Tliurndny. SoptomW 1.p, 1027. THE EVENW, ITERAIJ), KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Young Girl Is Swept To Death NOIIAI.KH. All.. Hrpi. 3. ( I I Th. ilmtli of ,lrl, liu aa imr lh ' tall at MumiIhii, Hlnalna, In Urn wm-a'a liurrli au. wua npuriixl In ail-vlri-a iu Tin. iluralil lii-ro toiluy. A (lliniliil ljura. Jallmo, d lu ll a till nahl nul liiiiiMi in Mum aanlll'i, ( iilliua, iru J iluiuaxM In III Inrrlfli' Kind anil thai niuiijf ilwrllliitfa ith aii sway In Ilium-nan avva JiliMtl up liy Ihn Hal. Tim liilrrkiui. alrui-k Hi" aiati'a nf (uan, ,JI. Iioumu nml Cullnm on Krlilay. i-ili-nilliiK Hh fury up lli iubkI. I.ltlln i,ii la iili.rialhi-il fur ' fulling flrct of flu bnala i whlrh waa taught at am hy ihu u-mlla vrliid. AiirmlniJti'ly 23 Ilahcrmvn worn aboard lie boa la. Markets I'OHTI.ANK, Orn.. 8-it. 13. (A. I' I- ( ulllu ml t-ulvva ticualy, Jio riMi'lii. liuRa rtii'i'lpta &.1U. Mhrvp and lamba ati-aily; ro rrlpla 400 alini'p do mill rail. roilTI.ANU, Or.. Hi pl. 15. (A. P. I- llutlnr ali-ady; licih.jli. prh'i'a: Kilr niti.-a illy 41; aiandanla 4 4; prime lliala 4.1 H; flraia as, fffHuirty prliea: I'rlnla 3c aUim rub. auudarda; Lullorfut 4ic fubft I'nrtlanil. Milk "aii-aily; bltla lo lurtuiT: flaw milk 4 prrvont 1 24 rwi ftib I'uriland. Uutlrrlut 4Sj tub I'uriland. Kai Kltraa, flrala ami Rice dluuia le luwer. C'nrri'iil r.nliii. Jc; frr.ll Ulcillunn fnn aitndnrd llraia 91; dlttu rxirua JiS- I'uullry alrady; l I twrrrnt rominlaaliio: Heavy haiu 21 J!: IKbt lift :: aprlnca 13 4 It,; brnllKra XI: IVk n oblln duika I; rulorod, unuilual; iitra.ra. live, nominal, I'ulatora alrady at i :4-, I SO. (inluna atriiily; lural I 00 41 110. Drowncr? a UK-'.- Irving Kiililiimlil (alnivr) la auld by Urn New Turk pnllra Iu liav. rtinfi'Md pni Hi IpallnK In the ; ilru li I ii K ( 1li'n)amln (ioldHtrln nil that an ai'i-onipllre iniiclit ol ilril II4D.U0V lomtruniv on liolil- u ln a life. Iln aa pualu'd uff a rowboal Into Nw York barbor by llul.lmiihl, II la allrfed. rilU'AUO. Hp(. 15. (AIM U'MDAI Hum. rerrlpia JI.OUii; lu: flnlnhed buna 210 lo 210 pound, a'rady In lor lnarr; otb tra moally luWIic ((; ifxiln He oft C3 mrdlu-n and huairy welglit paikllic aop; lop 12 10 fur on loud of airlitly rholie 240 pound o Kill; bulk di-alrabli 115 lo C25 pound Il.7fci 12.00. (altle roielpta 10,000; rholie alwra Sie lillnr; m-llvr; at ad vance; olhera ati-udy Iu airoiK, uui-Tin; olber tlaiwe alruni lo Zia liliher; 11. Oi paid (or both ycarllnga and welxlity aleeraj . aoina held hlxhir; aeyeral loada of all ri-prraenlallra welahla IS 00(1 15. bo; In-beineen trail 1 12.504 1 4.60; wi-lithty vau-rn I ra4-r up to 12 oo. j Hheep ri'rMpte SS.Oiifi; fat na ll lamba alow; early aalea moal 'ly 25c lower llun U'edneaday; ! bidding fully 25c lower oo rain ier; bulk Kood to choice, weat- erna ellalble around 13.75; k InK up to 14 00 lor rhiilre went erna: early native 1 .1 in In 12.75 4f 13.00; aeiorted klnda to city huti'lirra 11.25; 110 lo 130 lb. Im.k lamba 11.00 4 11 00; culla In. 50 it 10.25; abeep aleady; fut native ewe 5 SO 4 . 25. Fly-Tox Reduces ' Phanca r f Infirlinn Kiln tulnt rvi-rythln( they t'rU'-ll wtm-HlltUK dUeaiie ferllM from apjtum and dlM-harKi-a of ! toea, tfiottia. ronchi-a aa w i-ll u I flloa. Kly-tiM devi-lopa-d at Mellon lllKtltllte of luiluntrtal Ite- I ix-ari h by Id-x Itewan U Fellow- I ulilp AJv. WALL PAPER All New Stock Acme Quality Paints j $ F. R. OLDS r Across from Potoffics Phone 43 Correct Dental Work When you come to me lor your dental vork you will bo anHurvd of proper workmanship ut a just and rensonablo price. My of natisfied putients ii crowing daily. Vou. too, ill be plcafd with my service. F ree Examinations Given DR. R. D. COE HopkaBldg. Phone 836 NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER Fall Suits NEW WOOLENS ARRIVING DAILY" The rsliapelliiesH of n tailoiud garment; the smart linen tluit denote hun.d tailorintr; the general subtle tone that marks a tailor-made suit these you'll find in the clothes we make.- ( i And they're built to "unit your personality, us well . om your pemon." Chas. J. Cizek i Phono 990 MERCHANT TAILOR 109 South 7th. MMAff 'WHMi.' ''.I-'W if ri w n n it t i if r.r i . j xrji rtn u,,-, v s na-j u w Js - L $ a Another Carload of Guaranteed Toledo Rapges -r- V Zi. Zi .jf-w Z & G-J-..J This Spring With Range Free This Mattress Free With Range ARRIVING Another big allowance for advertising whichven ables us to give the public more for their, money than ever before. See these splendid Toledo Ranges then ask the family who owns one. Attractive in appearance; economical in fuel; the Toledo holds heat longer than any stove. This Rug for $10.09 . with this Range This Cedar Chest for $5.00 with thi3 Range This Mirror and $5.00 Free with this Toledo Range - - - "r "i ! Buy a Toledo Range and get this Chiffonier Free ,50 Premiums A Premium Given Away with the Pur-, chase of each Tol edo Range Be on hand early to make your selection the Premium you desire. m-M-M 50 Premiums A Premium Given Away with the Pur chase of each Tol edo Range Be on hand early to make your selection of the Premium you desire. iiiiihiihh4- !!--- This Lamp and $5 with the Range Tliis means that first come, first served. Remember there are only 50 Premiums. H-H"H-t-l-H"l-H"l-H-f-H-4-f-H t4 I U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I W See Our Windows. This Coxwell Chair for $20.00 with Toledo Range $5.00 for this Dresser with Range Library Table rree wun uange This Table and 4 Chairs $20.00 with this Range - ft This Bridge Set for $10.00 with Toledo Range Between 7th & 8th on Main "TU.r. TJ f ..I t me aiuumj ji veneer iui vrcuu mm Phone 16 r."i?r Pntre Flvr m V ".aj ill l' I k I il. tl .1 .V