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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1927)
Wt'tlnosMiiy, SfptcmW 7, U27. P Eirbt THE EVENINT. HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. i ! hi It 1 JOINT TRACK USE 0 Great Northern Will Be gin Construction With in Next Ten Day M.-atile. thrnuith t'mddeul Budd, alio nuthorlied president Turner to extend tht Joint use ol track. jot the 8. T. 8. I The Joint lie by tha Milwaukee ; of (he Hill i:ne track. aa to b i offsred on reasonable terms. Ac- linn by tba Noriharn Pacific and i Creat Northern In g ranllnt thia 'joint use, vat' la answer to charge made by (resident Ilyram 'of the Milwaukee, her recently, I that If the Kill Unci would be j permitted to complete the merrer I they are ptiiniilng, the Milwaukee world be barred from entering Portland. BRIEF NEWS. OF KLAMATH - I'OKTI.AXI). Ore.. Sept. 7, (A. I' J Offer of facilities for entry Into Portland by tha Chicago, Milwaukee and St. l'aul Railway, from Agency ovr-r trark. of the Northern Pacl-i c A suddlohusher of Klamath fu- from Ki.lnl.. and over trai ks i Agency wh. In. luded In Taw ol I tie Spokane, I-ortlund and day "a business visitors here. Mr. Former tilrl Writer A serial running In the Tcraa ure Chest a Pacific roat publi cation en Klamath county Is followed with much Interest by scores of local people. Tha arti cle tokea In many of the scenic and historic spots of this county and waa written by Mlsa Faye Home, formerly of thla city. Mlsa Pacific run tor llogue now makes her homa In weeks, M. K. S.i a Francisco and la the daugh- Itaker, O. .in la Kohl . Purchase of the l.akevlcw Klutnath Kails ataav line by Pat and Clifford Hogim of thia Hy trtnu fharlee Lambert wis an nounced last evening. The lloiiuv brothers are well known in this city and hare declared their In tentiou of running three ataitea daily. One passenger car and two mall ataitea. The present schedule will be used for the paa senger car, while the mail cart will meet at a mid-way polul. SAND CONCERNS Futile from K'lnknn', was made In joint statement prepared to day by Charles Donnelly, presi dent of the Northern Pacific and V. F. Turner, president of tba Spokane, Portland and Seattle. ' The Great Northern, part own er of the Spokane, Portland and M'dd'eliUKhor ll'itel Arcade. registered at the From Hock 4erk Ranch ' Mr. and Mrs. I). E. Alexander m :tored in from their home on the Rock Creek ranch today to transact business. Hit Kyoim Hunsmulr , , Called here on the Sou (hum a period of two llerrnrl. K. ti. Wilson. K. K. ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ilogu. Could. C. N. Walker. 0. W XIc While the family resided In Lean. U Mosettcr and II. Illll ; Klamath Falls. Mr. llogue was of itunamulr, arrived In the city connected with the reclamation 1 j'jslerdsy. They are al.regls aervlce. , j tared at the hotel Lake. DANCING TONIGHT And we mean we have Lots of Fun tt the WINTER GARDEN Managed by . IIAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND i Assembly of Oregon, ltor here during the pist week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. met at the home of Mrs. Watten- 1 burg with Mrs. Cosber aa the honor guest. 1 ILL BE MADE TO PAY STATE Audit of Books for Year. . Back Will Be Made By Oregon Land Board HXt.KM, Hr. T. (4) TIm audit iMMtka of mihI ami gravel runipaulea tluit for year have bcrn taking Mini from tlie Columbia river without pay lug rualiy to the state will ' lucluilo mIm an audit of tlie records of 0entliw by hra council tea la tlie Willamette river. Thia waa decided upon by the slat land board today after At- The Women's Store VUllcd Here - snoa full at Crater Mra. Ora Cosher of Dallaa. Ore- K ,llht inowf,u hirB cvered e..u. ,...-..u-ui . ..... nru... ,h .round and tons of aulomo- WaB a Tta- v,u.- v.,ldr. mnrnlne at Prater.. ........ r I V. n Vl'l.k!.. I, . rl . . .. : ii'mr wruvi.i .w . ....... lake left shortly betoro noon presented a memorandum o tba vh.n a warm aunahlna broke t, . ai...l t v nf K. W.ttenbnrg. rjitrlna her visit ,hrouth th. threatening clouda. J lm.u,g ,h. Willamette opera here the Past Noble l.rand club TnU . th wor(1 broaht her. on, lhe only mean, to gel by tourkita who visited tuo lake , (,l(r eallntate of tho amount yeaterda., Lf aam that haa been extracted from tha Columbia. Tha scien tific reason back' of thla la that .the amount of aand used In eon- home tha last ot the week from .tructlitn work has a definite r Rerkelev. Calif., where aha haa . ."m. " tlrVLn ' tf"'Ua ,,,n,mr "- used, hence the amount o: gravel this morning for Highland. ( al t.. uaAUxK ,h(0,. ,nJ w, reaume ,oU 0.r , of ,h.,u., for a si week, visit with rein- h.. rfull . ,-.,h-r ih.!" " .k , i . - , - . ie au muH.uuw .i.e. au .-uu. -r. . ... uu , Klamath county b lib school with ... 1.1 , U HUH the opening oi arnooi. 1'ft For Cnllfrnil Mrs. R. K. Patterson and In fant daughter Patricia and Mim KldWnjr Hftumol I Mlsa Marie Kldelngs returned plan to motor south later to visit for a time, with his family. l inn Pakl Charged with the possession ot liquor. 1.. Brown of the hotel Arrive I From Nortlr kay OiiiHMM'a Van Winkle's, memorandum waa not accepted witnout aome Mra. J. Dodge, alster of Wll- dlM.u,. 8UI. Treasurer Kay, Ham W. Swank, who was instant- , lh. n,.mi,.rl i the board W killed iS milea north of tha . ,, j . i. hi. Glenn .d R Kern.n of ,m. city .., .. rly nour y,u.y interest to the ..... of morning, arrived In the clly lata w,htn.,n. which I. collaborat ing with Oregon In the audi, but wa persuaded that the reason ing wa. .fund, (iorerno- 1'atter- ue neia paid fine, of $100 and 1130 In court this morning. thl. afternoon from Ihe north to' accompany the remain, to Ore gon Cl.y where Interment will Il All former 100 all silk and t 4$ chiffon hose are priced now at ' S $1 8S at Moe'a.Adv. Obituary son to It at tho outset. Secretary of State Koier was not present. Xo opposition wa. yolced by Jiinn II. Flnnlgan. attorney for the aand and gravel companies, and directly a'smla.ed with Nlekura and Kelly, or by Harry Unffe.y. attorney for the Colum bia Digger company. They Mid all records ot Ihe companies IwaiiM Imi freelv ooened for audit. W ILLIAM W. HWASK. 'xhey would not agree however. The remain, ot the late Wll- UB thy con(rfd ih llam W. Swank wlh be forwarded, h(r cl,rnt,t ,,, prlPe. asccr from the Earl Whltlock Funeral tmlori by lh. ludltor a. obtained Home. Pine Avenue at Sixth, to fof gJ0d akeB fr()m he Coium. Oregon City, where funeral serv- . . . .d hs . Buuc Ire. will be held and !ntermn nwr1 ,,,,, M WB. tKr .J that this Information .would be open- Will start next Monday. Pleasing the boy jg as simple as A B C when one knows how! Boys have ceilain. ideas about their clothes, that we know very well, because of our years of exper ience in catering to boys. In our school clothes for them the swing of smartness that they want is combined with serviceable materials, well tailored. ' made. Friend, may call until nine o'clock thl. evening at the .lumber room of the Whltlock i parlor.. Mr. J. Dodge, a sister, la en route to Klamath Fall. to. ac company the remains north on ' the morning train. ANNOUNCES ,4. That on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with each purchase of Silk Hosiery, Silk or Rayon Lingerie, Silk Yardage, Woolen Dress Material or Rayon end Silk. Mixture a 9 ounce package of White King Soap H will be given free. " All $2.00 Silk Hosiery, now $1.85 All of the Newest Shades are Represented. See Window Display on Built Quality Grvwlng on Value Boys' School Suits Oregon City all wool Knicker Suits with two knickers. Most of these . are for larger boys, -but there's none better and ' the price is extremely low. . $g85 Other boys' piece suits with long trousers and knickers, $10.00 up. Boys' Mackinaws Overcoats Suits e$ , Just arrived Big burly all wool Mackinaws $ made for artic weather and to keep the boy warm, plaids, new de 0 ' signs and colors, all siz $ es. New overcoats and suits all moderately priced. Remember! This is the store for the workingman. We have all necessary work clothes for every occupation. Our prices are right. Quality has been known here for many years. Boys' Knickers of Corduroy Stout sturdy Knickers made for wear. Several different colors and special d1 Od for school at vl.J Boys' Knickers Of serge, cashmere and mix tures in all colors and sizes. Priced special for QC school at a7iU WILLARD BATTERIES ll-Plcte Rubber Cue $10.95 : Free testing and filling with distilled water on a all makes. Generator, Magneto '. Ignition and Starter Repairing Floyd HenriotCo. 234 Main St. Phone 387. W.,, ed to auditor. The audit also will Include an estimate ot rock, sand and travel taken from tba Willamette and sold to private person, for filling purposes, also urged by Van Winkle. Ha Both I'rtmns Tommy Armour can be called the All-America golfer a. he now ha. tha open crowns ot tha I'nltid State, and Canada. ' t XtrTH'K. Neighbors of Woodrr.ft will bold Initiation at 8:00 o'clork to night In the I. O. O. F. hall. Too Late to Clauify FOK KENT Mouse four rooms with bath, sleeping: porch, ga rage, woodshed. Hteel range anrf In kll.'hen. Arroaa afreet from Mills school. Kent t tin. . I'hnn T-8-9 Legal Notices MfflCK OK llKAtllNG Or1 rlV.U. .U1WST, In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klumath County. In the matter of the estnte of John A. LaVlgno, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that i Alice Garland, the administratrix of the estate ot John A. I-aVlgne. deceased, his rendered her final account and filed her petition for final aettletnent and discharge, and that Friday, the 7th day of October. 1S7. at Two o'clock D. m., at the Court Chamber, of the I County Court in the Court House, ' at Klii mat h Fills, Oregon, hair been appointed for the hearing of her said final account and pe tition for order of discharge as such administratrix, at which time and place any person Inter ested In said estate may appear ad file hi. exception. In writ ing, and .how cause. If any lie has, why said final account should not be approved and al-! lowVd, hud tho estate aetlled. and tlfo admlnlstratrlx discharged. AI.ICB CiAKI.AND, ' I-:. i .. , Administratrix. .... ,.. , ; H7-14-81-28-OC ' inj-Jul u'u'uin iirinrmr.-ii-ii- -r- - - wwwww Boys' Shoes. Boots, Underwear, Shirts, Blazers, Sweaters, etc K SUGARMAN 7 Ain't Mad At Nobody:' Road Oil Gleaning Oar System la Something New 'and Better than tba Old Hand Ky.tem ' I Can Washed Motors Cleaned Vacuum Cleaned Polished Kxprrt Creaalnf Free Crank Caa Service (in mid Oil . I 1 WWMW .':, V7V ACw ,UU 'ACTOaV IQl'intINT-4-DOOa IIO.IN (NOT A CO AC ID w-r r. M;.S&- ft; 1 ! W- m , '... i 26,000 new Dodge Fours sold in less than seven weeks! Thousands of orders still unfilled I And with good reason f At a time when speed is a paramount considers-.. tion witn every motorist, here is a mtlc-a-minuto performer the fastest Four in America! . At a time when curbs and streets arc packed and jammed with vehicles, here's a big, roomy car SO EXPERTLY DESIGNED that it will fit into 17', feet of curb space and turn 'round in a 38-foot street! And when were snappy pick-up and get-away more universally required and desired? This brilliant new Four stpps from zero to 25 miles an hour thru gears in less than 7 seconds! "Longest springbasc under a thousand dollars, too its comfort already lauded by hundreds of coast-to-coast tourists! Tlie lowest priced Sedan ever sold by Doilgo Brothers. Ask about our special timc-puymciit arrcngcmcnc exceptionally generous. 0STEND0RF MOTOR CO. PHONE 272 SIS KLAMATH AVE. t We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Esplnnado near ,Eat Mala rf.fii f I ,; '-''' .; i.n', " . . - EE 1 MOTHERS, DWC. MM J! y