i EflKe Six .... iPr Mntr T o '''"J W- UU rflrm Distinction '.. . , ... prodticia. Thl means that tbe CHICAOO. Hi-pt. . Kuth nf ' rllkwnrm to times as efficient the twenty-one million cows lulea the dairy row. the United Stotes soou mny be Whlu ,he ,..,.,, silitge and eipccted to droop her head, chew ; bar cud mournfully and lone that, conlenled cow expression for lho silkworm helps himscU to which the la famous, eight meals of ' fr-.h mulberry . Th reaaon la f und lu an ex- leaves and turna them Into what perimcnt Juil lompleted by the may be railed "llk milk." The J'hoanix Research Hareau here ; worm secrete a tieky fluid In which chsllego tbe cow's long much the hum way that milk (landing record of being the moat j fflclent animal oh the farm.gnd thU fluid atreama from lhlnd do rttt viac ot work; Moat humiliating of all. thla claim ' Ot guperlorlly luuat be rellnqulab-; aa milk romei from the row a ed to nothlug more lmpreastre j udder, but the "ailk milk" coag lhan the lowly allkworm. ulatea or fiardena as aoon a It . , The cow, lho bureau polnta : U exoaed to tho air. , eut, to conaldered eateclally effl- I These Uny atreama of fluid be clent berauao she returna !S per come aa they harden the flia- ent of the )rotrin In her food i lu the form of milk. . But. listen to the silkworm! a.iif' SAVE the expense of an engrav- ed plate by giving your order to KLAMATH PRINTING COMPANY Tor embossed stationary, cards, announcements, Christmas greetings, etc. ' S22 Klamath Ave. Phone 1282 Just Phone 408 We Clean Everything " that Can Be Cleaned! Klamath Cleaning & Dye . Works 431 MAIN Office Phone lifts MeDiaae Bldg Re. Phone 1143 Klamath Fall 4 ii i a. i -i.i.ue.ji.-,. sihj WATCH REPAIRING i ' i ' , HERB j " X year guarantee on all work GEO. METZ JEWELER '''T ' , tit Main ' -We wish again to emphasise the I X tut that we can prove to VOL'Ri entire satisfaction that you either !1 need glasses or den L i DR. H. W. BARR i EYE SIGHT (SPECIALIST ; Gus Dunn, Jeweler and t Optician ; 6U5 Main ! H Veronica for RexIudngWeighi At arsscrd. k rkydclsal la she araMnent sl High Blood Acid Conditions Kldoay. Lie am Bladder Treaties Ia1lgstaa Calala Star Drug Co. Standard Dyeri and Gleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing , 1409 Esplanade St Thone 825 . Its' Snvo rraA P .-sew ww-sw V a AoV your Ai rai 1 - OJi IS " 3 Is I s TI"' ,,,,, , mllk, ,5 per , r,. !",rn mi cnvpr"n ito globule are formed In the cow. glanda of these 'mrmi xnach ments from which the silk thread If spun.. THEY TRAVEL BY TALK DAN'Bl'RY, Conn. Sept. . (AP) Travellers club of Danbury or ganised 51 years ago. and affil- ij i.v i. . .. - r ,. .Bk.,' V"l""i " u m . uB ww inn. continues to circle the globe wilhottt leaving town. Its members take trips Into unknown parte of the world by means ot trarel study and travel talks. COOI W HK.lT VARIETIES. Kota. Federation. Hard Feder ation. Karmont and Nodak are five varieties of wheat that hare proved their value to American ! farmers ont of eleven varieties I Introduced into the United 8tales ' by the department of Agriculture. It is estimated these varieties were grown on a total of 1.SS5.- 10 acres last year, with an In crease of crop value reaching 15,525,000. Road Oil Qeaning Onr Byate I Something Old Hand Cars Washed Motor Oeamed Vac ana Cleaned Gas We call for and deliver Phone 606 VIV SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Esplanade sear East Mala Guaranteed Dentistry ' We can give you the best of service in every branch of dental work. Whether it be a decayed or aching tooth, crown or bridge work or complete plates, we will give you the best. You will be pleased with our moderate prices. , .' ' Portland Painless Dentists DR. HAV ENS, Mgr. ' 11th and Main Phone 94 V 1 1 1 r I IH H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 USED The Best Selection in Town Buick r 1 ' Mom 'n Pop I . P F'A'.TA' i.UCYTV SOODBVe- 86 CARfifUL OF 7Mt' ' 'iJlZ--''' OBOPOSACAROA WO'JSH ROApG,HCNf.V ; , ; I 1 u.9ri U rC iS2r.i -rue .' t nfecrevir.S OOM-T f 1 MkVji-2... rnr "Y- i - 5 7; jp At tfie Pine Tree' Johu ' Ollhvrt the famous doughboy of "The Kin Parade." Isn't a one-role urtor by anyilr, Morr,, ,,, meana. Ilia a roe I in l success wevt a wholly unique melliud of galn- a lho American anlrtler and now he haa turned about and, scored another success Junl na great aa a youug tiertnan. It prove two thing.Kn of tacra that John UtlbeYt to an actor who can eaaay auytblnx another to that youag men am youug men tne world over, ana the color of tho flrg that files seer their native land doesn't have anvthlna to do wiih the color ot the red blood ot youth . hat the tne All of which la to aay that John Utlbert baa done ouo ot greateat pieces ot work In hla career lu "Flesh and the Devil." the adaptation of Suderwanirs. 1 "Tho Undying Past." now playing I at the Pino Tree Theatre. SI.K.KI-rt. UNiKtt t I.OTIIKS .::::' """ Nt:W ?n ??p, WM . aire Blent 111 lenlrsl nura an chriatcpher Dandurned lay down jfor a nsp beneath a clump of bushes. Later he awoke and tried to pull his coat clcsur about him. To hla horror, he found ih had no coat, nor ahoea. nor cherries, with strained honey on top. ' Power to operate the Ire-mak-1 Ing apparatus to generated by an .electric motor driven by a belt I from the restaurant car wheels, Sew and Better ttuui the System Polished Expert Greasing Free Cnk Case Sertlcs) and Oil - 1 It 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 Ml IH HI HI CARS Garage 1 I I HIH Him W, -i .t 1 . 1 1 .. trousers. A taxi driver took him kluea head, but the reverse will to demonatrale at the state fair, '"noraoie a. i.. iavui, jungeimr r,ismam votinty, wnien "our- ,.ZZ..t ,urmm tha to a p,lb, station I, a blank.,, bean armorU, dcs.gn Five- -...o about the,.., of , '-- IHKFERKNT" tXH'KTAIL 1"," stTcS ' 'i.T'c.r.eton. seeret.ry ot S.VVe. T", P. O. 'Zi ti. I n 1 1 ,v k-M las swaa IM b l .Inll.ilAlta . , tt t K a Ulal- Tsta.la taa a Baam-I iill.. I . ... ... I . . . . ... .a... 1 I 1. 1 C.f iN S.lt'S i ...iv.1 ........ .u..- - ur..v.uu. ,r iue ueuein ui coilt'tora. ......... ,!, or ,,, pul,ratlon Keptem- llldg.. KlaUistli Kalla. Oregon. fruit cocktail for beginning a The coinage change la tho Pet Sunday with llr. and Mrs. I ber . IS. 7. ; . .3-30 1 ... u,v accoi nt nnl hr ii. In- aranefruit ami fir., ihnl h.. k... ,.rf. .!.. (1. HCarlcl.in f u luiin ' O"1'"'' , K rn'"' THE EVEMXr. lIBKAI.t), KLAMATH TALIS, OnEGOM. At the Liberty I . ' "To Mystery uf Lost i V """" ntcitiurania iiini uua i mti i.iocrij I ilea' lug knowledge of a lost rwiu'h I he hue been aeurcliliig fur with out stiii-emi tor wevka. In lie. k i inc to flud a trull down a moun talnalde. he accldently fulls over, a cliff, rolla and tumble to the bottom and right to the hidden entranco to a "beautiful Talley'i" home of Jim Steveuai.u In In the mid! of which lie llic loat ranch. 'It waa all exciting and realistic eplaode lu the ee - timl rilmine uf th i.lri nr. . friiM ih.t UnrrUnn i.a.4 i.i inv fr (work for three days In order to'X'rrill and Mr. Turubnugh will patch up hla bruised and aching 1 ri""'"" h alutWaa aa teacher In bo.l "ruiaeo enu acning bdy tne siorr it nign dooi. XKW KSKiS I'l.AWKII ' Vm KMil.lSII I'OIVS LONDON". Sept. 9. (At1) Col onel R. Johnson, dcputy-mneier '0f the royal mint. Is now con- 01 iuo ruui mill. now '" h,- H .(..n.... - t ....i.l. peuny bu. The new dealgoa Willi be "more lit keeblne With mod- ern taste nd definitely nvore ar- tistlc." The present silver coins will m.i. ih. ..m. r..-.. nh .. 1811. except for changes at the I o - - - I death ot a sovereign In ISIS ;a general coiuage took place. The committee responsible for the chango has been considering designs for two years, submitted from sculptors throughout the world. Before being put Into cir culation, the coinage must be sanctioned by the cabinet and given currency by royal procla mation. .' I ENGLISH TRAIN MAKES OWX ICE FOR DINERS LONDON. Sept. 9. (AP) "The , Flying Scotsman" express haa Its I own ice-making machinery aboard. The try-out has proved! so successful that coaches on ' i other lines are to be similarly equipped. The refrigerator plants are In the diners' kitchens. During the summer It has been : found that nearly 300 pounds of I ice melt during a 400-mlle Jour I nry. and it was decided to cx ! oeritneht with lce making en- 1 route. Z. PETERS .TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the Ftale ; Board of Education." Piano, Violin. Itaujo.- 11. 'wrailan (iuitar and other . Instrument taught. For information and parti culars leave your address or phone number by calling 413-W or 1138 SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter'! supply of block-wood and grnen-elab at once, while the price are at the bottom. FARMERS Also stock tip for the year, at tbo bin or delivered. W deliver anywhere la the valley IH cord Jumbo load. , Peyton (07 Main Phone (St The Verdict HEWS NOTES fip IRPrinil I III Hill II II 1 1 I III III P I Ii 11 1 1 I Ul IllL'tlllLL MKIlltll.l.. Sold. 9 - Mr. and Mra. K. M. Ilubb aud two cbll- drcn of Klamath Kulla atieut Hub- day at the t arletoit Home. l ......... Aire. I. A, .Ittrrowa nilll I'llll- dreh wero MbIIii vlnltora ou Sun- , u'' Morria O'Keefu haa punhaaed i Morrill. The rlteveuaon family 'are planning io mak uieir noine juB Tula luike. i Mr. uml Mra. lister Turn- biuuh have retiirnsd heme to'thal Miaa Tbiria Aitdorwni left Wed neadity for I'endleton. where' alio will visit for a short time. Mlsa Audoraou will enter the l of O. September 1 9. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vara- niter it nil Melt Vuehalicr Vlalted I con-,". "'.,- ... , .7- 5,r Mr- J"" S,l,VP l a. ill l.ir a T..W ilnva I Uralne lleialy and Helen At chlnson won the leain itnmuuirti tlon at the Klutnaih county fair, the act or tliluga therein euum-i This Mummona la pulill-li'rt The two glrla ahowed how to ' eraiml. purauHiit to an order of Hie Hon. "set a table" properly, l.oralue This nolle Is publlahed pur-iA. L. I.eavltl. Judge ot ill Cir- and Helen are coins to Malem'suant to an order mad by Ihelrult Court of the Hint of Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frailer spent I Sunday and Monday visiting with ! friends In Medford. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold llenilrli k- non have arrived In Merrill, where Mr. Hendrlckson will roach ath letics at Ihe high school. Louis and Hill Hill went last week to lloaeburg' to get their sister. Margaret. Mrs. Hill will stay In Koseburg with her moth er for a fow more months. The Vachaller brothers have moved on the Chub Itrown home stead. The Vachatxer's. who have a .well drilling nuclilne. have promised to drill wells for the homesteaders. Mlas Ellen .McVeigh, teacher of the Merrill high school. Is driving a cw Chevrolet coupe. Legal Notices NOTICE OF -ON FIRM A I ION I'ROCKEIHMiS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Stute of Oregon for Klumuth county. In the mutter ot Ihe petition of Ihe lloHtul of Director of tho Langelf' VilTey Irrigation District ot Klamath County, Oregon, pray ing that all of the proceedings of said Hoard of Directors and of aald District taken In the mat ter of tho uutborixation and exe- H-titlon of a certain amended water ,n ,nu evening lltm, a nws Iright and constrnctlon contract i PPr. which said dnt.ls the 3rd catered into by the l-angell Val - ley lr.ir.wiim District and the United States of America, may be examined, approved and con firmed by the court. Kpeclal FrtM-mlliiga In Foully No. 84-J.t To the Langell Valley Irriga tion Diatrict and to all freehold lers, legal voters and assessment ; payers within ssid District. Notice Is hereby given that the abovo entitled Court ha fixed the hour ot z .o'clock p. m. ot Fri day, the 2 1st day ot October, A. Always come to MERRILL , On Saturday Night " To ' . Dance 'til 3 o'clock' Tin- lxt.1 tliiu- 'you evi-r luul is to Ih- hml llere. LKH HAILIVtl AMI 111)4 COIXTHV HOVH KUPI'EH AT MIlA'lOHT o.'( soy. wrtiT'u. 1 6ET OUT ON THE CiKBEH- THfte pfr purrs- rati KtOT POTXS -TWcnFY . foot purrs will all EiETUC SAME TbeAC "'jt. 1 s i . -Yfam - Bor mo w I ARfrT YOl ON J74C 1 V- 1 .i-iit.aasssar. .' M.i l. lHJT, und the I'ourt room of Ibo above entitled court In the t'lty of KlMinalli Kalla, Oregon, ua Hie lime and place for the "earing on the pet II Inn of IK Hoard of Dlroilors of lho l.nc Valley Irrigation lilatrit i nf Klau rh County. Oregon, liraylug lh licurlng on the pet II Inn of lite II tin l ull the iiroceeilinga of said llonrd of. Directors and of ii.ilil lllnlilct )n ,), mnIPr f lnr aulliorlla- l,m nml eneeutlon of 4 ccrtalu ' amended water' rIKlil and con. 'airucii.iu loiitrnci avitii (lie I nl - ' .i o... - ... . i.. i.i. .i. , r-.wn-w ihi.'iii. w..hh '""'ded loiitract ainemla I lie I K in it I tuinirncla between aald ' iM,i.i. i . ...I ii.. ... i o.... i.. Itin r.ill.,ttli. r. fn.M-ll By r,.mn, (be'llme of payment of r.iuairm lion cliaraea over a 411 year period tbl My reducing the Miinlly uu dellu. uncut aiH-oonte tel tlr urovldliig eatimaied uperullou uml 'unliilcnnm cbargea shall be .'' " ' '' 1D Hy muk- , ,,,,, w(ll (he I DUtrlcl auhlect to taxation under certain rondltloita. may he etam - , ,pp-jri.d and cmiflrmed by the Court, which aitld ietlilou bna b'n filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot lho Stale of Oregon for Klamath County. Any peraon liitereated may at s . ,..v . "'." ' al I Iim I... lie auit l.v wt!l I'nnrl appear and contest the validity of audi proceeding or Buy of Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ihe Htate of Oregon for Klunittllt County. JOHN W. Tl'KNKR. WAI.TK.-lt SMITH nm'Ali riMPMiifi i I Dire, tors of Langell Val ley Irrigation Irutrfct. ht'.M.MONH). E:iili- No. -ilTH In Ihe Circuit Court of Ih Hiat of Oregon tor the County of Klamath, Slat land Hoard of the Stale of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. K. W. Roberts, sometimes known as Kltgan W. Robert and sometime known s Elijah W. ! it..h.rt. iv u..h-ri. v... Roberts his wife-' Frank C w'" lHllonal sum of one- B ram wen. s'upeAnt.nTn". ot" ' o"',-' fl ; banks' Stale of tlreann- line I I helng rumilllaalnns allowed, muat banks. State of Oregon: Ham V. King and Dora C. King: Chua. Hurtson and 8. J. Hartson, de fendunls. To: Ham V. King. Dora C. King. Chas. Hartnon aud S. J. Hartaon: Vou are hereby summoued and required lo appear and answer the complaint filed againat you In the above entitled ault within 4 weeks from the dale of tho first publication of this summons wtouer. n:i And you will take notice thai If yon fall lo appear aud an swer or other Ice plesd. within the said time, the plaintiff will apply lo the I'ourt fur the relief priyed for In Its complaint, to wit: for Judgment against the defendants K. W. Itobert, some times known as Kllgah V. Hub erts and sometimes known as Elijah W. Koherts and Verna Itoberta, hli wife, for Ihe sum of twenty-fire hundred (I250U.09I dollar. - With Interest on ssid sum from the Mh day or Septem ber, l23,'at the rate ef alx per cent per annum; for the addi tional sum of - five hundred (Hot). 00) dollar aa attorney's fees; for Ihe further Bum of fnrty-threo (fu.ooi dollar for tbe cost of aa nhstract of tltlo ; to the lands Involved In this null, and for Ihe further sura of three thousand two hundred and : ninety-five dollars and two rents 1 imnti.oai with Interest on wild sunt of money from tho ltlh day of August, 1C4, at the rale of jalx per rent per annum, and for 1 lho aald premises, and ordering I Ihe renl property described In ' pluintirfs mnrtgsg to be sold by ' the shorlff of Klamath County, Oregon, In the manner aa by law In cases of this klud provided; and that' tho proceeds of snob 'sole be applied: - First: To the payment of the IcoHtH and expenses of said suln. and tho costs and expenses 01 this suit; Hecond: To the payment to Its cost and disbursement 1 " . .' r """-" . "" June. k. II 1S27 . heaelS:r ' . tt Tt i' It ,,',wP"rftI 17 ! """ir Uw. that I And for a decree of this court, I T. I N.. It. J W.. H. 1T.JW1 ,7(h a , Hpt(m. foreclosing Ihe mortgage men- ,T,"0W "r o0 . I ' her, A. I). 1HJ7. at the hour of Honed and ..escribed herein d( y"iJZ0 ' . nl. al .he Cour foreclosing defendant, and e.ch ". MSt4H WJ4 yellow fir tiO M. Uowmt of , f R, of then, of all their rlghttltlo , J MT'B 'n op ",h " ' and interest and equity In and lo !' .w - ,,er: "v.11.. "rI nubile auction to the blaheat hid. C ,y.l' I H I f AM YTrttNS Y5T, ) Frltlnv, Si'l't'1'"1"''' P., Ibla plaintiff of the amount (mil he yellow tlr, II Vr M lor lb wlili h It aaaa JuiIniiiuui unrein; ! while llr and lii'iulnik. per M Third : Thai llm bnlaiu'v, If fnr the port' orford nular ntnl tiny I hern bo, be di'pualtud Willi f, per M fur Hie yellow Mini the rh-rk of Ibla court for thine augur lne. entitled to II : . T M., II. W Ki. II. Thin the court Hlu decree lhal VKSKWi. yellow llr IH M. ul auili aile any pariy In this heitilmk low M. white fir nuu M, null msv Immiuii a luirchuaee of Nnlili. llr 40 Ml MVUffll ol- nnv lm'1 or all of aulil ieal iirmi. erty. and aUo decree that Inline- dlulely upon Hie purtbuae of laald property, the alierlff ahall 1 puce tin. pun lia.er Itllo i uiiiilcti i.... ... .i ........ .... 'ww. ..inn i. iuv .luf.'H7 vu I pur. hniil ; I That Hie rnurl alo decree and .r...i-.... ik.i ..iuiH.i.... ii.... nil i.f A.il.1 ...1 hirlu Urn vl.. ilno of Ita aaid mortgage.' la prior. In lima and suiterlor In Mailt loaold for leaa than III per M uny nml all rlalil. Illle, llllereat, ; eatitu, eiiuly or lien of the aald' , defeiidunia. and encli uf litem, or I any peraon rlulmliig or lo ctuliu , under the suld ilefemlunia. o any of Iheri, aud tu dm rce Ih.t M p..raona claiming, or lo claim, by. through or undef the defend- 1 unts, and anv or all of them, nnd the defendanta tbemaelrea, be forever barred and forei loaed of 'nil their rliibt, title. Interest, lealnie. Hen . or eqully and all etinlly of redemption In, to and upon Ihe anhl real property and .kL...... , i,e..h Vf,b.:.; , . ... '.nn..i.i .llM. R.l, l. ll ...u i ....... . .. . - . I ill huv Mil. I furlliMi r.ll.r .. , . the Court may aeem meet and I equitable In the premises. XllTlt'H OF HALE OF HOVKIIA. MET TIMIIEII. 'I.ciiinij IjiuiI Office Washington, I. C. Aug. II, lll7. Notice la bureby given thai aub- Jeet to lb conditions and Unit - tatloita of Ihe art of June . J sccouiu anu inai r rinuy. r-i"-lilt mat.. lit), and pur.ir '" P- .mm ri..-.riH..m.i' ..!.. i ui of said day. In the court room ftlons of April 14. 14 t&u t., 'D.. S7. tha 1 1 in Iter on the fo. lolng landa will he sold Oct. .!" Rmsin i oumy. maio ot lJ7, at 10 o'clock A M. at pub-' Oregon, has been fixed by Ih lie auction at the l . land of. , "'" tlm and place t flio al lloaeburg. Oregon, lo U I slrU lb court will hear objee hlglieat bidder at not Iraa than "" "'"I vouti and mil the apprulsml valu aa shown by1''' sam. hla notice, aal. to he autiiari m All persona hating olilw tions the approval of lho Secretary of the Interior. Th purchase pric. not approved, otherwise patent will laauo for the timber, which must be removed wlthlu la years. lllda will be received from rill- xeus of the I'nlted State, asso-1 cintlona of aurh eltlus and cor-' iii ..f il.e i;i....i hi. 1,. , anv at.to. lerrllorv or dl.lrlS lhei). of only, t'pon application of a uuallfied purchaser lho timber on any legal subdivision will be of .-I t. 1...1 i . iitii'.i ivMiiiri) iifiiurv evilia III I ...... .4 1 .. ....... ... - l...... unit T 11 i It a w He.. s vv'V: Jlt .' l..'.'- I,: ....r. M HH...... Inw tlr ahd heaslmk J77 M.lL"" , T appraised value tlKUs: NVt. NEI4 green and burned yellow fir and hemlock 80 M.. ap praised value 1 4uZH.SC: NEVi NW -4 green and burned yellow fir nnd hemlock Solio M ap praised valuu 4U45; .NW.NWV, green and burned yellow fir 230 M , appraised value 12930; HWI4.NSV, green snC blimed yellow fir and hemlock 35f.u M., appralM-d value 44Z: and the 8B V.NW4 green and ourned ii. ... ...V 1 iw aa..n at apralaed value $J48J5; none of the timber on thewe snbdl - vt.lous to, he sold for lea than the appraised value stated. T 17 H K 7 V nic Tj K H NK ,' red fir 30 M.. red NK cedar 76 M. UK VINE V. red fir 600 M. HWU NW yellow fir U M. red cedar 0 Mi NF. HK'red fir XdO M. .red cedar reo ceoar 0 M; NWHKR'a red fir GOO fcf T. I R., It. 7 W.. Ber. 1. Lot a r.it tie 1SOII M. nun. nf the M, red fir 200 M, white fir 40 M. r..d cedar 20 M: Lnl 12 . port orford cedar C0f M, yellow I fir HtiO M, red cedar 20 M, ; T. 40 8.. K. 2 K.. Hec. 19. HK HW'4 yellow pine 3K0 M. sugar! pine r.O M, white fir 80 M; Lot 4, yellow pine 500 M, sugar pine' 0 M. white fir 30 M, red ttr i loo M. none of tho timber oft j these sections to he Bold for less I than $1.60 per M for the red' fir sml fed redar. t per M for By Taylor ' .1. ' .. .' . from and Jailer tho 21st day of Inw rlr 4UU M. hellllmk IJ" M. white llr 1" M, Noble fir Ul M, none of the Umber on Ibla aeellou to be auld lor lena lliau II .u per i iur mi. pn- . ..... vi .... ii.M M-lilitt tlr end ft fr .... hemlock and It. It per M for III Noble fir. e a m ii i It' Rue 8. MCV.. VifL kultfitf fir i!IU M. Dun tlf Hi limber on tbla aoitlon lo l (Rlgnedl Tlllin. r. HAr.L.u. Acllug Coinniiaalouer. Hi-D-lB-1-1-1 MiTK K TO TA.XIMir.Ki4. " are hereby rmtlfleif that nard of Kuualliatlnn will i""""1 '"' " . ZZT Istnlwr. IUI7. lib secom Wo . day of Haplemberi at lb I ouaiy 1 Judge'a office In lb tourl lloua ""'l "1 remain lu session lor nirty uays iroin in " " purpu r..M. ...... Aaaeaallienl ...U correcting .11 error. In infill i... .... ' ... i imii.iiia. ilmur in una. or uual- Hies ol land. lola. or other prop- IV aaauaaed by Ih Aaaeaaor. It hll l ',",), ' P,,',M ' Infraated to appear at lho time and place appoliited. ' A" prnleats against valtianona ' In the Couuty -Court of the tltate of Oregon for the County vf Klamatb. In Hi matter at )lio oalste ol Harsh t. Sreds. deceased. Notice Is hereby given thai the 1 snderalgned ha riled her flual ' of Ih above entitled murl In lho founly Court Houao at Klamath . Ihorelo will file ih same or ap- Pf peraonaliy and ob)eel Ibeiw- : hetore th data act for RHrxVXliifiZt"' I "'" SAt-ll AltlAII, Aeceaaeu. XU-l-2sai--16 ! xoticm op niiphipp-h all v s,"u " HHMtlFr-W B.VL1-.. E.julty No. lfctic.1 In tbe Circuit Court of lho ' s,",hj 0 ""Ko" ' lor Klaiu- ';o"."l'- Tim llrown. I'lnlntlff, vs. , ., riT.eiee i..,ir:..7--7 . ,7 I ''Vl? 1 . T' ,na "ltv' ' defendants. Abraham Charley, and Marlon Hy virtue of an execution In . fom-loanr duly tsaueil by Ibo !!'' "I th" nrcull Court, of the . i,-i-,ii, at ... ,. n... nun. urn, inv i.iu uay ui .July, A. I). lttT. In a certain ault lu th Circuit Court, for said C'oun- ty and tltate, wherein, Tim Brown, as plaintiff. . recovered Judgment agnlnat Abraham Char ley and Marlon David Charley. buabaud and wile. drfendaiM herein, for the sua of Fifteen cm? iiiian. IIUPVI. 1 , T. " ,n . ' ,10u, ' f"1",' 1nnu 'm '"L. ,h" 1,1 S 8? tember, A. I), 1 B30, and Juilg. j againat the Mid defendanta 1?, .' h,;m,'Vh" of 1 0.n.0r Ma'eJ ,1Fii",j".V0 '"'"l I , , ". '2. '. ass ' -.-?. i m . ' u' "' ?Tr nBMm; June, A. D. 1S37. and Judgment agnlnat ssid defendant and each of Ihera In the sum of finvenleen . . .,.., . , . . . ..7 , ""''" "no ' "'-f ' -"" ' 'cost and dlsbursnmenla In said -"" then-on at tho . T' l" r "' " - ,u, '" uo" " lnj, io-u; The Norjh Half ot the Soulb Half of Hoctlon 4, In Town ship 34, Houth, Han go 7 Kast of the Wlllnmatte Meridian. Which said lands Include tho townslie of Idlecrest as shown by the tluly racordnd plat thereof now on filu In lho office nf lho County Clerk, for Klumutli County, Oregon, saving and en-epllng from the lands above men tioned and described all the -following described londs and premises, to-wll: Lots 1 . f i . -.1 i.w ih. 1.1MAA, mtiaL na I to 14 Inclusive and Lot. 10 lo 2ft Inclusive In niock 1, all of Work 2, nnd Lot. 1, j 14 and 15 In lllock S, and I Lot A In Illock 7, In aald I townsllo of Idlki-rest. I Taken and 'levied upon a. the property of the said Abraham Charley and Marlon David Char . ley, husband and wife, defend 'ant herein, or as inm-h thereof ! as may lie necessary to satisfy the an I el Judgment In favor of Tim llrown, hkhIiikI said Abra ham Charley and Miirlnn David Charley, hiiHhnnd und wife, le fendimts heroin, and . Interest thereon, together with mil cost. and disbursements tlutt havo or 1 may nccrue. ' ' I Hated at Klnmnlh nils, Ore gou, August loth, 1037. I IIKUT K, HAWKINS, Rlierlff of Klnmnth County, Ore. A19-26H3DItl t-i;,,.njni,. . t M SCSMICC. tHC. . .' ' . ii.t.sg. I