Parp Rix I5TS PL1 KRESS Policiei for Prinville Se ion to Be Outlined at Corvallii Soon PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 7. A P.) Trustee of the Oregon rec lamatlon congress will meat 111 I , Corralll Saturday to outline a pro rim of Irrigation and rec lamation for tlila state for pres entation to the annual meeting of the organlratton which will be held In Prtitevillc October 14 to It. Olio of the mot Important matters to come, before the trus tees for Ion is the pro posal to launch a determined flKht for the approval by congress of the Deschutes project, con- sldored one of the most feasible snd cheapest projects for develop- ment in Oreson. WO.MEX MI ST HAVE SII.K. vThe men of British Malays may take kindly to cotton under wear, but the women there, like Women everywhere, must have Ilk. ..The men ask only that low-grade cotton underwear from Japan., or better grades from the United Kingdom. be woven or knitted mesh, or nainsook, cut In 'athletic style. The .-omen, however, buy chiefly the iutlmatc silken underthings that appeal to their sisters the world around. The United States supplies a email, but growing, proport'on. "It you are forei(;lilel, yoii wl'J allow us to look after jour'eye l slgttt. We know Imi.v." T DR. H. W. BARR EVE SIfiHT SPECIALIST Giu Dunn, Jeweler and V . Optician . i 605 Main Veronica , : . ft . Rrductng Weigh, su evascr k Pk,.l.1sss la tk High Blood Ptsnst, Acta CesdiiMas! Kidney Livee ad Bladder Troable ladlgestiee Csaitltatlss Star Drue Co. Standard , Dyer and Cleaners Odorless Geaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 What is a Diuretic? One Can't Feci Well When Kidney i. Act Sluggishly. THE part played I37 t!ie x kidncyi mrid their impor I tance to bodily hcakh should be dearly understood. Slug gish kidneys do not thoroughly 1 cleanse the blood of poisoTsOU J wastes. Such impurities are apt to make one dull, tired and achy with often a nagtr backache, drowsy headache nnd dizziness. A common warn ing of imperfect kidney action -v i , is scanty or btiramR rxretions. oin'a Pill aid the kidneyj in their eliminetivc wcik. ! SO, 000 users have publicly i-., recommended Doan'z. Ack S S tout neighbor ! :-' . DOAN'S FILLS 60c K Stimulant Dior tic to the Kidney fvsumCo..Ml4vCl-m..B5alN.Y. MOM'N POP IB mm rrviov.oBENiceiP Y Yeah-hewsmts to MRTYTC COULt) LAY Off I BOT LUCY WON'T LET SEVERAL DtYS ANO 1 HIM HETRlFO To AYGOLWWITH fl TtAY OFPSCK.eur s'0t.),TbO , f SHeWOOLDN'T v- Believe rrJ If At the Pine Tree I There is snappy five-.i ! vaudeville bill at the Pine Tree Utility end oil .the screen Irene Rich ln-"Tbo Climbers" helps lo aid qusltiy'to the double hill, which shows for the lust time today. ' I Melvoy and Wllma lu "Topics of the Day." Is a novel cnruw.ii lng and .song; offering with Mul- I . . - . L a a roaster-o tne crajt'ti tut his partner pleasing vihuIIki. Don Adams, the comedy fun ster, arts as master of ceremoules for the variety piese:itatlons, In- Jetting some coiae-ly bits for the delight of the audience. Don is a dialect cemd:.-n end In his own ait indulges in parody sonK and story to good effect. The ' heiilllners. Citonji and Rosy Moey. is a big time Chines act recently on the Orpheani cir-. cult. Their act Is beautifully customed with Amerlcau songs and dances featured, LcW Marshall In blackface' comicalities. As a young song and story teller with some s-lever comedy. Schmltt and Nlckerson com plete a fine bill with feats of strength of balancing that are new and original. Ob the screen Irene Rich. Clyde Cook and Forrest Stanley are featured in "The Climbers," a dark, colorful melodrama. T-. . .i .. . . ,t r.M.. . t. ., ..... .it.. ui.. . : i . i i ,u,"w "n"ir. ,7. I " " will be ahowa. Featured with! , onderfuI dramatic pic , ture. SliKI.LAC FROM 1XSKITS. The shellac which U an essen tial r . . hrtlllanl tinlaK nf (MP. , . -v . . . j 'any other country. The best all- nltnre and other products today. . . " . , . . . , . round buyer of esndy generally is made from iac, a resinous in- . .' . . . ' , , U the Irftted Kingdom, which crastauon produced on a tree,, . .. .! 'i,iu. sect. Tacbardla Lacca. a native ot Indian and adjacent countries. Farmers tend the insects much na an apiarist watches his bees, placing them on "host" trees, chiefly kusum. wild plum and pipal. and guarding them until they reach the new twigs and the production ot stick lac is be gun. Thousands of farmers, each owning a tew "host" trees and insects carry the raw product to i refineries, where the small lots are combined and orepjre- to meet the world demands. An am-1 bilious farmer makes from IS to, lo tututa. ine oincrs seem to 300 rupees a year. The United,01'" Paste lo "inid polish, the States is hlB best customer.. entire supply . .being, imported WATCH REPAIRING HERE rear gna-antae on all work GEO. METZ JEWELER 22 Main 1 US' -r to dave w . r 3 Office Pbone lifts Melhaae Bldg Re. Pbone 114.1 Klamath fall Just Phone 408 We Clean Everything that Can Be Cleaned! Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works 431 MAIN 9f -IfilSiW- MaU vour J1 o - 'I -f IT'S BEEN SO L0N3 since " X'VC PLAYfrD THIS GAME T. DOH'T ... n spose icooLD HrrTME sise CTA BMW DOOR ' SMjJ-i From Little Acorns Horses V . i ' ' I . "J. 'r . ; ; A r'-- ta--,4 4 A;As; e .- s K L'siV.t 4J mm ' ; .'I Ml IS r iei V r Carved out of the trunk of an oak. stately horse guards the .entrance of the Maverick Ar: Colony at West Hurley .. . New CI liA HIU CANDV lll'VKR. Cuba is I'ncle Sam's beat cus tomer for chocolate randy, the island republic -consuming yearly more than 10 times as much as pounds a year. The nest best is tiny Porto Kico. which buys i about. 7i percent as much. Cuba . . '. ., is third on the list. Altska fourth and Canada fifth. KKW KIIOK.S WOK.V. If nnlr nnnla ,unu,.p n a ' shoes the consular district of Santo Domingo, with its popula tion or 600,000. might' be a good market for shoe polish. An American consul has Informed a wouiu - oe exporter mat only ss e"""' - veoyie mere are wealthy enough to have shoes irroavty unitedtates. f eraiaay, : acn tiigiana mm V . .' i f 4 , r 3W:i:,.ii ;&::.!ViSU i .' X' sT- - --- -.--. ir, : .i jurr i WWW MOTHERS GET G&PH . . .... A CP ACW tM rTHE, EAM!HOKJOf A Knockout - .l THE EVENINT. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. 'OREGON, At the Liberty Irfixt cull In sea "The Outsider"! the screen vert-loll of jMi'othvj liritmlon's noted stage success.) This colorful pleturesiiiie ru in .mce of a gypsy chi:t who be came enamoured (if a celebrated English dancer wltl close', Jis cntuigcniciil at the Liberty to-i niKht. not only the unu-uul' story but the presence' f ' :tay film Ttvorltes will be mittielonij to making the attendance at the lust performance large. Jieque-' line Logan as the fascinating dancer and Lou Tellegen lu the role of the tempestuous gypsy head the cast supported by Wal ter Plilgeon, ltoy At will and Charles Luue. I'ncle Hiram's Country Store, which bus had a very suece-ful run will close Thursday night. Come early and brlns your basket, for this will be the big event, and grand prU will I lo awarded. . ! Baker High School Damaged by Blaze Ore.. Sept. 7. iiP) Damage of about $10,000 was done to the linker high school building last night by fire, which started at 11:30 p. m. ,The fire was believed to have started from cans of 'paint In the lower hall next to the holler room. One end of the lower hall was com pletelv burned Flsmws were fin-! ully checked by firemen. Open ing, of school set for next Moq duy is likely to bo delayed. V. S..PI.ltH LEAD. Australia buy most of the pianos, both hand and player, exported' by the t'ulid States, j annua laaes it secomi ianre-i uumoer oi nanu-epcratcu instru- ments. but the Central and South American countries ouy me pi- ore esserlv. Mexiro dlsnlaclng v.D!id 7ur second nlace Argen- .tanaa tor secona place. Argen- tins is third and Venetttela t fourth. Before the war - these i I countries were buying pianos chiefly from Germany, but the American Instruments now dom inate the world market. DKVICK TF.STS APPLtS. , Operating, on a principle sonre-cent or the tax recelpla being what similar to the guage tor doimtcd to the Red Cresrrnt Ho measuring inflation of nutomo-' rlety. wlilcb is the'Turklsh Red bile tires, a mechanical tester baa bee devtscd which measures the degree of snrtness In the ripening apple. It is Intended as a guide to the proper picking or; the -fruit for sturage and -sh!f-' nienT.-- y .- Out Our Way VWAtCvA MOSCOV. LIVES tM AwthtEV JtSS FALU OM TVA OROONO U GT Rot fhi? 'ATSlEAUM'-HuH-r A-ST VA ? "VM-W DCM'r AMBROSE Take his hoke- wny, evi his. MA MAVS 'IM CjO BACK"m Ovf NIORE-M l"P A LOMur WAV'S . o DOMfSHE. CO T' Irf SME US VAJOOLO Sl-E F "TE, WAS 'STOLtO f i v 1. 4sC . tr WAS-r-r -.!"'- SkOtEO?Z- I-,: :rtJ';f4 Ot . FT T n -OC -.-V-A l I . 1 - i I I ' I : - . ' . . ( VIOW-WHATA SHOT ) '. ' RIGHT CNeft INTO ui ' - Y' l : 1 1 a I t i t i Lady of the Lake t IKUSJ;,"'"SJ,.W & C II 1 y v. .,r I :-'W:;-:r.S j i Ruling the pageant and rnrntval 1 i-ok Junaluska. N. C.. was preuy lurena A.iums. oi i am- pa Fia.. You see her here in i. u. iv iu,u.u. Terms aru strictly "O. O. I). In Rumania, where several Amer- lean manufacturers have opeued warehounes storked with oil drill- , CyUl)meDt ready for imme- jmg ciellvery. Only the major Rumanian oil companies, having ..,lirt fillri,i, ,,ii ... ... J ' V tlorK,V ,n0 houses so near the itumsnisu tMllt hat stimulated the sale of American equipment, eliminated delay In transportation ami has mlulmlied competition. TAX MOVJt'S Ft lt KFI) t'KOHH. Turkey has taxed movie films and Dhon .graph records. 75 tier- Cross. The tax Is five plasters per meter of film and 25 plasters ror eh record, tho plaster being about a half-cent lu American money. Negative films and rec- arts Irrruden for durnlloiral uses are tux exempt. CHURCH VVAMT MORe, it Xy- , .K.VVlLt.lM3 ter sv Tjt srsvct. etc ese e s esr ere. Ui. i i C( f OH MR GONH CGW.E. OVf? 7 Ji I QUICK.' HCNftV JUST FEIL C : OVER IM TrIE GARDEN ) K V I Think he faintcD' . mm I .'iil'tiH m m m At The Hotels AUCADi: II. I.. Cooiier, Jatk Lewis, (liilo.iuln; M. II. 1 .1 mi lieu li. Los Anget: W, 1.. Itxhol. Los Angeles: K. K. l.nue, Mid land; II, K. Tiimli iigh mid wife, f i)IIoiiHi: Ikm Adiims. Portland' John It. MiHiilg'tt. INiVtlaud; J. J. Ikll, tiealtle: I.'. A. I.okhii iiud lie, Mouuiouth, ill.; Mrs. J S, I'eliHsnn. Port thallium, Alaska;. James K, l.iifter, CbKo quint rt. I Clurk, l.eimi,. t'al.: Iir. Mains t'avlow, Medfnrd: C. A. MiddlehruskM, j KunuMli Agency; Mnrloa. AsltUtid; II, A, Wo' ley. DuiHiuuIr: J. . H. Hull. Moditc Point; ;orge Heslvr chant: Mnrlatt It. Movies, Duns mitlr; Mr. mid Mrs. t", K. Love joy, Sinus . llailiara. Calif; Mr. and Mrs. Fred HI. k. lluinl; Mrs. 8. V. Wolf. ' l.akovirw: lu.' Moouey. V, J. Cofeu, Sllverlou; Miss Era Jester, Rorky Point. WII.LAHIl It. W. Mclulush, Portland; It. O. Dudley, Halt Fruncisiu; Charles A. Hart, Port land: A. J. W'ltchel, Portland; U A. Well.; J. P. Diiksii, Port laud; F. K. Powell, .Medford; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. llownu. S.-nt-lie; Mn. llort K. llatuy, John lluney. W. W. Merrtiuauii. Iri land: A. II. XoIkIiIis, Kugene; .Mr aud Mrs. C. Itauchfees, Pasadena: J. L. Cowley and wlfu, Oakland: H. K. Van Vnlkenhiirg'n, Port land: -Joseph Kirk, Teresa K. Mii- Ivr. Mariorlc M- Hruwu, . Sau franelsCo; K. it, Plilpps. Port land: Jonrnb Jimlch, Se.itlie; William Janiei. San' Francisco, u. J, McDevllli. Chlco: Mr. and Mr,. ,;. IL umb, prt,B.l: Mr. and Mrs. ll. B. Keney, Yreka; Yrekn. Mrs. Paulluu Ituddeck, (California. I . . , . ' Ueglstrallon nt Chamber of ' Cuinmercs Victor It. Ilrowold. Minn: F.dna F. Moon. Calif; J. n. (icorKO aud J. K. Johnson. fallf; I harl.s A. Anderson. Cullf. M. (i. Martin, Calif: C. O. Mar liu, Calif: Allvert Ixiiigmore, Wash: W. R. Bayre, Calif: l.-ou It. (ialatore. Calif: 8. V. Win ter. Calif: Walter Cody, Calif; A. R. Hates, Nev; (ieorge . W. Cmleran, Jr.. Calif; Vlvtor John son. Calif: Hlrd Aucher Co. Calif. Fred Homier. Jr. Calif: II. V. Miller. Calif; Austin Waddell, 1 Calif; Victor riparrlng. Wash-. Standard Oil Corupanv. Calif; Ralph J. .Mc.Novin, Callfurniu. I lUHIO AMATF.t U . LINKS I P IIIUTISH l;tMIMtS CATEKIIAM. Luk.. (Al' To elve llrltoas lu the Dominions "a little bit of old England." a niillo ' am'ifetir' proposes 'to pttf 111 in operation a riiular Emplro broadcastlnic service. From his home-made transmlt liitB stallun at his country hoote. Kraim and Mlrmrs Males Kenew .Mlrmrs antl Knrnlturo tiunsmltli, Ekiert key .Maker (uarnnle workmen. - lilbT 1AT.K 12 So. llib Hi. l'hone Illt-J N 81-Ot Klamath Fall. Business Directory U)I)(;k, FR.ITF.IIXAL, NOTICE li. 1. O. LLKH j Meet - Thursday atrenlng. j Visiting members mel- eomo. I ELKS TEMPLK, Ird and Mala I OLIVKK BPIKEH, kJtilted Kuler t U. MCMILLAN, llecrotarr ! Fratirnjil Order of Eagles ' f O g , Meets Ererr Frl- .-4jjKkL . 730 t '0iX-is!a Moose Hall. O. D. LO.N'O. Secret rr 4erle 209O. l'ltnno B74 Labor Temple I LUVA1, (flU)Klt UK MOOKK 1 Meet evorjr Thurs- day, 7: SO . L. O. O. M. Moose Hall, Klam- ath Ave. CEO. OQLK, Die. KL.tM.ITII L0IK;K XO. 77 A. F. nnd A. M. A Hlated C'ommtintratlnnii . 2nd nnd 4 1 It Montluys V W Visiting llrothers s Welcome I.0OM1H Ill'ILItINU By Tavlor i, .VUru, a tulne. man.' will 1 , . I binadi4tsi' a- lahj.ui' ,irogruu 1 tblce nli:lit u nevk which Willi r.iii I lit.. ,,.,-la .if III.' ;i.' U i)t the j I tli He. lie It-en s snort-Hale liaiisuilsHliMi, Hid v.,(v lengll) lie- lug ainuiid 3U meters, aud the' n t li County Court f the I j 'i Ik tukeu lio'it I he ordinary Wit In nf Oii'KUii for the County domi'illc electric Drill service. lul Klumullt. Aluieu.. vi. ill.. ri,.i ...,.i.,,,i. Ill the miitli'r nf the oetule uf to . .tlillli conimiinica- Aniaioht Pe l... I. . . I.,.., w, Aitstr Ola and tltree V' . ". na yea.v age he lrua-ilt.-. u Uait..,2"ii;;"l,I,,, ,ai Friday. Heplei...'ic eness i atcii, i iVM.-rd and lliirv.-.:d t klveralllos, Logal Not: cos MtTU K OF M K l: T I II tF F.tjt tllATION IMllltlt .!' ' H r N N H F. IHItK. 1 1 lt HISTKII T. Notice Is hsrelty gUen that the Hoard of Dimiiom uf the Huiiitv side Irrlgannn lilsirlal will, com- nu'iitii.E Tuesday. I lie -4 1 It liny of tMoher. IDS!, it ike ottice ot Hie Hoard or ut th resl-' denre of J. I Fotlierlnghain with-1 In Ul iltui rl.1, not an a Hoard ! of Ktiunlltallon for llio purposei nf r"Celvltig ,-tnd enrrertlng the') Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTtillMCVH -. C. IIIUtW'LK Atltrmy-iit Law 8lal nnd Kutlernl tUinrta Al.tirarfs Fxnmlnet! SOS Wlllll. llltU. l'hone ll Itenl Knl.ilp Ijtw a Hperlalty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer . ?')9 Wllllum Ittilltllng , Klamath Knlls. Dresnn Hal lar cr N'.ltl I 1 Al TDMttllll i: Hepalr Work, ttatterv Rnrvlce, Tints Nash, On kin ml, Hon Use, larknnl It. It. II. i.AHAt.K . . all Klnmatlt - . Nest to I'eotntrire l'hone til . Goodyear Tire Fireproof Atorage v Al'TOMtlllll.K ItltFM Itiittg In our nurn tin,-fid . iKHK) ntllrs ntt.ra at tf usual ritHt A K llltK HI II If Cuarnnteed rulrnnUIng ' IIS Bo. 11th fit. Phiina IIM re-treads At'TO ItFPAIR , Hn.lll.y's Itrpnlr HI. op Guaranteed Auto HeiMilrlng Cars called . for and delivered Bomb Cth St. , 1'hona 0J-V O.iTTKIIV HKItVirB Battery ilervlre. Magneto, Starter and Generator lie pairing FLOYl HK.NIIIOT CO. 131 Mala Ut. I'bouo 37-W Battery. Magneto, Generator and , Complete Electrical Berries W. P. Johnson'a AITO KLFCTItlU HKItVHT. 7Z4 Klamath Thane 143 Pbllco Ilemy Dtlco Basra Autollte BEAlTf 1'AKI.OIIS Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet rar. niRrcell- Ing. li u I r tinting ITOHTOX IIKAl TV MHOP Glornnnu Wnrron Winter Illdg. l'hono III Wator, French Paper Curl Facial and Hcalp Treatment IllII.DINO MATERIALS 8WA LAKE MOI LDINO CO, Quality flulldlng Material South Cth St. I'hona 7S . WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and ' future built. 1401 Division ht. Phono 145.1 -ss-St)s-ess'eVvv-v III It HKM H.tdlEU IIKAUT t ill IK Elghlh and Illglt HIh Key, . F. Looser, Kev. t' II. FiiIko, Kiintliiv itiRMKos nl 8:3(1, 8.011 iu:il 1h:.1i.i Kveuuig dfvollons it: 7: .V. Week-dtty inns at 7 n. nt. Motrin, 1st end .Ird P . ii lit) . at 10:, 'lu. All are t-.o .Unity r;elcomo at our er- VilPS. CIVIL EXGIXKF.HH i. V. .1 LF.GIIOKVv flVjl KiiKlneer nnd Biirveyor 2i j ingn hi root C. V. KKI.I.I Y Cnnntilllng Civil Engineer IJmlerwood lllilg. Phono 107B aM:iuiint rail nf ald dlsfrh t tor I lie lear I -J-ll2. ',' ." ij' a. ari'' ; il Nil 1 1 A M. ttwy. tiitliityltla Irrlnollun Hint. ri-a .SOIU i; Ol I l U. Aft til M ber smb. 1 u . . ui 3 ociovk p. m. of said day. lit ih court room of lite nliove rntllUd court III the l oitmy Comt ilousa at Kluiunttt Falls. Klamaih Coiitily. Hiiitn of tiregou, tins been fUed bv the mutt ns Out Hunt and place at v. lil. lt I ho rourt will hour objection t said accouut it til sotllti the snmr. f All persons liitviiig objections (hereto will file the onme or ap pear pnr..llttHy sua oujei'l litem" to uu or l.rfto I lie dal el lor thu hearing of said Una! Itecouitl. J. tl. PATTKIIHON. Kxecutur of the last will and testament of Amanda Pueh tilt, det eased, ASI-H7-H-21 IlLXTlHTH Oenerttl I'rncil.e of tientlstry Hit. I'MILIP t UI.K 01 Mulu Over Mini's Klorc---PhOR Set Open Evenlugs by Appointment lilt. li. U. WI-iKI'.MtVI.H lk-ttlltry X-ltuy H-rlt'e I'uderwood Uldg. I'hotte (MS Dr. J. J. Emmens,, ore. Praetlre llmll.-.l to eye, ear, nose and throat. I'bono t7 CIIIIIOIII Acrorw Dlt. f.l.KV MiKtltE I'lalmnr Graduate Cltrsnlu nnd Nervous Diseases New Mollis. o lilo.-k. 336 Mala . I'hona t ITS Opposite Court I loose Hit. C. NOItV ALL Cruduate of Calmer and Pacific College . . , Fourteen years esperlrnro Wo remove the cause of disease Ilouanut, Oro, A1S EMPLOYMENT AtJENOt KLAMATH FMPLOV1IE.XT OFFIC-I Employment, fur worker in very trade atllls, railway and farms.' Jam.- II) au. Prop.-, fltli and Main. Phono 1ST .MI SU! hi t Kit PEAKL ItKlli.V Cradttate of KIIUon-WliltB t'ontiervatory. Teacher of Piano aad Hnrmpny. I'huns 3 kit Pino St. a:- LIVESTOCK Fresh row on hand at all times front one to carload KLAMATH 1AIKY COW CO. Phones: Itanch .2F2;Itoa. 41( E.i Morhettac, it. Toum Station; OhTEOPATlM Ml. F. It. GltOAIlI I. O. O. F, TEMPLH Osteopathic Physician and Burgeon Office and Kasldencg Phono 321 PA I NTH, WALL PAPER Wnll Paper, Faints, Enatnilg, U rushes V. It. OLDS Across from Pnstoffle Phone 43 i Everything a Paint Store i Keeps Paints, Oil. Varnlsho, Dead ening Felt. Gins, Hoofing, Wall-I'nper PATH ItHOVtt PAINT OrORB 020 80 6th St. Phone 683-J TIMIII Il t ill IHEIIH Timber Cruising, I'.oconoats anee and ApprnNal II. II. OGLE lUO Mnlit HI. I'ltoiin -II5-W Working from M. L. Juhnson'4 utflco F.f AVATI. ItLAHTI.NO Bowor nnd Cesspool Work Phono 4-ii t Call nt Wt'J K. Main St. F1IAXK MAllTIN - seu.u. s.SAT.orr 4Ji li 1 2v 1111. swsta.1 1 ffjjtt tav)tc 1st