hi 0 3 it Mi. r. 3 : 1 1M Ik to m it v 'i W '13 r.- '": FEAR FELT FOR"'",,n''1r',nlt"ra"",'',,, r RAPHAEL PLANE standard time. The plan vti - I flying low and very fust, headed K'uiiflinicd fruni puna one) I directly eaM. It wu also lighted i" Ivuruii for speeding the over Houses Point. N. Y. .ii.iiiiuIhiiu s flight. Itepoits from y. lorn and throughout Canada and fc"rnhin from Kngland Indicated NKW YOKK. Sept. 1. fAPI flood weather acroa the Atlantii llmt II Irtish flying orflriala and for todiy and tomorrow, 'favoring LHMIe kept tip hope. Itha progress of the two Euglsnd- "Thn St. Hapliii.ls. gaxollnc .bound Canadian nlanen. . .. firm?- In' THE EVEXlXfl HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Tlmrsilay, Stytfinlirr 1, 1027 hwt i.i..r.t ru.rt. Curriculum' tn ' ? inq rus. r. mil pint. IO U1JKQ wy n.n-ton flfr-M ti II.im. MCVtCW Wearf of U. of W: Klnmntr. Fnr Rnrtari Cirniffiv ..-. A 4V W4j WXsF laUtMM 3 , Famed. Riders Flocking Into' 1.K IIOl'lH.KT. Frauee. Sept. I. (A.P.I-lnle.. some unfore- KATT,K' vh- s,'- A IbUiii wire currying 3,1, uUO volL of electricity. Tliu victim wefv linemen employed by I ho I'nin aylvaula public acrvUa corporation, in'l clrvumMaucca arises, (Sivon, French aviator, will atart P. - lr. M. I.yle Simmer, (of. Leon ii ' , "' "Uldcr are fulrly flocking to. other who bar entered, and ...... -............,, Klumtl, , ,.. ,.nato In m.-citmij ui h ..illusion, louag Mipply should lie enough to stay In the. air until S:.1(t p. m , cast' em slundurd tiins toni,ht. OTTAWA. Out.. Sept., 1 (T 'V 'J - j V Inoun.id as the meteorological outlook by Die local weather bu reau today. j Over' land, however, the pre' :ent conditions aaJ the outlnok . Nope mat a itray monoplane fr the next twenty-four hours milieu over ist. aialo thin tore-( ere not M promising, a bad .nono might have been the trmnt-i drlixle being: quite gen.ril from Aliunde filer, St. Itaphacl. waiKw York lo Nova Scotia and ; .(IlKlpaied later when it waa as- rain and fo Inditated for to cert.lned that the pline be- morrow from east of Nantucket rnxed to a Captain Sandera. l0 Ch$g Hace. their events, are: V. II, carter, PrescJtl, Arlioua. roplua, bed rare and wild row milking; Kred ItlA I ll-.M.ll W V ettllaM kill vl 1m M Ilk. on his traus-Atlanlle ftlcht early took office aa president of ltiiUrtlay aftimooa at 1U0 oVIuck lonioirow nioiulng. He can-fully i ltutlon. aurceedlng David at the fairgrounds," J.J.Miller. inompsou. who has Nen acting coinmlllecman. din lared loday.l Hums, brono riding, aleer la" ouM1Ug oy nf,r , numher of men and wo lh board of regents of Dr. Ileuiy Mlen ha(, ,,,.,.,, up fc, Yi4Tlou, huisalo ,.vel. iu an . inuTTiew. no iivcuirtxi . ...i ,i.i. Inspected his plane bird." tonight. "the 11 In e- ,1 Forger of Checks Spends Money on Manv Taxi Rides ' the Institution in ,,,, trt M, luanyiaxi iiaeS ,hr e,.Btac4 with the needs .f jt. Hr.dl.ury roping, bareback ride, milking wild row: Howard Teglaud. Miles City, .Montana, ox-champ, brcne riding, wild cow utilklng ud THREE PLANES ST. JOHNS. N. T.. S,pt. I. (A. In. OUT OVER OCEAN towrrda nTe iea moaning a'nd' ' jtlie steamer Silvia arriving here 7 (Continued from page, one) at T o'clock, reported heavy fog .'A report from I'ara. Hraill. .along the coast. The nitht r- Visit of Senator S that rnul Itedfern. flying fronijmained fine and clear until dar ; ;tunawlck, Ca.. to Itio de Jan-light when t he weather turned '1 1 ii V; v.; U-ro. hid fallen near Alemquer, on the Amazon river, lacked eon- . Tlriiiatlnn. AI.HI IIO. Va.. Kept. 1. (API " The Canadian airmen. Captain 'TiMly and Lieutenant Metcalt in ll:cir trans-Atlantic plane Sir light when lhe weather turned cold and cloudy, but the wind had taken a favorable cblft to the northeast. ROOSEVKLT FIELD, X. Y.. Sept. 1. (API Heavy rains and POHTI.AXP. sri Sept. 1. (A. P. Robert r.rlluiger. SI. ar rested late yesterday at Seattle, on a totalling ism. spent most of the luonev foe iMvlnl. ri.t.. I ' . . , r-xprcMing. regret that lie . ' given out j f(,nv1 , ch.ngo hla Itlnernry. an. Interview, he declared i-.,r ... ne wouiu review ine curricula i.i ...,i..r...l .h.. .... , .....i. ..... of the university with the Idea r.,iy ril(- , wn ,i,rl i ,i Hk..ii..n ll..(i, A.-..I .)...) (MM Maiute and rider, brono riding, barvback Klamath Falls. 'rule and wild row milking, and Kern Mustard. Hums, and .Mrs iThuiuisn Jackson. Chlloquln, Kverelt Telkemp. I brono riding and bareback tide'. ih niate. charge of forging checks McNary Postponed JAMES WILLOS at the sheriff's office tod.iy. He cashed chetks totalling $1300 with the I'niou Taxlcab company, and still owes them I (Oil. said officers. Bollinger was alleged to have forged the name of his mother and his grand mother to checks on his grand mother's account. He had in- , J"" "m"y thmi he " Th ''n -l' Dt"r In- a stubborn east wind toda hii .h." .7 .V ' " 7 " ".. n0f.TVr. inoi he would . ' i v .-., a in. ium wnue 11 ft SHI 1.. B Ll..n...k -I-!.... . Ih nw,.ir,lun. ni.i ....... . . . - ! , ."i:ini ai a rortiand notel. j month. S 01 E l nlt.il State Seimtor Charles McNary wired Lynn W. Xrsmllh yesterday that he would be un-1 able to visit Klamuih September' H as originally planned. Aol j , ... engagement In Marshfluld. the ! l-Onaemnea Convict Mult Senator Indicated, made It Impo- j Die; Comm.Mion Holdt alble to be In Klamath on that i ln ,;, n.;m " ss-wsssej s Portland Chamber Will Investigate Big Rail "Merger J'OltTI.ANIJ. Ore.. Kept. I. (A. P. I To maka thorough study Ika rffrcl of proposed nityenr of I bo Ureal Northern nl the Northern Pacific. railroads on I'ertland. lis , tributary' territory, (be board, of directors of Hie chamber of inmrnene. ha ap pointed a committee of ten prom- ,(an ujluVa" wvil .0 lll y:lv,' '' Th I J cniuiliitte will alieinpf In' arrlvo at com liinlun of Hie benefits, If any, which will rumw lo I'm I land and Orun thruuuh Hie uniricattou of Hie Northern lilies and If It la decided Hint coiisolldiitlou Is desirable, rocoin. ineiidallon ariorillngly will lis tnude lo tho Inleraliite roiiiitierce coiiiuiImIoii which soon will hold a hearing on application of His two line tor permission lo rnn-olldale. t, The first yclir sulnry of au early Mli lilgsn i lrcu'll rider cuii, Isli'il ' nt' hay. M, soVks, mil.' lens and caah to Ihs IMil of llll. ' , V t day. eanli bound icr In th Dress Up for Labor Day are At Guaranteed Savings We are more than confident that quality and price considered our values fare more superior to any other store in the city. To prove this we are going to ask you to "Compare Our Values", and if we are found wanting we will gladly make restitution. '; I l'?, J Compare theollowingJgtimateibirga insith any of' the adTerhVezdlctosin out sales, arid 'two fbrj one! sales' an d: benefit by the Comparison. A . -""essswasswssi s s ss siJMJeVTriTjTXUX"uu'XfXi -in n nj-inn ni - ' ( $30.00 Values - $35, $40 Values' $45,' $50 i Values j" $20.00 Values ; ' Mens Suits Men's Suits- "Men's Suits ' v iBoysi Suitui , 18.85 23.85 - r 29.5 r it85 Newest Styles Clothcraft and Including Hart oo-'o "'"other,-' - Schaffner&Marx 2 Pair Panls ' $25.00 Value, $1.00 Values $2.50 Value. Boys' Suits Athletic Dress Shim All Suitcases $13.85 Union Suits 1 69 and Luggage 2 Pair Fanb 79c steHso 1-3 Off $2.50 Values I, , $2.00 Value,' $ $.00 Values ' -h Khaki Pants Fancy Dress ' $s.oov.iue. i 95c I 3.95! . j $3.85 $4.00 Values I Moleskin : ' ' $2.00 Values : M W - - , ' ' Pants Union Suits Dress $5.oo Values - $2.95 $1.49 Oxfords Work Shoes ' Chalmers and $4.95 . $3.85 Others J - $5.00 Value, $4.00 Values $500 Value. Dressants Silk Rayon Bkn ets V $3.95" Union Suits 3.49. 170 $.45 All Work : ' ' , $7.50 Value. $1.00 Value. Uothing $J Dress Pants Dress Sox Overalls Work Shirts . 4.95 , 49c J GreatlyReduced '. 69c -. : i ' KALKM. Sept. 1. W James YVIIIoa. condemned conrlcl who awaits' execution under aa ex- i ecu live reprieve expiring at mid j night Friday for rompllcltjr In the "V; murder cf 10 1 guards at the 11 slate penitentiary Is "not Insane. either legally or medically." Such it th unanimous report of the special rqmnitsslon -now pointed by Jndge I'crvy R. Ker ly, of department number 1 of the Marlon county circuit court at th rt'Quent of attorneys tor WIIK to examlno the condem ed man. whom. It was content ed, showed Indications of dev eloping; Insanity since the death sentence was lust passed upon him In July. While altcrneya are unofficial ly contending that W'llLs must hang with the expiration of the reprieve unless further executive clemency or a stay of execution by the court la granted, the gov ernor'i office has asked the at torney general tor an opinion as to whether or not It will be neces sary to lake Wlllos back Into court and (resentence him for ex ecution at ar later date. In 'Oie teas of Keller, whose execution was stayed pending the outcome of hla petition for a ' aud attended th Kagles' picnic. S)r. and Mrs. Geo. 8. lloyt en loVed a trip lo Klittnath Falls Suaduy. Mr. aud Mrs. Roy III. ni.'nd duughler, Mildred, were hern Sunday visiting with Mr.' and Mr. V. K. lot. Mrs. Viola I'age wis visiting with frteuds In Klamath Falls Saturday. s Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Orth motored to l'hllou,uln Saturday tn shop. .. t Henry J. Uordrn and two daughter. Xorma and Luclle. aud their cousin. 1-etha Vincent, en joyed a trip to Mcl'luud, Oregon, Ust week. , Kit ducreyi a-ipt daughter, Mr. Oi llrown. vtVriW lSr )($f, were here j over the week-cnil looking after" Hf lK ruftle:-1- ..'"!! .Mr. and MrU-Tvtn tnpl1yattdU uattchtrr were here Sunday un thr way home lo llogiie lllvcr ,1 11 irt valley. afiu-ip.dhig a .jjs-o or j rac4:oU rould PujV "! hisvl. VauciiWiVr Aid t)t'cr pwliiii i a, - - V " of Interest. Six Electrocuted By Tension Wire LI M BUN. Pa.. Sept. I. (API Six men were electrocuted near bore this afternoon when they ' is the time to ' Buy Property ' -in- 'f- Lakeview, Oregon J and s, h .'. t. "Aituras, California t$r I w-niof; hba fciiiu.,,,!!, JsJ aaVcd thai ber4tlKli)ikuk' I PLUMBING HEATING r . f URNACES tl Motor. Pumps, TEn lines rtuur Water' dyntefn: 323 No. Cth Phone 371 i v tjdence property; acreage I and suldivuions; business chances. Write i i ii V it.' Favell-Utley UUvieWOW -AlturasCalif. 0 OFFTi KLAMATH "t (Special to Tho Herald! ,. TOHT KLAMATH. Ore.. 8epL t.--MIs I1 Smrthe of Modoe Point was her visiting several d-iys with her sinter. .Mrs. (Jus A. Page. MIji Letha Vincent ha just returned to her home In Al turas. Calif., after spending aer ernl month here with relative and friends. On . Murcngo of ' Stockton, Calif., was here Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. YVm. A. Page, i Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barron J of Itngue Itlver yalley wore here' ll wee looking after their eat-! tie. ,""'' ' ' ' Mr.' and Mrs. (itim A. ' Pago and Miss ' Ixils S my the motored to Klatnuth Falls and Kcno Wod n'sdity' on business. '" Kd Iover wa In Klamath Falls ' Saturday on a buslnns trip. Mrs. Tliolma llnllock left Fri day for California where she I will spend ' several week with i rri.;.,i. ' '. - I ' ...'"" ::; I ' " ' " ' '$ I MOTHERS! ' t J 2 Get Your Boy Ready for School! Special Roys We Sell ' for Less. Oregon Woolen Store 8th and Main Sts. Always the Best. Airs. e.iuon itrntiain anil two rblldren left Friday for Lako vlew, Oregon, where they will spend a couplo of week with relatives and friends. Mrs. Kiy Taylor and Mr. Wm. A. Page were ln Chlloquln Thurs day shopping. The Fraternal Order of Kagir from Klamath Falls, Ilend and 1 several other places, enjoyed a . picnic here Sunday at Sunset lump grounds. In tho afternoon Klmn itb Falls, t)rdi r . and Ilend Order plwyed' hiifirbull,' Klamath I Falls winning.' Tbaro-'atti lurge M' 1 I ilWUlf , IUMV.UUI , place and lhd clioy kuh) enjoyed I. by everyone. '' '. I Mr. and Mr. Js Johnson of j Khinjutli Fall were hure Sunday j i THIS SHOWS THE "'", GREAT NEED OF FLY-TOX ''' Oregon City, all-wpol, two ,'t' pant; Knicker Suits; Mott in . larger boy' sizes. Vsluet. to $16.50 f Boys' Knickers Hoys' sturdy school knickers of scrgq, cashmere, etc. fC- Spccial yoc 6 v t t Boys' Knickers Boys' sturdy corduroys for school, all sizes and f nr worth more than.... ij) 1 D Boys' Shoes, Sweaters, Caps. Shirts, Blazers, v.; .i:;-.,, Underwear 1 I l.'H. I'nlleH Nltile. .n.o.nmanl .lath.' orltie show -that undor favor able condition with a beginning of one male and one female fly. they may Inrrease In one season to over 6D, 001), 000. 000. 000 flies. This show tho noed of Fly-Tox. Sold every where. Adv. .The orkingman's Store A working-man's store complete in every detail, work clothes for every need at the workingman's prices.' We appreciate the working-men's trade. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, LABOR DAY Too Late to Classify K. SUGARMAN FOIt ItF.NT Furnished apart- " Ain't Mad at Nobody" ment. 2.101 Wantland. 1-14 ir?A , 'if, 4 t 2L FOR KENT 4if-rf)ori ITS - aMar bouse, 2020 Vine t, j. 7:;i v' viTi,t7fi7;