Wedncwhiy, SeptomW 14, DEAN SMELL TAKES UP IRK INIVKHHITV OK OIIKOON, pilgcne, On'., Belli, II, I Hio lul ) Klmer I., Hhlrrrll, newly elect ad dean of men, lias taken over liU iIiiiiihi nl Hi t'nltertilly of Oregon, nnil already In making preparation to asalst In dlrort lii( I ho work of now 'students during "Kri'sliinuu Week" which open hero H'lt'iiilcr 19. Mr Hilrrrll win addreus the student t III opening aiutvnittly Hi pl.-m-ber 10 (oil will nvrvt as advisor fur registration and oilier prub-l lews that may arise. Mr. Khlrrull, who iilmix here a'tr completing residence work ' for a degree of dorlor of pllllixo-. lihy at Nlunford I'nlveralty.' has i ekicimlve training and exper ience dial r It m hi in fur thn place; at Oregon. Jut before Inking up; hi work In Hlanford lnl Kcb ruary,' he had served for two yeara at dean of men at thn I'nl veralty of Arliun. and while I Hern alan laught two rouraes In rollllral Hclence. rrom UI9 lo ICt Mr. Hlilr- mil was haad of the lulled Males Veteran, luirenii fur Hie Twelfth dUlrlrl, which la composed of the atalea of California. and Nevada. Thin work took him In to contact with all rlanaea of men III rdiiibtlolial fielila. j liurlng the war Mr. hhiireii aervett a a aergeant in JMin Infantry of Iho flat dlvlalon, and , uv considerable nervlce overaeaa. Me waa lu aeverul rngngementa, and waa ona of the three aar geanta out of IE In lila group who aurvlved. Of thla 1 5. eight were killed, and four other were aeverely wounded. Juel before embarking for Kurope Mr. Hhlr reli refuaed an opportunity for a eommlanton lai order to remain with hla co in puny which had been promUed aervlce In Franco. Ilia rauerleace a an enllated man. particularly alnt ha taw conld- to word received here by f rlenda arable action, haa been eat ramely i today, valuable, eapeclally In hla" work ' Willi the veierau'a bureau, be Fojii)log Vecelloii declarea. aud he haa never re-1 Ml Mildred lavl,of the cham gretted hU rieelelun not In accept ber of com men la enloylng her comuilwlon that would have vacation with relative and meant remaining III the I'nlted friend In the Hoaeburg dlatrlrt. Hlate during the war. tMlea IHivia wllKreaumo her dutl.e The new dean hold a nialir,at the local office on next Mon of art and a bachelor of ana day. ' " degree' from thn Vnlveralty , of f . California. He I a member of,Vm. IVun I'hl IVelta Kappa, education fra-j 6 tent. A good qlgir adv. II tirnlty. He I alao member of . , the' American lgUU. ud the llownian i'Mli Here ,. - Mannnle lodge. I "llee llowman, who haa been Mr. rlblrrell I taking the place l,4l.-d at Chiloquln tir the pant of Dvan II. Walker, who I now -uveral nionlha wlih hla brother, im leave of abaenre to atudy at vlltcd here today rnroute to Columbia -t'nlvemlty. ' It.tTMK.U. CtMiKIFH ' When ulng oatmeal for rook lea or puddlog, put It through Iho meat chopper. It makes mors idlgestlble product. Obituary AI.FKKII JOHN. Alfred John, mm til tho late i Mr. and Mr. Knlpli John, paw ed away this morning at 1:35 o'clock following an lllneaa of several mouth duration. A sla ter, Adeline mirvlvr. A brother, Kthrlck, paaod nny only 11 June. The devenerd was boru In Klamath county and waa ID yeara of ago nt the tlmo of hla passing. . Friend are respectfully Invited In attend the fttoernt eervlcea to he held on) Friday afternoon nl one ' o'clock ' it .'the Wllllmnaon Hirer church with ilev, I'olndex- ter officiating, mado -lu tho Interment will be Wilson . cemetery. Tho remain sro at tho K in Wbltlock V'unernl Home, Pine Avenue at Sixth, whero friends may cnll until ten o'clock on Frldny morning. NFI.I.IK MAY AI.I.K.V. ' Teutatlvo funeral arrungemeu'ts I fur tho lata Nelllr May Allen are lo bo Thursday afternoon nt ,6 I o'clock at the Karl AVhltlork Fu neral 'Homo, Pine Avenue at Hltlh with Itov Frank Wumutt, pustor ; of tho ' Firm Methodist church offlrlatlug. Interment will lie matin In l.lnkvlllii cemetery. Friend nru reapoctfully Invited to attend, . , Jl.VMTA ll.t.KIi TAYMm Juanltn llntnl Taylor, dsughtor of Mr, and Mrs. Hay Taylor, punned owny nt tho fuuilly real denco at Fort Kltiinalh on Tue-1 day night nl 11:45 o'clock, fol lowing nil lllnoH. of but a few tluya. The remulns am nt tho 1 I'url Wbltlock funeriil home, I'luo nvonuo HI Sixth. Funeral ser-1 vlcos will ba held n't Fort Kluni nth 'on Thursdny nfternonn nt 1:00 o'clock. .' (HAIlI.yH KKXNKDY j Tho remnlns of tho lato Chnrles I Kennedy woro forwarded hy Iho Karl Wbltlock funeral homo to Newborn, Ore, where funeral service will bo held and Inter itinnl nuido under tho auspices of tho Nnwheig lodgo cf Masons. . M, O. Khnnnnhati, foster father of thn deceased gceumpnnlvd Iho reiniiliia north, i 1027. Fred Hicks Doesn't Fly Alone i . . : . ! Lindbergh flies alone, liul Kred an airplane ride for some llmr, and look the children m Mr. five buya: Nortnun Hihreliier, a BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH From Fort klainulh Mra. W. V. Ilatkler of i fort Klunmlh la In th city lodny ahoppmg ana vimng orieuy i.n f rlenda. Mm. Ilnckler la anaUt- , j Mr.-,. Taylor In lug miking final arrangementa, tor Ilia burial of their daughter. Juanlla, who paaaed away at the family home Inal availing. t'onilltlmi Impeoveil Frltnda of Mr. Fred (iarlch will be pleaaed to learn thut her condition abowa alight Improve ment. For many daya aha baa been In a condition In Loa Angelea. Hope for her re eovery are hold now, according Medford, where ho will make hia home, lie apent several hour with old tilenda while here today. Your Opportunity Do you wlh to heroine a bookkeeper? KLAMATH NEBH COL1.EOR. IIL'81-SS-Ol l oved to Hlaterw Mrs. Paul McKlnley Noel and Infant son left the Klamath (len- erul hospital yeatenUy and will i apend aereral days at tho homo I of Mr. and Mm. George Hteven- son before moving to tho family home on Jefferson. Hat laf act Ion Business training may ho had at thn. KLAMATH Bl'SINKSS COI.LKGE. BS-Ot Wm. li 6 rents. A good clgir. adv. 14 From Kliaiv Bertram Mr. C. K' rcterson. Mrs. C. MrNab nnd Mrs. Hubert Butta, all resident of Hhaw Bertram 'camp, shopped In tho city this I forenoon. Wm. IVnn G coihh. A good rlgir.- t -adv. 14 ;tt'rrrf Ml - ' 1 Coats, Dresses, Hats Individuality and Style Coats $22.50 up Dresses ....... $12.50 up Hats ....,.$ 1.95 up KAYSER HOSE, GLOVES, UNDIES Including Sport Panties j Hose $1.65, $1.95, $2.50, $2.95 Thi.s included tho various novelty contrast heels. ! "Tho heel is tho thing now" BARNHART'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR. McCarthy Bldg. 118 No. 7th St. ;t tiff rf'H H'HI't r WtttrttrrttHH H I TMt riM t f r f- lllrkit takea along a crowd. Ill an Iho other-day tin chartered a ami Mra. 111. ka are pictured lo the nephew; ( hrlntluu Dirka, and (Irandmolher l.mrua Itlrka. lU gUt rut bin lroiMil lirr Hut 12 reglalratlona of foreign car waa made at the Triple A llooth at the chamber of com merce on Tuerday. Following la the Hut: vf'aul Johnaon, Jean I'nrk Kelan, H. Ktornetta, O. C. Taylor. Carl T. Wallace, Furl I). Kchlaman, C. J. 1- Thoa. J. Car roll, II. II. Humphrey, Mr. I.. T. Koaecrana, all of California; A. B. Ilogeiiflller, Idaho: llcrmiui Kia liilet, 'ali ; Andrew C. Mayo, llllnol. llevr (v.t j Captain I eo 0. DeVtney. broth- er of Mr. II. V. Joyaui of thla city, flew over the rity today for Keml. Do Vaney Is In annual maneuver which la "required by iho government of reserve offi cer from Vancouver. Left Fr MiMfonl Mr. George l.lndley and daugh ter, Mlva Gertrude, left by motor thla morning for Medford, where they will vlult today and tomor row with frtonda. TOO I. ATI-; FXtlt IIO.MICltIK " Neath our eyes ba faded I rolla Die valuable meriirlna, cou slowly. Growing diy by day more 'a'anlly In nae f ir over iwenly-flve frail, bearing aweetly all hi auf- ferlng. without murder, without wall." A Chicago paper's Mil .Memorlutu" column. "Not, evidently, a typical Chl rngoan." rommcnta I ho New Yorker. KTItltTI-V COM'IKKNTIAI. ( ' Clara: Now you know our aeerot must bo kept aecrct. Mnrel: Oh. -ve! t'l tell everybody that! Answers. HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOPPE Offering for Your Approval SPECIAL . Breakfast 50c Luncheon 50c Dinner ..: 85c These at Counter Only Only tho Best tterved FORDS Real Bargains 1927 Type Coupe a.?195 1927 Typo Coupe ........ 450 1926 Type Sedan .' 475 1 1924 Roadster Box on.. 250 These car are better than the average. Sold on ' TERMS OSTENDORF MOTOR COMPANY Klamath Falls, Ore. THE EVENINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Like Lindy futility bad been clamoring for plane at thn Kord alrpirt, Detroit, li ft, with tln-lr four girls and iMXiH )l' I'.tltlH iKT A IIOl.ID.1V IMTH TAHIH. Sept. It. lie holiday are no doga of i'arl. (Al'l- I fun for ub Ihe Iluidred of them are aoaped and scrubbed and eonked In the ' Heine every lime a holiday romce around. On ordinary week daya ( the .alght of a dog swimming ; in the river, voluntarily or other- wle, la rare. Hut each holiday '. mnnv PerlMien dvotn iduia nuf i their In lir In . nmlclii ll, doa more "; 1-rofeMlonnl acruVe ra tnko up DOlona on the river binka earlv ! on nouaay uiorninga. a neir charaea varv with the !ie. dlrtl ne and dlapoaltlon of the dog. ! SAT l S KIM FT TIIKN kiffki:i:i It's never safe to alt where a draff nl Bl. alrit,, lha LMr.v. Fuinful congeatlon. severe back-' ache. 'aud a disturbed urinnl flow are naunl reaulla. Mrs. C. I.. B., reirmburg, Va. saya. "I waa so j stiff and aore I could net etonp- i over nor rlae up without great I pain Now. alnre taking FOLK V ! I'll.l.H dluretlr. I have none." A I years. Take lb cm whenever lr-1 ',,rl ,ae. lutn'. neaever lyi . latlons of the kidneys and til ad -'dor. aud an irregular nrlaiil flow cuuae dlHtren and dia-nmfort i Satiafiielion guaranteed. Adv. PELICAN CAFE ..Inc.. , . , ;.; "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchants' Lunch 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 50c Williams BMg. 722 Main '.- Feel Tired and Languid? Waste Impurities in ihe Blood Malta One Dull and Ltakss. DO you wonder why you feci so drowsy and out of aorta? Too many feel always tired, dull and achy. Too often the cause ia sluggish kidney that permit waste impurities to remain in the blood and cause one to feet dull and listless to have a nagging backache and annoying headaches and duury spells. That the kidneys are not working right is often shown by scanty or burning excretions. Assist the kidneys with Coon's fills. Users every where recommend Ooan s. , Ask your neighbor! DOAN'S" Stimulant Diuretic to th Kidnya FMUi.MUbuniCe..Mls.ClMav.Dugl.N.Y. Lift Off-No Pain! Prop "Krceiono" on that old, hothersnmo corn. Instantly It stops aching; then shortly you lift that aore, touchy corn right off with your fingers. Vou'll laugh, really! It Is so easy and. doesn't hurt ont' lilt ! It works like- a rliarm, every time. A liny 1ml tin of "Fieejiine" rosls only a few cents at nny ' drug more, and l sufficient to remove every hard- corn, soft com. corn botwoen Uio toes aud (ill uei Trv It ' Corns i Newipaper Editor Burnt Own Plant (Continued from page on urg'd atuln and i -unty offlr a a to Inveatlgale. Thorne reported the hai lo be 110,2114. If, In a claim for Insurance. A policy for 10. 600 ''11 e'iiliinent and flxtnrea bad heo obtained from N. N. ilium 'ii"ni of Itultiler. Officers said Ion iroved the ciulp mviit In lha building waa of tit tle value, Th,rrie marled a weekly news p:ilier, Hie Vldette, at Voder, ' Wa,h Ian! year.. That mysterUnsly afler plant , burned myaterUaaly afler puUl- . cation ft a few Iaaue4.' TI)orna 'mid bt. had collected II jAo Inaur- 'once. A linotype machine in the, Italnler fire waa the name that hud been practically destroyed at Vader, but repainted, Inveatlga- tor de-lured. The equipment re covered from the Vader ftro waa moved to Italnier, it waa claimed. : Tliorne formerly lived at, Kelao. 1 V. aril. Thome ha been married tlr and baa three children. At tba opening of the Civil War. Fort, Kumlvr waa bombard ed for 40 houra. yet not a single it. it ii on either ride waa shot. i'Vt!i it H W iJ M M H .C!3 4J.-3l; : mi n urn i li . TtLwHHEH- rail ! ll'TS Is n M . h a , i ! 'M II I I Ii F 1 ' 1 f" i: J SSSSstWMsL. IWcWw 5eS"e3ra?j 1 W' good i LTsHri'sTil igwiiii T "ifi ffii friliiiTTi 1 1 1 ilisTsTifwiBiaaf rl I Wait for the NEW FORD Balsiger Motor 9th end Klamath Old Glory Wreckage Is Found on Ocean H'ontinmd from Poye Onel line and the major portion of dm umli r .arriai'.a and the left wheel. Khlpplnn men iMllered rontln ned aearrh waa uaeleaa. They pointed to the obaervatlrin of muatira of veanel who looked fr the plane Imki wwli that iorm wmer would prevent the aurvlral ,,f Hie airoiiKeH r'-KU-lul 1( n life boat. iilil"n IjMtle. Tba aeaa continued to yield friymenla of Information nin cerning the lalea of recent aerial t ioedltloii that evidently ended In tragedy. The lateat came from the Pacific, where wreckage painted a bright yellow like that of the Golden Kagle of the IniIs fl ghl eaaunlty Hat waa tlghud September 1 by aallura aboard Too Late to Classify FOIt HKNT 4 rooms and bath. .Jurnlahr-d, rloae in. Will be va cant September 17. Kent ISO. ' I'bone 12S5. lt-17 j FOK KENT 4 rooms In duplei ! houae. Ix-alrable for teacher, j Kent tr.0. Address Box 40. care Herald. 14-17 I si hoonrr Wm. II. Ignorant of tba I rani-Pari lie fliKi't and IH traglr feature, thai aeamen thought the wreekaga . u.. r. ly u pie,-e of driftwood, and j it i, (ei. They sighted It about lot) j mllea of the Aleutian Inland! at a apot which the pline might have reaehed If It had been ' blown off Ita course, or through i thn action of wind and tldt. Tba Golden Kogle waa piloted In the race to Honolulu h .fuck I V. Kfoat of New York, with (lor- j don Scott aa navigator. 1 th,- fluhina: Bmlth. If ifs fabric- ! a shirtwaist or rug Oronite cleaning fluid CLEANS IT ' anything in thehou$&! Cleans Frocks Exquisitely Try OroruK Cleaning Fluid for rr movinff ipu. To clean a delicately tinjrd ulk bloutc or children's dainty frovlu simply immerse the garment completely in the fluid. Jih a little gentle dipping in and out i all that i needed. No hatful effect to lt dye; and (he RM'i odor quickly VaUiuhc. . , ; Restores Rugs and Carpets Brighten up your valuable rug and tipholitrry! hub them with a dean Citton cloth n.outrfied with the fluid and tee how beautifully the original coloring aid ireshnew ret urn t. If there are any greasc'tpou on the din tng-room carpet, or oily jmudee, tracked in from tin rtreet. Oronite Cleaning Flud will quickly ukc them ut, ' , Cloth Covered Cncirs and Divans Tapestry and velour coverings will look brighter with a hub gcang'ovcr With Oronite Cleaning Fluid. In pints, and pints, gallons, etc at grocers, druggists, hardware and department stores or any Standard Oil Service Sutton. Can also be ordered in larger cans and binek. Other Oronite Produces for the Home ORONITE FLY SPgAT ' ORON1TS FURNITURE POUSH ORONITI HANDT OIL ORONITE AUTO POLISH mm STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 3E It won't be long, be fore we'll have the new Ford. The min ute you see it ride in it you'll be glad you waited for this beau tiful new modeL HUP SEDAN , 1021 Mo.kl. rebuilt nnil refinirthed. New '"pin- . tons ami tire. Only (373 ostendorf motoi . company 515 Ave. Pht 273 'i 17 Hats, Qloves and $lipptrs' The success vloksi Oofilia,) t Cleaning Fhfid can be used for sus a wide variety of garmcnte and ma' 1 tcnals ia the rcilt i,t many months . cooperation ' between profsasional dyers and cleaners wuh Standard Oif . rT I - I I . L . klci,,M. 11 in UI 1AUI1S UUl! . needs dcaxiir.v. v. W Drapes and Hangings r, ,1(r The charm of m-vny booce t in ktf colorful banging and bright dtr.pcry " 1 and Oronite Cleaning fluid keep f them at their frohest. Automobiles lncidc and Out T.K. : -.1 : I :.J... ,.wb-)iiHit, u.i Minis sniuuej . spots on the outside and nd tracked ' onto the car's nig inside all go whan.J Oronite Oeaning Fluid has been put to work. Use it to clean the uphot-' 1 L l . ... f ' . .7 . ww. uu.nsa l "t to go H over a car. Oii'lS tr- Co Phone 472 a - nlmftj '.'.'nl i