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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1927)
Tflgo' Four THE EVENING HERAT.D. IcLAMATH r'AUff. OKEfiON. Monday. S. i.ti'mbi r 12, WW. T. I. VAL.ARKKY... W. II. -l'KKKlNS. Y. i. ENGLISH. Editor Advertising Manuar . BudQMi Manager West Handles i Radio Contest , Ik-llnered bx rrlrr By Ml Om'tmi $ On. Monlh . I 811 Months I. SO Thrw Mnntbg - . ' Thri Months Rl Months Da Month .44 On Year - t.OQ fulered lecead claae matter at the poatotflce at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on August SO, let, tinder act ot Congress March 3, 1ST i ! j Associated Press Leased Wire j Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation I MirotifT of tha Associated Prsi Tha Associated rrert l exclusively entitled to tha oa or republica tion! of all news dixpatrhea credited o It or not otherwise credited la Ula paper and ilo the local news published therein. All rtaota ut raputillcatlon ot apeciul dispalibes herein ara alao reserved Monday, September 12, 1927. If iihing ot the alale commit tea of the Atwaler Kent Founda tion for Oregon'e participation In the National ltadio Audi) ton ara roallti'd, at l-at seventeen cillea of the mate will arranKe for local contests, out of hlch ona boy and one girl will be rvrtifird to the Stale A'ulitlon. to be broadcast from Station K15W at Portland on October 8 and . Thia was tha word received by Walter West. In harge of the local content. Already throe rn liiea hare been turned into Mr. West's office, and It Is expected that at least a' doien will hare aliened up before the local ccn crt on Friday evening. Srpietn ber 2.V - Mn. Olds III 4'luirKe. Xlra. F. It. Olds, prealdent of the Klamath Falls Oratorio So ciety, la in charge of the pro gram planned for late September. Wtnnera ot the State Audition will have their expense paid to the District Audition to be held In San Francisco and the win ners of the District Audition will be sent to the National Audition in New York City. The expense bud net Vill include travel, hotel, and entertainment and a trip to Washington. IV C. It Is said that the national awards will total $17,501). of which the first will be a gold decoration cf 15000 in cash and two years' tuition form. , In a leading American conserva- Men's figures may be more beautiful than women s, tory for on 0OJ. ,nd Kjti. . vrosor we're not going to battle over that. We'll -ah candidate, must bt ; m.-i processor, we re nut k lnni.(1 teurs. between the age. of 18 and . grWht-that we've seen men in bathing cuits who looked J$ yri They fannot enler th a bi better off anatomically than some of the damsels aadulong except through a local whuTtove exhibited their figures in beach contests. committee. For thb. reason the ; ""Y , ... . , . mpntol nic- state committee la asking all In- Jut professor, did you ever try to form a mental pic Jocal commll(wa to turlSof what a men's beauty parade would be like. Just Tanre local orB,nitations aa rap- men's show were held, in Atlantic t-liy or any idly as possioie 10 preveni ine Pan you see them 7 we " - Oratorio Society ,0 1 Plans Year's Work Manning to open Its Is:; : asou with an iitr.tuiilliiK I'u-.e of community work, the Klam ath Oratorio society, vliMi m, oiganlscd Inst ear." will uiiior an Atwatcr-Keot vocul content in this city, a competition frnm which some local aiiiiVr will emerge as Klamath's representa tive in the tryouts to be held later this fall. . ' This announcement was mnde from the Oratorio soeb'ty Fri day evening when It met. ' Walter West was named vliairniiinof .llie survey committee whichila tri iharge ot reKistration ot the con testants. Men and women under 31 years of age are eligible to enter the local contest and the society urges that nil who bavo talent take part. Those singers who are ad judged the hext In Hi slate try outs, will go to a district con test in . iuu' western cltv. nnd those who nle uccc.!iil In this cant. st. will later enter I lie na tional t',.iHtiV llesl Ulgel'i III the latter will be gi'iintcd the uiiikIi ut ulirii w nli nil ex penses paid by Atwuter-Keiil. The mini and woman or hoy i' tul g'.rl w liem the local ml It Inn committee decides are the best, will have their expenses paid by the Oratorio s.vlcty to the Torl lund contest. Thereafter, all ex peiie: are paid by the radio con- , cern sponsot tug the natl'tiwldei ' snug fot. ! j Tlie local tri nuts will be held September 3 3. ut which, time the I society la arranging it musical piOKi'iiiu of unusual Interest. Tim public will he Invited to this Levelit. " I Those singers desiring to en I, r the r 'inpetitloii or wishing i lull lufoi nun Ion on the subleet, ' are reqiiested to see Walter West, head of iflo K In mat tl Fulls Colli I merclnl t'redli assoi-lalion. ANNOUNCEMENT ! Oh, No, .Professor i A professor in an eastern university, surfeited per haps with the sight of ladies in bathing suits wherever hojmay have gone during the late summer, suggests that m;n is the more beautiful creature, after all, and that he. would like to see a men's beauty contest. j Somehow we feel that we should be spared this pleasant vision. Our interest in any bathing contest in wh'ich males paraded would be purely a brick-throwing on. We are not quite ready to take our men in that Phone 4S1.W or 1138 for full rarticulrs and In formation regarding TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the State Hoard of ICducatlou. Nutio. Violin. Punjo. Hawaiian tliiitar and other Inrttriments.- Z. PETERS Because of increase in business it has been necessary for us to secure larger quarters After Tuesday you will find us at 119 S. 4th St. The Same Phone, 1097 Young Coal SC Transfer Co. 119 S. 4th St: Phone 1097 Next door to American Express Co. Good Poultry Feed The siifci'Sf or failure of jour flock de petuls largely upon lh way you feed them. Gootl feetl nieaii.s hetter iWluelion. MARTIN BROTHERS MILL U pmduoiiiK K1""1 of ldlry feed that will insure the sueeess of your flock. Your poultry will thrive on Martin Urothers' .feetl. ' Martin Brother Mills "The Home of Crater I-ake and Anchor Flour" suppose a other lace you care to name James J Corbett says, "Faversham'! advice decided me on Luckies" iiiii'i. iji-- j - . some amouious o canOt bunch of furtive, blushing sheep, fallen from tneir roM d,.8erTes , -u'it0 innkirnr for all the world like a flock of heari." Mr. V npnt&iiu in a windstorm, with the same cheerful faces morntntt some ambitious boy or trirl whose j the right to he est stated this ' the'hitgels must have worn when they were chased from ' CRKat OK JlsTI, K m uxtrrr.: J he:S" professor, this is just a little feature for the UP, ! ladie. They have more nerve or spmething-or-otner the ,afe CeorM h.' Burnett, chief thai' the men have at least they can adapt themselves justice, of the state supreme; to ifcUh something of grace, no matter what their de- -rt -ouhtie -v--h ;. fects. written in the Justice's own hand. Just think, professor, what a life the man would face in the back of a brief some yean. , , . . . a.i.t Tirj aeo It was found by Arthur S. ; wh might win one of those male beauty contests! Wed nMB rlerk ot the tuvreme say he'd have somewhat something of a hectic, turbulent m-ha clipped the page and timnf it - . t J placed it under, the glass corer ' ' : of his desk in the supreme court i Hso, professor. we fear you re just a . bit sarcastic. budtnl. whe ha!) rinv9 TO- Let's allow Atlantic City to use her bricks ?6r pavihgTmained. ' The ountation follows: : sidewalks and building purposes. - ' '"' " -chivea ..coe mho j . t has Hred well, lauched often and i I loved much: who has gained the ; respect of thinking men ana tne love of little children: who has , ; The Great Stort ! : . nuj til nlho anrl atirnmnliiihed Ask the school child what happens m September and tajk. whQ hM ,eft the world his reply will be, "School opens." ' better than he found It. whether I To the farmer September'is a harvest month. ', by a perfect poem, an improved ; The motorist dreads the coming of the ninth month LT btjeause it is the last of the summer touring months. earth' beauty nor failed to ex- i Labor considers September as sort of belonging to press it: who has looked for the it! for it is in that month that the government has set TJX- apart a legal holiday in honor of labor. ... allcn BS memory a benedic- j September would be no different from any other tion." month to the baseball fan if it did npt decide the major For Sai3 lettgue championships and herald the world series. Cin at Kiamath Ncw. Adr. Many are the .claims on the month, of September but the claim of the collegians takes precedence.' This. is a month of-first importance to college and university men . U women. Because it opens the fall term? No. Be- p T tijuse it officially opens the football season. , ; There may be more college and university under-; graduates than living alumni, but the dawn pf the grid-j irpn season finds as much, if not more enthusiasm among th,e' alumni as in the undergraduate body. ' " j Football is primarily a school game, and yet the eyes of the nation will be upon the gridiron and newspaper j -football results from now until the last Thursday in November. , ' ' ' . ! - i . The 1927 football season promises record crowds, i new stars, the eternal conflict of the "Big Three," in-! eyitable upsets, dedication of many new stadiums, Satur- i day afternoon fashion revues 'wherever football games' aejjlayed, visits to the Alma Mater (her athletic field) from out-of-town alumni who never get back for com-' nfencemcnt, and the usual futile protests against pro fessionalism in the great college sport. ! "&f.ipntiKt nrp 'still nnvy.lprl nvor tha lnpot!n nf iho ' oj-iginal Garden of Eden a matter already settled in the mind of practically any chamber of commerce secre- Famous former heavyweight champion, whh Airs. Ccrbett after breakfast at their home at liayside, L. I., recommends Lucky Strikes. ltf T- uniovi-iTe ar, Sake f t Zo&a fffm t J. , f l .''..TS i: Tiij .. x: jct a s3fv - i s- :x . -. . .-ivvfk kajafewkaV Mm ' Cttusius 1'iiba ! Ina single year the circulation of books, at the New Yorlpublic library has fallen off 500,X)00. ' Well, there isn't much time to read between dances. ' j A few more generations and the children won't know what the old folks are talking about if they quote some thing iibout lending a horse to water. The modern idea of exercise is to take a good stiff' motor car ride of 10 miles before starting to work- I Auto speeders are making Sunday a dayk of pitting, to rest. ' " I -Many a woman goes visiting hoping they are not at' home. I ' '.it care fade away while you rest anil play at this mag nificent Canadian Pacific Resort ride, 'swim, golf, dance, fish, hike and drive over fine highways in the J heart of the Cana dian Pacific Rock ies. Chateau Lake c. Louise is a metro 'V' politnn hostelry MfT offering finest ac- Skf. rnmiiilntiina cor. vice and cuisine: its surrounding rc- igionj ore replete .4ith beauty un- . fc . Metit'i l,.jl I ...1 l.t,.F- ature and rocrva-jrj' tionj now! ( Pacific WH VeiconGtril Joint-Vast Dcptr I Mrdxraiiand Multnomah Hotel BJr LAnaaion rac fte iravtum LHtqui i i You, too, will find that Lucky Strikes are mild and mellow the finest cigarettes you ever smoked, made of the finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos, properly aged and blended 5 with great skill, and there is an- extra process "It's toasted" no harshness, not a bit of bite, ; . . William Favcrsham, The Popular Actor, tcritcs: "For years I have been a Lulkj Strike enthusiast, in fact, I never smoke any other' cigarette. In all this time I have never been troubled with throat irri' , tations. In addition to the ayoyment that t I get from the superior quality of Lucky Strikes, it is wonderful to know that my voice will never be affected by smoking." it's toasted Good llir World Chrr. No Throat Irrigation -No Cough.