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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1927)
Tage Two .in" ... Jack Training , To Stop Left JaB 6f Tiinhey CHIC AGO,' Hept. 1. (AH) Ilally workouts at tha ramp of Jack Dempaey- have Indicated Itiat the, rx-chaniplon's chief aim now la the development ot a de fense UKdlnsl Icfl'Jubs. "i . ' ' The former heavyweight Mile " bolder went through a fast round vltb Jack McCanu. the St. Paul brywelKht yesterday. In 1 the ' tbre mluute . the two mauled i ma other, Mclana repeatedly slipped through hla left to Denin sey's chin and mixed It occasion ' iitly with a right thai had Jack worried. However DcnipscyV In flchtlnir kcDt McCann from dolnc tiny real 1uiun aud the round! ' ended with malter; fairly even. ' 'erls More Tloxluc , Manager Leo t. Flynn offi ciated aa both refree and chief ldclaor and apparently derided that Ik-mpsey will have to do a little more uoking to perfect hla defense. In three other rounds with sparring partners yesterday. Jack 'did Just about as he pleased and guve tha fans a thrill In the first' encounter when, floored "Dutch Melaner.' a Blue Island brfck maker, with a left, hook. . ' At, In-fighting, Dcmpsey land ed almost at will on his ailjea'. mid-BBcllona. In his ttoat with psk .Till. . t0"er parriug . mate (if Champion Gene Tunney. Demp scy relied upon, hut, ip-fistabng to dquareithai dbuit after. Till " ' 'landy d 1 e serai- "Tu ue jMiy 1 ef t ! BOY FALLS INTO DISTRICT CANAL ! - 1 ptel in:t"e REAlmof: ! You 'd Be Surhrised J My BILLY EVANS j' i i v even ci7v- . J .1- -w - aW.VAi im f m m i UaVvf WIS PLACS M TH6 " - i i '. i la.uir i . i t .. k i i bum. . - - y J a 1 k " V, I THE EVEN'IXO HERALD. KLAMATH TAU-S. OREGON. T rrrH Labok DAY, FETE ! 'v'r w:"7; ,,,:"u OPENS FRIDAY (Continued r'rum Pace One). Ouk aud evtvath street, tut their part hi the labur felu and plana ior this erleliraiijn have rllinaxvd no pieaage Its greatest run. 'SHiH-rjr, (iiilrlr t 'd Villi 'The' aKriruliural itrotlixe aud iUmeitt' exhllilts villi h cDiifrnnl Hu m here tlila ear. Tin (air hoard, loiuprlalna K M. M.uiiiiMliil. II. K. Alexaiiiler and It. K llrudliury. togi'ther o illl Mia. Leila I'ai ker. awre inry. and l M. Jriiaon, mnn- navr. U Jiiiuuiiii over me proa With the opeulug of the Ijbor (ll., for uiinorrow'a opening. relebrailon. ths Sllpiu'r (iulib rivalling the famous Huppy t un- on ot the Pendleton rurlnilnit. ill get under way to furulah Ha uiiaaui of tun to the rvlchrj- (lup crowds. The winner of the Closely ohteated 'neen content will b amvovneed at (lit- carni val giound S.minlay aiiht and 'Our show will ha nioro than wire aa big aa In at year'a," lluuiliiond declared, "tof , lodsy uur entry Data ileuily show the tuat volnnio of produce ani livestock-all ot except Itiiial quail liy -thut , haa poured Into fulr bouih. ,. , , , .... ' ,, "The ruin ill unity buoihs. from nil st-i-tloiia of lli- cunty, to gcihcr with a big Hue, ot rnui im rcUl exhibit booths, are toi let ami more numerous than evr-r wonderful lino ot feature n v,'r hllilis this year, The Pelican lluy Lumber coin 1 jmny baa put up extremely Inlrr- . (Conllr'ocd from page one) Intake near the head ot Link lUver. I1a1ng With Companion. . The tiny tot was playing with ' Tommy Baldwin, six-year-old son of Mr. and. Mrs. . Charles. Bald- 'wlh. 15S1 XVordeo BTenne. 'Thet ' children were running hark and forth on. tha safe sid of the old I .The other-day. the wires earree a brief Item that Everett Scott. no rics.eiy lence wnicn noes mo veteran shortstop, bud been n-leusod by Manager Dunn of the Bill- canal bank for short distance ! limore club. ... - -, south of the. tunnel outlet.? . Hardly bad Scott received bis release flora Puno before be was signed by Manager-Casey Stengel to bolster bis Toledo club In -their fight for the- Americas Association pennant' - , Scott while in the majors, was one of the game's greatest shortstops.- Jle was particularly good as a fielder, and. although, Bever a .3e hitter, was at his heat la the pinch. . . . Neither husky aor a weakliag, Scott was baurdly the physujal type one would nick to set an endurance record. Over a period ot 1U sea- 'sons he played HOT consecutive games. it ' Scott began his remarkable endurance test Jane 20. 1919, and the winning candidate formully i crowned Snail y afternoon nt 2:Sv, when she will begin her reign over the celebration, the county fair and the rodeo. '. Tl rodeo slated as . tho grruliMt wild went alio staged In the : Klamath - baain-- wili be otficlully luuneh.-d Satur day wllh big paradv. -sturtinc, mnnn dUplay. allowing various at, ,1J: Sf on Kaat Main. Tha big prj.c.c in tha lumber Indus- ahow atarts Saturday afterucon nli, ,h Klamuth ludlaim ,ar I:U at the felr groumla. UBVC C3IU,, through In excellent with another parade around the nil)e .with their display of In Jrace track. jBn rrafi an, antiques." ' Some ot the weafs best rid-' s,nk- lo be hValure era. ropeis and trick, fodo ar-( Amung other . featurea at the jtiats have gathered here to take (ar wm (,e a M,n f Shetland ; part In the Klamath . rouadup. j mml,., ,flMin which children al- whkh Is ottering nearly 5,o ,,,lltiK ih0 fulr will be given free' in.prim-a to wlung naimoslaiiUt.wnnifcUy , ,r, ,-.. , ,, , I The' rodeo will ' emitliiiin --irhiit ' ihe''iinraiittln",)Mralysl" three days under the aupervla- ...tni, i um i,arta of the city 'ion bf J. J. MilleiilP' T'l Arlfl sVill have h. Bffect on the; fair. and.-r. t.nko Walker and K. M.lfi, ri,,l R1.m.nir opinion of tlw lair turner, ring waatcr. i r,. k. k. Ilradliury. Ui tel. lluekarv.. )l-rc., , . .yUuiie ronvvraatton with Dr.. ' Among the riders here for the pivdh'k Strieker of the ' state ahow ia Howard Ti-sjlasd.-toriaerl hBlj, ,,f h,.,ith yoaterday. was champion huekarao-f the,' world. B) ,uu, (f( in that the state as well as aeveral famous row- i.,..i ,.f h..,.lih Iuim iHKi-uaned jgirls who will rlilc In M tint iVa-hii , Kluumih a nltuiitlon ami t'.nrea. I Tht'N Klauiath,;' UdlaBs.:roijiih there la nothing lo be ruiuiy ut . formers, force and colorful . costume to add to tho plcturvsquenraa of the big outdoor event. : Walt ) it J onnson i-V. : i , ,H 'wWetHnlln.,lh'"Wl1lf:ffJtrlfe roeovrt, , he nppcnrril fuiir lliuea iigiiluat Hie lloaiou Ited Him, solid chumploua ot I lie preceding year, and once agklnat the A'h etlea, world ihumplolia uf lull . (in April 1U. ISIS, the open ing game of the aenaoii, .New York uinile a run oft Joliuaou's delivery III Hie flral Inning but waa blanked I lie real ot the Hume, itii'ii lor.uuo moiiiu, or iililll .May II, lintin of the oppoal- Tliuimlav. Scptembi'i1 1, 1H27 I rrrff iTI1 '.f M,l "T "' ' ?WEtUS?-r N M IM f C A Trotting along happily, chat tering with, his Trifad and look ftig Into the canal.' the little' .'toy . failed to t see a hole next to!, the . fence where the bank had alifl. , -. He,' Wtwraei -Into the.' hole,' tumbled under' the : protective ,. fence, rolled head over; heels j l 'down the steep bank"and,TelI into the deep and swift water of'ihe V.::Mnar. ." :," "l ' .' 3 His (runiU ?ut Ineffectual ad- . yy i dling ;keptjjm .ajKrv 'waterMof i . .. a. short time. riaaUy.hs became iit tjiemi experlJ roiluo IJ"-, alarmed, about s. will bo horu In fnllj-' ' No (liMtacte Tha celebration can continue . without a duinpnr. so tar as we . are concerned." Ir. Strieker told -Judging: at the fair M1 get Ilrailbury. "as we will leave the under way alwut l.:0 o'clock I matter of control In tho city tomorrow morning, and will con-l entirely In the bunds of county tlnae for days, as the judges have health oftlriula." 1 0 Tthir rf (Ml-eN ( II' lllltll', 'HI'." I, mil f flnnlly breuklng the Ions i mi uf tiiperb ilelllllg , 'It ai leiilfli' until I hud puaivd the Ulh Inning, which was thn hah walr uiurk ael by Jnrk Cnoiiilw," says Wsller "Arter I paaaril II, I jltal brenle.l along bill waa sallaflrd when II aa all over." A woman la . fire chlul .l HI I -Ver. Hprlnita, Mid lu you aup pone aim rolls bur bnarf i . . gajasaaosasissaaasaaasnaasisssaiaBwiiWMaiiiuwiaiia nSBSJSJBfBSaBSBSBBBBl SSSSSBSSBsl BBSSVBSWSM BBBSBBB I laimaa-Jutwiut;!' -wi Saxty Sax Jear A&ii One or Ue. recorils lhas Wulicrj Johnaon prlaea moat and la prob I ably IKs) Insist taaatliiiinl if .tbst many feula rrvdllrd tu. him. Is his cuiiaeaullvaislial oitt .rnunl. ' IisrliiK 'ilhr tieaatiu. ul JMt ha pltrbrd 68' consecutive- tiinlnga wllhout being scored On. Threw rMMtiarbubla .fuauirra srej ronnaeted with Johnson's exlfor-j dlnary teaL of pitching . for oily i inonih's time wllhout allow luu : the opposition to tally a run off hla delivery., , Klral, be started hla record breaking perdiruiuiica In the opening muni of the seaaon. Sec ond, on three oceaaloiis bn was sent In aa relief pitcher nud each time held tho rival tram In. sa I Vhvii f.illnr k it us In (In guile Hid Hlnre of tire guu ImjiiI anxiy an )eur alio. It il" leniii run vuy nud buy n apillvil out nn luiali'il head, leg or rui or if hay goLlkj Val.Jiay yiiat have tu grin ami N'or II and Int. it Hi at ilat. Vul vlih d' t)nimubil buaaiu bum do high vay snxty mile uu biur der tns miiie imli up and more fullur tu, got bunted up. Hut sum yeulleinvn villi luulns under der list dealdn In slurt enauruma kompany an iliil fallar by yuat apundlng few dnllur kontd have a policy ilat vould pay heem for lie lime bay loaa, dn ilmlnr and hospital bill. Uu piae hay liavs accident or gut alek. Now ay gol.dat kind of policy for yu. Hun dreds of ailarn III ilia aerilon dey vus pro I ...ted by llrAlillT. Ak Inn alioiit It, , Ay ;.it voi iliil vl iisi m yur need. Tank ii. . ',. 3 JOHN HOUSTON xi;rr hall not;ft "1 IJaBqiJSBir.iiaglsssiit illaS r. brought it to a rinse. May 5i 1!S j ttrertjwas physically fit to con- ' rv Were', in bad slump and Managrt Miller I, tbek ' i tlnue. but lblVakeoW- Huggins removed him and sent in. a sub in an effort to break long losing -streak.- , ,. . ;. in.' . :.i,..,. ! . Of the 1307 consecutive' games which Scott played, ' ilt w-ere sfs member ot the Boston .Red Sox and 4o9 in . the uniform of the New York Yankees. .-.'. ', . N ' ' (-.exlisnsted and sank below theT On one occasion, Scott was forced tq spend, something like 1 25 ' -:- surfaerof the .water. :i ' 'i "I 'or taxlcab fare to keep his-record clean. Visiting at his home Heard Bot Scream. E n an off day. his train was in a wreck about SO miles out of I'hl- ' The flltla Baldwin rhitdt ran L1"" "uu wai i oo io gel Dim lo V-Ororaacy. ' :- w -.i . . . 'f para in lime tor ine game. -. ; ; ., . over to where the,,tather;waa. . some idea of Scott a remarkable fielding blllty can be gleaned working aad told the tale. Butt from, the fact hat lor eight consecutive years, from- iHjjt 1I3 the father wasalraady .on i his Mnclnsive, he led the American league In fielding... He also holds way te the scene ot the tragedy.! the best fielding average ever, registered, Ijijt a Qisjor .league s.hort havlug heard hla son's scream as stop. .S7 In- 1918. and J.J19; ' the boy struck the water. Immediately .'.people from, the I 1 tOjCLtXt ', BCCtTS ' u On, Better Term Bcwiwiiiwu gamvieu along iuc banks, police were called, . thai. pulmotor waa taken to the canal bank and a search was instituted' BERKELEY. Csl..;Sept. for the child ..Many volunteered, their serv ices. The water pouring Into the . canal from tipper Link, river was - ' shot' oft at tse head gstes; it re-, ceded 'rapid) i and 'soon a, dozen men were . probing ( around ', tba bottom, with rakes and other In-. struments 's. , j , , i . . ' Father Leads Saarrb. .. The. father. v: B. 'Ordway," led tho searcj. With a' rake in.onei hand andgulding and beckoning , ' Hie searchers with the other, be waded down the middle of the ; canal scraping the ' bottom " for 1 'the victim. '. . ' '- .1 . The frantic and sorrow-stricken J mother was' with friends.. . With tears streaming down her. : fsce she told a group ot peoplel , around her that this was the i 'fifth tihibi she Jvid- lost. & ) .' "Tils was-the enlr oBeert," ; slio aald brokenly. "I lost four: other, children, before -(JUb." . ! Additional 7 Sportf - i 6h:Page 7 ,, . ' . LITTLE JOE tME(2 MAS . 4AaW rVVPR'J QBX&f&JrS I -. ' rtti Tflp- rAM. Nti N time" Famed Horse Succumbs i. c. P.) Indicative of the friendly relations between the University of California and ; the University of Southern Califor nia, the former has distributed for the first time reserrstion blanks for the . game with the Trojan ' grldders at Los Angeles. Heretofore the Stanford game has been the only one so fa- v. AwroxlmatcryrCfcljJickQ applications for' the seusou were brought In from pasture ' and mailed out recently. , iwas.rcporlpd Jb.. excellent shape. -? : . l - PENDLETON'. Sept. 1. YAP? So, Name. ' ' world's " champion hocking horse -for many years, and who was retired last season, died" last ' night at the roundup arena at 'the age of twenty years. Famed far and j wide .as the world's 4 worsl ' when dame o holding a 't on his harrlrane deck., the - old horse exolred in the paddock stall be Bud occu - .......... . , r. , ; ' '" ' t ':' t loa YOU ) Aore, sutJcn "iqu I No) ,' P'O - ) NO, BUT S KAJOW J KraflW PRktiCRlBty Jilt WET.V M. h-. ""- -WHERE jWHKT. THBrtkHTlS DOUBLlJLT II 1 1 1 J ' "1 i I . -,' JPB ' C assa 1 m 1 . ! I , TV - 1 f n -'- sua.J...!. 1 "eC.ali...'.ryV I , JT . -k f TT Afl A-.-Vi , NSr' .a-". I t& m-vil : i COCOA i I Ucmm Gutter ; ; ... Mil- - -r-i 5UC VT7 ..(WlO;i. K'e DKUU UU. ... roR-- i ' AerlCHA,NOl6SL , - OP A6T - it ii i I I l..v.t :.; Jt'i i ( "Jl " . .f., a s ,T ,.:A ; .ii .i ffn.J.I .4 U,. a real tissue . builder 'a ri d : skin "beauti- fier. HARMONY BAY RUM Made' from thefinest dis- Ul'pbay.; ounces ..: 50c P)xl so nuny years during ruund op' ieeasot. He. had ' Jusi ; been '' , jeT'ats. v wt frr (.' GlothfeS Wdrii by. Important Men Men of affairs' are often Un suspectingly the world's f ash ' i6iT leaders.- It is because their ; instant recognition ' of values, leads them to the best in fabrics that money -can buy,' and their -appreciation of intelligent service causes them to select tailors' whose authentic style and ' superior workmanship cannot be de nied. Such men comprise our ..Ipngr . .. list . of. ..enthusiasts patrons. , ' ';' r:,. ' ,iVTU:irf Exclusive Xdilors to tt Distinguished Clientele chas. j; cifezk ; ; - ; - c;'MERCIIANT TAILOB!' 'i-v:. 109 So. 7th Phone 990 I I vtecSi'd ii " TO : i - Mmm. ' ' si'bm ...ii "i1;1. -wo ij I ! lv ' :s il A , I j waMwiii itair . c- ARBUTUS f" Vanishing KJ Cream j An i x c c II e 11 ( . kpH yuur Hkln youthful. 50c KLENZO Liquid Anti septic , 'Kills Ki-rbiH, -dsn-' ihhuti Ixill taatiit. Miiy Iiii unci! as 'n curgle or pruy 25c arTd 5dc' KLENZO 7o6tii Paste Jt& ep'p.tHe teeth beauti fulf -c 1 e an and white. , 50C; Vi a - .7 ' LJ REX ALL.. . Health salts A refreshing, effeWescing laxative. Makes a pleas ant drink which promptly relieves biliousness, . sick headache find feverish in tion. 7-ounce can. , LAXATIVE ASPIRIN t COLD .TABLETS ' '-aijf aaVi m! . I .' '.i-A W lal - ; For relief of colds: and ' headache . and , f c Verish . . .4 J.L ttw.rn I 21 Tablets ' JiH sanlc" 8'H xll m. . REXALL AROMATIC CASTOR OIL Possesses the ' valuable laxative propreties of fine castor oil, -free from. its disagreeable- taste and odor. 3-ounce bottle ' .., .a.,.;! i i j i 1 1 1 35 c L THROAT gargle: ....... An effective 6argle for ordinary sore throat, ton silitis.and for all simple inflammatory,", affections of tho mouth and gums. It ;'fl,qes not": injure thc teeth or discolor them. ' ,..'' ... i 'v.., . ' 25cand,50c PEPTONA1 i t . -. . , i .. ...-'' . K n r I c Ii e s the .uluvd.Hnd builds streitytlit e o n tslns cod liver oil extract. 1.00 f 4 !l. I REXALL : Cherry . Bark Cough' Syrup A "'eU'rV'' rnfli'f from' colds ' anil imiuha, an to fur children. - " ' -... 25c and 50c it . .... 11 : ') V- iL-rJr 1 PURETEST ASPIRIN TABLET Prompt relief,, from pain, .will not depress the heart. Hottle of 100 tablets , " ' '. ' 69c 1 REXALL Theatrical Cold Cream An cjtcHlcnt ilcuniiliis (THiiiii. ' Keens Ihn skill KOfl ' nml Hmniith. l-ll,. ran . . 1 4-iHVS ,75c I,?iraTSMct3!l lYcicuiusijU . 5--..V.j .JONTEEL . Cold Cream Powder A - soft, amuulh fra (trnnt ' fill's nwilnr, contains real cold i rim in. 50c Fifth' &,Mftin ' Streets STAR DRUG CO. Telephone 231 . jjjj -.,(.' I- . .-. -i i fj ' :' 'J 'v" ' 1 " '-" '..yr : ' '.. '' -.uga "" -" " k ; .'" '-' . - '-;.- - -i.- :(,!;::.,,,:, .'..- :.:'. :!., ra.s-; . . lx i jtr.