n Two THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAMS. OKF-flON. Saturday. So iU-niW 10. 1027. t NoJ; An Airplane;' It's a Fish DEf SEW PENNHNT1CE DAY IN COURT GROWS CLOSER LINCOLN KIK1.1), Cr"tf. Ills.. Rfit. 1 A Tho lurrlulile I p t nqiiablilu tiiclitnlDni y In ' Jui k IWmpsey ' rhamiiionxhip bat tles, was "Jiist onothor la? off." for th former title holder. ho planned Iwxlnar sessions for both lodar and tomorrow ti maka up fur the lost lim. IIotIhk spent nil yesterday In tlHt raurt roon. of Jndire Otlo Kerner. Jack stayed la the fliy Isst nl(.'hL While- he. wi not railed to tho wftiufiN stand, .Jack enjoyed noma of the legal re parteo from a seat in the vacaut jury box. The plea of B. C. Clements, asking an injunction to atop the Tunney-l)empiey match, becauso of. l)empey'a failure to carry out an alleged contract to box Harry Villa, was taken under advise ment by Judge Kerner. lis announced his decision would be ready Monday at 11 o'cUirk. 'When counsel for Clements In terrupted to assert that tho rea son Dempsey didn't waut to box Wills was because he was afraid of; him, Dempsey led the court room in a hearty guffaw. When the lawyers settled down to their final pleas Jack ducked the bl( words and waited In an adjoining room. ; The rumor of secret workouts which bobbed up at Saratoga, when Denrp-ey war training for tho Sharkey match, was reviTed at Lincoln fields today but Dare Static named as the secret spur ring partner, denied it. The bars are. still up for the public at Dempsey's camp but may be lift ed tomorrow by Manager Flynn. " IUXKSK SRI.I. PK.4RI.S . IV "SILENT METHODS (PARIS. Sept. 9. (AP thi ns? 'pearl peddlers are the talk of Paris, because they seem to aroid talk themselves. People become Interested In the small, quiet merchants who stand silently out of the -way of aidewalk traffic with many strings of false pearls on their arms. Their eyes alone are in motion searching; the crowds lor customers. As soon as they no tice a slight hesitation they smile, and the smile seems to bring the prospective buyer to them. A hundred' of these sidewalk sellers have formed a colony in Paris. They come from the pro vince, of Chekalng, attracted by the tales brought ' back Mr the thousands of coolies who woKked here and at the front during the war. (K) Tile A4MM-bitil I'nua) National league pennant lines busied with tension today. With fcur clnlw in the iriirkpst Vombal of years' the Pirate hud a half KOi:io shade over tin (iianla. The bewildered Cubs, .still dat ed by the Jolt that knocked them off the peak, fell before the ;i.-ints yesterday 7 to I, thcreh) !fdini; bak to fourth, while the Cards regained third. Vic Aldridge delivered the Plr ntes safely through a narrow pass again! the Phils. S to 2. The Cardinals had to overtake the Robins thrice before gaining au S to 6 decision in ten innings. Lvster Hell dramatically ending the tussle with a home run with two on base and two out. Behind the steady twirling 'or Rliey. the Reds easily disposed of the Rraves It to 1. The Browns dutifully took another spanking from the Yanks, the loth this season, this time by to J. Ted Lyons swabbed the Sena tors with whitewash allowing on ly three singles while his' White Sox mates made 12 safeties for an S to 0 victory. ' Whitehill stopped the Athletics with four hits as the Bengals made off with a S to i triumph which all but crowded the Mack men'from the current pennant calendar. ; - ". The Red Sox bowled over the Indiana for th second time In the series 6 to 1. Son of Indian Officer Passes Unaware that his baby eon ha passed away, John Lee Ball, as Indian officer of Chiloquin. If somewhere between Chiloquin and Burns enroute to Pendleton. , An effort to locate Kail was being made today so thnt ar rangomenu for the burial, of the child, could b mwlc. n With ' other officers 'Ball left for Pendleton a few days ago. The child took suddenly ill and paxsed away after a brief Illness at the family home That flagpole sitter should have stuck it out a few weeks longer on top of a Chicago hotel. Xow. the chances are. '"heII have to par $40 to see Dempsey bad Tunney fight. 1 "Vor If "that 132-year-old 'Tur kish gentleman would like a lit tle publicity, why don't he fly over? fir . -v- 5 Ssm i If V .y -v fc'W-f 5-4 WJi' H-re's the great-gr.inddnddy cf ull the sunfixh weighing 5UO0 pounds and nliout 4it jn an old. lb was raincht In .Monterey bay by a ttsliUR rrew. and Is d-LreU the larger captured. It was tnken to Santa V :a. where It attracted much attiution. The suittlh is o railed because of its habit of floating in shallow water in sunny weather. , , i . Ci p RENDNS He's Trackster Too SPARRING II LAKE VILLA. III.. , Sept. 10.' (A. P.) A three day rest from! boxing ended today for Gene I Tunney and his sparring matej.l though these latter were caution- i ed by manager Hilly Gibson to . shoot their punches only at the : body and not direct any blows at the face. "The lay off will not handicap me any in my training", Tunney said. ' "I think I am a better Jndge of my condition- than any body elsyt I also know that a boxer Tnust bave plenty of glove work to prepare for a champion ship fight. I will box at least two days next week and wind up my ring 'work on September IS. ' three days before the fight. I "If this cut In my eyelid is not reopened. I feel as though I will get In all the boxing neces sary to prepare me for the big fight." Five miles on the road in the morning and a.ronpd ( golf afternoon have" Vomprised 1: training during the Enforced lay off. Two new. sparring mates were due to-get their drubbing in the ring against 'the champion today, Jackie William and Jack Rud olph, both Chicago light baavy weights. - . The two missing oil witnesses send ford from Europe through attorneys, that they can shed no light on the alleged gift of" bands from Harry Sinclair to Secr'taiy Fall. They have nothing 13 say. It seems, and Just hate to say. it. r a. l v ' 1 i .'.V " .T-l rw Wmf ! p.: vs.' . n VV -' A s Paul J Schissler. a!ive. has ir.jrethan gridiron worries now. In addition to being brad foot ball roach at Oregon Agricultural Cfirege. the ex-Nebrnskan has been named head track coach, too. succeeding "Dad" Butler, who resigned. Ocean Flights to Be Ordered Halted (Continued from page 1) t'aplntu Itene Fouck In New ork said his projected flight to I'tit i:i probably tnotild be aband oned lor this year, after tho Inuvy department revoked the b-aves if al'sencv xriuited l.leu- tenunt l.uKernce Cnriili nnd Ku- jsifu Stephen V. Edwuids, navl- gAt-jr utid radio opemtor, ren IMH'tivcly, on the proposed Jump. A request tor ships to patrol tho roulu uiniiped out by Win. i S. It roc It and Edward K. Schlee I (or t lie It' Juu.ncy from the orient acr.ss the Paclttc on their round the world Illght in the Pride of ( le;roit. aas refused by Acting jNuvy Secretary Robinson, who Ir.iM no sbipj were nvullable. The Detroit board of commerce abbd llrock und Schleo urging llbeni to abandon their trims I Pacillc plans, i Mm) loiellgtilo Pnsldenl Coolidgti ut Rapid City let it be known that It lie he latends to Investigate trans oceanic flying clrciimsiances with the hope of establishing greater certainty for them, he can hardly I .......i i...i. see a Hiiiviuuirui uoaiu ,,-,, p, willing lo lake the responsibility foV auy trans-Atlantic flights. r.Manwhile in this country. Cuuada and In Europe, seutimeiit against truns-AUautlc flight i gained supporters. Offer Wit lull own Tho Philadelphia Evening Itttl letin und the aviation committee of the Philadelphia chamber of commerce und tho Dial an airport withdrew offers of 25.00t prises for the flntt plunes reaching those cities ou flights from Eur oe. The West Minister Gaietle back of thu proiistd trans-Atlantic flight of Captain Frank T. Courtney, Itlrtlah aviator, releas ed lilm from any oIiIIkuII'ii t i luitkv thu trip. Mis. t hus. 'A. I.evluv In New Vork wired her hiisbatid to give up his utletiipl lo return by all- over the ocean lu the !tcllum-aj moiK'pliiiie Columbia with Caplulu! Hln. In litre. WASHINGTON. K r n ill llu pinto lo aviation seems to be the transition of uuo family's pe- rlultv. William l. I d bus qualified for a private air pilot's license. The name of his wife., the former Princess Xenla or Russia, has been given Ut a plane now In Dublin waiiimt t.i hop to Philadelphia. Ills father was the tlu plate king. ' - ' WALL AU New Stock Acme Quality Paints F. R. OLDS Across from Postoffice ' Phone 43 BEE 9 Stiidejbiaker's Certified USEE) CARS i- -. ... ..... 1925 Standard Six' Studebaker Duplex Touring $750.00 1926 Standard Six Studebaker Duplex Roadster $850.00 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan, run 3000 miles $630.00 1926 Oldsmobile Delux Coupe $675.00 1925 Hudson Coach, new Duco and recondi tioned : $700.00 1923 Buick Roadster, new Duco. .. r - COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH , V PORTLAND NEWSPAPERS. Dunham Auto Co. Sixth and Oak Streets 0 . ' . 32 Just -Phone ; - 408 - We Clean ' Everything ihat Can' Be Cleaned! Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works 431 MAIN I Z. PETERS TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the State Board of Education. 1'iano, Violin, llanjo, lla wnilan f.ultnr ami other lustrumrnta tauitlit For information and parti culars leave our addresa or phoue number by ratlltig 4.-.I-W or ll;w " ; SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter'! supply ol block-wood and green-slab , at once, whila the pricci are at the bottom. FARMERS also- stock np for tho fmr, at tho bin or delivered. W deliver anywhere in the valley J'a cord Jumbo loads. Peyt 07 Main on Phone B3S IP ike best blace in town for j QucdityTire Service Our Store SWAN SHGPPE TOASTED SANDWICHES HOT DRINKS HOT POP CORN . 1 . 4 - , Opposite Court House "Curb Service" ? T t X ? t Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y t 4 A By Tomorrow Night ! the value of 151 Ameiyaii homes will havo ben destroyed by fire statistics show. Will yours be included jn that number? If it is, will you bo reimbursed fully, partially or not at all! Can yoi. easily stand the cost of rebuilding the uninsured portion?- 1 If not, see us now. By tomorrow, your home may have been one of the 151! Jas. H. Driscoll .206 William i Bldg. Phone 432 J' aBae Gum-Dipped TI RES Fur Trimmed : Klamath Tire House Ht milton & B!es, Prop. 315 So. 6th - Phone 472 COATS Cleaned You need have no hesitancy in having your - fur trimmed coats cleaned. Our up-to-date methods, of dry cleaning will thoroughly dean them without the slightest danger of injury to fur ' or fabric Vulcanizing and Retreading Best Equipped Shop in Klamath Falls The Big . SATURDAY NITE DANCE at the WINTER GARDEN Everybody's Coin" Of Course - HAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND .DANCING From 12:00 to 3:00 A. M. THE BON DUREE CLUB at ALTAMONT Dues 75e Secure your tickets at the Winter Garden HAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND JUST PHONE 1166 ACME CLEANERS & DYE CO. 15VV Main RICHARDSON SPRINGS I On Highway Near Chico ' The most talked of resortgin the state. . There . must be a reason ! ; Why not come and see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Mgr. McCormick Deering Potato Diggers Correct Dental Work When you come to me for your dental work you will be assured 'of 'proper workmanship at a just and reasonable price. My list of satisfied patients is growing daily. You, . too, wil be pleased with my service. ' . 'Free Examinations Given DR. R. D. COE Hopka Bldg. - , . Phone 836 A Few' Reasons Why These Diggers Make Friends Wherever They Goj It takes real stamina to enable a machine to stand bp to t! c hard work of digging potatoes. The McCormick-Deering digger has a frame built of heavy angle-steel bars. The sidei nro made of heavy steel plates. The whole frame is solidly braced to resist excessive strain. ' ' -- ' ' The beams are made of extra heavy I-beam atecl. There is ample clear-! ance under the beams for vines and trash. There is also good .clearance be twaen the tongue-truck nxlc and the ground, , ' , . The elevator links are made of seven-sixteenths inch high carbon steel, which is very hard. The links are tempered to give best gearing qualities. They are arranged to form pockets to .keep the potatoes from rolling back down the elevator. , . V ' .... ' . , Everything else being equal, potatoes dug with a McCormick-Dcering digger should bring a higher price on the market than those dug any other way. Furthermore, there; are no potatoes left in tho ground. You get thom all. Built in 2- and 4-horse power sizes. ' . ' See Our Display of Thompson's Potato Graders. .. . . , J. S. MILLS and SON . KLAMATH FALLS -A