Tui's.l.-iv, September i', ll27. TUB EVKNIN'f, IlKKAI-n. KLAMATH FAU.K. OREOON Tnpo Five UILDERS ana nOME UWNER D S VMjE BUILDING LOANS Disappearing Mortgages 'Just Like Rent' Kill n Imiik Mt winl. simplify borrowing- on r:i e.inte; at the nail' llnm miuml f.jr the lender and utm for the borrowur. (nil til. I !( us explain fully. Insurance Department . Wilson Abstract Co. Genet al Insurance Loans Bonds Hum.. Kill ill! j, Kl R. E. WATTENBURG a V. k-fione, 1316 R .tltMTII tl'IM yiVm.iml riervli" TITI.K lSt II M V. AN OUKGON COKIDKATION ( bartered to ito a Ceneral Al'rai't and Ijind TlHe Hiialnena. Our (Vrtllli'ilu uiul Curpuruin Seal (iuaranlrs Arcurary. ABSTRACT OF TITLE COMPANY of Miillllieril Oregon Mill Mnlu . I'. T. I'll.v, Miiiiiitr Tel. IIINI .ltNTIt.tT4 'I'erxinill Hrfx Ire' TITI.K IVKI'HWfK ft ,r3 Sjgg W e i r I a. k. .fj H. E. ROSKAMP. Builder l'lioiif 672 Hrick, Tile and Concrete Huildinu; Construction of ell kinds Commercial Buildings Apartments Residences Public Work. Etc. Kxlltrtnles Cheerfully Furnished , Philipsen & Huls . Phone 293-W 204 Main Street Y pi ivtrniP invTMnpo ii;mivr''Y ? ? I 'SUN rUOOF" PAINTS ' "WATER SPAU" VARNISHES "JiANZAl" ENAMELS t A A 7'' R. P. OLIVER Show Concrete Pipe for Sewers and Culverts All Hles lso Stone' Tile for Foundations and Walls Our Pipe and Stone Tllo finnrnnlood to puss all Test Hoijulre inonts nnd llitlldliig Spaciriratlons. Prices llensoniible, Phone or ('nil Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. Phone ftHJ-W HOJl .Market HI. CHAS. N. COSEBOOM Building Plans, Specifications, Supervision 210-211 Underwood Bldg. Phone 654 Contractor and Builder ill kimU of Mill work. Culiinit Work und 5uilt-in Ft at men ' 801 Spring St. " A Home n"1" 0' Superior Materlnl Workmanship will rnm- lligher lle-aula alue. Let Me Build Such a nomerorrou 1072 Kiti l SI root 1)r.l)l'I.F. say tliey like to liny their point supplies lirrr ttecaiisc I liey lo reveite good iil it'i iiIouk v. illi t lie nm tcrinN. Of ouiirK', t lie mlvire is ivi'ti only vtlien VAanlril. Hut oiirpuiiil selliiii; rxiM-rieiii-p lias iHiiglit Its luany tliinr' (lint wo like I pass on tn ctistotners. Ve luivo Hutch liny wliite-lrail ml litiM-rd oil fur Iml li exterior muliiili-rior iim. And a lull lino of oilier paint siipiirs. Cume In anil talk with us about iHilnting. Patterson's Wallpaper and Paint Store Phono I: J C2fi So. Clh St. T T ? ? V llnoniM 120 No. 7th St. X e- Building News! Wrecking- nl the old lleruld building on North Klahtb was sinned thin morning under Iho til 1 1 ills, crn ed rr Herald nfflrea have moved Mitln uml Fifth In tho Odd lows building With III latest dlspla'.o! Papers, paints anil other' d' crl d linn for homrt. Iho Patterson paint sloro opened Ha downtown offices at 11G north Fourth on lnat Thursday. Tho rooms am fixated Just at lb. rear of the Copco building. Tho store at CZ aoulh 8lth will continue In Ha prevent location. With thn laat l&0.00n bricks nlMiul to bo removed from the kiln, Cofer llrothera are ealalt lililnii new record with more ihnn one million turned out 1ur- liil! the paat daya. fommnn d and wratrta brlrle havo een pel visum oi ruiiipsen anil w'y, ifj', i- , lorul contractors. A mod- wt. a. i -. . ': .'5-.. brick bullitliiK will be r-. i ittSi Ts 1 . - en the properly which In own- li t1 a.'. 12 W '.. jfcf' 1; fil '-' I by K. J. Murray, lorinrr own-, J .7j,;.. - 1 1 51 ' ft of Tho F.venlng Herald. Thii , .,'' Vt e - -. fee lllineil OUl VJ inn lumi ""i'nl AT A J A and crdera for many thousand i Noted AVtOtOT IS have Blrendy been plared. Thla, Dr.J. Jaa FoTtter i. the record turn out of the! Dranae aas rorger "rro' (Contlmud front pnite 1 Mr. and Mr. II. It. I'errln , bl. h waa awarded blm on af ar iranaactln" hunlneaa In Port-, count (f the reroriln he claimed land for few daya. They arc , BaTe mnde. tinned out by the lorul conrern raperled to return nome on; Thiimduv. Mr. Periln la one oi the leadlnis rhlle.ta of aomh- em Orenon and baa otflrea In ; I he llnpka hulldlnx. Somo of the ' large! bulldlnita erected here ilurlna the pa.t lew monlha have been dealtined by Mr. I'errln. November will bring the com- j pletlon of anoiher palatial borne . In Hot Springs when Mr. and , Mr. T. Molalore arta ,Bn,,,T:had already been plotted tn In , null salt r jii; - u l""n aa is nnuv in siiea ea rvr ishi iiu ff hope to he homed In their new j vlllt,c lnk IO Indira,,, , record 'sne, she ay. but haa a severe ' ForWOtded tO Salem residence which la now under , ir,,,lng flluht of IJ.UUO meter. J of had breath which tend ' ronatructlon. 'or 4 MAI feet. It waa alleged : Ii produce nasc-iu In its vie-' SALEM. Sept. S. (.4( The rtoc Lncated on three of (he wont;,!,,,, pfl(.r t sak ltsc off for the pur-'lim. ' retary of state's office tnday re- heaullful lois Iri the city !": Hrti-d attempt, he til.ot eteam cohort telegraphic Information home to lie liullt along me win ; Lnglliih llnoa will bo of rock ami carry the old P.ucliMr type colored roof of tile. . T-n 'Inrge . room will he arranged In lh home which la to be two stories. , Cnmpnny. however, the papera p. Two children were killed atlve In congress had he- n mall A stone garage will lie erected ; asserted, hud become suspicious ; and two women were -Injured ed u Salem. It la expected to al the aide of tho home. i SAMAUAND, Turkecinn, Sept., his plane a second barograph. C, (A. P.) Because 2.750 Mns-jihe reading of this Is alleged to lem women were compelled lo have shown that l.,e flier ascend liurn their veils under penally of ed only 4.5UU meters Instead Vf fines. 1 soviet officials are to the 1.1. DOu ho claimed, he prosecuted. Their orders were Lieutenant Mnrlteady's record. In make the abandonment of veils 'established on Jununry 29. 1926. voluntary by propaganda. BigBcisinLumberCompany ' KLAMATH FAI LS (H:i:(i(l Retailers a Regular Lumber Yarid i A fiOOD PLACE Trt TIIAHi: IIKCAI SK (- Till: I.AP.GK STOCKS TO SI IT AW PI P.SK. IT IS TO VOm IDV1V- T.WiK TO TIIADK WIILItK Slllfl HVS AliK OFFKI!KI. UK AIM Ti CtiNKKT A IIU'I LAIl TltllUMi I'LAC WM. H LODGE, Manager Now is the Time to Build BIILD1N0 MATERIALS: Crushed Rock All Sles. Sand All Kinds. Cement. Ro-lnforolng Sleol. SASH and DOORS SCREENS Klamath Cabinet Shop E. S. Rol)iimon 66 Spring 5 Phone 1434-W One .... in s '"vftf ' m .'wFKV'e. t Th, Kr..B,.i. nltltuile re.ord. by ,lrI,,H OI "u" ur,,on- "ow ' pr-adlns Adder atru.k at him " H-'1" lolnt. and theknd rlt,uded aome wirt of nml- world'a record to former Lleuten- jture which left ita victim too III n, j6. A. VgcUeady of '.lie to wlk and phy-klana treated ,. urmf (()r,.p him for anake bite pol,onin. w ,lp ,,, ,t Cornea now Miaa Caroline The rhnritea aKf.t: i'alllro na niilihulicil In the French nreurt. vrf0 hJ ho nrlPd Mn baro. raph , heer on which a curve aciiinxl thn paper, thus making xv Ink ' legible and Hiiliheiineiilly Mihinittod the sheet aa pron( of ,H r,. oril breaking claim, - An engineer of Iho . Illerlol of falllio'a previous records snd secretly Inserted In the wing of Is 3D. 704 feet. Trucks For Hauling Lime, plaster, W. D. Miller Construction Co.;m. ,. General Construction Pliono 78 HOLLOW TILE HOMES - The homo built of Hollow Tile is everything that a home should be. There is no danger of warping, cracking or shrinking to permit leaks ot cold air or dampness into the home. Hollow Tile may be finished in several differ ent ways. A faoig of stucco or brick may be used, or tho wall may be built with a finished vvall of face tile. Hollow Tile the most economical form of per manent construction. Klamath Falls Brick & Tile Co. 420 Main St. ' ' Phone 1017,R. Yard, Shippington,' Phone 101 7-W of Klamath Falls Hospitals XT NEBRASKA SNAKES HAVE BAD BREATH O M A II A. 8fpl. 3. (A.P.I- ... . ...a.e. u,e oa....v. Oehrlg forged In front of Babe Recently when Nathaniel Wat-, bf n( , ,he nome r)n ten. of Broken Bow. .NVb.. walk- mara0lO0 today by hoWting nnm ed Into, hi barn a rpeele of . . . . . , -L .kiiake commonly knoan aa a JPtrlnEer. Central hlali arhool na- turaliM. with the atatement that the rpreadlng Adder s breath U . worne than "hla b:te. That .itatrn im . nAl.nnn... ; TTtiJn CYi'tlAritn nr v r i . Lfeaa in ACCldenZ - - HOyClAM. Wah., Sept. 6. (A. critically In an automobile crash late Sunday nine miles south of Nvilton on the Qnlninlt road.' rirg nia lx-e llirrlck. J. and Kli hard Done Slough, 16 months old. were killed when a car '. driven by ('. F. Slough collided with another cnr. Mrs. Slough , and Mrs. II. It. Derrick were seriously hurt. ' KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. (Reliable Abstracters since 1903.) AIlSTIt ACTKRS TITLK EX AMINKRS TlTLKjlNSCRAXCK Blue PrinlinB Fire Insurance til So. 4th SI. Phone fKfl llth nnd Common Inl ' . i .."r..:.vf Babe and Lou are Tied for Honors IIOSTO.V. Sept. . (API Lou "t !''"' bo- tween tho Yir.keea and Red Sox here. ' j Ituh ,he Mandn , foIlowlBg ,,,. howcrcr I br aendinit a tremendoua walloo over the center field fence for bis number 4w. Korell Nomination , from the thlid congresnional dia- trut convention ofriclalu that the certificate cr "nomination for . Franklin ' K. Korell. as the re- ' publican candidate for represent- reach here todav. j APAVKSK KKAOING TAsTK. TOKYO, Sept. 6. Literature and language hooks are most popular In' Japan, the Imperial Library of Tokyo finds. Of 91.047 books, drawn from the library in a month a fourth were in that class. Conrrote Building Blocks. Dul'ont K.xplosives. Industrial Electric Co. k. i urn I'. It. llrcmer Electrical Contractors Wiring Motor Winjling Repairs Fixtures Phones: Simp, 7TI-W MKliI, 771-1! New Location ' Cofer Building 7th nnd Walnut Ave Kor Vmir I'mlertlon THE KLAMATH FALLS Dam her. Fred I'alntlnu Contractor III K Isaxln I.umlier Co. I.iimlter it llullilera Ruppllea tloitoiuly t Keller Ceneral Contractor llrnane. C. II. I'a'ntlng Contractor P"ter. II. M. eneral Contractor Cain. II. It. . lathing and KUlngllng Cofer liroa. Cahlnai and Mill work IJrak l.uninur Co. Lumber A Hulldara flupplle Ewlng. U V.. Pluaterlng Contractor Cloytein, Henry Painting Contractor Gunelnn. Chun. I). Electrical Contractor Craham. A. P. . llullding MatertaU Gray. J. M. Plumbing Hjnwn. 1.. V. General Contractor lleidt. Fred lathing and Shingling Humphrey, A. V. General Contractor Industrial F.lectric Co. ' KlrctrUn.1 Cortractora Jenwa, J. M. General Contractor For Further Information 91i California, & PAINT t? . j rramevx anu Mirrors COFER BROS., Inc. Phone 389 220 So. 7th St- T Brick Builders' Hardware Q , We Can Save You Money on Your Lumber . Here are some SPECIALS Dimension Stock $17.50 Shiplap $17.50 4-inch Bevel Siding $10.00 A'e have manv other Items lo how you. In iiv out and look .bem over. We sell retail at prices little over wholesale. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. ' Pcliian City For Choice Building Lots See Watters & Barnhisel Phone (Hill (lull's .Main St. Fred Jordan General Contractor AND Builder Phono KUt-J-t 1-akovlow IK. HOWARD R. PERRIN ' Designs and Plans Commercial, Industrial & Residential Buildings 209, 215 Hopka Bldg. Phone 2C0-J Kmploy Memliera of BUILDERS' EXCHANGE Joll. Arthur I'lnMcrlng Contractor ' Jordan. Kred Generul Contractor Klamath Cabinet Shop Cabinet and Mlllwork Lakealite Lumber Co. Lumber e llitibleni Suppltea LlnreHty A llalnea ' 141 I'l utnblng and Kheet Metal Mi-Collum, Geo, Mlrhuelaoo, Joha Painting Contractor Nelann, Lin - ' General Contractor Pal tenon. W. K J. H. Painting Contractnra Pierce, Itay Palming Contractor Porter Cooat ruction Co. General Contractors Honkamp. H. al. Generul Contractor KUlh Ml. Lumber Co. Lumber A Builder Supplies Hleven. W. A. Hon . , General Contractors Swan Lk. Moulding Co.- ' " Lumber A llulldera Supplies Van Fleet. I). I). Klecirkal Contractors 1 TA'attenburg, H. K. , j General Contractor Weatfull. T. B. " General Contractor Call, Kay Pierce. Secretary, Phone 10ZH-W GLASS i TTr winrtuiica Better Lumber Better Houses In choosing the Lumber for your construction work. Insist upon the very best which of course, means that you'll get It from the Lakeside Lumber Co. . , ' We ran supply your needs to any dimension or . amount. Let us figure on your next work. , . Lakeside Lumber Company W. n. PEXWAnOEV, Mgr. ('M Klntnnth Ayg. fit Center St. Pliono 12H . Plant More Trees "If It Can lie Built Of - 5fone or Concrete KF.B Chas. Bennett Stone Work Specialty P. (I. Box KM Ilione sVll-It Kin ninth lulls