Thursday, September 1, P T (Special lo Tho HituI.I ) MOIMJC I'OINT. Ore., Hepl. I --Mrs. (Irorge Jennings of !--sail ('It? punt Ihu day Willi her mother, Mrs. M, K. Knuu.s. un Wrdiioiiday. Miss Lulu Knivlnr. spent nm.l if the Week visiting Iter staler, Mra. (iua Page, al Kurt Kluuiuih. Mis tinriruil.i Muxulre and Julia Magulro spent Hie iul week HI Murine Point as guciita uf Mr. anil Mra. Dun ('rump. Tim Thursday Aflitriiimn llrlrigr club luot 01 111" Iiiiiiiii of .Mra. It. Ktrlt Prrwrrlul loniM Forbes Pure Drugs. dv f..m.,dBl.,. rriMlrlM .1 Urr,a Tailor, Lorenz Co. Wholesale Mill, Logging and Industrial Supplies . "The Complete Line" 123 No. 6th Phone 371 All kind of GLASS Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W NEWS NOTES 0 IIG POIN The Switchboard A WF.1J of corJs that cnJ in numlicred hole. l A'haml jHiiscil rcaily ti answer Mgnal which flash (mm tiny lamps. A mini!, ulcrt for ronit and accurate pcrlorniance of a vital service. A devotion to duty inspired by a j.cnsc of the public's reliance on that service. i'.vcry section of a telephone switchboard typifies the co-ordination of human effort and mechanism that makes possible America's far reaching telephone service. Its cords link for instant speech those who are separated by a continent. Its guardian operator is one of an arnv of telephone men and women vigilant to meet a nation's need for communications. In plant and personnel, the Hell System is in effect a vast switchboard serving a nation that has been transformed into a neighborhood through telephone growth and development. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company bell system On PoliVy ' Oti &stm I'ninrjal 5rvic MOM'N POP t'MLOox-Na ) tWCSON'EfiiCSOM.' S - FbR CAr OLAr ) I S0By BUT wC HAVC . 1027 I' Thar were four tables Sir. mid Mra. Mrlvln Vender uf bridge. Al Ilia rluaa uf the 'huff visited ami alii'f In luwii lideriioon duliity r. I tr.liini ina were served al Ihu Individual ( tables. Mra. Jim Helms received hltih muru Tliuar- prr.elit were Medumes H. W. KkiiIIii, Dan Crump. J. Midvln. K. Doyle. Wit. ox. Hwan- sen, A. Jarohsoii, Win. Holm. Jim Helms, N. Y. Hloddard. J. Kauhcl. M. McMillan, M. K. Kunu... Oncer lliind. Misses lloro- Ihy I'liraun. liirtrudo Mugulre , Vlula Wllcos and llm lloa , Mr. and Mra. Jensen roiurned on Krlilny Ouklaud. Call - fur n la. Mra. Jensen la much Im- liroved lu health " Ml.. Kdnu Stoddard spent scv- .mlM.v. ..f ih. 1....1 wok la r " A.lllulld Thfwn hu shopped In (own Mutuality were Mr. and Mra. Heliim, Mr. and Mra. Jennen, Mr. and Mra. Oscar llnnd, Mr. and Mr. J,.....l...,i Mr Mr. U'll. .... i. . i u t. i . ad ra Ur'.MX"' un """' xir. i ! IH....L i I Mlllun. Jim Dlrl. ulr. Mr. and Mra. J. Marruii. N. I. Hhurl and W. J. Williams. I Off Ire I'lioue I IK1 IrlbaM llldg I Ilea. Itione 111.1 Hlamajh KalU "We Know How" Phone 154 New City Laundry K. J. KOI.II, Maaaeer pv 'Vow yj on Frlduy. Win. Wonl.n uf l.os Aiig'le. . son-in-law uf Mr. and Mra. Wll jftui. arrived during the week lu 'netoiiipuny Mra. Wurilcn and hahy llil-r hum. They have Iwn .njiiylii a two niomlia' vacation, ' K. Marlln of Pelican l-'Hy visited with her mother, Mra. , I'lerson in Friday. Mr.- and Mra. M. K. Knuaaa lcnt Haturday al Durrla. Calif. and Mra. Ham Ellis ahop- ped In Chllou,iiln un Saturday, 1 i,r'- Halls of Clilliniuln spent "uiurduy here with bar moitn'r, Kaubol. ., Jua" ,,r" 1 w' 'mum spent tli week-end lu,l Mr. anil Mra. filiill of the Wll- llamaun river enjoy..! Hunduy dliihcr with Mr. uiid Mra. Olson. Mr. and Mra. George Johnson and Mr. and Mra. Clurlngton auuivrvu wuii urrriva aiunK in 'r. nq mra. m. nmr or Alia- M-,m""' und al (h bum Mr Mr- J- I Mr-. ,na . Mn- ,",Ib arur ' run ml lako un Humlay. j Wurd liua born ri'ilvrd frum iMra. N. J Hliorl thai alio haa ar . rlvrd at Itrd lleor. Altirrta. Klia la enloyliid an rxu-ndfd trip to Canada. Mr. and Mra. Jraa llrudliy of j Klamath Palla vlalti'd at ins iciarlimion home on Humlay. . Tb'MM who drove to town on iHunday wnra Mr. and slra. A. A. ,i lurne. Mr. and Mra. R. W. Kice- Hiip. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mvlvln. Mr. and Mra. IMp and Mr. and Mra. Wllros. Mr. and Mra. J. Kaubel druve lo Chlluiiuln Hunday evrnlns. Mr. and Mrs. U. lilaikburn pii('the week-end at Kuur Mllr; ikfl Krlrntls of Mra. Wm. Helm will be aurry to learn that aha sub mitted lo nialur oueratlon un Monday morning at the Klamath ' Valley huapltal. Tli operation .....,. .u..e. ..... A,r.. ! lei mi was resting, on Tuesday, as well as could be ripened. M,-,"J N" I' U100'1""1 drove lo Ashland on Hunday, ! W. K. Lamm returned on Sat urday from . brief bualnes. trip lo Kan rranel.e.i 1 Tke Bout hern Pacific depot, which Is under contract uf con- rPlellon" iZTl; will bo resdy for Occupancy by .......i October 1. W. M. I.ALKV IIOMWKII. DKTHOIT. Mich.. Sept. 1. (A. DKTHOIT. Mich.. Sept. 1. (A. P.I Walter M. Haley. Portland. Ore., was lected president of' thi) American Title Association at ,'ita twenty-first annual convcu- tloo here. He formerly was vice president. I TMW SW A PEOi-iu LOVC?. IT VAJE.LL ENOOGH, BcT r ThviKii-C ITS all Bowk CorvM . x love. tvERy Phase cf ihi. liee. But Im PPtTW cauch of a Flat owe Ml u. J. lose u i lur. iHiNQr IMjiD. aca u a t err. CI nTTTNX V THAT'S WMNY-HE ) ' rwiWrTn f &UT HiSWrNMC ISN'T ' ' GftVC MC THi ABDReST S I J??" .l ERICSON IT'S ' ' . ( AS HIS SOMMCR HOME . jAkE DIU.OM There he is now- . j. ,-(aiie oeir v . . wetL.THftT's v ( ntiFD Tup dc I ; I ToTeff Cftgw I-- -rTt- c r?.s y I I V lmNo y I I . . I - . N. MlC ,-.i.,ao rt . -n BY . -l. V LOti Ht Sim 1 V 1 . (.--: -- V V 1 - UfCI-t y trrCUnit-.-Ni N 7 p:.- ..T,:r--' ' ' - V Rt .' Jrf EH VfCLL-wcu.- (m'W (mm THE EVENING HERAM). More 1 m aLi urn. WMwi Whrn the Hurro-Vaqelll Ilefen.e f'ommlltre wlnh-d to brlnx the remains of tho ewrut'-d miird"rer to Its headquarter. AUe owner uf ihe hallilinn barred the doi r axainat the ea.keta entrance. You e the vrriibule at the left, the doorway blrx ked by an upright two-by-faur. At the rip li I la pw lured the ta.keta arrival at aa.audrrtaklnK . MKIlllll.!.. Ore., ept. 1. pe- rial lo Tho lleruld I- Hiy .Mer- I rill and Guy Merrill siK-nf Hun-i day n ly ou bu,nP Mr. and Mra. I II. Cajlton and on. Alfred, returned from A.hland Sunday." They have been 'pending the summer there be- cause uf .Mrs. Carlton's health. ,,. - Ultpro,rd. . ... ... I Mr. and Mrs. Al Alfred and Kir un iinrrfi IILIIll 111! I '-.U OF MERRIlii i son. Klwin. and Jimmy Lslrd of.aon motored to Crater Lake Sun- flrfVufor vallfsv Tilfsi ' for iir. 1 " ' "7 , 1 k". - .... ....... er and sinter and Monday Hi-r ,m'"1'rd Kv,,,lin 10 ,"'nd "; ' I ulli-r lltu.l,,. vr Immediate .ervlcr 1477-W. Adv. ,. .f Have a fit at Orrea Tailors. 41 h and Pine. Out Our Way iai. uc- elcit; TeM:J VNORLD lb fctclM f OVWC.LL.KlCH POPLAI? N'.oviE. I1E.RO yjTi ALLII-l' WIJ1MiM IN 1t-A' VMORlD LOOVWPCPWED AT ME it-But MCtsJ OF ME. OM Th The orchd and the cactos A Loose Nut ;n' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Sacco-Vanzctti Strife eatubli.hini - ni whither they were : : ; ! . K. Martin of Klamath Kails 1 . , , ,, . '.pent Kuudav n Merrill. I " . Mr. and Mrs. itru.e Itambo aud daiiKhter l.urena of Chllo-1 nuln. apent the past week-end in Merrlli with Mr. and Mrs. Krazier. C l-ee Brown. Klmer Sttik! and Jim rilevenaou upent the week - ' ,n( -fhina: at Crater lke. jilas Winnifred Offleld rlslied in Merrill over the week-end with ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. (lenrxe .(jfflcld i j,r. andMni. O. K Ainu worth apenl Sunday at Tub Spring. I Mr. and Mra. Al A I ford and son. Klwin. Jimmy Laird. Mrs. Anke Anderson and K. H. Ander '.i... : K,i" f."" llh " party c-aiuraay. i lie oroapion ue- , ti,.r 5th birthday anniver - - ry. The table, was beautifully arranged in .hades of lavendar arransea m .iiane oi luwnuar , iun.w inM.eo ; Wl,3"'rw'lt- f- . . !. ". . . . !& - A. Anderson.: nrsiu - i KOI. J. Taylor, and the hocor;er r.b iin,ii.i.ii : guest, the hostess and Mrs. Col- b-mk e-: McTHiM ltJ Ti,' LOvE. MORE'tsl ALL 3EALCUS LCVE.TTE.T Bo OOTS.IDH. J.WiUiAtvce, isrr sv Ht srsvtcs. etc iri I t,.c I v .'V ts- .j . , fa ; ' . . je i j - . , 5-t.l removed frura the death house., i ""'il ''' Si ocKlna. ; Mrs. Thomas Martin returned ; . . . . .. In her home lo Klamath Falls 1 yafmUy aftsr .jM-ndlnit several weeks 'with her daughter. Mrs.' ; K. II. Anderaon. ! I Mr. and Mr.. Calvin HaiiKin land family and Mr. and Mrs. J. ; ITavtnr mil fnitiMv .tM-nt Knnttitv1 . . . . . . , . : . ... . ii.ii. dren. Mm. J- Stukel and Mrs. ; Dick Anderiwin rlsited in Klamath Falls Monday. j j Mrs. N. H. BoRue. M:sa' Ellen ! MeVefich and Miss l-oul.e Dal ilon returned to Merrill Monday 'evening. They have be";n spend ing the pant month on the sea 'cuaM. "j I K. M. Hammond was a Klam fath Falls viltor Wedneuilay. , I Among thovH attending the opening dance at the fair grounds -Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mra. It. 11. AnderAoo. Mr. and , j)rs R Dalton, Mrs. Lee , ,... 'XTni m,,! r a!lll Jlr, (. F.. J. Mer- ,r,,, r and Vr, (. Iiaiiey anj VlMes Miriam and Ora Ot- (Uld. Thirza and Helen Ander- ",a- f:ll, n V'-Vellth. Ii.sM ml- ', ,,,, R,... . W. Will Anderson aud Burr West- brook spent Wednesday in Klitni-. ath Falls' working In the -Merrill community booth. i Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kruils and children '"returned Saturday, evening from a two weeks' mo-'! torinx trip. i .Miss Gladys AndTnon of Seit- tie Is rlniting at the home of Mr. ' I and Mrs. J. Scoggins. Mi An derson taught in the Merrill : grade .schools for the past two i years. Next year sue will teach at Keno. Klamath Falls " Business Directory lAlleUK. FKATKItXAL. NOTICE 1 1L I'. O. KI.K.S j Meet Thursday evening. I Visiting me.nborg wel- I KI.KS TEMPLE 2nl on, I tlaln Ul.lVKIt S4-IKKK. Kxilted Ituler ! t 1. Me.Mll.LAN, lieerelary .Kralei-iml Onler of Kules . j ?Cf Meets Every Frl- i Xoose Hall. I C. H. LUNfJ, Secretary I lerlo. 20b0. Phona ;i Labor Temple I.OYAI, OliDKK HI'' MIMISK l Meet every Thurs- ! day, 7:30 j U O. O. M. TJ Moose Hall. Klam- ! ath Are. CKO. 00 I.E. Die. KLAMATH I.OIMiK (. 77 . A. T. mid A. M. 2 Slated Communications vG 2nd and 4th Mondays Visiting Brothers V Welcome I.IKIMIS III II.DIXU, By Taylor YCS-WHCN E KCFPOuR EYES OHWM. HE ESCWVD APOOT A MOMrMflOOSyr F-iNftLlY FoowDHIM Le?DVTX UPTb HIS OLD TRICKS AS CSOflL y c u jwivi& ir li. .tt r A . . , f I Appearances or VUIJIAJ ' Much Iniprovcd;;i'rrSMbr3 X j A., a piirt i.f it py.icni-wid I it ic liurtl. r i-ontittiiins; UQi ant'ki'ta. I lrtHniiflran(Trfr"tiini. Tin ( all- j 1 ho n.'rai il.slin and color ; lurira Orioo riw-r rnniijnv rrhrtinr fs anlil to b Mrnth'ally In. lulled new clt-'cirtr mIkiis j t h hhhip a. will ho found III n t all of Us prlnrliml illvl.lnn Coiwo illvUlon imlnla all throuah !iiiil ilf--trjft otIUfA tiiritiKliniir Koiiihcrn Ort'Kott mid iiorlhnn I I hi. lerrit'iry. The drk of In- ralirornia. A Miutllrr hIku of tfitl)ati'n I Alrt-mly iiii.lrr way. ' (hi Itorlzotiitil type tus ul.o hrnit , Klamuih divi.lon In-line ono of In. (filled at Ih" nM (.'opco Kh'i'- Ihr f irt .ei-tiolia of 111 Copro I l it Slum til ('lliloililll, 1 nyirm to hi taken arr of In j The Copeo peoplo ar lo hw (ihi r"peel. Tiit; Kltimnfh KIN rrinioifiinU'ii for thrlr efforta lit IiilKit. whlih h.n Jti.l been 111 -1 liiKlallliiK llie-o ninilvrn rleelrleul Uiullt'l. Ik a ,ilrnil!d oample of ill. playa IhroiiKhout thrlr turrl- iiid.lcrii !-n ( run and U a dr-toiy. all uf wlib h nild mntrrlully liled atlillilon lo the elretrlr'io th uit'tropolllsn npprarnnr ;!on of the down lown of Ihr varlout roinmiiiiltlM In dliirlt t. The fixo is uwhlih thrtia slKna art) lorated. jhue affair Iwlnn ' "x'H' In j mini and oarrlen not only Th j Continual ralna ittut brok op California Orrnon . Towrr i om- 'a New EnrMund bawball clrt ult. p.Miy nanir hut ulo a beautiful Life la J u -it oatt diiuip Ihlim after rt prodm lion of Iho natlounlly another. Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTOlt.NKYS C. C. IIKDVI Kll Atterney-at-lw State and' Ketlrral Conrta Ah.trarti Examined 2llg WillitA Bldg, Phone 911 I'.eal Estate Law a Suecialtjt F I.. . Altornav-ot-LaW TVIllinirlilg. ' Phone S! l-J .UItife l'hone li9 M. O. WILKINS . Lawyer 21S Wi'llams Building " Klamaih Fulls. Oreinn Thone lSi Pay or N" ght AUTOMOIIII.E DEALIOtS Hiiir "lirk. Ilaitery Service. ' Tlrfs-!-Xx--h. Oakland, Pontine. Packard 1 R.'R. It. (i.MlAGE 831 Klamath Next to PostofHce Phono 212 Orodyear Tires fireproof Storage AUTOMOllILK imf:S llrin In yonr viom llre girl oouo niiliti more at usual rttt ACK TIKK SHOP Guarantee.r vulranizing 115 So. 11th St. Phone H3-J , . re-treads ' ' AITO KKl'AIlt KmltTiy's Ilrpair Shop . Cuaranloerl Auto Henairins CaVs cilled for and delivered South tth St. I'hune 603-W BATTLKV SKiJVICK Battery Sendee, Magneto, Starter and Generator - - i - - -Repairing FI.OVH HLMtlOT (St. 211 ilaiu Bt. l'hone 3117-W Battery, Magneto, Generator ud Complete Electrical i Kcrvica AV. P Johnson's AITO KI.KCTHIC KKItVICF. iH K li nuil h Phone 31! Philco Merny IXIco Host h Autollte REACT Y l'Altl.OHS Exiiert Op-rators, Individual Dooths. violet ray, marcell- ' Ingl hair ' tinting ROSTOV REAITY SHOP Glorenna Warren .Winters Uldg. Phone 311 V'aier, French Paper Curl Facial and - Scalp Treatment i RIILUINQ MATERIALS SWAN LAKE MOI I.DINO CO. yuallly Building Material South 6th St. . Phone 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. 'Cabinet work and fixtures built. 1401 Division St. Phone 14.13 CHIRCIIES 8ACREII HEART (HIRCII Eighth and High Sis., (lev. A. F. I.oeser, llev. C. B. Feijse. Sunday massea at 6:. HI, J:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-duy mans at 7 a. m. Merrills. lt and itrd Sundays at 10:30. All are cordially welcome at our serv ice. . CIVIL Ki;iki KS J. C. C1EGHORV Civil Engineer and Surveyor 21S HigV Street C. C. KEI.I.ET ' Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood llldg. Phone 1075 rair Nino known Hvll.-sliy .r i..., by ahlrlil lu th Bw Tha word. "pw- prinl.iiT-1 by or !i,ai - y J J,.,l In holxht. Thorn- t i .. I.. k..illuH.. Ill ....!. t. t sIku I. lit llllnnllv lllutiilnnt- rd Will jhmip. und the liixh hi. -d flush. llENTISTS General Praetlee) of Dentlatrj1 im. run. if coi.k 6m Main Over Moe's Store -Phona ttt Open Evenings by Appointment lilt. K. (i. WISKl'AltVEB I) It. 31. K. (Wl'llt Dentistry X-JIAY laboratory Pnderwood nid3 Pbon 4S Ear, Eye and .None Doctor ML K. . IVISECAnVEIt IVntlslry X-Kny Service ' Uuderwood Bldg. Phone CIS Dr. J. J. Emmens, Med ford. Ore. ' Prartli-e limited to eye, ear. aose aud throat. Phone ,67 ciiiitoprtACTonH Dlt. t.l.LN 3ltM)KB l'aliirer Graduate ' Chronic and Nervous Ltiseasef Sow .Mellmi-'e llloi k, 325' Mula l'hone 1278 Opposito Court ifoiue im. c. xoitv.u.L ' Gradiiale ttf Paluier and Pacific College i Fourteen years experlonro We remove the cuuso ot disease Tlonimra. Ore. A 13 KMri.OYME.NT AGENCY KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT - OFKICB Employment for workers In every trade mills, railway and farms. Jantca Kyan, lrop. Oth add .Main. I'bono 1ST MISIO STIIJIO I'KAltL 11KIHN Graduate of Ellison-White 'Conservatory. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Phone 63'J all Pine St. A2- LIVESTOCK Fresh rows on hand at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY. COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22K3;Res. 411 E. Mocbettaz, Jr. Texum Station OSTEOHATHS DR. F. R. (iODDARD I. 0. 0. F. TEMPLE) Osteopathic Physician and ' Surgeorr Office and Residence Phone 321 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, Brushes F. R. OLDS Across from l'ostofflce Phone 43 Everything a Paint Stora Keeps Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead, enlng Felt. Glass, Roofing, Wall-Paper PATT1 RSO.VS PAINT Z tOftE 6211 So. tn St. ' l'hone &82-J STE.NIMHLlrnY MdS. I li. 1IAULK Public Slenographer Notary Public Savings and Loans Real Estate Insurance 310 Wllllt. lll.lg. l'hone VJ7 All kinds ot legal form TIMIIEIr I RLISERM Timber Cruising. Keconnale ance and Appraisal II. II. IM.I.E IIMJ Main HI. Phone 20-W Working" from M. L, John.on's office EXCAVATING lll.ASTIVO Sewer and Cesspool Work I'liotte 4--A Call nr. fi'j E. Miln KL FRANK .MARTIN Ill sT ' II H J 'S' & eit si T. st.vct-e7c. ftL,. 'V