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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1927)
I'a'' Six " Pinpfln PTI nTf1 i'11'' "' w,ek . lfirl 'IT " I 0 rl I ' 'v'""-' ""f'1'11 returned from I Hills il it I Fill I li i "''ni' Siiiidur, 'Where she spent I IllllflU U I III I Wja f,.w rtiiys visiting wilh friend, " I ThresllinS! in Full Swini n; li-S-f. Ot'i er News Note KENO, Ore. Bppi. Ii. ir.pp.Mni ' to ilm Ho raid ) Thr.Khlns N now In Mil alnR It. Ih; vl.ln-, ny. im iiii.niiniK uidiiiuiK 1.1 Th., ti,.hin i.ii..i.i.. I. " " now at l". J. M.-lolluma rinrh. C. E. Hurton 1 lu clinrgo of the marhln. L. K. Trt fren and son. (!nrse. and "Sonny" Jarolimm of Hutto Fall made a brief visit r.t the Showkoow ranch on .Monday. Dove Mct'ollum 1m husy liaul InK bin r. rain to .hp mill In Klam aih Falls. ' Eileen Parsons and Dorrl May W'llion apent aficraoou Just Phone 408 We' Clean Everything , that Can Be Cleaned! Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works 431 MAIN e" .r 1 ' 1 WJ OY Save W i L5K Quur Office riinne 1 1 S3 Mlelluu Bids Res. Phone 1143 Klama.ti 'Fall WATCH REPAIRING uvnv year' uauirtee on all work GEO. MET Z JEWIXVB lt Main Z. PETERS ' TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the P'.nie i Board of Education. Piano, Violin. l:nio, iin- wniian iuitnr and other " iBKtrunicnta laulit. For Information and parti culars leave our address or phone number by calling : or ll.'J RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chzco The most talked of resor,.yi the state. There must be a reason! Why not come and see for vourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Msr. WALL PAPER All New Stock -Acme Quality Paints F. R. OLDS ' Across from Postoffice MOM'N POP YOU'RC risht: HENRY. X DowceDftcsT Bor i cwr eo tv away ON ACCODMT OF EJSINC5S STOSE we CTH LftY OPP A CODPiri DAYS efJD CiO LUCY DOWM TO MY CQUM IKY A- f. '- r'-l - .-er! J v!fif line "Vith TVr..!if an.! Ioro ' thy siittiniTH. ) A. H. Whin. f Flat ; imsM'd ilirouKh this vicinity dur Mm. K. K. u. keit and .Iniiish. lor. AukuiI and Ethel, return- I (i il(' Friday from Huckleberry tnouulaiu. ..!!? nr. i nil., -ii kii.i i.'-i - X.ll.l 11. I I...- 1 n!.-,. Simmon, .uili-d on l orn ami v. lma Snow?oo50 on TuoiiJ.iy : ln.iriiln. Xv, ,.. V.V AnJ-ru-n. daiiah- t, r i-,ih, r. aJ iui Met . n- ... ...... - . . . . .. i t r. mi.ii Ktia .iirru.. n. ;,mu,j ,, ,),,, hurkU-lerry ()ne Ully lhll ,e,,k Mrs. I). J. l' nnd son. liohort. rolunifd TuPmlsy from Hiwhiij. Tcxa. wh rc l.l Tlali- fd Iwr tisfr. '' Mr. l'h.lhi'5 n.'ot Thursday dilivpnriK uioat in tl.U vicinity The .Vieses Olive Tretrea and Loin Sno(toop have J.i.n n- turned from a vic.i.ion of - eral dro. Th. v jpent the time m,uorir, the Kort Klamath conn- try. visiting CrMer lake and nu- mervua oih.r points of inieresi. They report a very enjoyable trip. 1 MIWKSOTA ISI.AVOS AUK '-HOMKNTKAOKI.- i MINNEAPOLIS. Vino.. S. pt. . (API aj.ivfnir a Utile Island In Ihe family U net at all difficult In Minneonta. -land of ten thou-'an Band lakes." There r so many ,"lf ycu ni-e foresichlcil, jou w!'J ; r.llonr us to look af :rr your rye- a!,':-.:. We know In a." DR. H. W. BARR KVK Sif.HT SPFXl.VLIST Gus Dunn, Jeweler and Optician f3 Vcroalca JH- for At pr,u:rfrU vTt" 'fr'-A 4ylcl la aa .tSi-'i-J - t-'iirtd Dfb Blood Prwa. PL '-'' 1 Acid Condition. E:'1-VJSI Kidney, Lia a l;JH.J Bladdaf Troablea . - ' - ' .... - ' . lilKxl V; I f I a a Star Drug Co. Standard Dyer end Cleaner Odorless Cleaning 4 One-Day Service Expert Dyeing- 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 Phone 43 rtOCHjl THAT'S TriC iDiiA T-'i'T 3''AM HOME I NCCCEDflV.',;,-,TlO.M 80T I CP'T rAKw IlCrt i'CK SL-E IT Jv I Lft LLSi II . - S ' I I X i-luiitl there I ha utit caiiiioL Due lake alone Lake Vennll-1 lion has :.t5 Mnud m..y or, which have not formally liwii ."diM-ovcred" for registration pur- pose at slum properly. They i may ... acquired hy 111 rplpl method, -much the same as iruv- ln a homestead claim The only siring attached to thp IhfumU lu lako Veruillllon. 1.I..I. 1 ... ..... I-.... ...1...... ill. ii in lu .in- i. .in ii. .in., a ' !oa. U lli.t mmliiK rompauV. hol.l IhP minoral risbls,- and ur , li iviU'c'd lo force thu sale of1 anv Wand 1i-a ihoy h.vo t., ! mine iiu .,!. : niinp oil'. - Many et the Lako Wrinill'.on Miuils have bo.-n luuisht for lino, st'HiVH. TKAt'HKK I-KKHS KOVAI. Ml). l.l.KPII.WTS SlIKXAVnoAH. la . Scot. . lAIM The royal while ?l.ipasu: of tho Kinc of Plan. Iik I" be treated like circua clephantK. a- cording to M'.as Kiln M. .Murphy of Shenandoah, who has . bleed s.heol t.a.hliic wilh alooe '' Iroitir.-. ; She stopped In Siam on a rlr-, euit ot the world and. la.KinK peanuts, aald she fed the kinas tlephanu hits of susar cane nud tossed them colus to pick up. lluylnn what purirted to be a hair fiom the tail of one of the animals. Miss Murphy ha.l H j Inlaid ilh Md and mado into elephant rlim". highly pried hy natives ii is auppoMo io." itlve lu wearer cnuraite nnd 'strength. Visn Murrhy formerly tnuitht In Pckln I'liiversiiy. She lias vis. lt.Hl the Malar suites, ndia. Ecypt. Palc-.ine. Honolulu. Ja- pan, Korea, Manchuria and Ku- r"P j Who remembers the old days! when a vice president didn't have much to say? .......... 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 Enjoy Good Heat For Winter Months Four-room ' apartrnciit, finely furnished, in heart of city for rent. Just the place for four ladies ' of fouii guntle rnen who to live well nnif yet enjoy very reasonahJe rent. r-U T.ll. ant xu leiepnone OUO , vrrmtTT , , VA'.L-VAiL-Dc. SCM C-O tMJv!tH l-CM FACE WAN BKT. ICS LIW HOL TAM'i . (V.S S . A- -it i-r 0 J NJi-vt'ia ri-JSK-e- $m nuut per ; rSflDMftwe IDA - H'jT L I DOH'T THiMK IT'LL VRl ' T . n , -ivlMiH- ny ;if iy 7 't.--V'M fJl:F2 I -I ...--,- f-f-,yi ; r ' t I- -I NoSale T1IK EVENING HERALD; WLM I Cat 1 lemon Warned ; 4K..a II 1. .'!. iiiuiui r ruuucuuii BAN FRANCISCO.-' Sept. d' I'. I Willi cattlemen showing ; ... ..... .....I. i ... , ' ;. ,..,.... ..,!,., ...ralralA resencrsilvc nro- ....ii; m. i. ., . in moi i tmip am. an iiuuKiiHlly favorable season ! during 127, there U tendency lo inrrt'iiM pruilm'tion unit ull ' . 'V'", --'-" '"" i rtork If a rontttiual ion tC rno. , market conditions In to I main- ,",,,,m" "U,,M kukmih. ninar,niS uinHior oi .. .. . i iib wpstrru laitiu inn i asocial urn. . -iv-plto a rporll h.t.. of cattle In tho middln woa'. ar.., and atatM adjoining ralitorni. ba no. . .rl. ncP-l a market' il. creus in aviilabM h)itf:hicr cattle. Ilm lnn . llio numsnier caiuu. uiiiihk mo """ " "' 'v"w h:,re ,M'11 v'"l 't ktf' in ' "dila than In l!a "J 'h" ' tendency for production lo In-iei.e each "r darina tlio last flrp yai" I prouucllon Is hcRlnnlm m w h.iihii.,w .m n- turn of favorable markcllea: -'lt!o!is. liiiRO and IneedliiK nroai ' restored will. ihr. renlt thai the nitjnlwr of tattle In ihe , western states may he (treat !y in- !crcased. An InoreiiMj of any alio. "'le proportion, mils. Inevitably be followed by n pr.ftnnRMt per. - generally unlavorshle condlllona; therefore, ratllwnica must maln- '" 'eady product. on-at a point t'hnut enal to that of tlto las: ,wo years If favorable condition i oro 00 mainialned." Ruasoll atatoa. BAREFOOT BOY IS nfMIUFn CAVC ponr tOUVAI.I.IS. Ore.. Sept. 6. James Whltcomb ItHey's che-' fuhle country lad. "The riarrfoot Boy- 1. doomed. 'At the Mme lime tho portly city gentleman dressed in checkered suits na spats Is destined to oblivion. a-... .,. -i,.. i. .v. ...... f For the city Is the place for uie ooy anil s:ri. aim tno country t the place for arown ,o,k. ac.-ord-; inc .o Prof. , Howard Woolston , of the University of Wa.hlnEton. ! Through a,udlnS mortality rates In different popnlatlon .roup, a-ad comparing then,, the j profes-or has come to this ton-! elusion. Diseases common In the country are least known ill Hie city, and vice versa. In the eounlrv the most com-( mon diseases are tuberculosa of I the lima-, scarlet fever, nephritis. ! whooninr e.m-h. mi.l d.nh. . . . j7 , . .1 . therla and diarrhea. In the el-y . mtlueiuu, cancer, measles. Out Our Way "-tCCC CoCCtS'jV- B'.cori Tivr r."M Pj.'i; ' .""t a tKocc arcu.o Ht.u'c.-ivvo NEAR-t w.-s.. . .cr jmt. SOSH-I fltu l V! : ft 1. 1 ' . ri, PL, - . H?, .-. rviwyruj "v- JI..TJ (1 1 !l 'SSPPlkj" ROSAtW A O eTlOM,- yAsiTTflUrt 1. .. "i . r u ntrf 1 I I -" " V V 7S . . ate dkl l 1 r yj4.,-.!.y . . . . I 1 - I I s A I AtY Lire HEdOMHE - MO AfPTire fho a c3ENeK. fUN CO'.'fM Ce!C!TlOl-I ftCLS Tttr;RE'3 ONCY ONE Tl-iiWi To LX VW-'N A p.'iRIOri HCLS ."" I ' 7 V(eLi-.v.'Mrr : f im XH'-z Y.'LD.'-'L J A. LIKC Till; ATI! PALLS. OttKCON. t l.T."tfJ.l.ii... heart 'disease;" Ill- uri'liun cuuao ul I'.'.x moat deal as. ' ."Country group." Prof. Wuiil a 1 1 ii explains,' "rnvl backward .!....,.., ommmil. t. ., .... canip nisenrra. iitu i.iu in-iii" '" - , cesses. "Children apparently autfer iuok! from Hi rurnl lax: itRi -' "" i FREIGHTER PLOWS THROUGH BIG DOCK tcTouti ia... a l. i i '. ' ,iini.i,.' m IlSotlO ""'"0" "J " j, !, , !!!... ., r i , r,.Tk;', " r,'",,m? "' "':,,,,..,. ..W(M, vA,r,a.. ! plcw.i! Into tho plor tor nearly , . , ..,..,.--. .,i:. ' k.ta wronK with tha aterln an- : piltal9 of llio veKHrl. No one . w iliroj I j s, .si 5 1I.U K. rillfAfiO. Sept. . With fill r:m divorce court il.kea o . rlllW(ik ,ut Investlaallon of Ihe ,.KjU.K i,.ipoH,hle. J mile Jo- KouO ' mint he d"tx'll d with on-,,.,,1, (, Iavtd aunitesta a law eaei. bid .lo lie on Ihe )(,r,nnUK dtvorces lo anvone ul purchaae price, ndinded. or re- a rnfj; of j4i , " (, ,,. , lulu.-d In pirl as ll.iiliated dam- n( tayi -)nf, man rheata aeeordlliic to eoudlllnlia of wlft. w!fd rllnl, the ial,:' Tu' rlBl" lo r'),'r ' "ll'l h,wi,t.. lh.,v che.n thoin" hl'1" '''rveil. IWora hida vMMrvn ,,, ....n.pir,, , vhenl , jxnW So why , up th courts with frnudulciit dlvorcesT SIMMONS. K..H! II v I'l-JD ' .In tho flreult t'unrt of the iStaio of Orexon. for tho County lot Klamath. 1 1 . i a..ii.',- !.-," ! To it.rrieu M. Sall.ia, th. I ''" i LT .V?"1"' " , """ , " ,T enOt'ledauu'oror'Sefor: Tu,.)av H,e 2.).h .lav of Sentem-1 LV. ::. ,4 II Y. I !i w answer, f. want" .hereof Z 1 i ui io ... ,h. , plaintiff will apply to the eonrt .or me reu.-i ..rojeo mr in uiii . ,, . , lh d - .. to-wl.:- for a ( rX ,o .pri-ar u El o "Pon the iruunda of;ud , , '. """"' doertln lora period of mere A ' , valuation. ' ,, ,hi. tn .nd f..e .i.-h X'r .ud TrtZ nSrt t'Luto the court may arem Ju.i and 1 equitable. i This summons Is served upon 'you by piilill.-ntinn Ihereof onl-e wc"k ,ur perloU of lour M au.-ceasiv and eonsecutlva wwks. Insertions I. pursuant ; HKAKIN'I), i-eavui. juukc m Hie unov. en- t,rd (.,lurt oni, Pn,r,.,i ita-;oa tho 22nd day of Auaual,. 1327. i. , . NCO k-.C T.noCii .SOU MtAv i-r On . 1 isj .in aij" fmcsr, I C -'.'wXr;, iDCet MOtCii) .,-r as, ,pacMidi-r;ov. ; EV.P'S. 'Ev,ePw-tivie ' . 1 ii 'i.Ar. . c.rc. i - 'ClTSoliACXr) A &j fry ':t;TBVtrjisesvica.n. ' TJ? YOU R RIGHT! X '' ' Ml GO OP TO ECO , , A U AMD I'LL BRIMS YCJ , T::e:-, lhite uf lh fiiit puhllimlnn here til AUKUK., mil, 1111(1 IIII1V of thi last ui lIU nl toil bYplviuutir tilth, IS7. I). K, VAN VACTOIt. Allornwy for I'liilnlUf. ruHlnfftr uni IIukIiipp Ail.lrM !ii-H WIMIIh HI. IK. Klniimth KhMh, klinirtili Couiiiy OrvKon, Ai;i-scH-i!i-3u NATION All I OIU-HV TIMIllll I tilt HAI i:. S.'iilcd Mil" IH Iip rorplvpd liy ilin DwIrl.M Koroalvr, I'uriluiid. Orion. up In and In. Imlinit Mp UMiiliPr !4. IST, for all tho mor cliantiiblu ili'nd liuilirr atandlnit or down, nnd all llif llv tlmli'r niutWud or ilnHlKiint.l or riittliia n area fliil.rnriiiit HSR a.rpB Ul.l.i 8lon ii. Townahtp ii BoiitU, lliinao Kat.,and Dai tlon 1. Toin.hlp 5 South. n V" ; , -" iireaon. iiiiintp.l to l S.tiGH.- ,. ., ... ...I low nud auicnr pine. 10.(ulu feet M- nf Ui.Ue"ole pine und Dill) feet II. M. while tlr. a total of . ail.ouo f.. ll M.. m..r r Ip.i No hid of lew tliiin JS.&U pine, auaar pine uuil lo.lppop p, ,i ,..i ,,r lM . for.' hile fir, will, bo cntmldor.l. I " T" Z ' ,hTl on" ',!,. i,, Thi "Hhrnli- iVioH of hlda aliould he obtained from lli Forest Kapervlsor, .Med lord. Orcitoii, or the Hintrlci Kor cater. I'urlliuiil. Oiecoi.. J29-AS-b.S3-SU-S3--S-13 . MlTlt'l-: TO T.WI'.WK.HS. You are hereby iiuilfled thai ,no "'wra of F.'iiulljallon will "J 'JudKe'a Office in the fourl House '' r ' fhirty daya front that date, for "-'-'- "" . . ,U'n ,,r ",e "r"1"' "wn' ', MJT' T'T'lu": J""" " "f I"1"'. '"la. or other prop- jerty assessed hy the Assessor. Il 'ZT? r" d "n ,h" fd durlna; Ihn ""T" M'" '.T ' A...., ki.o'.h r),..v A" ""t Kl""" ,u"'-.w0r"i0" .No. HO I Mil ()Tlt K OF KP.I7.I KR ANI TIMK .4X K op TKI.IL A In ilia District Court nf the I'nlted K tales for the District of Oregon. United Slates of America. II' vs. lYulues nnd Mirrors Sales Itenew Mlirors awl Furnltnm i Ounsmllli. Fftrrt Key .Maker j (Ipunnilci. workmen. il'8T UlTtd: -I i:9 So. lllh HI. Phone 1441-J 1 .. , 1 i)i ; Klamath Falls Business Directory LOIK.i; , FHATKUXAlJ' NOTICE If B. V. O. rXKM Meat Thursday evcnlnj. Vlslllng mejibori wel come. ELKS TEMPI, R, 3rd and Main 0I.1VKU, Kxilled ltuler . K. D. McMlLLAN, llccrotarr , Fralernol Order ol lUiftle i ' Mocta Every Frl ' day. 7:30 at JS5as!a Mooso Hall. C. I). LONO, Secretary aarla 20!iO, Phono 674 Labor Temple LOVAI, ortDKfl OK MOOHE Meet every Thurs day, 7:30 i l? L. O. 0. M. muunp xiuii, ixiuui- '-.W nlh 1m i'- CEO. OGLE, Die. "Kr..ur.Tii " l.oDCij: xo." 77 " A. V. and A. M. A . ' Stated C'ommunlcntlona 'ft, 2nd and 4th Mondnya yuv . Vl.ltlnit Broihera Welcome IOO.MIH HI II.IHNQ By Taylor 1 iQM eVXf.t.'s: TufMlav. - dim Jordili Pclnli.'Moior ttS.ffa.i.T' Mr'tlm luK llireii, Ihn SHI. (.11 it, nud IiioIh Hid vcceHiior lea; and K. T. Wc.Hi.ll ra whom II may eotieern: To 1'. T. V u.l tall, nud all olh- Notice la hereby xlveii Hint an li.r..rn..ll...i mm. (U...I III HlU aliove-oinlllrd rourt In lh. Iiliove-, not been . lipid: rimlrary In t)i enlllled eaiii, oil the ilh day of form of the al ituli' III ancb. ! Aiiiiii, HUT. wherelii and where- iiiuiln und provided, by it la noun hi to have cerlnlii That eald rniivoviiiice, lowlt: properly dem rlbed a fulliiwH, to-' Ilie uld Junlan Keilan, .Morhr No, wit: One Jonlun He.lan. Motor i t.KHHuti, and lonU and an eorlea. No. AHKHuU. nnd Ionia und lie I are now aiibject it aelnire. under rraanrlea. which iiiild pmiu'rly I Meclltm 14 of the Act uf Con. waa aeUe.l on Ilia 1 41 U day of are of July 11. IHU4. July, lUlli. and heretoforu Milueli-1 Thar by order of Ilia four all oil and nrroMrd and held and , poraona Inlere.led In anld abova aelied. and now la In Ihn pons- deacrlbrd pioiierty and lha llhela e-ialou of IV. K NewclH IWpuiy ' are lier.'bv elied lo llle anawer lo Federal I'rtihllilllon AdiiiinUirul- nald lufortoailon. aidllin forth or lor the Mite, and lUidrlc! of their lnlerel In or rlnlin lo aald drvtton. forfolled for th follow- properly lllnled. If any ""V Ilia reuwiiia. lo-wli: .have. Willi lha I'lerk of Ihla That herelofore, lu-wlt: on or ( nun. in lha City "I Portland, lu about tho Itiih day nf July. t'jST. tlf. Htala nnd ItUtrlct of (Iri'Kon, Ii. K lo uuil h I 'on lily, Stale und til. or before lha Mil day of Hep. Iilairlcl of Oh'koii. and before lemhor. iv;'7. t aid aelaure. I In. aald prniierlv' llule.f Ihla llh day o( Auiuat, abova deacrlbed waa by K. T.i Wcidfull uaed In Ihr removal, I and for the and conceal- ' tuetit of inautlty of liouded 1 whlaHey or dlillila.l aplrU. with Iui. lit lo ilifruud llio l ulled I Klamath Falls Business Dircctoiy ArrtlllNFVH JiKNTlMTH '. P. HltOWI:it Oenernl rrucllea of Dentistry Aitorii.y ai ' IUI. IMIII.IP fOI.K Stale nud Federal Courts II" Muln Abstracts FAiimlned Over Mne's Hlore.l'hor.s Ht !0S Wllllis IIIdK. Phono 911 Open Krenlnne by Appolnlment Ileal lj.tale Law a Hiivclally M. O. WILKINS .s-CAIlVr i; : IVullsfry Lawyer X-ltny Senlco Sn. WIMIams llulldlnK rndetwuml llldif. Phono SIS Klamath Falls, orernn ' Phono list Day nr NiRht Dr. J. J. Emmens, AlTOMOtHI.t? HK.M:lH . Ve.lfor.l. Ors. m-mmm Practice llmltad to eye, ear, lu t)j (i,,!, l'httDo 67 Ilepalr Work. Ilaltery B.-rvlce, Tlret Nash. Oakland, .y.ui Ponllac, Vacknrd ' ' It. It. It. tIAItMit; CIIIIKIPIIACTOIW .' 8J1 Klamath ' ' Nt to PoatoClleo I'hono 113 , Ooodyear Tlra. rireproof Mtnrasa 1. il.KV MOOItR Palmer Oraduato if-rM.iiiM f iinm Chronln and Nervous iiisoaaaa AtTOMOIIII.E 1 IRr.H Nsw Moh. ltUtek ,.j w,l0 Phona H7i , Urlnif In your worn Urea gel Opnoailo Court lloaao Ouou mllea more at t usual eol ACi: TIUK KIIOI' IUI. C. NoltVAI.t, Guuranted vulciuilalni Gradimta of. Palmer tad 11 J So. lllh Pt. I'hono 3 J Pnclllo Collce ro-treails Fourlcen yeara vxperlenro Wo renvo tho causa of - ' ' " ' ' 1 ' Boa!,."oro'. "AH Nmlttiy'a Kepalr Shop Guaranteed Auto llepalrlnic Cars called for and delivered Booth tb St. Phono (03-VV n.iTTi:iY HEUVKK Datlery Service, . Magneto, Starter and Generator- Itepslrlog FI)VD IlKMtlOT (O. 234 Mala 81. I'hono 397-W Ilattery, Macneto, Generator and Complete Electrical Service W. P. Johnson's AITO FI.FCTKIO hKllVICE 724 Klamath v Thona 349 philco ftemy Delco flosch Aiitollta IIK.H'TY PAItl-OIIS Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet ray, niarcall Iryr, hair tinting nOHTON UEAI'TY HIIOP . Glnrenna Warron . Winters illiln. Phono 311 Water, French Paper Curl Facial and Scalp- Treatment m.ti:uii,s 8WAN I.ARK MOCI.DINO CO. quality riulldlng Matorinl South 6lh Hi. Phono 7G( WANTED Carpentor work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and -fixtures built. 1401 Division St. I'hono HM CM! Ill IIK.S HACRFD ' HEART lll ltt II Eighth and High Sis.. Ilev. A. K. I.oeser, Hev. C. II. Fnigo. Knnday masses at 6:30, 8:00 nnd 10:11.1, Evening devotions it 7:.".. Wock-Uuy musa nl 7 r.. m. .Mcl-rlll. 1st nnd 3rd Ri m ay i lit HCllO. All are ri rit.hlly welcome at our Br- a aNVaeaaVVavaavsai CIVIL ENGINEERrt .1. C, ( LKlillOltN Civil " Engineer nnd ' Hurveyor 2111 High Hlrect ,C, C. KELI.EY I - i Consult Ing Civil Engineer Underwood Illilg, Phono 107S - )toh)tx - r ri, I'.i27; Hum gin . . i ..t.i . ui ..I mi.riia hii.i there beliiN a rniiimoflity inrf which and In rcmiecl wlimvof in had been nnd I lieu wa ImpaHed by I lie liiwn uf III I'lllUll HUlPa. Wnilll IUI HUH 1V7 CI.AriKNrK It. IIOTCIIKIH8. I'nlted Hiaica Marihull for lha Dimrlcl of Oregon, fly rurraie C. Wella. Deputy. K.MPI.OVMENT AGENCY kl.matii i:mpix)ymkxt OFFICK j Employment for workers lo evory mills, railway snd farms. Jnmea Hyaa, Prop. Oth and Mnln. Pboao 1ST Mt'HIO HTIT" PKAIll, P.HIIV Graduate of ElllRon-Whllo Coniervotory. Teacher ot i'lnno and ITarninny, Phono (39 11 J'lnn St. , A2-9 tlVESTOCK Fresh rowa on hand at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DA I II Y 1Y)W CO. Phone: Ranch 22K3;Ris. 414 K. Mocbottai, Jr. Texuut Htnllon ..... ... - . ri- -t IJUUL) OHTKOPATim . DR. F. n. OODDARD I. O. O. K. TEMPLB Oatoopatbln, I'hyslclan - and Surgeon Office and Jtnaldeoca I'hono Ul ' ..----..- - "--i-rir 'i-iiririnri.ii PAINTS, WA1.I. PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, . . Brushes . ... F. It. OI.DS Across from Postofflcs Phono 43 Everything a Paint Store ' Koeps Paints, Oils, Varnlshos, Dead. . enlng Fnlt, Glass. Roofing, Wall-Puper PATTI RHON'H PAINT r.lYIRR 428 So. Oth St. Phono S83-J TIMISICH I 111 IHK11H Timber Cruising, Rnconnals i , nnra and Apprnlsal II. II. 0(.l,l! 400 Mnln Ht. . Phono SOS-W i Working from M. L, Johnson's off lea s... .. st-i-u -in.itiuum " ' E.TCAVATINH ,, , III.AHTI.Va Rower and cpsspool Work i Phone 42'. . Call at Will K. Main 8a. FHA.NK MARTIN V"1' rrj l yotwr by wAMwyin inc ;fjt1 J, ataVVM . : -: ... !! :'