I'lipp Two THE KYKN'INfl HER.M D. KLAMATH FALLS. nUr.OON Turstliiv, Se.t-mln-r l.'l. 11)27. NEWS NOTES 0FI1LL At The Hotels When the Hroadway Limited Left the Kails MKIMUI.I.. "Kpt. Il.-Mm llarolil llctirfrli kM'fi anil Mln Klkn Mi Vi-uti pcnl Saturday I Kl,n,lh kill I. K-ili-r AiilUmm rrlurnwl laM nitl"' ,i,'"nU M," ,"rV, Tluirnluv rrmn Mlilliiurl. whfio WII.I.AItll I. Kiinliuan. San Kram-Uro: ;o. King and wife. Salfiu: V. ('. Humi'II. IHirtlaml I I A. K. TtHlfnry. Salt Franruiiii ; O. . hi rirli-h, Itlver. Ml.h.; C t'. f'iiititMllark. Sarratntnitii: Win. , Wanai'r. Sail lanilm: J. K lieu- him hfrn ii'nillnR a trw diiya villi filftiit.i. Mill. J. 8. Wllwin. whn han Itrtu n 11 rp J nc in Klamath Kail. mum ml to Iht fauna m-ar Mi-r- T 111 dlll'lna fill- la-t ixk. 'Mt (icnrjela Whlrm-v lias ar- 5 i it s tVj ,-jupv (I. s'rk, IVrlUnd: W. I. Tfmbjf, . i, , ' A .Mriirnrd; A. J. Wltrht-I. I'ort- liind; St'tht'n Trnv and ife. San lUTiiel: Mr. Krauk T. IUIi'.v. San IUUM: Jnlia K Miurn ana Soiil: O. V. ltK-. Prritumt: ' M. SliH'Uin and ilc. rirllanl: A. . I. Hoffman and family. Surj- r rlvi.,1 at tli Slimk h..n.i. hrr nnto; K. Jargnt-oiart. Portland:. ,W will H-ud llio wlui.r .and - K llu.sry. I'.irtlaiid; It. K. I ' attend th Morrill lilull wliool. Stnlih. Willi.; R. I.. I.iiie. .MJ-1 K. A. V alla, h and lamllv. wh ,,"r',: ,J- '"ryoJM. Portland: 1. "Jiavft Ix-on lltlti Mr. and Mik. . Koran and lfo. Ma.-dovl. ral. : j foorso lirutiain l.fl laKt wools W. J- lar.y. l.oa Anitrlra: V. K Mr Ihoir unim- In I'liHtr. Tvxa. l-rma, Umramoulo; J. W. Mr, f has". Martin and Mr. Stiuidr. Metirord: A. K. Stopli-. Proi! SrlialliH-k. nolli .r Klamath on uuj wife. Portland: M. A. ! Kails ith In' .Morrill Thumiiay. l.uno. I'ortlaud: H. K. IWi n4 i " .Ml .Mllin. toarhi'r of Iho third tte. San Krancio: Harry K. and ronrth Bntdon if tbo Morrill Cohon. Portland: Uuia Ahor and! rado M'lunil. fa afnyfnc l lh : wlf. tkakland; I). I. ItuRh and 'Andorxnn homo. !ifo. Indiauaijlia. lnd, . ..Ml Maritarot Ma kon of Malln Alit'ADE - Ow-ar iloriidalil. Pol-J pnil the wwk-ond with Lotilso j I. an I'ity; Aauoa X. ArvMrom. j 'Halloa. 'San Prunriaco: Jamoa O'Brlon Thnrdny a fan-woll party I and wifo. Um Ana-loa; ;. J. Mi-I lvon t'hnrllno Wilmn. who Is Coran. Vani-ouvor. B. I".: T. t). j IravliiK oooti for the Talloy. Tho Whoolor and oon Koy. Sau Kran-1 hottoHa, Mr. Kudnlih Kalton- riaro: S. If' Kanmuion. Ki-dilinc. : linrn imrrMt nfi'Mhmitnt4 Into ill I V.mull I'iiiim ttnulnirv Wil.! Iho aftornoon. Thoo who at- uxm Dursin. Rosburo; K. K. 1 lM,ut thtrty-fivo mi'rs an t.our, anil .limbing a si.op rat-. The fliirn.on and otiK.n.or t.l th.. lua.l tondod tho party wore: Miwo. , Marrhard. Portland; K. ;. S.hoif. tnsinr woio kllUrd and nino ..onKor lakon M hospital,. Nannlo and Kttie Harry. Poarl oiboin. Modford: li. K. lbodohl..', . - m.1 t H..HU lr.nl V imtifroH . t r. : . t f - l villi ..ii.i.v .n.i. ;MiriHK I iriUi uuiu, jiwd v. ixi-i . t i i.. .1 i ... i . r . At the Pine Tree ' Olio of tho popploat program rvi'r aoou al Ilia PIio Tro Thou tro ill hold Iho board, at tkl popular playhoimo box Tuoniay nud Wviliioiiilay with a croat pit iii pitinuin In aupporl. A blii tlmo ainilutlU' ilanrrr tetvt; AicSk 'fi'y VJPa. . , I Kn -.-v --m- w-- .-ik . i v IKro'j liat haryourj whoa, Iho rtioadwny I.m :ioJ. of lla iVnnyivenu J!nu" f.vtor cpri,i Wil- trains. loft Ulie raiL. at Itiiminitton. la- nrr Ai'.ouna. . inn irniu. a Moiwio-nowiior. w iibtoiiiib a Di'wev. rtnrliara Hiinnii utt. Thol-. ..i.,., u j A vtavhnnv and jna Story. Rlizalioih Cook, llolon wiet ,.nd: C. R. Mayham and : l",rK,lir l"'loJ Ihomn.-lvos with iwl.-onln ia wliK-h utfvotod aud hthor Atrhlnaon. Margaret j fe. Pond: L. K. Helubers. St. ! drnmi! of assorlod aljos. on? noarly 3"D ponono. 11111. Wyllo Toa Walker. Anna i oui5: K. Bofshert. St. louis: V. I trombone, aud a music cabinet.. Wllnon. 'Wllmn Of field. Maxlno c Mlisey. Kunnmuir: B. Sautil-jTh Harper. Itorothy Plovenwn and . RUIe, r A. Meier, ciiv; i und Mr. Harold the hostess. r they fxorutoil unusual cover. liijMortmiK ll'la wire tillable lo l.leiillfy the lon. line of tho l.irce! Ico cream unitorK hi f.onilon. which had M.-.l of tho victim had oaten j , oou h,,,., wlln(t lcr rroam In with n aiutikliiiii ioionullly and uiKloubtml titleul In tho ail of li rpnli horo. Ttua I weodlo will mait pioii'i'illnm with hor tnappv t .iiii ii k Til In dainty Mian lia liial iiiiiiBlotad a luim oBanifo-1 uioni over a I'allforuta ruicult. ' Karilf and t'aprfra. a rome- j ily koiili loan) ulior a llttlo kll oullllnil 'V, I llaro llriilna' I , and lb Ik couple niako loony with muii'l ropaifoo iiud nevorul aona ; liunibora in koontou with ilutiri -kit. (iouo Weal. t!ui. well known onir tompuaor of uch htta ai "llroadmav How." "Juno .Maht" and "You Know Von lloloim lo Homebody IM" and niuny nthoni of mora recoil rlntairo ' wilt bo heard tn a rclo of hlta auixtoil by Kii by lllid. A mm, cycle that will plea til moat caplloiu of if tilm. Muriln and Muyo. anothor mi l iar atlrictton hilled aa "Two N'uto l.ofi t)ver From Xma" are two youna Broadway per formora with a comedy offorltu . i:il la aomowhat different. The ' boa feuturo aoma oceeutrte dam (ufe wlili h la original In Its roti ceptlon. A (real act. A real addition to tho program . la Ml llatol Thorp, talenidd harplm, who will onlerluln with an minimally good pioKiam mi thla fine liiairiinieiii, tin the acrmiii tliargu Hliluvy, I.oiiIp Kaiouda and Vera (lor do ii proaoiit "Millloiiiilrtn" full Fly-Tox VVin. Cubi.n Award lliiauno nj oiitifiiiiillng uualltv mid nfli'i tirrni'a. Klv- I To ivaa uwaiUwil boll) llio Hi Ivor t up mid t'crilflcutu of Hi nor In tile tll(AN I'llUNKO MKItl'AN Til. V PKiiPKSitNAI..ri fl'llA it'oiimi"rcir and Pr ileiMtotial Colin .1 of Cuua I Kf To l Hie miiNi w'Jtfy known and giiimal Iv iiKi'd louiHohoiii irriecii-iilo In t'til'ii, It wan Uvviilopcd nt Mellon lllMltlllo of lu.tuatrial I :' i h by Hex Ili'Hciin li rVllon :iiil.. Ply loi kllla ituit ii, nu lutlloei. iai;buii. m it In anl br 1 tiiiH, .ia el aa lllca .,v At the Liberty i I "The tfliamrock i lumlliup." wliiill will ha ahown al Ibe l.lb I crly theatre Tileiluy and W ad- tioaday. ia full of grand old I Aiuaricau uauiva. It fa a Uiuuiu Iky Prior II. Kiiic. Atnuiica'a I moil uinoui iimgur.liia wilior. I mill II waa dlractod by Joliu I Kind, who producud "Tim Iron I Horn" and olbor BinatiKplocoa. It la llio alnry of a liorolv Irlali I Jockey unit an III ill alooplv letiiier ou aa A(irlull truck. J In the mat lira Jnnat titynoi. I LmiIU Keniou, J. Pin ivtl. Mai Konuld. Wlllard lamli, (lonin, I CI11I10 Mcioll, llrnnilmi Ifurnt. I Andy Hulk, l.oul I'ayne unit Kl) ! ItouoliK Slnnlien nf our 4H atatoa paid huii nana t'l world war vrlargna. Mluooaoia'a maximum of t)o ai Iho liugCDt. retreat i, cr,,aul tism a modem I lhw Mrooia of London lam aum 1 hokey-pokey man who went uhout ..,. . , r.PP...i ,ii.i,. o. Hetty Anaenian. j on a n.iom .inn a ii a.o oi h,. .ountrviilile on a mntor-i j Carol Kattenhorn Tlendrlrkon and Mm. Kattenhorn. Mr. and Mr. Prank Sexton and Slu,rt, Sotitborn Pacific: Marlon 'early nmininr hours. Itenidcnts' hutdnea. waa staff more than half thla year. ;ut Pnppaa. Mr. and Mra. H. Jackon. I Olio-1 Jaz.ry oninuia.-m. ine nanu ( v, li.. The onliler.ilr dealt a miin- i:A..u..n llvM riiv I -i If ' oi m r. h .t dnvD fhi til root In iht- ....1 1.1 .k . 1. Tlio htir innniirni.hir. I V -Mary Mct'omb of. Klamath Palls p,.,. c,i,r i...ii,. 1 t L.ionc the lino i.r march, aroused ' ... i i "I.el'a Hop hoi und gel .by the ill-timed serenade. Rrumb-( llon a -rlded to inmiRiiarato an f'hnniliAP nf I liil hilt I10V..P llnoi't,l ibllt ihe ! ...i .t... : . . .- - r-- - illlll-HlMni: l .1111 1'UIK II IJ Commen-o L. L. Davis. Idaho: noisy inMrumenis were etolen haii rrui-t on buiinea A. V. Paliner. Calif: P. T. t property. Escape was i-ay. I Andrew. XV" ash: S. E. Kiefer. The proprietor of the Tictitu spent Saturday evening at the ; weaifal! . Med'ord. i n. If. Anderoon Home nelptnr Registration af Lorain Heasley and Helen Atrn liifou with their demonstration .work for the state fair. orfaet S.-len- Mandwlch." "Why? There's chicken din ner p!aco Just up thn rond." "Tbut s why Life. Elmer Shay Is building a new renn; Edward C. Klein. Penn. Mzed shop roamed his Iomc and Mont pinplo al e uiinuai r of I lo ir i o tioubloM. DR. H. W. BARR KVK MlillT hfi: IA.LIWT Gun Dunn, Jeweler and Optician no a Main Phone -451-W or U38 for full particulars and In formation regarding; TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by Iho fituto Hoard of Education. t Piutio. Violin. I In n Jo. Hawaiian liuitar unit other Instruments. Z. PETERS PLUMBING HEATING FURNACES Molora, Pumpt, Engine Preaaure Water Syatema ViZ No. 6th l'liiinu'371 SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD liny your wlntr' aupply of blm k wood and gregn-alah ,l nre. whlla Ih ptlto are at tlm bottom. FARMERS i Alan (tnck op for fh year, at tho bin or dellrared. Wa deliver anywhoro In tha valley IS cord Jumbo loads. Peyton 107 Mala Fhoee, ISt house near the Merrill bridge. Mrs. H. T. Tolle and daughter. Miss Ruth - Wycloff. Calif: W. S. Tucker. Calif: Walter Stein. Certrude. returned to their home (.,,. a Kleomen. Cilifornla. near Merrill from Bend and Hood j River, where they have been ' visiting with friends and rela- fives. f t'' Miss Maude Carleton of Ktam ! nth Palls la spending a few days i with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Carle- ton. Miss Carleton is Mr. Carle- - tnn's sister. Mrs. Rose Davis and sonst Som- t nay and Edwin, were In Klamath Pgement laughed. "When I hea-.d cf It.'- he said.i "1 felt like sending them a piano lo complete iheir bund." ' MCS1CAL lUXDITS KSCAPK I MIKIt CflVKK OF. J...; I.OM IKKIM .MEN HIVE BAfl SEASON" LONDON.. Sept. IJ." (API Musical bandits who gained a LONKON". Sept. 11. I API measure of fame with a single i Britain's hokey-pokey men have street performance .are being about given up in despair. This widely songht for a return en-j has been one of the coldest mn- I mors on record. Week after Falls Monday on business. P,' air., and- .Mrs. C. A. Barrows I I nna cnnnren iipenr tne wceK-enn j with Mr. and '.Mrs.' Fred Zlabeir of Malin. j j, jr Forrest Pickett, I -co Greenley j ' and Stanley Byden of Medford, , , vlslled with the Baileys Friday, i wvenlug. The boys were Dob- ; J"1 aid's house brothers at O. A. C. ! I Mrs. I. W. Burris has gone to i Ihe Will Dallon ranch to take! I f are of their daughter while Mr. j and Mrs. Dallon attend the Pen--idletnn roundup. ; ; .Misses Edna Merrltt and Kath I ' erlne Molitor.were dinner gnesta J atMr. and .Mrs. Elmer Merrill's Sunday. T. A. Harrows returned Sundav lo Big Valley after spending a few. days here. .Mr. Barrows son. Torn", will not rome to ehool in Merrill Ibis coming year. .Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jones are the proud parents of a hnhy daughter, born enrly. Monday morning. Smashing door of WALL PAPER All New Stock Acme Quality Paints F. R. OLDS Across from Postoffice Phone 43 Western Democrats ' f Will Hold Meeting j Ot.DKN. I'tah. Sept. 13. (AP) j De.moera(ic loaders,, from, nine i western states will meet here' September 2.1 to. consider the candidacy of Governor Al Smith : ' of New York for the presidential j i nomination at the democratic na- j ""tlonal convention next year. Fifty, i representative democrats fronTi California. Oregon, Washington. I : Idaho, Nevada, Montana. Utah, 'Wyoming, Colorado and possibly ; other states are expected to at-1 tend. a iweek it rained every duy. On ' ' ' . .!; : U MM H MB B JA' . B V 9 aaW Baal aw aw an m II A'J 1- jt i.l rr tc V VM .T UJ ar ! : : or new. m JJ IT- Sf " H B?V IT 15- ! r M 8 W 1 9 r H Hbthe motoring' public cf the Pacific West the Standard Oil Company of California presents The NewZerolene"The Standard Oil for Motor Cars? ," ' Callouses Quick, mi, nr relief from I painful calloatrs on the feat, f At at!i dMf mnd ioe kotxs -BrScholfs ZinO'pads 1 LDl I ten SAVE -, the expense of an engrav ed plate by giving ," . v your order to KLAMATH PRINTING COMPANY for embossed stationery, cards, announcements, Christmas greetings, etc. i . 522 Klamath Ava. . Phone 1282 HIS new lubricant is the lat est achievement in petroleum products of the Company's re search laboratories. For more than two years Company ex- iirta hi,ji-o ci-r!iin trt nri-wlnco a new and better lubricant for motor cars, particularly an oil to meet the require ments of the present-day automotive en gine. The experts succeeded, and have created a modern oil for modern motorcars. The New Zerolene is a wholly dis tilled oil by Company processes which take only the highest lubricating values from the best of California crude oils. Every drop is pure lubricant. The New Zerolene is made in three grades or bodies, No. 3, No. 5 and No. 7. There if a scientifically correct grade for every type and kind of motor vehicle. The New Zerolene is available at Stand ard Oil Service Stations and at 15,000 dealers and Correct .Lubrication Special ists on the Pacific Coast, where Standard Oil Correct Lubrication Charts indicate which grade of oil each type and model of car requires. Zerolene" F"for Fords.an oil especial ly manufactured to meet the demands of the Model T Ford, remains unchanged. The New Zerolene stands upat any engine teinpenhae ' The New Zerolene forms no hard carbon The New Zerolene doej not 'thin odfWhea Hie craakcase i t drained it b itille& o3y The New Zerolene is economical-in initial corf and in amount consumed STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA money can't buy X A BETTER. OIL X than sJ THS NEW Z1U0LNE More than 3000 Preferred Shareholders i-EaSer-c-.' CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY L Copy Ask Sr TOUia of. this Attractive Book Containing sixteen pages of pictures and facts, illustrating and describing the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, the booklet shown ubovc is yours for the asking. It is packed full of informative fucts about this progressive public utility company. Its charts present a striking picture of growth. Its pictures illustrate . modern plants anc properties, built -and maintained , for the service of the public. The capital supplied by thousands of investors goes directly into the construc tion of permanent, useful public utility propertic!. A large map illustrates t,hp wide territorial diversity. It tells how you, too, may become a partner in public service by investment in the Company's prefer red shares. Write or phone for your copy today. The California Oregon Power Company OFFICES. I?;,iaina Medford. Grants Pass. Roscburg . Klamath Falls-Oregon ft . ' Yrcka, Durumuir-Caiifornia , ' !; vl) WSAOHOIOO0OAHArrrrrrArl ,. it I. .V ,'-W ' .- .