f 't' '4 r! h :' !: v "I ' ic.lr '!? V.,2 ' :.e i - 'a !'! i : ' ' ? , V ,"j ,H Mi-Page Four , THE EVENING HEKALP. KLAMATH FALLS. .OREGON. Thursday, Soptt nilu-r 1, HL7 T. B. MALAftKfcX. W. H. PKHKINM r. . BNUUtSH. ifuce frwiiU bl attempt to lr, on (anilllar term with lhoe who passed to see the show. Turn out of the crowd csiuh a Markets1 lllllt.T PtlltTI.ANll. K-nt t . I. !.AdrerTsinV"Manacer i e"-4tsinsl flrl of 10, perhaps. Ilullcr: Steady; rklrn Business Manager She. niu'l afraid of a horn. lt'Rilra En farad' MB4 Mai waiter at th. po.toMc. at Al.m.tb Fall..'" " " ,h" hU ,kr "nd Oraton. on Aafcust SO, 19(. onder act of Congress March S. 1ST v,a fMd nd lb bloo,n ' 1 !.., , ;t lover wwr tn br mauncr. Shi.;"1' Drtlrcr4 b Carrier ' - Br Mall MAlkH r.ittflitrtiitlv nil tn him : Ota Tear H!x Month Fere Mentha Qa Month 16. SO Ona Month . I It Threa Montba .6 tiix Montbi - ,it one Year uu , j, . -- - I.TJ i.Ot f.'! finfers abore his eyes, tickled bta vara and patted bl nock. She understood, and ao did the big bar.' He showed many a alien of land. cube city H; aatiuUnU prim ' f Irat 4 l, firsts creamery prices: J'rlnts cents above cube etaud buterfat 44 'j f o b. lort- i'otatwa NiudN .toulyl J SO l.tio. KLAMATH CLUB TO HOLD SHOOT H'outlMit'd iroin paae ou) ' tiuuday and Muudny will be Mia of the blMvat dlid hct airuuiti'd evcnlH of II a kind ever l ifd la I oiilherit ttrvgon", Arthur W. rVhauuu. official of the club ili dared today.. "We arc elntUu tit It'UHt fiit whooU'ro.1' ' Thcit Kill be no luter-clly nhoot: tuillvldual oniietltlon will characterlte the tournauivui. t 'A.:...'.J.J D rjllfjit;. r , f , piMfttra. IjJia arched h! Hk naautitiicu J ress Icasea .Wife i ' J, fn& rubUu4 h head acakiiit th glrl'a Bilk-clad ahouldrr. Kor p'rhma ten mlnulca tbl ' ' T "- Member of Slit Assolat4 'J,reiai 'A ' exchange of rarvaara between Tba Aaaoclaled Pref Is erclUBlvety entitled" to -t ho um or repahllra-. """e "d girl went on. to the tloi of all "n( dfypatrhes credited o It or not otherwlaa credited evldcut admiration of both. And la till paper and alto the local saw pnbllabed therein. All rishta the crowd loved the nlcture. ol fapnbUcatioa at apaclal dlapatche nerain are alao rnerved And when, at lam. ho turned! away, there was a far-away, wM - ful look In the girl's eyes, a recol- . i . lection, perhaps, of the' open rIyl. " t "'p ' f " . "" ' country, the trees and brooks and title rrOOJ Of OrOWtfl birds and wild flowers, and horse- .When the Klamitth schobls open for the year there ZulTT'Z noticeable increase in enr'olirhent. " This in an spreading' oaks beside the road. Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation Thureday, September-1,.1927 win be a indication of city growth that cannot be denied ""nicri the records shoW from ten to fifteen per cent , Democrats Unable increase in the number of pupils there can be no 'deny-j '-. Mnh )' inf the constant growth of a community. That is what, 10 " JClarhah; wilLshdw this year arid perhaps more,' but con-i ronTLAXD orvv;avjit. i (.v Bervatively .speaking it will reach that percentage. P.) Democratic iedet of Mult - J Pifosant to not, tfisven though.it calls to TLTt' tenuojr Uonsta$t Ye&flofjTnpre housing for children, icongren for ne third district. The iiyr Veil taken care of tor the pr4ent,and per- debated for a.wtiiie a resolution .hap,, has aome leeway for growth in the "buildings tnai lfoat tTl have been built this year, but as year after year vadd : primary, ftttr ttiM eiin was thcif .tocariitlxtteaAe! wcautstS.'btar m nund that the forced totadjora ar a:i on i- i . . : account 01 rumtxi th public 4.v, . libra rr iwiool-faeiUtiea Jiuut . bo. constantly increasdd: 1 "couut.. ruh? H ,h.V V vr.-i-Ui, ... a .11 T , it-tw,... . ... uorary waere toe Tiieeung, was j When a city ceases' to build school,-buildings, that heM.' Another meeting: wirt bo city naa reacnea oearocK in growtn. Kiamain rails nas "" neaoenaay nigm. hardly started on its era of growth. She is just getting No faction 'was taken on the resolu- r-r--, - T ,. T : . " lion which was offered by Will reaay 10 srarx, wnicn means we musi De aien ana mina-'D. Bennett. ful of the future needs of the school housing problem. the debate George H. wat- ' ' son, former democratic county , , I chairman, declared the primary , Power, for Crater Lake fe.' m w iv wv aauo w waa muu ij a, as v avnve t vinw w v application of the Copco company' "to "extend its electric lines from Prospect .down into the-Klamath Falls coun try-which wilVgive this city the benefit of power from" tfie'De-fc Prospect plant nbw building and will also serve the. country; not now served north .of this .city. ;"". One' of the' important features,' asideTirom insuring tin's -community, an abiibdant ''supply of power is the possibility of placing power the, disposal of Crater Lake and Ihe instirations of the government located in the TiaikiI)7AW'fche 'Fortf'-Klaniah',cduntry, whiqh been wiou electrjc pwer willj.be served from the proposed' extension.. Electrical development' conies hand in hand with in creased population and added industry, it is essential irid' needful-anAthera J j UUe doubt that the state will, after careful study, -grant and encourage extension of electric, lines.' G RAN D O PE NI NT" v TONIGHT Fait Season of Dancing at the WINTER GARDEN Under the Management of HAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND ": '1' - DANCING EVERY WENDESDAY AND SATURDAY ' SPECIAL LABOR DAY DANCES'." Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday : OFFICIAL QUEEN'S BALL SUNDAY NIGHT I T r - - - . . . : ' II I Horses for the Fair This may be a gasoline age but Jim Miller and his Bodeo committee Insist lhat the horse Id still a Very im- This committee has worked With the couny . fair that is portant part . of any fair. ' out a Rodeo in connecion going to' Se a winner.' ' ' Today Mr.' Miller announced that 70 head of bucking, horses, twenty-nine head of running horses and three re-. lay strings ''of' horses are already, on' the ground. .He, speaks of this advance achievement with considerable 1 pleasure, for it has been bo small undertaking to secure : the horses. ( ' A -very interesting feature of the arena' is that iirls will ride the, relay horses. They are the best riders in ladies' class m 'the jes;? " .Klamath is going to liave a wonderful fair, a first- class Rodeo and a Labor celebration on Labor Day that , will be outstanding in the history of this community.,, i ; ! - " r '' I"' ThdditioB-'to qiiSto of, Large Exdingo anlSecond Hand Furniture 'DieW Announcing ' V' ' i 'li. '.- - w ' ' " '.-. .. -.sitin. n f'lj A. c lt US' furnish (yourlnbiTii on credit Editorial Opinion From Over? Nation Ill III w . 4 -I- 1 t I N AJt THK t'Nn KRHITY OK There conld seem to be no spit more fitting for "a free, tolerant, and searching discussion of prof lema of government and econo mics. The great political, philos opher, who in his inaugurad ad-, dress as president of the Cnited States said, "Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason la left free to combat tl." would look with high approval upon bis. consecration of the school he' to the discussion of tho- Christian Science Monitor: Wil liams college in WilUamstown. Mass., which has for six years en Joyed something of a monopoly In the discussion of international vffalrs 1n midsummer. Is to have a rival' tnla srar.- The challenge la sounded from the south, from the University bfi Vlrclnla. which anaooaces a summer Institute bf founded public affairs, with a most Inter- Political problems of the present esttelr ' PTOgram:"- Among those moment, It Is an admirable thing 'who 'are-1 scheduled are' John- H. that 'Ihe sohth' should " march Clark,.' former r Justice . of' .idhe.,.thus shoulder to shoulder With supreme coilrt of the fnited (New Kngland in the endeavor to Btates,' who will talk of "The'ecure the truth concerning the League of Nations' as It Is To- political affairs of the world, day;" tien. Herbert M. Lord, dlr-j , .) ' ... ector of the bureau of the budget. . . flTV PRTl'KK ho will 'elucidate "The Nation's;- ' ' Dullness;" Ogden L. Mills, 'who! Portiund Journal: Thursday a discusses problems or taxation; (blg bay horses in n huge truck Dnalel C. Roper. , who will talkeam close to the sidewalk at the of agricultural problems, and At- Journal r-corner entertained a bert C. Ritchie, governor of Vry- crowd' of' rssers-by." - ' land, who speaks ' of mt'.ni::iif He was a beautiful big Shire government and the future of and was In playful mood as he' American democracy.- Eidci J waited, close ' to " the ' passing these, and other atated lecture, crowd, for the driver's order to there aTe to he ronnd-tahle' move on with his load. Folks cusaions of the sort made atlrac-'dddged a the' big . head reached live at WilUamstown.' '. " toward them In what seemed a All students of public affairs willingness to take nip of a will welcome this progressive atp lady's blouse or n prized fur. An on Ihe part of the historic tin'-occasional smothered scream and rslt .thst.Jefforsrt.i fotinil..ja..look of Jrlght von a,.-surprised K It will pay you to get xir bid before selling your used furni ture or stoves. . (You no doubt Have several pieces of furniture you wish ' to replace with new, or trade for other pieces you need. : You can turn us your used furniture as first payment and any balance due can be paid us" under our Liberal Credit Plan' JArVhy not have our man call and figure With you today, as we are- just now giving very liberal prices for used furniture, and very low prices on bur new : 11 gofids: rt . pi. t Specials vPhis Week More than 3000 Preferred Shareholders 6 3.V!V A Satis&ied Investors rFi nd ;Securaty ; r wlirifit"-.,..v:v; f v r 6 At i i , StcJjly; accumulating ,dollar on dollar by regular saving "" ": ' and investment, the rMfctitioner ef thrift feels tecur5 In the , ,, . ' ltriou.lodge,otfl,lf;ojjfo(rjable balance m the b-nk, and a . steady income from permanent investments. : ' ; More than 3,000 preferred shareholders of The Califor nia Oregon Power Company know this feeling of security. M:t of them are numbered among our 25.000 customers, and at e satisfied with their investment ns they are with the dependable utility service they receive. Their money cx directly into permanent, useful public utility properties. It is easy to become a preferred shareholder in this progressive public utility. As small n sum as $10 a month, systematically put by under our monthly , investment plan, will enroll you aJ a satisfied investor. . , ..' "', ,. ', , A copy of this l$-page book, describ- ,' Ing and illustrating the properties of . , The California Oregon Power Company, j ' will be pent to ybu cn request.' together . with compete information about invest- r-. ment in the Company's preftsfrou lharciJ UiJ This C-AUFORNiAiOREGON,PowiiF( Company CAimaviA nahCOa KIWI i VMMMT 9e OFFICES. , Mcdford, Grants ij.Roscburj.KLimath !li Oregon jxka, Duni muir-Cajrnl. " Good, new Simmons bed, spring and mattress, only ..$24.50 Nice, Sea Grass Rockers reduced to only .....r;.v. ...;..$8.25 ! Beautiful 2-pjece Chesterfield 1 Suite, JBiltwell make,' Jaquard Velour, re duced to only ,. .$125.00 B8f 1011 Main St. Phone 894 1' T . 1 J IN 1. 1 I Mil X 1 ' 1,, ji 00. i?. t Coats Fur Tomorrow! Thid timely Fur Coat event 1 And that Coats that were inspired in Paris! in flcsi'gn and detail. closely resemble their V N. Pails protoi yiies. i. '.. . V - Come, in and select your Coat now! Terms i ..' . . . . if desired." 1. . , ' , , ., ; I Smart, beitutiful linings for Fur ..arid Cloth jCof.t.V '' ' ''' NORTHERN FUR STORE 810 MAIN PHONE 374-J