Tut'silny, S'U-m1nT l.i, H(:7. T1IK KVEN'IX(i HKKAM), KLAMATH FALLS.- OJtEOON. Pngp Five PIRATES STILL T After kuIiiIiik mi (Veil lirruk OUT IN FROM 'in their l.mr um .mil.. wlth,of , y,)Ulh.,' ,lllt , Iho IiIciikh t'ulw, Ihii New Yurlt : Krua. ranip, nullified dim every (ilant. were In Hi. Lnul. loilny human mean. lm heim taken In (nr ovin mimi'i In (our tlitya, I !( Ihi.lr huy yet ImiKlnK u aerie Hint In likely lo nituuiito ia thread of every chum mui'li In I ho Kati'.unl liu.iin riii'p. I'liiliuinh mill twu gam.'. In Iho lead today 'ufliT Imvlni wil a ilinit game crli. wllh I'liHudclptila. Thi filani. halter ed Chuillo Itiidt, Cub pitching; .('. In tlin foil rl li Kiinin nt ( hi ruo ymerday mid won i f. The Hi. I.auln Curtllimla bowled over lirookbn a.nlu anil kept nat-n wllh Ihr Olunt. In .ncond no.t llnn. The Cuhi worn I lime ami onehalf .nine. In the rear of the Pirate, today. . Th. lowly I'l e th. IM- rut. a hard lu..le but Glenn WrlKhC homer .eltled lh U.ue by a 3.! .core. . v.ru. in,. ..mm, ,nnir v.r. lory over llruoMyn hy a ...,r " !,.., ,,,n ,.. ii.nilf.v i. wa the- wlnnlnn punch. The lloatnn lliavim took Iwa morn on the chin yeiterday. the Cincinnati limit winning t-4 and S O. Tbo 1'hlladelphla Athletlcn . .i i.. , . . won llie winy ram- iiiiti-ii 111 inn .' . . American lea.un. They downrd lietroll I1-4. Beavers Win Two Game, From 5ac. A qunrtet of S ilon hurlernj proved eay for the I'oillnnd eluxger., and the Heaver, twice put Hie .kid. under Kacrumento, ' t-S and X-3. Klmer Smith, Heav er outfielder, belted hi. 4 1 home In the flint game. I Nt other game, were tilled .uled. KrotUiud Yard record .how lhal. roiitrnry to the general Im-1 prwaalon, mot villain are not lull, dark men. Hevruty-U per cent of Hie criminal, convicted . ln Kiutlaml. have, been blonde THE X . - ' , Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Continue Search For Lost Youths '('oiitlnued Knim I'mu On) I KIT III Hi'llll tlll'lt lulu I hi' lava hd. I'll rem hi rliciie. Mr. mill Urn. Thiimua A'. Kerry Mllrf llMlirv f'fnnntr - r titan. i,Im Hint they nmy yet tin flmnd Monday morning when N. J. Wulf.hurg, Norwe.lnn youth, and M nurtv lit 3ll nllien lefl fruit U'miip In a lillndliic .now, Mr. Kerry mood back frnin llm ren Irr n( activity, leaned a.nlnxt true and quietly anvo way to her fevllnm. Tlin m Ik woman cried and they wem the firm lean any man hut Turn Kerry linn nwi'i lllil r ( old. It la hitter fold al Krg ( amp. ,n" ' " "n " '"".Vrmner and Ferry They have, ""' Mond.y .tteruoon. '' rr "Bnw hu " M " ",nr,, K"r u" " ' 1 "" j ' d M ' " i,r, a h U""" """' J ' "' "J notorma over Hi" Heun h Xennt Knd. I Thre. H atera. K hu,,.. he.ivv ( ov ao p ' - - - - - race, pimnmi wnn tile auner- link Of extreme tullliUe. Wei lo Ill .LI.. n u . , r Iirn:. li I l.ma 1 , : and wel went lo r clothlllK, nonie with their feel and leg. aim out " " " " malely lfiO men have, alnce luat .. . , , , rrldny come In over the Hkyllnn ',...... .... ....,, , , ra.l wltlioullhe reiHirt of a .in- . Thty have cnmW area, both uimi" Kim wiiiw me wiiiuer line ,,gMb." . '.bu.y . In which - they believed there LOST . Springer Spaniel PUP Liberal Reward. PHONE 726-R SUN NEVER SETS ON CHESTERFIELD'S A Buvine's I , i . fci W V'Wiv ; it ' "j The yciitm man challii on the eaxophono And inhnllmt on Hie nlpplo w:n the reunt n.iaphone rntiteet et (lerbiT. Calif ., by playlti. for el.'iteen h.inr. I without U;init utoppcdi, lloimy had to llmen lo purl of It, which nh did with Job-like fortitude. InKenlou. grocery nrraukemenl, anyway, tan't- It? An homely .tick, poliued at one . , . . enq atiu wnn iwme wounu uiuuiiu tt,. .r,, funil Mondavi' VT.JL - MtHmliiiK upright In the erut of now. Ill thd pun. between thf Middle and North HUtcr. A breid cruml mattered ju.t . , .,, ,-eie tivi mt ii-au,7 inn' 11 - - " un- ,.rurlb,y ,0fl emp fire .lf lrarn of ,,,. ;, ,,,. Cramer and tiuy Ferry had been r"r lieen moved out. It wa. a ahep camp, abandoned the day be-f fore, that the two youth, (ought ill A lllzzard Monday afternoon t nlne day. ago. It I. certain they never found It. Hemic Acta. Two feat, .land out In Hie mind, of leader, a. example, of heroUtn that ahuuld lie recog- nled. Al cnn.lunl dinger of death at every foot.lep. five young men. Iwo of Hum fratcr- .pent la.t Friday night In the open.- .leeplen.. wet and t'red. .'and facing a lilksnrd. , A. . Iff iaaw- . t v I I Lot is Not Always a Lonestar's Back MS t St3 I'l'w'f y HfVt. j',.';- .-, ,.., ii William Lonot-tnr L.wx i. hack n fut If Ir roa.l fooil:all. an a. - .imant to " Top'' Warner of Stnn - ford, under whom Diet! played t IVrll.le. IMeta turned ont ev- Vltll WiliiilliK leiiiiia nt iotiiiiK- ton Htate, coached' the Mare l.i-1 . ,u. ' unu .,ihi tiit-n llm in. ton ..nr. mill I i ,.ter...coahcd Jit I'uiduc.JVivljSw' l-omidland. In an area that ouiL Loubiauu .Holy.. : . h.jd not been ' traveraed by the Happy One WerckagC Of Three Airplanes ts Found ' K onUnucd from pa.e II i lie .tearacr .iKniea me wrccx- iagtt partly .ubmergod nbout 259 mile, ort hnuic iniana. a eomraunhatlon with arctic ex yard of the Atlantic, In a rn-' plorer.. port to th i French hn.pltal .hip " Jeanne D'Arc, now at Halifax. ' ' LKG.XL NOTICK. The (cboooor advised that the ,,.k pn,em- plane wa. a "yllowlh color wllh black lettering." . " Douglna Mulr, a newnpaper man cf Ht. John'a. N. F., on board the .learner Kyle aenl th'"date. rtofin. m.u. in the .bin 'which had been chartered by the New York Daily Mirror to acarcb for Old Glory. j "Ixjcatcd wreck of Old Clory. : latitude (1.17 north, longitude 3 S3 went, at 4:20 p. m. No algn. of crew. Particular, fol low." Wreck Waoticd Airay. After It. fall the Old Glory, bvtilently had been washed by th. wave to a po.ltl:n'100 mile. 1 nortiieaat of Iho ono It occupied jwhen it broadcaat It. appeal for help, and gave it. position a. 'five hour, out of New Found- lartld . ea.t." The wreckage wa. Rivnd b-ut 600 miles east 6t four inn lln.Tii that Jolnt-d in Ml llfiTAII.S the .i-urch. h)im: why ahould I frt yon Old Glory look off from Old'kl m,T On-hard. Maluo. lait Tudnyj ,,. Wull. If you want a If.h wlih Lloyd ll-rtaud and Jihim, nictal Mplanatloo. that will lukn I). Illll, tUM-unf of lh air raail,ioin lima. It a Ilk lhla" aa pllota and I'hlllp A. Fayn. j -oh, n abrad and klxa mo." niauaiiliiK editor of lha New ;verybody Wiekly. York Dally Mirror aa iaw-nK' r. j ". "V. T,".1 ''"i b,.-rHt'T' 'Tablet, found In ancient Baby- m..p .......mm -- -"'"iio.il. and Aayri ahow that Pour houra later the HOH picked up by the ateaoiera fan mania, Upland. Traoaylranla and American merrhant. I Charlea Nuniteaaer and Fran co l Coll hopped from l- I'.our ot for New York on May I and dlaappeared. . Itck Hopeful. On AuKUt 31, I'rlnceea Lcwen-atein-Wedhelro and Colonel Fred erick O. Mlnchln and Captain ItKtle Hamilton left 1'paron. Rnxland. In the Ht. Kapbael for Ottawa. Captain Terrene II. Tul ly and Lieutenant Jaroea Med ralf and their piano Sir John CarlinK. bound from L)ndon, 1 Ont., to London, Knuland, left , Harbor Grace, N. F., September 7. i The advice regarding the ' IwreckaRo of. Old Glory c.naed Mr. Lloyd Bertand and Jin. l'blllp A. I'ayna t be optlmutic ; reitardlnit their numana.. "It U pomilble that aome boat without wlrelea picked them up." 'mild Mm. Itortaud. 'We might not bear for two or three week. 'and they could .till be aafe Thfl Urthe,t north radio ata- .Hon III the world ia ono 5"' oetabli.hed by the Soviet govern-; . CaM t)elr. In the Arc,C Znar. It U Intended for Notice I. hereby given that I j ' w not be reepon.ible to any: t p-mon or pernon. fnr debw con- i tra ti-d by Delia Lewla after tbla "atecl at n-iamam ran., wre- ! hi "tn dl" uf September ROBEItT M. LEWIS. S13-H PELICAN CAFE Inc. . "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchants Lunch 1 1 A. M. to 2 T. M. 50c William Bide 722 Main) winter and cumber playground of the vcstcrn OUR neighbor to the north lias net known Chcsterfiel J so very long but is getting to know it very well! From St. Johns tt Vancouver, ntorc and more smokers each day are finding its naturcl tobacco ta."ie and fragrance something definitely new in smoking pleasure .;' So onodtcr great country is added to the world-wide popularity of Chesterfield. hanklnR Irannartlona wra rarrkd on (.000 yeara aao. ( herka and nnt were mada of clay, which wnre then bakrd. Are You Sick? Sure Relief Nerrouanesa 1 Con.tlpation , Hhenmatlflm Indigestion Kidney Trouble Sex Kihauitlon Catarrh A.ihma DR. MATHER Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy 715 Main St. phone 404. Aero, tlio .trcrt front I'lne Tree Theatre ' HHiiiHiiiiiiii niimniiinnniiiimtnM' I Buy - A Good house of four rooms' and bath, garage and woodshed ; close to Mills school and well locat- T i ed with reference to factories and railroad work. Sewe;- assessments all $250.00 down. $3500 including interest. A to buy a home inptead of paying rent BOX 1042, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iimillHIIIIimillllHIHIIIIIIIHIIIIHHHtH POPULARITY Vopular in ail corners of theXarth... 7 x -such popularity . . must ha ikscrved! Photographs Live Forever Your rhllilrrn won't Iw Illll Ion., but l'hotoruph will keep i hem aa they r, alwaya. , OTINHO.N MTt niO MAY KING Rtomcb Trouble . F,te., tie. Lack of energy? Tired?. Weak? Run-Down? Let me help yon to health., rigor, atrengtlt. Charges loweet In the city f T aery Ire given. Consultation free. Call or Phone. - Home j paid. , Price $2850.00, per month on balance, I wonderful opportunity X -1 A : world j . ' 1", 5 4 s (i i I . t t it