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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1927)
Intone. 01 City Edition The Old Home Paper THE WEATHER Oregon: Occasional ralne lo nlght and Sunday, Moderate perature. Presh and strong south west winds, gale on the coast. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Trice Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1927 Number 6122 .... . ;.;-:;.v' Via wm i n H BIG RODEO UNDER WAY LATE TODAY Crowd Flock to La- I bor Carnival and Fair Ground Thf gnlu Hpll it of the Old ... . wont hovon-U ovor the cmin-! ty lair jr round thin ftcr nuon When the hiif rodun wliith In to continue fur thn-o days, 'jfot undprwny Ix-fiiro a liitt iTowd of t;n t hiiHsiiMtic onlookiM'K. many ot whom followed the fun it., th wild west pxrnde lift Mil In htrcct at one o'clock, Tha parade will rlile aaaln Mmiiliiy al 10 a m. when the laraeat pmaito of the year -1 ho" nonMrert by th Klamath Kail" HilHir 9tentnl navoi latlnn irtH il n it r r a y o llli Ha li.-niilltul flunta. K. K. Iitiffy. rhalrmnn of the paraile rnmmltle fur lb labor relebratlnn, annnuni'eit loilay thn many bamlnoine fllinta have lieen entered anil thai Ih line of ninrrh pnnnlnea be Iwlre a lima; aa Ihnl of the parade laf yenr Mnny lndiimrlal"-fliel liave Itiii entered. Duiry mill, aa well tfnnilnued on le t. S. P. PROJECT Chief Engineer of Rail road Visit N. C. & O. New Construction I.AKEVIKW, Ore., dept. .- An event thought In relim Innry to a apeedlna up of oner. ntlona of atandnrdiiatlnn of the i N'evad California Oregon railway lo Lakevlew was that of th vnt here of Chief Knglnepr (Sots. W. Itn4like of tit Southern Parlflr rompuny. Sum mio men have been engiged slnro July 1st In enlivening th former narrow gang line to alandard from Wen del to l.akevlrw. Thn work has prmtressed more than hnlf of th" illstancw Ties ara Inld to Al- turaa and alcel rrews aro nenrsH lug that point, which la 100 miles north of Wendel. Fifty miles remtiln of the stretch from to l.akeriw. With Ihn present crews work ing on th project thn work Is destined l be completed to Lakevlew early in November. Illtil of doubling these crews nnd ruslng the work In romplo llon In October are heard from various sources, this plan being , madn In care for outgoing ablp ' tnrnla of lumber, livestock and iilirtculturnl products this full. Crews begun laying atimdurd gauge ties In the lino south of Lakevlew yesterday though these crews aro auinll and a mil has been senl mil or ndditloiiiil men for. the work. IS SPEEOEO ii'i vm: K PRINCETON, liidlunn, Sept. .1. (A. P. I Three persons wore kill ed nnd another Injured, probably fnlnlly. when westbound southern railway passenger train number 3 hit nn open switch and swnnr head nn Into a lllg Four coal train at Frunclscn nilno number I il l:lli o'clock litis morning. NO rtPKIt MONDAY III olmrrvnin e of Labor 4 Day, Ih Kvvnltig Herald will not publish '.Moniliiy iiIkIH. By so tliiliig nil em- phiyes of the Henilil orannl- 4 tiitlnn from Iho piibllshnr s 4 down lo the carrleYa nnd the 4 "Printer's Devil" will be 4 given opportunity to enjoy 4 the Lithor liny 'eelelirntlon. 4 f. 50,000 LOSS IS SUSTAINED IN . ROSEBURG FIRE ItOSKIIt'lKl, Or., Sept. 3 (A. I' I - On of Ihc ninsj apcctarulur fires-In recent years In lli'liiirH luki iiIkIh destroyed the planing ! mill ami mih ami door factory j Inf ih it Miiiwnrk ma-, "'''"""" 1 umaicu ai l.ii'iitlxl Th fli started! III Hi" holler room of I hi. twn- stnry frmn was located smith i.nil mill building, which In Hi cutter of Hi" I residential district j lin l ii I U1 1 k wuno'.'ry dry ami x nam . prcad wit la, un iil rapidity, lb extreme heat forc ing Hi" firemen In work frnm behind shield. Knur homes situated In the lnimidtn vicinity ii.miiv nitiiiiiireii mime rfMii iire iiru tlunrii na niimrroB. holl.nn.t i a n.e...n,K i. ih. Klamath within a raillua of four or five ... i. l.- ...I. mil. vni.t ... ...rf H..I dinihi-t"' leaa helprit to aave many of the ui'ftrtiy mimeii. ti.. i...,- i.,,ii.ii.. ...m in. - .i... .i.n.i. t..r ...?.,; .i.. .a .n... in ,...rU .iir.. n.,n The null Inna la uirllally iii wreil by Imuran'. Ashland and Northern California People Hurt In Wreck ( IllfO. t allf . Sept. S. I A I'.) Klnht women and n i-lill.l were Injured lnt ulttlil In a i-iilllnton between two autotnnbllea on the hlithway nine nillea north of her Th Injured: Mlt Kalherln Vlnrent of Ahlnd. Oregon, frnr. lured fknll; Mm. Vlnrent of Ah ti. ml. rut bnnd; ,Mr Sprluaer of Ahlnnd. frnrturrd ukull: Ml Kuth Altken of Ablund, rut rlghl a.m: Mr 8. A. Ilempe of (ierlier. Calif , rut head: Audrey (ieti Ilempe. her daughter, jiKed t yeam. cut head; Mm. Kd lloud nahelt and her diuiKhtpr, l.uey. ml hend: Mm. Iiul llnnd nKhelt. dll".jin il collar hone and rut leg. Mine Altken waa driving lliu Arhland party aoulh, while Mra. Hemp waa driving th tierlier party north when thn mn.hlnin collided. Both automobiles werj w recked. NINE INJURED , IN AUTO CRASH The Injured were picked up by.bjr Bert llnney loilay us he walk- passing motorists , and brought hern to a hoapltul Physicians expected that all would recover. Aimee McPher son's Band to Play Here A ItTITtk Tdtmnl m ixuuiu... - "f-, Altnee S e m p I Mcpherson's famous Sunshine Melody Makers band of ten members from An gelua Tenmi. Los Angeles, will be presented tonight at Klamath Temple. It was animunred today. All .members of the musical aggregation are talented alugcrn and musicians and the general public liC urged to ntlend the serlces at the Temple. The bund has Just returned finm the World Wide camp meel lug nt Kltkliind, Washington. Showers Probable For Oregon Soon SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. S. (A. P. I Tito weather onllnok for Hie week lieKlnnlng September 4 was announced berp today by the t'nllAl Slates woollier bttrentt as follows: Far western status? Tho tttlook Is fur generally fair weutber and normal temperature except for unsettled conditions early In the week with showers In Orl'gon, Washington nnd Idnhn. Camp'' Lewis Name Changed by (J. S. ,f In dollar of Hearst money In til WASlllN'OTON. Sept. 3. (A.P.I I enterprise and Unit Flidnchhnik - Thn war department nnbounced cr has purchased all but a very formally today Ihnl the name of Camp Lewis, Wash., had been changed to Fort Lewis, In ac cordance wlllt the pulley of desig nating permanent iiillllnry posts us forts nnd confining Use of the designation "camp" to temporary establishments. DISTRICT LEVY SET TODAY: 5120,000 TOTAL Charge Per Acre Will Be Annro mntr v S.1 fnr - ' - - ft" J -T ' " Next Year T"l ii I il of uM'ruiln-( ami I iuiIiiIm'. iliift tin Mwiintli . IivUj.i- I Hull Mill Will il sfri f..f ttlO.ll.l.j. M-!ill'- II ! Mil- ('If a n. i.i ii' li' mi '.lie I. HMll'r 114-11 llu- t:ilruilli:ul project. This was the decision this .ihornlnK of tin board of directors I I in nie mamiiin irirgunon oiv "" Aemriil aaalm i h arr- '"'' ' " approximately 3 ; Th levy of HIS is vlilunlly j the aam an for thin year. The 1927 levy ... tlM.nno. 'Willie the lioanl could hnvr M' down Hi" levy oiiii.r.lial. the i I dtreitora derided that II would' i levy a riiffli lenl annum! to lake I -kr of all pnmilhle rontlnceiirlen," I A. M Thomnn. aerrelary of th j dHlrlrl aald tnduy. " lly an ililnj j the Ixiard la pavlntt the way fot n Inarer l'VV m.vl venr n tax I huh they hope will be thenw-j I In the hlKlory of the Klmniil'i Il rlcollnn dlntrb t." IIIDK C.Mtl MIS ItD.MMVM ' V A I'l l--Si Kent 1 T.-i.rl.l. In I Nnplea no longer may view Hie I embalmed body of Knrlro Car-, uimi. Iho great tenor. Ilia tomb, had bifo left open to the pub-, lie until photographers tried lo; tiiku pli litrea of the Interior. A I native aupemtlllnua horror of' plrlurea of the dead led to th.' riming of tfcc tomb. ISIT KLAMATH FALL Prominent Portland Law year Enthuses Over Klamath Scenery "I Just ran away from work and naturally when a Portlnnder wants to enj y pnture In her grnudesitforin ho comes to Crater ljike and to Klamath Fulls." This was the statement made ed up and down the streets of Klumnth Knits thoroughly enjoy ing being in a rapidly growing western city. Mr. llnney has in h party Mm. ILiney and tbclr son John, and'ornell Dorkem- borff. a friend of the Hnncys from X ew York City. ..Vo Vm, j,m h-nil been doing some rul hard luhor tills stvnmer." said ilert pointing lo his son. "nnd I thought It was only fair To be a good scout nnd bring him out and aee some of Oregon that he had not yet seen." The entire pjrty will bo guests at the fnlr nnd'rodeo Oris after noon. Mr. llnney refused to dis cuss politics saying ttint his race fnr 'l ulled Slates senator last fall la now wuler over the clam and he Is not seeking political preferment In any form. Flcishhacker' is Reported to Have Bought Telegram PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 3. (A. I p.) It developed here today Ihnl the controlling Interest In the Portland Telegram property hits passed Into the hunds of Her bert Flelschhiicker nnd his asso ciates, mining whom is Carl II. Brorkhiigen, thn new president and publisher. This Information comes from. Indisputable author ity within, the new organisation. The same authority has given It out emphatically that there Is not small percentage of tho stock. It Is also stated that tho Tele gram will he Independent In poll ties nnd its news and editorial policy wll he conservative and representative of tbe substantial business Interests of the commun ity and state, HANEY V Thwarting Death With Shovels When fred lninil. will-dlxaer. ,waa trapped by a rate-In forty feat down a wll at Woretr. Mum., police and firemen aank a purallet "luifl and aured hlin a.l.T .In hourj' itnprUonment. You we the fevi-nnh renctie work In pntRrena hero. Siskiyou County To Keep Out YIIKKA. Calif . Kept. 3. Tlie'vate land of thoa living near and 3laklyou County Pomona Crungo, 'adjoining aaid refuge to aueh an No. 6. huK recommended to lliIM""nt ,he'r re 'foyIng ,. ,,, , ... , . .. and have destroyed the crops nn- ' pi fnrnla H and Came Com- ,. ,k i j u t. i)ii these Innds. and have become that a f.-nr be built . tv;,i finance to these land iiound all private lands near th neri and their property, now Klamath Slate (lame Refuge of ,c; t resolved that Sisklvou Conn virh'rnnstrnrtnn as will prevent ,(y I'omona tirango recommend deer from eni roui hlng upon these to -sfornta State Klsh and ';ame Cnmiuixsion that. aaid com- ui roiiition aoopteii oy tneiaissun vnnstruct a deer proof firaiiK rends: "Wlmre.-is, It has been broiiKht to Hie nUi'Utlon)l -e.,.und stf private; InnSv-aarve-SIklyou County Pomona Grange, j able to said owners, so that they So. 6. the deer on the Ktam- can enjoy the same privilege and ath Slate damn Kefuge have In- remunerations from these lands creased to am h an extent that j that they did prior to the fornia they are Intruding upon tbe pri- tn f ,nh, ,., refU(te." $ CONCERN FELT CLAIMS SOUGHT UK jurat UN IRISH LOANS Bad Blow in Mid-Ocean May Result in Anoth er Tragedy NEW YORK. Sept. 3. IA.P.) Concern was expressed today was Informed that the mono - nsi.n niiMMir aw nop- . . " TZ K There s a pretty had blow t In the ocean." he said. "I'm nfn.i.1 tf. hrit.., ,i w..i . i for some rough going.' Franklin Korrell Named Candidate Of G. O. P. Party PORTLAND, franklin 1 . lvorell W;is noml - HoneL'hlLrTiMa..TrdT t on here last nK-ht as randl - ZnKtT'T"m XM uisirii i. i wn iiiinoi wcro nec essary. Frank L. Slnill was sec ind. Korell received l'! votes on the first ballot and 20it on the second. Shull on the first. S3 on the second. Stnnd lues cf the other candidates on tli final ballot were: Jacob Kuntler 41: lus C. Moser 21: D. C. Lewis none (Lewis hud 30 on the first bal lot:) J. A. Mears 2: T. R. I lam er 2; Mis. V. R. Ellis 1; 1. K. Staples 10. Drug Stores Held ' Up by Two Bandits PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 3. (A. P I Two robbers held up ('. W. Folkestnd's drug store nt East Thirty - Ninth and Washington streets lust night getting $75 and milking their escape In an auto mobile. One mull about 25 years old. medium height, entered the) store and pulled a gun. Folko- stfid ja-ns ordered lo the renr of :the store nnd the robber follow- I ed. Then tho other entered. walked up to the- cash register land emptied It. Folkestnd never I had a chance to see the second one. ' r Erects Fences Destructive Deer j I'm- at ther cost and exiicnae To Consider 300,000 Dif ferent Claims; Proofs Murt Be Filed Claims of mote than SOU. 000 subscribers to the ''First National i and the "Second External Loan " i are to be received and considered, accordlnn to word reaching here r.-l. f .e i r"rruay Irom the receiVera for : lienofit of bend eerttfiei kniiinr. In New York Cliy. Proofs of these claims must be filed before January 15. 192S, the dispatch declares. In order to expedite the distribution of " 2,000.000,now in the hands I wi tne receivers. . - I Executive offices hare been lo ept. 3. IAP) i ,.i .. .,, , ,k : .... . . - ...... ''n8 "ndurted by Peter J. Brad,-; , Federation hank and Trust companv: J. Edward and Trust company; J. Edward Murphy, and State Senator John L. Buckley. Claims passing through this of fice will ultimately pass on to) the state supreme court for order of distribution. Clulm forms will be furnished by application to New York headquarters, It was stated - Southern Pacific Taking Movies of New Railroad Line : Sceulc wonders as seen from ,the Southern Pacific Cascade; i line familiarly known as the Lakes route will be seen on the moving: picture screen by thou j sands aa a result ot movies being l iken along the line by Al Cnmp ! bell, connected w ith the public ity division of tho. S. P. I Accompanied by Loyal lllmes, his chief Photographer. Mr. Camp- hell s spending several days. In; Klamath taking movies of the 'legal work for the receiver of Cascade. 11110 nnd also scenes! the Wheoler-Olmstead saw mill, of h county club acllv-lt will be remembered that he llles. I came nearly going to the Vnlted "The . movies - of the railroad j States senate when Stelwer; Stan will be shown nil over the United field and Ilaney were running States," .Mr. Campbel said, j for that office. WINDSOR PLANE FAR OUT OVER TURBULENT SEA 'Round-the-World Flven Complete Fifth Hop; Continue Tomorrow KARACHI, India, fe-pt. 3. A. j K. ( handler, dlvinlon engineer of M The A merit-ail round the the aouthern Oregon divlalon. Mr. world filer, ttm. H. Ilrnrk ami ; Chandler'a headquarters are In Kriufln Y. Mhli, who arrived at ' Grama Paaa. ItundiT Ahbaa, I'erKla. toilny will j Klamath waa formerly under resume' lliidr fllRlu! to Kanu-hl thn juriidirtlon of Charles Wan at auarUc. liHnorrow It la atateil 'ier, division engineer of Bend. In a baa. muMJo from IJunder Ab- tlmr Tle- avliilom aaid tlwt were tired anil thlnrty afUT their tra-honr flleht from llu(rilail, and Ereatly Berried re. ST. JOHN'S, Que.. Sept. J. (A. P.) The plana Royal Windsor bound from Windsor. Ont., for Windsor, England, bopped off from St. Gregnlre, near here, at 2:35 p. m., planning to take a route by way of Portland, Me. Clarence "Duke" Schiller, wasjment It waa said, will be held at at the "stick" and Phil Wood waa navigator. They purposed to make a non-stop flight. j ORLEAXS. VL. Sept. 3. (AP) The plane Royal Wlndso was seen passing over a point miles north of this town at 2:35 p. m. eastern standard time. Or leans Is about 90 miles from St. Johns, Que. i NEW YORK. Sept. 3. ( APi I Tne turbulent Atlantic generally was believed today to have claim- ed'as lis own Kagfund's" "fly-' Ing princess and ber two escorts of tbe air. (Continued on page 5) ARE EXTOLLED ! CLUB EXHIBITS q. . i j . (scheduled to meet .Monday night 3tate lIUD Leader Amai-(h postponed its meeting nntil ed at Progress of KJa- Tuesday night, math Young People The l nl'ed st4,e reclamation Z j office will remain closed through- "Cotinty ilub exhibits at the j out ,!le d"'r ... . . , ' ! No mail carrier service will be Klamath fair are SO per cent n effert Monday P(nttDMtfT better than Jslmllar , exhibits at!j0b McCall announced . this the 1926 fair. I am amazed at morning. the nroaress made hv bnva .and ms or exemptiiiea I n remai lams uinpiuy pnon " ,ne ralr "" ' Tbi a 'n romment today c- Seymour, state leader of boys' clubs, who is attending the fair. "Livestock exhibits are excel lent, surely the best In this line has been displayed by county club boys and girls in this coun ty." Mr. Seymour said. "While girls' exhibits do not come under my Jurisdiction, I I believe thai hev ara exeellent Particularly is. this true in the Klrla' demonstration work which. I un,,'r ,n direction of Thiria An- dernon of Merrill,' Is giving an Insight Into what girls' club work really means. "1 also noticed an excellent I Pottry display which, tinder the leadership of Mrs. Nellie Whlt latch, has created quite a story at the fair grounds. "The potato exhibits, number ing about 25, are fine. The boys have used fine Judgment in the selection and sorting of the , pro duct and have some fine dis plays." 'Bill Strandborg Is Visiting Here "Bill" Strandborg. of the Port land Electric company, la In the city again on some land matters In which he Is interested. Bill was much surprised at the resitl. of the Portland congresainntl ' convention, as was also Bert -llnney. who la a visitor In Klam nth today. Bert' Is handling the W. CHANDLER NEW CHIEF OF STATE ROADS Klamath county, for aeveral .yevra In the central Oregon dl rlalon of the atate hUbway de partment, haa been taken from that dlvlainn and placed In the 'aouthirn Oregon divlalon. It nil annooiu-ed the morning by C. C d'e ,f ,he K In math atate blghwaya will bn under tbe juriadlctlon of W. The order announcing the . . . .i - iidiiKv, wwi imo etiect ovpiem ber 1. . I) It. YOING 1)KAI. CLARKSBURG. W. Va.. Sept. 3. (A P.) Plans for the funeral of tbe Rev. Dr. H. S. Yonng. 80, writer, lecturer and missionary of Seattle,' Wash., who waa killed by an Interurban car near here yesterday, were held in abeyance today, pending the arrival of rela tives from New York. Inter- Syracuse. N. Y.. where his wife Is buried. . LABOR DAI TO BE Public Offices Will Be? r. A 1M :... I Closed Ott National ..Holiday ' i - , e City official offices. Klamath county court bouse offices, banks, j many stores, and federal offices twill be closed Monday, Sept em I ber S. Labor Day. It was an S nounced thia morning. i Naturally all law enforcement offices including the police ta lon and tbe sheriff s office will e open to serve tbe public, but not public business. I The city council which Is ! However ,, , isnd sent out on regular schedule. Rabbit Breeders To Convene Here , At Large Banquet Rabbit breeders and rabbit eaters will convene In the cham ber of commerce rooms this eve ning at 6:30 for the biggest spread of rabbit and all tbe trimmtn's ever laid out on that festive banquet board. The occasion is the rabbit banquet staged by tbe Klamath Rabbit Breeders' association for all visiting breeders at the coun ty fair, and for anyone -who wishes a good rabbit feed along with Intertalnment, a: a nomi nal cost per plate. A number of speakers for few minute talks 'on Interesting phas es -ot rabbit breeding and the county fair, have been engaged for the occasion, Including C. It. Henderson, county agent. Tickets for the banquet will be on sale at the rabbit pens at the fair ground today, and at the chamber of commerce. ' CHAMP BREATH-HOLDER. MIDDLETON. Conn., 8cpt. S. Here's a new freak champion ship holding one's breath tor 1 minutes and 2 seconds. E. L. Caylor, Jr., senior at Wesleyan college, accomplished the teat be fore physicians recently. He gulped' three large breaths ot pure oxygen and held the last one for a new record. LANDS SAFELY LONDON. Sept. 3, (A. P.) An Exchange Telegraph dispatch states that Captain K. T. Court ney landed safely on the Spanish coast at 7:15 p. m. English time. All was reported well with the trans-Atlantic tiler. OBSERVED PENDLETON BUSTER IS MURDERED " IT Tragedy Hits Lake view Rodeo; Assail ant is Unknown . "Slim" Harris, noted Pen dleton Round-up rider, and the feature of the Lakeview rodeo, was murdered last night near the city limits of Lakeview by an unknown assailant, who leaped upon me running Doara or Har ris' car, plunged a dagger through the rider's heart, and then disappeared into tne darkness, according to a long-distance call today from the Lakeview sheriff office. , . ...,(. Mystery surrounds the Identliv of the -murderer. - Lake county oiitcers. however, hold that they, are workinit on hot clues and arrest of a auspect was anticipat ed tnls afternoon. I'nknown Aasailnnt i ne murder occurred as Karris witn nis wife was driving from the Rodeo grounds where he had been attending to his horses. Ad his ear approached the city limits. - nuuucmj csoie running (Continned on page 6) : . vrirmn . ..;.r-. ThA . Cveln-StnmApnh T- derwood's- Pharmacy shows Ibat the nressure la rislnff iaiIm Mn,l tomorrow promises to be more sunny.- ' i . Forecast for next 24 hours:' Generally fair with moderate tern-. ici,iiiia. The Tycos recording ther mometer registered maximum and minimum temperatures today ss follows: BASEBALL RESULTS m ..i National Leaurue , ' Score R. H. A Philadelphia S S New York U ; ' 1 naileries rerguson. ueca tnr and Wilson; Barnes. Fltxslnt mons, Henly and Cuhhlng. ' First Game R. H. E. Brooklyn 3 10 2 Batteries Petty. EhrbaTfltJ and Deberry. Henllne; Green field and Gibson. t Score R. H. B. 1st. Louis 0 5.1 Pittsburgh ii is; an Batteries Haines. H. Bell, Llt tlejnhn and O'Karrell, Schalte; I Hill and Smith. Second Game R. H. fii- Brooklyn ,'. t T . , Boston - 4 11 t h Batteries Elliott and Hen llne;' McQuillan, Morrison, Werts, Geuewlch and Urban, Score R. H. .K. Chicago 1 0 Cincinnati 2 .-, ..::t Batteries Blake, Ncbf and HaTtnett; Lucas and Sukerorlh, Hargrave. . . Second Onme It. H. K. Philadelphia - 4 13 1 New York 7 U t. Batteries Sweetland and Jon nard, Wilson; Benton and Tay lor. American League -.-' Score R. If. , R. New York 0 5 0 Phlladelphia ISO Butteries Moore, Pennock and PTC'olllns; Grove and Cochrane. 8core II. H. E. Cleveland t S O Chicago 4 S t Batteries Shailta and Swell; Faber and Crouse.