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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1927)
TflPe Eight THE EVENINT, HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. Saturday, BoptprnW 1 0. 1 027. teSociir " A 81'XNY. bright 111 buoyant chronically buoyant disposition U one of tbe molt doalrablo' and th most enviable qualities of characteristics that anyone, man, woman or ' child, can POSSCSS." v ' ' To (row and keep In person aa attractive as possible should be not only everyone's pleasure but abould also be everyone's duty; ( pitlENDSHlH Is a scarlet . thread let down from heav- r There Is much unnecessary suf fering among friends because of misunderstandings that almost always arise .from lack of true openness, one with another. ' Friend who are- by tempera ment and rlrcutnstaneea congen, Instead of enjoying the pow er of use In the world together .and each getting the benefit of the experience of the other are estranged and pull apart and ' suffer, each really longing for the strength and light of the oth er's companionship all because of. soma misunderstanding. A very slight thing through being nursed in reserve, has created a chronic barrier that seems in surmountable when In reality It Is only a fog which a little hu man sunshine would quickly dis perse. But a fog between friends, while It lasts, is as great a bar rier as a stone wall. ; For want of openness tbe near est of friends, with a growing and helpful mutual understand ing of one another, sometimes lire on and on in silent suffer ing estrangement. By being open , la not meant expressing anger ; when ' you feel It. That la not ; being truly open, for In the ex-, eltement of anger one is often j tempted to say many cruel things. ' which arenortroe in themselves, and which, when' the anger Is gone one. docs not really feel. It is open to say "I am angry; I do not want to. be angry. Give . me a chance to get over it and then we can '.talk." -, Then having positively over come the anger, one is given a. true sense of proportion and can talk over Impersonally that cause of offense and find a place for new mutual understanding which will bring two friends nearer together. Men are great only as they are kind. ' It you le one. would have a friend, IT is but tha minor, of a few the a short days until wo see exodus of that exceedingly portant part of the- city's lm. do. voteea, tbe college boys and girls. Homes and friends will be made a wee bit rad for a time after ' their departure hut It will be vu'h a fbort time until the holi day season allows them a fort night or longer. to return to the , fireside. i . Social clubs in the city will fall Into line with Interesting 1 and helpful programs and every j . thing points to a satisfactory J year's work along literary, edu cational, musical, artistic and civic lines. The various card clubs will have their Initial meeting, and will no doubt be as popular as ever. An extremely Busy season is anticipated in an circles. . e e Thursday Bridge With Mrs. Swansenilng to promot8 her dauhter's XXItS. SWANSON of Modoc A Point entertained the mem- bnrs of the Thursday Bridge club at her home during tbe past j week. During tbe game three ' tables were In play and the after noon waa concluded with a dain tily appointed luncheon. Tbe members present Included: Mesdames 8. W. Egeline. L. Wil cox, Dan Crump, J. Kaubel, N. j T. Stoddard, It. Plerson, Oscar Rand, D. A. McMillan. M. E. Knouss, G. Blackburn, Misa Edna . Stoddard and tho hostess. e - Miss Joy, Evans ' Hostess On Friday ' TLlONORINO Mr. Walker Dearlng I - - of Stockton, Cal., who Is visit- Ing with friends In Klamath Falls. Miss Joy Evans waa a gracious hostess on Friday when she presided over a noon lunch eon at her home at Sunset Ranch. Late summer blossoms In full 'bloom wero used about the rooms and a bowl of marigolds held tlh a crystal rut bowl centered the prettily appointed table. ' Covers were laid for Misses hath end Helen Cofer. Roland Cofer, Wolkor Dearlng, Mr. and " Mrs.' Svd Evans. Percy Louis Krsns nnd tbe hrndass. Helene Breitenstein, Society Editor, Phone 88 It's a Nice Coiffure, Josephine f jf.SarV " njs' : mm JV, f" KS2&88 ...... ; , . , Here's Josephine Baker, danseuse and hostess at a well-known Parisian cafe, with a little gold lace cap designed by Agnes. May- be some of the Legion boys will phine dance. Miss Ruth Lindsey Honored Thursday Eve nA CH-"110 Pro-nuptial cour- ,My nononng tne rjrme-eojor lt. Miss Ruth Lindsey, whose ' tnrefra 4a fe T S f.rMn will ibe an evnt of the near futureJaddeI w the briilce evening and show- er on Thursdiy evening, when j Mrs. j. ferry wuson ana me susses inex jensins ana aie Lindsey were hostesses at the Jenkins home. I Hughes. Mable - Schleffersteln, plegate Solomon gave splendid WITH plans outlined by a com- At the conclusion of the bridge, Vernon Moore. J. R. Hershber- history of tbe life of Lafayette i mlttee composed of Mrs. Al game the gifts were cleverly ; ger, O. K. Williams, Rex Mc- on Monday evening when Eula- ten Sloan, chairman, Mra. Ruth hbowercd - upon Miss Lindsey iMlllan and J. Perry Wilson. lona chapter. Daughters of the ' Holloway and Mrs. F. R. Olds, when a dainty umbrella was j Misses Dorothea Wortley, Con-1 American Revolution met for the 'the muilc department of the opened, the gifts numerous and nie Crystal. Mariam Wortley. 8y- first time since June at the home! Woman's LJbrary club will en- beautiful, daintily wrapped faU-.bil ing about tbe table. Dainty refreshments were serv- Society mOPICS suggested by mail for ! fables: The foolish mother WQ0 is shopping around for fine lace curtains tor her son's "bou doir" at college. The foolish mother who Is try- sorority advantages by pulling wires. " The prominent matron who as pulled, half drowned, from the lake, and, In the midst of milmotne ro.n-H.tinn ed: "My lipstick! My lipstick! Who swiped my lipstick?" Tbe leader who says "I'll be nice to the society editors now. Tbe girls are growing up." The male delettante who has matches with varicolored tips, light pinks and light blues and nice reds, like the pincushion on a girl's dresser. ... e A LOVELY thing In orchid sat plucking at the ragglty cblf- fon flower on ber shoulder. It was the opening session of the morning Meaning club and she, because she was a bride, was; studied all sorts of counter at invited to join the literati. j tractions. But to no avail. This Plainly, she Was trying to make waa romance. A gorgeous soil that Impression that would mean taire set things humming, justification of the choice of the t Then, one day, her mother older women. I wrote a note: "Nice morning." she began. "My daughter is born fo finer And dabbed a fleecy bit of powd- things. I feel sure her happi er on her very retrousse nose. ness will not be secure In your W a s n't Lindbergh's smile nice?" she continued. Aud made dive for her lipstick. Finally, In desperation, she ex rlalmod to the . front row of rhnlrs. "ln't It Inn bad about NEW5 be dropping around to see Jose-'toeir cd at the Individual tables. A Bote of p.ate (haded flow- held In cut crystal bowls ' to tba attractiveness of I the home, Tbe guests included Miss Ruth I i.mowy, tne honor guest, Mes- cames ferry usvis. Wilbur Ken- nett, Florence. Henriot, Clara Bamber, Mae Crystal. Martha I pp. Jo I PP. Addle Jenkins and Barbara Jenkins. Fables . ' . Sacco? Do you suppose they will i ever find his ship?" ' 1 (Moral: Just because they ,re 1 brides Is no gilt-edge guarantee of tbelr literary fitness.) rkNCE upon time, about 192.1 V A. V.. a boy loved girt. It waa the old, old story: School-' rtav. red inniu onrt .,,.r ninm. Then came Boulder. Tbe boy I would take trips down, having' the family car to meet the Inter- fitnrhtVMi Mnndav ' Old-Fashloned Hongs In cos urban at 8 p. m.. tbo he bad al-jU11"lcu" iVlUIIUdy Hume Mrs. Ruth Holloway. ready spent half the day with "her." It was just another rase of the sweetest story ever told. Then, one day, there came a cruel, cruel note from the boy's mother. "My son Is born to finer things. I feel sure bis happiness win not be secure In your keep ing. Understand, you are a very nice girl and I have no fault to find, hut my son's bapplnosa comes first." Once upon a time, about 1927 A. D., a boy loved another girl. He monopolised all her time and I mado beautiful gifts. Her moth er was distraught. She threw In several trips to Europe and ; keeping. .Cnderstand, you are a ; very nice boy and 1 have no fault to find. But my daughter's hap piness comas first." (Do unto others Is 'as appllc- able today ns In Bible times.) Portland Wedding1 i ' Of Interest Here rpllK following account of the ' marriage of Muta Susan : Tucker and Mr. Thorn aa B. . Malarkey taken from the Port 'land Oregoniaa will be read with I Interest by their many friend j 'throughout southern Oregon: "At a quiet ceremony Jester-; aay afternoon at the home of her 'mother. Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker. Miss Susan Tucker became the i bride of Thomaa B. Malarkey. ana of Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Malarkey. I Dr. A. A. Morrison officiating. The service wss read at 4:30 a'rlock before the fireplace, which was banked with white summer lilies and Ivory-tonged gladioli with tall taper, lighted , IIIUII .'Ill 111. UJ .'I I a I of the Immediate families and a email group of very close friends were present. The bride wore a wedding gown of Ivory satin beaded with crystals and elaborated with a deep flounce of rare D'Aleocoa lacef It had been worn previous rnrb fll'd'd'Te ' ly aa a wedding gown sisters, Mrs. pence 1 (Alice 'Turkerl ami Mrs. Hiihurl Livingstone Jr. (Ksther Tucker! iHer tulle veil waa arranged Into a rap of the same lace and she ; he more than filled with the carried white orvhlds. sweet peasj'0'"1 'venta of numerous socisl. , sad roses. educational and club circles. On I Little Misses Alice and Helena Blddle. daughters of Mr. and Mr. oixmiT iiiuuie, were ine uriQB n only attendants. They wore j1 quaint frocks of pale blue batiste I and carried old-fashioned nose fgaya of pink rosebuds. Nell Malarkey acted aa best man. . An Informal reception followed tbe ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Malarkey left for a ! !h VJi'" 'm." to. DrH."hrol i umbia. 'They will return to Port, , land for a few days before leaf-1 lug for Klamath Falls to mskei home, where Mr. Malarkey lis editor of the Klamath Falls Evening Horald. ' the bride wore a For traveling frock of black flat crepe with touches of Ns poleon blue and a black coat and small black bat. " Both Mr. Malarkey and his ' Portland's younger set, and their many friends ace regretting that tbelr marriage will take them away from the city. ' j e '" DA T IJI 1 A. K. MeniDerS Met Last Monday - T TS1.NG the recent and much w talked of book "We. Charles Lindbergh as Ufayettej son of tbe two men and Lindbergh. Mrs. Racbael Ap- of Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, regent. Mrs. Allen Sloan pre-; I sided as joint hostess with Mrs. j Martin. , Mrs. O. P. Harvey of filen- 'dale. Oregon, the mother of C. jber meeting under tbe direction, JL. Harvey of this city, was re-;of Mrs. D. V. Halght. but baa icelved Into the local chapter: been postponed on account of with Mrs. R. E. Wsttenborg. vice - the recent epidemic. ; state regent presiding In a grac-1. Following is the nrogram which lous manner over the Impressive ceremonies. j Mrs. Harvey Is the eighth in cent from tbe family tree of .vines nisnoiso sua rfonn Aiuea. Perhaps no one In the state of Oregon has a nioro complete family tree. The chart . which measures threo fent by two feet, I"8 com p tea many years ago at wmcD ,1Dle JIr"- 'y Dinned all tne aula lor me en- tire chart. At I inthvpn lliisviiavcil COMPLIMENTING her lo nclces tbe Misses Helen and Thlrxa Anderson. . Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin entertained at prettily appointed ; luncheon on Monday at Llnkhaven. Late ' summer blooms were used In pretty decoration to cen ter the table at wlilfh covers for seven were laid. " i ' ' .tr Homecoming 'Held Thursday Afternoon ... JJOMECOMINC; of tbe Ladles Auxiliary of the First Pres - byterlan rhurcb held the first meeting of the fall on Thursday afternoon In the church parlora. Plans for the coming months were outlined. Mrs. C. C. Keller, president. presided and more than twenty- five of the members attended. Throughout the full and win- ter months tho auxiliary has made plans lo meet on the' first Thursday nf each month: "In School Days" (It) J. .til tirevu leaf Wlillllcr) CTII.L alls the echoolhouM by " the road. A raggi'd beggar sunning: Around It still the sumsclis grow. And blackberry vines are run ning. , Within, the master's desk Is seen, Deep ararred by raps official; The warping floor, the battered seats. The Jarknlfe'a carved Initial; The charcoal frescoes on Its wall. It's door's worn sill, betraying The feet that, creeping alow to school, Went storming out to playing!' Long yeara ago a winter sun Shone over It a setting; Lit up Its western window-panes And low eaves Icy fretting lit touched the tangled golden curls. And brown eyes full of griev ing. Of one who still her steps de layed When all the school were leav ing. Fof h,.r it00(, ,,, Her childish furor singled; ' Ills rap pullod low upon a fare j Whero pride and shame wero mingled. n . DUSU1CSS W OITlCn I O ne Monday Noon I , - i T"K ,,n,, ol ,ne UIUmn uv TDK du ouring me coming week wiil.v .hlrtocnta. Delta 'Monday the Business and """"' women win enjoy ' .. - ber of commerce. Krery busi ness woman In the city Is eitend ed a most cordlul Inrltstlon to attend. Special entertainment has been arranged for by Mrs. Betty Ulorer, president of the club. University Women Will Meet Soon , , . . ,, , ., CpLANMM for an active fall and winter, the American Association of I'nlverslty Women are hoping to bold the first meet Ing Saturday. September seven teentb or twenty-fourth. The date la aa yet Indefinite with an outside speaker for the opening date. The Library club rooms will be tha meeting place and the pro- gram to be carried out will be 'announced through the press' within the coming few days by. dent. Mrs. Aria McConnell, the presl- Music Department AnnOUUCCS Program 'joy a nemner of splendid pro-1 grama throughout the coming 'months. Chinese Music was to have been the subject of the Septem-J will be carried out: 4rh-r. Music Appreciation,' Mlsa Vlv- lan Trounce. rovciniier. Organ Music, Mrs. George Mc- Intyre, DcccmlMT. Oratorio Christmas Carols, Mrs. F. It. Olds, j January. ! Albert Snaulding, vloHnlnt 1 Mrs. Don Ziimwalt. Kel.niury. March. j fi(.i10,( Music Miss Evelyn Ap- j plegate. , April. , ; April Frolic Mra. E. T. Ilunti r. ' ! May. j . Period Dance Music Mist i i Dorothy Baker. ' Jolly Neighbors , Enjoy Afternoon KXB.MIIKKS of the Jolly N'elgh- bors club enjoyed a social afternoon on Wednesday at the ' borne of Mrs. William Newman of Hummers Lane, The usual , business meeting opened the at- 1 ternoon which was followed with ; an Informal gathering. More than twenty members of tho club at tended, Mrs. Fred Drewelow has In vlted Ihe members to meet with her at Ihe next regular meeting on October fifth. Musdnmes J. J. Winters, T. N. CaKe, Fred Peterson, B. X. Ken j dnll and C. D, Chorpenlnff were 1 hostesses Willi Mrs. Nawmnn on , Wednesday, Pushing with reallcss feet Ihu snow To right ami left, he lingered As restlessly her tiny hands Thu blue-checked apron flu gered. He saw her lift her eyes; he fell The soft hand's light caressing, And heard the Iroiiihlo of her voire. As It a fault confessing. "I'm sorry that I spelt tho word; I hate to go above you, Because," the brutn "Ves lower fell. . "Because, you eve, I love you!" Still memory to a gray-haired man. That sweet child-face Is show ing. Dear girl! the grasses on her - grave Have forty yeara been growing. He lives to learn, In. life's bard school. How few who pass above hlin Lament their triumph and tils loss, Llka her borauso they love hlin. Delphian Groups Will Meet Tuesday - rN TI KSHAX afternoon. Kep- Gamma chapter of the Delplilaus will hold Its first group meet- Pro-,,,,., o( ,h(, tM ,cn. Kjrh -.,..., with Its leader. The subject will be "Drsmstlc Art and the Charurter of Greek Drama." The atibjert for the year's study will be "Drama." Tho addresses of the group li-adtra will be of assistance to the members. Mrs. C. I. Huberts, lit North Payne. Mrs. W. II. Boyd. 151 Auburn Avenue. Mrs. T. P. Henderson, nn Third between Pine and High. Thor,dlly ,b cl. . A... ,., K1 , ,,.,.. ael Applegate Solomon will meet at the borne of Mrs. II. I). New- II. Hot Crcsceut Avenue. tuna fn lha rmldlna, nf ff ef-t.mhl A.,,,.rf ,H m, ford took up the greater psrt of tho meeting on Tuesday after noon when the hoard met with Mrs." Don J. Zumwall. It la hoped this gathering ran be arranged for dnrlng the early part of Oc tober. Missionary Society Plans Luncheon Qn'B ' be paramount f unr-1 lions of early fall marked upon the social calendar 1s tjie annual luncheon of Ihe Mission ary Society of the First Presby terian church which will be given on Thursday, September fifteenth, at the church. Aa Interesting program has been arranged for the affair. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock and covers for thirty-five have been arranged 'for. This marks tbe Initial fall ac tivity of the society wblrh plans for an active winter. St. Paul's Guild Meeting Thursday nJOAS Inking up Its activities v"' for an artlve fall and win ter . program, members of St. Paul's Kplsr6pal Guild will con vene on Thursday afternoon, Sep tember fifteenth, at the Parish bouse. The hour of meeting has been announced for two-thirty o'clock. It Is hoped Ihst all mem hers of the flulld will endeavor to attend the Initial meeting of the full. Sacred Heart Academy Klamath Fall, Ore. aoloct boarding and day school for girls and alo for boys tinder 14 years of age. conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. Orados follow tha same course aa tha state. High school standardised. Ml lie and art departments in rharjjo of experienced loach ers. Rates rcasonabla. A new Studio nnd new Grade Class Rooms for the coming year will add to tho conveni ence of larger classes. More teachers will bo employed In tha Musle aud Art Depart ments. Fur Information address Sisters of Ht, Francis or call at Hie Academy, . , . "To Serve Humanity Iklter" Look The hcuvt'im lire cullinir you. tliMplayinir to you tlu Htill your tyo i lookinu on 83 Years of Nutlsf)lng Mcrvlca ' , St. Mary's Society Elected Officers ELECTION of officers for I he ensuing year took place al the regular meeting of St. .Mirr's Altar Society on Tuesday evening at the Parish house. Mrs. J. W. Corcoran was chos en aa president: Mrs. Murla Dav enport, vice president, and Mrs. t). C. Nelson, secretary. Tho retiring officers are Mrs. Richard Dare. Mrs. Joseph Shirk and Mrs. David It. Yandenuerg. At the close of the biialness meeting a social hour was enjoy ed. Mrs. Kmll Dreher and Mrs. (i. ('. Nelson presided as hos tesses. Mrs. Cosber Honored TN (Ol'UTKSY to Mrs. lira Cos- ber who vUltid al the home of Mrs. It. R. Wattenhurg during the pait eek, member of the Past Noble (irand were Invited to the Wallenburg home lust Tuesday afternoon. Tho hours were spent In an Informal social manner and at the conclusion the hostess served light refresh ments. Reptile Yoke A gray kasha roat for early au Jtiron hss a yoke and collar fash ioned from snskeskln. HOW MANY TIMES? How many timet a day you lire your teeth? t Did you ever think that? Give them just one V Tit.KO 4Q Purs Ay i. at Cm ( I serve and they will serve you well. . Have an examination of your teeth and I learn the truth. . Open DR. Nitrous "DENTIST II Y WITH A SiiKiirmjin Hhlu,. r I 1 1 II 4f4 - Announcing Klamath FalloLakeview Stagfe Co Phone 999 - Terminal Stage Depot ' 615 Main St. t Leaves Klamath Falls 9 A. M. Leaves Lakcview 7 A. M. i (from Lakeview Transfer Office, Phone 161) - t Closed Passenger Cars- ; Our service available 265 days a year. ; Owned and Operated by PAT; and CLIFF HOGUE i t.Tt4-rTH-tt ' , i I . Up! you, iiml whrul nruuml - ir t-U'inal bcuulifH, uiul the xrountl. DANTK. Lady Attendants Mrs. Allen Sloan HasA.N.W. Club CTltK Art Needle Work Hub. Ihu oldest social rlub In Mamstli Falls, jnel for the first meeting ol the fall nn Wednesday oiter nooti with Mrs. Allen Hluan at her home on Payne, Mrs. It. II. Wells of noserllle. Mrs M. Apnlcgate and duimlKer, Mllllcenl of tlrnnu I'a.a, Mrs. Nsin Otterlieln, Airs. Hun h and Mr.. H. K. Martin of Oakland. California, were aiwclal guest for the afternoon. The ustiul social afternoon was rnju)ed by the members. Includ ing Me.dames H. Phillips, Rose Otey Houle. Jennie Hum. lieorge Wirt. C. A. D. V. Kuy kenliill, Wilbur Jones, tieorge I I rirh, Marlon and the li"- Mcthodist Board Meeting on Monday V KMIIKHH of the board of dl 11 rector of Ihe First Metho dist ehurru and their wires, num bering alxtera enjoyed a pot luck supper on Monday evening, when they gathrrl at St. Paul's Kpls ropnl parish house. Plsns for the coming conference were discussed at this time and an outline of act vltles to lie taken up durug he coming months discussed. do of - half the care they de- Evenings PEAT Oxide Gas WltlTTKN d'ARANTKE" tllh nnd M,.;ii t - t,s New Ownership -Bonded Carriers I P. I7 IT