Tufsilav, S'it'nl'i- C, (27. Vny Two THK F.VEN'IXG IIERAMX KLAMATH FAU.S, OREGON. ; i Marine Raineri Wins Battle Against Hank 10 Rounds ' 'Marino llaiuert tiuteliiKced HiiK liyner. rotund Seattle , - , . ' main event of Hie Labor Hay Vvliia card l the Lesion hall jlusl nliilit. After these two he - heuinths col warmed up in the sixth raulo, they-wenl afier each 'other hamuior and tonus, with . . - , Ilrst one of them on the floor iloklnn the count ' and then the ' otheiv ' In the sixth round. Itainerl . slipped over a hBrd one lo the jaw am, me pumiis. uyser so-seu -me .au.na. jkiok a cuiiiii m : 'four, he acramliled to his feet and then started after the marine lie wounded wildcat. One of Ms wild awiitga found its. mark and Ralnerl found himself in aislven no other verdict. Vouiic 'prone position. . 1 Hreedlove showed himself to be a After this display nivinit and ( name little butler, although he 'receiving, these big fellows went ; was haril.v Ini kltrp In -experience, "at Iheir work In a business like I Sid Herbert and Jack Daley. manner and Referee John Towers both local hoys, went four rounds ;was busy from then on tollliiR a i in the preliminary. Hoth are (count over one or; the, other. ' tough, willing mixers, beiug jus' with Ryker on the floor more ; as good on the receiving end as ,ntla than Rainert. In the tenth jon offensive, and It could not round Rainert had Ryker on I have , been called anything else jefneer street and the latter took ! but a draw. . the count of nine Just before the j On the whole, it was a good. clottns bell. Il was plainly i well-balanced card 'which Match 'Kaitieri'a battle, although Ryker maker Lee Haron arranged for fought gamely from opening bell local fight fans and a good crowd Mo the closing runnel. . witnessed the battles. alms R MR i U II II I I U UU IIU CLOSE TO TOP v.-t. V- (lly the Anmx-hile.1 Tnnii) ) The Inspirational dash of the .lanui lu.oi.i i ii tu) ol ... ktandinK today had brought John j McCraw's club from a poor fourth lo vlthin one aame of the pace making Pitsburch Pirates. Holiday double headers yester flay resulted in three of the first jlivislon teams hri'akinc even while. Pittsburgh was being set back twice by. Cincinnati .The Giants bowed before the Boston Brave, 6-1. hefore they carne back. for- a .victory, in the jsecoad, 9-S. , - 1 KUejr and Honohue pitched Cin tlnnattl lo its twin trinmph over Vlttfbursh by wor.-a of U-6 and rl-3.. respectively. - -i Manager Je HJcCarthy of the jThicaKo Cubs played a long shot egainst St. Louis andjicnt Lefty -AVelnert, just acquired irom the &an Francisco Missions, to the mound for the opening game. JtVeinert held the world's cham pions to five hits and turned In B fr-1 victory. St. lxjuis took the next game br a 2-0 score. Brooklyn .dropped both games to-the tail-end Phillies. 6-1. and fc-l. Cy Williams smashed out his twenty-flflh' and twenty-sixth liomers of the year, f The American League's star holiday attraction was staged at Boston, where the lied Sox car ried the. Yankees 18 Innings in thM .first game and then trimmed the loaders 12-1 1.- The Yankees Jicon aandlly In the second game j Connie Mack' Philadelphia Athletics strengthened their hold on second place by trimming Washington 2-1 and 3-0. -i Chicago . and Detroit snjit. Thomas blanking the Tigers in the opener. 5-0 and Detroit win ning the next, a slugging match, 10-6.- j Cleveland and St. Louis broke fveiL-.Tbe Indians squeezed out a V-6 win. in the first game and ilallou bested Buckeye in the econd game,. St. Louis gaining a 3-2 decision. ' Think Red fern May ' Still be Located :Continnod from page one) nd Virginia Dare, ridden by linrber. ; j No. 2 Helay ' race T?arber string first, Telramp string and flucknr string. ! No. 3 (llrls' relay Darker, Cihon and Telcanip. - ! No. 4 Jackie flravier, rider J.arher horses; . June Urnilbury. rider tiibson string: Mnxine Brad bury, rider Telramp horses. - i No. 5 Cowgirls race Jackie Ctrtivier on Freckles.: Miss Moore on Nigger llnhy; June Uraduury on Sauko. ! No. 6 I'ecard on Axhlon Hoy: Adams on Iluhe Hotike; Thomp au on Teikford, and liucker on iteHm Lady. No. 7 l'ecard on Bidder Ash Ion; Adniiis on Ilium lie; horse t shr H: horse Virginia Dnre. f In 'Ihe convolution race, liucker look first, Topsy, second ami Niirk third. Winners of Khet IisiiiI pony rare not available. T Ryker After of Real Action The draw derision jtiven liy Tiii-h In Ihe seml-windiip he- tweeu Johnnie 1-ucate and Jack j WMall.-y, wclierweinht. did not ; meet with popular approval, as a ! majority of ihe fan's ihoneh: Ksil(e f)onui have lieen clveu ,. . . . ' the verdict. It was a pood, clean I ",t'- with ""h boys landinK (telline Mows. 1 : Kid Ryder not an unpopular , verdict over Hilly llreedlove. a . ....... ,.e, u Ju. ,.-,..,. .,.. ...f. ... ... mc. m.-. lhat the younsrster was popular with the crowd. Hyder deserved jthe decision and Hohliy Rosa, who . referred this, event, could hava Gene's Methods : 4'hampion Trhs HLs Otiun Kv ert'iM'. llcfire KcaliiifK Krrnk , t e. ' .i 1 1 f i. r . flues?'. 4 -I-. I t Jtemejnber , Cene Tunaey ...Bar-; Ing his methods of exerciser re-i corded recently? ..Well, here he , is taking them according to his directions from a recoid. It's a ' cne-two exercise he's going through now. and it is being done ' 9 ...laJJ A 'i - 5a r w before breakfast. The photo-iupon graph wes taken at Speculator, N. V.. Just prior to his depart' ! ure for hicago. . - BEAVERS UROP HE TO SUDS r..r . . , . i , ... .. situated In Klamath County. Ore " ' ' . gon. to-wit: (l! Ihe Assocmle.1 J'reseV . i,ot numbered. Four M) In Jn a game cut short by rain in Block numbered One Hundred the fifth inning Seattle scored an Nine floi, Buena Vista Addi easy 6-3 trinmph over the Port-'"0" to Ihe ity of Klamath Falls, land Heavers. The winners scored ', Klamath County. Oregon three time In the first frame and ow ''' ' aii execution. Judgment, order three times more in the third. nt orner of an(, in cm. After dropping Ihe first con-; pilin,.e with the commands of test to the Missions 6-2, Holly- ,aid writ, I will on the 5th day wood come back In Ihe second of October, 1327. at the hour of encounter to regisler a 6-5 win. ten o'clock A. M. at the north 'San Francisco and Los" An- trout door of the County Court geles split a double hill with I tie . "oum -In Klamath County, Ore Angels grabbing the first game "" l Public auction (suh--8 and the Seals taking the sec-1 Je" . " redemption) to the high . . 'est bidder for cash In hand, all on" " '' the right, title and Interest, the The league loadisig Oaks grab- hod two easy contests from Sac- rnmenlo, winning the first 2-0 anil the second Oeorite Boeh- ler helil the Henntora to one hit ill the first game. i IKIIIIKM ItKf'OVKKKI) ' AUKKDICKN. Wash. Sept. 5.1 W) The hodles of John MeXv I mara. .2, Aherdeen, and F.dwarl Peterson, 19, Astoria, Oregon, i who drowned when their skiff1 overturned In the surf near , '..lnrl 1 M .-ere ee. J " v '"' ' ' ' overed today and brouaht tri this i port. MrNamara's wife saw fie! men drown. J Police Guard ! Gene's Campj l.AKK VILLA. III.. (iril. I. lA. IM ..The more 'Or ha an sees of time Tunney,' his pleasant auill' and relou lilable fists, the betler l( 1 1 k him . Hut Hi city np iwremly realizes that ,:cne has serious lihslucs ahead Mild ha no Intention-of inmiyiii a heavy weight champion with too pcr siMeni -Attention. As a m-ull Tuuney found him self lth a mmvI.iI police hody lEuard today ih orders lo allow uoue. lint cloo friends near (he title -holder or within the train iiiR quarters al the fedar Crl Couutry Club. At loast mie o(C cor will ttv with Tuuny ctvnttAnt lv until Ccne malchfa (.sin with J k iVuipsey ii di'fi'DW of hts ittl uu the night of September 22ml. A dotu polUomeu ninos fu i y t u rou t m I the 2.400 f a in who -me yfstrrHay 10 hh th ih;imtion vork out for the tir-r time in ih iniilille wt. Thf rowtls Jammed about tho rluh houw ,wep( ,, hm drts?tiMH qua r lent and . chwwl him boisterously as h ment about th days vork. The p.hm1 of the champion af ter a four lay lay off from th rinir. the jHer on the thot. Cene rammed home occaMionallv when opentiig. loo Rood ro nils.' shoved up In hU sparring part tits defeiiH, , brought added, rounds of applause. A display 'pleaded Tunney aud he auiilud ronKtantly thruughout the vork out. Ctvin-k Wiggins., tho In diana light heavyveight. bore the brunt of Tunney'a right hand attack. -- -- . - i . MKI.Ia HH AIRIM.WK KI NO SKMIPAI.ATINSK. Siberia. Sept. 6. The peajtanlav of Vasi lievskt Tillage have donattd their church ImII to an ")ur uwer , to Chambrlin" famK The pur : pose of the fund Is to raie nion- for coristructlon of war air- planet Legal Notices NOTII'K OK lUl tltll OK Ktjl Al. IATION MKKTIVi; tF KK.t UtHKiATION . IHSTItKT. Notice Is hereby, given that on October. fc 1927. being the first Tuesday in October, the board of directors of Keno Irrigation Dis trict, acting as a board of equal iration. will meet .for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its : assessment and apportionment of i taxes, as in . the irrigation dts- trict laws provided. Said meeting shall be held for said purpose at the office of the hoard In that certain residence and house known as the Hooper house, locuted within the Keno Irrigation District, and in the .northeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 3, Township 40, S. It. ft. K. W. M.. in Klamath County. Oregon, and in the meantime the assessment list and record shall remain in the office of the Secre tary of the board for the Inspec tion of all persons Interested, j tSignedi J. W. KERNS. I Secretary of the Board of Directors of Keno Irriga tion District. 6 ! NOTII'K OK HHKR1FFH SAI.K. In the Circuit Court of the male ui un-Kiin lor numHin l County. c. V. Drake, operating under the name and style of Drake Lumber Company, plaintiff, vs. R- l"lnger. defendant. By virtue of an execution, Judgment, order and order of, sale Issued out of the above en- titled court In the above entitled .cause, duly .directed and dnted the 29th day of August. 1927. a judgment entered and ' rendered in said court on the 21st day of July. 1927. In favor of plaintiff anc egainst L. It. Ottnger. for the sum of One Hun dred Forty-Seven and 67-100 l 1 4 T 6 7 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of six I6 per cent per annum from the 21st day of July. 1927. until paid, and the further sum of $17. no costs and disbursements, and Ihe costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to sell the : following, described real property within named defendant had In and lo the above described real properly on Ihe 23rd day of May, the oate of said attach ment or since said date had In and lo said real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe cution. JitdKtnent order, Includ lux Interest, costs and aicnilng coMs. IlI'HT E. HAWKINS. Sheriff of Klamath f'ounty. Ure. lly Louis C. Mueller, ' Deputy, Dated this 1st day of Septem- . ' , ' . , ,'r' PUlllIfatloll Heplemhef 6, 1 H27 Last publication October, 4, 1927, 26-13-20-27 Some Racket x V v n -j ; i (.x-J"' :.-t v-f ...i , I 1 T "-IT - e...rr A newcomer lo the ranks of tho .madtnl: KnglNh women mnnla stars la easy-to-look-at Aileen Itennett. And what a racket she raised among net funs when she first took to the courts at r'prest Mills. Long Island, where this ahot ol her In action wua mu.le. j Jack Starts I : Secret Work LINCOLN' FIELD. Crete. 111.. Sept. 6. i A. P. I Secret training begau fur Jack Dempscy todny. The hubtib and commenj on Dempsey's ring workouts w-hile he- was trying to perfect a shift to escape right hand awings hn disturbed the former champion and h.s manager. Leo Fly mi. Only newspaper men will be ad mitted, to the race, track t-auip now. . v . Dempsey yesterday visited for the first time the scene of hi approaching title bout. The Iihor Day celebration in the Soldiers Field stadium attracted the former champion as he came to town, to have dinner with his wife and he stopped lor.g enough to. make an appearance as referee id a boxing milch on the Labor' Day program, . , ' . The stadium 'held alio tit 40. lux and as Dempsey entered he was greeted with un ovation accom panied by wild cheers and throw-; ing of hats and seat cushions. For the next two days the former champion plans to like .things easy. Two days of boxing and two days tif rest appears to be Flynn's program. "Jack is still eager to go." Flynn said, "and that's the war we want to keep him. The tlgh' Is more than two weeks away ind Jack has very , little more weight to lose." Winners of Klamath Rodeo Announced i Continued from page 1) Venezuelan coast -and 100 miles i from the group of Islands of I which Cayo Grande and El Roque 'are the largest. On neither of I these Islands, they said, could ihe filer have obtained a new supply of gasoline had bis been depleted. The name of the plane re corded In the ships log as "Brunswick-Brazil" from the fuselage. Tho number NX-773 lilxo was noted in Ihe log! We Wish to Announce we have purchased the entire utiock of nega tives of the Van Dyke Studio. We Solicit your 'orders for Photographs from your old negative. MAY KING Stinson Studio Road Oil Our System la BomeililnK New and Better than the Old Hand Bjratem , . Can Washed Motor Cleaned ' Vacuum Cleaned Gwi We call for and NEW SYSTEM y- ' Esplanndo She's Raisin' i it l.l- 4.s . "i I. Tol'I'll ll TIU'FS Mure ill n n ;'iiu.iii0 known kinds of Insect uitack trees. In this country alone it is estimated the loss from citerpillaes. beetle. bi.rrers and olher Itfect amounts lo S 1 nu.U'to.uihi. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter's supply of block-wood and green-slab at once, while the price are at the bottom. FARMERS Also slorlc np for the year, at tho bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere In the valley 1V cord Jumbo loada. (07 Main Phone BSJ You w ill like V LOS ANGELES Better If You Stop t SIXTH and SPRINO STREETS l1' M Me jUessW UmM" -! ' ' Kew Million Dollar Annex , . UOCeetaMUkUl $2X0 per day np without bath $130 pe daf ap wttb bath . - ' ' " i --- -mtoKAi tnvici Fepolar Priced Coffee Shop ,. : aad Grill - -, t "Wo " Check- " Vim r Car at the 9 . Door." ' Cleaning rollslied Kinert freaslns , Free Crank Case Service ami OH deliver Phone 606 AUTO LAUNDRY ; near East Main Peyton i i ay i ' i i STANDING OF CLUBS TODAY Team: W. I I'd. Oakluait 10 1 CJ .nut Seattle u 71 . ft r n Saa l-'iuiiclsco II 71. ill Portland'. 81 . mi .Mi!) puciameiiio US Kl .IS) Hollywood TT MU ,41 Maaliiiia " HI .ir.fi l.oa A n ,!,. CJ IUI ,;t;i atkiv vi. i. i: ta v.. Taiim: , W. I.. I'd. I'iltahiirgh 1i fiJ .6!iu New .York 7t 61 .481 t'hlcnio t fia .57 st. i.ouu ..; :i si .mi Ctnciuiialll . 6 0i. .401 lloaloa & tj .431 llrooklvn 6J Til .411 I'litlartelphla 4T 81 .iil I Team: W. I.. I'd. j . AMUltlc AN LK-Kil K., New York SI 3 ,70 I'hlludelphia 7i 5S .577 l.'iroli 70 v .618 I Wushlngton . 6H HU .631 I f'hlcugo t M8 .473 I Cleveland 69 71 .411 j SI. Louis . SI 19 .411 lloston 4t 67 .JSU The N. Y. barbers' union has de Ided VcTl to take any more Hps. Now If they'll only slop ' giving thein All kincfa of GLASS, Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. -1 lth , Phone 477-W t ay.-'- fo:l nVrr tiy iMJl "ixt'iniit; a tniui In. taut walT tiiukcj film -hitrd-lxilliil." ' - BILL HART T " THK IIWl.tMl I'Olt f ' - - tiik ititiiM.H HTit.vrrns . HiMTIOS .ll) I.H.IIT- , . I Mi. hW ITCH - Is 'steadily Increasing, due to Its popularity and price. We ran give yen a Urggs Strat, ton switch thai .will fit a Dodge. Chevrolet, .Maxwell, I'aige and many olher cars. We can supply yon with gen uine electrical purls from lead ing manufacturers ail over tho country. W.P. JOHNSON'S Auto & Electric . Service ; 721 Klumnlti I'liona 310 (iene Likes His " Pretty Quarters i l.AKK VII.I.A. 111. Kepi. tV-.V. Ihal Chl.uao has met (Iene Tuuuey aud lit a , roiislna welcoma. dmoiiliatil Juat ho much ah likes him, Ihe heavy wvlalil c hit hi plo n Is ready lo ! clprocale, tletie mya bla new I in I ii In a mirti'tera ul Ihe Cedir l'lt t'ouiilry rluh, 115 miles Irom the "loiii," are "not only Ihe llnesl I ever have had Uu1 Ihe prottlvat." time roaitu-d Mimui hi" U''w doiuuiu today, resilng and liilllm iihout Hie wide green lawn Good Poultry Feed The "success or failure of your flock dc- pcniia largely upon the way you feed them." Good feed means better production. ' . 'i MARTIN BROTHERS MILL t e is prorluring a grade of poultry fee! that will insure the jjuecess of your flock.' Vour poultry will thrive on Martin Druthers' feed. Martin Brother Mills .. 1 . ill' ';Tho Home of Crater Lake wl i Anchor "Flour . , i ii POTATO DIGGERS Engine and Traction Drive. The NEW IRON AGE DIGGER j . i j , i. t i Is built for the heaviest and soil.'i 'z ' " ', ; . Great traction power, heavy construction and ease of operation overcome-the handicaps of mechanical digging with minimum of injury. Special Plow Decign Eliminates vine, clogging. Extra HeavFrame No springing or warping ' , f " Automatic Adjuitible Trucks For shoit easy turns. ' ' ' 1 .... j., , . A Better Machine at a Lower Price . I . . ' ; j ! I .. ' ; i v.. i ... . The Dahlfnan Sacker will cut Harvesting Coit J. W. 1203 South Sunny, pleasant rooms. ; Dependable nursing care. A Roorl place to convalesce in illness ami after surgical operations. KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL PIXB'AT FOl'llTII STREET, KI.AMATIl KAI.LH, OKrXJO.N . i . . ii-.-' . Corner. Fourth and Pine . . Telephone 4 97 slier ihe hlrcniinua Rii ellna hi . corded hint hv fully Jao.uutl funs In Ihe hearl of Ihe illy yester day. II v 'teliKhl the liraria of ihiito(riiihera ami they made the must of Ihe In lit lit linhlue, nuiiln the heavy, wvlxlil khi In every roiicelvahle pose. ' An I Mi. ile round of nlf con sllliiled lieiie'a lulnlha run 1 1 ne loilay. He went m lh llnka uii In I lie nMcrnm.ii with Ills lnuu- uger, Hilly liliiaun, wmi annoia pir golf on awraalim.. Tunney still haa lo make his lint hole In perfect flaurea. hill Ilka Ihe remainder of ihe "Suffer" army, unilmlil never will (lull IrylnK. t ' ' e - - If. 1 ' ' V . conditions of vines, grass . .' . ... r. Kerns Sixth Street .