Frl.liiv. S.-plemW 2. 1027 THE EVENING IfF.RATT). KLAMATH FAU.S. OHEfJON. Tact F1v j. . NEWS NOTES OP nmm m llllllrr , riinrt.ANii, Hum. . ( - lliilirt at uil r : wlniluaalii irli'i': Kurn rulwi illy 44; alumlurila 43 H: iii'Iiiik flrata 41 S: (Iralli . 3H'; rr-rinnoir prima: I'rluta Sr aliov rutin alamlurila: but Imfiit r a h. I'nrilqnd 4 4 . .Milk Milk ntKiiily; hid. In v furnmr: tUw milk 4 pr.-rnt, t 1 r iwt loll I'orllmiil; buunr'nt ti'J, I a h. I'orllnnil. Kk: f'urrnnt rxrrliilt up Jr; ciirrmit rwi-lpla IUr; frmh iiif-tl lu in J7u; Irioh atamlurit flrala Ilr; illllo vlraa Sic. I'mitiry "' ' ' Poultry alonily. I.uaa fi rmr mm riiiiiiiilaalnn : lluavy lii-na SM(J3.-: light IMIIJV; aprlnita IUr: . hrolli.ra IttllOr; I'pklu whim tlurka J Or; rulorvit, nom inal; tiirki-ya ullvx, nnurtnal. Otilnna Onlona aii-ady; Inml (1.000 1 10. HpuiU I'ulalnna alraily, 112517 1.11 aik. jim iiii.i.m i)i(iiiri:n WiWNHT 11(11. MIIU.III I.DNK I'IN'K. H-l . t Ilii-rrU In lh llurutitl Mra. M. K tlni riuiilnl ami an, John, wi-rn llio illiiWT iiifala at Ihit lliiinn of Mr. iiml Mra. Kllliil Hiimlav. I II. K. Ili-nly, l.nriili.o ami liny lliMily, J. . IIikIit uml flyiln 'llarki wrri In Klamath Pulla I Wwliiaailay. K. Orlwm ralh it at Hi II. J. llvunUI) r.iin h Humluy. Krnl MrKlmlrry waa Iratiiurl liil himliii'.a In KlHinnih Kulla Hatiinlay. Cnralnn, I'aiillit mid KiWia lliunly. Mra. J ( ravin anil ytor mra anil Dirk Cruvru wi-nj Mer rill Vlaltora Wrilhi-ailuv. Tho.ii uiiMiillna I ho myati-ry ramlval from Ihla roin in unity Tliuriluy cn'iilin wrrr Mr. anil Mr. ('. I'akvr, Mr. and .Mra. 4'. Il.irka. Mr. ami Mr. II. K. llona ly ami chllilrr-ii, Mr. and Mra. I'. Ilownion and iIhiikIhit Mur Jory. Murlnn and Mnry tioliir mail, Ijlnml l.niix, Mr. mid Mra. II. J. lliontNlry and ami, Mi'lvln Krvin, nnd liny l:i inlalr-y. .Mr. Noi'la anil on nf Klninulli Kulla rallnd al lh HiiimliK ram h Hunday afti-nioun. I j Mra. II K. llnaaly, I'nullnr. Ku-! (piii-, I'lnky anil Kilna llr ialy ralli'd at t ('. nimi limn Hiiiutay afirruimn . i Tha laal ralf rlub mri'tlna u ! hx'd at Hid liiinio of ('. KlKrra Monday prrnliiK Tlumr who wi-rn' irf-ai'iil itp: Mr. K. Hiliin of' Kluiualli Kulla. I'lii-lna l.i-wla. Hill ' llnrli-y, lt-iy llrtoly, Donald and , l.nta ri-in Kratlrr, lulu Wli-Mul, ( llulx-rl Walknr, Jumr Hti-yrnann, . I.wla Wllllnma and Anilry Kl- pr. AIUT Ihn nini-tliiK ri-frimh- ; im-nla wnrn aorvod hy ,lli li-nrli-r i( Ilin rluh, Mra. (', Klurr. I '; Jl I KMI.i: IMIMIIH I'OI'Mr j I'KMll.KTOM. H-il. 1 i A.I'. I Knur hnnin maito bnniha pro ai'ln-d bv mill.o In a raid on a roup of ynunxatnra ynalordny ul-li-rnnnn In (hit rnrmx end of 1'i-nd-lilin. The hoinlia with hlix'ka l oml (Hind with Hwdnr nnil ai'iili-d with paraffin. Til lioya riuiai- in aii from lo In It yi-ara. TEST CASE WILL DECID E1SSUE ' niillnurd from K II IIOAII HUSH .-lal olanlona. nol aparfal Plertloiia III n-nral. "Komi taxpayer will proliahly flip an in)iiiii il'.n aaalnxl lh nli of Ilin bomla. I will di-mnr1 on brhalf of lh lounly, It will lis luk'-n Ix-foro Hip Klamath rlr- nil ruiir! and from thiro In ih atnl anpronii rourt whor It lll bn aolllrd for all lima." CHECK SYSTEM : IS INAUGURATED (Cnntlniiad from pan 1 1 Johimon'a xaracr, Wlllurd linlnl. ' alull'.n. I'fllion Cafi. 1 02 K j Muln alr"t. (Vnlral holi-l. I. Kiln' Kliuata Cufii, Johnaon'a. orax. . l2H'Maln llrtrl. Kara holrl. l'-llian afi-. Main at r-l . U'lllard hof.l. pnllic atxllon. l"- Vain .Irri.l, linprrlal aarai'-. lopni t afa and Huldwln lioicl. "I am ronvlnrfd that au h a l-in la no'i-aaary to malnlalu uIimiIiiIh fffh-l.-nry and a4rvlra." ' l -IT or I'olln- Kollh K. Amhriiac oimni-nli'd. "Hy thia inrana w ki'rp In dlnil t iurh wllh arllr. Illi-a t.l th palrolincn on tha In-at. arc Informid of anyan-pl'-liin rhararifra. and In turn In fm m th of flier or snylhlnK llml ahntild Im Invrmliialcd In hla Irrrltury." Ina; niarhlnt-a and rudiim: th nw-r Hhop haa a lM-autiful dla play of flnwra, whllr lh i'ark liniN-ap -nnitjiiy la rcpreatnt-, d wllh a I - v r I y ln.ifih of abruha und fl 'Wpra. (iih-ra wllh attrartlri rnm nu ri lal ho.iiha ait th Klamath Kportlna- (iooda atora, White Hew. Ina niai'hln-a. ThH ronnly health unit haa parlliularly Intprratlno; liuoth droratd with coloriwt piiali-ra and Inatriirtlvn plararda. 1 The auto ahow dlplaya all laia! m'dria Htudrhakar. Uulrk. Fol- n Knlihl, Chryalrr, l)od ('hovrnlot. (i. M. IV truika. Htar. Oakland. Ktrx and Whlppot. KLAMATH FAIR IS UNDER WAY M'riiilliiued from pnit 4 1' ti-rlul on dlapltiy; rhllit'a. Kliw irli ahop haa Kilvliialnr, witnli- IlKllt Il.tllV r'OI'Mi I. A (illANDK. Hi-pt. t. I A.P.I - (Itrii'cra urn' toil ly alli-mplluK In find llm parruta of a hnhy lilrh waa found di-nd curly Ihla mnrnhiK In IimiiI hotel lavatorr"" Ciiriini'r V. I.. Hnlaton, followlnn an li vchi iRtitlon atnted thai IFi Im IIkvi'iI. i h body hud bonn car ried there and ahamrnd. tt'AHIIIN'!TON. Hepl. l. I AIM -iWmlaalnn to luterynna In the liiirlhweal rullrotid nier(er cna waa a run ted by lha liileratuln t'oinnierre t'oininlajiion liMlny to I Inra Hill l.lndley, duuehier of I he luta Jamea J. Hill, railroad plnniHr nnd her huahnnd. Kraa niua ('. I.ludlpy of New' York. I'mler the applliatiiin befnr the rommUalnn. the Ureal North ern I'arlflr. a nw rompany, wniilil arnitlre rim I nil by alnek ownerahlp and by lenae or I he Northern I'nrlflr and Ureal North ern nnd by ea nr the Hpnknne, I'ortliind nnd Hrnttln, Mra. I.lmlley und her buahund. who la a former 1re president of Hi (irenl Norlhnru, both own alorka ond bonda or Ihe Ureal Northern. Northern I'arlflr. and hlmicn. Ilurlliiiiton and yiiliuy. while the former alao iwna a lore number nr aharea In the Northern Herurltle company, whlrh. In turn, nwna it lurte blnrk "f aharea In lha llurlliiK Inn Th pellllonera xerk modi fliatlim of the proponed unlflrn linn nf JI.OU0 nil lea or norih weaiern rallrnada whlrh would brim ihe northern llnea and the llurllnginn rimer toaether. 'ulll UIiik the Ureal Northern aa a lieaa for the new plun Hurh a plnn, they rnnleiiif."'iSli1d feaVill In "anunder, almpler and more wholi-anme rinnnrlnl atatna ror the nppjlraiit and the lliirllnK-liiti." t I i ? f f t ? ? ? y y y y y y t y y .y y y y 31 Piece China Luncheon Set and 19 Piece Aluminum Set Given Away Free witij each HOOSIER CABINET ' told during the Four-day Celebration. Those Hoosier Cabinet are "of plain gray with door trimmings of blue. Priced at $77.50 during this sale. Mordoff Furniture House y .? y y y y T y "? y y y y y T y y y y y y y y f Miller's Market - - for v SATURDAY SPECIALS Yl or whole Hams, lb.- :..28c .!''' j a Picnic Shoulders.!' lb. 22c f Yl or whole Bacon, lb. 35c Beef Shoulder Steak, lb 15c Beef Shoulder Pot Roast, lb 15c. Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb ..25c Veal Shoulder Pot Roast, lb 20c Full line of fens,' Springers, anr4labbitsvJ Phone 750 ' C MlS'Mam . . ' . Obituary II Will V HIVltl OltllWAY The remnlna of Hurry Kdwanl, ann of Mr. mid Mra. Wullare K. (Irdway. were forwarded by Ihe Karl WhiHork runeral home to jl (irandn, Oregon, where fit- . Kl neral aervtre will be held and lulermenl made. IMHtOTIIV III IINS Dorothy Kllen, the , helnyed iluimhler or Mr. and Mra. WIJ I lu in M. Ilurna, entered Into real nl lh inmlly realduiro, S19 Itolnrea alreet, at &:4& yealeidtiy ninmlnn, her pnnaliiK being the termination of nn Ultieu or thr't riaya duration. The rhlld waa horn In llenler, Idaho, September 7. 1914. and wa In her 14th )ear. She haa readied In Ihla illy ror the ptiat eliht yeura, nnd waa a atudenl of Ihn aovenlh Ki-udo In the Kremont, arhool. lie aldea her'nnrpnla, aha lenvna to mourn her panning, lii alalera, Naomi and Kuiteiile nf I'mntllln. Oregon, and an aunt, Mra. tinree f'hlnti'll nf Klamath Pnlla. . The funeral aervlrra, whlrh will he held tinder alrlrt quar antine regulnllnna, will tnkp pluro III t.lnkvllln remetery Sat urday nflornnan nl 2:31), dev. J. Henry Tlinntna nfflrlntlng, under I ho direction of t. A. Tnwey, Everybody , "Come to. . MERRILL Tomorrow, , Saturday, Sept. 3rd Everyone Dance 'til 3:00 A. M. LES SAILING N and hit . COUNTRY BOYS Good Eeatt A mighty fine time! LET 'ER BUCK 'x ' LET ER BUCK SANITARY MARKET 7th and Main 4 ' V j' Rodeo Week-End Specials Fancy Steer Beef Roasts, Steaks . Fancy Young Veal Young Cornfed Pork Spring Chickens Hens ' Hens Vz or whole, b. . . . . . . .30c Bacon, lb ....35c Picnic Shoulders, lb. 23c Leg of Lamb, lb 30c elallalalneianiaa. -rriVirLlVVLnjVLVinAnJVVWnn, t, Phone 22 Free Delivery 4 y ' iiriavnjlLriruiJV'LriJii-ri-rLr STEER BEEF STEER BEEF Harmony Olivo Shampoo Olivo Shampoo Rlvo an aliunde tit lutlior whti'h U raxlljr riimft It Uavr th hair ntlkr irTid luHirf.iiri Hit pcaj. In ih-rr.'fl rendi tion, YOU W.ll liivH It. . ' 50c STAR DRUG ' STORE Klamnla Falla. Ore. (of Save yp If fire I IMH lell,aaw llldg lira, j-hono 1 1 1.1 Klamath t'ella 1 : CORNS.! flop$ pain in one minute You will forget you rtr hmd m cocn me mtnutc after you apply Dr. hMl'iZirm-ptdt thV how quiclf Ovry end all rain. V. hen tin torn ia . pone it nrver romrs bark. If nfw thort irritat tl tpot, a Zlno-patl fixe it overnight 1 Dr.Stholl'2toe-pJfrr iMrt,rJl kntisitrtttf, r-'oifi itvt. hrslhig. . rl ttt.tfk. iMsliiag riillBKuar'ttril Ow t yor ilttiim'tt er iiot iUr .tvij DlScholVs Xiao-pads Put oauf on tii pal It I omI WATCH REPAIRING HEnie 1 Tear fua-aetee on all wiurk GEO. METZ JKWrXKIt (22 Main Food Twini Say to ' Get Your House in Order It a mighty good time for everyone to take precaution in what they are eating! - We have that wonderful BATTLE CREEK FOOD line which will put your system in pood order and with little care can be kept working: as you would like to have it Goftd Foods that are healthful are essentia! and should not be overlooked. If you arc run down and ailing try a packafc of our Health Ore. It is sold by uy exclusively and oi a positive guarantee. , , ' - Our Grocery line is of the best Quality and sold on "Money Back" Guarantee. If you are looking for a good place to trade and want the best with service that is worthwhile, open your account with us today. I The Sunset. Grocery 10th & Main Phone 200 Saturday Special 'on Eggs: dozen for 75c Lard, pure and home rendered, 8 lbs. ,...........$1.50 4 lbs. ............ .....75c All kinds of home-made Sausage-Home-made Weiners, Bol ognas, Saus-Hick Cheese, and all kinds of lunch goods. The girl that makes Desserts and cakes With Alpine -thats my baby P Goo A Just give a look 1 That girl's some cook And say Idont mean maybe!" MP I Iff Li y f I tsG4 K nm r 1 7 W:l To dessert? WHiat a disappointment for - V the little folks the grown-ups, too if you leave out this happy ending to a meal. Give them desserts that are wholesome as well as delicious puddings, custards and other dainties that call for plenty of milk. And use Alpine in your recipes for richer flavor, for smoother, creamier consistency. Alnine is pure, full-cream milk, made doubly rich hy removing half the water, then homogenised so that every drop is sure to get an equal share of thisdouble supply of cream. You'll find that Alpine's creamy richness improves ell cooking adds new fhvor and goodness to coIFcc. And it's so economical so convenient. Costs less than ordinary nilk saves butter in cooking keeps pure r.nd sweet indefinitely in its sterili;ed, air tight container. Get Alpine today. 1 Baked Custard with Alpine I cup Alpine Milk, t cup water, tgg.. pinch of aalt, jtablcipooo ftila ausar. grated outmrtf nr va nilta to uate. Brat cirri tlijitlr aJJ sugar, mil with Alptnc Ktilk and water. Potur inro Nittrml moM or custard cups. Stand in pan of hot water and hake in moderate oven till tel. Cocoanut may be added, it deaired. 4 tha& , cream in cOcnu drop" fCc (TMr 'it- jaaSagaiiai!