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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1927)
THE EVENING IIKRAI.n. KLAMATH 'FA1.I.S. OKKPION. Friday, Syptomtwr E, l'.27 t, Editorial Opinion From Over Nation iK'. Auk triMToiti' i'.i.iikk. iltlrooklyo Eaaie: It appears Hull Mayor Walssr's Inner o tiff municipality of Paris, wUtch ('mmandar llyrd rarrlsd arros I ha Allanilr. la lo bn deposited lit ' a j miiacnm. Trana-Allanttc aviation la atlll ao miirh of twlty at the- consumer de mand, from a museum standpoint, la . enormous. The Hmltholilnn Institution demands nnthlu less than Ihe Hplrlt of Ht. Louis In Iiuh. One of l.ndberahs famous eondaehei di-serves a place, be side the Jrwvlcd sWords, faaa. iialforais and iM-rolla preserved uudcr la In Washington. Theo dore HonsBVoita Jeticr introduc ing ..ImllHTKh to Ambassador ltrrlrk would be a valuable ac iilition ror the' American wlna nt IIiq Metropolitan Museum or Aft. while, the find preserved fried chicken to cross the At lantic mlKht be rigaed up again! a painted background or (loud Im lliA Museum or Natural HIs tory. H Hi ' human to demand ma terial souvenirs or the ureal Mjthtai Hut nothlnic Is more dis piriting, less animate. 1hn psysl int evidence behind class rases. The spirit or those .flights can aft be tagged, classiried and ex hibited to future fenerations. Our grandchildren will retard tilein ' with a faraway wonder tnnra ilnaplrUlnK' than all the trails, screws, motors and parch mvlits that collectors-f fhls gent vriitton con put under glsss as soof that these nights actually kppcncri' In, aiwh and aura a manner.' b-t -1 a- '?. R.i RISSKXCrtR, HKItO. ill : ' illurfaln News: It shames the Itwernment the American Association ror .Medical Progress had to provide a homo- tor John uVKlssenger, a former army pri vate, who in 1900 permitted Dr. Waller .'Reed to experiment with him in an endeavor to trace the origin ot yellow lever, which long had been a acourga In Cen tral and South America. Kl sehger contracted ' the disease and. aa a result, was crippled ror lire. X . This waa heroic aervlce, as rine aa anythlnit In the army's long record. It was aervlce or the highest type or humanity. The origin or yellow (ever was dis covered and the disease has atnee been practically wiped out. One would have expected congress to take suitable action iu behalf of Klssenger. Just as soon as his condition was brought to atten tion, liut congress put aside pe titions lor him put them aside and forgot them. That Is how It happens that the American Asso ciation Tor Medical Progress Is providing him with a home and relieving lim rrora the poverty in which his voluntary illness has left him. Perhaps congress may now be moved to honor Klssen ger with a medal to wear when he is wheeled out on gala occa sions. KIIOl l.l VK l.Al t.ll? PHILAHK1.PHIA There's a disagreement between two psy rhnlogists as to laugher. Pro-! lessor Averllng or the I'nlverslty 1 or l.ondon. who thinks that the: really happy man seldom If ever j laughs, says the only animal "lie- sides man that laughs is the ' hyena. Dr. Thaddeua L. Bolton , of Temple University says cows. calves, horses, monkeys and dogs I also laugh. ! SfXn.iY RKFVKKS .MILLION i OCEAN GItOVK. Ni J. Billy I 'Sunday says he has refused fl.-i i Jifin AAA n a l.ln th. mn.Uj ! and f 10.000 a month (or vaurie-i vllle. j At Walteaburc Home Miss Ora Cosper. state aecre- tary (or the Ilebekah assembly' of Oregon, visited at the home of Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg. eu-j route to her home at Dallas. ' Oregon, from Crater lake. i BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH TWO AMERICANS NOW IN BAGDAD MrAulltfe'a Home i Mr. and Mrs. Dave McAutitre returned rrom 8n rnncisco Thursday, where they have been on a two months' vacation. Mrs. McAuliffe resumed her position at Ilia Palace Market. The Mo- Auliffns are now in their new home In the Jackson apartments. . " I At in 1-aa.e Hotel W. K. Allen. Dunsmiilr; W. K. Baker. Dunsmuirr S. IVrrls. Dunsmuir: C. It. Frltell. Duns mnlr; K. U Shepnnl. city: Ruth Rogers. Ashland: O. llullentlne. Ashlaud;-K. 11. Carter. Ashl.ind II. Smariwnod. Oerhcr, Cal. (Continued from page II "i leans hoped ,to reich llngdad, Irak, before dark. They were to make a tlctour or Us miles around the 4 lilai k 8ea ctvast lo i comply with, a Turkish stipula tion Hint they keep away (rom the naval tuhe at lamid. OTTAWA, tint.. Sept. I. (4) Negntlva report from shiM and wirelesa atstinna today convinced offiulul circles that tragedy had hetullvn I'riiicess l.oweslelu Wertheim, and her attendants. ' Colonel Mlni'htn--and - I sptullv 1 HiiiuljKli in their I'.nn'jn.l t,o Ciibpan plane, th HI. Ilspnuel i f "rhit oplnlou prevails that the' monoplane never reached the' i thores of the North Amerlcm 1 continent, after starting' rrom I'pavon. Kng. I KOI TIIA MPTOX. Kug . Sept. t. ti Captain Courtney hop ped off tnday In his Whale for Plymouth, first lump or his pro-' potted trans-Atlantic Night. Cuptnin Couituey tmk the air al S:ib o'clock this jfternnon. ' ST. JOHNS, tine. Sept. J. (a) - - The mounplane Royal Wintlor toiled ilcsn In a field ut.ur Isil.ulghl, will not be aide lo hup otf before i o'clo.k lila ufletuooii, owing to a' damaged lull skill, the ill: announced loiluy. The I'lune, euroule fri:uf Wind sor, tint., to Wlndior, Ktis was forced down by fir-. The blase- did ni damage but the tall. Vklit- Was loom ned in the hsi-ty landing. PLYMOl'TH, Kng , Sept. J (,11 Captain I". T. Cnurlnev abourd the Whiile landed here nl s p. m. 40 lake on a trch loud or petrol and start his traus-At-lantic flight at dnwn Rilurdny CAItllllir, Maine. nVpt. 1. 11 'l - The plane Sir John Curling, which landed In a field iu the In wn of Washburn, six miles from here, last nlghl. probably will remain until tomorrow be fore attempting to resume the flight from Loudon, (int. lo ! Harbor tirace, N. V., and thence to London. Kng. Caliinin Terry Tully and Lieu- leu i t Jniues Meil. lllf (mind It raining when- they amse litis ! morning after a gnrd sleep at Hie Vaughn house In this town If the weather reiuiilns lav irulile. i I'nmi 'I-VImii Us. U. K. King of H,mi Hail iImo will arrive In Klsuinili , j p'nllx loiilght to vlali Willi ht huatiand, who Is employed by Hie i Templar Motor roinpnuy. Mliit will also visit with her aimer-In-law, Mrs. Henry Cnnradl. HreprtMil Centrally l'inliil. Populur Prices and Kervlce sri llta demand! ot III (lay thul'g why the Hutler Is palroulsed by the dlnrrlniinalini. Maiingeiueiit Ueo. Warren lliHiier In 'Frisco Mr. and Mrs. Roy Durbiu re turned the lore part or the week rrom San Francisco, where Mr. ; Durbln attended Market Week. Mix McVeigh of Merrill ' Miss Ellen McVeigh of the Merrill district Is visiting with triends. In Klamath Falls today. Coats Remodeled. Pur Manufacturer. Ftmier MRS. WILLIAM HKSMI.KIt tit Klamath Aveana. Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Pall Ore. E2- Detail WHOLESALE GET BEHIND THE Klamath Fair Boost Klamath and its products. Encourage competitive, quality, and diversified farming Then boost the merchant that boosts . Klamath. ' We have Klamath Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Milk, Cream, Potato Chips and Poultry Exclusively. Oregon Large TOMATOES Fancy, No Seconds 55c KLAMATH FRYERS ; and HENS .. White Leghorns, lb. 30c R. I. Red, lb .......... 35c Oregon ' CRAB APPLES Crate $1.00 Oregon . ELBERTAS , Fancy, No Seconds $1.25 KLAMATH EGGS Strictly Fresh Per Dozen 40c Klamath STRING BEANS 4 Pounds 25c . Oregon Large BARTLETT PEARS Fancy, No Seconds $2.50 Klamath , POTATOES 10 Pounds 25c Klamath CABBAGE, lb lc Bunch Vegetables.. ..5c ffioTEi- - :85c Wed. Special 11 rj RAISINS 2 pkg 25c H.0.0ats It Is steam cooked for 2 hours. 15c ..v Parking Space For Every Car WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, LABOR DAY PUBLIC MARKET Phone 169 "PAY CASH-IT PAYS" 6th St. at Walnut We Deliver All Orders Amounting to Over $1.00 Without EWra Charge ... , CVY nwnvn i Tepl Announcing i .... . . . r , ar Motor Nash Dealers Company It is a genuine privilege and pleas lire-to announce that the Templar Motor Company has assumed Nash repres cjjtalion in Klamath Falls. !IIU (';. ' ., Lbj$l that Wentworth & Irwin, Inc., wholesale distri and Nash owners in this section are fortunate in having the Nash franchise entrusted to a concern of such umual ability and excellent reputation. - jnr.inSt - ' " ' J",vew Nash home at 211 South Eleventh Street is amply ided with modern and efficient service equipment, and owners in this section are assured of a high standard WC;air,maintenancc. You are cordially invited to visit these headquarters lo view the full display of new ADVANCED SIX, SPECIAL SIX, and STANDARD SIX MODELS. The introduction oLthe new' Nash models, including the r. Ambassador, the Cabriolet, and the Special and Standard i. Sedans, marks the greatest change in motor car style since the inception of the industry. Their brilliantly original bodv design, with its rich artistry and French-type contours, ren- ders all other body designs passe. . r These beautiful cars, as well as all other Nash models, possess-the further superiority of being powered with the great Nash 7-bearing Crankshaft motor the w o r 1 ds smoothest type. - - i . The Nash price range on . twenty-six different models extends from $865 to $1990, f.o.b. factory. .... . ... Wentworth cV Irwin, Trie; Distributors. PORTLAND, ORE. s .7 "i