THE EVENmO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS? bmtiO 4 -.1 1 ! 4 ri tSP tttJ5 IM k 10) IV 117 T OIF A:P WANTED WANTKll 41od um blrytir, I'ay cah. m-W, g.J WANTKD To ! i,U0 hJ oa aharea. , Jtnlarenceg if re uulrd. llot 455. Alturaa, Cat. AiO-HitO -I AM IN Tli , MAHKKT, fur ' 1 0,000 lo IU.UUU acres uf good dairy land, uiidrtliid. Mail tmvt) plenty n waiiT r Mill Irrigated, I'rlrn must Ixi right. Tornia. flood within 40 ml lot t( Klamath Fall. F. W. John stone, 14 3 tut St., Sacramento, isiir. WANTKD Wa pay highest cut prleea or ucd furniture and star. He aura la m us be fur you eell. We give yon liberal allowance far your need furniture lit eschange for ntw. Vutt find our prlres rr reasonable and crdtt tarries liberal, hi. a math runsiTtrnK CO. ltfll Malu HI. I'hone 14 ' Sl-OI STORK LOCATION WANTKU ltapnnltti firm In ii i Im tnar hoi (or a goud stur in dwsir aiile location la Klamath Fall. lrlr spare 2a la &o lmt .whin iiy fit ta IBti (vol long with beenttt uilblo far r salesroom, Muit be in Knd roiiiillton with modem allow wlmluwi, Any property , now avellahta or that will bo li able wltliln l month will be conldrd. Mini rrhl and . lease terms, AdUri'U replies lo lloa t4, tlrald. tt-a For Sale Real Estate 01l HAI.K iod rountry atr lu Kiamalh rounly, tnakloit lood, tnousy, 4'aa Kirx rn'ot li'nl li'iim, and would run aldar houMi In Klamath Kali nn d. al. I'. O. Ili 1131, Md ford, Oroituit, . . 3-141 Kuci will buy dandy 2-room fur aiabad liouar. A' riu! barcala. Tsrma, U&00 Fine J-rooin furnlafted liom. clone in on parement. Itreakfaat nook, arreen porch, (arage. A ettappy home. Terma, I40QO Rpiendld l-rooin furniah ed home, cloaa In on parement. (iarnge, nook, bulit-tn bath, dtwaalug room, etc. AH large I , room. Very liberal terma. A. A. BKLLSIAN CO. ' 110 N. 7 til Ht. . 1'hono Ut IUUIUATKI1 KAItMK 2 AC1IKH All irrigated, aplen ' did potato will, new Improve- inenta. Located on main high , way, two miles to shlpplni point and near Klamath Kali. I'rlio SU0U, Terms. ? ACHK8 Cheap Irrigation water, lbs tt of sol, on tins graveled highway, Si minute drio from Kiainata Pall. A anap at 117.10 per acre, Kaay terma. 100 ACRBS flood Improycnii-Dt. Only 119. 0 for Irrigation water to be paid over a period of Id years, (load rottl and clone lo Kiamalh Fall), rrlca IJOOIl. Terma. We have 'others, largo or small. ,- SKLAK (Ot SS. Cth St. TltAcY, ' , i'hona FOR RENT FOR KENT rnrnisbed aprt menta, JSOl.Wanttand. 1-14 ItOOMH 120 Lincoln, I'hone SI-OS KOK HKNT Three-rootn hmmc, 230 North 9th St. rhono S5S. , . 3-1 FOR RENT Cabins for wbito men, 724. Market, Sea Collin. - l-8 FOH RENT Three roonia fur nlahed in duplex, ill Jeffer son. I'hone 478-J. . ,,. t-t VOH HKNT Hinall furnished apt, at NO. S2H N. th ttt, I'hopo 51, or call kt 634 K. 8th. FOR RENT 109-acra rnoch, ir rigated, good soil. K. 41. Ar rarea, 'f2S Oak, Apt. No, 4. 1 ....... i-s FOR HKNT Cowplfltely furnish ed apta. Steam hasted. Rex Arms, I! 24 Broad 6t. Phono! ma. . .-ftss-aas j, FOR RENT Flrat olgas furnish-1 ed apartmenti,' Bteam penteo. McCarthy; Apt., 130 Pina. ' I'hona 800, AS-St FOR RENT Wa can iara yoa ble money at the Aroade Hotol Apartment, furnished com plutoly, electrlo ranges, linen, dishes and telephone..; Or rooms with, prirat baths ' at ' real cut rates to permanent (uestt. Arcade, - MS-J8 FOH HKNT 4-room apt, in do- plox rtoune, ntcoty Ittrotanes, goo'd" location, rent $50.00 a month, lrent occupants leav ing oily aeptetnittir . IBth. Hog )v, enro Herlt, . ... J.-T NEW TODAY FOit MAI.K I'nilirwonU typn ?rltr, N. lt Has con dition. I'huiio 24.1-lt, foil HAt.K Range d Median ! hosting love. I'bon - it. ?-u WANTKl To iiuy used hest Ink store or will eaihanga an Intn bid unit spring for Mini1. 121 H. iUU Jit, . 7 'UH HAI.K OU KST "Hfl(o. nl hoiim, four room mid bull, 33V HnotU 4th. I'Iiuim 43X-M. ... .1.9 KOit HUNT ritroiiAod iiounii Rd ftirninlird tublo. S3U K. 4ih. l-kono H M. 7- ANTKfl K(trln'xl iudy rmap ruok. Hvuvn lo ln tnta. I'hono I43S J, KOH KKNT KI)ln room fo (uti'mn, i"um . hewi. rum. 633 N. I till Kt. KOH ICKKT S riMiiti and 51 Joffrraoa W. Kiirnitb.d flat, bath. l'td la. HI. i'buim KCJIt KA1.K Uoilga bun,' &,QU. 116 K'irJ Tourist, lluv.uw. I'Boa I2. ! KOil HAI.K ,Olt IIKNT "-room noma, furnlalifd. Ilaa Incorai1. IS Hlh W. I'hone ill, 1-9 fun BAI.B -Lot oa Coiir Ave i nu. Vary rraaonabla. I'honti I41, rOH ISRST Hooin. T4 A, I'bune TVV-W. Calif. J- run It K.ST Two I rootn apt,, coniftlt.!y furnihid, ono block from Mala. I'hna 14 It. "-! VUA BALK loUard aite fold ing Mrownle camera, 00 Innulre at Herald ofll.. 8IK4.IAI IJ.dU ptlnt at $1,25 rillun. Color Irory, light grays and white. In gallon only, I'atttjrunn I'aitit Btorj, i'hone' Js3, 115 No. 4fh M, . T-IS', KlJH itKNT Three , room' lur- i nlahed houae. Inquire Sufi No. ! th , , , 7-lti j KOH XAI.K h.utllul new mod- i era home. evn room. Bplen-1 i did lew of city and lake. Oood 1 terma. I'hune 62& or 038-W. j i . .?-!! WANTKU Itellable IocI mat; with car. Onod propoaltion. ! Hee Mr. ,MIlrtde after p. m. b . Lri..,k L-. ( ! 1 . . . . . - ' m i n)HNiiji 1 1 nnu vine. J , , v . . . i. n KUOMK nm MKNT To JliB. $3,00 .per week. Inquire SIS Kldarado St, 1'lvmc 9C3-J. t-t KOH ItKNT Throe room houae, atrictly.modern, nicely furnlab ed, ttu mo, to rettnod couple, til l-ewl Kt. 6-9 STOCKMEN ArrSSTlON 109 Coaa of ryo hay and t?t acres of paature. Sprint water, at Dairy, Oregos. Call at Hi'tlmon't Ileal Kattte of fice. 7- WE BUY, FOR CAHH, sell for eaah and aell tor leu Paints, oil and glass. Rooting', dead ening felt. Wall, paper, from th cheapest that's god is the best that'a made, Pattersoa't ' I'slnt Store, IIS No. 4th. Phono 15. . I-13 1J F0RDHON TRACTOR i '".'-. New (ransmlsaloa and ' rear, end, A-l ahape. Term. 1375. A. Longmire. i'hone 778-R. 35 N, llth. 7- FOR SALK l.sto 182.Siar sport lour ing, Fniiy eqnippnil, " Must ,he sold. Terms. A. Iwiuk mlre.. I'bono 7TK-H. S6 N. lUh St, 7- FOK KAI.K OR KXCHANOB f-room house and 2 lota SOx llo ft, each, on paving and aewer, Hfhr Fairview school. Price I2600, or will trade as first payment, on 8 or d-room house cloao in. FOR RBNT 4-roOnt furnliihud houac, ,$30 no.. S-rootn fur nlHhvd house, closo in, 135 nto, 3-room furnished apt,, , WARD BALK , Resltora 721 M-tln St. , FOR" SALE FOR HALE Store fixtures, ecery . thini tot ssie,' going out of liuslnv, 110 Muln. , V FOR 8AI.B 14 dairy cows, eight t-year-old 1 heller. S calvea. ; J. M, Iedgovood', Myrtle Creek, Or'go. ! s)aaaytjgsaaaissssasia MISCELLANEOUS f I riANO TUNING Will b in Klamath , Fall again aoottl September 1J, W, if, Mor gun,., Korl Shapherd Co, II-J0 WINpOW CLKAN'I.VO. i Floor mailsg,' bouse cteafilhi ' and ' janitor service, Refaroacfl. A. - M.. ttboada. rhoaa 106S-W... mm ZIILTnSKSiSIs W0IZ0IS1 City Engineer Suggett All Electric Wiring In City Be Overhead Aklna that an ordinance its drawn ap lo wake aii wirins of i cli ctrlc, 1cpboii ,or t1i;rapB wlr M Mtli ayataoi tbrouihout thn buainna dlag-lrt, lion i, Zumwall pointed out fbe iuipurtatic-a of tontni th c-tty at miNtltiE of lb city cetinftl laat nlxkl. Tba mailer was brouibt twfitrs lh council whun (he di cumIoii of the w tlslittiiic ay- tro whltb tba mcmlwri aro con- aids-ring wa talkfd of, V Z. '. Smith wa appointed to. fill lb prxlttoa of patrolptau GLASSES Ffri BtMmtnrti, Pitted irvl rh (ala&tc stMt in our ma imdiudtcul t(qirtmtnti. Brokea Lcntct RcpUccd DE.SOBLE'S tpant Qnhi Smkt PHONE 408 Garment cleaned here re cleaned top, bot tom and all the way through t ( Klamath Clean ing &-Dye Works 432 Main CLUB CAFE OPEN DAY and NIGHT 'Compare Our Service" gatkMMi laaurance ,' t, Insurance without any guarantee is wotthJtTsa. Yet there are amongst: us people who look not into the true worth of what they are buying. (- Why. should we be' any more careless in buying in surance than- any other commodity? Our insurance has service with a guar- -, antee. The very best there is. . J; F. MAGUIRE JR. , 816 Main Street Writes All Kinds of Sound ' Insurance : (brrett Dental' Work When yotf come to Jfte for your dntal work yoii will be assured of proper workmanship at a just and reasonable price. . My list of satisfied patients Is growing daily. You, too, will bo pleased with my service 4 Free Examinations Given DR. Re De COE Hopka Bldg, ; Phone 836 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ; uC&'TM c&CU5 BoBBy took.! Ptl IJ;1 (T I i 1 US V6.S7&CS4.V TUCkRC60 WiTu M j.Jf Jtt& At-i OUr-. 4& JTASJJ J ' iiMfj I Ma ' SO AMCA AXVID SO Jl I v j i wj i r . , . . n . i b i ,t i i i i s rr iiior r.d ni inm n nun , dulric; 3? vutat 1 and fouuiniiw; 17 troretr nmi Hf smrket; ,1? xanifary iMpw- !on: 1 ouamndtim nod 2 tuml- Mtou. Hiila r rid ' from U'rrps Csiontnirtion pimpiiy. IJuots ad Hhr, W. D, Mlllrr. nd . L. C. Iwlon for tn 4;on alroirtinn work on 1bn ally In Work 9 of Sirholts (Mlttan Tiie ' bld wf rrferrfld s Ih flnam tommitttw, j . : ;Mh' BK.ITH 44AT.4V HittkRXKY. Jrfth FrW tate, Bp. . t AP) The tlevli aud 4 he treat O'Uoaojthu Roa. far tecnlh rentnry Iriab Jeadw, ansa to have divided - KHIarsry W (Kriii them. Half 4h niimci ot viktiBieaI apola rrfar fitter to fa la fiafaalc Majeaty or to tbx (real O'Oonna;-' hue. In the' final total O'Dotto-" h"u mint. The J)nrJl baa hla "Punch t Bowl" byoDi! lUBt Tork, mt lbs (op of MaaKrtoa mountain. an -rru;jnre 2.200 frt above the ara lerrl. and bb "Ladder" and hla "Chair," rock utrstturea rwwujtilltig thIr Rame.' O'Donoi:-' but", bowerw, bat hla "Pr1OD," hla' "Library," bla" "Pigeon Houe," hla' Tahia." and hla "Charger." alf theaa o(ng 1aacl ful nanra givra to mil In Ins famoue KUlarney lake. , FIRE INSURANCE '. W ipecUiUe I Irrlgate4 farma asg stock rtscb. IS yeara experience ' In county. f REED & REYNOLDS O30 Mais Ht. Phone 1003 A, STAGhS- TO ALL" POINTS 326 New Phone Number : New Reduced Rates ! -- New Lotuttton 3th & Kl&malk Awe. Tbe BunsUlne' Route" . Real Estate " 1 ,MSMa z saw TtiAfti- riiii s aweeineart e , Utr ' ' - ri' S ' ( L J ... 4 i vt lV t ; A - , .1 i " t Z. v i ' ' ill I j -, v . r ::u Vyf. y'-jf - I ' - r ' ; Depite the f'.nding of a coroner , D. MM killed bit mother ssd thoutd be held for the coaotx grand j Jary, Alice lawyer, Mo wbyur the siaains boy was reported en gaged, twmatae loyal to him..- "If Be had ao what they say oe did he Dever could hare deceived hlBUICK1928 r , -k : 1 - : When mimpiwe$ upon Bulck the standard1 JbHhe year a set .... . . Buick tot 1928 inc reduces a higher standard of beauty and luxury tha a theworiJ his ever known, Buick interiors are as modish as exquisite drawing-rooms as harmoniously colored - and at comfortable. Buick's new Fisher bodies are low. swung without any loss of head-room orroad-clearaact, . , Aid so, down to the smallest detail of construction, wherever - refinements couid be made, Buick has made them. Again Buick - hat improved upon Buick. Again the standard for the fear is sec ' j BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT. "MICHIGAN " Sedan '1195 to 1995 t . Coupes U95 to 1850 , - ortModefali95ton525 dllfvkttf t.kFlht.Hd,..liHrmtl'itJ&4. ThtG.M.A.-fidtpU.&t ' PtjlNjlTTtlt ALTOVOmtEl A l BUICK I 1330. Main Street S) StXH,73U)&Z saoau, fceaxs 6Be Rfcf MS ftUSV Pea i-:"!t i'-l 1 . jf i i Kemams lxv r t J j jury at Streawr. E.I.. that Harry me, sh satys. tlT. BUICK tflll ltO TMM GARAGE ; , Phone 42j i ' c,r) i , - ' V-v- I Spending- Money! ,Al'"5U OME.V 6333y ' ' spaTi wms tac& rr Av-'AV JUST UiiS iT WAS JTtW CB.MTS ME SPt.r OUST POR PEA MOTS TO FBEOTomC &L&PA AUT S 1 FKSOR6D (T , OUT AAJD V&STaDAV CiiST- bsbbv exAcnv tw.'Stegjm . IMA3INE it: 111 iilfliSlIlltli II . ... '. -v . iBdiauaoli Mayor lop Hie Caae Againrt Newt- j p&pert and Utnert INBlASTAPOLiM, Jnd.,- Sl. f iCP. Mayor Joss L. UuviU l om way i . t' v - . : v v hjx nj a rrr mutt . ; i i esppr &sa aer3j jn- dividual 1s. At the cams time. tett by D. C. Stc-phestoB, MI prlaoner to tn Michigan City priOB, Misg dasiasea (or ) leced t'.bei frost the stayor. was dropped. Tbe anils were filed fcy Co-raJl smiflat 4h Chicago Trthuse, Is dianspoSli Ttatea tad tlv .other Indiana papers, accusing: ibtm of enlerlci s eonjiyiracy lo ihela hi reputation. , i OXE VASIETV COTTON, Vartoua eettsa Mrsfsa crow is ise nets, sss ws e gin the seed for Use neat irejs i sisd sd d strihsled 11 OTS). tec. , iw.- 3?. s ' jUt In the ooIr. to ,u-,"; tot 3 ani amW, a4 saw pare strata. C. B. Ooyte. , j Wt ss, 5,, 57; E4MWi onmient ajronomist, ad-: tt. twp, . ras W. cstta wider adojttos of the. GeQ,Ke T Richard ta city of 'onc-rsrietr eommoatty, 5CllHo,Bto; fct t, Mk, JJ. Fir(. which c.ii. en aii growers to the AddJL cbijoooin; alss M . S am coaBisity to agree os the trict ta iec 34. tw. 34, rices ?. use of etasdard psrehre strata 4 Rsr Mertaa et or to i. il to ss that all seed horn the !M :da. !ot , b;ii gc Aade r H produce coUob of siroitar , CWJoaata, charstterisUc. sarticstarty as to MEry Cowes Jsckcoc. t V) t teagt 4 ple. , i jBay Menoj propwtr.D 1 I. IFF C UH'DJTJ ITH FAIX Her life ctof'.ded with rheu- matte pains, lunnaco. aud Mtff, f nSS,M , v j" r . . 1 r r T-t f. , . herself of torment- by takisx FOLEY PILLS diuretic. "Nearly Power Co. For jwatratalag order -every day some one asks me what predentin- defendants from weel I took that helped mm wfcen I Ssg or maistataiss power !U.e. was so rrippted up .and couid etc., ,a tres Eerreci by piatattft Tnfvvl,i ?USJMiS - Kzrrtmm, tiiort-ey. Coi- 1 sf FOLEY P1E.LS, diuretic, and .... . . how" they aurt r pales and '",'' titt the ctouaE l4s y IWe.-j mt-l.v: T. B WerttaB n. A retjaMe-i-vteable -medicine.' OlHrar; decu. . A, M. Men . and wootea everywhere se tebmpp,"' Mierznr, CDBplaJat and recosMueisd Jtr - SaltefaettoB flid. I . guarastced. . . ; . ; - j - - .Matnl Same ".'," . , . ; .: 1 ' Farnss-ortit. fitereuoB Cora- KCBWAS" FOB SJAKA, jpssy assamed by fi.. W- SrijbaM, v Tie city of Osaka, JspaaV jsl W. G. Faiiot, C. K" Co. Jr., ' awsiting cectral Ja WhitaiaciSS Steswr St., proTat tor tha constrncttaa C a ' rapid transit system, 18 stiles ot which will be subway and IS C" W. Paga to Irtla raWj., -, mites elevated, 11 is expected J tares.) etc., Peilcas LsBek.'HIf tha project will rejjulri eight's. to St, City ; S5. , yejurs.for couipiet Ion at a' esst j ; . , autofaettow ". ' , of aboat tS9.U0a.OSO. , i State-Las Board t Hesry U, ' ' " istauC et tut; atortw"HlS; j awa.aaaaaaaaaaai ia the disposition of the pleased" customer to rPj , :r - '. turn to the place where ha has been well treated, , ,.'. .. ' We Solicit Yew . - j PRINTING J Gase 8C Melton : 124 South Seventh Phone 1S3-W sl I CAN Deed Filed nMand E. M. Wmt, tec. twp, nit J. K t,tJw. tol4 M Wk ajn. tB4id tats is harSei, 3E hu m 39, T. K, Aita, at ta to E,i-- r. Wray. 4ta; 4 It. atrip K., pr0yenr ta bit, 11. Jlo Sprtnjt Orrtile. Elliott, j-to of Orejos; i.1 tcran. BK,SB et. JS tp, S4 range f . B. M. Cbtot. f i to w, r. Bear. B lot Mk. 4? Hffl- U MWts, Kl mtth Fe!:, ' fl, , Bniisr, ! ta to M ire E. Maaa; lo 9. Wfc. 4 Tba T9 Kenneth H. Miner, t ar is i,H t- u;.... Nm, sac, Hj 6W4 SW sec. 34. (. 3?, rass 11. TBttei State to Bmagm B, CarUs;e; patents NW and toto j..j.g. ,etr. WJ. 25. rattsa jj t--er. t Ditea 3HMxm to news or T(. g. Thssitt: satsat: BB4i The K. D. Co., to B. S, Crtts- by. lot 2. Wk. S. Klamath Ltt! Adda, Klanittti Fa lis. - f,m?(B f. UfT Stii-Sv Wood Rir Power Co.. Tt-Ttse Catitorcts. uregoa j Bostos, Wase.. woot bayfrt, . iO Sato - j $iM$,m,- ( Fioriao ' E. ' Ficsf !' to A. 1essett ec s lot IS?. lls.J'JM, PLUMBING ; HEATING . . i FURNACES Motors, Pumps,' EttgTac-t PrtMon Wafer System 12S Wo. fiffi" Thim WJl Bv Bfosser 4"Bas!B,HSaas1fiSssaSHW a tt " sow uiAMr to spe.w mt 4 AAvS aC POW W-tTA 1 ' ' 7 MCAJBY SOU VJAA3? VCV L. AU- FW-a VOi'0 AAwS J J ' !F VOO QOLV 4AD r, f E j -CVi AJWidtEl- XJfcMoyJ-y E f ' ' f