Till' EVENING IIERAI.n. KLAMATH FAU.S. OKEC.ON. Friday. September f, 1027. :. DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE .vi-?-yf:tVV-,i,'' 'V-S&Vk&t THE A B of T. MJ. MALARKK1T '. Edtlor ' W. H. I'KHKIS AilvartUinf .V.omt.T JT. JJ. tNULlSlL ....UukIdbm Mauigar ; Enttrad (wood r1ji matter at th. poatoftlc. t Klamath Fallt, j Oro, on August 30, 1906, under act ot Coogresa March . 1STI I SCHOOL CLOTHING Ih-Uvrrcd ljr Carrier Bjr Mt Ona Tear f .S0 On Month HIifMonlha ...... S.50 Throo Month lbr( Montbi . l.KS Kia Montlia (in Wuuth .......... . Oue Vrar Vw Four H ! Ji Associated Press Leased. Wire Member of Audit Bureau 'of Circuation Vimlier of tha Associated Fmi . Tha, Aaaoclated I'rrt li exclusively entitled to th a, or republica tion ot all aewa dirpaulirs credited o It or not otherwiaa credited j . . i ... il ..I 1. 1 Friday, September 9, 1927. " The Stingy Old Thing We hang our heads in shame. We blush to the ears. Q We; despair of our countrymen. We feel lie putting the i 5l Starmand Stripes at half-mast. For our fellw Americans, ' ? who--are traveling in England this year, are not up to the standard. $5 'Do they spend money lavishly? They do not! Do J ihey swill champagne by the bucket? They do not! j Do they cat their heads off? They do not! Do they i make jackasses of themselves by over-tipping? ThcyjV tlo not! Are they careful with their money? Yep! Do W they want to find out what a thing is going to cost before ; they order it? You betcha! r All wrong, men and brethren, all wrong. You are giving an evil reputation. You are soiling the fair name; tv of Americans. List to the plaint of one of the London hotel manag ers : ; "I have found that many of our American visitors! are careful with their money this year. They want to go out and have a good time, but they don't want to spend a whole lot of money on it." ii ., f ; -v. Suits and Topcoats For Fall New Fail Suits and Topcoats are arriving most ' every day now. Every case or package we open reveals' beautiful new Fall patterns and new Fall styles. We want you to see these new Fall clothes at your earliest convenience. You will be surprised at the new, rich, pat ' terns and at the high quality workmanship and at the very modest price they are marked. Here you will find pure virgin wool fabrics, strictly hand tailored by "Kirschbaum," "Club" ,aad "G. G. G" .-. ... . ... V- ;; :-i at - '00.00 to 45.00 v Here you will find pure wool Top Coats in the newest Rpglan or Set-in Shoulder styles at 25.00 to $40.00 Justin & Montgomery, MEN'S WEAR Strikingly TrettyiXhese EALL EROGKS at $14.85 Whether for college wear, for street wear or for more formal occasions, ou will find these to be the newest of the new, and the price is only a fraction of thoiv real worth. With the coming of Fall every woman's and miss's heart's desire is to have something new and distinctive. Among this selected group of high-grade Silk Dresses never more beautiful at this price you are sure to find one that will be pleasing. Created in one and two piece effects materials of flat crepes and satins trimming of bows, braids and the much-favored metal trimmings. Just as striking as the model shown. Warts Copies ' and oAdaptations m t'r- , mm VIA at Golden Rule Prices Fall Hats From Kindergarden to College . About Our Schools Klamath County school facilities are rated as being among the best in the state. A great deal of interest has been shown by the people in providing suitable and practical building and equipment to properly care for the increasing attendance. A review of last year's sta tistics will give us u definite idea of what the county has in buildings, attendance, etc. Ten bus routes were in operation providing transporta tion for those who lived at such a distance that it was impossible for them to attend otherwise. 57 buildings ae required to cure for the enrollment of 2S00 grade pupils and 575 high school pupils. 150 teachers are employed in the grade schools .'5 in the high schools. It is hoped that the new building being erected at an approximate cost of $005,000, on the old court house site, will be ready for occupancy sometime in March. The present high school is somewhat overcrowded and b,y the addition of the new and modern building a great deal more can be done toward maintaining the high, standards. ' STAND BEHIND THE SCHOOLS THEY AUE THE " BACKBONE OF OUK COUNTRY! Stunning Velvets smartly colored Felts all chic creations at decidedly, low prices. Inspect these new models today Cr "nd you will agree that they are JJ1 V 1 OU the smartest you have ever seen, v00 and worth double thc price. Service Weight Silk Hose This particular number at only 49c is u wonderful school hose for high school girls. It's good looking fits the leg, and has an extra good quality foot which insures long wear. In all thf popular shades ., 49 c For the Younger Set Bradley Sweaters Slip into a Bradley and back to school. You're sure of wearing the best and latest when you wear Brad ley sweaters. In slip-ons and ('out styles. All colors and (JJO VL( combinations P&aO Upwards 1 ft 4 llf If & School Hose ' In. dark and light colors. All sizes. Reinforced toe and heel DC School Coats Don't overlook these Falls Coats. Fur is the dominating feature. They are tailored just like grown-up and the prices are lower than j? C f( ever before J)DaVU L'p , School Dresses Just the kind that is best for school. Very popu lar numbers iri, wool, flannel and casha. They're absolutely new' and are really very good looking and practical for school wear. Every mother will be convinced of their worth aftw seeing them Take a few minutes today and acquaint your self with our new Fall showing of tf p Cft school coats and dresses ...' $9UU .Shirts Large variety of broadcloth shirts irf plain and fancy . QO colors " JOL Just the All wool, colors .... . Blazers right weight All ages and for school. $3.85 Cords In brown, blue and white All ages $2.95 Caps New shipment just re ceived. All colors Greater Strength and Wearing Length If he's hard on his clothes and every boy is give one of these new suits a trial. In blues, grays, browns and mix tures. Tailored inside -and out to re tain shapeliness and withstand the treat ment hoys give clothes after the first day of newness. Thoughtful parents will not let this , opportunity go by. One and two pants $1Q 50 J ' It ii . i t 1 1 1 . i . 1 1 n t f 1 1 it 1 1 in ililililititilinnli lilil il tlli it'''' ' ' . . . KLAMATH FALLS $1.00 I Klamath Falls H- S3 . SVts-aic Williams Bldg.