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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1927)
Wwlnowlay, St'pU'mher 14, 1027. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Page Sovf n -itaARKET flag: 31- 9 y FOR RENT Foil IlKNT four-room apt., rurnlahad. lit Lincoln. 1114 ItOOMt lit Lincoln. Phun 6H7-W. BIB Foil IlKNT Furnished l-room house, 111. 511 inoulli. 421 I'luiiit Phono 144-J. HI 0-1) ID FOIl KHNT Furnished Mpurt inanta, 2161 Wantland. 1.14 KOIl HUNT 1-rooni bouse, ga rage strictly nio(lim, nicely f urnuhprt. ill. no. ' inni couple. Ill Lewis Ht. 13-lt KOIl KENT Completely furnish. l apt. " Steam heated, hag Arm, 111 llroad HI. Pbon lilt. . . A3G-B15 KOIl IlKNT 4 -room house, jmrt lr furnished, next lo Hot Spring bath house. Cull m Connolly lira., IK Main St. 1-16 KOIl IlKNT Threa-room nicely furnished apt. HtMim bested, nua block from Main. Ill Cadar, corner i'lno. phono 111. iztr KOIl IlKNT House, of 4 rooma. bath, sleeping" ' porch. Steel raaaa In kltrban. gsrsge, wmxl ahrd. Arroia ntraet Irom Mil la school. Will task attractive rant to desirable and pcrtua nam tenant..' I'Uone 491. ' , 1S-I4-1& FOR RENT W ran save yon . big money at lb Arcade Hoiol ; Apartmanta, furnished com pletely, electrlo rangee, llnan, dlabaa and telephones. ' Or room with private batba si . . real cut rata to permanent -: meal. Arcade. Ml-Js I For Salo-Retd EiUto rOR RALK llargaln. 310 acre. , IlltO. Call 1001 Main. 10-K Foil RALK New, modern home ; located foot California, Ave. Just paved. Price ISK00. 1100 : down. A bargain. Boo Owner. Pbone 1017. 1P-24 KOIl HALK Dandy little home, paid pavement, lit 10x140. ' garago- and woodshed.' Call Williams, Phone 101. 1-14 KOK 8ALH Blx-room modern borne with glass porches. Lo cated In choice residential sec tion of Hot Hprlng. Write box II, the Herald, for further In ' formation and term. 9-11 KOIt BALE OR LRAHK Ry own er, new "modern l-room alucco bungalow. Large basement, Uoub garage, on highway, close lo city limit.. Call K. Jordan, Lakevlcw Rt or Phone m-Jl. 1-14 FOR KXCHANHE If you want to exchange your property for something that suits you better, remember the other fellow has Just what you want and I looking for what yon have. 8a me today. Office open eve ning by appointment. I have gtiod propositions all over the Northwest. D. A. OLDS 111 South 7th St. rhone Office 0, Re. 1498W I'll TOR 8ALB TWO 8NAT8 IN HOUSES 4-ROOM modern bouse, new. and has lot of tulll-lna. Owner must eell and I willing to sac . rlflco. Appraised at 12500.00. '. Mako mo an of for. - NEW. 3-UOOM 'moflnrn house In I Hot Hprlng' Addn., appraised at 11400. Owner cannot meet . the payment, will Inks 1760 for equity, balance 11060 duo In mall' monthly payments. WILL LK ASH New, 5-room mod rp house; close to Oregon Ave nuo and Bblpplngtnn. Will loan for 1 year for $110 cash. ' WM. W. McNEALY " 1010 Main Bt. 1-14 Freckles' and' His I JUST A07 A POSTAi- CARD ) WW, 1 607" FROAr. PE&CKL6S- 6ES VTOOB TOO IP VOO CAW MAW. 5 y JOST TWS FOR RENT KOIl HKNT Partly furnished houso, close In. 114 Lincoln Ml. 13-11 KOIl IlKNT 1-rooin huuso and garage In' Hot Mprliuca. i In iuirv Dunham A mo Co. 13-1 D For Sale Automobile! WILL I'AV CAHII Oil TIIADK , for . ' used Chevrolet coupe or roailaliira. I.OCKK MOTOIl CO. Chevrolet Hales aiid Service' 13-1 5 Foil uai.k 11113 HuiliHin Coach. All " equipped . .. 1100 1 127 Knrd Coupe, run wry Utile 1375 11124 Kord l-Door He dan. Kino condition 2!S Hi. aura and look ori-r our car before you buy. HOT CALL'S I HKI) CAItl) Km Walt Abbey Klh and I'lno HI. l.ot. I'bone 314 KOIt BAI.K 1131 Dodge louring. II '' censo, 'bumpers, uolo- ' meter. I.Ike new ' 1100 1 IS1I Chrysler louring. 1 This Is sure a buy. Com pletely equipped ICZS 11 S 2e Kord coupe. New . tire. Huutell axle, It- renae 1325 1 134 Chevrolet Roadster. A good buy 1160 1 1933 Dodge touring In fin, condition ...27i 1121 Rulck Roadster. 4 cylinder. License, run ' fine 2b0 1121 Kord Coup. HceUM In fine condition HIS We have many more to select from,. , Liberal Term. ROY CALI8 I'HKIVCARS few Walt Abbey lib and Pine HI. Lot. Pbone 334 11-17 WANTED WANTKI) To trade car for ' el .b toe B cord of wood. Call 10. 1-14 MAN WITH KAMILV wants ranch work. Call 1341 Vine Hi. or Phone 40VW1. 13-11 WANTED To leas 1.000 sheep , on shares. Reference If re quired. Uox 461, Alturns, Cal. A30-820 WANTKO Olrl or wiman for housework, $35 per month; teady work. Adsm Ranch, Merrill, Ore. HI 1-31 WANTED, Building and Loan Having salesman. Will give good proposition lo right party. 1134 Main 81. Mr. Webb. 10-11 WANT TO TRADE 11750.00 equity In 17000 residence in Portland for equity In resi dence property here. Prefer ably 4 or & room residence. Address Ilox 17. care Herald. 13-13 tl'lUTL'n TA k-B rnm Interested In raising -turkeys . md nniia ne. h.r will I furnished stock, new soil, some . equipment',- State capital and experience In letter or call at the Adam Ranch, Merrill. 15-19 WANTED Wo imy highest cash price tor used furniture and stoves. Ho suro to sto us bo - fora you sell. Wa give you a liberal allowance tor your used i furniture In exchange for hew. Too "wm" find or price Tory ' reasonable and credit service . llbcrat.- KLAMATIt FURNITURE CO. 1011 Main SU Phono 884 Kl-Ol LOST AND FOUND LOST Springer Spaniel pup. , A liberal fownid will bo offered! ; for the return of this pot. i , Phono 726-K. . 13-14-15-161 LOHT Handbag containing suit of clot be and shirt on mad between neatly and' Lakcvlew . Name on handbag tag, P. C. Bergman. , Reward of $25 of fered..' Finder, ' notify I Hnratd' or John 0'8uea, Dpatty, Ore. 9-15 Friends ITDOMTMAWS CEMS6 FOR MS- mstomaw:? oor 6UCM WBrriM' AG I NE 'for II EW TODAY KKT Two 2-roora com pletely furnished aula. Can- trally located. Una blink from Main. 116.00 month. Phonn I41. ' 1410 WANTED Middle aged woman wauls housekeeping or will rook for few mm. Phono l.'.s-M. ' 14-16 U)KT- Halnrdny hlitht on John ston pralrlo, two blanket. One Klk emblem. Iteward. Ileiurn i lo Klk club. 14-16 j l-Oll .HAI.K 1000 W I iviu '-rfviniKp uui i riaim : Wurd, 337 Muln. : 14-ZU KOIl IlKNT -bouse, 111. Partly furnished 111 N. 3rd. 14-11 KOIl HAI.K- heap. Kox TerMer pup. Iluaae 7 Hhaw-Uerirum. 1 Von Moltke, I dearlled a bar-14-H)lnK been a sufferer for many r v iv i r.. i -ea-u-i-i rum oiirarrn i ur- ja i ii ii ivm r nUhrd hoint TCn.Ki'"V""i',llc"l,Hl b ,roph,, ' "."" Clouts lu. KOIt KALK OK LKAHK New, modern 4-room colonial house. Close In. Kurniahed or unfur nished. Phono I2! tfr 92K-W. . 14-17 KOIl KALK Kord 1-ton truck. . (lood condition, good rubber, : Wslfor gear. Cheap for cash. , 2004 Orchard Ave. 14-20 . KOIl HALK o-ruom house. Wobdshed, garage. Iswn. Ily owner. Pbone 441-M after I. 14-11 KOIl HALK A good stove, baby sulky and some turn It a re. t .Cheap. Leaving town. Huuday 113m, Walnut St. - KOK HALK Two blub lots on Kast Main, near achool Ruy ' from owner and save commis sion. Address Mary Hutch Inga. Calpine. Calif. 14-20 FOR RENT House. Pbone 3DI. 11-10 MISCELLANEOUS t'BB RAWLKIOH'8 PRODCCTS -11 ox. bottle vanilla, 11.00. 1010 Jefferson. 13 PIANO TLNINO Will be In Klamath ' Fall " again about Beptsunber IS. W, H. Mor gan. Earl Shepherd' Co.' 11-10 WINDOW CLKAMNO Floor waxing, bouse cleaning and Janitor service. Reference, A. M. Rboadg. Phone 1066-W. 107-K-tf DEER HUNTERS ATTENTION Let me pack, you lntcj camps , where tbure are deer and no other-hunters. Rual doer coun try. N. H. Wampler. Rocky Point, Ore. 8I-OI FOR SALE FOR 8ALK Furniture. 438 Washington St. 13-11 KOK SALE 100 White Leghorn hens, one year old. From Ac credited stock. Earl Mack, Spring' Lake Road. 8-14 FOJ1 SALE 100 W hens, 1 year old. hlle Leghorn year old. from accred ited stock. Earl Mack, Spring Lake Road. . .11 WELL IIKOKE young work horses for sale or trade ' for hay or grain. Regular and high grade dairy stock ' for sale or trade at all times. The Adnms Ranrh. Merrill. 13-1 PIANO Sacrifice Bear Klamath Kalli high grade reliable make piano to be sold at bargain to save further expense. Terms 110 month arranged for good home.' For parttcnlhrs address Cllne Piano Co., 61 Front St., Portland, Ore. 10-H ' FIRE INSURANCE W aperlallie In Irrigated farm and stock ranches. IS years' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS 10841 Main Ht. Phono 1008 What's 7tATSDlPFEveEsV 7AW W CVO& L , cior, omo oosr AS IXJMtJ-m u&O S&E IT A AMNOTS.' J S&EITA f. i rvipwi r . NEW TODAY WANTKI) Itaflned lady. Ilefer ence required. To lurnlah and aerve two meal a day for the !" " l.rtrt'T0?"j:" A'.? room house. Addre P. O. Hot 311 City. If OKItMtN MAKNK I.K.IHKIIH HICK MK.V, HlllOrXIX HAVH IIKHMN. Bept. 14. (AP) Kour of tbe principal military laadnr of the Herman force In the ballle of the Murnn ere lck meni ..,, lo . COB. mentary published in the "Deut sche Medltlnlsche Wochenscbrlft" by the retired chief surgin, Ocn eral Or. Itochs: - In the medical Journal the ' hlef of Oenersl Staff. Count years prior lo tbe battle from . t w . . . . .o ...nammauon o. '" valves. The outbreak of lb I World war Interrupted cure ho was taking at Carlsbad. General von Buelow. then con sidered one of the ablesf gener- 's In tbe Germany army, waa also afflicted with hardening of the arteries. He wa almol to- Ully deaf. General von Lauensteln. Hue low' -chief of stsff. - bad for years been suffering from Base dow's disease and resulting dila tion of the heart and the cardiac artery. General llentsch Is mentioned i.. .. .,.,. ...... , rouD of re,p.n.lbl8 German leaders. He was general staff officer of the battle. For years be bad been afflicted with gnll none. Mil four havo lnc died of their ailment. i i i Mm. Prnn 6 cents. A good cigar. dv. It We'll Buy NOW FOR SALE A NEW fcur-room honse with ath; plenty of 1uilt-ins: 2 new stove: tile foundation: corner lot. large enough for another house; garage: tree; fine view. Prlco II. 000. 3D0'cash: 140 per month including Interest.' A NEW 4-room house with . Lath; glassed in sun porch: concrete foundation; full , 'basement; gsrago In base ment: large lot. Located on paved street near school. Price $4000. 750 cash and easy terms. 40 ACRES all under cultiva tion; water right; located en highway; fine soil. Prlco only' 11700. Some form. -C1TTLCOTE SMITH "Realtors" f. 727 Main 8L rhone 04) This?; PI A i S3 r - Hl'tXlAL HOIHKIUIATH ' I FUR TROPICAL WORKERS) I r.c..,. . . , , , I BERLIN, Sept. 14. (API fill h 1 1ll W.ft rail hi hflllMJatavatal fill ' wkm intnpUmlwum have . been built by a ltendUurg ablp-, yard fpr public enterprise In Colombia , Tt.. .'.!. . r. ,,t -,i 'in ., ,un. nd T,,'.- Th(.y ion. ana zi: (eet wide, iney accomodate 101 men each, with pecl-l cubicle for foremen and a doctor. Each boat baa alao a ', pharmacy, a common mess room cook' galley, bath room and store room. The boat are elec trically lighted and have open verandah fitted with mosquito nuts. Trucks CHEVROLET 1-Ton. A good job. Only...- $300 GRAHAM 1-Ton Pan- el. Ready for work.. 975 CHEVROLET Delivery. , Good tires 275 ' 1925 and '26 models traded in on new Graham trucks. We "want to sell these soon ! Sold on Terms. OSTENDORF MOTOR COMPANY Klamath Falls, Ore. Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing; 1409. Esplanade St Phone 825 Lit is better o hare bid V ?? t Than to sell your goods at . less than costj Yet better not to hare bid at all . ... - . Than. to get the job and ' lose it alL Business In its rush and volume often forgets the little courtesies, but' we appreciate the orders we receive and thank yon for' the business given us. GOOD PRINTING, Case 8C Melton ; ; . PRINTING !124 South Seventh r. Phone 183-W Road Gil Oar System is Something Old Band Cars Washed Motors Cleaned Vacuum Cleaned Gas We call for and NEW SYSTEM Esplanade i i:i rr- HAVE Y I' FOIUJOTTF.N " How glorlcn It la to awake wlih a lively, energetic, care-frre body! .And. how mlu-raMe It I , ,. , cllln ,lred WMry a - -I I 1 The AZZTSi x'iZ' paired kidney action and urinal 'irregularities hare failed lo keep I ,Be fr"l "f lurking poisons 1 that rauae Ihu dltrmn.n arhea. roUhH I'li.l.H. a diuretic tlmu- j,nt to ,hB Hldncya, are a rella- nB valuable medicine, promot- In normal bcalth-xlrlna; activity, Men and women everywhere are using and recommending tbem. Try them. Adr. Lowest Stage Fares FROM KM MATH FAI.L8 ' To Ashland - SI.BO To Mixlford '. 2.80 To Han Francisco 11.00 To Penilliton 140 New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 i Snfautds1 newhatd Exceptional II,.-.... SSvl OININCSUMN wxna. Tit'ri tfV saou Jw O Cara Nome Face Powder One of the several tints of Cara Nome Face Pow der will blend with your complexion perfectly! And the powder will stay on until you want It off. Fragrant with the en trancing Cam Nome per fume. $2.00 STAR DRUG STORE Klamath Falls. Ore. Cleaning New and Better than toe System Polished Expert Greasing; Free Crank Case Service and OU deliver Phone 606 AUTO LAUNDRY near East Main .1 , By Blosser ULUiueaa HOTEL mm --r Klamath Falls U)1GE, FiUTERVU.. NOTICKf U. V. O. KLKS Meet Thursday evening. Visiting me.nber mel com. EL.K3 TEMPLK, 3rd and Main OLIVKR 8PIKKB. Emitted Ruler K. D. McMILLAN. Mecretary Fraternal Order ol Eagles) f C t "' Erery Frl- IX'I'.'Z a.. '.n . Moose Hall. . D. LONO. Hecretary terie 300. Phone 174 Labor Temple w5 Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS C. C. B ROWER Attorney-at-Law State and Federal Courts Abstracts Examined SOS Wlllits Bid;. Phone 111 Real Estate t4tw t Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 201 Williams Building Klamath Fall. Oregon Pbone 1481 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work. Battery Service, Tires Nash. Oakland, Pontlac. Packard R. R. R. CARAGB . . 831 Klamath Next to Postoftice Phono 112 Goodyear Tire Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE TIRES Bring In four worn tin's get f-v BOOQ i miles more at ) H usual cost ACE TIRE SHOP Guaranteed rulcaulxing IIS So. 11th St. Phone 8 4 3-J re-treads tl TO REPAIR Smithy's Repair Shot) Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and delivered South 0th SU Phone I0S-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Service, ' Magneto, Starter and Generator Repairing FIX) YD HENRIOT CO. 214 Main SL Pbone 197-W BE.rrr parlors Expert Operators, Individual oooths, violet ray, marcell ing, hair tinting BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP ' Glorenna Warren Winters Bldg. Phone 111 Water, French Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING MATERLUaS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Quality Building Material South 6th Bt. Phono 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixtures built. - 1401 Division St. Phone 1453 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and - Express Stand. 8th a Main. Phone 014. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. II. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store. S32 Main. CHURCHES SACRED HEART CHURCH Eighth and High Sts., Rev. A. F. Loeser. Rev. C. B. Felge. 8unday masses at 6:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30. All are cordially welcome at our ser vices. CIVIL ENGINEERS J. C. CLEG1IORX Civil Engineer and Surveyor .- . 3l High Street C. C. KEI.LEY Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 107S Lodge Directory LOYAL ORDER OP MOOM Moat every Tbur day, 7:10 hi L. O. O. M. Moos Hall. Klam ath Ave ' GEO. OOLK. Dii KLAMATH LOItOE NO. 71 i A. F. and A. M. i Stated Communications Ind and 4th Mondays! Visiting Brothers ! Welcome ; ' A LOOMW DVtLUI.NO ' DENTISTS General Practice of Dentistry DR. PHILn COLB 111 Main Over Moe's Etore Phono lit Open Evening by Appointment DR. E. O. WISECARVER - Dentistry . X-Rar Serrlca Underwood Bldg. Phona 141 Dr. .J. J. Emmenii Medford. Ore. Practice limited to ere,' ear,' nose and throat. Phono Kit CHIROPRACTORS DR. GLEX MOORB . , Palmer Graduate Chronic and Nervoua Diseaasi - !i New Melhase Block, SIS Mala Phone 117S Opposite Court Moose DR. C. NORVALL Graduate of Palmer and -- Pacific College Fourteen years experience Wa remove the cans ot disease Bonsnza. Ore All EMPLOYMENT AGENCY KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Employment for workers -,1s every trade mills, railway and farms. James Rvsa. Prop. Otb and Mala). Phone fnl GUNSMITHS ' Frame and Mirror Sales 1 Renew Mirrors and Fnrnrtanvr Gunsmith, Expert Key Maker Guarantee workmen. 129 So. 11th St. Phone 1441-J LIVESTOCK Fresh cows on hand at all times from one to carload. KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22FS;Rea. 411 E. Mocbettas, Jr. Texum Station MUSIO STUDIO 12 LESSONS 12 Learn to play popular music immediately. Many different, styles of bases, fill-ins, etc:.. This course will enable yon to become a professional dance piano player. . , .. WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL , aUWaTsl.JU ZltalV SJ a aW ' flalnst Rrkntn 222 South 7th Bt. - OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD i 1 CI ft V TKMPt.B .-! Osteopathic Physician an' Surgeon ., Office and Residence Phone 121 PAINTS, WALL PAPER , Wall Paper, Paints, Enamsls, Brushes F. R. OLDS Across from Postoff loo Phone 41 vJ Everything a Paint 8 tors 'J Keeps Palnu, Oils, Varnishes, Dead ening Felt, Glass, Roofing, -Wail-Paper PATT1 RSON'S PAINT SrORl 626 So. 6th BL Pbone IS2-J TIMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising, Reconnals ance and Appraisal H. H. Ot.LK 400 Mala St. Phono SMtVW Working from M. L. Johnson's office EXCAVATINO ( , nLASTINO Sewer and Cesspool Work 1 Phone 4211 Call at Mi E. Mala W. . FRANK MARTIN may 7 f