Siitnriliiy. SfptfniW X, 1 ?27 TTtF, FAT.NTNT, HERALD. KLAMATH FAT.T55. nr.F.GON. Tntro Ftv Klamath National Forest is Now Closed to Use of Public YIIKKA, I'nlir.. t. . II".. tn roreiil ami rMiii nullirraka n( liiratiiUury flrv In III llnpl'V f'anip illalrlrl tit Ilia Klamutli Nullimul Korat, K II. Hlinw, rliluf ul Hi 'allfiirnla tlintrlrl, I ml "d Hiatna Kornal Hnrvlrn, all linunrpa Ilial Ihla r ill Bur dlalrlrl haa tiMin I'loaml iti putiUr una mill iravrl, rurppt imili-r aioi-lnl iirinll from Hi" fnm mrvlci. Tliln nnllT, mnilii In niMdirnilly with oiilliiirliy ft cum ilm anriviitry i f Aurliultuii', lii-omnx cffmilvx TiH'mliiy. AiiKum Si. unit will ronilliiin uiilll fun hi'T tint Ira. V y I 1 1 1 n , of lhl clnmirn roKUln t ! ii In iiinlliohli- by lino nf fuo or 13 miitittia linprlnnn iiipiiI. or buili. , . Tim Maiir fnniri dlatrlrl lili'h liaa Imtii rluHfil lo Ilia imhllr In ilinlna I tin ilrninmiM ba.lna nf China, Inwnr Klk. I'knnom, Un ion, Cli'ur, Inillun amt Tlioiiiimun rrwaa aa all ua Hi main Klam alii rlvvr rKlon frmn DUInn tn it 11 it u t ii anil Ti' v Hur i rri'k 'iiorlli In a imlnl on lull" a bow jllin mmiih of TIiiiiiihiii inrk. I lu) t lmr iVlillw I'OlTI, , "h la with kwn rntrttl," aulil lllalrlrt KcirnntiT Hlinw. "Dial w ' havn In ii ml II nwraaarr lo Ink tlmaa (Iraatli. niPaanrna, Iml lll I'Uillurjr flr"a In onn liny, am: ll tit oirirrri'il on Annual SH, ami ri'i'ioii'il urnvliiua flri of Ihla i liiirni ti r Ihla arnanit iolnt to a iliifl.ini of Ilm law whlili ralla for alirn niinaiircn Niniwrnua j Ini-vnillnry flux hav alo or rnrrxit In other tllatrli'ta of thn , Klamath fiirnal. nolahly Iho Vrrka lit, ami If thi-aa ronllime jw am iripanil to rloNtlin n tlia furiat In Ilm ptilillr anil rli , rrntrala. nor aff'ina on tin. rail turn of the 1'iilprlia," WINDSOR PLANE HOPS OFF TODAY U'oiitliiiii'il from ap ll IM'aiMla ru llit I r il lurtlltiR Iiomi of dip aafi'ljr of tint Uinilun In Ottawa ho ii ml tnoiuiilun HI Itanhaal. with tha lrliirrui Law. cnxii-ln WiTihrlin. CaiiUIn .rali Hamilton and Coloni'l Krmli rli k K Mlmhlll, an rli-nlv ai'arrh rua umlurwnx on la ml anil ma. HT. JOIINH. N. V., Ript. S. (Al'l - Illinium ricHvml hrn thai tin- KtiBll-h trnna-Atliinllc . In mi HI. Itmihai'l hail lii"n aliiht. 'il off Ijihruilnr In) Ilm novum in lit wlri.lma at n I Inn i. light hiniana, ruatoma atiil othrr ntfl i lala to Inatliuin a (imprnl -r h am) tw ri'iMirt Itnmi'itlali'ly If nnytlilna la dlarovnrMl lo anlmltin llutn ri'i'iirla, , MlnlxtiT of flahtrlia U'liiili.or. who la fnntlllnr wlih thn Imioly and ruKUi'l l.ahrailur I'OitH, nulil h (lori'il lliut niiliua lliv tilaii" ili'ai'i'liilcil llniiirillatxly on ri'tirh lni till rnaal th aliuiiilon of thn ifllira would ! holx'li'aa. Obituary CAit i nor, !. rt-'tit. i. t a. I. I Captuln TiTrv Tully und l.liHilpnanl Jnmna Mi'dinlf il rldail nol In rimutni lodnr thi'lr fllllhl from Loiulon, Onl., to Lou don, KiiKland. Thia diu'lalon wa ilrritilinly ircailiitd at nnan uftor thi-v hud ' riTi'lvnl vi-ry unfavornhlo wo:ith-j ir ri'iKirta from llirhor (Iran. ' . S. K. tholr atop, and hnd via-, IU'd thi'lr monoplann, thn Sir John CarlliiR, In a raln-aoaki'd i fli-ld nar Waahburn, whi'rn thry allahti'd Tlmradiiy niuln. PENDLETON MAN IS MURDEREp ll'iilllllllli'il Uiilll puaaoiii') I nut of Ilia durkliKaa towuril I hi lar . i i l.i'Hplna on to thn runnliiK Imard of thn alow morliic auto liiolillo, thai man plmiajfU a loni; knlfn Into llarrla' lirrat. Th I mii pon cli-avi'd hla hiart. t tlaliiM-ll-a j Without a word, tha man lump-1 rd off tin rar and dlaappian-d. jit aii of III in hi- waa running rapidly toward Ih N. ('. . rnllinad trai'ka, Ko a nil ili' n waa thn attark, Hint ' Mia. llarrla did nol know lii-r hitaliand lnul hi'rn fatuity atah I'lil Kho run lit nol Idrntlfy I If niiirili-rrr, mrrrly alutltia thai lie aa a II in man of m fill um liullil. llnrrla altiinpi'd forward over thn drlvlux wliicl. thn rar ali-wi-d 1 to onn alitn and rniahcd Into a fun. Tim noti-d rodro rldi'r in a 'In no alatrini'Ut hrfora h' idlid. I liknvlnw waa arnllilna with ri'porta ami rumora. Khfrlffa ' olflrp waa lvllKatlrK mm rc- I inirl Ih'it llnrrla had hml Ifoitlilii 'wl'li' a (roup of imii Id l.nkn-: Hi w l urlli'r In thn iluy. i I 1trt NiinMi-in J 1 Onn rnporl whlili waa Ivip aouto rrPdnra waa that a ncgri bad allnrkril tho I'r-ndlntoii bron- irho builpr. Thn Ijiki-rlrw ahir- I Ufa iifflrr would ni-lllirr affirm, nnr ili'liv that Iluy worn anurrh Iliac for t ho negro. I Thn rowhoy had madr a hl( linprianiiin at Ilm rodro arnumli yrati'rday and waa ilia favorM of ii, any iiiiIimi fau lo mrry away thn flral I'llif uiira. KLAMATH RODEO OPENS AT FAIR Tiiiilliiurd from pair 11 aa IhoMi from ihv yarluua fra ternal and aorlnl orxanlxatlona of lh illy I'uruiln l.llir-l'p filti-H Tha llnr-iip In Ilm purailn will lin aa follow: I'ollrn and fir ili'partiiiruia, mayor ami rlty roiuirlliurn. inn ulripui band, lab or iiirrn and ollnnilanla. lutmr orxunlrallona, frntirnal and ry: boiliia, roiinly fair and rodao, and (niltialrlnl floala. A n u m hi' r of ftno prltm lmi bi'rn offend nr the beat derornt rd floala The ridliK at the rodeo early Ihla ofleraoon waa aa jtood fla inn be aeen In any part of the weal, and la undoubtedly the beat ever performed at the lixal fair jcroiinda. Klunta aro auprema and the trlrk rlilera and roper am In theniaelrea f Pt'-rtiJl'-.era pnr e jl'-iiit. lr . ere ofrnred lo '; I'liintietliura In thn wild win I altow, and thn his purun hati atlrarled akllled rodeo tol'nt from the entire went. At the rarnlval itrouuda to nlehl, the winner of the labor Miiern'a rontent will be annnunr ed. Hour art fur the big abnvr down la 1:3U. anil the linky i to hu 1-rowurd formnllv l t Munilay afternoon at the larMial jtroiinrja. . V.i art t.ha" of the (tlannilr celi'lirailon Ii If h haa tnadi KU in Jill r'alla the mena for humlreda of aouthern Oregon and .northern (allfi.rnla realiltnla. Ill be In full awlln Ktinday and Unmlay errnliii, with a peak In all parta preaatiud for Monday li In lit. Ilia 'i IohIiik In, ura of the full fel. The niiiiiiy fair eihihrea fur letieed anvthliiK of Ihla nature jerer on ill. play her In I ha hla tory of Biiuihera Orefon. ralr Ileal Hern I Ktnry produrt of the fertile flelda of Kltimath baaln la In he Men at the county fair, nf a Duality and alte which aman-a tti vialtor at the fair. All wbo ( an out aiiend aereral houra view- lux with wnndur the h mil i Hil ar ray of p roil urn, and leave re- liii iantly, half the wonder of farmland yet lo lie el nil led In the fine mw exhibit bullillnx. The llreMork la partirularly good. Mux beef atnrk. pretiv .dairy run, fine blx hog and ' aheep and a wide variety of 'poultry and rahblia alt contribute lo the Intenaa Intereal of Ilm j bltiBeat fair In anu t hern Oregon hlMiiry, Lloyd Went worth Here to Inspect Wheeler 01 m stead l.loyd Weulworth, I'firtland,' trual H- In bankruptry tor thn de-l funrt Wheeler Olmtlead Lumber njinpany, arrived In Klamath Kali lnt nlxhl 19 apend aereral . houra here In ronnet-ttnn with; th affair of thn baokrnpl dim-' her Inatltnilnn. ' 1 , "Notblnx beyond routine unit lere Mr. Weniworlh replied In a fiuery aa lo what Impelled hla rialt here Mr. Wenlworth I accompan ied by hla wife, hla datixhter. Mlaa Ann Wenlworth and Tom Wllann. Too Lt to Cltmify KOn KENT - Rniill fumlaaaat) apt. at No. 92 N. th H Thone &1, or rail at &U N Mh. roit HUNT 4-room apt. In au - plex hnuae, nicely furi'aked. (ood location, rent 6U 00 a mouth. Treaeat ocoupanl la Inx city Repumber 16th. Hot TO. ear Herald. I T Ki ll IHKH y VANTOI VKII. II. C. Hpt. . (AIM June Le Bond. ID. of 1 1'ortlaud. wa In a boapltal here today on the verse of death the reatilt of a bullet wonnd. He- llevid lo have been aelf-lnfilrted. which ahe received ahnrtly be torn 1 a. m . while In her room at a local hntil. T H.CIHKM K IH'MMtl II NT Vloienc HeMeri'hanl, wife nf tleorxe A. m-Merchunt of 13 I. ewla at reel, paaard away lanl night at 10: :o a'rlork, fcllowinR an lllnraa of lo duya' duration. In addition to her huaband. ahe la aurvlved by three children. T.arbara, axed 1 1. It. Ihanl, axed II. ,and Donald, axed I. all of Ihla city: her mother, Mia. Jea am M. Huaaey, two brother. Ilnlph and Milton lluaaey, all of t'nticonully. Waahlnxtnn. Mr. I)i Merclmnt wa horn In Kentile. Wah . axed SI year nl the lime of her paaalnx. and a rldent if Klamath Kulla for tie punt 4 month. Kho wa a ineinlier of the lor:, loilxe of .NVIxhbor of Wnmliraft. The remain are In rpoae at the Karl Whttliuk funeral home, I'ln avenun at Hlith, where friend may rail. Kunrral ar ranx'menta are pending thn ar rival of Mr. Huaaey, who I rnroute from the north. l:i. IIIWIV. Mr. Kiln Irwin. wlf of Mor gan I Irwin. p4aed away at the family realdeuce. 1153 White Avenue. Ihl mnrnlnx at ?:4& aii'clock. In addition to her hua band. tho dereaaed la aurvlved by three anna. Krunk, H. T . and llnonrt Irwin, all of Klamath Fall: and three daughter. Mr. W. II. Courtney nf California, Mr. I. ". Courtney, and -.Mr. II. J. Kuxate of Oklahoma. . Mr. Irwin wa native nf Ohio and In her lth year. The remain are In rare nf the Karl Whltlork .. Kuunral Homo, I'ln Avenue at Hlxih Announce, ment nf funeral iirriiuxeinent yNvlll hn made Inter.' ' ' Keep Your Well Dressed Appearance It costs little to be well Kroome ani yet it means much in winning business or social success. Our methods of dry cleaning will keep your clothes in pcr- feet condition and make them lst longer. JUST FHONE 1166 ACME CLEANERS .& DYE CO. lSVt Main We are '. prepared to ' give everyonethe best of Attention and Service during the Four days of celebration Given . -;. by the , . Central Labor Union County Fair Fair Board and Rodeo. BRICK CAFE "OPEN ALL NIGHT" Inspect Our Pontiac Display At County Exhibit WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION to all Klamath County Fair Visitors to visit pur -booth 'and jftspect u RonEuifialitTplay at th& FaiH'. grounds. tT " You will quickly see why PONTIAC is becoming so increasingly popular. R. R. R. Garage 32 McCormick Deering Potato Diggers A Few Reasons Why These Digger Malt Friends Whererer They Go: It taken rca! stamina to enable a machine to stand up to the hard work of (lifrKing potatot'H. The McCnrmick-DeerinK digger haa a frame built of heavy anifle-!-tepl barn. The (tides are made of heavy sNel platett. The whole frame id xoliilly braced to resist txcesxive ((train. . The beams are made of extra heavy I-beam steel. "There in ample clear ance under the beams for vines and trash. There is also Rood clearance be tween the tongue-truck axle-and the ground. The elevator links are made of sevcn-sixteenthn inch high carbon steel, which is very hard. The links are tempered to give best gearing qualities. They arc arranged to form pockcU to keep the potatoes from rolling back down the elevator. , t. Everything cbtc being equal, potatoes ' dug with a McCormJck-Deerintf digger should bring a higher price on the market than those dug any other way. Furthermore, there are no potatoes left (n the ground. You get them; all. Built in ?- and 4-horse power sizes. Closed Monday; Labor Day J. S. MILLS and SON KLAMATH FALLS .BE 3E Beck's Manstore Big Closing Out Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings. 4 Buy your clothes for school and Fall now for less than cost Save enough for a good time. OPEN EVENINGS AND OPEN SUNDAY 'TIL NOON Zmdtylllatutcre m KLAMATH FALLS-WOODBUHN, ORE. Clnh Cafe Open Day and Night T3 V M 0 u V 'a -A..H V r is A a V X (By Request) SPECIAL TONIGHT Hot Baked Ham Sandwich, Gravy.. 25 Hot Roast Veal Sandwich, Gravy 25 Hamburger Sandwich, Chili Sauce... 25 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Toasted, Ham and Egp; Sandwich 35 Toasted Denver Sandwich... : ' 35 Toasted Egg Sandwich 20 Toasted Deviled Egg 25 Toated Sardine 35 Toasted Cheese r 35 Toasted Chicken - 35 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THREE DECKERS (Toasted) Club House Manhattan 75 Peanut Butter and Jelly .,..,......... .25- Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise...;...;.. 35' Goose Liver, Cottage Cheese on Rye Bread 50 Our Special Open Club, toasted..:.. 50 Sliced Chicken, Ham, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise 50 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o SALADS i ' Pineapple, Cottaee Cheese - ; 25 Fruit Salad and Whipped Cream ' 50 Banana Nut '-A-?- - ' . 2i ' Combination Salad 50 ' 0-0-OtO-OtO-O-O-O , . - j ; : ' DESSERTS Assorted French Pastiy 15 Angel Food, Devils Food and Layer Cake 16- Assorted Pies 10 and 15 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Beer Coffee Cocoa - Tea Milk You Don't Have to Tip Waitresses Juat Because th Service is Betterl i r ; : 'Jf i-i .i 1; ..,.! I.. I ...... .!i..;l iiit'iiil I Hill, l Jilt) I M , ' I ii,