Tuiwilay, Spt;ni!jpr lit, Ini. THE KVKNINK MM AW. KLAMATH FALLS. OKK( SON. V MARKET PLACE I FOR RENT ! 1 i Lincoln. Phone f.7-W. 82-II2"! Full KKNT Kumthd 2 room Anita, II. GO month. 43 J I'ltiui. phono 644-J. ttlo-010 MU HKN'f Furnished apart. I meat. 3301 Wamlaiid. M' 'KOII RKNT Completsly fnrnl.h- u apt, meniu l.ratstl. Ilea Arm, Z2I Brood St, Phone r'n-;nnj -i.n. !For Sale Real Eatate Hlt BALK Ilargeln. 20 arro. i UOb. IHI 1U4 Muln. 1u-1q r'UH HAI.K Oil HK.NT 6roora ilioiint unfurnished. IjonMn rug. 39(1 H. 4 1 tt Ht. Phone 43H-M. 1.3 FOR BALK - New, modern home I located foot Calll.irtil Av. Jut paved. Price 1 ilioo down. A bargain. Kee owner. Phone. 1027. 19-24 CONTHACTOXH and Ulll.DKIU, I'ariy liaa four cl-lrl.l i I'Ullillna Iota. ( Ivar, Will Irailn a fiml paymrnt nn hnran and pay Kinui tanh. Inquire Krd II. Kli-U-ltnr, It Ixiomla Hll. 10-U' Kill HAI.K Handy lull born... paid pavimn(. Uit COxHo, autaao and woodahrd. Oil Wllllama. 1'hono luo. 1-1 i 1'AIITY II AS hlati srad KUm nib Foil nwlilMir property Will trndo for Impronsl forty rr trart Ix-twcn Kimth KalU and Merrill. Inqulm Krd t, Kl.'Uhnr, 1 Uwmla lllilx. KOIt HALH KU-ruoin modrn bonit Willi Klaaa porch, la-cau-d In choii'o rraldi'itilul aac Ilon of Hot Bprlna. Writ but tt, Ih lloralil. for further In formaliow and lorma. . -l YOU BALK OK I.EA8K lly own or, w rnodrrn v-room Hurro buofalow. Ira - baaamant, doubla unraK. on ' blKltw.ty, rioaaj to illy limit. Call K. Jordan, Lakeylaw Jit., or I'liona -JI. . M4 HMAI.I, TRACTB CIMUS IN If lBlratd In cloa-ln tract with th brat of aoll fri from utkall, at aarrldnt.- prion wltb xi-ptionally ray tornm, u. Tbi land ia bln put on th mark! for quick al In ordar to divldn an Utn. HF.I.AK a TftAry e 8. tb Ht; l'hoa 1M1 KOIt HAI.K B-room lton.a and two fin tola 6010 ft.,r.i. on pavlna and awvr. local l ar Katrvlw achool. 1'rlco 41 SOD. Tarua, or will trad aa firat paymrnl on & or 4 roflw bonna clor in, v WAHIl A DAI.K loaltor TSfMnin HI. . 12 KOIl EXCIIANCK If you want to airhann yonr property for aotnethlna; that atilt yon better, remember the other fellow ha ijuat what you want and 1 looking for what you have. Hew me today. Office open ere uln by appointment. I bar iki proposition all over th Northweai. n. A. OLDS ' 13 South 7th St. rhonea Office. 909. to. ltlDW ron 8ALB TWO 8KAP8 IN HOCBB3 - 4 ROOM modern bona, new, and , ,,!w lot of built-in. Owner muat mil and la wtttlntt lo aae- rlflco. Appralaad at t2t.00.00. . y. Mako mo an offer. NEW 3-ROOM modern bou. In Hot flprlnn Adda., appraiaod at 13400. Owner cannot meet ' the payment, wilt take 1760 for equity, bo I a oca tlOSO due In amall monthly paymenta. WILL I.BA8B Now C-room mod- arn bnuae, rloao to Orefon Are nuo and Bhipptnctom Will ' Inaaa for 1 yr for $350 raea. WM. W. MqNEALY 1020 Main BL -t4 Freckles and His J HsAVJAa-Wfr " , lsXXNX f VES-ALSk VJILUS lMIHStirt i SEE-ttE5 STuaqoiJM " VNl&ik5ii . FOR RENT 1 Foil IIK.NT (aiir-rooin ul.. furnished. 3t Lincoln. 12-14 Foil UK NT 3-riiuin furnlfid bona, fa rage, 120 per nioalk. Phone lis. 1M3 rK I,KAK-4-rniu ntmly iur mulled liouae, KIropliivii, pip fnrnrw, lull Wali. 13 FOR ItKNT 'i'hrao room hou hreukfuaf nook. Adult. Cull ti'i .Mlchlxun Am, I'lion (ID It IMS roil IlaVS'T 4 -room bounR. part ly furnlsui'd, iimi to Hot Hpring bath ittiu. full Ht Connolly Hroe., IK Muln 81. run ItKNT Thn-o rocra li.-oly furnlxlinil apt, rttnain favatj-d, on block from Muln, Hi t ir, fomor I'm. I'lion .14. ISif roit RENT Wt can aara 8 bl nonr at th A read Hotol Apartoiauta. furnlihed ram plily, clmtirls ranit, Unn, dUhM and telcphmiM. Or roonif wltU crlraia baiba at ral rut rulo to, parmananl fuvata. Arcads. Ut-i For Sale Automobile KOtt BALE 11923 lludaon Coaxh. Ail mulpprd .. , 1100 1 117 Kord Coup, run rry llttltt $375 1 IZ4 Kord Mloor B- dan. Klu condition i 2JS II aura and look over our car uaforn you buy, ItOV CAU. S VHKO CARS H Wail Abbey tb and IMna St. Lot. I'bona 114 KOU HAI.K I 1934 th! tourlnc. IU renan, bumper. moto meter. I.Ik aaw ISOO 1 ls: .-hryler lourlnT. Thl I aun a buy. Com ; pli eauiptMd 52! 1 12 Kord eoup. New tire, KuMteii axle, 11 eenae S 1124 C'heyrylet Itoadtr. A kooa buy - .11 0 1 123 Oodao tourlni lo fin condition .... I27S 1 1IJ llulck Itaadater. 4 cylinder. Licen, run (in 12f,0 i mil roril roup. Ilcn. . in fine condition ...I IIS We nn many more lo aeleci from. Liberal Term. ROY t'AI.I.'H l'HKI CARS H" Wall Abbey 8th and i'lnn Ht. Lot. Phone 334 12-17 WANTED WANTKIt To trade car for eighteen cord of wood. Call 10. ' - -H WANTBU To leaeo J.O00 ahee? on aharea. Reference if re quired, Roi 4&S. Altnraa. Cal. A20S20 WANTKIt TO PI RCHASK We bar purchaeer for 4 to C room house. Phone S9. 12-13 WANTKIt (ilri or woman for houaework, 135' per month: ateadv work. Adam Ranch. Merrill, Ore. ' , B12-3t WANTKIt Building and Loan Baring aaleaman. Wilt giro good pmpmlilon to right party. 1134 Main St. Mr. Webb. 10-1 WANTED Wa pay hlgbeat raah prlcea for ued furniture and tore. Re aura to . a bo fore you ell. Wo give you a liberal allowance for your need furniture in exchange for new. You will find our price very reaaonable and credit aerTIca liberal. . , KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 1011 Mala St. Phone Sl-Ol LOST AND FOUND LOST HandbRg containing suit' or ciot nee and shirt on read I between Iluntty and Lakoview I Name on ' handbag lag, P. C. I Bergman. . Reward of flS of-J fared. Finder notify Herald! or John O'Shea, Realty, Ore. S-15 Friends NJWTODAY i,V)BT-Hijriiirpiii.rpp. A liberal rwnl will b offered for Hi return of tbta pet. Ihon T2-lt. 13-t41S-i roll UPNT 3 -room boueo. a- ruee; strictly ttiuilitta, nicely furiitiilH-1. I2i.. Itrind roupl. 112 Lewi Ht. IMS WELL HKOKK young work lumen for sulif or trad, for hay or (rain, Regular sod blah grade itnliy stork far sitio or trail HI alt time. T(i Adam Hunch. Morrill. 13-1 WANT T( TMAUK ttlti.00 unulty lu t'WIV Vwldrnca In I'orilund for einliy in rl-dt-ne property brr. Prfr l)y or ft room rlrtnr. Adilrra tlox'ZT, cf.r ileraid, . "' A 1MB full llENT Hou of 4 room. imth, aleoplnt porch. Kteel rnnice In kitchen, xaraice, wood bel. Arroaa atrant from Mill achool. Will make attractive rant io dealrable and perma nent I'inanl.. I'kone 43. . -- WASTKIi To hear from party lntrreatd In ruiainc lurk era and patat"e on aharea. Will f iirnlhi'd atock, now aoit, aomn iilpmnl. Htaln cspltal and eiperieni'D In letter or call at the Adiitna llnncn, Merrill. 13-19 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNIXO Will be is Klanuttb Pall attain about (September IS, W. II. Mor an. Karl Hhepherd Co. l-30 WINDOW CLKAMNO floor waxing, houe cleaning and Janitor aerrico. Refarencet. M, Rhoada. 1'hoca 1060-W. 107-34-tf Bl'ECIAL 13.00 paint at 12 26 gallon, color iory. light gray and while. In gallon only, Patteraona Paint Utore. Pbon 163. 115 No. 4ih Bt. 7-13 PEER HUNTERS ATTENTION Lt me pack you into camp whet there are der and no Other hunter. Heal deer coun try. N. H. Wampler, Rocky , Point. Ore. 88-OS EXCEPTIONAL UVY lo a ranch, under irrigation and with im provement, can be bought fur 2B per acre. TRI-BTATE8 REALTY 113 4 Main Bt. . Phone 10S0 WIS Ul Y FOR CASH, eel! for raah and anil for ! Painta, oil and giaaa. Roofing, dead ening felt. Walt paper from the cbeapeat that't good to the beat that made. Patterson Paint Store. 115 No. 4th. Phone li, 7-13 FOR SALE FOR BALK 1-year-old Engllah Pointer, female. 18g, Lewi St. -12 WILL TRADE Kquity in houae for car or lota or equity and cor for car. Phone 29J-W. 8-10 KO;t BALK 200 White Leghorn nena, one year old. From Ac credited atock. Karl Mack, Bprlng Lake Road. -14 FOR SALB 200 White Leghorn hen, 1 year old, from accred ited atock. EarJ Mack, Spritur Lake Road. . 11 PI ANO Sacrifice near Klamath Falls, high grade reliable make pUno to be old at bargain to ae further expense. Term 110 month arranged for good borne. For particulars addr Clin Piano Co.. Front St., Portland Ore. .. . 10-1 FIRE INSURANCE W special lie to irrigated farm- and atook ranches. ,1S rears' . .experience i In county. REED A REYNOLDS tOiW Mala St. Phone 1086 That Does It! - NEW TODAY Foil KKNT Partly furolbi house, iou In, lit Llnio'i i . IMJ MAN WITH FAMILY want rnh work, fH I3i Vlix , Ht. or Ptin 40M't. IJ-t roil HA1.K urnitnw. S W(hinioB Ht. iI U KOH flKST 1-rooia bouu ni CriMca in ilot Spring. In quire Ouubra Auto Co. IJ-Ii WILL I'AY CASH OK THAUE for ued Chevrolet coupe or roadaier, LOCKE MOTOR CO. ' Chevrolet Bale and BerTIre 13-15 SIXTH STREET RIO BUY to FOOT IMPROVED 1 11,009 TERMS WARD a DALE Realtors 23 ' 7 'F& c,TtPs OM t-T flio NifeA OEATM ONE.-TTME.X T j -MOE-S TrvsSCr oP VJHEK) HELD ASERltS OF THEM 'JV - -- M 9Cr BCHS HAPPEN f BE tOOKtW'AT VOO COKFERewCES Tg-. ' . 'STAMQivf ABOOMO M'LOOVm' OWER KltAf? M . li-tW HAO ME. 1 Jt-h" meicT Fore ma sj 33 A c.E?5T.iaB WA& i TO-Hiirf4ti"!' xr mam AR&oin about vwkh coolo I n--EBir g - S, " -OR a Knock-kmeeo tM4 a?!fc flmBEEH-RSflMEV. , , . HOUR. ' . ecstavKS. , She's in the Films h0 - TSo tiago tit iot ' another iwauly to Ut rival, ihi movies. Marjr Duncan; prominent state bnauty, rBtly succumbed to the lure of tackle!, and haa signed contract with .William Ft to appear In hi production. 1KS"T BE IVKt'tTINO Dignified SporUman: Do yos follow the hound. Mis de Pree? Mia Be Pree (a vaudeville heaiillner): In yonr hat, major; I never w spotted next to an animal act ia ay whole artiatlc career. Life. Lowest Stage Fares FROM KXAMATH FALLS To Aihland f l.OO To Medfonl 2-20 To Kn Fraaciaro . 1 l.OO To Pendleton ........ 1 4 J New Stage Depot 8th and Klamath PHONE 32S I world mmb, J OMt'RA. Jasaa. Kent 51 11 P. Kdward F. ciiie and Wm.' B liroi k, tt piii.ta of the "round-the-world monoplane "I'riiie of lietlroit," tuid. the Aaaoclated Pree here t4r that they firmly expected to fiy from Japan to Midway I!nd, then to iiono- Jla and os to Ban Francisco soon. The announcement that Brock and Scii lee contemplate going ahead with the roond-the-worid Right by crowing the Pacific ac cording to- their original schedule . mean that tfiey liitead to ignore the rialng r ppjjltlon to overseas - flights and to tackle as nsder , taking which -has been branded a 'stikiiial. ; Earlier advices from Omura 1b jdicated that thej were somewhat i downhearted over the prospects. In addition to the official and usofficiat disapproval of further "stunt" flighta acroas great bod ice of watajr by ordlnariiy eqnip ped land plane, . Schiee cabled fcer baaband from Detroit advising hist to use his own judgment in daciding whether to continue. J. V. Walker, the To kyo represestaiivo of the two flyers, ha announced his opposi tion to a Bight from Japan to Kldway Island. Japanese flyers believe sop from Tokyo lo Midway Island, which is more than 2400 miles, would be suicidal. Midway is tttt dot in the Pacific and would be difficult to find even with the best of navigation. - A Midway, the flyers would face a 1400 mile gap of water to Honolulu and Oies another 2400 mile stretch cf sea to San Fran cisco. ' -DRY" FIGHT PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13. (A. j P.) Apparently the big fight in Chicago will sot i,o so wet as : acme folks expected. Customs of ficials say that much of the 13,- ' 00'J.Otro cargo seised here oa the steamship Seiko was destined j for consumption when Tanney : and Dempsey six. j Ostrich feathers have found so j little demand recently that they i now are often used for feather dusters; - - - - By Blosser Klamath Fails LOItGE, FRATERNAL, KtrTHE I. 1. It. iXKS i jrt' Meet Thursday evening. ' r . VUilSng me.nber ei- eiai. ' ELKS TEMPLK, 3rd and Inaia iLJVER B PIKER, Ex tiled Ruler F. O. iii-Mii.LAN. Jiecrotarr j Frateraai Order of Eagles f 9 f Meets Every Fri--rtw 4y. at 5tSS oo6 Hail C. D. LONO, Secretary 200 Fsone S74 Labor Tempi Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS C, C. BROWKR Attoreey-at-Law ' State and Federal Court Abstracts Examined 20S Wiiiits Bidff. Phoa Sll Real Estate Law a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 20S WiSliam Ruildios ' , Ktamatb Fails. Oregon Phone 14s. Day or Night ACTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work, Battery Snrice, Tires Nash. Oakland. Pontiac, Packard ' R. n. R. GARAGB . 321 Klamath Next to PosiGHice Phone 212 Goodyear Tire Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE TIRES Bring ia year wara lire get 5000 miles more st H sol cost ACE TIRE SHOP Oaaranteed vulcanising 215 So. 11th SL Phos 8-tJ-J re-treads 4CTO REPAIR Smithy's Repair ghos Guaranteed Aato Repairing Cars called for and delivered South th St.' Phone eOS-W BATTERS' SERVICE Battery Serrice, Magneto, Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD BK2SR10T CO. 234 Main SL Phone J57-W BEATTT PARLORS Expert Operators, Isdiriduai Booths, . violet ray, marceil- teg. hair tinting BOSTOS RKATTY SHOP Glorenna Warren Winters Bidg. Phono Sll Water, French Paper Cnri Facial and Scalp Treatmesi B11LD1XQ SUTERIAaiS SWAN LAKE MOCLfttNG CO. Quality Building Material South 6th St. Phone 75 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Bay, Cabinet work and fixtures built, . 1401 Division tit. I'hooe 1455 RAOOAGE AND EXPRKSM Harry's Baggage and Express Stand. Sth & Main. Phone 824. Trunk Battling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans jewelry store, $32 Main. SACRED HEART CHTRCH Eighth and High Sts.. Rev. A. T. Loeser, Rev, C. B, Felge, Sunday musses at 4:30, S:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:3(1. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30. Ail are cordially welcome at our scr ices. ENGINEERS - Civil- Englaeer and! Surveyor 219 High Street Lodge Directory tYAL ORUm p MlXWR fTTSAvl Meet vry Taure- 1f, t . v L. O. O. M Maase Hsil. Kits th , UKO, OOLtW IMi ill KLAMATH LOTMiR SO. ft A. F. t A, M. & Stated Commsnicattoet 2nd snd itb Monday Vititing Brothers LOOM1H BCELDI.VQ " DENTISTS CenersJ Practice of Dentistry BR, PR 1 LIP COT E 3 (It ;ia ' Over Moe's Store Phoc tit Open Evenings by Appointmamf OR. E. G. WISECARVKB Dentiatrjr X-JUty Serrlc Underwood Bids. Phono 645 Dr. J, J. Emmenay Practice lim ittxi tn ... r- nose and throat. Phone Ut CHIROPRACTOR . S. GLEN MOORE Pxl mr r.r;,!tii! t Chronic and Nervous uiseaava New ileJbase Block, SSI Matt Phone 7S Opposite Coatrt Honae R. C. XORTALL Oradcat of Palmer sad Pacific CoSSege Foorteeo year experience W" remove the eaaa of disease - '- - " ' Rnnansa. Ore 14 EMPLOYMENT ASSSCT s? SIAMATH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Employment for worker ' is every trade mills, railway and farm. James Hvsa. Prop. Ota nd Main. Fboaw IBT GUNSMITHS , M. Fntmee and Mirroni Haiee ., Renew Mirrors amd FttraMora . GBBSBtRb, Expert Key Makes Guarantee workmen, : . 12S So. 21th St. Fttone 144 E-J - . " " SI-OS LIVESTOCB . Fresh cows on bund st sji . times from ec to onrtoaw KXAMATH IAfT!V COW Oft. Phones: Ranch !SFS;Rs 41 1 E. MochettKS, Jr : Texam Statics ' ' JJTSIC STCBJO 12 LESSONS 11 Learn to play popular mttsfe immediateiy. Many dif forest. styles of bases, - fill-ins, etf:. This course wilt enable you to become s professional dance piano pijrer. . ,, n . - WATERMAN FIASO SCHOOL. ' , Located at Hai s Piano Sales Room r 222 South 5lh 8L ' " OSTEOPATHS BR. F. R. GGOP-ARD i. G. O. F. TEMPLB ' Osteopathic Phyiiciaa si Eurgoca . Office anti Renidenc Phone 321 PAINTS, PAPER Wait Paper, Paints,, Enamei llrushss ' - i , " F. it, OLOS ' -i Acrtnw from Foxtotfio ' Phone 43 Everything a Paint Store j - Keeps 5 Paints, Oils, Vsrnisbos, Desi ; eniug Felt, Class, Roofing, Wsil-Papw PATTt K SON'S PAINT SrORB 2 Ss, 6lh SL Pads iil- TIMliEK Clti-ISKRS Timber Cruising, Reconnai-' snce and Apprsisal ... ; II. H. OGLK 4 CHS Mnin Bt, Phono SOS-W Working from ' M. L, Johnson's of fie ' i,,w EXCAVAHXO . ; BLAimsa 1 Sewer and Cesspool Work Phone i CaJf at tttta E. Main St. FKANK MARTIN : 1 'S S vi -.f- r-i.i , f. fcvahf3 rj- Mi a v ii . , ,.. ,. ' ; ? I '