Hutn. w' l&utn itttg liter sHi City Edition The Old Home Paper WLATHLH REPORT OREGON: tonight and Saturday with fog and mini near the roast. Mtlii tempera ture. Gentle variable winds. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service ' Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Trice Five Ccnta KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON, FIMDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1927 Number 612G. KELLEY LOSES FIGHT TO BEAT DEATH PENALTY Habeas Corpui Plea De nied; Salem Judge Handt Decision Nil. Ml, Ore.. Hepl. u. (A. ' IM 4 limit Judge L. II. Mr. Malum twin)' Ucrloml that In Ula judgment liabeaa corpus nlll mat lie fur HI. worth k.-l-ley, aeiiletrrl In liana? fur llm doalh nf a priMta guard In an eavepo fruin Jim penitentiary lierw, aal iMamls-H-d llm writ ami llm prlautirr. Ilul, In a atatrmeut accom panying DiU order h declared thai ilia bi 11 to under which Kclley waa sentenced to Iho peni tentiary waa unconstitutional and void and "llmt bring confined without warrant of law lio had a legal right to escape and In doing ao im all nocesaary uioana to rffect that purpose, rviAi to Ihe extent of killing thuae wbo opposed bla escape." Court's Opinion. Judge MrMahan'a atatcmeut was In full aa followa: "Kelloy waa sentenced to thn penitentiary lor a iierlod of SO year, under a sentence which aa unconstitutional, and, there fore, void. "In addition to aald atatule being unconstitutional that pari of It untler whhh Kclley waa sentenced had been repealed by tha undel.rmlnnte sentence law. K"lli y waa therefore, prior lo tha limn hn escaped from Iho prnl loutlary. Illegally confined there. In. living ronfined without war rant of law ha bad a legal right lo escape and" In doing ao use all nereesary uirana to effect that purpose, e rn to tha extent of killing tlioao who oppoard lha escape. "Thla la a legal right ronminn In rrnry citizen, under all tha rnndltlona and however dlaaatruua lo tha Inuocant. . (Continued on paga &) REAL-FAREWELL Black Hills People Stage Demonstration for Pres ident and Wife rtAI'll) CITY. 8. D . 8rpt.' t. IW With a inonaler demonstra tlon that broughl out whut eeotn I'd to bn thn whole town of nnpld City, the Illark llllla aald farewell today tn President and Mm. Coolldga. From lha doorway of tha at-hool. where he baa bad bla private offlre during the sitm inor. the president looked down uptn a great throng of Rapid City rltlicna and told them ho regretted "thla pleasant and ro markahlo auinuinr" wna ended. Every ahop. office, Induatrlal plant and mill had rloaed ao that their emplnyea could attend the demonstration. Ono guard waa left at the tire atatlon, ono at the police Station and the whole city turned Itaelf over to the faro welt meeting. . For three quar tera cf an hour, the activities of the city were at a standstill. Those who Imvo been attached to the whlto hounn for many yearn declared the farewell doinonstra Hon wna unparalleled In their recall. Another Projected Flight is Halted IIAillIOR GRACE, Sept. 0. (A. IM- Because of unfavorable weather here loilny, "Duko" Schiller and i'hll Wood announc ed that their piano. Hoyal Wind sor, would not Inko tho air be fore tomorrow. They tmcl plan ned lo mtOco a flight In march of Irncea of tho Old Glory, whllo wlihhottllng definite uniioiinco m lo whether they would aban don their projoctejl flight to Windsor, England. Cleveland Aviation Offer Will Stand CLEVELAND, tiept. . (T) Tho 135,000 price offered by thn Cleveland chamber of commerce tn tho first aviator lo fly from Europe, to Cleveland still slands, It waa declared today by I. K. Ereldbergor, president of tho chamber, after he hid been in fo'iued that a similar ofter lit . riieilou lind boon wlthdiann. GIVE CDOLIDGF World Flyers In Hongkong On Long Trip Pi-Ida of Detroit Lands Af ter Being Reported ' MiasinK HONGKONG, Hept. , (A I.) The glolie 1 1 ni I lug nionopluuo I'rlde of Detroit wna tuade ready for the net! leg of lis journey here thla evening while Us co pilot Edward P. Hrhlee and Win. H. Ilrork told of their advenlure In flying l.uiiu miles from Itan goou, llurnin, to Hanoi, French liido China, and thi-nco lo llong kolig. aurprlalng a world which had been on lha verge of listing the in among Hid mlaallig. Taking off at Itangoon early Thuraday, they headed for either llangkok, Hlam. or Hanoi. When their lime for reaching llangkok bad passed and no word came from them, fear wna felt that they hint been lost, for they were flying along the frlngea of the Monsoon area. On arrival here they related bow they reached llangkok, pass ed over the city and continued on lo the French territory, reeling off hundreds of mllea over the Jungles only In reach another danaeroua point In their Journey Tha hop from Itangoon lo Hanoi waa without Incident, but (Continued on page I) High School Not to Open Next Monday Hoping lo assist In stopping the progress of Infantile paraly ls which has caused consider able alarm throughout Klamath county In the past several weeks. 1 Klamath county high achool will not orxn on Monday, 'aa pre viously announced. This was the decision f prin cipal Paul T. Jackson after a conference with Dr. U. H. New aom lit" yesterday afternoon. Htudents are advised lo watch the papers for Ihe opening date. "Iteglatratlona are very heavy.' many of tbe class oa aro already filled and newcomers are advised lo get In Iduch with my office, aa well aa atudenta who are de sirous of making changes In their courses," Mr. Jackson stated thla forenoon. Ex-Service Men Sent To Jail On Contempt Charge POIITLANI). Sept. 9. (A'lK. II., Heat, world war veteran who waa aerlonaly wounded in llelleau Wood In IMS and Kmery Davis. Spanish war veteran, were put in Jail here today on charges of con tempt of court because thny had ! refused to vacatn homesteads upon which they had settled In the L'nipqua nutlonul forest In southern Oregon. The forost anrvlco charged them with being iualters on Innd which was not opon to settlers. Tho men claimed they filed on the land under Itvw providing that forest reserve land bettor fitted for agriculture than for timber I may he homestvaded. Tho gov- Iglnla Schuppel at the chamber eminent claimed the land waa not0 commerce, ndupted to agriculture While It la not yet determined, "' . I thla will probably be one of the Jail Breaker at ! taravana Captain Applegate rrn 1 ar f 1 t w"i "'" ,u me "'"'" "eul Hillsboro Nabbed. fan. .1'OIITLAND. rVpT. ?. Ml-WII-jp . X-fpir nam nice, atina Kuri Hoiden. ,;ROiandns near prlsoneY hero admitted to Deputy fiherlff Keller today that he re cently broke Jnll nt Hillsboro. Oro. After breaking Jnll at Hills boro, lllce rnmo to Portland and drew a sentence, for larceny of an auto under Ibe name of Hoiden. Seek Identity of Youthful Suicide PORTLAND, Sept. 9. The coropor'a Jury win trying to burn Identity of a man who had registered aa Richard Tesaln. I aged about ST., who ended hla llfo with giis yesterday In a ho tel room after stuffing nuws pnper In crack, and key boles. DIES AT LA (ill. WDM LA GRANtiK, Ore., Sept. 9. (A.P.) Mrs. Kred Tletjen, wife nt the bridge superintendent nf Portlaud, died here last night. She waa born In the Grande Rnnde valley S8 years ago. Tho body will bo forwarded In Port In nd for btirlu! tomorrow uight, HEAR WORD FROM MISSING FLYERS Old Glory and Sir John Carling Are Now Both Listed As Lost K VOIIK. n, (A IM Willi Hie round the world lilune OCEAN I'rlde of Itelrolt an re afiiT a daviair of Its total capital Block own ' of MMSll-lt. llll,Wtal iM-awl fit. flay In the fiile of Hie five air men on Hie Irnus. llanllr plain's laid I. lor) anil Mir John Carling. Kear for tha I'rlde of Detroit's crew. Wiu. H. Ilroi k and Kdwanl V. Hchlea. waa dlsslpaled early to day. Afler more than Hilrlv bojr' l:uk of ad.-a a.. In 1'ielr proit.e.a since In.- Lft r.jaroMii. Ilurm.i V.Vrtn. s. a i,i n. word came tha; il, :iud d.-pjittd from Hanoi sod rrr'v kotig. d at Hong- ri4-em lloMdlM Meanwhile no word came to lighten Iho apprehension over laie or tne uia i.iory, Hearing !.!.. d llertaud. James I), lllli and Uieir passenger. Philip A. Payne, mauaglng editor of the New York Dally Mirror, or of the Kir John Carling. bearing tne tsnaoian tilers, captain current year because of unsea Terry Tully and Lieutenant James ,ollBbu weather was announced Medcalf. 'today by the trustees. Contrlhu- Hbould none of these brave.tnl wl be returned. The adventurera be found, the death ,molint f Ihe purse had been . ...... 07 ioiik uisiunce ocean iiiguia since laal May win nav. mounted 10 twenty, In addition 10 seven persona allien since last M-pienioer in preparation lor j such flights. Linen, sear.iiii.a- ; I.lnera Iraverelng Hie North Atlantic route were still comb ing the sea at Inat reports for seme trace of Old Glory or nt the ruhlK-r life boat with which the three men aboard her were equipped. William ttandolph Ilea rat. backer of Old Glory's flight, has (Continued nn page Si CARAVAN TRIP L E Capt. Applegate to Lead Loccl Folks to Modoc Stronghold With favorable weather prom 1 ID laed for Sunday. Captain O. C. jc.rowera association In special Applegate will head a caravan sisslon here yesterday. The gen o' local people who are planning ral tone of the meeting waa op to mako tho trip to Modoc U...,..k..l.l . .!. J , I ing. historic spots of southern , Oregon. ' I The party will leave from the enr.K.p nf The First National . . ...... 1. c.. 1.. bank at elebt o dock on Sunday morning anu eaca person is uu vlsod to Inko enough gas and wa ter for the trip. Food ample for one- meul la all Hint la neces sary. Already a number of local peo ple, havo declared their Inten tion, of making the trip. Others Intending to attend are asked to get In touch with Mrs. Vlr- Outside Speaker Charles llawklns, of Ilollistor. Calif., apoko lo Kotarlan. today at their luncheon telling them of hi. early dnye In Klamath Falls when with assoclatea ho started the Klamath Irrigation company which aftorwarda sold lla holdings to thn government. Mr. Hawkins expressed great do light at being able to be back In hla old home town and aald hla ambition was to live hero half of each year. As lodny la the anniversary of California being admitted to the union Don Zumwnlt directed a California program. T. P. Henderson, a native son, apoko of his love for Iho Innd of the golden .nnsot, rubbing Oregon's beaver fur a Utile backward but he got nway with It. Secretary P. O. Ltindry .review ed Ihe detail oi (ho Longvlow convention attended by himself und John lloyle. The entire program proved jtui(a lutorontlng to Itotiirlnns. Great Northern Is Ready to Get Half of Strahorn Road WAHHINOTOX, Kept. . M) Tbo (ireat Northern expects lo luy the Houthern radflc between and f 1,000,000 for one tramp in tne uregon, California served, even though small pro aud Kaatern railroad, which the j flu were In prospect far the op two trunk lines propose to ooer-erators. ale Jointly under an independent! organization, the Interstate Cow- n-erce commission waa told today at a bearing on the Great North-! cm s application to purchase this J stock. W. II. Kenney of Kt. Paul, . , vice prealdent of the t;reat North- LrB, testified that lumber Inter-'Kaat esta of tbe lerlrtory served i ' r . a th-'aJOStOll MrpOrt Withdraws Offer HOSTON. Keot. . (AP) wittmrawa! of the lioston airport trana-Atlantlc flight purse for the ,t.t ;5,ua0 whkh Was to have gono to the first flyer to land In lioston on a bop from : ;tUl, oilier aide. w- r i 1 rivers vraereQ To Stop Flight j WINDSOIt. Ont.. 8.-PI. 9. UP) C. A). 'Duke" Schiller and Phil , . .vUJ. - sor were definitely notified by the Windsor flight comuilltue today to return heme and abandon their proposed flight to Wind-'. sir. Eng. California Prune Crop Price Fixed SAX JOSE. Calif . Sept J (VP) national forest supervisor, report---Payment, ranging from 6Hc'ed the finding of a skeleton, bc . , ... Illeved of an Indian, along the downward were act a. the tlrat j bfaken of , Snak6 rlver due payment to growers for the 1937 least of Enterprise. Ore. Fermen ptune crop by the directors of the Warnock. one of Mr. Billings' California Prune and Apricot r lookouts, discovered the bonea. ' """'. u.oKemeni report I In v that thn .......... niB-,n, ...... i " " e. " ........... ...... been materially strengthened dur-i ,, lhe .. It waa decided' that the man-! agement would he given authority !,rt mo,'t marketing conditions as jlhoy arose rulher than have the 1. ... .... iboaid dictate a fixed sales pol- icy. A resolution was . paaed calling upon the federal depart ncnt of agriculture to make an economic survey of the California prune industry similar to the ine made of tho Oregon Industry. Navy Will Not Assist Aviators WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. (API The navy today declined to place cruiser, along the route 'across the Pacific to be taken by Ithe arlatora Brock and Schlee in (ho Pride of Detroit as requested by Harold E. Hart nor. president of the General Airways Corpor ation f New York. Youth is Killed in Frightful Accident UAKER, Sept. 9. (A1) Vernon Longvlllc, IS, saw mill worker of North Powder, Ore., near here was decapitated by a drum cable lute yesterday, according lo re port from North Powder. The boy. employed in tho Jacobs saw mill, fell onto tho coble drum, and the cable trapped blm, cut ting off the upper halt of bis head and breaking both legs. Jail Prisoners in Thrilling Escape SALINAS. Calif.. Sept. 9. (fl) Eight prisoners usciiped from the Monterey county Jnll here to- liny by knocking Jailer It. Plaice unconscious when ho tered their tank, stole key. from hi. pocket and dashed away in tho sheriff's nulo that was park-. cd outside, - and K. a forty mile from Klamath Kails lo Hprague Hlver In Southern Ore- Igon. demanded iu. b Joint oper-I I anon in oroer inai large un-. large un-. -jwork-d timber areas may be' If Hie commission refused to ! sanction the stock purchase. Mr. Kenney aald. the Great Northern cither would have to construct a linn from Cbemult to Klamath I Falls, one from Chiloouln Sprague Itlver, or a line parallel- Ing the Oregon. California and " """ iwiam.iu runs i (Continued On Page Two) Habeas Corpus Plta IJ Opnled SAI.KM. Ore.. Sept. . (AP) !,.,.,.,, I,, JudEe 1.. 11. McMahan this morning denied tho petition for a writ of babeaa corpus sought by attorneys of Kllsworth Kcllcy. convict under death sen tence for complicity In the prison ' --. - resulted in the deatb 01 two penitentiary guards. Navy Withdraws t Officers' Leave WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. Ml Leave granted to Lieutenant L. 1 W. Cnrtln and Ensign S. V. Ed- ..,,, who were nn(, Konck on ' fllaat across the ' revoked today by mrtmcnt. to accompany hla propcaed Atlantic, was tbe navy do- Indian Skeleton Found Near River ! LA GRANDE. Ore., MAPI. N. J. Billings. Sept. 9. Wallowa wnicn were uunca in a oea 01 charcoal with many interesting relics, including a walrna tusk with flattened point, three atone ' knives, w hetstone and a atone A rectangular layout of rocks 1 aroused the cnriosltv of Mr. War-, nock who atarted digging and soon found Ihe ancient grave and ( its contents. Many Young Men to Join Local Guard Several young men of Klamath Falls have already pnt In their applications to enlist in tho lo cal battery of Coast Artillery which la now being formed by John Glover, assisted by Sergeant Jirak of tbe I'nitod Statoa army. It Is thought that the corp will be' recruited up . to Its needed strength by next week ao that It may be mustered Into service. Sergeant Jirak Is stationed at the Legion Memorial hall, where he will meet all applicants and give them full detail, concerning thi. branch of the service. Completing Plans For Fair Derby SPOKANE. Wash.. Sept. 9. (A. P.) Officials for tbe national air racoa here September 21 and 24 were announced today by 1 .the O. . Major John T, Fanchcr. managing!'" 7"'" " PPeran or i.yie ...... ...... I nefnre HHUInl H.i.,.lsn' I nv. director of the Nuttonnl Air Derby association. In charge of races. Major Fancher announced today- that six planes have bejut entered in Ihe New Vork-Spokiine non-stop race and 23 have en tered the national air derby, from New York to Spokane. Governor Held on Charge of ' Bribing INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Sept. .; (AP) Governor Ed Jackson of , Indiana wa. Indicted thla after-; E. non for conspiracy to commit a: rank, of Maxania. of which or-en- felony and attempted bribery. I ganltutlcn he I. president to vol- John I.. Duvall. mayor ot In - tllannpolls, waa mimed in anolbvr Indictment charging violation 1 Iho corrupt practice, act. of S READY TO FIGHT OVER Arrest of Tribesman In cites Serious Trouble Near Pocatello I'OCATKLLO. Ida.. Heot. . f A. P.l Itoundun of ranee nonlca p 1 n,.i,nH,,n ,.t rnn.. ' INDIAN RANGE ROUNDUP ,he vtntv ( the Kort Hallftwo. Cuy Ferry and Henry Cra- Indian reservation 12 mllea north of here may precipitate an out-! break of the Bannock and Sbo-1 shone Indians iHwause of tha ar- rest of Jim linker, ward of the government when he protested that several of bla choice poniea had been lucludad In the round-, f!uD. Keren of hla tribesmen, all armed, rode nn in the reservation Jail Uat night and demanded hla release. Maker Dad previously ef- leciea nia own escape. ; may have befallen them. I Discrediting thla statement tbeiwlnd accompanied the I oravea aemandea inat they be'anow. I shown, threatening to storm thej Search parties have failed to 1 building. Deputy sheriffs and ; find any trace, and an airolana I Ter"1 1',c,,'l,o Police officers; of the forest air patrol, which I were summoned and finally sue-'flew low over the district yester- jceeded in dispersing the tribes-'day did not locate the Touths. men. 1 Sit nation Critical. The situation Is atlll regarded as critical, although no shots wore fired last night. A federal iieui is rupunsa 10 oe i euroute here. The trouble started when a ' Portlaud concern contracted for , several thousand head of wild bonta which the tovernment la 1 endeavoring to remove from this section. It la understood the par-' 1 chasers plan to ship the animals ito Portland and other points for slaughter. PA.STOIt RESIGNS PORTLAND, Sept. 9. ) Kev. A. R. McQueen has resigned as paator cf the East 8lde Christ tan church because of friction between factions of the churcli. He was nnable to pacify two war ring gro't.ia. , Health Officer Newsom Advise Board to Delay Upening Until Later 1 Vpon the advice of Dr. G. S. Newsom. county health officer. the city schools will not open on September 11 as previously ! announced. Thl. wa. the decision reached SCHOOLS WILL REMAIN CLOSED; ! ! by tbe school board at a meeting -held up by a man with an auto held on Thursday evening, ac-; malic pistol Just before closing cording to an announcement made ; time last night and robbed him by J. Percy Wells, city superin- of between 123 and 130, contents tendent. ' 'of the cash register. The closure for an extended ! period la thought to be advisable '-' n f to assist In checking the spread of Infantile paralysis. Date of the opening ha. not been decided upon, -but will be 1 announced later. Prohi Leader Up on Carpet WASHINGTON. Sept. 1. (A P.I Roy C. I.yle. prohibition ad mlnlstrator for Washington. Ore gon, and Alaska, made arrange ments today to confer with Mrs. .Mnbel Walker Willebrundt, assls-l tnnt attorney general in charge ! of liquor cases and prohibition j commissioner Dora 11 on pending j prohibition litigation in the Pact-j flc northwest stales. ' I Th conference, which la ex pected to be held late today wU! man to give an explanation of why so much liquor continues to flow into the northwest." It Is expected to center on tho effect Lyle's severance from tho service would have on the cases. - f Mazamas Asked to Assist in Search I ' POUTLAND. Sept. 9. J .Municipal Judge Fred W. Stndter today Issued an appeal to all expert mountain climbers in the lunteer their services and leave 1 ut once for the Ihree Sistera coun I try to aid In tho search for two j lost youths. Slight Hope .Held for Two Missing Boys Searchers Unable to Find Any Trace of Loat Youths VXV.KSK. Ore.. Sept. 9. (AP) Hope waa Swindling today for the rescue of two The Dallee youths, believed loat In the three . sisters are of the f'ssesilA m n 11 n - flns MrK.xi. p... Th 'mer, have been missing alnce Monday afternoon. I mountain I Reports from the area Hon have that brought Iho nforma-I the yontha did not 1 ; seek shelter at the sheep camp at the source of Linton creek, and are thought to he somewhere ! In lha IM ihn 1. nn.i,i,..i 1 . i alnce thair rfi.. i.IW-a ranee hu added to fears lhat anme ml.han A high driving :The lost men were without food and their clothing waa light. I . T-J J srjr j JT Ortl3nCl IlclS 5 Vice Campaign PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 9. (A. P ) Numerous arresta have been made in Portland by deputy sher- i If fs In a vice campaign, it was ; declared today at the courthouse. "Six depntiea are keeping ; cheek In the city and where they ; find It advantageous they atop tn and act." aald District Attorney j Myers today. "In other case, the 1 information they receive Is turn ed over to the police. I am satis jfied with the way police are jworkrngv-Thejleputy aheriffa ar assisting and cooperating with ithe police. They are not trying ! to find work for the police." The deputy sheriffs have raided four Chinese lotteries, with scores of arresta in the past week, and hare raided several beer gardens. Holdup Shoots' Portland Man rnTi a vii c. ... a .... Angus MeCellum of Edmonton. : Alberta, confronted by a holdup man hut night, tried to knock ; tbe gun from big hands and waa j shot through the shoulder. After he fell to the ground the robber 1 relieved him of S 100 and escaped. I S. D. Koletaon. grocer, waa 1 w rreacners .are I rat tlC VtOlatOrS , PORTLAND, Ore., Sept 9. (A. P.) Two preacher, were in traf- fie court tailing to today charged with stop at school atop 1 signs. I Rev. C. P. Clark, evangelist, waa fined 12. Rev. Leonard Lud- wlg, pastor of Peninsula Peace 1 I Lutheran church, said he had 1 Just returned from a vacation and did not know school had re sumed. Hi. case wa. continued. Forty-seven motorist, were In conrt on similar charges. Insane Prisoner's Escape is Halted SALEM. Sept. 9. (jp)--C. J. I Pairan, inmate of one ot tbe closely restricted wards at the state hospital for the Insane, es caped yesterday In broad daylight from his ward on the third floor, but wa. caught before he left the hospital grounds. Pairan cut through the caxing of padlock with a file and sprung thu lock, then lowered himself to the ground from a window by mean, of bed sheets. He was commit ted from Multnomah county Feb ruary IS. lust. Child's Abdomen Pierced by Stick POUTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 9. (A. P.l Jumping from three-foot wall near her home, Tillle Shield, 9. .tumbled and a .tick shn -had In her hand rnn through her abdomen. Hospital attendant, .aid her condition waa serious. NOTED HOLDUP, ;IN IS FOUND ITD BE CLERK Wm. Vitchell, 27, in Jail FolIowin Long Crime Career ' Clllr.VII, Kept. 0. (A.P.) Wm. Mitchell, 27 year old de partment store clerk, who sakl ba ever drank, tniokeil, cainbled or went to nhrlit clubs, waa la Jnll today, acif-ideiiliried aa tlw "Cat flan.llt' whoso depredation, have terrorized tlie north able for near ly a year. By day Mitchell waa a bard working man. a devoted hus band, a "family man", aa ha ex pressed It. By night ha waa thn "cat" who preyed entirely upon women holding them np at the point of a gun, snatching their ringa and handbags and theil fleeing into the night. Long? Crime Liat More than 100 holdups are laid at his door and aa many burglaries. He talked freely to police and said he had no Idea of the exact number of robberies he had committed. One of his burglaries waa tbe home of Ed ward Hind, millionaire lumber man. Close to one thou.-nd persons, mostly women, crowded the rick ety (old Snmmerdale police ata tlon until early today to eaten a glimpse of the college bred bandit. Many women were there In an effort to Identify him a the man who held them np. When the show up. one of the most sensational In years, was over, forty charges of robbery with gun and burglary bad been placed against him and one sta tutory charge. ' Dcadc jau!le Making no effort to conceal the holdups and bnrglariea, Mit chell made repeated denial of . assault in connection-, with his banditry-. - He ehose- women tor (Continued An page 5) RIDER BETTER Mits Anita Schaeffer to Recover from Fractur-' . ed Skull, Is Report Suffering from a doable frac ture of the skull and aevers bruise, about tbe shoulder, knes and hip. Mix. Anita Schaeffet; popular young woman of thin city, la reported as resting com fortably at the Klamath Valley hospital. . ' . Misa Schaeffer. a clever rider, wa. injured at tbe TOdeo " On Monday when her snlrited hone fell wifh her. A fracture at the base ot the brain has caused par tial paralysis ot the left eye - LI .L 1. . .. .1 i .. nkw-.rtl.H Vr. G. A. Maasey feel, will grad ually improve. That she will be able to re sume her position with the Pell can Bay Lumher company within a month la the opinion of the physician. Mule Tail Deer Crossing Breeds With numberless mule tall buck, killed oft In the pa.t few year., doea of tbl. herd ara cross ing to the south aide ot tho lake and mating with the black tall 'herd, according tn word bronght back by hunter, from the Medi cine lake country, which has Ixfn one of the stronghold, for many year.. A cross-breed black tall deer is much in evidence, carrying the horns, face and ear. ot the black tall. Whether It Is the result, of a laie spring or not cou'd not be determined by hunters who vis ited thla section and found morn than three-fourths of tha herd Just shedding the velvet from their horns. Big Diamond Haul ( Is Made by Bandits SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. t.' (fa Two bandit, walked Into the Market street office of (!. It. Ran dolph, diamond broker, to.lny (hreutened him wlHi gun. and es caped with diamonds rained at 120,000. Randolph fired pis tol at the fleeing men aa they disappeared In the crowd. INJURED II I f