COMP V- Thursday, Septumlicr 1, 1027 THE EVENING HERALD. KI,A MATH FALLS. OREGON Piipo Stvn IfnivtrJty Ltbrary EitherBig Bill or La Coste To Retire From Amateur Ranks Following Davis .Cup Matches F. 41, Yoabuirll In run" liui been to political f Associated I'rwua Nporl Wrller) falia. NKW YOIIK. Kept. 1. - The I '! will nut rtmsldrr turning Winner of lha fori IicuiiiIiik llida umMniitl before IV;,", It Ik Cup ti'iinU mutches may he g lull announced here, Indicating loaur too. ' a likelihood that Ji lilt !) 10 If Prune" wln. mi of her do iu aoui lme early '' year, grealeat stars, Kena l.acoat. pro- Values ImmhI Will, poaca lu lvii up the gillie In ' Knowing well the dollars-end-favor uf business. If the t'nlled cent value of good will, ! St a tea wine. "Hlg Itlll" TMden Iclully lo a pro, Tlldcn apparently Way Join lliv rnnk of the pro- lutein! la ruu uo rUk of Ihti Icesloaale. -unpleasantness I hul resulted I When Lacoate. want In fur ten- yaar uu when Vliirnil lllrliards. nla seriously hla father consented hie leading American rival, on only on condition hla aon should to red (he profeaslouiil fold be become III beat player In the , for what the t'nlled Stulee Lawn world. In the laat year lieu ,'rennle Aeaoclatloa chose lu con baa won tha championship of .aider thu end of the lunula aea tlie United State.. Kngland and son. France, which comprise a good-1 In answer to the "squawk" ly a ha re of the tennla tmlvorae, which aroae whvn Itlcliurda waa but loyalty to Frame demand denied a place In the amateur that be help win the great Inter- ,11a! for l,k. the 1'. H. I.. T A. uatlonal leal before he quit tha admitted 1 he would hive liven court. ; ranked at No. I. ahead of Ttl- F.lghl Venn In Mutf-nalim. den, If he had not turned pro four Another victory lot the United inonlha before the February inert Htalea tilth )rr ' would wake lug of that body.' which la the eight In aurcuaalon that Tlldun official Happy Now Year of the baa helped tu. win and would ' enalilo him tu retire tu a peace ful profrulouallsui adurncd with honorable service stripes for bla work In the tennla war. Tllden'a expressed aliliude tu ward turning "pro" I nliuoal aa pu ailing to tennla fatia aa I'rrsl- , dent CoiUUie'a. "I do. uot choose nt widely varying amount. r MID-WEST WILLILE AO OF. CU B S GET WlfiNY BlGiSHRINKS TO I; CONTESTS Nine of 14 Important In- .tcraectional Contest to Be Staged CHIC.ifeO, Hrpt. I. (.IP) Tile Uilikllp Mrst will be Uic battle .round for nine of ll.r fouHe. " , Impurtaui guinea on the Western i Conference this fall. Aa a dims. Knulo llockne'a . Notre,, Itnuie' ItauihliT will close the miuwu jtaJnst the luliersliy , of. tall lorvla n KuloVsra KM.I, tlilrago. Prlneeton and, Harvard will en tertain three Ills Ten teama, the Crlmaon play both Purdue and Indiana and the Tlgera meeting , pblo Slate. Pennsylvania aud the navy coma west this year the Mid dles to play Michigan, .co-chnm-plona of the conference, and the. Quakers In return contest wliti ' Chicago. Utah, Denver and Montana Hlate are tha western Invaders. Denver hi scheduled against luwa, Montana State will play Purdue) and Utah face Northwestern. ' On tho opening day of tho sea kon. Indiana Journey to Ken lucky, and Oklahoma I'nlveralty tome to face the Higggmun at ' tha Cnlveralty ot Chicago. The Oklahoma Agglea. champion Of tha Missouri Valley Conference, wilt play tho I'olvemlty of Mln- ' Uesola. ... Other liiler-euuferenco clashn . between tho Dig Ten and .Mia aourl Valley Jnrlud Missouri at ' Northwestern. Wlaconaln at Kan gas and Drake at Miunesola. Congenial Young Bear Stops Cars I u , . . v it.". WOODLAND, Wash.. Sept. 1. UP A friendly young brown . bear, who'll land In a rage If ho ian't careful, haa Invaded the re gion between l.ongmlr and Paradise- Inn on Mount Itnlntcr. ' - Tho beur has formud the habit of holding up ntotorlsia, having discovered ho can thus satisfy , the pnnga developed by hla ex. Inordinary awevt tooth. He held 'Leslie Caraon up until he had cston all of Cnraon'a candy. ' i 'i '. " i ' ', 1 ' Smart Thief Takes Money and Trousers jt ) .1 . .' ! ' I. ' f- PENDLKTON, Ore.. Sept. 1. "(API. A smart burglar worked the Pendleton municipal auto camp last nlgllt. , A Nebraska tourist awoku this morning and found he had been robbed of $44. He- waa unablo to give the Inrni for soma tlnto as the thief had also takon hla trousers, Thla waa tho first thoft reported at tuo camp this year. glATPY. MAN XKVKH l..l,tIIN. .LONDO.M, Hept. 1. (API The ' really happy man never or ael don laughs. In lha opinion of Prof. Avellng of tha University of London, lonchnr of psychol ogy. Though tho really happy roan may. amllo. the profoasor ronsons, - ha docs not need to laugh for laughter, like weeping. In a relief of mental tension and the happf air not overstrung;; ' racket game Mellng till coudllloo. Tllden thus would ba given ranking, perhaps hla laat aa an amateur, lie he been No.' 1 fur unveil straight year. Thla would help Ilia, Wlltlam'a drawing power aa a pro. which haa been aaacaard iTES, PRESS t'ituburgh Take Doubl Header from. Lowly - Philliei (Ity Ihr Associated Press) The load pf tha Chicago Cubs , "' "'' " " stood at one gamo today. wh(e tho (-ubn woro ur yt,m. trday. the I'lrolea were winning; . . .. I . ....LI. t....l... ooin rnos 01 m umuiiiv unuri , finin Him lnsrlv IMillllns. In nriw ' paratinn for entertaining the cubs. The Hue had to 1011 U' I.ttf Intilnss tnr s 1.1 ilselsian a 3-1 decision , --'"- ------ t in lha opener but staged a four- run splurge lu Hie nlirth Inning uf the Second game for a 7-1 victory. ."I The worhl'a champion SI. 1-ouls Cardinals gained a little ground j over the . tilants by trimming, Rrooklyn J l. Adolfo I.uque. Cincinnati right bander, held the Huston llraves i . In check and earned 1-9 vie-- The Ynnkees returned to New York unit trauiuled. the tiosion lied Sox 10-3. After is straight1 def.ata Wash-" Ingtun rnme to life and traunred Hie siacamen. . . t ' , tne ifrowna oroae ineir los ing atroak and drubbed Detroit In both games of a double head er. 3-1 and 4-1. if , , . .Mueller, deputy sheriff, -ho with Woman Ushered Out , hla wife and child, and hla moth ft If I I t?r.lli" nd father, . Mr. and Mrs. C. Uf Klamath tans H Muulllr returoctl ,ant IllRllI i . ( Hera use sbe failed to live up to tne letter oi ner prumiso w ; leave the city Immediately. C'hb'f of Pollca Keith Ambrose today refused to leave tho home' of Mlsa Etta Hlgglna until ahe' packed ' her effocla and was on : her way. Arrested yesterday on the charge of possession of one-half! gallon of moonshine whiskey.' Mlaa Hlgglna waa lined lltlV; and sentenced to GO days In the: rlty Jail.. Tho Jail aontonce was suspended providing alio would leavo the city. , llvr failure to luave brought . Immediate action from tho police. . "I think she'll 'be on her way , thla afternoon. Ambrose, said to-i day. Nf ah Isn't It'll mean the, Jail." , (Ireaay Nenle. former major luaguur. plana to . retire from baseball after thla season. Perfect tt.. Teeth Everyone can n o I luive per feet teeth: th Is a little matter that is in tun -ft-hands of Nature, y ,o niaiter now booii, or now im , your, teeth are. yon should visit a conscientious dentist two or three tlmen each year, simply as1 a health measure. . it- llM Kvcnliigs ' DR. PEAT HiMsarnMn. Mil, t ', OAS Bui Main A -KAY Three. Rounds Were ' Enough For Demptey's Greatest Knockouts J. Dempsey to Wallop Billy Miskej ARTICLE II. 1 . .1 W i It took Champion Jutk Uempsey less than three rounds to knock out Billy MiBke when they fought at Jlenton Harbor. Mich., in September 1920. . It had really taken just ona blow, however, in' the j very firtit round to convince bout would not lant long. That blow, waa a right to itg right that caued the irrunt fiisilv heard far from Another right in the tiecond ' round dropped Miske for a few seconds. This right struck him in the ribs, Only a clinch when ha fame up saved him. - ... une minute anil thirteen seeunits nf th ihlrH f.,n,l nB.ui before Uumpsey fiallrned his oppuuent. It was a blow that Demp iey seemed reluiitaut to give yet had to. Miske had shot a left hook to Dchmaev'a law. It aurnrlaeH the rhamplon. Jack, delylug a moment, sent a leaaina llcht left at' Miske and then followed with a left honk that sent him down for count of nine. A right cross to the Jaw ended the buut. Hut experts were unanimous In their opinion that the fight had been decided by that amaab In the opening round, that plle-drlvlug right to .Mlske's Heart that rauaed the St. Paul battler to grunt In pain! t , Deputy Tells How They Handle Prohi 4 ,problem in Yakima f,i'0y tol m with They eok em with every thing hut the ring posts In Yuk- I Ima, Wash., and oven then the U-ltlxens crab because the fines aren't heavy enough." said Louis ; from Washington, where we visiting friends. they "The smallest tine Just for i HtW 1 r,v J ) l.v- xmwH ' It 1-f I II P 4 A av "A'XVi.Y.v VAT A'X-'ft I li. iii.'4f. ri i. i ' Vi " f-- - ' ... vaYasatasssxic. the is.uuu rans tnat tne ..' Minke'ti heart, a pile-driv- challenger to emit a painful tha rinir. mere Intoxication la 840." he continued. "To have a pint in one's pocket means at least $100 and more serious offenses acale up to $500. The favorite method of procedure la aoak 'em heavy on fine, sentence them .to Jail for 60 days and auspend the Jail i sentence If Ihey leave town Imme diately." Smart topcoats ore. at Orrea Tatl- Expert Prescript lonlsts Forbes Pure Drugs adv. Have a fit at Orrea. Out Our Way ,;W u.-vti'-' vj .. ui'tium NUT : ( UA( U K.l J.! jbVJnr: Vniirim.s At No. 2 lee Junes slammed ' wn hi t'lulw. Kvidenlly thought be was trumping a trick i 1. 1 l.rliln. ! I Now runic the secret of Von I 1 jrJ (F.lina popularity. He and duf-i;J J " I fera havn a lot In common ,J E f I f ' I' jthey lioth atari terribly. k X'l ' ' llSl "There were evrul card of , tf if I 1J." It mm all one needn; J ' , Til, f4 ito enter the national meet la a I I ' " l .railroad tlckel and nerve. I ' f, JH; f I T Judging from Mlnlkahda (More. I , ., 'Ihowever. Mr. Von Kim appar-t'' e if ' J . ,iu i - 1...- , ; ,.b 'v r J ... .1 1 IJ .iiiuiaanna naa an enirani)jt named Hilly nuiy. we aon i : fiulte know wnullier to presume i ) lie counts or snoots like tnat. ... The ynung man from Waahiug- lun tame In with an to very sorrowfully muttering "Voigt, oh jVolgbr'a the matter?" I Senators Lose ! : While Beavers ; Can Not Play; flty the Assocfateil lr-ss) Scoring six runs in. the eighth tuning.' Los Angeles turned a pitchers' battle luto a rout and scored an easy 8-0 victory over Kan Franclaco. Hollywood made ft two straight over the Missions and tightened their hold on aixih place. The good left arm ot Wilbur Cooper waa lou much for the Oakland scored a' Senators aud 5-0 victory. Portland t Seattle postponed, '- rain. , STANDING OF CLUBS TODAY COAST I.KAtil'K. Team: W. I.. Oakland 7 it Seattle 88 68 Ran Francisco Hi 73 Portland 78 78 Sacrameneo 79 80 Hollywood .'. 74 86 Missions 72 88 jlos Angelea 60 S Pet ftlO m .541 si... .487 .46.1 ,45u .371 national i.K.Atii'K. Team: , . W. L. Chicago 7"3 50 Pittsburgh 71 50 St. Louis 69 50 New York 70 52 Ciuclnnattl 55 66 Brooklyn S3 71 Boston 51 69 Philadelphia 4 5 80 Pet .594 .587 .580 .574 .454 ' .425 .360 A.MKKICAX LKAtil'K. Team: New York ... Philadelphia Detroit Washington Chicago Cleveland .... W. 89 I.. 37 54 56 57 64 70 75 85 Pet. .706 .571 .549 .540 .480 .440 .395 .314 6 55 49 39 St. Louis .... Boston Flume and Mirrors Hole Itenew Mimim ami Furniture (tinsmith, Kxprrt Key Mukcr (ttiarnntcc workmen. CST LOTt.K 129 So. 11th St. . Phone 144 1-J Sl-Ol GIrl Champion l t it, .a J i r i a b 1 fJ ' ' , L -1 Klla Cartwrlght. girls' 60-yard dasb champion, will defend her title ' and also compete in; the 1 HO-yard aud broadjump af the national track and Jield cham pionships for women to be held at Kureka. California. Sept. 1. Betty Buthall to ' Alter Her Service NEW YOKK. Sept. 1. "API Betty Nuthall. lS-yesr-old ".ng- "oh schoolgirl, waa good enough ion the tennis courts to win from (Helen Jacobs of California In the women's matches for the Wight man cup at Forest. Hills. -Those who saw her agreed, however, that the cannot hope to chal lenge the best tennis players uf her sex until she abandon the underarm service upon which she reliea i Ml.. Vuthsit frienils st Forest Hills that ahe Intends to! Me.etnn ... rth,.doT service- be-' fore .next season, thus rounding j out a game already brilliant lor ; accurate placing and strong, , barttband'atpoke. '.".' j. r.V" " ' 1 Reindeer Steaks Are Latest Rage PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 1. tC. P.) Tame reindeer meat la now competing with beef for the fa- vor of those person with fondness for "red flesh." The meat is offered at low prices and la said to be far su perior to the usual reindeer meat, aa the animals, raised for com mercial use. have better care re sulting In a finer and more uni form flavor. 'Due to the popularity ot this meat, coastal steamers are being equipped to handle more of It. bringing the loads down from Alaska to the markets of the Pa cific Northwest. ,.. Man Would Change Name to D. Smith BKRKELEY. jCal.. Sept. 1. I U.J P. I Declaring bis name too com- , mon and contusing. Donald M. I tioldsmtth. 25, asks that ft be changed to the distinctive cog- : nomcn of Smith, a petition on i file In superior court disclosed. j His present name la a cause ot embarrassment.' Inconvenience and a handicap which the . "less i common" one will overcome, he j declares. ; t I A --i. i as W i mm I 4 ;.! . le-'e ' ' r 1 ri, I . ft If r i. " r t Vt. - at l.AWItKXCK BI.AMKD. "Shorty" Lawrence was blamed for an accident on East Main 1 street by J. M. Ager. who claim- i ed that while he was attempting ' . to pass a car that Lawrence at- ! tempted to pass him and caused j a wreck. The crash occurred ! near the intersection of East ' Main atreet and South Sixth. I That Arthur Ferrier cut the ' corner on a detour of The Dalles- . , California highway is the ronten-. .'t(bn of Mike) Shong In a report' tiled fu the sheriff's office de tailing the crash. Omaha World-Herald: Dele : gates to the C.eneva naval con ference concluded that nothing reduces cruisers so effectively as : a war. WATCH REPAIRING HiiKH 1 year guarantee on all work GEO. METZ- JEWELER ' 623 Main f .-..Or awVW.ojV.1 ns'lfiy BIELYQ wmm Tlsiers (aulllg (fcMHl Jielroll , with 11 elrnlxht vic- j lories lenus me major leusuca in jthat reaped for the JJ7 aeaon. i Detroit, under (.eorae Morlarty. Igol aay to a bad alart. but la !now playing the brand of hall Dial moal of the exjierta predict ed it would. Away poorly, due to a week of idleneaa at the opening nf the season. It waan't until around July first that the Tlgera began flirting m II h the .Jdo mark, tllnce that time the club haa made ronalsteiit progress, finally reaching second place at therloae of Augiifft. . Itcrrnily after Detroit hwl iM-nlcn Watilnglon four straight game, I Mkcl one of lh vet- ',rr slurs of I Ik- Nationals, how 'he arcovnlcl for the sarprelni work of the. Tigers. win rtiiuii hikIi "The team is playing smart baseball, that best explain It," he replied, "and Ceorge Morlarty Is running the ball club with an Iron hand. His word Is law and the boys are obeying It. . When a sacrifice is the prop er play, the Detroit plsyer. no matter bow great a bitter he is and bow good he happens to be hitting, lays down a bunt. "Morlarty also has the correct idea aa to effective pitching as I view It. . He has a number of good curve ball pitchers and he is making them use plenty of books. "Against must of the othe clubs, you see plenty of speed. i but when yon face tha Tiger. Ithe world seems to be Just one 'curve after anotner and some of them are mlgniy snarp. "Detroit Is simply playinc smart baseball and getting tne break as snch teams usually do." Dt-irol. linMieil siMh last sea- som A first- division bi-rth l assnml this rear, and It may be as bigh ss second place. . The .Morlarty system of play has sue rrcdeil. i Ynnks Ituin Win Streaks r As usual. It was the New York Yankees who broke, the Detroit .Gan'tlFailOn Perfe PIE GRUSTS . this way ' r -s-s s -. T , I ' TJVERY recipe in Mrs.Ida Bailey Allen's ' . "j new Book (see coupon belowj is not only unusual but easy to follow and you're- certain of - perfect results. Follow this ; recipe for flaky pie crust y and leara how wonderful Mazola is foe .shortening. . Ji flat 4 csa itfrge or King' forJ't Cornstmrth CU -wsfrr to mouttnoboM 4 labUtfoom Sift the flour, cornstarch, baking pow. ' dcr and salt into a bowl. Stir in the Ma zola, moisten with the water. Turn onto floured board, roll anf use ns desired. ,. .,. s.. .,- . .'...-; : $ . y r-M A 7L I SCIIO Only IOC (stampa or coin) whh (Ms eminon anil I you witt receive a copy of Ida Bailey ' lively bound, containing 1 U page lohnaen l.ib Companx, l Tr.,1. Blds-f . IWIUimJ. Of. Namo. Addrtt Town., i lor. perfect fhart irt a mark f 11 In row. iThal'a a habit with thu mru ot ' Hugxlna. Karller in Die yewr. Wa.hlhu lon Willi 10 alraiglit wins, met New York In what waa rgrd.' aa one of I he few rruclnl serle i Ihnl have luken place In thu American -league Ihla aoin. YVanhluainn look lh first asme making 11 connoviilive vie lories. The following il.iv New York won a double-hnativr In which the Yanks inudo tli runs to three fur the N it ionu is. Ijilcr in the year. Washlngtun, by playing brilliant, . again got within hilling Uisluncc of the Yankees. And onio again the rsault of the second crucial series was the aume, three games for New York t one for Wuih ingloa. a New York broke Hie Ist'lroll slreuk In I lie Opiciil Yunk iiiiiii ncr ronilnsT from Im'IiIihI, . .V'J, In ll- It op in the eighth, then In sin IM, nhrn Uisert Willi Iwu ilonn In the nliilh, anil Hie buses lllliil, lilt for I lie circuit. Yankee Consistent The day the Yankee snapped Detroit' string of 11 wins, they stopped two losing records ot their own. Trior to stopping the Tigers, New York bed lost four straight: games, the longest losing siren k of Ibe year, showing how con sistently the Yaukoes have piny ed. In the four defeats were threo 'straight victories cored by neve- land In a three-gtime series. That waa the only time this year any clnb has won a scries from the Yankees. Another feature of play that will bear ftirthe'r proof aa to tin Yanks' consistency Is lha fact hat no club to far this year has been able to blank 'em. The closest the Yanks have come tu a shutout was In a recent Phila delphia game, when a home run by (ichrig. In the ninth, kept Walberg from whitewashing them. . . IJi fci.- the season is over Xew Yisrk will iiroluihly set few. umre inli-rctlnf record k ad dition In winning w h t now I sernis like I cinch piniiMut. Orr- Tailors, 4tli and line Are now showing the latest novelty collections of fall aud winter fabrica for women'a wear, hand tailored lu their shop. Tho new Is' Parlslennes fashion ul buro Just arrived. They luvtte yon. , 1 I UbUtpom Matala yi tttipctm Ming pnJet ' i ttttpoon Salt . C A--- Allen a wondrrlul n M lM, BlU ao- of unusual recipes. Writo . chcrtcnin i