The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    W'l-diwsd.iv, Kv.tfmlcr 7. 1027.
- Fnrro Tlnvn
i Al flip
lU'ins of InU'jfiit Concerning KcsiiU'nU of llic (Jrcat Kiamatli Masin. If
You Have News for Tliin Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 8
Will L5o Appreciated
Hi linlx ll. in Mii'llnic Hilil Tawular l-. f I t-or l.hilio ; , .Will Ol TII.K.
Un-n Kulh ami ln'nl''' Tin, Kliunulh r.iuniy I'uMI.. . Mr. mid Mm. I''. A Strong hoi' V ilpnira In eim-as our aln-
Inmit of Wiirif.urr. Mjm., will , lli alili Aorintln ht-lil Ita rc-KU- aoi-nt the r-eH-r pari of III e"" ai.iri-naiion mr him many
I.. 1 h 1-..II- .r .nn. Tn.rf:, nlatil al ' . 11 n, inor li.-r. vl.lllnir Willi Ihnlr UlldlUMH blli' rwclWil I'"
row iii'iriiluK fur a I .itnlitht . ih- inuri bi'iinv. .Mm. W. II ilatk"htrra. .Mrs. C. W. Lltsrn
rlalt l.i-m a llm boux.i guN Unix 1 1. on un-.lil(l at lhn mwl- Ix-rKi r and Mr. Wliiimi-r. hare
our di-ar friend-. In our l-rrare-
mviit ditM in tha duath of our br-
lifiiui' Iti Nllnri"i'of. Mia: H'
ill- hold" IIih i. .alil-,n a. lai
linluhfa aiv Homo 4 i'l'u Hhlji Iti i. mln ' liiu k I rum Trio am Hy ih i k lor ih i lly of V.'i.r-
l-'olloarlutt a iiiiiiii Ii'm imiliir j Tin' r.'imilna or , Wnua rliaii Mr. und alra. T. K. iIiuih-I naii-r. wlilli- Vl lluili l prlv-
'rl lliiiiuali Yi'lliiwulom, Nation-( who uwuy In Ihla my a.-i- heto r.-turu'd how.' lioiu nu s- ain .irMar' to. th. prilil'-nt i f
ul I'nrfc and olhi-r northern mliiia ;ur il ilavn aril will lie forwardi d 1 l.-nileil motor trip IhrmiKh aoulli- tho Wright-Marlon and Fiil'-
of liHi'rii'l, Mr. and .Mm. Hono r 'to li'a old holm- In China within (irn (ullfiirulii. In luolurliiK ami Hi roniimiiy. nmiiiifm -H.ri.ri of iun-r
Knight and anil. limner Junior, 'ihi. nl li-w iliiya nun the Karl they llm Irlp Wit Ha ra- m.n blnn y . Thi-y in- nii.lliK rb
limu rrliimol humr. They env- ' lili Lull Finirrul borx. 1'lin-mid nivnln and nliiriii'd lionm over the northern roiHi- uud will ft-
url kirn ii I lii- roiml rniiii'. or H-liil'l"'l turn
uf ihi lr liriiili-r and ln r-ln- inK I'lnna f ir llm anna il uvu- l-fi fur lln-lr homo at lwmmn.
i li w, Mr uud Mm. ('. E. In nl ini: wi-ro dlm u-'ii-d and com- Idaho, Tln-r wera winnnlfd
! 'I hli ri uiilnii will h 'ho f lri iuIiivmi ioIiiIh1 by Ilia pml-; hy lUir llltli- urandi Ulld. I'alrli la J
; I ho fmnlly hui bad In moro thjn il'-nl. ; I.IU' nl;ifr who will Mrnd the j
i iiIkIH yniri vlu r) llm iali ru Mm, A. V. K'hauup. Mm. K. wlnii r Willi itu-m.
lllom wi-r.i innu of .Hr. and M. imiiU and Mi in-n-ii i aninM.i - .
Mn io.mii 1,1 ilii-ir forioi-r ari, llm avncral loininlltiic. Mm
jloi-d wlfH and moihr.
M, li. IIIWIN.
K. i'. KUW1N.
S T. I It WIN.
IKlllk'KT ll(Wt'.-
Ju-t In
lli-lliiiiiii and Mm. Kr.-d K , Hi-h llm nt-w : linb dn-aa Vfl-
K!i i'l ajr on ihn nonilnailna. vi- al Moo' In luiit autumn
'.ii . n, 1 1 1 f Af'cr Ihw bUBltmr.i nhudi-x al 2,u yard. Ad.
n.i-i-lina Mlw Ji-au IJnli y. dirr - - -
tor ttt llm Kd. nation lo-pat nmni
of I In- Si, i l'i T. II. Ao'lalloi
'avo 'i upli-mlld 1:ilk ou the edu and Imalth di-purtnifnlii
of llm idati.
Three Killed in
New York Wrangle
I Callouses
; QuKt, ut, sur tti from
painful caUoosM on tb immX.
At aU Write jmJ iW mu
i JDrScholfs
iri'd morn than lUuu nillra on Hlmh. "WonK"
.u'lii-ra rouli.
13 In
iluir hip and In roiiu uluif to
K h Kulla i mm via hull
l.aku I'lty and llnio.
Mlill.-inl ltniiilii-r ll. ii
I". K I. mm of Mlillaud. of
Kluinnlli rouuty'a tooal proiul
iii.ui laurlmr-i. la huro on liual
lii.i luday. Mr. I.uii will o thi. fln.-.l . iilnn pliw
until h in HtiH-Vioii. t'allf., wlmrr - -
In. .Ill ...n.l tin. wlnti-r uiontlia Mnli i- on llu.lim.s
aftiT h. romiilnii-a hl li irvratlnc ' w- t.l Ji.a Ana-I. fvi-nlna: Nrpti.-iiilirr II and U .
at th Mlillaod tani'lt. Mr. I.aim oranli r of Urn Vlrumou'a I'lilon. j .c-rti-d to pi-tid Ihe wi-i-k-vud In
la naiatiif d al llm lloti-l Ariadu. arrlvrd In Ilia .liy mi Wi-diiday Klauwib Kail.
to ,t'd Mivoi'al diiyu bcru on!
Ij ii c.i - v.. iili of fl Ini hui.liii i.1. Mr MaliT waa Ki-liiini-.l I'roin hio.u-
i. n .ri...r,. . I. if I'nri. ornmnaiild by J. K. Ilaiirally ! ' Ian
land and Jiik.'..uly ol Iv.ullli.. of Hoiianiulr. The vlllom will On- It v from
u M.i, i. i. .ii , riiuklii UiiiIi- ior lii aururit now mini Ik r ap'-bt tin- ;.iin:iurr inoiitha. Mr. Ili-iui n.-.l I' Trl
of Mm. Murin llun-upori. hav 1 for tln oraiiulratloti whllo In llm D"H will taai tip lili vonloii Jllllon llainliloii and Hoy Coin
rptiirned alt" "u "t'loy- ' Tlo-y an-aio-ata ot thr llot-l an ii-a.-htr In 'In- Kiauiuili county I liavu roturn-d home from a nio-laili-
vlalt In Kluim.lli Ka'l. 1 Mr ! l.uko Math hool - arllh tin' oiii-nlnit of ; tr irlp u Hopi-bura. Bandon.
i-ry nun h Itopr-a-M-d i - . . jiin; inn n rni. . tiiiunibixl anil t rati-r laao ana
- ( oitii-r point in itiii-rn. i '
.Willi Mm. Hlimn i wurt none for a wtri.-k..
bar niollu-r. Mr. . Ooorna Nli-kar-' .Mi-iulo-m of llm Art Noi-dla j ( . - -ou.
him In Ilia tlty from . Work i-luh timl at I lie homo of j lti-lKn,-l 1'onftion ,
Ir. Ma'Hllloii H'- ' ",0 ""l, '"r Mm.jMra. Aliiiu tiloan thla afl.-rnoon .Mm. r 0, (S.hro-di-r haa re-
llr H. It llunilllf.? and wlf". .-'iraia Krnih and Ciptaln O. ' . ifor ib flr'l ni.-i-iliiK r.f llm full. I hIxik-iI hi.-r Ion as bookki-c-y-
. r.,n.i..iiii-d liv "-.m il'inhn-r Appn-aatf. uio tnor ar -- i o ri ,i--uiij un nun i mr er witn tn rue & Arnica atore
M!.a ll.'l. ii. arrln-d In thf cltv P""l 1 rtiyalu lu Klamath , cui lal
vi-.tarday hum Portland and will iotiniy for omi- tlrno and will Kalla. , li.,r for at Ica.l two wi-oka l"-utl a part of iin-ir vacation at
will. i.u,ii Tim llnmiltona art-' Korl Klainnlh.
fi.rmrr rcld. nm of thla city and j Mm. IVIla NI.Uol. and dauKh-
,.. .. ,i,,i. h tn tti.l. i I'onlpnno MiviIiik llof. Vulina. Irjvw n-tariii'd bom-
romc tlmlr rotun.
Hmlilli- aoil Tai k llnmi- .
i ikI kuIiIc for In. inline purll
K'ontlnind from puite II
IH-forn Cohen waa taken away
la aa anibuUm c. te Kaipod ' to
di'ti-ctlvi-a llul II. rutt-in waa l la
in Milfi,' wliirn ho hud p-u n-auan-d ht-r dul..'a with the .
t'ltinl.ivt'd Willi llm 1 1 it i' I Hull fur iliunlor or lomiiiiT.-n on Tuuaday III
nior.- thim , rciir. A non ;.rrlv.. niornlim. - It will bo wlih rt-Rn-ia ttiat ' wi-,.1 -nd of O l-ll lake. W rile i aalinfli-d wltb real emate bi.-ko- 1
In the clt n f.-w daya aao Irom (li.. many frli-ndi of Mr. Kred or wlro Walter Frank. I'ancado tlutlona al the conference and be-!
I'ottlund l.i loako arraiimmi-ntijTo l.ll . li-.irtt of hi r rltl(al 111- K-'ton'lt. Orva-on; ria Mifn-dlo Kaii aboollna; Into the itroup with j
In have bla ranialna aunt to' Mm. MuiKaril llrowii. Worthy ni-.a whlih haa conflnid her to Hprl.u;.--Adv. - 7-lu ;a revolver. . I
Chlnii It will tali" al l-aat l (Iraud Matron of llm KiiMoru , t,- AHK"1" natiltarlnm . In Colona iMck"t were found;
ilii f,.r l li k it-mulua In ruat-b'Kltr. will Pay an offMnl vllt lu ' Word rci-i-lvi-d from h:-r hua- Ititoriiiil I'roin 'Iriie aflldavlta Indicating that a auitl
Aloha cbapii-r on Monday evi-, band by loan ftlnnda told cf Mr. and Mm. . Kuodliani In the aupreme court waa
hitiK, Ki-piemlii-r 19. Mm. Ilrown, ber -rioiia lllni-- and allaht and ton. Ulltjiolii, beta returned ncnt
will vl.ll l.ak"vli-w on Friday
t j ; I but ri-turned to
Kitrp. ia. w lu-ro ha
ln.pi- fur lo r n rovi rv ir held, ooiom rion a vivit lu Spokane ro!l pontid ituariK at an en
Mr. and Mr.. I.arkb b-ft hereaiid otber point In the weat trance .to the office, building and
a '.hurt lime aao for an nt hern . witn reiativen ami Irli-nit. Tile Inspector lilmy aim more man
Callfuinla to n i: their future trip wa made via motor. ; SO detectlvea were
bourn lu ho,.a lli.t the change of ; ' the Inventlyatlon.
,.lil. .i 1.1 t,r,iiu Iw n.-rii-iiil i " '
bcullh. jftMM r aaaf taaaa i a ai
aiodKucd to
I'alllv Wan
with Klamath Fall, and lt fit- VLHIo; llir.
turn II.. la a the iter' Mnlwl Italley. acconipnul.-d
mnu nf Kcnttle.
club In Klu nut hi
lltiiuruoil I'rotit Moiiumuili
i The n-Kiilnr ini'irl 1 n a of the . from .Monmouth, w here they have '
Woniun'a l.lhiury Club wbl. h r,l u attending the atitte normal
ai hool during autumer nionlha.
New HliliitMm An-lvi-
New hhtpmi'nt of coata and
Vl.ltlni ul Fi.nlati.l ' I to . have been held on Friday
II II. rerrlu, I... al architect. ! afternoon haa lo-en postponed
nuotnpanled by Mm. I'rrrln left1 until Friday. O.iober a. venih ar
il... I.i ..r ihe week for I'ort-i cording to an announcement
laud ou a abort combined hual- d yeaierduy afternoon. A dre.e Jio.1 arrived at ll. e ll.-alna
eeaa and ul.-a.iue trip. Mr and .aplendld program
Mra. I'erno are evpe.ted home on 1 rnimed for the flml meetlug.
Thumday. They made the north
.ill trip via motor.
li le Inn ar-l.lorr. O Ho. Seventh St.
I I'r.ini t lilliMiulo
l.)le I. South I Ilualueaa vlaltora In Ihe city
i A. J. I. Vie of the Klainnlh . yeaierduy from Chlloqulii In-
When light hair la growing tmncnl hopliul baa left for rtuu 1 eluded Mr. and Mm. II. M. Turn
darker hava' a (iolden (Hint ' Franclo where he will Irannact i baugh. Th.-y rcglatcred at the
thamnon. Iirahneaa dUaiitxara In i limine. for everal dnya. lon Hotel Arcade. .
on. aliampoolnx! At drug or tol- J hl return hoina ho w ill be ac
id good counter or al your i compinlcd by hia wife and I V w shlpi
tulrdreaaer. d. i daughter who have been vlaliliiej New al
"for everybody"
Merchants" Lunch
11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
- 50c
William Bidg. 722 Main
at tup:
Last Appearance Today
of Five Act of Clever
and. .
"The climbers"
Thuraday and Friday
Today it the Lat Showing
"THe OatsideP
Made from an outttand-
inff stage success it a a
real dramatic triumph!
Last Country v
Store n
"DonYMiW it! ,;
Save with Safety
at your
Drug Store
Nothing quite equals
Jonteel, for use after
the bath or shave, to
prevent chafing,
offset ' ; perspiration,
soothe and dry the
skin.; , .
1. . I
Large size
Zr eatZ,' Sttri'
amst'd Falls,' Ore,'
M.ltc.l .Mrt ollmh II. . nu
i Sir. and Mr Irwls Hand w llh
lir. and Mia. K. T. Iledlund. all
well known realdeula of I'ortlind
open! I lie holi.lujti In Klamath
Fall aa tb" li"Ue Kuent of
Attorney and Mra. Claudo .Mi'-IoII.kIi.
Iitiienl Arrhew
hlpmi-Jit of coala ond
wllh frlenda lu lha aouth for th. 'dreaaea )uit arrived al Ilea Begin
paat inonih . ! attire. IZ'4 So..Secnth SL. , ST-6t
IUton lt auly Slmppp
Mlaa Ituby F.llttn of Min Frun
claco, apeclnllat lu hair cult I nit
and marcelling. Try our Peraou
alliy bob, Adv.
New Officer
Captain I.clle II. ('. Jonea of
t!au Itufael. Calif.. Iraa been de
tailed by the war to
lli.i lllll Milliory Academy at
I'ortland to succeed Major Luth
er Folker.' who haa ht.-n . In
charge of I lie military affnlra for
I !lt punt four year. Jonc la a
armlualA of Slunford and Is mir
' rled.
1 .
' ! Connolly llrua. for rifle and
Mcnriia fl lahellv. I). r aeaaon o)K-na tepl.
(lordon Sluarna who liaa bean ! If. - Adv. , S-7
vi.lilng with Tom Stoddard and
Art l.nraon, left Tueadny morn
ing for llend and I'urtl ind wher i
ho will vlalt for a tlmo before
returning to Kugen where ho
will nullum hla iollegt work.
VIMlcl Ito.tiunU
Mra. I) J. t'uthlicrton of
Anhlatid la vlalllnK III trte rlty
for a few day with her huabuiid.
who la employed In thla city.
New Shipment Arrive
New ahlpment of coals and
drt'KMia Inn arrived nt lleo Hcglna
Mra. Collier la-n
After an enjoyable month In
Klainnlh Fulla with relatives and
friends Mra. Churloa Collier hat j atore. 1 Ho. Seventh St
rclurufd to her homo si t'hlco, I
Cnllforulu. While here Mra. Col- J EP-rt rreacrlpl Innlals
Her waa honored wllh a number: Forbes l'uro Drugs sdv,
of In I (i autumer Impromptu nf
From Klrk
Mrs. V. Mutulre and .Mrs. II.
K. Kmullfleld spent tha d.iy here
shopping and vlalllng with friend
from their home al Klt.
Kliopplni; Kt-oin M.-rrill
..Mra. Kohcrl Cheyne and daugh
ter of Merrill spent the. niornin,
hours hero shopping and visit
ing with friend.
Tnk AMirt incut
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Litien
bergr have taken an apartment
at Ihe Arcade, where they will
make their homo for the winter
Ilcimt Itching
Hemstitching done
In store.
at lieu l!eg-KT-St
( liilixiutii Uilor
Janus K Idfler of rhlloiiiln
Is hero on kiisliica today.
Klnmnlll Vloirt-r Rhop
For flowers. Floral designs, ,
duality with aervlro. K31 Mala ; I'roin the Viilloy
stroot. I'hono G80. adr. I Dr. Krn Main Ctrlnn of
Left for Knn l-'mnelMia 1 j
Mlaa l.n Velio (irny left Htm-1
day via otolnr for Pan Fianclacn j
alien, she will visit lint II the lust
of the week with friends.
ford la here on a
and pleasure trip.
brief business
Love's Mill
IOVE ncVcr flow'efcJ irilb 'a more "beautiful
J romance than that which culminated in the
marriage or Beatrice and Joe, Jt seemed that ahead
of them lay only happiness.
The fjet that Joe's salary was small that he
was still studying for a bigger job seemed not to
matter at first. But as time passed, with the
financial goal still far ahead, Beatrice's mind often
clouded with worry and doubt. Her girl friends,
more fortunately married, had pretty clothes,
smart cars, lovely homes, which they were forever
flaunting before her envious eyes.
For Sale
Truck load Ashland Al
tiertun, $1.50 per bushel,
up to $1.25 crutc, for
fancy wrapped stuff.
Truck at Cth and Main,
Thursday nly. .
A. 0. Hess
For a lotis time Beatrice nur:J her growing discontent
in stony silence. But the seed of revolt had started its
tjeadty growth, and Beatrice secretly determined to "taste
the joys of life," regardless of consequences.
Little did she dream of the teiriMe lengths to which her
desperate folly was to lead lcr. So she went destxrmtely.
Mindly ahead, soon t( he caught in a seething maclstron of
disaster, anguish and terror that was' to forever destroy her
I hopes for future happiness. -
Don't miss the story of thi. wife's tragic," soul-i
stirring experience. It is entitlcd."LInckrr Cover of
Matrimony, and appears complete in True Story
4 .'
r, 4m. . . ,i
T- r.aww t..l :
rr e-
t - . ,-i- a - f - t
A?' zi
Th rforr rashrf Inwmttt. S,iw a. ifruMliW in rji"trmfc Sycta aVAaax'
f,.rw.r, ,,,o.rr raiW. fa in, ku rkuh toljarnl. a ,M wii out,' if com
Uncir Corar ol Mminmoox" October Trum Story AfaaVuioa.)
for Octolxr.
Shirley la (lack '
I.. O. sthliUvy. rulurnl nrobN
Mllnn officer, riiturned last em-'
nlnk from Ijnkevlow, where he
spout the punt llircc days,
llllla For I'lowera
and' Floral denlitns.
rhoue 1118.
Coats, Dresses
Vlalt Inir From Itencl . 1
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dick of I
llond nro hero for fuw tluys on
n coiuhlned IiuhIiiosh und pleiisuro
trip. Thej" are slopplnir nt the
Hotel Arritde.
For Instirniirr
8oo Jus. II. Drnrolt. Wllllnuis
Hid-. Adv.
Anollier Now Line
of dressti.- hiiIIiih nnd tint rrcpo.
114.75 nnd ,$1.7fi. tlriiys Our-'
iikiiI Hhop. 121 No. Mil HI.
Adv. 7-8 t
Modinr Colnl VUltor '
1 J. fl. Hull, olio of the best
known rotlileuls uf the Modoc:
1'olnt country, triiusiicted bust-;
nesa In the rlty on Tuesdny for
several hours. ' j
Kvpcrt rrearrlptloulsta-a. ' j
i'orbes l'uro Drugs. dT,
s $22.50 up
Dresses $12.50 up
Hats ......:.:......$ 195 up
. Flowers
are more popular than ever. See our line.
, They are lovely.
McCarthy Bldg. 118 No. 7th St.
ihwtlhnt) .(fMrim-n a Auliru ftu-ttijtn ftrl,
i;..-a -I l..n..'rtila l.i A nnW-mm muj iyr n..
r.riM f frv a .-iei-f rirt. n( i.iiuKi laKt- a ihhi i li a'oni- m fur aun, rf. tlrr sfc.rt, "
W-Afv riia.'ii Hah ." MIicoOii:a(o in Ogluar
, . 7nre.So.o-Af4u., , 1
Stories More Amazing
. . Because True
"The ;rnost utteresting thing
about li:"e,"satd a ijreat psycholo
gist, "fcsts astonishing unexpec
tedness." This is espccally true
when applied to the dramatic
happenings in the lives of human
hcinys. Jjomest.irtliiig event tran
spires in the life of a friend, or a
V-cII known public personality.
And we wcsijcr nt the hidden
motives, the untold Kite, bvc,
sacrifice, temptation, human error
or folly that brought it about.
In Tns; Story Migraine cwry month
tlie myitcriout (orc-a tlut nuke men jod
ixnen do the dungi th-y do, arc fully
iij tranldy rcvtvlcJ . It you ir.t to
Jvcr ir.tu tlie aoult of tl.oac Ik have
r.-uily hvJ -it you wwit to learn the
truth ahoat lilc its atrusrjj.-., defcata,
tnumpha and trayUici, hay True Story
every month. Your ncwfrJeaLT Kis the
CX'tobcr iuue, which conUma seventeen
grippitijj features. ; Clot your copy tajby.
$24,000 for TRUE STORIES
rch yi:ur True Story itag:ine pay
tlaaiuioa of J.ilara to ita rcaj.-rs t'er
ati'rica t.ilcn from their lives. In mut
lM"e, iro!v!-ly, there i, a story for hkh
wc ar vi:lin.j to pay h inJsivreitf. Riv;ht
09y. Jruc Stry ia o-nn Si.aou, in
prise.., r ini3n,; ft,-n S:ej up to Si.ooj
.each toa true tone ot" die aort yvu have
ft t.-IU The tXto!-cr iimc contiioj full
1 "wYyi
Mii Wi'r h ir futufmsitrti by her coming mar
ft.if to m maWi'OaftV enough f aV hmr tmthmtt
Jcqurl!n'a pmrmnta ihcwttht i ought to b
hf!py. But hm had rfiVrn her hemrt fo anofhf
tti with on ft cf het stmrtpet m Mthirg drmmm
nonorffjni wilt vr for 4t. S " Th Son
I .Vu Fret" Trum Story fur Oc(of.)
t i ' - . t ' V
Ue the Coupon if You Cannot Gt
Truo Story at Your Newest and
I 64thStret BroaUw, NawYorkCitr
G7ic GitatcstNcwsstdnd Sale in ihe World
1 niahlotni-onii UmilUr ith Trve Stucy Uatrurn.
"if' frttrmv raruo Ik ttvelrr the rirtt flv- t"aiai rvrlrmiriff with
lii.- U'trU'r number1. 1 um aji"-lotiir tl ro n fitll pttt mwnt.
II If tnu Mrf r t" jrrtlrai W ni''ltlro rjvfnrr fUrwrrlhlna;, alptafa
rot itrti, fcrj ilttid jit u- fytf ui ill October iwut Bt
ontv. 1
I K-ar. m im
LCily . mt.. '. .' ,
,)Vhll III City
HI on al -VAN'H
AlTta O.iMP ,
Cratis. J'laioa. Uood Ovaas,
. - 'UulU(. ...
Hprrlaf Mta-kJy Katns , ,
I'AI'KK H tf.Ul.Na
ft.UO 1'i-r Iloons If
I'bona SOU
, ...
Arcmlllitl Teaclarr ot I'Uoo
Harmony, Kur Tralnin snd
Mualral Ulatory.
StuUlo (II Proapoct
i'hono 73J-R l-S0
rineat Mlnrrsl Watrf
la llm World
now oiH-n from
7:00 A. M. to midnight
Tub Bsths Rwlmmln Tank
Hot and Cold Sbowsr
For Prirata Parties
riHimt JIW-W
Bprlita; and KapUaada
Ask for ths anion esrdr -
P. R. Olds, 3. II. Tikes, H. la
GrM.U B. Shaborn. C.:H.'
vtnw Mr. Carnantar
Employ mambMXs ot L. If. ;I37f
. Starting July It
Red Ball Stage Line
Two Daily atagil Setweni
Klamath Fall and Lakealew.
LaTinC H:W luomiug .. .
Leaving StOO P. M.
Leave RCCKABD'S Aato
BUC Offica
Phone 77 or 600
Under -.
Kaw Management
Phons lit
Prompt Serrlca
. J10-JY19
Transportation ' Co.
Iicaalaar' Klamath Falls 7:110
A. L. XO.OO A. M., 1 P. M.,
4:40 V. M., maktns;-cBaa to I'ortland and way
points same day. Connrrttons
at Aauland with Pickwick
Stage for California point.
T:30 A. M. and 1:00 P. M.
St&zes -make dlract1 through
connectiom. to Portland and
Seattle 10 A. II. and 4:40
P. M. Stages mako direct con
nections to San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
Office 015 Mala St.
fhone DM
. Torxa
Coal & Transfer
"Diamond Briquets"
Pboao 107 r.
Methodist Church
Tenth and IHs;h Sta. .
Uiniatcr ;'
Residesce, 1005 High Rt.
"We Spceiolize la Helpfulness'!
Sunday Uerrlces:
11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. '
Chiloquin , Stages
Leave Klamnth Falls Dally for
CliUoqnin and Intermediate
points aa follows:
0:00 a.m. 12:10 noon
3::M) p. ni. 7:00 p. m.
Take 9 a. m. bus to connect
tor camps beyond Chiloquin.
C. 8. KINO,
snd Intermediate points.
Lr. K. F. 7:30; Ar. Weed 111
Lr. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. F. :00
Stages Leaving
Stage Terminal Depot
- 013 Main BU
Has cured thousands. ,
. Why not youT
Rsdlum ore for sale by
X. A. llKKiM, '
(Special KeproHontatlre)
Phone 060-W !,"
' Jll-AU
'Diamond Briquets'
Phone J007 " ' "