and vis ited in Klamath Kails on Sulur- day were: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hand. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kauhv). Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Worden. .Mr. " ' leut "' ' and Mrs. Swauson. Mr. and Mrs. '" Mr- ul' M,,'vla M. K. Kuausa. Mr. and Mrs. HoiVllllJ"'11""' Hnllantvne. Mrs. R. Colllard and! Melvln Voiid.rlmff. K.lm.Y Pa Miss Phostna Kenuy. Mr. gnd lh- ' 11 V''- A. llon nd Mrs. C. Jonea. Mr. aud Mrs. A. ,'Mr- J'necu went doer hunting Jacobson. Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Sturduy and Sunday near the Miss Ann Hauseu. Ml si Mary Jo Vor,n I'HM'Uiia. Mr. Jensen kill Walsh. Miss Rita Pollock. Mrs. M " Ho pointer. Oeor.e Johnson Mrs 11 Claries.' Mr ami M". J'!' "Pent Hie Ion. Mr. and Mrs. N. Y. Stod dard. Miss June ilradley and Wm. Fsrnum. Mrs. N. C. Smythe and daugh- I? Poor v' n-iic Kl tor, lilw, spent the past week at their ranch lu Jacksonville, lire. Mr. anil Mrs. F. K. Mctlee whopped at Chlloiiuiu on Hutur- day evening. I Mr. and Mrs J. Ksuliel dim l Hf '"111 Holiday Friends of Mrs. Win, Helm will he glad lu hcur she Is it I homo now and doing tilcely. Mr. and Mrs. Kwiinsiin had as dinner guests on Sunday Mr. Hedlniid. Miss Lucille Holland. Mis. Krickson of Klamath, A. O. ricroon and daughter, who ar rived Just three week ago from Swollen. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. t'lnrkn and Mrs. lenders spent Sunday tit llrayiutll. Mr. and Mrs. Cook drove to Lamina ramp on Sunday. Ml, und Mrs. I.. D. Meyers of v.rek-rtiil at Kusene. Oreaou. Mr. anil Mrs, Jesa Hrailley of Klatuath Falls enjoyed Sumiay at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C'larluKton. Mrs. J. Olson spent Siliulav at Tule Lake with .Mr. and Mrs. Stull.- ' Mr. anil Mrs. J. Marcon vprnt Euadar in town. 1 ' Ray Warner of Klnmiih' Falls la now employed at tho Ijinim Lumber company, and will soon be Joined by Mrs. Warner when they set a house. Mr. Warner Is a brother of Mrs. N. V Short. I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crump spent Sunday In town visiting frfvnda. j Buy - A ::l Good house of four rooms and bath, garage and :: woodshed; close to Mills school and well loeat- ::i '1 ed with reference to factories and railroad work. : Sewer assessmentd all $2i0.00 down. $35.00 including interest A wonderful opportunity!: to buy a -home instead of paying' rent. i 4 .... , , BOX 1042, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TvnmiiiiiiiinniiiimiiniiniiiiiiiinH noievnraPHMinKwcniiOMMwniOfM 1 1 1 umaam u -mi I Hay Vas Fully Kovered I I Friend of mine (ley got letter from !adie yust oder day and dis bane vat 1 she say: Dear Mrs. So. and So: Ay rite yu to let kno vhat happen de oder day. Yohn hay vas up on lad- ' der. Vlien all of sudden ladder busted, hay fell an broke neck. A bane . happy tu say dc loss vus fully kovered by endurance. Yur friend, TILLIE. Now ay dont kno if he vas 1000 dollar huitband or not "Ay vundcr at yur vife kould ay dc'tanw tang suppose gumtanff like, dat happen tu yu. OjMtAHA JOHN HOUSTON. NEXT HALL HOTEL. Kitty T 1" rfRMf NEWS NOTES Of MIPI. AND. Kept. I J. A new Chevrolet truck Ims been purchased- hy llllliert Laraenl to be used as a blah school bus this full. Mr. scut 1 will run the line between MldlnnI and Kluin sili Fulls il ii rln a the mitlro schuol year. Mis. Murry lloun ri'lurneil In iher home In Klniiialh Fulls after !smiiiIIiik the Week-end with her 'parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. IV . Iliviper. I Wlllinni Rurnelt and llernard llooHr spent Katitrduy evenlnit with Joe Foster of Hound lake. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wytint and family ot Merrill weru vll- i tors In MUlJsiul on 8utulay, I Miss Op j I Hooper spent Hun- jduy aftertiuoti with Catherine and I'iiiillno Iltirnott. Mr. and Mrs. llllliert Ijirg.-nt were Klamnth Falls visitors Mon day. C. '- II. Patterson has finished heading aruln on the Hooper ranch. He reported a fine crop this year. Mr. I.nkilil has moved his fum lly to Midland. They are living in the house from which the He vies family recently moved. C. Olnfson and family motor ed to Medford Huuday. KOAII TO KtIANCK Clarice (motoring): I said you could kiss me but I didn't say you 'could bug me. Wilbur: Oh, 1 Just threw lu the clutch. Judge. - Home paid. Price $2850.00, per month on balance, luowsorjiiuuiiiiiiauuiuiitliii III P 4 inwnfliiNQRUri n b mnma I wmiwrtyjayT Cj'WAN -SHOOT YOlJ'LL Find ir r 4. TP At the Pine Tree DOVT MNH "CIIANti!-' "Chuuii" is In town. If yuu miss It you huve only yourself to bliuuii. This ilepnrtuii'lit rec ommends It, with henrty prnlne! "Chiit" Is the wildest of III" wild ami His mlKhtlest of tho mighty! ' linns." tells 110 ordlnury tule. There Is nothing at all sterotyped ubotit "Clmiiii," It Is Just une thrill nficr another, a whole aeries of them; one susp ufler another, a wlinln parade of them. If you should ask that "Chans." tie described hi one shnrl. terse phrase, we'd cult It a UiUhty melodrama of the wild. A leopuid leuia over a hi eh wall into tho hero'a home: a User burls Itself iIkIiI Into the eye of the ratuern: four hundred ele phants aitnrk a native village, leaving nothing but .desolation and iliatli In Ihelr wake anil that only stuiis lo tell what "Chang" holds In store for the movlegiirrs. It holds one punch after another und your attention la never allowed to wander. Chang will be shown at the Pine Tree today and tomorrow. Dou't piout It hy! At the Liberty A leap trout a racing motor cycle lo a speeding airplane n drop from onn piano to unother a Jump from a plane In mid night. These are but a few of the hreak-nerk stunts hhh Charles Hutchison successfully negotiates In "Ulrntes of the Sky" In which, supported by Wanda llawley, Crawford Kent and tjluimy Aubrey, he will be aeeti at the Liberty Theatre Thursday und Friday, OCT OF IIATK Timothy had been passing Judgment on a neighbor. "I hate Ihe old cut:" he crlrd. stamping his foul. "Yon shouldn't soy that. Tim." reproved his mother. "The lllhlr says we must love everybody." "I know, but Mrs. (ilnui wasn't alive when the lllble was writ-, ten." Tlt-lllis. A London snuff manufacturer lava that & per rent of snuff used now li sold to women of all rlasses. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter's supply of block-wood and freen-elab al once, while the prices are at the bottom. FARMERS Also slock up lor ths year, at the bin or delivered. " We deliver anywhere In the Taller IV cord Jumbo loads. on 07 Main Phone B3o .Ns'rlV-VNsyNaSsyVSsfVVW,V,W All kinds of GLASS Sath and Doori '-Screens Window . Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. Uth Phone 477-W By Taylor ..-v Peyt sdav, Sciitcmlipi- ir. 1027. ' HS1TES DFFT. I H pec In I to Ihe Herald) FlkltT KLAMATH. Hepl.-I6. Julius Dlxnn and Jerry hlseinor left last week on a business trip to llallln Mountain. Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Orlh slid Iwo diilitruit, Adraln ami James, have Just ruturned Inline from a two weeks' vacation vn the coast, visiting friends and relatives in llsndoti. I'ort Orford and Cresrent. k Kit Leevrr motored In Klstnatli Falls Monday on business. Mrs. Louis I'nlln snd friends wero visitors here Thursday on their wuy home from Crater lake. Mr. and Mrs. l-eoimrd Wood ruff and rblMteti are here from their home In l.iw Angeles, Cullf. Itilssell I.eever Was here Mon day visiting with frleuds ' and relatives. Mrs. Fred l.oonlcy and Mrs. Wesley Davis were hostesses to the C. I. club Friday al Mra. Fred l.ooley'a home. The regular meeting waa held, after which the hostesses served lovely re freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Itty ' lllckmsn and duiighter. Mildred, were here Hunday from their home In Klam ath Falls, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. p. lloyt. . f hm k Kuinbrnnn ' aud ' F.ldou llrattaln motored la Klamath Faljs Haturday. Mrs. Myrtle Melcblor of Klam ath Falls motored to Algoma log." glng ramp Monday to visit with hr children and on her way home stopped and visited with Hie I'ages of Ihe CJiinlil y Hhnppe. Legal Notices Vil li K T . f .iK PI IH.IC The County Court of Klamath County hereby declares an emerg ency to eslst. owing to the In fantile Paralysis disease which Is spreading all too rapidly, end reusing death among our chil dren, and we, the members of said Court, hereby Issue the fol lowing order, which order must bs obeyed That all children In Klamath County, under 15 years of age, shall lie kept In tbetr respective hemes, and not be permitted lo rlslt. congregate, attend puhlln gatherings, tnter theatres or stores.. The only reception to this order Is where parents wish lo Iske their children lu their own automobiles on County roads. The Kherllf of Klamath Coun ty has been and la hereby direct ed to enforce this Kmergeucy order In Its every dmall. Dated this 1 2th day of Septem ber, 1S27. fiiki) it. oomuun. County , Judge. III'KHKLI. HIKlltT. Commissioner. II.. It. I)l'NLAI . Commissioner. Sllll-inr. r. Duco h so easy to brush on! IT'S Just no trick at all, uslngDuco! Many women are discovering that With ' Duco, fort he first time, paint ing has become a pastime, where onco it used to be a drudgery! . You will be amaxed what . beautiful results you ' get with Duco! ' And It dries so fast! for Instance, paint the kiddies' toys while they take (heir nap and the young sters ran play with, them that afternoon! , Ask for a free color card, today! Baldwin Hardware Company 414 Main Phone 261 KLAMATH h..