Ki idny, Stf)tenl)t'i' 2, 11127 Two THE EVENING HEl.AU KLAMATH KALIS. OHKGON. ii I: ? .ft;? Ainninn Tiiniin i nilin I nn nnnnnl H A H hi HO K HS Ulllwltuu i unnw uiiiuiiuu Litiui u QUTTQ GHEETiANQXHERiAND PH, PHI CF BUM rHIU-q; P H UilRiVli iulB' ULIiLj I I II fl I LU LLau I Dempsey Continues Per-! Pittsburgh Leads Nation ., Meeting Defense of , al League' by Single " Left "Jab" ;-v ? , Per Cent , ' t.llt'Aa. .sept. S. t.Vi'J-r-T'w" .... .1... ..........11 I III tl unt. .mi.- ... ; Anieiicnii 1oIiiii and civic loan- iw W l.N- lowlier I.Hlay Into ,, o,f..l. el.i..i.i..B om - u,, i Id's heavj'lnUl rhiimvlon.i' Hritins afier a stiihl.orii hattle In There was on (lie priutrjim PiUshnifh yesterday, ('hliais.i nn 'rnradn from tullroiid station taking down liy 4 tn 1 an the Cnr . tint city Hall, to Rive Clilcagoans j alrs ns-imu-d the supremacy on .; rhani to llnie thtj m:i who . i eyehisli niarnin of a slnsle Is to defend hi title aitainn I I'erwtitaee Hiint.. . ' - Jark Dempney t' Soldier -Kield . ' Heptemlier 22. fime key - to - the - city eeremotilea ut tho city hall .were orranned to lake only a Wiurt time. Then Tnaney was to look over the eltv and 'no to his nts J rrilltrln. uimriirsiat I'edar Crest counlrv cluli. He has been train- " "riiR at Speculator, N. Y. . ' Ttinhey Is a comparative slrans :i!r In Chicago, his only flcht ap- pcaranoe here was four years ago '"' wheli he won avlecision over J!m- ' my Delaney in a nemi-windup. jjv) Dempsey yealoraay boxed three ' round! with a trio of' partners. iio devoted liis time to jH'rfect iiiK a defense aualnst lelt-hand n l; Wda aixl jahs, but, he pleased . the crowd of fans on hand when toe occasionally let n with, some of the punches he honjs lo land '"' "Nin Tunney. ' ;. "" v' '' Fans are payins'H.l" each to Math Dempsey train, hut-Tn-"" pey has said tho public can watch him free. He will find his camp i at i Cedar 'rest similar to his -'cf, Speculator, except for r. isolation and elevation. V "There ia plenty of ood and ', v-wter with a rolline country round about suitable for road work. - " ';,. " ? ' . lAVith tha champion t rainiiiR i here light ticket headquarters ex--'"""pect an inctease in demand for :" tickets. However, the: public al "' ''"ready hnx ponred out Jjhnont "' " j'.jiHO.otui' in'"t!lp 'aitvan.-f" sale. '"'anil Tex Kickard; the promoter. y. . . hag re-affirmed his belief ' that at. 1 the -fiRht easily will attract a 8,0HI.( gate. " :;'. Man Caught WlthX, r,- 2 Gallons'"Moon' Vi"lth a gallon of iiiDoiithine in each..hand K Jlipuhiiin Just -mmo onto,. Klamath aronue nar Kleventh strett eniily This mqrn- inn. : Tha caste eyf U I't'vol i.iiiau Lyons enplfd 1 :i iiiilin ni with (he contrahranrt:' '' t - Rlngham wus" awested on Ihe ' charsie of possession of inioxicat- Inn liquor and this morning he fore 1'ollce Judce lm I,. ': ' ha Ken entered a plea of guilty. i .Tho magistrate deferred " sen tence pendinsr a personal report j- to tho court hy the" arresting ""'y)fficer. ' - , Portland Fight " ' ' . -.. .. Train Abandoned l'OUTI.AXl), Ore.. Kept. 2; (A. f l.)--Platts to Mn a "flglrt Sie cial" from Portland to Chicago for the Dempsey-Tnnnr-y ' fight jjijwilb a tpeciul Tound trip fare, including meals, sleeper and ring it lilll1 ticket-, lias been aliandoned, . it was announced today, because jjnl enough appliialloin were iiiurfe-for resetvntloiis. ' 3 STANDING OF CLUBS TODAY CO.ST I.E.KI K "Team '"c"- Oakland.,.,... .... Seattle San Francisco .Portland ; Mticraiuonto .Hollywood 1 ' Missions ' Los Augele.i .. JViin Lost, Pet. ,7 C.'l " .6 .. . tV (III .50.1 !S7 7 80 .:...75 73 .544 79 JUKI Ml .500 f ' .400 ....72 S ....CO KM) .447 .375 ;-' ' .XATIOX.Uj M'ACI K Team Won Lost l'ct. f- -. Pittf liuvgll 72: 6" . i'i ,t , .( hlcago 73 .81. -589 .! 5': ' ' . Kt. Lot! I Ill SO'; .UNO i I' ,.Mew York 70 .12 .071 , ; Cincinnati S ' ill! ' .454 1 viHrookhat. K3 71 .'427 . 1 Jiovtoi. .'61 .425 lr iiu.i i . i. .r o Plilli.ilflliliia :...'.45. R0 .360 , 1 1 . ' AMKKIC.AX l.K.-tm'K Team : Won Lout Pet. , w York :..; 37 .700 '.iU-llHa.lelpliiit ........:.72 H .1.71 Iictioll 1 8 ' f.C. ' .rf2 ' ' 'Washington i. 7 67 : .S4l Chicago 61, R ; .47 llevrlanil 6 .70 .44 4 2 Kt Louis .: 4 70 .3:' Xu.loil ...39 SB.' .311 j (lt.v Tin- VvmmI .ii-.! In) l r.'ttltulit vlll.. n.ul ... l,,.lf lil-o . ... jiisr amiitM tne- ixtiner from I'hi - fnWet.,. . ,d,y there Unsa djffor.n. aspe'et. The I'lr - , Several days aco Wrlnley's 1 !ien hmen were coastlnit almiK in front on it five and 'one-halt ' imme leeway. - " i An open date kept Ihe Cards nl ninnts from the heartbreak- to swiipBie yesterday whin rain washed out Hrookiyn'ii fracas at Boston. The I'hils. and Heds were without S'-hednle. " ' itlunts (limtiiiiff The Giants are but two Earned from the crest and hare back of the; iem a winning streak of seven I Indian cupturing the second. 2 ; might accmniilated off western So 1 la the first scramble both 'position. . teams rapped out a total .of . ... .... ;,..!. i. ' A straight or tagging ,heir tee,, through eight strauJht games and subdued thi? . u users Mi.N.K mi tne lull Hrowns to 4 and Clerelandlto rap out 12 hits and.acoie a toppled the While Sox S to S.- H to 3 victory over the Angels. Ilain caused postponement of I The Hollywood Slam continued other American league games: "The-clty figh,t war ends" In la6 the Dempsey-Tanney fight was held in Pljjlly. In 12'7 the Kompsey-Tunncy fight will, he held ; in Chicago. In 1!2S the Dempsey-Sunney fight '- 'wil1 be held in X. Y. Tex a low to pleate. "Derelict submarine seen Inunderhand work, Atlantic." AVhen Tnlervieflrea we' . i presume, it said lis name ' was f Carl Jlays and It used'eh for the Yankees. ' You 'd Be By Bll.LY EVANS rr. 77 r 77-7 ' . r ' for ifM " ' ' ' . IN THE . - . i, ... - . r , -Little Hill Johnston in many ways is the most interesting' nt' the world's tennis siar. Oror a period of 14 years he has been outstanding. During that lime many a star has flashed over the tennis horizon, only to burn himself out after a few years of stiff competition. Yet Johnston remains one of the ranking players, and a mighty tieniilar one. . . s To Icok at Johnston, one would never pick him us one of. the greatest players in the history of the sport. He Is slight of phy sique iind looks anything but the athlete. However, he has the heart and the skill plug a keen mind. Wens" Johslon stronger phy sically, he would have been almost unbeatable. Last year In n courts -lust outside go In for tennis so "It required a c he replied. "My t- 5"" Mgo. lou fo 'bo earthquake. ,,H1,ke (ht caused "Tht schools w. Last year In conversation courts "lust outside of Boston, so strongly. folks In the eaKt as the. earthquake, but to us native sons It was the fire not the quake that caused all the trouble. Tht schools were closed and ahead. To kill the time I began playing tennis In the parks. By the time the achoolg reopened in the fall I could heat any ono my ago lu -San Francisco. i i t , . , - "That was 20 years ago. In 1HJ5 I reallxed my ambition' of winning the national championship. Since then Bill Tllden lias kept me-from winning a lot more titles." By in u n y experts Johnston Is considered the best all-around ten nis playtr In Ihe game. He Is a great ehotmaker, a wonder at vol leying, brilliant with his ground strokes. There la nn better fore- thaud nnwyhere and he has the LI HULL U.'.l.tfi . Mrtha 5ugTr; Portund, Protests Distribution of Money TOUONTO. Sept. 2. lAIM I Although no womeu . finished the 21 mile iiuittlhim.KWiiii ended yesterday' morning.'. I to.-; (it'll In prima was illslrlbutiil to day among tiur regarded by the Judges as 1 he moat deserving. I Lottie Monro Schoetumel 'of I New York., who swam ilie ttreut est distance, received ' Kthot llertle. New York, lllo fast i st mn in swimmer, received $3.l'lil; .R.lilh lleilln. . Toronto. 2.ti'i'.. unit Miss iliirtlm Stugir. Portland, tire., who stayed in the. water, the ' longest. 1 1,. M'0. The disposition of the prlxe money does not meet with the ap- nmviit nr Mum Burner. Miss St.t- i" , . , ' . , is;'r la,n '..t ,he con.csl .t.s i"'""" "T ,?Jur?T .l money should bo evenly divided. She was to visit Ehi-ood Hugtica. director of the murttihon later In the day and it wa.s thoniiht pos sible the matter woifld bo din-! cussed. , . ' .7 ! KpovrPfC Tllfp j "Co V C1 , M. cliVC 1st; . Indians , Nose Out 2nd -i-i. '..:.' . i Seattle and Portland divided a il. in hie bill, the !icavvrs taking j the first game 1 to 16 :iud the : n.n.-n.r mi..-. The Sea,, snappec, out of ,1. i batting slump with a vejigenuce Uheir winning streak by defeat-, ilng the -Missions, t to 0. for their' third straight victory. -The Sena- tors took a 2 to 1 lead In the series with Oakland by defeat - ; ing the league leading .Acorns. 5 to 1. j - . : ,,' i. I Or mayhe It was olio of lex Ilirkard's "spUshera" practicing ! Wrestlers aren't (he only ones vhn lii-A nn ttiA fnt nf t h iHlld. f There are marathon swimmer.. Stirpn j 1 with JohnKton nt the Longwood I asked him how he happened to . V " alastrophu to make tennis player out of me," nrfis dales back to the San Francisco fire of 20 no doubt recall that happening a vacation of six months loomed ideal disposition, 'lor nothing ruffles Twelve Rounds Derrpsey's Greatest Knockouts Dempsey to Finish Bill Brennan A'.-l, ...... .,x , . l ; r. (-?;'j5 '?s7r:;f w:'' ; '-T i I 1 V ..S . .. .... rf1 j -' ".i.n ii ' ' : Champion Jack rJempscy jas a chaHengef whis title , fjut : vw Yol.i. . n ,,,.'1,.. - - - - . r - ft-.. A right hoOk to the body that doubled up ilrcniian left the opeHinjf for (I perfectly clelivei ed left hook to tllO ribsanJ Brennan feank down' and out. , , , ' Iwntpaey slash, d the challeliBer Ihe Iluht with n. ,., , ,; , ,. ,. . , " - WVZ, . ' " i . , ,.. ,,. h,i ,,, ,.. , i.,..i,.n ,i,v. I cut. tut the weaving Demjwv carried on. iilihoitKh tro.thled , IH-mpsey waj l.ild at hay by I lie challenger through, ut the first ten ri.uuils. and at thai period it aeeined aa If the fight, would -. ... . ...... ... ..I... ..... .... . .......M.... a r.cui upper- cut. Mil the weaving Demj wv carried on. alihoogh tro.thled. carry on to tue limit. . ,Ucmpey. howeier. had weakened lireiiuan terribly by his I I'ounu'.'s .nus to tne ? " - 1 t I I'.suuun aui.nnla ; , , .' h k . ,h Knia3i,ing- left hook to the rigm side In the ribs that kept the heavyweight chaui'iionsliip for Ocmpsey. when he fought llrennnn. j, r-: , ;j HigH Grade Referee Will be v Third" Man in . ' lntl Main Eent MondaV EVC t ' . , i, I A big time refree. ir tniin lu tlicring who- tias j-erere.-d t a Voaat champlinaiifj liojl;and' who holdM an official ,dalufrefcree' licenee ha beoi Uilaiifad lly Ol. n Le Baron. matchmakjfy to offl - elate In the mun event :id semi- Iwindup lard iA toe Lgiontiafl'l1imtjt a third man In the ring Monday nUht, Beptemher 5. He is Charles To worn, formerly of St. Paul, and now located per- "Cliarlea Towers." Bishop atat manently In Klamath Falls. Rob-, mi; "as third man in the ring by Boss, local referee will fiffi- deserves a lot of credit for tho ciato in the preliminary and spe-1 fine manner In which he hun-j clal event. ' jdled tho bouts. Ho kept Iho boya Towera, hold an excellt-nt rcpn-j In hand at nil times' and there : tatton In the norfhwest for keep-,wj no stilling or wrestling In' Ing 'the boyg fighting while they are -within the famed aqunred circle. f . He allows no stalling, no In terminable clinch?, no love taps, le hovers over two fighters al all limes tellfr.R thenj to "go to il"."tuid throw ,a few glorea. Hccaivse he would Juat -as soon tbruw a pair of sLillin fighters out of the ring aa look at them, the pugs arc very carctjl to make a real fight EE , Guns Rifles , :J, , ' " ' -' ' - - ' .- ; - -'..:. '' , We have a complete SHOT GUNS and RIFLES ' ' '. Also . , ( Winchester, Remington, Super-X and U. S." Shot Shells and Rifle Cartridges Hunting Clothing Pack Sacks Gun Cases Camp Stoves, etc. .. You Need a Gun We Need the Money LET'S GO! If :i ' U Klamath Sporting Goods Co SPORTSMEN'S OUTFITTERS 117, So 7th. St.: -Phone 1369 - v - 1 ' V - Klamath Falls, Oregon i ' "... : . . .. .. ... v . I H . .if 1.. Needed For Jack WW.-'' "" i e-x e :' srrrr : ;i 3 ll.1' '"IX.. f.i.i 1 . ... "-"- . .-j ....... .-Ii iM -YX, ARTICLE III. - J'id hlmsutf of Bill Rrt'iinan in Jthe twelfth round of .their . ..... . . " .' '...... ih us... nun ing pis ninny sinus yi inn ncan. " "" - "u . . ...,, i,mr,ii:.,ir i... Semi-Windup f Among tile bouts lie haa ref- creed ' were .(he 'Parlfit- ciust ; light : heavyweight championship bout between Fred LenliarC and j Yonlik Firpo. Huddy Bishop, , Seatilo'a dean of boxing, was ,to comment on Tower a .in the Mi.key ICockson and Young i Flrpo acrap. any way. ( Be. anse local fight fang hare ' not seen Kyker or Murine Raln- erl flfiht Ihese Iwo light heavy weights will ' fight the main event Ihe .betting Is conwn tratud on the at-ml-wlndup he IWuen the clever and hnrd aock- Ing Irishman. Jack O'Malley iaf Spokane and Johnny Fngiite. veU- eran Klnmnth Falls Junior welter weight. "Th! !.ono JioxljiR rard that'a 3 Ammunition -.1. j i. . ,.. ... ' ' :' ., ' , ; 7 ' line of taildard made '! 'tut I tl In nu over," l.n Huron, match maker, said In. lay, "I've Miiil II before u:ut I II mi y It ugtilu; If the tana ilu lint gl III. 'II moll. ej'a win ih mil uf the iiiin r nil of, I lie mil cd ii led H round til bovlhg. I II bo I tin most stir- prised inuii uu earth. 1 aluku my reputation uu Ih In curd." A. M. Ellsworth Named Manager Multnomah Club , . ' jwho kmi consldeiulile baaehall. I'OIITI.A.NII, Sept. t. (,V -A. )""' l'hl'o 'ulm and M. Ellsworth hu been auleeled ,lh Lenitiie rhuinploii. as itiaiui' . of Iko, Multnoliiuh HI' " bikI'T dU. usslou. Amaleur Athletic cluli In sue-1 , io 14 ilu ninniiaers. o( a t tval ceed llul II. Rim h. . Kllsworlli cluli. lliul Is flu.llliR It a dun lins long been active Ip lliu cult Jiih In wrest Ural placa from club and Helved ua illracliir ser- oral eats terms. and president two Famous Jockey s j Wife DieS Todays Ucklnn In atara is Just Hying 'to "kill" himself aa well us his SAIiA.'lJC.A PltlNIIS. N. Y., r. i'l. -. I .V.l . '.' S1111.I0. !),' Vile of Kail KilUde. Ihe Jockey, died today. S.iuiIh . Ituuiedhilely caticvlled hln riding engagetunuH tor Ilia reniiiliider of Ihe Siuatogn ineei - lug This will cllniiiiate hlui as a rider In Ihe . Ilopetul , , .,., , UlW ,,. stake and oilier-events on lh'1,.,,,, TllUo ,rm Mr. hsi day of the .m -etlng "''"-,. ,., , .st sucker ' -' .and this young Kngllsh. at aliotl- . ..- T - Auto Hits Man: Driver Arrested rqilTI.ANn. Ory.. Kept. 2. A. 'P.I ' llaworth. .1, was 111 .hnapUni here tmiay with in- lBr" ,nT..''. 'h"! . ".T." '1 an uiitomobllo hist mld-iilght mid .Mis. II. I. Kenans. . 3. was 111. -, ii. i. iicuaiis. u, was uu- der' nrcst on charge of being g h" Ar"''r- 'a' itZn who is retired naworui, wno is r.un.i lives at the Pal-ice Motel. wii H. tne 1.11.1. .i....-,, m- "lX "'C tnZ' when hit by .Mrs. Ilenaiw ciu. n . jj..,- . notice reiorda The uicordliik ,to pone K'eordliiK ,to pol c re. orda. -1 he B ,.,,, b..l ahorlslnps wumlu' lo ,,1V" ,"u'aln tho National League. Ila mir- "'rn '" P'""1- red with a number of M.-liriiw' , ing inn. nine ran ner curb u hilf block fro tin. awl - uent. ( Smith to .tslilnnd r. M. Smith, of g'hilcoio and Smith, motored to Ashland yes ter.jjy. He returned last" night with Mra. Smith and daughter, llertrude. - Lorenz Co. Wholesale Mil!, Logging 'and Industrial Supplies' "The' Complete Line" 'I . . - i 123 No. 6th Phone 371 .You iron .look 8 i- .nsi-J'., m. .,4,,, - r. taniluriU 6f nuirliiewt for ' the Idxlira hy FlehtNT irn nt.w and -in-lly tho ftni-Ht Aiiicriiuii timiH of motor curlii-uuty, ' . '. .'.- : ,, .. ", And you- ran- t xpt-cl a thrilling r.X(M;riciit-r from the minuln yiHi Urt to drivt! for Ihn new rii)iiiic uml llic lon((r i liussls were lcMiriu-tl lo meet every Amcricuu M-rformuni'c demand. - .'.-... ' .' Power, sniiMilliricsH, silciici., son ji. You'll find liicmall in llieOaklund AU-.Ymrrii'uti Sixl And uliove ull rloc, you'll liuil reliulillily. . i .v ABMEMJAN .SIX VA , ' PRODUCT OF CENCUAL MOTOU8 " , M? ' s) , ,:. .. i " -'I ;' --'- I., J,y, . , , . i 4 v.,-. .''. ,' r . , - H - 4- ,. .. 'BILLYH . lllo.ll liaises ,1 III.". "Theiv Isn't a slur on the (mil chili It doesn'l rUur to wlitllie pen mi nt " That Is what u lot of folks, the Cups, doc-oi I agren with .what u lot i people think lleie is what liuiilu Hush, pilul of the Pittsburgh I'lrtlos. has lo s.i) : "The I'ul'S haw a . real ball club. .uy oiui whit s. tlm team ', provided ho has auv. 1 "i uoiiti cni -uitnnv luiri-1 .. ,., i,el calchers In Hi leiKiie. llul C.trlsoii and Churlvy Hoot uru tu of the i.MMi i, ( ih.. iiiuiors Tin. ;lia(,.,i f Wehb. WlU.n mid .o , , ... ,h must graceful Irlo in Ihe' game, but ...... .1 .LI. . .. . irl.ill. 1 111- inn. '. i 'atur," . . , , , If vim ui. nlllinil to lake Ihnio Ituslrs ui. I. ill. 'I ho l'iioS!ie trie aanie son , ,, ,1,. t l.icg.i tubs. linvin't one, but,' on lit., con- '.,,.. -i,.,,,. k ih, . ' ' , Ar ivtclier Kiuiwa. i . . ,. . ... .i,r un i. 10 lie runs.. ilie Cubs. ,u,,e.iii,u ihlv an Interesting : leu in Ins-.'iuse pf lis ,lnIHeino by Dial system Unit oiloi IhaiialtiK mi aa a. pciiiiani con - i lender nder not heln consider- (Ij HID rUtllltllg, latllO 10 Ilie from .Art Kletther. In hi playing ihiys. r'let.'hcr winning clulm nt .New j We Arc Doing Business At , the Same Old Stand , The beautiful Free-Wertinghouae Electric , Sewing Machinj our latet ( f SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY.! , , Soptcmboi' Popular Shevt Music t&l arrived. You will find Everything in Muic at our store. 1 WIRTZ MUSIC STORE 122 S. 6lh St., Between Main and Klamath forward to now (Millie and liiK curl JSut just licniiisc It .-Kr.1 rie nrw. low irrli es'. Hut Kceptiae,' villi ull ila thrilling ft utilities, lis , hliiiiiii liiii-KH . unit ili'iii tiiluliility Kluni pit truly, AII-Ahit-rieunt ' ji;n' low pifHs 2-l)fM)It XK1IAX Untlau ut hptt ...l.lrr ttrhrertti itrirem !. tmty Itt U. R.R. GARAGE Phone 212 Yol k. . h'l.'ti her u caiiul'lu. ag gl'Mssl and giilne, Win. ii liia iluyn of uluiilniii camo to an end, Klitt.linr da lo lake whirl al iiiiin iikli.g H got Ilia chime ut I'hll iiUliihU hi lh Nutiniiiil, If It could b i onaldiiri'd s such Mual umiul Insist that iiiauaglng the I'hllllea during the lust aeveu or ulglit y.mrs has liuil boon a minor league berth Trying lo play big league hall, wllh a llii.iun of mostly . minor league, pluyein, wffs too much for Kin icher and hu pissed up Ihe lull to, ml an olio of Ilia Now Yi.a. TaultVu mn lies under Mil ler ,lilKgllla, , . , . .. . u hline the Vauka look us kmhI na In, I li ti lii-c, In I. Is first euc III III.. Aiiici Uau . I,c mile, U In ut li nn I In Mill hi web's lifter niiiiilier of Icon jwira w It It Ilie lull I rhllll I.Ike nil I lliiivis.. Kli ti her knows the. Nillonul I.enKiie .even better III"" the .ii)cr,lraii. s when I asked him If 1 lie, I'iiIih, rre not a heller leuin than cri'ihleil, I know I would get .11 wise answer., . The Cubs of this year. are. the lloaion IVHVea of lOM.nll over ia'.ln." hv reiiHed. "On the whole) Ill Is u ituliar club Ihun most 1 people think, although I inusi admit Its lluouu Isn't liuiiiuaalvo. 'l would say the IWu best (eu- lill.'s nt the. Cubs am g lienor Ihaii nrerago pit. Iilng at it t r and eulrit t kuvn never s..mi Nultonul League cluli play M.lll. I.W..M ri.1,1 II. ,ti Ilia I'lill. , . .. 1 I You " m.isi glva .Manager Me- It'arihv much rredlt.for ihai. Ile'a a fighter and hi lililii'rs must "The inliel.l la J.i.l fair. The nuilleld can lilt. Th.i team Una good can hiitg: Howover, ihe two iihu.r. ihai have kept it it. the iitiinliig la lis spirit, ami pilch- 'I" ' lug. The cub gill inr every I li..l I nunc and are winning , who iiiikI.i slip awnv." . . ,. nit . l.H Will llfc-llie iilli.iiii INigue, It's ii.ilnic In Im-i n lough team In In Hi" moi 1,1 Mile. The, "I'll II Unit 11. 1. lo r ilosi rllK- ami g.sMl pllctiliiH U a winning; roinbliut' linn. nen tills lilstnrv-inuk. f0i5 f.rlArl 11 K)7." .m.r ' IJ ft ituhttt., min hmn.ilt..m fifty tit Irw- Huentt Urttn at Mttlorf jimriiriiniti rwtt, 831 KlamatH" ''' skW' -:' S1 33